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Link Posted: 8/29/2004 8:59:30 PM EDT



Beria's Psychopolitics

The biggest threat against American liberty in the history of our planet, now a million times more dangerous with the instant communications of the Internet.  Psychopoliticians and their Dupes have now infested every newsgroup and every bulletin board and every forum on the Internet having anything to do with political liberties.  

(snip of utterly useless human waste dumped from Dave Matthews' s bus....)

DK-Prof, Shivan, FLAL1A, PAEBR332, MrClean4Hire, Hiram Ranger, neilft, madmedic, Q3131A, Wobblin-Goblin, 95thFoot, Hydguy, DigDug, SNorman, VTH0KIESHOOTER, Cyrax777, Dino, hielo, BayEagle, Johninaustin, geekdude, RiK357, Stove_Pipe, AlphaBob RI, Old_Painless, long-rifle-tactical, thelastgunslinger, Lumpy196, Chrome1, Alien, gus, Da_Bunny, AZMAN-1, mattja, nOvAgATOR, PHOTOMAN, Sgtar15, DrFrige, Mahatma8Rice, USMC2111, Balzac72, Planerench, RikWriter, DScott, -Absolut-, Slash-5, napalm, 4get_No1.

Don't let these screen names or anyone else use Psychopolitics to drive you away from a discussion you find of interest.

Staff, if his account isn't locked for personally attacking 48 members I'd suggest you allow personal attacks across the board.  This is not an emotional outburst, or a slip of the tongue.  He has written this in a preconceived manner and it violates several of the rules of the CoC.

Staff, if you lock my account for the above, you'd better lock everyone of their accounts as well for specific attacks on me.  And they were not emotional outbursts either, or slips of the tongue.  Everyone of them violated several rules of the CoC.

You need help. Zoloft, Zantac, Prozac, gunny sack, Flinstones chewable vitamins, a binky, a baby's arm holding a golden apple- who knows? There is nothing we can do here for you, except give you our rapt, undivided attention, which seems to be your main purpose here, wasting our space, time and bytes. Go find something else to do, and other naifs to enthrall with your sophistry.

BTW, WTF did I do to get on this august blacklist? Did I not wholeheartedly nod my head sufficiently at your puerile, jejune, inane arguments, like some freaking fake chihuahua, sitting in the back window of some little old blue-haired lady's 1962 Rambler, bobbing its head up and down like a Hollywood yesman, every time she puts on her brakes? Fat f*cking chance!

When does high school start up for you again? You need to look at some nubile young female bodies- that'll take your mind off this psycho-crap. Your logic and reasoning sound like they were cribbed from some isolationist nutbar's webpage hammered together in the loneliness of the Nevada desert. (No offense meant to Nevadans in general...)

What the hell- I guess I be a psychopolitician after all. Dere go da neighborhood....

"Psychopoliticians of the world, unite!
You have nothing to lose- but your minds...."

[sound of toilet flushing]
Link Posted: 8/29/2004 9:12:29 PM EDT
Shit, I still haven't recieved notification that I have made "The list". I'm soooo jaded.....

Link Posted: 8/29/2004 9:14:26 PM EDT





5.  If you don't want to be identified as one who uses communist Psychopolitical techniques to start flame wars and stall debate, then don't use them.  Examine the sources of the information presented, compare that information with what you are doing, and stop identifying yourself as a Psychopolitician by your actions, and you will find it easy to get along here without calling people you know nothing about names any high schooler could use.

I find it easy to get along here without being a whacked out paranoid loon. Maybe you should try THAT sometime..  

Oh, you mean by having great fun ridiculing anyone who shows up with a new idea that anyone can prove for themselves, for no reason other than the sheer perverted savage fun of dehumanizing someone?  No, thank you;  if that is what it takes to be welcome here you can take it and shove it where the sun don't shine.

If your "new idea" had any real merit, the result would have been much different. And if you were capable of posting without looking down your nose at the "ignorant masses" from your self appointed position of superiority, it wouldn't be nearly as fun ridiculing you. Keep the fuel coming though, because this is really entertaining!

Oh, I see.  I have two choices:  I can either accept the ridicule and justify it by responding with a flame war, or I can rise above it and point out that this flame war is all one-sided, and calmly document and prove my thesis as anyone can who chooses to look at the evidence.  But if I conduct a flame war, none of you find out what it is you are desperately in need of finding out.  On the other hand, if I rise above your stupid, asinine, unnecessary and unjustified insults and simply present my documentation and proofs, I am "looking down (my) nose at the 'ignorant masses'".

You kind of like to have newcomers to this board between a rock and a hard place, don't you?

Yeah, I look down my nose at anyone who shoots their mouth off without first looking at the evidence of the thesis before them.  I am also in contempt of any judge who rules in a manner not pursuant to law, which occurs for the same reason:  Failure to look at the law and failure to apply it to the evidence.

Here's a newsflash:  You gentlemen (and a lady or two, I think) could also act like intelligent human beings and have an intelligent discussion instead of lowering yourselves to the level of chickens having a barnyard brawl to establish pecking order.  I am not required to submit to your BOHICA as a condition for expressing myself here, and as long as you think I am and treat me like I am so required, I'm going to look down my nose at you.  I think you are better than I have seen here so far, and I am disappointed.  (I admit to this:  I am in contempt, absolute furious contempt, of the Neanderthal attitude apparent on this board and in kindergartens through high schools worldwide,  that in order to be accepted and in order to become friends with someone you first have to kick their ass or submit to them kicking yours.  Human beings can be and of right should be more intelligent than that.)
Link Posted: 8/29/2004 9:17:28 PM EDT




Origionally posted by frdmftr1:
If you believe in the right to keep and bear arms, you have a right to be here and say your piece without interference.

Nobody has ever had the RIGHT to have the last word in any discussion, except staff. Freedom of speech means freedom of speech for everybody. For example, seeing how I did actual combat with Communist soldiers in real battles with real fucking guns and real fucking bullets and killed a bunch of the fuckers, I feel free to say:

You are an unworthy idiot troll, who is abusing the rights I fought to preserve for you. So knock it the fuck off, moron. You wanna talk down to people, you're gonna take a lot of flak.

