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Posted: 1/29/2013 8:05:53 PM EDT
I have been thinking of a get GBH scenario I would welcome opinions on. You are 10 plus miles from home and vehicles are not moving. Would you consider using railroads to walk home on instead of highways? You are armed and have a GBH bag with you.
Link Posted: 1/29/2013 8:15:38 PM EDT

It is Johann Sebastian Bach or Catherine Bach?
Link Posted: 1/29/2013 8:20:15 PM EDT
Just saw the mis type, sorry
Link Posted: 1/29/2013 8:47:59 PM EDT
I would stay off the highway if possible. Even if it was just walking in the woods off the highway. If the railroad was heading toward home I would utilize that. Most of the survival fiction books I have read which deal with this subject have the main character staying hidden if possible, which would be hard to do if on the highway. Check out the books Going Home and Joshua. Good reads.
Link Posted: 1/29/2013 10:52:30 PM EDT
I would keep you guns hidden from causal view, and get one of those folding bicycles and ride it home with GHB on your shoulders. I would plan several routes home.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 2:05:11 AM EDT
what is the scenario? emp?  the first day or so people are going to be scared and pissy.  they wont have degenerated into desperate bands immediately after the event.  i'd walk on the sidewalks making certain to observe any laws and ordinances along the way.  in a stress situation LEO will be looking for troublemakers.  while i think a bike is a good idea.

Link Posted: 1/30/2013 3:14:59 AM EDT
Thank you for your replies. Yes EMP would be the most likely scenario.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 3:15:08 AM EDT
I work 22 miles away from home.  I would walk the railway, which runs within a mile of my house.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 4:08:47 AM EDT
It totally depends on the situation.  Are the trains still moving?  Would high-rail equipment still be active?  The railroad bulls do not take lightly to trespassers.   Taking the railroad right of way might attract attention if its not already diverted somewhere else in a big event.  

That said, in the right conditions I would take the railroad, or divert to other paths like power lines or other low use roads.  If I still worked in the city, I would even consider keeping a hard hat and other accessories to help blend in.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 4:10:57 AM EDT

How would you deal with seeing another person outfitted similarly to you 500 yards in the distance using the same railroad tracks to go the opposite way?  

Most people would feel comfortable seeing other people on roads during a situation like this and may not react too defensively right away.  But now that you are away from the mental-protection offered by being in a crowd, how do you demonstrate your intentions and correctly interrupt the other person's?

You may know that you are only pulling up the rifle scope to take a closer look at him, but what is he thinking you're doing?  You may have no intentions of harming him, but how best to demonstrate this without putting yourself in more harm?

I see questions like this ignored for the most part.  I don't have the right answers but I think situational awareness and preparedness are important and only developed correctly during calm times.  You don't want your adrenaline fueled brain making the split second decision for you then and there without having previously put some damn good thought in to likely situations.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 4:19:44 AM EDT


I have been thinking of a get GBH scenario I would welcome opinions on. You are 10 plus miles from home and vehicles are not moving. Would you consider using railroads to walk home on instead of highways? You are armed and have a GBH bag with you.

What day is it in this shtf? You know if its like the 2nd day then you be dealing with pissed off/tired people, but 30+ then you have to deal with zombies, then after that you deal with mad max type characters and they might have a steam driven train. past that I think it would be clear.

What caused the back-up? Is it because a bridge is out, or did we get zapped with the preppers worst nightmare, dreaded EMP? What if we got nuked in a city, are you trying to get to that city becuase that might be a good idea. Now say if its martial law, then get your ghille suit out of your BOB and use the forrest, not the tracks. But why would cars be stopped anyway, are we out of gas???  If it was becuase of snow then you definitely would not try to walk.

What part of the country? Is it flat or would the train have to go through mountains? If I had to go through a tunnel it might have bats in it, or worse yet a gang hiding in wait to take my multicam bag with nvgs and AR with 15 mags and suppresor. I could probably hide behind my bag and kill them in the night with NVGs but I could take them on 1 at a time because I have plate armor I made from targets off of ebay and coated in bed liner.  

