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Link Posted: 10/28/2004 11:50:25 PM EDT

According to many posts on this thread.It is far better to vote for the lesser of two evils than to vote for who you believe is the right candidate.
In Commifornia, many Republicans were star struck by the likes of Ah-nold and did not vote for McClintock because they thought he could not win.We now havs AB-50 which even bans .50 cal bolt action rifles.
If John F'n Kerry does get in?We will have GRIDLOCK in Congress and he will accomplish little.In the 3rd debate, Kerry stated he will reduce the Debt by half over 4 years.The Debt is 7.6 trillion and the IRS collects 1.9 trillion per year.(I guess he will close washington)It's not so bad that Kerry does not know the difference between the Debt and the deficit and it is also not that bad that G.W. was too stupid to pound him on it.
Given the choice,I vote Libertarian.
2 cents.

1) Gridlock sure was great under Clinton, right? All those executive orders, those administrative gun bans, the judicial appointments... Gee, lots of fun, eh?

2) We're at WAR. That means there WILL be a debt & deficit. It's a fact of life, and not something to care about. Win the war, then worry about the cost of it... If the debt ever becomes a problem, then we tell the foreigners 'Screw you, we're the ones with the guns'...

3) Congress has no say in foreign policy, as the President & his Cabinet make all important decisions... So if we elect Kerry we will be back to the appeasenik stupidity of the Clinton era...

Folks like you are just too ignorant/idealistic to vote...
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:01:09 AM EDT


I am a Libertarian myself.  

I agree with about 99% of their platform.

I think they are right on the issues basicly.  

And I have voted that way in times past.

But this election is to important and to damn close.  

And voting Libertarian this time, is like chosing a squirt gun (to save your life) because you like the shape of the gun or the light kick it gives.  

You may like it, but when it comes time for it to deliver, it won't be EFFECTIVE no matter how much you like the way that it shoots.  

If you had chosen a 45acp, even if it is a round or gun you don't like, at least it will be effective!

I like the Libitarians too, but they will have no effect in keeping another AWB from happening.  

They will have NO EFFECT on preserving out gun ownership rights.

But George Bush will.  

See what I mean?  

"This is my rifle, there are many like it, but this one is mine"  

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:03:22 AM EDT
The 94 crime bill was a toothless piece of crap.The big looses to gun rights were 1968,1986,1989, and who was in office.
Do you really think if Osama was killed by clinton, 9-11 would not have happend? These crazy F-ing Muslams can walk and chew gum buddy.My money is on these F-ers hitting us before 11-2-2004 to try a spain scenerio.

"Folks like you are just too ignorant/idealistic to vote..."
Ignorant -No
Idealistic-I can deal with that.
In 2008 if Hitlery is up against McCain,I guess you will vote for McCain because he is the  Republican(condisention intended)
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:05:24 AM EDT



I think that I have watched this long enough.  

Firstly, I am CJ's brother.  I have been posting here for years under various names.  I am not a .

Secondly, I also voted for Badnarik.  Why?  Because I am presented the choice between Kerry, who has shown himself to "sit on the far left bank" of national politics, and Bush, whose religious stance I cannot support.  So I cast my vote fo a third party.  I cannot, and will not, give my support to either of the major party candidates.

For those of you who condemn my brother, and will now condemn me, for making the choice that I have, I have this this to say:

I have made the choice that I belive is right.  Perhaps one day the Libertarian platform will gain more acceptance in the Republican Party, but as long as that party is led by people who wish to enforce their religious views on me, I will not vote to elect them.


CJ troll account gets the same as CJ account!!!   You must be older right?


Nope, he's my twin actually. 10 minutes older than me. If you don't believe he exists, ask the WA guys, they'll set you straight.

Yes they are twins....both of them evil.............................................
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:05:28 AM EDT
I will vote for President Bush next Tuesday. I am disgusted that my choices are between this steaming pile of dog crap and that steaming pile of dog crap. ( From a political point of view. I think that as a man, GW has a fine character) GW just happens to have the least number of flies on him. The war and the SCotUS appointees have to take priority, and in that regard, GW is the only option.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:08:53 AM EDT

In 2008 if Hitlery is up against McCain,I guess you will vote for McCain because he is the  Republican(condisention intended)

I suppose that depends on which one of them YOU prefer.
If you want Hillary, vote accordingly.
If you want Mccain, vote accordingly.

