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Link Posted: 10/5/2007 11:33:29 PM EDT

Vote for a RINO like Giuliani and you'll never get the chance to vote for a real conservative again.


ETA: Page 3 pwnage...beoyatches...
Link Posted: 10/5/2007 11:35:01 PM EDT


 They'd think we're LONG overdue for another revolution...our third or maybe fourth.


What do YOU think?


"We hold these truths to be self-evident..."

Link Posted: 10/5/2007 11:47:52 PM EDT

For the primaries, vote your conscience.  Vote for who you think will truly be the best candidate to run this country.

But remember the Perot lesson:   A third party candidate is not someone you actually want to vote for.  It's the same as voting for the wrong guy. ----------------

This is where I jump off your silly boat.
Not this shit again...

I remember 8 years ago, right on this very site and BEFORE your time here sport,  your types were hammering Libertarians, serving up the guilt trip if they voted 'un-winnable' candidate, lots of drama, fear mongering etc...Been there done that.

Guess what genius????  Your guys won as I predicted anyway, and right now this country is in a bigger mess than it's been in since the Viet War.

And around and around we go...
Link Posted: 10/5/2007 11:54:47 PM EDT
The Dems and the RINOs would love to put the 2nd Amendment folks completely outside the two party framework forever.

Vote for Giuliani and you'll help them do it.

The NRA will feel as friendless and unwelcome in Washington for four years (minimum), as Giuliani did during the 10 minutes he spoke to the NRA.
Link Posted: 10/5/2007 11:58:28 PM EDT
99% of all politicians are evil. Republican, Democrat, whatever. EVIL.

Politicians that are running for President are doing so for their own agenda, not ours. We can only hope that our elected officials' agendas are close enough to ours. The only problem is even if their agenda is close to ours, there are enough other politicians that can squash it.

Yes I have lost all faith in our electoral system, our politicians and our government as a whole. I could vote my entire life and its not going to change a damn thing. Now if I had a few million that I could "donate", then maybe something would get done. But sadly I don't have that kind of cash to get a voice in our current government.

Link Posted: 10/6/2007 12:00:28 AM EDT
In my 42 years I have yet to see an election where ANY choice on the ballot wasn't "stupid".
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 12:12:12 AM EDT
I want a conservative to vote for.  If one cannot be provided to me, I'm voting the extreme opposite.  
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 12:14:43 AM EDT
If Perot is to be a lesson, it should be for all those people that voted Bush because they thought everyone else would vote for him.

So don't tell me how to use my vote if you won't change your vote for the better good as well.

(This is in no way saying Perot was a better candidate)
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 12:16:26 AM EDT
Aside from Democrats there are 4 people that will not get my vote. Ron Paul, The Yankee, The rhino from mass, and the crazy old POW.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 12:18:25 AM EDT
Vote for whomever you think is best suited for the office of the President.

I am so sick of people saying that a vote for someone other than R or D is a wasted vote.

Newsflash: In presidential elections, your vote is merely a poll of your OPINION and carries NO legal weight WHATSOEVER.  If you cast your ballot contrary to your own opinion, you have just wasted your vote.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 12:20:35 AM EDT

Vote for whomever you think is best suited for the office of the President.

I am so sick of people saying that a vote for someone other than R or D is a wasted vote.

Newsflash: In presidential elections, your vote is merely a poll of your OPINION and carries NO legal weight WHATSOEVER.  If you cast your ballot contrary to your own opinion, you have just wasted your vote.

Ain't that the truth. If more people realized that and actually acted accordingly, we may not be in the lesser of two evils argument that we have been in for so very long.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 1:57:45 AM EDT

For the primaries, vote your conscience.  Vote for who you think will truly be the best candidate to run this country.


But people will be wargamming even in the primaries. Which is a shame cause it weakens the party in the long run.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 2:05:29 AM EDT


The Dems and Republicans have both sold out the
voters on the illegal immigration issue.

Tancredo is the only candidate with a solid voting record being tough on illegal immigrats. if illegal immigration is your top issue then tancredo is your candidate.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 2:08:12 AM EDT


Let me be honest with you:  I LIKE Ron Paul.  I'm glad he's actually running this time around.

I think he's an honest man.  I KNOW he's a strict Constitutionalist and as the Constitution
is the basis of all of our most cherished freedoms,  I know he's our best running supporter
of our freedoms.      I generally agree with his positions and policies.    

