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Link Posted: 8/27/2005 4:28:01 PM EDT

Some of you guys are complete 'tards.

I said the "kid" was 12-15 years old.
To me a "kid" is anyone who is younger than 21 years old.
He is not from the immediate neighborhood.

I opened the door and slammed it shut in his face.
Big fucking deal.
If you think that's showing a "temper" then you are a libtard and need to sell your guns and go live in a "kinder, gentler place".

Showing a temper would have been me in a kneeling position naked with an AR15 ready to unload 30 rounds of bump-fired fury while screaming at the top of my lungs as spit streamed from the corners of my mouth and sprayed anyone within a 10 foot radius.

Again, it's my house, it's my door, the kid was uninvited.
Fuck 'em.

BRB, I hear someone knocking on the door, I gotta get my AR15.....

[Dale Gribble] That was beautiful. [/Dale Gribble]

I'm with you all the way on this.  The rule is that no one answers the door without me there, and then I open the door.  I've never opened the door without my Kimber behind my back or my hand on a snubby .38.  It's just good policy.

KA3B.  You did good.  

Link Posted: 8/27/2005 4:33:48 PM EDT


I'm not sure KA3B is getting the response he'd hoped from the members of this site.
IMO you created a very volatile situation because you can't control your temper.  With
your attitude you placed the lives of a man and a child at stake over a No Soliciting policy.
God help the next kid who knocks on your door to sell a candy bar or something.  I have a
six year old that will probably have to start selling candy to support his soccer team.  You
taught me a very valuable lesson as I will be very aware of the home we approach to ensure
there are not any No Soliciting signs.  If there are we will run like hell in case the person
thats live there is crazy.  

Edit to state that I do agree that the guy putting his arm in the door was just as stupid.

I would say that KA3B's response so far has been overwhelmingly positive. I doubt he posted this "hoping" to get any specific reaction, but so far the reaction has been supportive.

Slamming the door in the face of a teenager (or anyone old enough to sell door-to-door) who can't read and comprehend English and persist on attempting to peddle some crap is not evidence of a temper. It's not "creating a situation". The situation was created when the mouth-breather in question failed to heed the posted sign. His attitude did nothing to place the lives of a man and child at stake; the father's actions placed his own life in danger.

I am pleased that you have learned from KA3B's experience and will instruct your child as to the meaning of "no soliciting" before sending him off door-to-door. Here's hoping that his new-found respect for private property and the wishes of others nets him great success in his fund-raising drive.

Link Posted: 8/27/2005 4:43:18 PM EDT


Some of you guys are complete 'tards.

I said the "kid" was 12-15 years old.
To me a "kid" is anyone who is younger than 21 years old.
He is not from the immediate neighborhood.

I opened the door and slammed it shut in his face.
Big fucking deal.
If you think that's showing a "temper" then you are a libtard and need to sell your guns and go live in a "kinder, gentler place".

Showing a temper would have been me in a kneeling position naked with an AR15 ready to unload 30 rounds of bump-fired fury while screaming at the top of my lungs as spit streamed from the corners of my mouth and sprayed anyone within a 10 foot radius.

Again, it's my house, it's my door, the kid was uninvited.
Fuck 'em.

BRB, I hear someone knocking on the door, I gotta get my AR15.....

[Dale Gribble] That was beautiful. [/Dale Gribble]

I'm with you all the way on this.  The rule is that no one answers the door without me there, and then I open the door.  I've never opened the door without my Kimber behind my back or my hand on a snubby .38.  It's just good policy.

KA3B.  You did good.  


HAHA because of this I have a Air light Snubby .357 on order
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 4:51:56 PM EDT


Haha! What an idiot. Regardless of whether or not you agree with KA3b, you must say that the adult reaching into the house was a BAD move.

Slamming a door in a little kid's face is okay if you're an asshole(teenager's face is a different story). Getting pissed off about someone slamming a door in your kid's face and trying to force a door open is suicidally stupid.

Stupid adult should be with the kid at ALL times-and I mean within arm's reach. It would only take but a second for someone to grab the kid and run. And if the adult was there (Like he should have been) he surely would have seen the sign....

Link Posted: 8/27/2005 4:55:25 PM EDT
The "kid" is a little bitch for even coming back.