ONE of them will win.
How we choose to vote will have a direct effect on WHOM that may be.

And if you want neither?
Ooooh too bad.
You should have put more effort into that, during the primaries.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:18:09 AM EDT

I didn't throw away all my votes,hinking.gif

You Willfully Knew you were Throwing away your Vote,

In This Time Of War,

In A close Election Race.

Is This Smart.

United States Of America________________________
www.LEAP.cc/ -- www.Cures-not-wars.org/ Truth Will Liberate Earth. Law EnForcement Against Prohibition
www.RKBA.org/antis/hci-masterAllege 1993 feinstein/hci PRETEXT for TOTAL Gun Freedom Confiscation.
www.digitalangelcorp.com/ Revelation 13:18 BAN Human Power ID-GPS-MONEY Implant Micro-chip.Patent 5,629,678
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:25:45 AM EDT


I didn't throw away all my votes,

You Willfully Knew you were Throwing away your Vote,

In This Time Of War,

In A close Election Race.

Is This Smart.

United States Of America________________________
www.LEAP.cc/ -- www.Cures-not-wars.org/ Truth Will Liberate Earth. Law EnForcement Against Prohibition
www.RKBA.org/antis/hci-masterAllege 1993 feinstein/hci PRETEXT for TOTAL Gun Freedom Confiscation.
www.digitalangelcorp.com/ Revelation 13:18 BAN Human Power ID-GPS-MONEY Implant Micro-chip.Patent 5,629,678

Why does everyone miss the part where I say that the race isn't close in Washington?
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:30:15 AM EDT

I suppose that depends on which one of them YOU prefer.
If you want Hillary, vote accordingly.
If you want Mccain, vote accordingly.

ONE of them will win.
How we choose to vote will have a direct effect on WHOM that may be.

And if you want neither?
Ooooh too bad.
You should have put more effort into that, during the primaries.

Prop 62 is an open primary initiative in Kali.It's going to pass and that means two democraps or a green and democrap in the general elections.I am voting against it,but I will put in more effort.
How is it in the center of the box anyway?
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:40:26 AM EDT


I suppose that depends on which one of them YOU prefer.
If you want Hillary, vote accordingly.
If you want Mccain, vote accordingly.

ONE of them will win.
How we choose to vote will have a direct effect on WHOM that may be.

And if you want neither?
Ooooh too bad.
You should have put more effort into that, during the primaries.

Prop 62 is an open primary initiative in Kali.It's going to pass and that means two democraps or a green and democrap in the general elections.I am voting against it,but I will put in more effort.
How is it in the center of the box anyway?

Who, me?  Oh no.
I wasn't speaking for myself.
I was speaking for YOU.
What I described:

I suppose that depends on which one of them YOU prefer.
If you want Hillary, vote accordingly.
If you want Mccain, vote accordingly.

...IS what you will do.
One way or another.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:50:01 AM EDT



The Libertarian Party is that extreme because for the most part they are a protest statement. If they actually thought they had a chance to function as a viable choice, they would move to the center and develop something a little more palatable to voters.

I like Michal Babnerrack and if his views weren't so far away from what would really work,I would not only vote for him but would load his ammo!

He would take us back to about 1850 in time ,but a step back is not what is needed know!

We might be ready for a libertytairian some day,after the great war!  Then we with BOBS will be his Generals!  And we will meet up north in the Avilla Compound,or in the south at Hunsville!!


If you ever see that great war, you will be hoping and praying that whatever's left of the Federal Government wins, because the alternative will be a dicattor the likes of which we've never seen...

Also, why the hell would you want to live iin the impotent backwater 3rd-world  hellhole that was 1850's USA? Seriously...

I, for one, will take the present, with all it's minor irratances, rather than the disaster that we were pre-Civil-War, with no restraint on the near-tyrannical power of the states, no viable foreign policy besides 'Hide and hope they ignore us', and so on...

In foreign policy, there are 2 choices: Rule or be Ruled. Dominate or be Dominated. We must NEVER relinquish our preeminence - it is better that every last American die defending our position of primacy & power, than that we live as slaves because we let it slip away...

