Thought about just using the 1897 replica, but there’s enough subtle differences on the machining that I just can’t do it. The shotgun was so cheap and it’s about 90% original condition so it shouldn’t require much. So the cost of having a reproduction made isn’t really a concern. It will be pricey but I’m more worried about finding someone who will take such a small job. As far as running it as a riot, I think that’s the plan until I can figure out the bayonet lug. It won’t be a true riot because I believe the barrel on the trench is actually 23”. I’ve gotta confirm the exact barrel length. The model 10 I purchased has a 30” barrel so I’ll get it shortened to exact length and run it like that for the time being. I actually considered, if I go the machining route, doing a run if I can get one that’s close enough to work as a reproduction.