I sold door-to-door back in the day, and if I got a door slammed in my face (and I did, trust me) it didn't mean "get daddy and come back, because the bad mans was mean to me", it meant hit the next friggin house, this one's a lost cause.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 4:58:02 PM EDT
I agree with KA3B all the way.  
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 5:08:46 PM EDT
The dad is an asshole for not teaching his son the facts of life.

If you're a door-to-door salesmen, you are by definition imposing on the lives of other's for your own gain. One should expect that not everyone will offer a smile and a pat on the ass. Some people hate to be interrupted. Part of being an adult is to learn to deal with it.

The father should have told his son that poor treatment goes with the territory.

Instead, the only lesson he gave his son is that it's okay to be an asshole, to impose on others, and to demand that others listen to you. In effect, he is teaching his son that the world owes him something.

The dad is also an idiot for trying to force the door open. He could have easily wound up dead. I'd have stuck my Glock right in his friggin' face.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 5:14:53 PM EDT

I'm not sure KA3B is getting the response he'd hoped from the members of this site.
IMO you created a very volatile situation because you can't control your temper.  With
your attitude you placed the lives of a man and a child at stake over a No Soliciting policy.
God help the next kid who knocks on your door to sell a candy bar or something.  I have a
six year old that will probably have to start selling candy to support his soccer team
.  You
taught me a very valuable lesson as I will be very aware of the home we approach to ensure
there are not any No Soliciting signs.  If there are we will run like hell in case the person
thats live there is crazy.  

Edit to state that I do agree that the guy putting his arm in the door was just as stupid.

If your kid want's to play soccer why don't YOU pay to support his team?  Why do you feel that I, and the rest of the people your kid bothers, should overpay for candy to support his recreation?  
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 5:23:31 PM EDT
Yeah I get pretty sick of the kids selling crap that is marked up 5x.  I had one kid who was *really* pushy selling magazines.  I said "no way, see ya" but my dumbass wife decides to be a nice stupid chick and but some magazines.  After she read the fine print she found out she got screwed, and luckily the place had an 800 # to call to cancel your order within a day of placing it so she did.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 5:23:32 PM EDT

I agree with KA3B all the way.  

Link Posted: 8/27/2005 5:28:14 PM EDT

If your kid want's to play soccer why don't YOU pay to support his team?  Why do you feel that I, and the rest of the people your kid bothers, should overpay for candy to support his recreation?  

Why don't you get a life?  If you don't want the $1 candy bars or the popcorn  or the cookies or the wrapping paper - or whatever then be an adult and say 'NO'.  It's not hard and it means the same thing in a variety of languages in case the kid is an illegal or something.

Don't want to get out of your easy chair to answer the door?  Then don't.

But don't bitch like you got sand in your vagina because some kid is showing initive and trying to work to EARN his money based on the American principal of FREE Enterprise.  I'd much rather have the kids sell something (anything) rather than just go around begging at stop lights and the post office (I seen this and I hate it).

I have a personal philosophy of buying something of what the kids are selling.  That reenfoces the work ethic.  I'll NEVER just give 'because' (i.e. begging), that would send the wrong message.  When I was a kid I sold stuff for a variety of reason (some personal - sometimes for my class or Scout troop) so I return the favor now I'm an adult.

Personally I think KA3B was 100% correct in his actions.  He chooses not to have soliciters come to his home, and that is his right.  Any kid who goes there and doesn't heed the sign deserves the rude treatment (another life lesson).
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 5:29:18 PM EDT
Recently put up a No Trespassing sign on my porch because of arseholes like this.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 5:43:55 PM EDT
You're wrong Forest,

Support your own son's team activities. Period. I didn't invite you to my house. You are teaching your kid it's ok to be rude. Go away and get the money from parents of the rest of the team. Not your neighbors. You are begging and bothering us for money. Rude.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 5:52:44 PM EDT

You're wrong Forest,

Support your own son's team activities. Period. I didn't invite you to my house. You are teaching your kid it's ok to be rude. Go away and get the money from parents of the rest of the team. Not your neighbors. You are begging and bothering us for money. Rude.

The only person being rude is the asshat (like yourself) that slams doors on the kids - yet doesn't put up a sign saying "no tresspassing" or "No solicitating".

It's been the American way since the colonies were founded to have door-to-door sales.  It's part of American business and has been for 100s of years.