I have ONE screen name, Da_Bunny. I won't say anything here I wouldn't say to your face. You want some, come and get it, tough guy.

1.  Woof, woof, woof.
2.  Congratulations on having killed communists in real battles; I salute you.
3.  You are "free" to say whatever you want, regardless of who you have killed or how many.
4.  But you are not free to say it without consequences:  In this case the consequence is to be identified as someone who would rather engage in a flame war than look at the issue on the table, research them, and find out how to stop the Psychopoliticians from doing it.
5.  If you don't want to be identified as one who uses communist Psychopolitical techniques to start flame wars and stall debate, then don't use them.  Examine the sources of the information presented, compare that information with what you are doing, and stop identifying yourself as a Psychopolitician by your actions, and you will find it easy to get along here without calling people you know nothing about names any high schooler could use.

Hey, I love flame wars. I am scar tissue, head to toe. Call me whatever you want, it's YOUR mindgame. I'm just having a good time, you're the one doing all the hurting and pointing your finger. Since you've decided to vote for Kerry, it's obvious you're brain damaged anyway. You're the one who's going to bed frustrated tonight.

If you think I'm voting for a twerp like Kerry, you are the brain-damaged one.  I don't love flame wars; they are a waste of time, a waste of bandwidth, and do not permit cooperative problem-solving (aka tactical planning).
Link Posted: 8/29/2004 9:21:45 PM EDT


No, and no.  That comment says a lot more about you than it does me; my thesis is backed up with documentation.  Either you refuse to look at it or you don't care.  Either way, you aren't much use to any discussion about it.

....but no proof....


Yeah. Like something out of Captain Queeg's speech before the court-martial in The Caine Mutiny

"They were all disloyal. They fought me at every turn.... They thought they outsmarted me.... Ah, but the strawberries! That's, that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, and with, with geometric logic, that, that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox did exist. And I would have produced that key .... I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officer. (He pauses - looks at all the questioning faces that stare back at him, and realizes that he has been ranting and raving.) Naturally, I can only cover these things from memory..."

....rolling those steel ball bearings.....

Link Posted: 8/29/2004 9:22:47 PM EDT
Message deleted.
Link Posted: 8/29/2004 9:23:06 PM EDT
The Neutral Observer's wife is Jewish.  Not only that, but she is Israeli.  She is from the homeland of the Zionists; she is from the heart of their nest.  Do you know what that means?  It means that The Neutral Observer has married into the vast Zionest conspiracy to prevent you from cashing your paycheck.  It means that The Neutral Observer has vast power and has infinate resources availible to further His agenda.

But why did an Israeli woman marry an American non-Jew?  That is a good question.  Speculation is always an amusing exercise.

Zionists, being the masters of the massive conspiracy and all of that, will only perform actions that assist them in strenghtening or keeping hidden their vast conspiracy.  So, for her to marry this particular American non-Jew and go against her societal norms, it must have been extremely necessary to the vast Zionist conspiracy for her to do this.

This indicates that The Neutral Observer was either an important member of the vast Zionist conspiracy prior to marraige and it was done to cement the alliance between the American and Israeli portions of the conspiracy, or that The Neutral Observer has access to important information or makes policy decisions and has now been subverted by the vast Zionist conspiracy to prevent you from cashing your paycheck.

Either way, it indicates that The Neutral Observer had vast power and resources before the union, and now that He has been bound by blood to the vast Zionist conspiracy, His power and resources are infinately greater.  A woman from Tel Aviv is now siphoning important information back to the rest of the members of the conspiracy, or directing US policy by a simple whisper into the right ear.

How does that sit with you?  It's true, because your logical mind has obviously followed The Neutral Observer's impeccable reasoning and has found no flaw.  You have convinced yourself of that.

Now that brings you to the second part of the question.  Why would a member of the conspiracy so influential to require that marriage be posting on an internet message board?  Wouldn't such a man have much more productive things to do with His time?

The only answer is that this board is of great importance to the conspiracy.  

Maybe it is a training center for agents of the conspiracy.  Maybe every man on this board is in training to infiltrate your groups, spouting the same lines that you and your compatriots spout, knowledgable about the same interests, but all the while working to silence your ideas.  Maybe your best friend is one of the agents of the conspiracy.  You will never know.

Or maybe there is a different reason.  Maybe a man or men on this board are very important to the conspiracy.  Perhaps it is vital that these men are recruited to the Zionist side.  So vital, in fact, that one of the key members of the conspiracy Himself has come to recruit them.  In that case, you and The Neutral Observer are in a battle for these men's very souls!  

If either of those answers are the correct answer, it means that you now know things about the conspiracy.  Conspiracies, by their nature, must remain secret in order to achieve their goals.  And knowing what you know about the vast Zionist conspiracy to prevent you from cashing your paycheck, you know that members of the conspiracy are ruthless in acheiving their goals.

Link Posted: 8/29/2004 9:24:19 PM EDT


Beria's Psychopolitics

The biggest threat against American liberty in the history of our planet, now a million times more dangerous with the instant communications of the Internet.  Psychopoliticians and their Dupes have now infested every newsgroup and every bulletin board and every forum on the Internet having anything to do with political liberties.  They lie, they ridicule, they impugn, they heckle, they cheat, they demand answers to irrelevant questions and keep on demanding after the answers are given; they bog down the debate or discussion in minutiae; they engage in flame wars; they do whatever is necessary to derail any serious discussion or debate not in accordance with the communist agenda, and drive away the participants.  They are trained to do this.  When the participants don't realize they are being suckered they get disgusted, they lose interest, and they leave with a bad taste in their mouth, and the communist agenda is the only agenda left.

The communist agenda is, by the way, an anti-gun agenda, regardless of what the Psychopoliticians may claim.  Remember, under Psychopolitics, the truth is whatever advances the communist agenda or allows it to be advanced.  All else is peccadillo and/or a threat to the agenda, and must be ridiculed, harassed, and heckled out of existence.