Then again, i'm the guy who would fight for the feds in any such 'great war' that you mentione, Bobby... Something about 'I, Dave_A, do solemnly swear to protect & defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign & domestic'... Given the choice between a constitutionally elected government (or the reminants thereof) and any other movement, the .gov gets my support, - I keep my word.

Hey Bud you missed the part about about heading North to the Free World Avila Compound,you think the Avilias  would ever condone anything that wasn't fought for and paid in blood by us usless babyboomers?  True blue  Red white and blue!!

And as far as going to Hunsville it is much closer than New York,And   Emperior Eric knows that President  Davis is gone but not forgotten!  And Even if we fly the cross bars we are still 100% American!

And David A it is also your duty to make sure that this Government  never gets so large that it swallows the average person and incumbers his right to a good life ,and his quest for freedom ,and his rights for life , liberty ,and general happiness!

So this is what my Freedom fighters will preserve!!!  At all costs!

Have a nice day and remember your word is your vote!!!  Make your word mean something!!

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:51:51 AM EDT

Why does everyone miss the part where I say that the race isn't close in Washington?

I am Talking About a Close National Election Race.

I would Vote Bush, Just to give Him the Popular Vote.

You Don't Know the Outcome Of  the Election In Your State Of Washington.

Why Waste your Vote.

If your are Going to Waste your Vote, Waste it for President Bush.

United States Of America________________________
www.LEAP.cc/ -- www.Cures-not-wars.org/ Truth Will Liberate Earth. Law EnForcement Against Prohibition
www.RKBA.org/antis/hci-masterAllege 1993 feinstein/hci PRETEXT for TOTAL Gun Freedom Confiscation.
www.digitalangelcorp.com/ Revelation 13:18 BAN Human Power ID-GPS-MONEY Implant Micro-chip.Patent 5,629,678
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 1:02:32 AM EDT
I have spoken for me and I will not vote for bush or kerrry.
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.
Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.  Alexander Tyler 1778

Bush promises Mediare drug benafits,no child left behind and 15 BILLION for africa.
Kerry promises the world!!
I can't in good conscious vote for the lessor of two evils.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 1:11:54 AM EDT

I can't in good conscious

So, you Know In Good Conscious, you are helping keery win.

United States Of America________________________
www.LEAP.cc/ -- www.Cures-not-wars.org/ Truth Will Liberate Earth. Law EnForcement Against Prohibition
www.RKBA.org/antis/hci-masterAllege 1993 feinstein/hci PRETEXT for TOTAL Gun Freedom Confiscation.
www.digitalangelcorp.com/ Revelation 13:18 BAN Human Power ID-GPS-MONEY Implant Micro-chip.Patent 5,629,678
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 1:19:50 AM EDT

"So, you Know In Good Conscious, you are helping keery win."

That is absolutly deluting yourself !!!
Voting for the person/party that most closely represents your ideals is AMERICAN....

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 1:30:11 AM EDT

I have spoken for me and I will not vote for bush or kerrry.
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.
Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.  Alexander Tyler 1778

Bush promises Mediare drug benafits,no child left behind and 15 BILLION for africa.
Kerry promises the world!!
I can't in good conscious vote for the lessor of two evils.

This is a republic   in a democracy  there would be two wolves  looking at  a sheep and licking there chops!


Link Posted: 10/29/2004 1:37:39 AM EDT
It Is you Who Is deluding yourself.

I believe President Bush Is The Best Person for The Job.

Who Is Badnarik any way, How will he handle our Nuclear Weapons, the economy, china, north korea...

How Well Do you Know Him, You Trust Him.

Does America Trust Him.

George W Bush Let The Assault Weapon Ban Sun Set,

Is that Not a Good Enough Reason to Support Him.

Are You A Gun Owner.

United States Of America________________________
www.LEAP.cc/ -- www.Cures-not-wars.org/ Truth Will Liberate Earth. Law EnForcement Against Prohibition
www.RKBA.org/antis/hci-masterAllege 1993 feinstein/hci PRETEXT for TOTAL Gun Freedom Confiscation.
www.digitalangelcorp.com/ Revelation 13:18 BAN Human Power ID-GPS-MONEY Implant Micro-chip.Patent 5,629,678
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 1:39:08 AM EDT
"This is a republic in a democracy there would be two wolves looking at a sheep and licking there chops!