Im just trying the frame the question since it was so open ended and could have a million outcomes.

Link Posted: 1/30/2013 5:27:21 AM EDT
I work 12mi from the house and keep a change of clothes in the truck. Ditch truck in strategic place (leave it at work so It wont get looted/towed) then bug out for home.

If this is an EMP (never happening) thing I stick to the roads/highway.

Foreign invasion? I cut through, use my local knowledge and keep low. Travel in afternoon/night to make it home a secure house.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 7:13:58 AM EDT
I would keep you guns hidden from causal view, and get one of those folding bicycles and ride it home with GHB on your shoulders. I would plan several routes home.

Anybody know how much those bikes actually cost? I think they're a great idea - and, although I couldn't ride one myself (due to my disability/ies), my son and wife could. Frankly, I'd feel a whole lot better knowing they had one, too.

As to the OP, yes. I'd use the tracks at that point in the emergency. Within a day or so, however, I'd think it'd be too dangerous and I'd lay low during the day and move at night; keeping to low areas and deep shadows. Ten miles is very doable, even for busted-up-me.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 8:14:02 AM EDT
Knowledge of the Railroads is useful.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 8:22:58 AM EDT
Know your routes. Keep to back roads, trails, and rail roads.
Move fast.
The quicker the better, the less contact the better.

If everyone is walking the rail roads, dont.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 8:32:55 AM EDT
If I am ten miles away from home, and no vehicles are moving, I am taking the quickest way home.  

Not sure how many of you have actually walked 3-4 hours along railways, but it gets old, especially if you had to walk around a parked train and not walk between the rails....  

I live near a huge railyard, and i can tell you that would be one of my lowest options of travel.  In a get home scenario, I want to get home, and not stand out,  and smooth roads are much easier/quicker to travel.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 3:07:26 PM EDT
Thank you all, great variables added to enrich the basic scenario.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 3:26:46 PM EDT
I would avoid the main roads. Look at a good map, google earth or bing maps and pick a few routes.

At my last job I was about 13 miles from home away from the city. I had two ways to get home to avoid most roads.
One was walking a power line that came to within about a half mile of home.
The other way was floating down a river, that would put me about a quater mile from home.
Both were good options

Of course now I am at a new job closer in the city, so not so good options now.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 4:25:32 PM EDT

wait until dark, stash all of my stuff and run home

Link Posted: 1/30/2013 4:37:54 PM EDT

I have been thinking of a get GBH scenario I would welcome opinions on. You are 10 plus miles from home and vehicles are not moving. Would you consider using railroads to walk home on instead of highways? You are armed and have a GBH bag with you.

What day is it in this shtf? You know if its like the 2nd day then you be dealing with pissed off/tired people, but 30+ then you have to deal with zombies, then after that you deal with mad max type characters and they might have a steam driven train. past that I think it would be clear.

What caused the back-up? Is it because a bridge is out, or did we get zapped with the preppers worst nightmare, dreaded EMP? What if we got nuked in a city, are you trying to get to that city becuase that might be a good idea. Now say if its martial law, then get your ghille suit out of your BOB and use the forrest, not the tracks. But why would cars be stopped anyway, are we out of gas???  If it was becuase of snow then you definitely would not try to walk.

What part of the country? Is it flat or would the train have to go through mountains? If I had to go through a tunnel it might have bats in it, or worse yet a gang hiding in wait to take my multicam bag with nvgs and AR with 15 mags and suppresor. I could probably hide behind my bag and kill them in the night with NVGs but I could take them on 1 at a time because I have plate armor I made from targets off of ebay and coated in bed liner.  

Im just trying the frame the question since it was so open ended and could have a million outcomes.

WOW, somebody seems as if they have watched to many movies! lmao. Zombies? Really? Either you were jacking with the poor guy, or you my friend
are off your rocker. I believe the original poster was asking for advice on real life situations, not hollywood situations.