Unfortunately, AR15.com is as infested with Psychopoliticians, their programmed Dupes, and their unwitting Disciples as the rest of the Internet.  Two recent message threads on the General Discussion forum were perfectly legitimate issues gun owners should know about for their own safety and protection of their rights.  They were legitimate existing issues describing how gun owners are at risk of losing their right to keep and bear arms (or illustrating how gun owners can be their own worst enemy when it comes to protecting their rights) but they were posted as bait to bring out the cockroaches.  They were descended upon by 48 screen names whose only purpose in being there was to harass, malign, ridicule, and use up so much bandwidth with their garbage that the few legitimate posters gave up in disgust and left.  Now, I said "48 screen names" because one of the techniques of Psychopoliticians is to log on under 4, 5, or even 10 or 15 screen names so as to give the impression that the majority of people on the board thought the subject matter was ridiculous.  In actual fact, there probably wasn't more than half a dozen actual Psychopoliticians, perhaps not more than half that -- they get paid to do this and they can afford to do it full-time, and their efforts are orchestrated and paid for by communist cells, anti-liberty political factions, sometimes covert U.S. government agencies, and quite often agents of foreign governments.  I have previously exposed agents of Canada, Japan, and the British Commonwealth using Psychopolitics against those who believe in the right to keep and bear arms on various newsgroups, always presenting themselves as ordinary grass-roots folk who were expressing their personal opinions from widely separated countries in the world.  This was right after the Dunblane, Scotland massacre, and it turned out all three of them were working out of an office in Toronto trying to establish grass roots support for the U.N. Treaty on the Proliferation of Small Arms supported by Canada and Japan.  They were frauds, and all Psychopoliticians are frauds.

There is a defense:  Don't leave, and don't get suckered!  If you have a contribution, or want to ask a question, present it to the forum or to an individual in the forum.  The Psychopolitician is a cockroach; absolutely ignore him and get on with the legitimate discussion.  How do you recognize a Psychopolitican when you see or hear his comments?  It is simple:  The most common sign is the frequent use of buzzwords related to "mental healing".  Words and phrases like "delusional", "paranoid", "mentally ill", "Get medical help", "take your meds"; etc., whether applied to you or someone else.  Now, sometimes these words and phrases are used by some inarticulate twerp who never outgrew the high school bully phase. He heard someone else use them and thought they were a magnificent put-down.  If so, the same rule applies:  Ignore him, or at the most, ask him once if he is a Psychopolitician or a Psychopolitician's Dupe.  If he indicates unfamiliarity with the term, send him to Google for a search on the word "Psychopolitics".  If he doesn't answer at all, or repeats his ridicule, put him in your "Ignore" file and get on with the discussion.

The use of psychobabble is not the only sign of a Psychopolitician, but it is the most common because the entire scam is based upon a fraudulent claim to superior psychological knowledge.  Other indicators are a failure to address issues, relying instead on argument by ridicule, impugning the integrity of other participants, focusing on some irrelevant side issue and tying up bandwidth demanding irrelevant answers -- basically, any discussion or debating technique that stalls the discussion/debate and tries to keep it stalled rather than allowing it to move forward.

This is a warning to legitimate gun owners and friends of the liberties our nation was founded to protect.  Your liberties are under attack by the most depraved, craven, desperate savages on the planet.  Do not let them interfere with your discussions and debates; do not let them drive you away.  If you believe in the right to keep and bear arms, you have a right to be here and say your piece without interference.  They are not harmless or insignificant in the real world; they are known to use drugs and other techniques to destroy their opponents by making them insane and then murdering them, and this is one of the techniques described in the Soviet textbook on brainwashing -- click on the link at the top of this page or do a Google search on "Psychopolitics".  But the advantage of the Internet is its anonymity, even though it allows brainless cretins to mouth off without getting a six-inch revolver barrel-sized lump on their forehead.  Do not be afraid of these twerps:  Just ignore them and get on with your discussions.

Here is a list of the screen names that attacked the two posts mentioned above without any significant discussion, and/or without reading the issues on the table before expressing their conclusions.  At least one of them is clearly a trained Psychopolitician (possibly three of them), and a professional shrink to boot, claims to be a firearm collector in his bio, but Psychopoliticians will lie like a rug if necessary to gain credence.  Two or three of the others are either programmed Dupes of Psychopoliticians or alternate screen names of the main character.  The majority of the rest are either untrained "Disciples" of the Psychopolitical techniques; i.e., intellectual retards who never got beyond the high school bully phase of their development and think Psychopolitical techniques are a magnificent way of putting people down for the fun of it, or they, too, are alternate screen names of the professionals.

DK-Prof, Shivan, FLAL1A, PAEBR332, MrClean4Hire, Hiram Ranger, neilft, madmedic, Q3131A, Wobblin-Goblin, 95thFoot, Hydguy, DigDug, SNorman, VTH0KIESHOOTER, Cyrax777, Dino, hielo, BayEagle, Johninaustin, geekdude, RiK357, Stove_Pipe, AlphaBob RI, Old_Painless, long-rifle-tactical, thelastgunslinger, Lumpy196, Chrome1, Alien, gus, Da_Bunny, AZMAN-1, mattja, nOvAgATOR, PHOTOMAN, Sgtar15, DrFrige, Mahatma8Rice, USMC2111, Balzac72, Planerench, RikWriter, DScott, -Absolut-, Slash-5, napalm, 4get_No1.

Don't let these screen names or anyone else use Psychopolitics to drive you away from a discussion you find of interest.

Staff, if his account isn't locked for personally attacking 48 members I'd suggest you allow personal attacks across the board.  This is not an emotional outburst, or a slip of the tongue.  He has written this in a preconceived manner and it violates several of the rules of the CoC.

Sure censor him.  How fitting.
Link Posted: 8/29/2004 9:27:28 PM EDT



Beria's Psychopolitics

The biggest threat against American liberty in the history of our planet, now a million times more dangerous with the instant communications of the Internet.  Psychopoliticians and their Dupes have now infested every newsgroup and every bulletin board and every forum on the Internet having anything to do with political liberties.  They lie, they ridicule, they impugn, they heckle, they cheat, they demand answers to irrelevant questions and keep on demanding after the answers are given; they bog down the debate or discussion in minutiae; they engage in flame wars; they do whatever is necessary to derail any serious discussion or debate not in accordance with the communist agenda, and drive away the participants.  They are trained to do this.  When the participants don't realize they are being suckered they get disgusted, they lose interest, and they leave with a bad taste in their mouth, and the communist agenda is the only agenda left.

