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Link Posted: 2/22/2005 3:22:29 PM EDT
Snitching to the ALPHABET BOYS is BAD MOJO!!
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 3:31:03 PM EDT
Put some children and a bible in the CNN building, full out ATF assault will be in seconds. BTW I personally would NEVER tell ATF SHIT about a fellow gun enthusiast, but for the pig-headed, socailist journalist at CNN, all for it.  Russ
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 3:36:16 PM EDT
If the ATF does anything, then it will be to track down the dealer that these reporters bought the gun from and bust him. The reporters will probably get a walk in exchange for testifying against the dealer.
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 3:43:56 PM EDT

But like any other government agency, the BATF&E doesn't want the ire of the whole news media on them. The CNN story should be investigated at least. But personally, I think the BATF&E would rather go up against a hapless gunowner who violate one of their arbitrary and capricious rulings, rather than go up against an entity that can fight back.

OTOH, making an example out of someone usually works best when the "example" is well-publicized. If the BATFE went after CNN, millions of people would learn that buying a gun out-of-state without going through the proper procedures is illegal. Think how many public service radio & TV spots it would take to accomplish the same thing – and here they could do it for free!
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 3:48:33 PM EDT
Besides going to their competitors; Fox, Drudge, Limbaugh, etc. Write your congresscritters, GWB, and the AG.  Let's raise a stink over this!

My letters are on the way.  Plus being a Rush 24/7 subscriber I'm sending him the link to the original discussion.  Maybe ARFcom will get some air time when he gets back from the sandbox!
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 4:09:15 PM EDT
How to go!  

I too do not believe the BATF will do a dang thing.  It would be nice to be proven wrong but I'm not holding my breath.  

It seems that the role of law enforcement and the Feds in particular is to protect the wealthy and powerful.  Had you or I done something like these folks did I bet they'd be knocking on our door post haste.

I'll be interested to hear if anything at all comes from this.  As someone else mentioned I would be loathe to call these folks down on any gun owner but the media has the power to manipulate the public in whatever manner they chose.  They seem quite fond of using emotion rather than fact to stir up the nest.  Hope they get nabbed.
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 4:22:11 PM EDT

If the ATF does anything, then it will be to track down the dealer that these reporters bought the gun from and bust him. The reporters will probably get a walk in exchange for testifying against the dealer.

Yup! CNN will get a pat on the back for exposing a rogue dealer arming terrorists.
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 4:25:55 PM EDT


Where's Lon Horiuchi when you really need him?


Hopefully in Prison.

Lon worked for the FBI... all though Paula is a woman so punching one in her throat just might be right up his alley any way.

As far as I know Lon got the witness protection treatment from the FBI and came back as Janet Reno.
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 9:07:15 PM EDT
The CNN story serves the ATF agenda.  Nothing will be done.
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 9:29:50 PM EDT
I thought the .50 they bought was a legal face-to-face transfer from a private citizen..... Nothing illegal about traveling out of state to buy a rifle off a non-FFL dealer.

Link Posted: 2/22/2005 9:39:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 9:40:40 PM EDT

I thought the .50 they bought was a legal face-to-face transfer from a private citizen..... Nothing illegal about traveling out of state to buy a rifle off a non-FFL dealer.


Umm......you can buy a rifle out-of-state from a FFL....not from a private party.

And the way the transcript reads, they found someone in the state to buy the gun private-party to private-party FOR the reporter, who then took it home.
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 9:41:01 PM EDT
This could be good............tagged
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 9:48:46 PM EDT
I just emailed bill oreily lets see what happens......
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 9:53:24 PM EDT

Anyone have a link to the story?  If enough people call the ATF and Fox they will probably take notice, I need the details before I call though.  I doubt they will procecute but we can always hope.  

here's the Transcript from CNN's site link
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 9:54:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 11:09:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 11:12:30 PM EDT

BTW, Does CNN have any dogs?
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 11:43:23 PM EDT
tag....not expecting anything either
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 11:49:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/22/2005 11:51:40 PM EDT


The CNN story serves the ATF agenda.  Nothing will be done.

What he said.

What do you mean? wouldnt banning the 50 cal cause more problems for them. They would have to go investigate every case of someone that bought one or find the people that own them
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 12:57:02 AM EDT

If you really want to cause trouble, contact Fox Cable News and tip them off that CNN reporters illegally purchased a firearm for a news story!

www.Drudgereport.com is also a good place to report a possible news story
(plus breaking news and the direct link for just about every news outlet on the planet)

Am I the only one that thinks the national media(again)has just gone out of their way
(and possibly even violated federal firearms laws)to purposefully and intentionally with
malice of forethought TEACH wannabe TERRORISTS how to obtain WITHOUT a paper trail or ID
(the gun so powerfull it can shoot down a plane, or kill someone from a mile away)

Next, they will do a story about IED's you can make with common items from grocery stores.

Link Posted: 2/23/2005 4:31:53 AM EDT
I will call the ATF this afternoon.

Someone else wll have to call Fox News.


Link Posted: 2/23/2005 4:53:24 AM EDT
How about the NRA?  I know they have lawyers.  And its in gun-owners best interests to have the gun-laws enforced rather than enacting new laws.  

Imagine the commercial they could create with this---->

"CNN thought they would do a story on how easy it was for terrorists to obtain firearms.   Instead, the reporters have been arrested and the weapons they bought have been seized.   Our existing gun-laws WORK!!"