I know socialists like yourself just want the kids to be given money, but there are those of us who want thd kids to earn it and LEARN something while doing it.

If you don't want to deal with it then put up a sign or move to your own island.  KA3B is doing it the right way - you're just being one of those obnozious neighbors that wants to piss and moan about something when the solution is easy.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 5:55:11 PM EDT

Instead, the only lesson he gave his son is that it's okay to be an asshole, to impose on others, and to demand that others listen to you. In effect, he is teaching his son that the world owes him something.

Sounds the father is teaching the son to be a liberal.....
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 5:57:43 PM EDT
However you do it is on you.  

I would've pointed to the sign and asked the young man if he knew what it meant.  If he said "No" then I'd explain it to him.  If he said "Yes" THEN I would've shut the door or gone out to find his/her parents (depending on my mood).  Gotta give kids a chance if they didn't know something, otherwise they dont learn.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:01:52 PM EDT


If your kid want's to play soccer why don't YOU pay to support his team?  Why do you feel that I, and the rest of the people your kid bothers, should overpay for candy to support his recreation?  

Why don't you get a life?I have a life, and a job to pay for the things I want.  If you don't want the $1 candy bars or the popcorn  or the cookies or the wrapping paper - or whatever then be an adult and say 'NO'.Actually I say "No thank you".  It's not hard and it means the same thing in a variety of languages in case the kid is an illegal or something.

Don't want to get out of your easy chair to answer the door?  Then don't.I don't have a problem answering the door, and I don't have a no soliciting sign.  I get very few of them and find a polite "No thank you" sufficient.

But don't bitch like you got sand in your vagina because some kid is showing initive and trying to work to EARN his money based on the American principal of FREE Enterprise.  I'd much rather have the kids sell something (anything) rather than just go around begging at stop lights and the post office (I seen this and I hate it).My problem is that I don't feel that selling overpriced candy door to door, or even worse, in front of the grocery store, is an example of work ethic.  To me it is asking for charity.   If the kid wants to show work ethic he should get a job.  If I wanted something as a kid I mowed lawns, shoveled snow, etc.

I have a personal philosophy of buying something of what the kids are selling.  That reenfoces the work ethic.  I'll NEVER just give 'because' (i.e. begging), that would send the wrong message.  When I was a kid I sold stuff for a variety of reason (some personal - sometimes for my class or Scout troop) so I return the favor now I'm an adult.

Sorry but I feel that these candy sales are just charity in disguise.  I would rather an honest request for $1.00 than trying to sell me a $0.75 candy bar for $2.00.  I think these candy sales just teach kids that if they want something they have a "right" to beg for it and expect the public to pay.  I feel that that is the wrong message to send.  If they are old enough, they should earn the $ through REAL work, and if they are too young it is their parents responsibility.

Edited to add:
Forest, I just saw your reply to Spyda above (you must have posted as I was replying to you), and I find it odd that you accuse him of being a socialist when he says the parents of the kids on the team should pay for the team.  It seems that you are the one saying that the public, through candy drives, should pay for the team, and Spyda and I are saying that if these kids want to play they, or their parents, should be the ones to pay.

By the way, I have tried to be polite, and I don't feel that the get a life/sand in your vagina comments were called for, but I guess I have seen another side of you now (formerly I was impressed with your technical posts here and on your site)
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:05:07 PM EDT

You're wrong Forest,

Support your own son's team activities. Period. I didn't invite you to my house. You are teaching your kid it's ok to be rude. Go away and get the money from parents of the rest of the team. Not your neighbors. You are begging and bothering us for money. Rude.

If you had a sign I'd tell my kid not to knock on that door.  I'd hope you'd have the mannors to simply say "No" and close the door if you didn't like her asking.  I'd never attempt to barge my way into a house because you were "rude" to my kid.  

I usually have my CCW with me when I answer the door.  I don't always have it in easy reach if I don't have it on though.  Might have to rethink that.

Only once has it even crossed my mind though.  Had a grown man hasseling my wife at the door as I am comming down stairs from getting dressed.  She looked at me like "help me", as this guy is ratteling on.  He can see I'm not pleased to see him as I get there.  He starts his speal and I cut him off, "We're leaving... you need to go".  He proceeds to get angry and starts spouting off about me being a racist (he's black) and how he sees how I am.  For just that quick second he looked like he was about to escalate the issue but he didn't and turned as I closed the door.  That little flash of anger made me put my hand at my side but that was the extent of it.