The communist agenda is, by the way, an anti-gun agenda, regardless of what the Psychopoliticians may claim.  Remember, under Psychopolitics, the truth is whatever advances the communist agenda or allows it to be advanced.  All else is peccadillo and/or a threat to the agenda, and must be ridiculed, harassed, and heckled out of existence.

Unfortunately, AR15.com is as infested with Psychopoliticians, their programmed Dupes, and their unwitting Disciples as the rest of the Internet.  Two recent message threads on the General Discussion forum were perfectly legitimate issues gun owners should know about for their own safety and protection of their rights.  They were legitimate existing issues describing how gun owners are at risk of losing their right to keep and bear arms (or illustrating how gun owners can be their own worst enemy when it comes to protecting their rights) but they were posted as bait to bring out the cockroaches.  They were descended upon by 48 screen names whose only purpose in being there was to harass, malign, ridicule, and use up so much bandwidth with their garbage that the few legitimate posters gave up in disgust and left.  Now, I said "48 screen names" because one of the techniques of Psychopoliticians is to log on under 4, 5, or even 10 or 15 screen names so as to give the impression that the majority of people on the board thought the subject matter was ridiculous.  In actual fact, there probably wasn't more than half a dozen actual Psychopoliticians, perhaps not more than half that -- they get paid to do this and they can afford to do it full-time, and their efforts are orchestrated and paid for by communist cells, anti-liberty political factions, sometimes covert U.S. government agencies, and quite often agents of foreign governments.  I have previously exposed agents of Canada, Japan, and the British Commonwealth using Psychopolitics against those who believe in the right to keep and bear arms on various newsgroups, always presenting themselves as ordinary grass-roots folk who were expressing their personal opinions from widely separated countries in the world.  This was right after the Dunblane, Scotland massacre, and it turned out all three of them were working out of an office in Toronto trying to establish grass roots support for the U.N. Treaty on the Proliferation of Small Arms supported by Canada and Japan.  They were frauds, and all Psychopoliticians are frauds.

There is a defense:  Don't leave, and don't get suckered!  If you have a contribution, or want to ask a question, present it to the forum or to an individual in the forum.  The Psychopolitician is a cockroach; absolutely ignore him and get on with the legitimate discussion.  How do you recognize a Psychopolitican when you see or hear his comments?  It is simple:  The most common sign is the frequent use of buzzwords related to "mental healing".  Words and phrases like "delusional", "paranoid", "mentally ill", "Get medical help", "take your meds"; etc., whether applied to you or someone else.  Now, sometimes these words and phrases are used by some inarticulate twerp who never outgrew the high school bully phase. He heard someone else use them and thought they were a magnificent put-down.  If so, the same rule applies:  Ignore him, or at the most, ask him once if he is a Psychopolitician or a Psychopolitician's Dupe.  If he indicates unfamiliarity with the term, send him to Google for a search on the word "Psychopolitics".  If he doesn't answer at all, or repeats his ridicule, put him in your "Ignore" file and get on with the discussion.

The use of psychobabble is not the only sign of a Psychopolitician, but it is the most common because the entire scam is based upon a fraudulent claim to superior psychological knowledge.  Other indicators are a failure to address issues, relying instead on argument by ridicule, impugning the integrity of other participants, focusing on some irrelevant side issue and tying up bandwidth demanding irrelevant answers -- basically, any discussion or debating technique that stalls the discussion/debate and tries to keep it stalled rather than allowing it to move forward.

This is a warning to legitimate gun owners and friends of the liberties our nation was founded to protect.  Your liberties are under attack by the most depraved, craven, desperate savages on the planet.  Do not let them interfere with your discussions and debates; do not let them drive you away.  If you believe in the right to keep and bear arms, you have a right to be here and say your piece without interference.  They are not harmless or insignificant in the real world; they are known to use drugs and other techniques to destroy their opponents by making them insane and then murdering them, and this is one of the techniques described in the Soviet textbook on brainwashing -- click on the link at the top of this page or do a Google search on "Psychopolitics".  But the advantage of the Internet is its anonymity, even though it allows brainless cretins to mouth off without getting a six-inch revolver barrel-sized lump on their forehead.  Do not be afraid of these twerps:  Just ignore them and get on with your discussions.

Here is a list of the screen names that attacked the two posts mentioned above without any significant discussion, and/or without reading the issues on the table before expressing their conclusions.  At least one of them is clearly a trained Psychopolitician (possibly three of them), and a professional shrink to boot, claims to be a firearm collector in his bio, but Psychopoliticians will lie like a rug if necessary to gain credence.  Two or three of the others are either programmed Dupes of Psychopoliticians or alternate screen names of the main character.  The majority of the rest are either untrained "Disciples" of the Psychopolitical techniques; i.e., intellectual retards who never got beyond the high school bully phase of their development and think Psychopolitical techniques are a magnificent way of putting people down for the fun of it, or they, too, are alternate screen names of the professionals.

DK-Prof, Shivan, FLAL1A, PAEBR332, MrClean4Hire, Hiram Ranger, neilft, madmedic, Q3131A, Wobblin-Goblin, 95thFoot, Hydguy, DigDug, SNorman, VTH0KIESHOOTER, Cyrax777, Dino, hielo, BayEagle, Johninaustin, geekdude, RiK357, Stove_Pipe, AlphaBob RI, Old_Painless, long-rifle-tactical, thelastgunslinger, Lumpy196, Chrome1, Alien, gus, Da_Bunny, AZMAN-1, mattja, nOvAgATOR, PHOTOMAN, Sgtar15, DrFrige, Mahatma8Rice, USMC2111, Balzac72, Planerench, RikWriter, DScott, -Absolut-, Slash-5, napalm, 4get_No1.