He's honest enough to vote against a bill that would benefit US but is still a technical
violation of the Constitution.   And he's done so in the past.   I really respect that level

And I wouldn't mind seeing US policy shift a little toward a more isolationist position,
quite frankly.    I believe that the US should restrict its international affairs strictly to
business with everyone and military assistance to our ALLIES who ASK for it.  And...
NO FOREIGN AID.   That money is better spent here at home.

I MIGHT vote for him in the primaries.  

But he will NOT get my vote if he doesn't win the nomination.

I will vote only for the winner of the Republican nomination as that person will in FACT be the ONLY viable candidate.

MOST Republicans will ONLY vote for the nominee.  This fact alone means that if you
do not want Hillary or Obama to become our next President (and either of them would
be a monumental disaster for this country, make NO mistake about that)  then you too
will vote only for the nominee even if he's not your personal favorite or mine either.

And if that nominee turned out to be Rudy,  hell, YES, I'd vote for him!     He may be
the worst Republican running but he'd STILL be far better for this country than either
Hillary OR Obama, and you damned well would know that if you were paying attention!


I think we are on the same page here man, I really just dont think I can vote for Rudy, I mean I really hate that guy.

And voting for him encourages the party to offer 12 more Rudy clones the next election.

Link Posted: 10/6/2007 2:13:50 AM EDT

Fuck that im voting for Ron Paul no matter what

Link Posted: 10/6/2007 2:15:36 AM EDT



The Dems and Republicans have both sold out the
voters on the illegal immigration issue.

Tancredo is the only candidate with a solid voting record being tough on illegal immigrats. if illegal immigration is your top issue then tancredo is your candidate.

He seems to be my top man in everyone of those quizes I fill out. Guess I better go figure out who he really "is".
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 2:18:48 AM EDT

In the Primary I intend to vote for Fred Thomson.

If that gun grabbing abortionist piece of shit Giuliani wins the Republican nomination I will be voting 3rd party.

The only thing worse then some POS politician coming for my guns is some POS that I voted for.

If Giuliani is the best the GOP can deliver then it's time for me to kiss the GOP goodbye, because they will no longer be the party for me.

Agreed - if Guliani gets it than the Republican Party can kiss its Conservative and Christian electoral base goodbye. I'll be interested to see how retarded the Republican Party leadership becomes this time around If the Republican Party seeks its own internal destruction, it'll show in this next election.

Like Guliani, our current President supports a renewal of the "Assault Weapons" Ban and amnesty for illegal immigrants. Yet some here will still be bewildered at the thought of people ditching the Republican Party over PRINCIPLE.

Voting for "the party line" no matter what is perhaps the dumbest concept ever originated. I'll stay off of the RINO short bus.

Link Posted: 10/6/2007 5:12:02 AM EDT

...Yet some here will still be bewildered at the thought of people ditching the Republican Party over PRINCIPLE...


Many here are not principled conservatives.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 5:56:33 AM EDT
In which case I suggest you stay home on election day and let the SMART ones do all
the voting instead.hadpassing score) before people are allowed to vote.

Hell yeah! Better yet, let's just let the white, male landowners have a vote!
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:04:18 AM EDT

Write in for Ron Paul.

If it's between Ghouianni and the Clintonistas I would rather vote a third or write someone in.

You might as well vote for Clintobama.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:06:34 AM EDT


But remember the Perot lesson:   A third party candidate is not someone you actually want to vote for.  It's the same as voting for the wrong guy.

Bush, Sr. lost to Clinton because people voted for Perot when Perot never had a chance
because he never got the Republican nomination.  (Or the Democratic nomination.)

That is in no way proven despite how many people like to gratuitously assert it. Perot pretty much pulled equally from both parties.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:06:52 AM EDT

So, you want me to vote for the slow train to a socialist utopia?  No thanks.

no, just vote for hitlery and be done with it.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:07:23 AM EDT

So, you want me to vote for the slow train to a socialist utopia?  No thanks.

Lets face it- the race is going to come down to:

The slow train to socialism.

The express bullet train to socialism.

Or the conservative train that ain't leaving the station.

Remember, if you don't choose which train to ride, you will be put on one (most likely the express) whether you like it or not.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:11:23 AM EDT

Stupid people on a gun board hoping we all vote for Ghouliani.  Take that trash elsewhere.