Link Posted: 1/30/2013 5:24:18 PM EDT
what is the scenario? emp?  the first day or so people are going to be scared and pissy.  they wont have degenerated into desperate bands immediately after the event.  i'd walk on the sidewalks making certain to observe any laws and ordinances along the way.  in a stress situation LEO will be looking for troublemakers.  while i think a bike is a good idea.

Psssst....in an "EMP" scenario my patrol vehicle is fooooked too.  EMP=mass hysteria.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 5:25:55 PM EDT

How would you deal with seeing another person outfitted similarly to you 500 yards in the distance using the same railroad tracks to go the opposite way?  

Most people would feel comfortable seeing other people on roads during a situation like this and may not react too defensively right away.  But now that you are away from the mental-protection offered by being in a crowd, how do you demonstrate your intentions and correctly interrupt the other person's?

You may know that you are only pulling up the rifle scope to take a closer look at him, but what is he thinking you're doing?  You may have no intentions of harming him, but how best to demonstrate this without putting yourself in more harm?

I see questions like this ignored for the most part.  I don't have the right answers but I think situational awareness and preparedness are important and only developed correctly during calm times.  You don't want your adrenaline fueled brain making the split second decision for you then and there without having previously put some damn good thought in to likely situations.

Do you realize the "salute" was invented for this VERY EXACT scenario?

It was your "sword hand" raising up your visor showing the other guy......"Hey, just passing through....no harm intended".

WHich is why you held it until you passed.

EDIT: also why the "British version" is palm out---empty hand

cue the GI Joe "now you know"
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 5:39:33 PM EDT
Knowing is half the battle!  YO, JOE!

Civil unrest is a much more reasonable scenario than EMP.  Either way, you should know a couple of alternative routes home if you have to "hoof it"
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 6:02:58 PM EDT
what is the scenario? emp?  the first day or so people are going to be scared and pissy.  they wont have degenerated into desperate bands immediately after the event.  i'd walk on the sidewalks making certain to observe any laws and ordinances along the way.  in a stress situation LEO will be looking for troublemakers.  while i think a bike is a good idea.

Psssst....in an "EMP" scenario my patrol vehicle is fooooked too.  EMP=mass hysteria.

I'll put my 2 cents in on this.
Unlike in the movies, an EMP only affects electronics that are on actually on (powered up) during the pulse,  and in the vicinity of such pulse. which only last but a minute or so.
It is not permenant on many types of electrical systems
It is not retro active.
It is not ever lasting.
it is not going to wipe out states or countries.
It is not going to create zombies
how many vehicles are running at any given time? 10% or less I'd be willing to venture
When I joined this forum, I did so because I thought it was a good tool to network with like minded individuals to share ideas about
real life scenerio prepping, homesteading and weapons and equipment ideas tips and tricks.
the last few days it seems like it is becoming less real and closer to a spin off of video games and movies.
some times I am having about as hard of a time of distinguishing who is jacking around and who really believes
the fantasy spewing forth. Just as much as as some of them doing it are having a hard time distinguishing between reality and fantasy.
I will continue to stay on the forum, to share and glean information and now entertainment as well.
U.S. Army Retired. and I also worked in nuclear plants throughout my career. I grew up 20 miles from where components for Fat Man and Little Boy were made, and grew up to work on those very nuclear facilities as well.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 6:12:26 PM EDT
I would stay off the highway if possible. Even if it was just walking in the woods off the highway. If the railroad was heading toward home I would utilize that. Most of the survival fiction books I have read which deal with this subject have the main character staying hidden if possible, which would be hard to do if on the highway. Check out the books Going Home and Joshua. Good reads.

Who are the authors of those books?
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 6:14:09 PM EDT
Quoted:You may know that you are only pulling up the rifle scope to take a closer look at him, but what is he thinking you're doing?  You may have no intentions of harming him, but how best to demonstrate this without putting yourself in more harm?

"Intent" has been set with that kindof gesture, and I'd be thinking the offender is engaging.
Best to use a friggin binocular to get a better looksy instead of pointing a weapon. And shame on ya for admittin' it if ya don't have one.
Proper firearms safety and common courtesy have a place in almost every situation.
No sense lookin for, OR ignorantly starting trouble.

