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Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:15:44 PM EDT
I thought Abortion was made illegal. Was her crime before that?
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:18:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:22:44 PM EDT
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Ah yes.  God is perfectly fine with people turning a blind eye to genocide of the unborn.

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God has commanded genocide to be done to the unborn before

Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:30:20 PM EDT
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Your post seems to be a direct contradiction of Romans 13:1-2.

It's inconvenient but you don't get it both ways.
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That one is difficult for me. I personally have not given it much regard and I'm sure that's wrong.

Had a sermon last year on it.

I wondered if the founding fathers were also guilty of disobeying their authorities? I'm glad they did.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:33:07 PM EDT
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Your post seems to be a direct contradiction of Romans 13:1-2.

Its inconvenient but you don’t get it both ways.
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She is following the teachings of the Bible and actively stood up to those who want to murder unborn children.  The law on earth is nothing compared to God's law.  EVERYONE will eventually have to answer for their sins.   Life on earth is short compared to eternity.

Your post seems to be a direct contradiction of Romans 13:1-2.

Its inconvenient but you don’t get it both ways.

So it was actually immoral for the USA to fight Nazi Germany in WW2, liberate concentration camps and execute at Nuremberg those SS who murdered innocents?  They were obeying the orders of a duly elected government/authority.  Despite what we learn in grade school about the birth of our nation, our founding fathers and colonial soldiers were actually the bad guys because they revolted against King George and his British military, as he and his authority were installed by God himself?  If Biden ordered all military units in red states to round up and kill everyone to solidify the Left's power, those soldiers would actually be doing the right and moral thing by obeying him?  After all, he is the elected president and the executive government authority, installed by God's will according to Romans 13:1-2.

I guess I'm not as good a follower of the Bible or Christian as I thought I was.  Damn.

Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:34:04 PM EDT
“The DOJ” isn’t going after her. Specific people there are. Do they have names?
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:34:57 PM EDT
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Until it's tossed, the law is still the law. I'm sure she's a great person and means only the best intentions, but doing what she did has put her freedom in jeopardy.
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Fuck that. The law needs tossed, she can protest if she wants.

Until it's tossed, the law is still the law. I'm sure she's a great person and means only the best intentions, but doing what she did has put her freedom in jeopardy.

What are you, a fucking Stasi?!?!?
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:36:04 PM EDT
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“Safe, rare, and legal…”

Abortion is the left’s religion alongside pedophilia.
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Block a bridge or highway in the name of anarchy and see what happens.  

Apparently only abortion clinics REQUIRE access.

“Safe, rare, and legal…”

Abortion is the left’s religion alongside pedophilia.

Exactly.   Only a moron would think it is “just” for her to done one day in prison.  I didn’t see where she set fire to any dumpsters, looted a CVS or hit anyone with a skateboard.   Those dirtbags who have acted with violence during their pro pali or Saint Floyd protests do not even get arrested.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:36:21 PM EDT
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She’s been arrested 46 times. She’s going to jail for being a slow learner.
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The USAO declines recidivist cases ad nauseum. I sparred with them over this problem in the past, taking my case to the USA. Why is this one different? Because no one (insert Biden blessing himself) can intimidate a mother en route to the slaughter can they. Like climate change, it’s THAT important to them. Why so important to kill? Why?

This lady gets an A for effort. She has conviction. She is based and she is a believer. I guess you need to be a lesbian with purple hair to be a hero these days huh? A mostly peaceful protestor, or a George Floyd even. I pick Christ followers as hero’s. She sounds like a hero to me.

I need to learn more about her and maybe send her some coin.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:37:11 PM EDT
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An immoral and unjust law is no law at all.

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Until it's tossed, the law is still the law. I'm sure she's a great person and means only the best intentions, but doing what she did has put her freedom in jeopardy.

An immoral and unjust law is no law at all.

Yup, it's better to obey God than man. Man is truly corrupt and evil. I truly feel we are living in the "days of Noah" spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ in Mathew 24. Briefly before His return.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:37:56 PM EDT
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Merrick Garland is a giant POS, full of bitter hated for being rejected fpenthe USSC.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:42:39 PM EDT
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Your post seems to be a direct contradiction of Romans 13:1-2.

Its inconvenient but you don't get it both ways.
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You are misusing the scriptures. You rest them out of context...add 3 and 4 to understand that context.

3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

Rulers are to be obeyed if they are the rewarders of the good, God defines what is good by His law. If the ruler is rewarding evil, he is not a true servant of God, but a usurper of that seat of power. Just like Absalom usurped the kingship of the real king, David. By your use Hitler was the servant of God for good.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:44:14 PM EDT
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What are you, a fucking Stasi?!?!?
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Of course not. Not acting contrary to existing law keeps one from being incarcerated. She knowingly broke the law. There should be no surprise from anyone who chooses to break a law, and more so such a high profile law, and subsequently ends up in a courtroom.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:47:56 PM EDT
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Unwise choice on her part. If I were the prosecutor I would give her probation on the stipulation she doesn't come within 1000 feet of an abortion clinic, at 88 she doesn't have long left and spending it in prison is a shit way to leave life.
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You know what they say about old people and being willing to go out making a stand? She's doing it.