Our constitutional republic is a representative democracy. You sir are splitting hairs to make a point. It is a democracy,however indirect.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 1:50:12 AM EDT
It Is you Who Is deluding yourself.

I believe President Bush Is The Best Person for The Job.

Who Is Badnarik any way, How will he handle our Nuclear Weapons, the economy, china, north korea...

How Well Do you Know Him, You Trust Him.

Does America Trust Him.

George W Bush Let The Assault Weapon Ban Sun Set,

Is that Not a Good Enough Reason to Support Him.

Are You A Gun Owner?

I am happy you feel comfortable with Bush.That is your right and I supprt you voting for him.I personaly disagree and will not vote for him.

Yes I do own firearms and was personaly affected by AB-50 which was signed by one of Bush's talking heads.

Disgrunted -yes' but not deluted
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 1:55:58 AM EDT
As Alexis DeToqueville said: "American democracy will not withstand the Congress' realization that they can bribe the people with their own money".
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 1:57:48 AM EDT

I have spoken for me and I will not vote for bush or kerrry.
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.
Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.  Alexander Tyler 1778

Bush promises Mediare drug benafits,no child left behind and 15 BILLION for africa.
Kerry promises the world!!
I can't in good conscious vote for the lessor of two evils.

Hey you are just like me and my elderly mother,you know she can walk good for about three hours!  I even(or she did)bought a crusser wheel chair!  

Just because she is so toughe that she kick  my ass !  

But she is full blood French@

And    She SAYS KISS my   ass!!
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 2:07:09 AM EDT


Hey you are just like me and my elderly mother,you know she can walk good for about three hours!  I even(or she did)bought a crusser wheel chair!  

Just because she is so toughe that she kiksd ass !  

Buiy she is full blood French@

And    She SAYS KISS my   ass!!

Hey Oki.We all speak english here in America!!!
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 2:11:55 AM EDT
Ya'll having trouble getting your ideas out?
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 2:17:56 AM EDT
NAW my Mother says fuck you young man,Combat-jack you waisted yout vote!

Grow up!!!!!    
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 2:23:23 AM EDT
I don't know who is making This calydescope possiable but you must do it to SGT AR  you will have a true African Queen remake!

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 2:26:34 AM EDT

NAW my Mother says fuck you young man,Combat-jack you waisted yout vote!

Grow up!!!!!    

If you're gonna be mean, at least spell my name right
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 2:34:52 AM EDT
Hey Oranger My Mother told me  too apologixe to you!      But let me tell you she would rip  John Kerrys ass!
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 5:59:14 AM EDT
Wouldn't it be nice if Bush had a gun policy such as"

If I have a "hot button" issue, this is definitely it. Don't even THINK about taking my guns! My rights are not negotiable, and I am totally unwilling to compromise when it comes to the Second Amendment.

Let me reiterate an axiom of my philosophy. Rights and privileges are polar opposites. A right is something that I can do without asking. A privilege is something that a higher authority allows me to do. It is utter nonsense for us to accept government permits in order to exercise an inalienable right. Allow me to point out some fallacies in the arguments frequently used by the anti-gun movement.

First, it is impossible for the Second Amendment to confer a "community right", because communities HAVE no rights. Individuals are real. Communities are abstract concepts. You can have individuals without communities, but you cannot have communities without individuals. Ergo, individuals must come first, and only the individuals that make up a community can have rights.

Second, the phrase "well regulated militia" is frequently misconstrued to mean:

lots of government regulations; and,
only the National Guard is allowed to carry guns.
It is necessary to understand the definitions common in America during the time of our war for independence. "Well regulated" used to mean "well prepared". Every man was expected to have a rifle, one pound of gun powder, and sixteen balls for his weapon. He was also expected to be ready to USE that rifle within sixty seconds of the alarm being sounded. Hence the term "minute man".

It is disingenuous for anyone to promote the argument that "militia" refers only to the National Guard in light of the fact that the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, and the National Guard wasn't formed until the early 1900's. This argument is totally without merit, unless you want to imply that our founding fathers were able to predict the future.