Right...you want Hillary to tell doctors how to treat their patients?

You want Hillary to tell business owners how much profit they can make?

Think before you vote.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:16:35 AM EDT

Vote for a RINO like Giuliani and you'll never get the chance to vote for a real conservative again.

That cross-dressing, impotent freak will sign the democrat gun bans like a rubber stamp and the dems will have a "reasonable Republican" to provide them political cover.

We'd lose more gun rights under Giuliani than under Hildabeest.

Not even likely.  Hillary will not only sign every gun control bill that comes to her desk, she will also sign every single socialist bill the dems write.

Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:24:58 AM EDT
It is the HEIGHT of irresponsibility to the franchise to FAIL to vote for whom you WANT to, if it is based on sound judgment.  I do not adhere to, and will not be subjected to the ASSININE belief that one should vote for "who's gonna maybe win".  I owe the Republican party NOTHING. and NO PARTY will receive a flat vote from me.  Your request is beyond silly, it is an affront to the responsibility of voting.  I will vote for whom I wish to, the consequences will be what they may be.  To simply vote for the candidate is tacit approval for them to continue serving up spineless jellyfish RINOs.  I am so damned sick of the lot of 'em I could puke.  

I really cannot overstate how irresponsible I regard your instructions to be.  You can others are saying that it's voters like us, who vote our beliefs, that put Clinton in office?  Bullshit.

Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:26:37 AM EDT

So, you want me to vote for the slow train to a socialist utopia?  No thanks.

And giving the election to Hillary is a FAST train to socialism.

Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:30:18 AM EDT

Fuck that im voting for Ron Paul no matter what

same here, and this one isn't going to be close.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:31:53 AM EDT

Fred Thompson FTW!

Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:32:54 AM EDT
That's right. Don't vote for the candidate of YOUR choice, vote however some person on the internet who calls you stupid tells you to. Or you're stupid.

Is this going to be the Republican strategy AGAIN? It's ironic that the folks promoting this think it's the other guy that's going to elect Democrats.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:33:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:40:51 AM EDT
I made it clear that I am voting R regardless of if I have to hold my nose doing it.

Primaries will be Thompson.

Fuck voting 3rd party or write ins, I am not handing Hillary the win.

Even if we have a piece of shit like Giuliani it doesn't matter that badly with a Republican congress.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:42:06 AM EDT

Be a man, vote the way you want to vote. Dont let anyone tell you how you should run your life...

Then be man enough to live with your choice.

Smartest advice in this thread.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:42:21 AM EDT
If they are on the ballot and you think they are the best person for the job, VOTE FOR THEM. To suggest otherwise is un-american. That kind of talk sickens me. I will not vote for the person I think "has a chance to win" I will vote for the man I want to win.  Friking cowardice. Sickening ballot bullying. Whiny pissy "if you dont vote for the guy I want to win you are wasting a vote" bullshit.

Truman is SOOOOOOO glad folks like that were not as prevalient in those days....

We are by the way... or WERE, before the league of womans voters and some other wankers decided to open up their yaps, a MULTI PARTY SYSTEM not a two party system. This kind of ass-crap talk will do nothing but insure that some day you will ONLY have a choice between to runners, both of which have been hand picked by two of the biggest groups of idiots in the nation. The far right and the far left old men in their grey suits.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:45:49 AM EDT

I agree totally. Stupid is voting for someone based only on party name - and those "Someones" continually stab you in the back.

Now that's real stupidity........

Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:47:56 AM EDT
... as hard as that concept is to swallow cmjohnson, you are absolutely correct

If you don't support either candidate, DON'T VOTE at all
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:49:16 AM EDT
I'm voting for the best.

If the best doesn't get the Rep. nomination...


BTW, Ron Paul is 70% right with 30% shit-for-brains... and that goes with anyone that votes for him.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:53:03 AM EDT
It is really surprising to me the amount of people on this board who still have the-- "Well I will still vote for whoever the R's give me."-- This is why GOP candidates continue to go further and further to the left. Because we promise in the end to accept what they give us and we are as spineless as the candidates they offer us. Sorry kids, but every election I am told THIS is going to be the most important election ever. I no longer fall for that scare tactic horseshit. I realize it is going to get far worse before it gets better. It is time to look at the BIG picture. I believe it is time to throw the RINO's out of the Republican party, even if that means we loose a few elections.