You just never know what the temperment of the guy beating your door is.

The dad was in the wrong no matter what.  Period.  He had no right to try and barge in or prevent the door from closing.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:20:26 PM EDT

I have had three of the little bastards stop and ring my door bell within the last day.

I guess the sign on the door just doesn't cut it these days.

I just had one about 15 minutes ago, as soon as I opened the door (I was expecting my wife coming home from shopping) there was this little bastard trying to sell me something.

As soon as I saw it was a solicitor I slammed the door shut in his face.

Not more than 10 minutes later there is a knock at the door, I look in the peep hole (this time) and see an adult male standing at the door with the kid solicitor.

He rings the doorbell and knocks again, this time telling me that he knows I am home.

All the while Mr. Glock is in my hand.

I answer the door and this guy unleashes on me about his kid and rude and some other shit.

I let him get about 10 seconds into his rant and I go to close the door, he puts his arm out, shoves the door and blocks the door from closing.

I stepped back from the door and let it swing open, letting him see Mr. Glock.

He turns white and freezes up.

I yell to my wife (he doesn't know she's not there) to call 911 as there is someone trying to break in the house.

I wish I could have said something witty like "Call the police, there's about to be a shooting INSIDE the house".

Mr. kid solicitor's dad takes two steps back, then turns around and beats feet with his kid in tow.

I shut the door and then called the police and let them know what happened.

They sent an officer over within 5 minutes.

The only questions he asked were "Are you hurt?", "Did you shoot anyone?", "Would you like me to try find him" and "Do you have hydra-shocks in your Glock?"

.......If this really happened, you are obviously a highly emotional,irrational person. This situation was completely over the top on your part. You sir, are the reason why the libs dont want guns in the hands of Americans. If I was that kids parent,I'd be pissed at you too. What you say occurred would have gotten you arrested in my neck of the woods. I ought to know with over 10,000 arrests under my belt.If a jury would have heard that,more than likely you would have gone down with the ship. You need to calm down and take a look at the big picture. Your life wasnt in danger. You were an asshole to some child. People dont pay attention. I've got a sign that states no tresspassing on my door,yet people still knock on my door. Bottom line, you escalated this situation. You displayed a firearm to a man who was trying to defend his child. If you think you look good in this thread, you have a distorted sense of reality. If your such a bad ass you should have just punched him. Instead you went from 0 to barney fife like a coward.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:32:59 PM EDT

You displayed a firearm to a man who was trying to defend his child.

As I already pissed of Forest I may as well continue my evenings rants and say that while I agree with your (OHGUNNER) post, and I think KA3B was rude to slam the door in the kids face (I personally advocate a "No thank you"") I fail to see how the father was "trying to defend his child".  The father just wanted to bitch at KA3B for being rude.  I can't see any way that his child needed to be defended, unless we are so concerned about his emotional state after having a door slammed in his face  
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:37:21 PM EDT
I think there's a fact some people are missing here: some of us just don't care. Child or adult, male or female, doesn't really matter. We're assholes, we're comfortable with being assholes, and we don't care if a solicitor thinks we're an asshole or not.I get very few solicitors at my place. The most common one is a kid that lives down the street that sells stuff for his high school team, like tickets to dinners, raffles, stuff like that. Every so often I'll throw a few bucks down. But every time that doorbell rings I'm there with the .45 behind my back. If I'm not interested, I usually say "No thanks. Goodbye." and shut the door. Everyone handles these situations differently, because every man's home is his castle and should be treated as such.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:39:16 PM EDT


You displayed a firearm to a man who was trying to defend his child.

As I already pissed of Forest I may as well continue my evenings rants and say that while I agree with your (OHGUNNER) post, and I think KA3B was rude to slam the door in the kids face (I personally advocate a "No thank you"") I fail to see how the father was "trying to defend his child".  The father just wanted to bitch at KA3B for being rude.  I can't see any way that his child needed to be defended, unless we are so concerned about his emotional state after having a door slammed in his face  

by defend I meant tell him he was an ass for doing that to a child......How does telling a guy to treat a child with a little more patience = liberal emotional bull......its simple civility???
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:42:45 PM EDT

You displayed a firearm to a man who was trying to defend his child.

Defend his child from what? Having a door slammed in his face? Gimme a break.