I sincerely believe that statistical evidence supports the idea that crime increases exponentially wherever gun control is instituted as the governing policy. Washington DC, New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles have the strictest gun control policies in the United States. The cities with the highest murder rates are Washington DC, New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. It doesn't take a PhD to be able to draw the proper conclusion from this evidence. England and Australia have recently instituted strict gun control measures, and both countries have seen the statistics on violent crime quadruple. In contrast, I am told that the city of Kennesaw, Georgia passed a municipal ordinance that requires homeowners to have a firearm available. Home invasions have dropped to less than 10% of their original rate, indicating to me that criminals value their lives more than they value your property.

I have no doubt that members of the anti-gun crowd would be happy to offer statistical data which appears to contradict the numbers I have just mentioned. Even if they could, their alternate statistics are not enough authority to strip me of my inalienable right to keep and bear arms. My rights are non-negotiable. I don't care if someone else doesn't like it. I don't care if they toss and turn at night, anxiously worried about what I might do with my firearm. My rights are not predicated on whether or not you LIKE what I'm doing. You only have a complaint when I present a "clear and present danger", which is not the case if I have my firearm in a holster.

Repealing unconstitutional gun control laws will be one of my first priorities as President of the United States.

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 7:22:57 AM EDT
Anyone who says that it's our fault we got attacked is UNFIT FOR COMMAND

And no one has said it's out fault. Apparently reading these posts is too much to ask from you.

to use a term that's flown around this season.

By UBER-REPUBLIKUNS that claim every other party candidate said this.

If you are POTUS, the first rule is 'The United States is ALLWAYS Right'

"Hey, I ordered the execution of Jews... But we're Americans, we're always right."

Sorry, stupidity damns an argument; it doesn't help it.

no exceptions

So if the government ordered you be put in prison, your daughter/son put in a foster home, and your wife deported to Cambodia and your assets liquidated and given to crack addicts, the govt would be right?

Oh, this is an exception. But, wait, you just said *NO* exceptions. Your argument is dead.

We must never cede the right to decide our future to any foreign power or organization - we are right, if they cross us they are wrong, if they resist this we destroy them. It is the only way

It's one thing to go into a country looking for terrorists. It's another to demand collaboration with threat of war.

It's another thing entirely to march into North Korea tomorrow shooting anyone with slanted eyes.

No, it is not a crime. It is a goddamn ACT OF WAR

Ok, so then it's a warcrime.

Good fucking job, same god damn thing only you managed to argue nothing.

an attack on the country which must be met by overwhelming military force, not cops & courts!

So, pray-tell, why does Guantonimo Bay hold something like 200 terrorists in detention?

I guess what you're saying is Bush is going about this war on terror thing all wrong...

We didn't try and arrest the Japs for Pearl Harbor

Oh, no? So the FBI doing background checks and keeping tabs on suspected Japanese spies (and some where) isn't arresting Japanese? What about Japanese that were brought to trial for warcrimes?

I guess THAT isn't arresting and trial EITHER.

we went out & took them down with all neccicary military force - the same thing is needed here, except the target is the support base nations

So even if the government does not support terrorism and collaborates with the U.S. govt, we bomb their country to the stone age anyways because terrorists live there?

What? No, that's not extremist... Not at all...

Tracking down terrorists is a DEFENSIVE maneuver...

Which is why the WTC was attacked again between the bombing and 9/11.... Riiiight.

It is a worthless, futile operation unless it corresponds with  a WAR to stop the SUPPLY

If you start a war with someone, they'll supply more than they ever would than if you just took out the bad apples.

Islamic Extremists are having a hayday with the supposed justification (or at least THEY think so) of attacking Americans because of Iraq. I remember seeing on Fox News a bunch of Pakistani-American students in California were saying they were going to go to Iraq to help fight the oppression of their people. Had Iraq not been invaded, they wouldn't have done this. However, fuck 'em, because they're idiots.

You just admitted he wants to go back to the Clintonian 'criminal problem' view

Quote me where I said that. In size 6 red and bold font. Go ahead. If I said it, quote me. However, you can't, because I never did say it.

Also, it isn't true, either.

Again, when you have accusations, have facts too. So either put up or shut up.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 11:49:26 AM EDT
Only dumbasses vote for third party candidates.

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 11:59:20 AM EDT




Libertarians think that if we get rid of laws, all the law-breakers will go away.  

uhhh, they wouldn't be law breakers anymore

But the destruction caused by their actions would still be the same...