Don't let these screen names or anyone else use Psychopolitics to drive you away from a discussion you find of interest.

Staff, if his account isn't locked for personally attacking 48 members I'd suggest you allow personal attacks across the board.  This is not an emotional outburst, or a slip of the tongue.  He has written this in a preconceived manner and it violates several of the rules of the CoC.

Sure censor poke him with the SOFT CUSHIONS!!!.  How fitting.

Fixed it fer ya....
Link Posted: 8/29/2004 9:28:24 PM EDT


No, and no.  That comment says a lot more about you than it does me; my thesis is backed up with documentation.  Either you refuse to look at it or you don't care.  Either way, you aren't much use to any discussion about it.

....but no proof....


The documentation is the proof.  But then, you aren't interested in protecting the RKBA enough to look at the documentation and the evidence and check into it, so what is your point?
Link Posted: 8/29/2004 9:34:58 PM EDT



WTF? all this because he can't get a check cashed?

Isn't it weird???

Well why the fuck can't he just go get it cashed at Fiesta like all the illegals?

Question, sir:  If you have to waive your right to privacy, waive your right to be secure from prior restraint on your right to due process of law, waive your right to be secure from extortion as a condition you have to meet before you can receive your property lawfully due you, waive your right to contract or not cotnract with whomever you wish, and because of all of this or any one item of this, fundamentally acquiesce to the idea that some outside third party has a right to tell you whether you can have your property or not --- given all that, who owns your property?

Short form:  If you have to ask some outside third party for permission to receive your lawfully earned wages -- and they are not liable if they choose to keep them -- who owns your earned wages?
Link Posted: 8/29/2004 9:51:12 PM EDT




if you will assure me that you intent was not to ridicule me or my original thesis -- assure me, as opposed to running a tentative suggestion up the flagpole to see if I will salute -- I will take your word for it and we can move on -- perhaps to discuss the ramifications and defenses against the Psychopolitical attacks on the right to keep and bear arms, which infest this forum and every other forum of this type.

If I apologize, can we discuss defenses against deluded, self-important cranks who infest this forum and every other forum of this type?

Or could we maybe just cuddle for a while?

No, and no.  That comment says a lot more about you than it does me; my thesis is backed up with documentation.  Either you refuse to look at it or you don't care.  Either way, you aren't much use to any discussion about it.

You think awefully highly  of yourself and your thesis.  If someone dosen't agree with you they "aren't much use to any discussion about it".

I disagree.  Someone who disagrees with me, and is willing to engage in a proper discussion or debate about it, can contribute a great deal of value to any discussion about it.  If they refuse to consider the thesis, refuse to look at the evidence supporting the thesis or don't care one way or the other about the evidence supporting the thesis, aren't willing to discuss or debate why they disagree with the thesis, and -- without any shred of evidence to support their position -- call me a "deluded self-important crank" for bringing the subject to this forum, well, that person is of no value to the discussion.

I am perfectly willing to debate the issues presented in this thread and the last two threads with anyone who will discuss it intelligently and without ridicule.  I do think very highly of my thesis because I have done one hell of a lot of research on it and the facts and the law supports my thesis on the first two threads, and Beria's book on Psychopolitics supports my thesis on the argumentation methodology that is used by the denizens on this thread.

What I don't think highly of is people who ridicule a thesis and the individual who presents it without even meeting the ethical obligation of looking up the documentation and evidence presented, and I am in utter contempt of people who use Soviet Psychopolitical methodology -- claiming that an opponent requires medical help, for example -- to advance or protect their agenda.  The evidence of what DK-Prof is doing is unassailable.  It is amazing and appalling to me that the other members of this board don't look at the information about Psychopolitical operatives and throw his ass out as a threat to everything this nation stands for.  If the people here are that disinterested in what people like DK-Prof is capable and obviously intent on doing to the principles our nation stands for, then American liberty doesn't stand a chance -- and that fact deserves everyone's contempt.
Link Posted: 8/29/2004 9:54:48 PM EDT




4.  Second new question for you:  If the answer to question 3 is yes, why do you ridicule the presentation of a factual threat against that right which can be confirmed in five minutes during working hours of any weekday?  Do you do it because it is fun?  Do you do it because you don't want anyone else to check into it or take it seriously?  Or do you do it because you have cultivated being a jerk for so long it has become a knee-jerk habit?

Um, because there are many things that ARE factual threats to the right to bear arms.  Your contrived ideas are not among them.

My ideas are easily confirmed.  Your head in the sand response is destructive to our cause.

Let's see some links to sites that contain your ORIGINAL ideas.....stuff from 1933 isn't really gonna cut it.

Freedom Fighter Net.  Be prepared to spend some time there.

Obviously the stuff from 1933 is still around:  DK-Prof is using it very professionally every time he posts here.
Link Posted: 8/29/2004 11:45:02 PM EDT

More static noise to cover the tinfoil hatter's 'arguments.' The Communist infiltrator plan is proceeding accordingly.

My favorite part is how guys like these claim to have these devious schemes to out certain segments that reside only in their own twisted, crack-addled brains.

They were legitimate existing issues describing how gun owners are at risk of losing their right to keep and bear arms (or illustrating how gun owners can be their own worst enemy when it comes to protecting their rights) but they were posted as bait to bring out the cockroaches.

And now, a message from the Chairman:

Link Posted: 8/29/2004 11:57:37 PM EDT
oh my god.  I leave the board for 12 hours and come back to this.   *sigh* gonna take me a long while to sort through this.

And yes I am a professional Psychopolitician (or their programmed dupe, or possibly an unwitting dupe).

Link Posted: 8/30/2004 12:03:30 AM EDT




-- they get paid to do this and they can afford to do it full-time, and their efforts are orchestrated and paid for by communist cells, anti-liberty political factions, sometimes covert U.S. government agencies, and quite often agents of foreign governments.