WTF are you supposed to do when an adult male sticks their arm out so you can't close the door to your home? Seriously. IMHO, the father (to quote you) "escalated the situation".

You stated that the OP is "obviously a highly emotional, irrational person". If you think that of him, how would you classify the father that decided to revisit the homeowner who just slammed a door in his child's face, goes off on a rant THEN sticks his arm in the doorway to prevent the door from being slammed yet again.

You can think the OP was an a-hole for slamming the door in the kid's face but when the father decided to go "defend his child" , he was an idiot to return to a home where the occupants did not want to be disturbed.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:45:43 PM EDT
Aw fuck it.

This door slamming asshole is too far gone to bother with.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:48:11 PM EDT
You guys are splitting hairs to make your argument. In this state your ass would be in jail,where it would belong! You dont open a door carring a firearm to the girl scouts. Then you guys wonder why Dianne Fienstein wants to take your guns away. We are our own worst enemies!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:48:52 PM EDT
What part would have gotten me arrested?

The part where I slammed the door in the face of a "kid" or the part where the father was not going away and I was worried about the safety of my wife coming back from the store and meeting this moron or the part where he shoved the door and kept me from closing the door to my house.

So you are telling me that you would go back to the house where your child had the door slammed shut in his face, where it was posted "no solicitors please" because you allowed your "kid" to go house to house without explaining to him "the rules of the road" to give me a piece of your mind?

I am happy that I live where I live and the police here are nothing like you.

Never said my life was in danger.

I also said I am an asshole. So what. You arrest people for being an asshole on their own property?
I suppose you shoot dogs too.

You're right, people don't pay attention.
What did the door say to the solicitors face?

I didn't display anything to anyone dipshit.
Did you bother to fucking READ what I have posted?
I was 85% behind the door (it swings from the right inside), part of that 85% was where the gun was.

I tried to close the door, soccer dad was the one who shoved the door and didn't allow me to close it. All I did was step back, because I didn't know if I was about to get rushed by soccer dad.

It's not like I drew down on soccer dad and dared him to come inside, heck, If I could have I would have shut the door and let him go on his merry way while I called the police.

Wait, I DID call the police.

Now why would I want to punch someone who had just asssaulted me.
You don't know jack fucking shit about me, I might be a disabled American Vet who might not be able to throw down because of injuries or some sort of a progressive degenerate disease.

Why get into a fist fight when I have a gun in my hand.

I also said that I did fuck up by opening the door.

Did you bother to read this part?

I would of ignored the kid had I not been expecting to see my wife standing at the door with groceries...SOooooooo, it's kind of my fault, ok.
Bad situational awareness and all.

I even told the police officer that when he came over.

Let us know where in Ohio you live so we can avoid and asshole cop like you.


.......If this really happened, you are obviously a highly emotional,irrational person. This situation was completely over the top on your part. You sir, are the reason why the libs dont want guns in the hands of Americans.

If I was that kids parent,I'd be pissed at you too. What you say occurred would have gotten you arrested in my neck of the woods. I ought to know with over 10,000 arrests under my belt.

If a jury would have heard that,more than likely you would have gone down with the ship. You need to calm down and take a look at the big picture.

Your life wasnt in danger.

You were an asshole to some child.

People dont pay attention. I've got a sign that states no tresspassing on my door,yet people still knock on my door.

Bottom line, you escalated this situation.

You displayed a firearm to a man who was trying to defend his child. If you think you look good in this thread, you have a distorted sense of reality.

If your such a bad ass you should have just punched him.

Instead you went from 0 to barney fife like a coward.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:51:27 PM EDT

What part would have gotten me arrested?

The part where I slammed the door in the face of a "kid" or the part where the father was not going away and I was worried about the safety of my wife coming back from the store and meeting this moron or the part where he shoved the door and kept me from closing the door to my house.

So you are telling me that you would go back to the house where your child had the door slammed shut in his face, where it was posted "no solicitors please" because you allowed your "kid" to go house to house without explaining to him "the rules of the road" to give me a piece of your mind?

I am happy that I live where I live and the police here are nothing like you.

Never said my life was in danger.

I also said I am an asshole. So what. You arrest people for being an asshole on their own property?
I suppose you shoot dogs too.

You're right, people don't pay attention.
What did the door say to the solicitors face?