Are there any influential NRA members here?
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 4:56:11 AM EDT
What about Anne Coulter?  Has she been advised of said illegal activities by CNN?
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 4:58:05 AM EDT
Snitching on the media aint gonna help.   Alot more worse has happened in America that has been swept under the rug.   This aint going nowhere im sad to say.
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 5:05:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 5:17:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 5:26:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 5:26:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 5:31:05 AM EDT

I thought the .50 they bought was a legal face-to-face transfer from a private citizen..... Nothing illegal about traveling out of state to buy a rifle off a non-FFL dealer.


It's a direct violation of Federal law. If your state allows private sales they can only be made to a state resident.

(B2) From whom may an unlicensed person acquire a firearm under the GCA? [Back]

A person may only buy a firearm within the person's own state, except that he or she may buy a rifle or shotgun, in person, at a licensee's premises in any state, provided the sale complies with state laws applicable in the state of sale and the state where the purchaser resides. [18 U. S. C 922( a)( 3) and (5), 922( b)( 3), 27 CFR 178.29]

(B3) May an unlicensed person obtain a firearm from an out-of-state source if the person arranges to obtain the firearm through a licensed dealer in the
purchaser's own state? [Back]

A person not licensed under the GCA and not prohibited from acquiring firearms may purchase a firearm from an out-of-state source and obtain the firearm if an arrangement is made with a licensed dealer in the purchaser's state of residence for the purchaser to obtain the firearm from the dealer. [18 U. S. C 922( a)( 3) and (5), 922( b)( 3), 27 CFR 178.29]

Link Posted: 2/23/2005 5:36:25 AM EDT


If the ATF does anything, then it will be to track down the dealer that these reporters bought the gun from and bust him. The reporters will probably get a walk in exchange for testifying against the dealer.

Yup! CNN will get a pat on the back for exposing a rogue dealer arming terrorists.

+1 This unfortunately is the most likely outcome other than nothing happening.
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 6:03:23 AM EDT
Heh... this is just gettin rollin' href=triggerfinger.org/weblog/entry/6245.jsp

Link Posted: 2/23/2005 6:29:15 AM EDT

Remember when Mrs. Brady said she did a "straw-purchase" for her son's rifle....nothing happened.

Remember when John Kerry said he kept an assault-rilfe in Boston city limits, where its illegal...nothing happened.

They are only there to harass those who cannot defend themselves. Then they go out of their way to find or create evidence.

IIRC she did not violate the law, as the rifle was a gift for her son, who could legally qualify to purchase the rifle.  Nothing wrong with doing that.
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 7:14:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 7:22:27 AM EDT
Just e mailed Fox News. Lets see what happens.

Link Posted: 2/23/2005 7:23:55 AM EDT
Too bad they'll probably take the poor guy who sold em the rifle down too...
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 7:24:49 AM EDT

Snitching on the media aint gonna help.   Alot more worse has happened in America that has been swept under the rug.   This aint going nowhere im sad to say.

There is an old saying, "squeaky wheel gets the grease, or.....gets replaced." I think Blathergate started out small initially, and then it started to snowball. The internet is a powerful medium to fight the biased and slanted news media. We must discredit them, because what use is a news reporting service if your reputation for reporting is news is in the $hitter.
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 7:26:23 AM EDT


Remember when Mrs. Brady said she did a "straw-purchase" for her son's rifle....nothing happened.

Remember when John Kerry said he kept an assault-rilfe in Boston city limits, where its illegal...nothing happened.

They are only there to harass those who cannot defend themselves. Then they go out of their way to find or create evidence.

IIRC she did not violate the law, as the rifle was a gift for her son, who could legally qualify to purchase the rifle.  Nothing wrong with doing that.

I believe it was a "straw purchase" as defined under MD(?) state law.  It wasn't a federal straw purchase.
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 7:28:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 7:31:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 7:31:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 7:51:56 AM EDT
ZAHN: But it was remarkable to watch you do this transaction in about a 20-minute period. Now, we should make it clear you went to a private seller.

GRIFFIN: That's right.

ZAHN: To purchase this gun. Why?

GRIFFIN: On the Internet, you learn all the new nuances and all the loopholes of buying a gun. If I bought that through a licensed dealer, I'd have to clear a background check. I would have to show proof of age, proof of residency. By going through a private seller, private seller, private buyer, it's strictly a cash transaction. We made sure that the two, the buyer and the seller, were in the same state. And after that, cash and carry.

ZAHN: Isn't that astonishing to you?

GRIFFIN: It was to me. I'm not a gun person. I've never bought a gun before in my life. And to see how easy this was to do and how easy it was, even easier, to get these armor-piercing bullets, it was incredible.

ZAHN: What was the most surprising thing that you learned about this weapon?

GRIFFIN: I think the most surprising thing I learned about it is that a person who has no experience with guns could go out there on the Internet, get armor-piercing bullets, buy a gun, bring it home, and, within two shots, hit a target 1,000 feet away.

yeahhhh....everyone that I know engages targets at 1000 feet with a .50 from their homes...and on their first time shooting a .50, second shot none the less
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 7:59:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 8:04:34 AM EDT
I just got off the phone with the ATF-

I have filed a formal complaint, talking to a agent.

I was told that the complaint will be forwarded to a supervisior.

We will see what will become of this..
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 8:06:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 8:11:34 AM EDT
Try this:

[email protected]

Send your thoughts and comments to: [email protected]

After all Greta Van Susteren is a lawyer who bailed on CNN to go to fox.

That could be fun.

Link Posted: 2/23/2005 8:17:12 AM EDT
Okay, I sent miss greta an email. You may choose to do the same.

Link Posted: 2/23/2005 8:23:07 AM EDT
Woah, good find.  It'll definetely be interesting to find out what happens.  This should get sent to another major news network so that they can break it open and embarass CNN.
Link Posted: 2/23/2005 8:28:17 AM EDT
Reaction of BATFE:

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