DK-Prof, Shivan, FLAL1A, PAEBR332, MrClean4Hire, Hiram Ranger, neilft, madmedic, Q3131A, Wobblin-Goblin, 95thFoot, Hydguy, DigDug, SNorman, VTH0KIESHOOTER, Cyrax777, Dino, hielo, BayEagle, Johninaustin, geekdude, RiK357, Stove_Pipe, AlphaBob RI, Old_Painless, long-rifle-tactical, thelastgunslinger, Lumpy196, Chrome1, Alien, gus, Da_Bunny, AZMAN-1, mattja, nOvAgATOR, PHOTOMAN, Sgtar15, DrFrige, Mahatma8Rice, USMC2111, Balzac72, Planerench, RikWriter, DScott, -Absolut-, Slash-5, napalm, 4get_No1.

Tell us more, frdmftr1 ... please.

apparently i've got ALOT of back pay coming!

Look, we gave you the checks.  It's not our fault you won't submit to the prints and ID validations at OUR bank.

Link Posted: 8/30/2004 12:09:37 AM EDT

You know, this thread has really caused me to reflect on how things have changed in my lifetime.

Communists used to be people that I prepared to fight against during the Cold War, when my regiment knew which particular Warsaw Pact armored divisions we'd be facing on the battelfields of Europe (and we knew we'd take horrendous casualties, but we were prepared to do so to defend freedom and democracy).  Communists had a clear polictical ideology rooted in Marx and Lenin, and had specific agendas, like the abolition of property rights, political dictatorship, etc.

Now, the world appears to be much more complicated, and it turns out that you can be a communist just by disagreeing with some crazy guy on the internet.      Who knew??

to be fair you can be called a communist for disagreeing with any of  a number of people on this  board.     :P

Link Posted: 8/30/2004 12:28:35 AM EDT



WTF? all this because he can't get a check cashed?

Isn't it weird???

Well why the fuck can't he just go get it cashed at Fiesta like all the illegals?

because they charge a fee and thats "depriving him of his property" or some shit

ask the nutbag

Link Posted: 8/30/2004 12:37:32 AM EDT


Here is a list of the screen names that attacked the two posts mentioned above without any significant discussion, and/or without reading the issues on the table before expressing their conclusions. At least one of them is clearly a trained Psychopolitician (possibly three of them), and a professional shrink to boot, claims to be a firearm collector in his bio, but Psychopoliticians will lie like a rug if necessary to gain credence. Two or three of the others are either programmed Dupes of Psychopoliticians or alternate screen names of the main character. The majority of the rest are either untrained "Disciples" of the Psychopolitical techniques; i.e., intellectual retards who never got beyond the high school bully phase of their development and think Psychopolitical techniques are a magnificent way of putting people down for the fun of it, or they, too, are alternate screen names of the professionals.

If you truly believe this , then instead of talking about "Psychopoliticians"  . You should seek the assistance of a " Psychotherapist "  Your original post bordered on Paranoid Delusion and your subsequent defense of it only reinforces the initial evaluation .

call me a "deluded self-important crank"  

OK .... If you insist
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 1:24:58 AM EDT
DU Troll






5.  If you don't want to be identified as one who uses communist Psychopolitical techniques to start flame wars and stall debate, then don't use them.  Examine the sources of the information presented, compare that information with what you are doing, and stop identifying yourself as a Psychopolitician by your actions, and you will find it easy to get along here without calling people you know nothing about names any high schooler could use.

I find it easy to get along here without being a whacked out paranoid loon. Maybe you should try THAT sometime..  

Oh, you mean by having great fun ridiculing anyone who shows up with a new idea that anyone can prove for themselves, for no reason other than the sheer perverted savage fun of dehumanizing someone?  No, thank you;  if that is what it takes to be welcome here you can take it and shove it where the sun don't shine.

If your "new idea" had any real merit, the result would have been much different. And if you were capable of posting without looking down your nose at the "ignorant masses" from your self appointed position of superiority, it wouldn't be nearly as fun ridiculing you. Keep the fuel coming though, because this is really entertaining!

Oh, I see.  I have two choices:  I can either accept the ridicule and justify it by responding with a flame war, or I can rise above it and point out that this flame war is all one-sided, and calmly document and prove my thesis as anyone can who chooses to look at the evidence.  But if I conduct a flame war, none of you find out what it is you are desperately in need of finding out.  On the other hand, if I rise above your stupid, asinine, unnecessary and unjustified insults and simply present my documentation and proofs, I am "looking down (my) nose at the 'ignorant masses'".

You kind of like to have newcomers to this board between a rock and a hard place, don't you?

Yeah, I look down my nose at anyone who shoots their mouth off without first looking at the evidence of the thesis before them.  I am also in contempt of any judge who rules in a manner not pursuant to law, which occurs for the same reason:  Failure to look at the law and failure to apply it to the evidence.

Here's a newsflash:  You gentlemen (and a lady or two, I think) could also act like intelligent human beings and have an intelligent discussion instead of lowering yourselves to the level of chickens having a barnyard brawl to establish pecking order.  I am not required to submit to your BOHICA as a condition for expressing myself here, and as long as you think I am and treat me like I am so required, I'm going to look down my nose at you.  I think you are better than I have seen here so far, and I am disappointed.  (I admit to this:  I am in contempt, absolute furious contempt, of the Neanderthal attitude apparent on this board and in kindergartens through high schools worldwide,  that in order to be accepted and in order to become friends with someone you first have to kick their ass or submit to them kicking yours.  Human beings can be and of right should be more intelligent than that.)

Link Posted: 8/30/2004 2:39:04 AM EDT
[Monty Python silly French accent] Put me back on your list or I shall be forced to taunt you a second time. [/Monty Python silly French accent]
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 2:51:17 AM EDT
Google is my friend.

Hey frdmftr1, Don, Donald L. XXXXX, whatever - if you hadn't opened up by flying over at 40,000 ft and lobing these daisy-cutters at all of us you might not have immediately branded yourself as a wacko troll.  Why not just let everyone read what's already on your web-site instead of transporting the text here one post at a time?
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 2:52:04 AM EDT
I heard the rustle again behind me.  Ive come to realize this is the lord communicating with me.  The lord has demanded me to dimentionaly shift the false  frdmftr1 so he too can see the truth.
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 4:01:54 AM EDT
Okay frdmftr1, this whole thread has been quite amusing. What you may or may not realise is alot of us have served our country to protect your rights to spout this nonsense. We all believe in the 2nd Amendment and obviously we all do our part to preserve that freedom,which sound like more than what you are doing. You come on this board spouting your drivel and expect everyone to agree with you...... sorry it does not work that way. You have this holier than thou attitude and expect us to conform to your so called standards and if we don't then we are labeled communist. If you really are this disallusioned then I truly feel sorry for you and you really need to seek help. If you are a troll go back to DU and stay there.
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 5:24:54 AM EDT
Oh man, I was busy all weekend and missed this whole thing. Now I have to read 13 pages.

