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Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:46:07 PM EDT
Oh, freedom of speech is already restricted...you've heard of politically correct...even pastors can't call sodomy sin...
school kids can't pray and praise the Lord nor can they wear a T-shirt with a gun on it...
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 8:57:09 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much. This shouldn't be legal.

Eat shit and die DU troll. I am willing to bet big money that you break more laws in 30 minutes of driving in your automobile than all of my MGs put together have in 20 years of sitting in safes.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:00:17 PM EDT

Oh, freedom of speech is already restricted...you've heard of politically correct...even pastors can't call sodomy sin...
school kids can't pray and praise the Lord nor can they wear a T-shirt with a gun on it...

I dunno, that sounds more like policy, NOT law.
(it isn't right either way though... )
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:04:15 PM EDT
I wrote my congresman this is my letter
please write the letter, Fight  Fight Fight take it from somone whos fammily was disarmed and slaghtered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Sir

It has come to my attention that a law is being proposed in the state of new york that will endanger and infringe on the constitutional rights of that state,  I am an american citizen who came here as a political refugee from my country of birth Lebanon. when we were disarmed by the french it allowed the syrian government to occupy our great and sovern country. I swore an oath in a government building in Baltimore to protect and uphold the constitution when i became a citizen(THE WHOLE CONSTITUTION)not just the ammendmants that a select few with good representation care to preserve. the point of this letter is to hope that you will hold true to your oath of office and uphold the 2nd ammendmant of the United States of America, and understand that the privilige you have of holding office comes at a price, and that price is to uphold what our founding fathers wrote in the Constitution. The right to bear arms shall not be infringed uppon.
I represent over 120,000,000.00+ law abiding American gun owners and I ask You to do your job and help preserve Liberty

Hanna Chakarji

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:09:50 PM EDT

I wrote my congresman this is my letter
please write the letter, Fight  Fight Fight take it from somone whos fammily was disarmed and slaghtered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Sir

It has come to my attention that a law is being proposed in the state of new york that will endanger and infringe on the constitutional rights of that state,  I am an american citizen who came here as a political refugee from my country of birth Lebanon. when we were disarmed by the french it allowed the syrian government to occupy our great and sovern country. I swore an oath in a government building in Baltimore to protect and uphold the constitution when i became a citizen(THE WHOLE CONSTITUTION)not just the ammendmants that a select few with good representation care to preserve. the point of this letter is to hope that you will hold true to your oath of office and uphold the 2nd ammendmant of the United States of America, and understand that the privilige you have of holding office comes at a price, and that price is to uphold what our founding fathers wrote in the Constitution. The right to bear arms shall not be infringed uppon.
I represent over $120,000,000.00+ law abiding American gun owners and I ask You to do your job and help preserve Liberty

Hanna Chakarji


Good letter.
Just make sure you clean up the punctuation and spelling a bit!
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:10:03 PM EDT


I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much. This shouldn't be legal.

Eat shit and die DU troll. I am willing to bet big money that you break more laws in 30 minutes of driving in your automobile than all of my MGs put together have in 20 years of sitting in safes.


Oh, to New York politicians I say:

ETA:  I jacked up a J&T kit and slid this under it.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:14:26 PM EDT


I wrote my congresman this is my letter
please write the letter, Fight  Fight Fight take it from somone whos fammily was disarmed and slaghtered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Sir

It has come to my attention that a law is being proposed in the state of new york that will endanger and infringe on the constitutional rights of that state,  I am an american citizen who came here as a political refugee from my country of birth Lebanon. when we were disarmed by the french it allowed the syrian government to occupy our great and sovern country. I swore an oath in a government building in Baltimore to protect and uphold the constitution when i became a citizen(THE WHOLE CONSTITUTION)not just the ammendmants that a select few with good representation care to preserve. the point of this letter is to hope that you will hold true to your oath of office and uphold the 2nd ammendmant of the United States of America, and understand that the privilige you have of holding office comes at a price, and that price is to uphold what our founding fathers wrote in the Constitution. The right to bear arms shall not be infringed uppon.
I represent over $120,000,000.00+ law abiding American gun owners and I ask You to do your job and help preserve Liberty

Hanna Chakarji


Good letter.
Just make sure you clean up the punctuation and spelling a bit!

sorry bro im F.O.B cant help it
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:15:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:15:49 PM EDT
To: A free man, Good looking engraving, what does it meen?
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:17:03 PM EDT

To: A free man, Good looking engraving, what does it meen?

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:32:54 PM EDT

COME AND GET THEM!  I love it!  Do you mind if I use that? I've wanted to get a rifle engraved for awhile, but, no clear idea, and now..................A MOMENT OF CLARITY.

It's thousands of years old, go ahead.  A wonderful thing to put on a rifle.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:52:15 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

I'm sorry to hear you say this. No such right should be taken away from you, not a single one that is granted by a constitution. This is how it's started in other countries, one little law here and there, that is some countries ended up with confiscation of every firearm. This is a really imporant concept to keep in mind.
The reality is that the criminality in US is linked to more profound social problems that are way more difficult to solve than dropping anti-gun laws here and there. Many politicians don't give a sh*t if a law actually solves something or not, as long as a great part of voters thinks it does. And if the voters that really think that not only it does not, but it violates an amendment of the constitution, remain silent, you can expect your rights ta be taken away bite by bite.
Abusus non tollit usum, an old Latin concept that many politicians should think about.

