Once fired and it is toast? The only brass I leave on the ground has been fired five times. I suppose other people do the same.
Lake City brass is of very high quality. I have a lot of IMI and Winchester brass that is very good too.
I am picky about brass life. I have a process that never lets me fire any piece of brass more than five times, including the original fireing. I do not anneal, ever. Five times and it gets recycled. People who want to anneal can get many more cycles than I do. Right now, brass is relatively cheap.
Because I have been involved for decades, I have a large supply on hand for my most used firearms. Someone getting started might feel challenged.
I can say without any doubt, things will not get cheaper. I have hunting rounds that I feel I am under supplied with. .270, 8x57mm Mauser, .300 Winchester Magnum. But the truth is I am old, and my days are limited. I have more than enough once fired cases for each of these calibers to provide ammo for any hunt.