The eyes and ears closed, Sheeple mentality you suggest of the conservative voters who are sick of getting screwed by the GOP is something you should be ashamed of.
It speaks volumes of your character.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:55:54 AM EDT

If they are on the ballot and you think they are the best person for the job, VOTE FOR THEM. To suggest otherwise is un-american. That kind of talk sickens me. I will not vote for the person I think "has a chance to win" I will vote for the man I want to win.  Friking cowardice. Sickening ballot bullying. Whiny pissy "if you dont vote for the guy I want to win you are wasting a vote" bullshit.

Truman is SOOOOOOO glad folks like that were not as prevalient in those days....

We are by the way... or WERE, before the league of womans voters and some other wankers decided to open up their yaps, a MULTI PARTY SYSTEM not a two party system. This kind of ass-crap talk will do nothing but insure that some day you will ONLY have a choice between to runners, both of which have been hand picked by two of the biggest groups of idiots in the nation. The far right and the far left old men in their grey suits.

Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:58:20 AM EDT
"We have to either start voting for loony third party candidates or not voting at all. If we keep voting for the lesser of two evils, it's going to keep getting more evil"
  - Penn Jillette
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:58:45 AM EDT

It is really surprising to me the amount of people on this board who still have the-- "Well I will still vote for whoever the R's give me."-- This is why GOP candidates continue to go further and further to the left. Because we promise in the end to accept what they give us and we are as spineless as the candidates they offer us. Sorry kids, but every election I am told THIS is going to be the most important election ever. I no longer fall for that scare tactic horseshit. I realize it is going to get far worse before it gets better. It is time to look at the BIG picture. I believe it is time to throw the RINO's out of the Republican party, even if that means we loose a few elections.

The eyes and ears closed, Sheeple mentality you suggest of the conservative voters who are sick of getting screwed by the GOP is something you should be ashamed of.
It speaks volumes of your character.

... Then go write in Ann Coulter on election day
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 6:59:43 AM EDT
You know what's voting stupid? It's voting for a candidate that's pretty much pledged (by word and action) to disarm you just to be sure he gets into office, and then sitting there like a dumb fuck when he actually does it.

If the only two options are both gun-grabbing candidates I sure as hell won't be voting for either. Maybe you can look at your coward-ass face in the mirror knowing you voted your own rights away, but I sure as hell can't.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 7:01:09 AM EDT

"We have to either start voting for loony third party candidates or not voting at all. If we keep voting for the lesser of two evils, it's going to keep getting more evil"
  - Penn Jillette

Hell, I'll put Penn as a write in ... he's got more sense than 99.999% of the politicians anyway.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 7:03:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 7:11:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 7:21:17 AM EDT

It's not ALL about guns, folks.  Think socialized health care.  Think new taxes.  Think about someone who wants to "take those profits" from private companies.  

Gun rights are a HUGELY important issue, yes.  But you have to think about other shit as well.  Remember how we (well, not me) "taught them a lesson" in 2006?  THAT worked out well, didn't it?

The key word here is THINK. There is nothing new about voting for the lessor of two evils. American voter's have been doing that since the first elections held in the U.S. more then two hundred years ago. Everything in politics was and is a compromise including the U.S Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Some of you need to get the fuck over it already because it's not going to change.  

Link Posted: 10/6/2007 7:23:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 7:25:43 AM EDT



Be a man, vote the way you want to vote. Dont let anyone tell you how you should run your life...

Then be man enough to live with your choice.

Smartest advice in this thread.

You really need to read between his lines.  The last sentence is key.  

Actually, I understood loud and clear. Even if R-32 was trying to be coy, the statement on its face is the best advice I've seen in this thread.  Personal responsibility is a bitch. Be a man and deal with it.

Sorry folks--it's all about winning.

I agree 100%, Mike.

...and the conservative base of the Republican party will keep losing if we continue to cast votes for RINOS/centrists/"moderates" (Fabian Socialists* - every one of them) in the general election.

Even if we "win" we lose.  WADR, FUCK that.
*look it up.
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 7:29:01 AM EDT

So, you want me to vote for the slow train to a socialist utopia?  No thanks.

So vote 3rd party & getting on the fast train to a socialist utopia (Clintonbama land) is better?
Link Posted: 10/6/2007 7:42:22 AM EDT
The fast train is more likely to cause a wreck than the slow train which will safely and surely get us to that destination.
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