- Ice
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:57:45 PM EDT
The thing that bothers me is most of these polichickens don't know one thing about a bad neighborhood. You can most likely pick up some kind of firing weapon for $100, of course it was probably used in a driveby. But it CAN fire and kill people.

So, lets disarm the citizens so the people commiting the crimes continue to do so with their illegaly obtained weapons.

Good fucking idea.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:58:16 PM EDT
I don't want to copy another mans rifle logo without the courtesy of asking. I have looked at a lot of laser work, and that is the first one I've seen with that logo. Just being nice. By the way Thank You
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:03:43 PM EDT
That is not my work, you'll have to go to castle-arms.com for that.  That is their artwork.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:05:07 PM EDT
The Constitution of the United States was meant to limit government...not 'we the people'
it is a document that binds the hands of government that we the people allow to rule over us...

They have usurped their power and violated the agreement...and have more in common with the tyrants
we got rid of then they do with legitimate government..

'One if by land...two if by sea...three if they come by Washington DC'


Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:19:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:22:44 PM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

That's just retarded.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:24:34 PM EDT
COME AND GET THEM!  I love it!  Do you mind if I use that? I've wanted to get a rifle engraved for awhile, but, no clear idea, and now..................A MOMENT OF CLARITY.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 9:32:37 PM EDT


I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do you not get, tory?

Tory in today's laymen is now used interchangably with "conservative" in parts of the world. What your after is:

What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do you not get, liberal?
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:09:35 PM EDT
If owning a gun were illegal, only criminals would own guns....(or somthing to that effect).............It's been said a billion times, It's so simple, but so true. Criminals have never cared about any gun law, and never will, why can't the politicians get that through their heads. Because they don't care, they are going for style, over function.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:13:46 PM EDT
Eventually this or its like will get through so if you want to keep em or add more

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:14:53 PM EDT
Anything with a detachable mag ???  So, the Rem 74__ series, the Rem 76__ series, the Rem 700 DM versions, the Savage DM versions, Ruger 77s, 10/22s, etc.

That leaves, um, single shots.  TCs, etc.  Guess that CQB round for the M203 is looking better and better.

What is with these people?  It just never ceases to disgust me.  These were the same people who were protesting the US response in Afghanistan in September 2001 ...  I came to the US with a dream, but man, they sure are making it a nightmare .... I left Europe for a reason ...
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:16:29 PM EDT
A_FREE_MAN: Thanks for the info, treeman
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:27:59 PM EDT
The cylinder on most revolvers, are removable, and if it is left up to local discretion, they could loosely fall into the removable mag definition. This is obviously the first step, in the total prohibition of firearms in N.Y. Although hitlery, is not on this legislation, she is no doubt wetting her pants. Just imagine, if she wer the next President, I am sure, without the shadow of doubt, it would be her model for the whole country.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:36:31 PM EDT
Get everyone you know that has a gun and take up arms against anyone that tries  to infringe upon your 2nd amendment rights. The reason we have the 2nd Amendment is to prevent things like this from happening in the first place. The 2nd Amendment is checks and balance against a government out of control.

You get a few hundred thousand citizens in a militia and laws like this will go away or there will be civil war. It's just a matter of how bad you want your guns, compared to how much you want to live. I'm inclined to believe most people say that support the 2nd Amendment, but few are willing to really fight for it.

Just keep in mind, once the 2nd amendment is gone, freedmon of religion is next. First you disarm the people then you subjugate them. Ask the Nazi's and Stalin
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:37:27 PM EDT


I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

We would all appreciate it if you left AR15.com and never returned.  We dont need your kind around here.

Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:37:31 PM EDT
This is nothing new to us. We go through this song and dance year after year.

It's a  Democratic Assembly and Republican Senate. It will die on the floor of the Senate.

The scary part is when the Democraps take the Assembly, then it's move to Florida time.
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:47:24 PM EDT


I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much. This shouldn't be legal.

Eat shit and die DU troll. I am willing to bet big money that you break more laws in 30 minutes of driving in your automobile than all of my MGs put together have in 20 years of sitting in safes.

dumb question, unrelated to the thread but i've seen DU Troll before... What does the DU mean?
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:50:43 PM EDT
and what's that line about something something something corrupt and overthrowing something or other?

You know, a bunch of old guys ?
Link Posted: 1/23/2006 10:56:40 PM EDT

This is almost unimaginable.  

Not in NY it isn't.
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 12:11:53 AM EDT
The only reason the rest of the Bill of Rights is still around is because the 2nd amendment.  otherwise the whole thing would be gone by now
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 12:50:55 AM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

You need to move to England fast, they need people like you.
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 2:13:29 AM EDT



I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much. This shouldn't be legal.