Judging from the names on the list, I feel like I am in good company.
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 5:44:43 AM EDT

Oh man, I was busy all weekend and missed this whole thing. Now I have to read 13 pages.

Judging from the names on the list, I feel like I am in good company.

Damn dude, you're #4.  What the heck did you do to piss off Milton?
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 6:09:11 AM EDT


Oh man, I was busy all weekend and missed this whole thing. Now I have to read 13 pages.

Judging from the names on the list, I feel like I am in good company.

Damn dude, you're #4.  What the heck did you do to piss off Milton?

Plenty.For one, I had the audacity to point out that his trying to equate himself with Samuel Adams is just a tad silly. See, Adams was a true freedom fighter, engaged in a war for independence. Our favorite troll, on the other hand, did not want to pay a check cashing fee (which he could have avoided by opening an account at the bank in question).

Oh, and I backed up DK-Prof on a few points, which seems to automatically earn you a place on the list. [shrug]
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 6:22:50 AM EDT
Holy crap!  I guess this is why I limit myself to the hometown discussions.  

Communists?  Documentation?  What documentation do you have?  Where is this nut job's web site?  This is comical!
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 6:28:12 AM EDT
How the fuck did my name get on this list? I have no Idea what fucking threads this fuck stick is even talking about!

I don't mind my name bing brought up in posts, but I do have a problem with it when I have no fucking clue as to why it would be brought up. Somone got a link to the threads this nut case is talking about.

ETA: figured it out. I post one reply to this idiot asking what he's smoking and I get listed. Geesh Dude seek profesional help. You obviously need it.

ETA2: To everyone else on the "list" It's a pleasure to be on the "list" with ya. allow me to buy the first round of
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 6:49:00 AM EDT
How did the dutchman get the "education and indoctrination" position?  I applied for that months ago, but I'm still stuck here in "sarcasm and innuendo."  It's bad enough that you guys make 20% more than I do and get more promotions, but I didn't even get put on the list!?!?!

This guy has some interesting delusions.  Accrding to his site, anyone that tells him he needs mental help is a psychopolitician or a dupe.  It's all part of a very large conspiracy to get him on drugs and take his money away.  Actually, if we could only get that thumbprint, his soul would be ours.  
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 6:54:39 AM EDT
Jeeeeesussss Chrrrrisssst !  frdmftr1 - You need to get laid!

"Psycho-babble" is right!  I don't think I want your views to be those of the majority of the members here.  Since you are not a paying member, we can freely discuss your ejaculate in private.  
If you believe what you write, quit editing your inital post,
Posted :: 8/29/2004 5:05:43 PM
Last Edited :: 8/29/2004 11:39:59 PM by frdmftr1

By the way, are you the guy that pastes telephone poles and car windshields with these manifestos?  Can you print them on toilet paper next time?  At least then they will have some use.

Link Posted: 8/30/2004 6:55:34 AM EDT

How did the dutchman get the "education and indoctrination" position?  I applied for that months ago, but I'm still stuck here in "sarcasm and innuendo."  It's bad enough that you guys make 20% more than I do and get more promotions, but I didn't even get put on the list!?!?!


It's because the Dutch Mafia control the whole Education and Indoctrination Section. They only take care of their own. Everytime I have to go to that department the clip-clop of all those wooden shoes gives me a migraine. That's why I stay in my section of the building.

P.S. The Science and Technology Section has now figured out how to get fingerprints off a computer users keyboard through the internet. Unfortunately, frdmfrt1 is on to us and types while wearing some type of gloves. That's okay, because our agents are following him at all time. Soon enough he will slip up and touch something with his bare hands. Then he will be ours...

Muhaaa haaa haaa haaa haaa!
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 6:58:00 AM EDT

How did the dutchman get the "education and indoctrination" position?  I applied for that months ago, but I'm still stuck here in "sarcasm and innuendo."  It's bad enough that you guys make 20% more than I do and get more promotions, but I didn't even get put on the list!?!?!

This guy has some interesting delusions.  Accrding to his site, anyone that tells him he needs mental help is a psychopolitician or a dupe.  It's all part of a very large conspiracy to get him on drugs and take his money away.  Actually, if we could only get that thumbprint, his soul would be ours.  

Link Posted: 8/30/2004 7:08:25 AM EDT
frdmftr1 here is the latest intel photo from my operatives of the inside of your apartment.
Sometimes the pizza delivery guy is not just a pizza delivery guy.

Link Posted: 8/30/2004 7:20:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 7:24:20 AM EDT

This guy has some interesting delusions.   Accrding to his site, anyone that tells him he needs mental help is a psychopolitician or a dupe. It's all part of a very large conspiracy to get him on drugs and take his money away.  Actually, if we could only get that thumbprint, his soul would be ours.  

Isn't that just hilarious and tragically sad at the same time ?

See how insanity works?  It would be no different from somone claiming to be an alien, and thinking that anybody who says he is not must be a government agent trying to keep the "truth" from everyone.  (The whole "lone crusader" theme is common in paranoid schizophrenia)  

This guy is either a huge troll, just playing with us, and wasting our time - or he is some poor paranoid delusional guy who is in DESPERATE need of professional help.

Link Posted: 8/30/2004 7:32:24 AM EDT

P.S. The Science and Technology Section has now figured out how to get fingerprints off a computer users keyboard through the internet. Unfortunately, frdmfrt1 is on to us and types while wearing some type of gloves.