I didn't display anything to anyone dipshit.
Did you bother to fucking READ what I have posted?
I was 85% behind the door (it swings from the right inside), part of that 85% was where the gun was.

I tried to close the door, soccer dad was the one who shoved the door and didn't allow me to close it. All I did was step back, because I didn't know if I was about to get rushed by soccer dad.

It's not like I drew down on soccer dad and dared him to come inside, heck, If I could have I would have shut the door and let him go on his merry way while I called the police.

Wait, I DID call the police.

Now why would I want to punch someone who had just asssaulted me.
You don't know jack fucking shit about me, I might be a disabled American Vet who might not be able to throw down because of injuries or some sort of a progressive degenerate disease.

Why get into a fist fight when I have a gun in my hand.

I also said that I did fuck up by opening the door.

Did you bother to read this part?

I would of ignored the kid had I not been expecting to see my wife standing at the door with groceries...SOooooooo, it's kind of my fault, ok.
Bad situational awareness and all.

I even told the police officer that when he came over.

Let us know where in Ohio you live so we can avoid and asshole cop like you.


.......If this really happened, you are obviously a highly emotional,irrational person. This situation was completely over the top on your part. You sir, are the reason why the libs dont want guns in the hands of Americans.

If I was that kids parent,I'd be pissed at you too. What you say occurred would have gotten you arrested in my neck of the woods. I ought to know with over 10,000 arrests under my belt.

If a jury would have heard that,more than likely you would have gone down with the ship. You need to calm down and take a look at the big picture.

Your life wasnt in danger.

You were an asshole to some child.

People dont pay attention. I've got a sign that states no tresspassing on my door,yet people still knock on my door.

Bottom line, you escalated this situation.

You displayed a firearm to a man who was trying to defend his child. If you think you look good in this thread, you have a distorted sense of reality.

If your such a bad ass you should have just punched him.

Instead you went from 0 to barney fife like a coward.

In the state of Ohio its called Aggrevated Menacing! 6 months in jail and a 1,000 fine....And yes I would arrest you!
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:51:51 PM EDT



You displayed a firearm to a man who was trying to defend his child.

As I already pissed of Forest I may as well continue my evenings rants and say that while I agree with your (OHGUNNER) post, and I think KA3B was rude to slam the door in the kids face (I personally advocate a "No thank you"") I fail to see how the father was "trying to defend his child".  The father just wanted to bitch at KA3B for being rude.  I can't see any way that his child needed to be defended, unless we are so concerned about his emotional state after having a door slammed in his face  

by defend I meant tell him he was an ass for doing that to a child......How does telling a guy to treat a child with a little more patience = liberal emotional bull......its simple civility???

I am all for civility, and agree that KA3B was an ass for slamming a door in a kid's face.  I took the defending comment a little more literally, as in defending from a threat.  However, once the father got to the door and saw the no soliciting sign he should have turned around and given his kid a vocabulary and/or courtesy lesson himself

Actually the more I think about it I guess we aren't being very courteous by having this argument over courtesy
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:52:18 PM EDT
Another fucking moron who can't read.
I didn't flash anything at anyone.
I was standing in my hallway at my house whit a gun in my hand that was concealed behind the door.
Soccer dad is the one who would not allow me to close the door.
Had soccer dad not shoved the door no one but me would have known what was in my hand.

Not trying to pass judgement here but you sound like a real brave hero being rude to a little kid.
Then you flash a gun in the Dad's face.  Another brave act.
Thanks for making the world a better place.  PROUD OF YA SPORT.

Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:52:28 PM EDT
The truely amazing part of this story is you really believe your in the right on this>??
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:53:30 PM EDT
You shouldnt have had it to begin with.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:54:31 PM EDT
Obviously we will have to agree to disagree on this matter...Exactly the reason we have a court system.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:55:21 PM EDT
thank you!

that kid may now grow up to become something other than a telemarketer.

your property, your rules.  not the way i would have handeled it, but i see nothing wrong with what you did.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:57:03 PM EDT
Either way it's much better than the firefighters who stand in intersections asking people to fill the boot with money.  Bunch of friggin' idiots...
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:57:51 PM EDT
It's my house you ass.
I'll keep loaded AR15's behind the door and loaded shotguns behind the couch and loaded pistols behind the front door, back door, garage door, nightstand, in my pocket, attached to my lawmower and in the goldfish pond if I want.

