as Legolas, Hawkeye, Rambo, Katniss, or Robin Hood... where would I start?
I had a compound bow as a kid, but didn't really understand anything about bows at the time even though I wasn't terrible at it.
Now, I want to get back into archery. Not really for hunting, although I plan on getting both a compound bow and a crossbow for that purpose, but more just for fun, exercise and giving me yet another hobby.
I want something of traditional style to play with in the backyard, but I don't know what to look at, much less where to look. Starting with short range target shooting.
Some kind of long bow? Shortbow? Recurve? For getting into it I'd rather not spend more than a few hundred bucks until I know it's something I'll enjoy.
Any recommendations, pros and cons between styles?
ETA: Just realized I probably should have put this in the traditional archery section, i wasn't paying attention. Sorry