Link Posted: 1/30/2013 7:13:16 PM EDT

wait until dark, stash all of my stuff and run home.

This. Ten miles takes me an hr ten. No gear or bag needed.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 7:22:29 PM EDT

wait until dark, stash all of my stuff and run home.

This. Ten miles takes me an hr ten. No gear or bag needed.

i figure cross country running is much better than pavement anyhow so it'll be a fairly decent run. wouldn't need water until you got home either...  

nike ftw!

Link Posted: 1/30/2013 7:30:22 PM EDT

wait until dark, stash all of my stuff and run home.

This. Ten miles takes me an hr ten. No gear or bag needed.

i figure cross country running is much better than pavement anyhow so it'll be a fairly decent run. wouldn't need water until you got home either...  

nike ftw!

It certainly can be, but it can also be a huge pain in the ass. I see these threads and cringe at what some people think they need to get home. Some peple pack five days worth of shit which ends up turning a 4 hr walk into a 3 day ordeal. Hell, my "ghb" is 25 lbs dry and I'm 104 miles from home.

OP, I'm not trying to shit in your thead. I just really hate self licking ice cream cones.
Link Posted: 1/30/2013 7:56:23 PM EDT

wait until dark, stash all of my stuff and run home.

This. Ten miles takes me an hr ten. No gear or bag needed.

i figure cross country running is much better than pavement anyhow so it'll be a fairly decent run. wouldn't need water until you got home either...  

nike ftw!

It certainly can be, but it can also be a huge pain in the ass. I see these threads and cringe at what some people think they need to get home. Some peple pack five days worth of shit which ends up turning a 4 hr walk into a 3 day ordeal. Hell, my "ghb" is 25 lbs dry and I'm 104 miles from home.

OP, I'm not trying to shit in your thead. I just really hate self licking ice cream cones.

getting home quickly is far more important than having a bunch of stuff. no matter what the "situation" is i'm going to make every effort to get home ASAP. my preps, they're at home.

i'm not saying i would enjoy a ten mile run... i rather hate anything much over five. if you're somewhat fit though, ten miles isn't honestly all that bad. you don't even need to run the entire way for it to be a viable plan.

Link Posted: 1/31/2013 5:59:43 PM EDT
Any thoughts on "Faraday boxes", keeping spare vehicle computer parts to replace those damaged by emp?  Also I was told that you could take negative cable off battery for a few minutes after emp and vehicle could start.
Link Posted: 1/31/2013 6:31:25 PM EDT
I always travel with 72 hours worth of supplies due to my job. I will have to really lean out my kit for a trek home and leave a lot behind. My family on the other hand will have only the basics to get home on and ccws. I want to give them advice that would be helpful and there are very good options here. I'm not really worried about my own abilities to cover the trip home. The family may be able to link up before heading home and be able to cover each other home. I won't be able to meet them until home.
Link Posted: 2/1/2013 5:15:24 PM EDT
I would consider them but they would be far from my first choice. Have you ever walked along a railroad for a good distance? Walking between the rails means timing your steps and stepping on the ties or chatching the edge of one and tripping face first into them. Walking on the ballast isn't any better in most places.
Link Posted: 2/1/2013 9:00:42 PM EDT
All you guys saying get home fast need to slow down a bit. Movement catches the eye. Stay in the woods next to the highway, rail, bike path, whatever. Take your time, stop every so often and listen, check behind you, look around.
Link Posted: 2/2/2013 6:27:24 AM EDT
Ten miles? First Day?  Walk the road... pretty much any roads, ten miles out, I know at least a quarter of the people, and probably more'n that know me.  I would stuff my road weapons of the day (44, AK74, hunting rifle) in my pack if at all possible... although it wouldn't look odd walking with them, especially if I changed into hunting camo...