My liason with the science and technology department was telling me this morning that they are on the verge of a breakthrough which will allow them to collect the fingerprints off the keyboard, over the internet, and through most gloves.  He said even the tiniest tear in tinfoil gloves would render them ineffective as well.  Apparently, as long as he doesn't coat his hands in animal fat before wrapping them tightly in plastic wrap and a layer of tinfoil (shiny side out), they should be able to collect the prints by this evening.  
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 7:32:30 AM EDT
I said it before and I will say it again:

Bye Bye Now.
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 7:34:28 AM EDT


P.S. The Science and Technology Section has now figured out how to get fingerprints off a computer users keyboard through the internet. Unfortunately, frdmfrt1 is on to us and types while wearing some type of gloves.

My liason with the science and technology department was telling me this morning that they are on the verge of a breakthrough which will allow them to collect the fingerprints off the keyboard, over the internet, and through most gloves.  He said even the tiniest tear in tinfoil gloves would render them ineffective as well.  Apparently, as long as he doesn't coat his hands in animal fat before wrapping them tightly in plastic wrap and a layer of tinfoil (shiny side out), they should be able to collect the prints by this evening.  

Op Sec. We should not be discussing this on an open internet forum. Please stare into your monitor and wait for the flash...
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 7:34:45 AM EDT

 Oh God - the new ARFCOM court jester has decided to entertain us in mulitple threads.

-- they get paid to do this and they can afford to do it full-time, and their efforts are orchestrated and paid for by communist cells, anti-liberty political factions, sometimes covert U.S. government agencies, and quite often agents of foreign governments.

DK-Prof, Shivan, FLAL1A, PAEBR332, MrClean4Hire, Hiram Ranger, neilft, madmedic, Q3131A, Wobblin-Goblin, 95thFoot, Hydguy, DigDug, SNorman, VTH0KIESHOOTER, Cyrax777, Dino, hielo, BayEagle, Johninaustin, geekdude, RiK357, Stove_Pipe, AlphaBob RI, Old_Painless, long-rifle-tactical, thelastgunslinger, Lumpy196, Chrome1, Alien, gus, Da_Bunny, AZMAN-1, mattja, nOvAgATOR, PHOTOMAN, Sgtar15, DrFrige, Mahatma8Rice, USMC2111, Balzac72, Planerench, RikWriter, DScott, -Absolut-, Slash-5, napalm, 4get_No1.

Tell us more, frdmftr1 ... please.

Hey by the way DK they shorted me 20k on my last check whats going on with those idiots in payroll? I was planing on buying a small central american country with this last check and I'm short now, how do they expect me to do mya damn job when they short me the operating cash? Someones head better roll for this I'm gunna be two weeks behind on this op now! Actually never mind I'll just have Fidel front the cash for this one.
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 7:35:59 AM EDT

Have you noticed that the list seems to be real real lawyer heavy??? How did the Penguin escape????

People like this are usually particularly threatened by highly educated people - because they KNOW that those are the ones they are least likely to be able to get any traction with.

Notice how the ones that he KNEW were highly educated (like me, after looking at my bio) were immediately branded as psychopolitical agents - trying to discredit (or even murder) him.
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 7:52:33 AM EDT


Have you noticed that the list seems to be real real lawyer heavy??? How did the Penguin escape????

People like this are usually particularly threatened by highly educated people - because they KNOW that those are the ones they are least likely to be able to get any traction with.

Notice how the ones that he KNEW were highly educated (like me, after looking at my bio) were immediately branded as psychopolitical agents - trying to discredit (or even murder) him.

Or it could be that because he has lost in court on several occasions that he has a real hard-on for lawyers. For a while he thought I were one, 'til I set him straight.

The fact that he would put any stock in the political writings of Beria says a lot. Next thing he will be denouncing the Asiatic Mode of Production and kulaks.
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 7:58:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 8:01:10 AM EDT



Have you noticed that the list seems to be real real lawyer heavy??? How did the Penguin escape????

People like this are usually particularly threatened by highly educated people - because they KNOW that those are the ones they are least likely to be able to get any traction with.

Notice how the ones that he KNEW were highly educated (like me, after looking at my bio) were immediately branded as psychopolitical agents - trying to discredit (or even murder) him.

I somehow feel left out then.  Could this fellow please add me to the list.  I'm all about inclusiveness and am educated.  I even have degrees from accredited universities.  Please sir, feel free to count me among the educated that you don't like.  I would feel in good company.

Shameless ass-kissing is not the path to internet infamy. You need to ridicule his 'arguments' in new and interesting ways in order to make "The List." So fire up that sarcasm and get to work!
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 8:09:31 AM EDT




Have you noticed that the list seems to be real real lawyer heavy??? How did the Penguin escape????

People like this are usually particularly threatened by highly educated people - because they KNOW that those are the ones they are least likely to be able to get any traction with.

Notice how the ones that he KNEW were highly educated (like me, after looking at my bio) were immediately branded as psychopolitical agents - trying to discredit (or even murder) him.

I somehow feel left out then.  Could this fellow please add me to the list.  I'm all about inclusiveness and am educated.  I even have degrees from accredited universities.  Please sir, feel free to count me among the educated that you don't like.  I would feel in good company.

Shameless ass-kissing is not the path to internet infamy. You need to ridicule his 'arguments' in new and interesting ways in order to make "The List." So fire up that sarcasm and get to work!

Nah you don;t have to do that, all i did was ask him what he was smoking. and I made the list.
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 8:11:04 AM EDT
Anyone else notice he hasn't been back yet this morning. Maybe he beamed up to the mothership last night!!!
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 8:12:07 AM EDT

Anyone else notice he hasn't been back yet this morning. Maybe he beamed up to the mothership last night!!!

I think concerned1 arrived with his "six-leafed clover" this morning.  
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 8:15:59 AM EDT
frdmftr1 - Just what does "frdmftr1" mean?  Looking at the keyboard it appears as if it is just a easily remembered keystroke to spew your blather.
.........................................hold on guys.  Can't you see I'm tryin' to get on his list?
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 8:20:22 AM EDT
I do say this has been one of the most amusing threads in awhile. I think we'll all make his list before long anyways.
Link Posted: 8/30/2004 8:20:30 AM EDT
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