People are by nature evil creatures, who cannot be trusted.  The Libertarian anarchist bullshit about eliminating laws & people will all get along is as STUPID as the liberal/socialist bullshit about making people all get along WITH laws.... 2 sides of the same worthless coin...

...but they wouldn't be breaking any laws.

I could live with the "destruction" caused by getting rid of as much taxation, gun laws, and drug laws as possible.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 1:10:57 PM EDT


So, how will we tell who is a terrorist, and who is not?

Hello? Earth calling. Anyone home?


Actually, we're quite successful at it.  We've tracked and intercepted NUMEROUS terrorists who have tried to enter the country.  We can do this, because we have a centralized, integrated system of intelligence, combined with a dissemination of info down to the Border agents.
Is it perfect? No.  The fact that it is imperfect, does not mean elimination of the Border patrol, and Immigration will help.
Under a Libertarian Regime, such centralized control would be verbotten.

That's just not logical


Especially in light of the Libertarian Platform's call for the end of all INS  and Border Patrol checks?

Ok, so the Libertarian platform = Badnarik's agenda? I don't fucking think so.

Oh, I DO fucking think so.

Can you read this:

"Michael Badnarik has accepted the Libertarian Party Platform as his campaign platform."

Also, they do want to do away with INS...

But where is proof of the Border Patrol being disbanded?

Why right here: LP/immigration link

"We call for the elimination of all restrictions on immigration, the abolition of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Border Patrol, and a declaration of full amnesty for all people who have entered the country illegally."

Ooooh, that's gonna leave a mark.

You should study before posting.
It helps to avoid these little mistakes.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 6:17:25 PM EDT
Actually, we're quite successful at it.

Which explains why some 150 Mexicans cross over into the U.S. everyday.

We've tracked and intercepted NUMEROUS terrorists who have tried to enter the country.

And perhaps missed many more.

 We can do this, because we have a centralized, integrated system of intelligence, combined with a dissemination of info down to the Border agents.

I wouldn't call Homeland Security centralized, integrated, nor intelligent; but whatever floats your boat. Homeland Security needs to improve a hell of a lot in order to catch what might be going under our radar.

Is it perfect? No.  The fact that it is imperfect, does not mean elimination of the Border patrol, and Immigration will help.

How do you know this? Immigration is one of the reasons the 19 hi-jackers were in the U.S. Border Patrol didn't catch them, Immigration actually LET THEM IN the country.

So, if we keep track of all entering the country, how would it be any worse than just blantantly letting people in with Student Visas?

Under a Libertarian Regime, such centralized control would be verbotten.

Centralized control only leads to big government and less freedom for you and I. Although intelligence sectors need co-operation between departments, we don't need one huge fucking agency that can control everything.

That's just not logical

Neither is you wanting to give up your freedom. Hey, if you want the ATF to be able to look up 4473s you've filed, that's great... But I REALLY don't want them to be able to do so.

Oh, I DO fucking think so.

Great. You and your ego are the only that care.

"Michael Badnarik has accepted the Libertarian Party Platform as his campaign platform."

And Bush has accepted the Republican party platform as his campaign platform... Does that mean he wishes to follow ALL the idealogies and ideas the Republican platform has?

If you think that, please remove yourself from the gene pool.

Ooooh, that's gonna leave a mark.

You should study before posting.
It helps to avoid these little mistakes.

What mistakes? I asked of documentation of elimation of the Border Patrol. Quote me, in full, of where I said "OMFG!@!!! MIKULA BADURIK DUSN'T WUNT 2 ELUMINTE ZE BURDER PATRUL!!! BULLSCHIT!!!"

Because, I'd really like to see it. But, then again, you can't quote me where I said that wasn't true... Because I never said it. I ASKED to SEE documentation of this statement. I did not claim that it was bullshit nor unture.

Ooooh, that's gonna leave a mark.

You should re-read the post before rebuttalling.
It helps avoid these little mistakes.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 6:31:32 PM EDT
At this point in the game, the objective is to defeat Kerry, so don't waste you're vote.  Make sure you vote for Bush!!

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 7:19:06 PM EDT


Actually, we're quite successful at it.

Which explains why some 150 Mexicans cross over into the U.S. everyday.