Kudos to her.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:51:42 PM EDT
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Brandon and that cocksucker Garland are truly pieces of shit.
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And they will face judgement as well
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:53:53 PM EDT
An unjust law is just that, unjust. Remember that when it is applicable to you sir.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:57:14 PM EDT
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She will realize her reward in due time.

So will her jailors.
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Doing the right thing will pan out. I have to believe too.  Kinda no other choice really.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 9:59:13 PM EDT
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Unwise choice on her part. If I were the prosecutor I would give her probation on the stipulation she doesn't come within 1000 feet of an abortion clinic, at 88 she doesn't have long left and spending it in prison is a shit way to leave life.
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You are good little commie.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:00:06 PM EDT
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God does not require us to protest abortion.
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I'm as mild a Christian as they come, and ashamed of it, but..
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:00:24 PM EDT
America's Holocaust

Those who should care have no empathy for the pre-born child.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:03:50 PM EDT
They didn't physically stop any of the staff or patients from entering the building.

The law was not written to punish peaceful protests.

And if a woman is going into unPlanned Parenthood, majority of the time it isn't for Reproductive Services, its for termination services.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:05:07 PM EDT
NONE of the demmunist rioters got charged for their crimes during the Kavanaugh confirmation.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:07:41 PM EDT
Ig only the DOJ was enforcing the laws for intimidation, blocking and threatening people. On top of killing, beating, stealing and burning businesses.  For real terrorists.
Instead of going after peaceful protestors who want to save lives.

Oh well, the criminals and terrorists are in charge now. Obviously they only care for their own kind.

Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:13:29 PM EDT
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We should know the name of the judge and prosceting lawyer.  
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Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:21:16 PM EDT
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She’s been arrested 46 times. She’s going to jail for being a slow learner.
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She has more courage and value than you ever will or could.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:24:36 PM EDT
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She can strictly follow the teachings of the Bible and also not protest. I don't agree with abortion in most cases and think what she was doing was admirable, but she still broke the law (unjust or not) and the consequences will follow in this life. It appears she doesn't care what those consequences are though as she has a long history that the court will not look favorably on.
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She is following the teachings of the Bible and actively stood up to those who want to murder unborn children.  The law on earth in nothing compared to God's law.  EVERYONE will eventually have to answer for their sins.

She can strictly follow the teachings of the Bible and also not protest. I don't agree with abortion in most cases and think what she was doing was admirable, but she still broke the law (unjust or not) and the consequences will follow in this life. It appears she doesn't care what those consequences are though as she has a long history that the court will not look favorably on.

It appears that this 88 year old woman has bigger balls than you.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:27:30 PM EDT
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She’s been arrested 46 times. She’s going to jail for being a slow learner.
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nope...shes playing the long game.

4 "I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do.
5 But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him!
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:30:34 PM EDT
Our Constitution is worth less than toilet paper anymore.

This "law" violates so many Amendments, it isn't funny.

No fear though, the perpetrators of this unjustice will have eternity to wonder where they went wrong.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:31:57 PM EDT
Illegal aliens who rape get 14 days because "it shouldn't be a black mark on their future".
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:32:12 PM EDT
Brave woman. Didn’t really expect to see the foretold persecution of Christians in my life but suspect it may just be starting to ramp up.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:32:29 PM EDT
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God does not require us to protest abortion.
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He doesn’t require me to protest thief……but when it’s my stuff….eye for an eye…

Chose your master whoever you believe. I have chosen mine. I’ll defend my “stuff” and my beliefs.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:35:49 PM EDT
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Of course not. Not acting contrary to existing law keeps one from being incarcerated. She knowingly broke the law. There should be no surprise from anyone who chooses to break a law, and more so such a high profile law, and subsequently ends up in a courtroom.
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What are you, a fucking Stasi?!?!?

Of course not. Not acting contrary to existing law keeps one from being incarcerated. She knowingly broke the law. There should be no surprise from anyone who chooses to break a law, and more so such a high profile law, and subsequently ends up in a courtroom.
Simping for the Biden administration?  Weird flex but you do you.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:38:17 PM EDT
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I can't suppose what God is good with. I can say for certain there is not commandment to protest abortion.
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You are putting obedience to the government over your obedience to god.  
The government would kill you. God will give you eternal life.

Stop trying to please the government.

God does not require us to protest abortion.

Ah yes.  God is perfectly fine with people turning a blind eye to genocide of the unborn.

I can't suppose what God is good with. I can say for certain there is not commandment to protest abortion.