Now, a hundred miles is a completely different animal.   I know hardly no one, and vice versa, that far out.  A guy looking like he should be on 'Duck Dynasty', with a pack and a rifle over his shoulder???  I'd break the (Hunting) rifle down, and keep the AK folder in the pack too, and the 44 hidden... still think it'd be safe for at least several days.  Hard calculus on the safety of traveling in the open, with crowds of others, or getting ambushed in the boonies by an opportunistic soul wanting firearms...

A week after chaos, I'd only travel by night.... and basically 'hunt and stalk' my way home.
Link Posted: 2/2/2013 11:01:11 AM EDT
I'd be very very wary of taking the tracks.... A lot of people already do take the tracks and they're generally not good people. YMMV If I was going from small town to home ourside of town or in the country, no worries, but around a major metropolitan area I would be very wary and very defensive going alone down the tracks.
Link Posted: 2/2/2013 11:12:53 AM EDT
10 miles from home on day 1 of a disruption?   I would walk home by the most direct means possible.  I wouldn't even take the whole GHB unless the weather was cold.   Just load a day pack with some basics and off I'd go, back home in 3 hours, 4 if I take a couple of breaks.  There's no reason to expect people to go Mad Max so early in SHTF.

Of course of you're near a big city it will be dicey no matter how you go.  On day 1 I'd feel safer taking the less secluded routes.
Link Posted: 2/2/2013 3:05:56 PM EDT


Quoted:You may know that you are only pulling up the rifle scope to take a closer look at him, but what is he thinking you're doing?  You may have no intentions of harming him, but how best to demonstrate this without putting yourself in more harm?

"Intent" has been set with that kindof gesture, and I'd be thinking the offender is engaging.

Best to use a friggin binocular to get a better looksy instead of pointing a weapon. And shame on ya for admittin' it if ya don't have one.

Proper firearms safety and common courtesy have a place in almost every situation.

No sense lookin for, OR ignorantly starting trouble.

This response was overly mild.  NEVER scope anybody over a rifle barrel unless you're in the process of shooting them.  I call people out on it on the airsoft fields!  You can purchase a cheap 3X gag telescope for under $3, and a decent pair of 5X32's for under $40.  There is absolutely no reason on earth to paint a non-target just to see what it is.

Link Posted: 2/2/2013 3:13:49 PM EDT
Purely from the walking point of view, all tracks and beds I have walked were irregular enough as to really slow you down.
Link Posted: 2/2/2013 7:55:16 PM EDT
If I am ten miles away from home, and no vehicles are moving, I am taking the quickest way home.  

Not sure how many of you have actually walked 3-4 hours along railways, but it gets old, especially if you had to walk around a parked train and not walk between the rails....  

I live near a huge railyard, and i can tell you that would be one of my lowest options of travel.  In a get home scenario, I want to get home, and not stand out,  and smooth roads are much easier/quicker to travel.

While I don't think an EMP will cause the effects feared by most I will agree with this post...  I have walked many miles on abandoned rail road tracks while getting deer out of the woods... It sucks... Not quite as much as bushwhacking but vs walking on a dirt road, it really really sucks.  1/2 stepping and 1/2 of the foot landing on the ties, and trying to get into a rhythm... yea it doesn't work very well.  I have walked many many miles on tracks and while it is a better option then the woods vs making time, I would try to stick to the roads if at all possible.
Link Posted: 2/2/2013 8:01:35 PM EDT
If I am ten miles away from home, and no vehicles are moving, I am taking the quickest way home.  

Not sure how many of you have actually walked 3-4 hours along railways, but it gets old, especially if you had to walk around a parked train and not walk between the rails....  

I live near a huge railyard, and i can tell you that would be one of my lowest options of travel.  In a get home scenario, I want to get home, and not stand out,  and smooth roads are much easier/quicker to travel.

While I don't think an EMP will cause the effects feared by most I will agree with this post...  I have walked many miles on abandoned rail road tracks while getting deer out of the woods... It sucks... Not quite as much as bushwhacking but vs walking on a dirt road, it really really sucks.  1/2 stepping and 1/2 of the foot landing on the ties, and trying to get into a rhythm... yea it doesn't work very well.  I have walked many many miles on tracks and while it is a better option then the woods vs making time, I would try to stick to the roads if at all possible.