You sure you have the right forum board?
Democratic Underground is to the left.

You shouldnt have had it to begin with.

Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:59:30 PM EDT
Sounds more like your afraid to me......I got lots of guns too....but I dont "almost draw down" on the nieghborhood girl scout!
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:59:51 PM EDT

You shouldnt have had it to begin with.

He shouldn't have had the pistol?

I can't wait to see the shitstorm that results from that statement.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 7:02:03 PM EDT
How does me having more common sense = being a liberal. Your behavoir is exactly why libs want to take your guns. You were an irresponsible adult with a firearm. You scared a girl scout and her daddy selling cookies?
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 7:04:27 PM EDT
OHGUNNER either you are a , or you are retarded. He had every right to slam the door in anyones face, its his house. He has the right to defend himself, he was well with in the law you inbred.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 7:05:12 PM EDT

How does me having more common sense = being a liberal. Your behavoir is exactly why libs want to take your guns. You were an irresponsible adult with a firearm. You scared a girl scout and her daddy selling cookies?

Link Posted: 8/27/2005 7:06:00 PM EDT

How does me having more common sense = being a liberal. Your behavoir is exactly why libs want to take your guns. You were an irresponsible adult with a firearm. You scared a girl scout and her daddy selling cookies?

Who's got that little troll logo.  You're going way out there on this one.  

Link Posted: 8/27/2005 7:06:05 PM EDT
I would take it very personal if someone had hurt my daughters feelings.  You never know who you may get upset.  In this case, you got off lucky.  What if the father was someone crazy who waited for a tactical advantage and decided to take you out with a hunting rifle from 100 yards one day when you stepped out to get your paper?  That glock wouldn't help you very much then would it?

It is not wise to handle situations in a manner that would cause them to escalate.  More than one person has been killed because they lacked simple manners.  One may have "had a right" to be rude, but  "being within your rights"  won't get them out of the graveyard.  "No thank you" would have been a much better way to handle than.  I do not understand why people do not use logic more often.  There is a time and place for manners, and there is a time and place for being assertive.

ETA:  Once, we had this 250 lb teen goon come into my house.  He was a drug addict, and made a move towards my wife as if he was going to attack her.  I put him on his back.  That time was a good time to be assertive.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 7:06:36 PM EDT
Guys like you crack me up. You know the law, you know the Constitution,but you dont know how to apply it correctly....You let your emotions control you,just like a liberal., instead of taking a step back and looking at the facts"like a republican".......
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 7:07:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 7:08:36 PM EDT

How does me having more common sense = being a liberal. Your behavoir is exactly why libs want to take your guns. You were an irresponsible adult with a firearm. You scared a girl scout and her daddy selling cookies?

The original solicitor was male.  You sound like the media, rearanging the facts to make your position sound better  I am starting to agree more with KA3B that cops like you should be avoided at all costs when you change the facts to suit your purposes/agenda.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 7:09:01 PM EDT
OHGunner is not a troll.  He is advocating thinking with your brain rather than with your testicles.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 7:12:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 7:15:45 PM EDT

You shouldnt have had it to begin with.

You have 10,000 arrest's? - no way, you're a fucking moron!
There's no way you could have made an arrest in this situation, without exposing your dept/city/county to a lawsuit.

KA3B was defending his property from an intruder, and its obvious his preparation saved him.

And I always have a gun when I answer the door.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 7:18:17 PM EDT


You shouldnt have had it to begin with.

You have 10,000 arrest's? - no way, you're a fucking moron!
There's no way you could have made an arrest in this situation, without exposing your dept/city/county to a lawsuit.

KA3B was defending his property from an intruder, and its obvious his preparation saved him.

And I always have a gun when I answer the door.

I often do, myself.  I keep it hidden behind the door so they can't see it.  So far, I have not had to reveal it to anyone.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 7:21:50 PM EDT

It happened.

Because I have a sign that reads "NO SOLICTORS PLEASE" posted right above the doorbell.

It's my fucking door and I'll god-damn fucking slam it in whoevers face I want to.

Is this a humorous post, or did this really happen?

Why slam the door in the kid's face, unless he is being rude or something?  Why not just say 'sorry, not interested'?

Good job! Although personally I would have pointed out the sign to idiot dad before attempting to close the door. Everything else is fine.
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