Mexican Terrorists! Golly.

We've tracked and intercepted NUMEROUS terrorists who have tried to enter the country.

And perhaps missed many more.

"perhaps"?   That's fucking weak.

We can do this, because we have a centralized, integrated system of intelligence, combined with a dissemination of info down to the Border agents.

I wouldn't call Homeland Security centralized, integrated, nor intelligent; but whatever floats your boat. Homeland Security needs to improve a hell of a lot in order to catch what might be going under our radar.

Not centralized or integrated?  Homeland Security?  At this point I begin to question your basic skills....

Is it perfect? No.  The fact that it is imperfect, does not mean elimination of the Border patrol, and Immigration will help.

How do you know this? Immigration is one of the reasons the 19 hi-jackers were in the U.S. Border Patrol didn't catch them, Immigration actually LET THEM IN the country.

Ahhh, so if we just let them ALL in.... huh?

So, if we keep track of all entering the country, how would it be any worse than just blantantly letting people in with Student Visas?

Visas?  No, there would BE no visas. No checks.

Under a Libertarian Regime, such centralized control would be verbotten.

Centralized control only leads to big government and less freedom for you and I. Although intelligence sectors need co-operation between departments, we don't need one huge fucking agency that can control everything.

No contradiction there.

That's just not logical

Neither is you wanting to give up your freedom. Hey, if you want the ATF to be able to look up 4473s you've filed, that's great... But I REALLY don't want them to be able to do so.


Oh, I DO fucking think so.

Great. You and your ego are the only that care.

"Michael Badnarik has accepted the Libertarian Party Platform as his campaign platform."

And Bush has accepted the Republican party platform as his campaign platform... Does that mean he wishes to follow ALL the idealogies and ideas the Republican platform has?

If you think that, please remove yourself from the gene pool.

You seem to ask a question as a means of avoiding the basic fact THAT I JUST PROVED THAT YOU WERE TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

Ooooh, that's gonna leave a mark.

You should study before posting.
It helps to avoid these little mistakes.

What mistakes? I asked of documentation of elimation of the Border Patrol. Quote me, in full, of where I said "OMFG!@!!! MIKULA BADURIK DUSN'T WUNT 2 ELUMINTE ZE BURDER PATRUL!!! BULLSCHIT!!!"

Because, I'd really like to see it. But, then again, you can't quote me where I said that wasn't true... Because I never said it. I ASKED to SEE documentation of this statement. I did not claim that it was bullshit nor unture.

Ooooh, that's gonna leave a mark.

You should re-read the post before rebuttalling.
It helps avoid these little mistakes.


Thanks for playing.
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 1:20:18 AM EDT


First, yeah for you. I voted Badnarik as well :) I am in a battleground state, but I think we (the American people) are phoqued no matter which of the top 2 asshats get in.  Just different areas where we'll be phoqued is all. :/]/quote]

Neither is going to be the best for us, but I wish you had voted for Bush, being in OH and all. That said, I know that you and Bush have some disagreements on gay issues, and if I were in your position I would probably do the same thing.

I voted for a few Dems, all but 1 NOT because they were "good" guys but because the alternative was a RINO asshat ... I figure an encumbent RINO asshat (w/an NRA D-) is more dangerous than a freshman Dem asshat with an NRA F. etc...

Yeah, we have a lot of that running around here. Even the incumbent Lt. Gov. Brad Owen has an NRA B rating, and he's a good guy. I've met him, too. He has bi partisan support. The challenger has refused to issue any statement on his platform. Too risky to switch.

Hell, I'd settle for a Phoquing C+ ... one RINO Senator has a D- (Voinovich) and the other has an F (DeWine). Both are "big government", both LOVE upping the taxes.... asshats, they need to be brought DOWN. THEN maybe the Republican Central Committe will put up some decent candidates!
Link Posted: 10/30/2004 1:37:18 AM EDT
Combat Jack needs to quit doing 100 posts a day and also needs to vote Republican.  

Link Posted: 10/30/2004 2:52:11 AM EDT

Combat Jack needs to quit doing 100 posts a day and also needs to vote Republican.  


Whats your problem with me? I have my avatar because its unique. I can spot it in a thread, and nobody else uses anything like it. I aslo don't need you telling me how to vote. Or how often to post.
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