Eat shit and die DU troll. I am willing to bet big money that you break more laws in 30 minutes of driving in your automobile than all of my MGs put together have in 20 years of sitting in safes.

dumb question, unrelated to the thread but i've seen DU Troll before... What does the DU mean?

Link Posted: 1/24/2006 2:27:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 2:29:02 AM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

Link Posted: 1/24/2006 2:41:11 AM EDT




I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much. This shouldn't be legal.

Eat shit and die DU troll. I am willing to bet big money that you break more laws in 30 minutes of driving in your automobile than all of my MGs put together have in 20 years of sitting in safes.

dumb question, unrelated to the thread but i've seen DU Troll before... What does the DU mean?

link removed

Please make the link cold....
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 2:43:39 AM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

Man you sure made some friends with that comment!!!  
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 2:43:46 AM EDT

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much. This shouldn't be legal.

Fuck you.

You have got to be fucking joking...I would tell you to get the fuck out of here, but would like to know why the fuck I shouldn't be able to own a machine gun. Im a fucking law abiding citizen. I have never been in trouble with anyone even resembling the law. Jesus Christ.

Let me guess. Your the same person who believes that a .50 BMG was made for taking out airliners!

Unfucking believable.
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 2:47:04 AM EDT
This is just the start, if the new yorkers let this happen , they'll try it across the nation
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 2:47:29 AM EDT
Regardless whether this proposal dies in the Senate (as it usually does), it is extremely important to write to your representatives.

You think this is bad, wait till Spitzer becomes Governor.  I'm sure he's got some bully tactics up his sleeves that will make the Albany Republicrats roll over.  He seems to be an oppurtunistic  nasty individual.
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 3:00:48 AM EDT


I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much. This shouldn't be legal.

Fuck you.

You have got to be fucking joking...I would tell you to get the fuck out of here, but would like to know why the fuck I shouldn't be able to own a machine gun. Im a fucking law abiding citizen. I have never been in trouble with anyone even resembling the law. Jesus Christ.

Let me guess. Your the same person who believes that a .50 BMG was made for taking out airliners!

Unfucking believable.

I don't know why everyone gets so worked up over this guy's comment.  You do realize that there are restrictions on the 2nd Ammendment, right?
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 3:01:28 AM EDT

hock.gif This is just the start, if the new yorkers let this happen , they'll try it across the nation

Looks like its time to buy em cheap and stack em deep before we make the leap and turn into a heap of sheep! h=85%

I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much.  This shouldn't be legal.

Link Posted: 1/24/2006 3:07:22 AM EDT

Are NY Gun Owners gonna just let this happen?  What ever happen to majority rules?

Rights are rights, reguardless of what the majority wants.
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 3:08:32 AM EDT



I am for some restrictions to the Second Amendment, i.e no machines guns, but that is too much. This shouldn't be legal.

Fuck you.

You have got to be fucking joking...I would tell you to get the fuck out of here, but would like to know why the fuck I shouldn't be able to own a machine gun. Im a fucking law abiding citizen. I have never been in trouble with anyone even resembling the law. Jesus Christ.

Let me guess. Your the same person who believes that a .50 BMG was made for taking out airliners!

Unfucking believable.

I don't know why everyone gets so worked up over this guy's comment.  You do realize that there are restrictions on the 2nd Ammendment, right?

Which ones are YOU in favor of?  That is the point.
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 3:14:14 AM EDT


Which ones are YOU in favor of?  That is the point.

I'll give you that.  

But my point is why would you get all worked up if someone says "hey, current manufacture machine guns shouldn't be available to civilians".  Well, he's just stating the current state of affairs.  It's not like he's going out on some crazy limb or something.  Regardless of whether you think there should be restrictions on the 2nd Amendment, there are.
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 3:35:27 AM EDT
By the way did any of you New Yorkers see the Daily News yesterday? About cracking down on guns. 2nd page article about someguy that was in a gunfight with the cops had an UZI. The Daily Snooze called it an assault weapon it went on and on about the guns come from out of state. That since the AWB had expired it blamed the republican party& the NRA for all their gun crime.
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 3:35:32 AM EDT

Well, all you New Yorkers are welcomed to move down to Florida; we'll be more than happy to accomodate you and your guns.

(I smell an "Escape From New York" scenario here, folks.)

We don't call it the "Gunshine State" for nothing.
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 3:38:23 AM EDT

By the way did any of you New Yorkers see the Daily News yesterday? About cracking down on guns. 2nd page article about someguy that was in a gunfight with the cops had an UZI. The Daily Snooze called it an assault weapon it went on and on about the guns come from out of state. That since the AWB had expired it blamed the republican party& the NRA for all their gun crime.

daily news
Link Posted: 1/24/2006 3:41:52 AM EDT
Screw Florida.....too humid, causes rust.

Move to Arizona,  No Hurricanes, almost 365 days of great shooting weather, and its a dry heat!

We are damn gun friendly........and your Coyote Brown furniture really blends in here.  What ya gonna do in Florida, paint palm trees on your stock?

Seriously, stay and fight.  Fight hard.

And Im just messin with the Florida crowd.  Cant let you guys get all the pro-gunners.  Spread the wealth!
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