This is  correct. The work of the churches that Paul wrote to was not to go protest roman pagan temples or buildings where this stuff was happening. Preach against it yes, but if they were going to be out on the streets doing something, it was soul winning / spreading the gospel. Also none of the letters in Revelation to the churches mentioned that they needed to do more protesting.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:41:21 PM EDT
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Unwise choice on her part. If I were the prosecutor I would give her probation on the stipulation she doesn't come within 1000 feet of an abortion clinic, at 88 she doesn't have long left and spending it in prison is a shit way to leave life.
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What the fuck is this?  If you were the prosecutor you should drop all charges and shut the fuck up.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:41:43 PM EDT
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She will realize her reward in due time.

So will her jailors.
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Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:41:51 PM EDT
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At first the arrested were near the abortion clinics.
Then the arrested were online denouncing the clinics.
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Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:44:18 PM EDT
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Our Constitution is worth less than toilet paper anymore.

This "law" violates so many Amendments, it isn't funny.

No fear though, the perpetrators of this unjustice will have eternity to wonder where they went wrong.
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Sadly those that promote abortion can't claim ignorance when God decides their judgment any different than Nazi officers or Sadam Hussein can somehow try to justify killing innocent people.  They knew the truth, but chose to ignore it.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:46:54 PM EDT
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?  
Revelation 6:10
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:47:47 PM EDT
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You would think after being locked up by one authoritarian regime that she would be careful about getting on the wrong side of another one.
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You just gonna lay your beliefs down to stay on the good side of .gov?
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:49:48 PM EDT
We live in Sodom and Gomorrah.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:54:04 PM EDT
Hey when I am at the pearly gates and waiting to see if I can enter would "I only was following orders" be an okay excuse to God.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 10:59:24 PM EDT
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Hey when I am at the pearly gates and waiting to see if I can enter would "I only was following orders" be an okay excuse to God.
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Spot on.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 11:01:58 PM EDT
Dont worry, one day that shit stain for an AG will have to answer to a higher being.

Link Posted: 4/28/2024 11:05:43 PM EDT
if the first amendment allows protests against israel responding to the worst murder of jews since the holocaust and allows those protesters to block access to whatever they want why is this different? why does she and others not have the same right to block access to something they are protesting?
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 11:11:29 PM EDT
God bless her.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 11:11:31 PM EDT
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Block a bridge or highway in the name of anarchy and see what happens.  

Apparently only abortion clinics REQUIRE access.
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Tie up traffic so that ambulances can’t get where they need to go in a timely manner?  A-ok.

Protest anywhere near an abortion clinic?  Straight to jail.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 11:11:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 11:12:26 PM EDT
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So it was actually immoral for the USA to fight Nazi Germany in WW2, liberate concentration camps and execute at Nuremberg those SS who murdered innocents?  They were obeying the orders of a duly elected government/authority.  Despite what we learn in grade school about the birth of our nation, our founding fathers and colonial soldiers were actually the bad guys because they revolted against King George and his British military, as he and his authority were installed by God himself?  If Biden ordered all military units in red states to round up and kill everyone to solidify the Left's power, those soldiers would actually be doing the right and moral thing by obeying him?  After all, he is the elected president and the executive government authority, installed by God's will according to Romans 13:1-2.

I guess I'm not as good a follower of the Bible or Christian as I thought I was.  Damn.

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She is following the teachings of the Bible and actively stood up to those who want to murder unborn children.  The law on earth is nothing compared to God's law.  EVERYONE will eventually have to answer for their sins.   Life on earth is short compared to eternity.

Your post seems to be a direct contradiction of Romans 13:1-2.

Its inconvenient but you don’t get it both ways.

So it was actually immoral for the USA to fight Nazi Germany in WW2, liberate concentration camps and execute at Nuremberg those SS who murdered innocents?  They were obeying the orders of a duly elected government/authority.  Despite what we learn in grade school about the birth of our nation, our founding fathers and colonial soldiers were actually the bad guys because they revolted against King George and his British military, as he and his authority were installed by God himself?  If Biden ordered all military units in red states to round up and kill everyone to solidify the Left's power, those soldiers would actually be doing the right and moral thing by obeying him?  After all, he is the elected president and the executive government authority, installed by God's will according to Romans 13:1-2.

I guess I'm not as good a follower of the Bible or Christian as I thought I was.  Damn.

The left doesn’t care if someone is murdered or tortured, only when it happens to one of their favorite groups.  Just like Carter causing the Shah of Iran to be deposed by stopping “human rights violations” against radical Muslims when he knew they would be committing human rights violations against non Muslims when they took over.  Just like all these terrorist supporters staying quiet on Oct 7.
Link Posted: 4/28/2024 11:15:54 PM EDT
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I think she learned compliance and indifference to evil, is how you end up in the cattle cars.
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Unwise choice on her part. If I were the prosecutor I would give her probation on the stipulation she doesn't come within 1000 feet of an abortion clinic, at 88 she doesn't have long left and spending it in prison is a shit way to leave life.

You would think after being locked up by one authoritarian regime that she would be careful about getting on the wrong side of another one.

I think she learned compliance and indifference to evil, is how you end up in the cattle cars.

Link Posted: 4/28/2024 11:16:44 PM EDT
Another person who could use a pardon
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