I would consider them but they would be far from my first choice. Have you ever walked along a railroad for a good distance? Walking between the rails means timing your steps and stepping on the ties or chatching the edge of one and tripping face first into them. Walking on the ballast isn't any better in most places.

Purely from the walking point of view, all tracks and beds I have walked were irregular enough as to really slow you down.

Looks like I am not the only one with track walking experience and similar thinking...
Link Posted: 2/2/2013 10:01:10 PM EDT
All you guys saying get home fast need to slow down a bit. Movement catches the eye. Stay in the woods next to the highway, rail, bike path, whatever. Take your time, stop every so often and listen, check behind you, look around.

What exactly are you trying to avoid?  Do you really think 24-48 post any SHTF situation that forces you to walk home that everyone will suddenly turn into jackals?  Desperation will eventually settle in if the scenario is extended but the first couple of days will be filled with people trying to help each other out and do the right thing.  Walk your ass home as soon as possible by the most direct route.  Heck, 10 miles and I'd be home in under two hours.
Link Posted: 2/3/2013 3:00:11 AM EDT
All you guys saying get home fast need to slow down a bit. Movement catches the eye. Stay in the woods next to the highway, rail, bike path, whatever. Take your time, stop every so often and listen, check behind you, look around.

What exactly are you trying to avoid?  Do you really think 24-48 post any SHTF situation that forces you to walk home that everyone will suddenly turn into jackals?  Desperation will eventually settle in if the scenario is extended but the first couple of days will be filled with people trying to help each other out and do the right thing.  Walk your ass home as soon as possible by the most direct route.  Heck, 10 miles and I'd be home in under two hours.

+1.  Just get back the fastest way possible.   Change your route depending on conditions.

Link Posted: 2/3/2013 7:24:46 AM EDT
Hard to say. In a run of the mill situation it will take a while before general panic ensues if it ever does. If the RR is not too much of a detour it could be viable. My focus would probably be to get home as quickly as possible in the early stages of some kind of problem. Going several hours out of the way would not support that.

in urban areas RRs often pass through some unpleasant areas.
Link Posted: 2/3/2013 7:29:07 AM EDT
I would consider them but they would be far from my first choice. Have you ever walked along a railroad for a good distance? Walking between the rails means timing your steps and stepping on the ties or chatching the edge of one and tripping face first into them. Walking on the ballast isn't any better in most places.

a lot of times the RR ROW is a fairly decent surface though. I agree that walking on the actual rail line is a poor first choice. lots of ankle breakers and places to trip.
Link Posted: 2/3/2013 12:31:51 PM EDT
From my office to the house is about 20 miles.  I travel a lot local so I carry a big bag.  If I am at the office and an EMP or solar flare or whatever goes off and I am at the office I will shead a lot of the stuff I carry.  With my knee I think I know I could make it home in a day or so.  I would take the road till I got to the RR cut off take that back up to another road and just slowly walk.  I think in any type of event you will see people scared and just shocked.  Extra socks and mole skin will be like gold on the walk home.  
   I don't think it will be mad max unless it's summer and people have no water walking down the highway.  I could see that being nasty quick.  I carry water and a water filter / purification tablets too.
Link Posted: 2/3/2013 1:44:58 PM EDT
last I checked cars tend to be rather EMP proof, the power grid on the other hand, is very vulnerable. Since most if not all gas station pumps don't work without power, what you'll get is a power outage with a gas crisis in the days after. getting home should be easy as driving a car, unless you needed to fill up, then it's walking home on an almost regular day.
Link Posted: 2/3/2013 3:51:04 PM EDT
I'd likely be headed down river, so possibly an inflatable raft or boat of some sort
Link Posted: 2/3/2013 4:12:14 PM EDT

How would you deal with seeing another person outfitted similarly to you 500 yards in the distance using the same railroad tracks to go the opposite way?  

Most people would feel comfortable seeing other people on roads during a situation like this and may not react too defensively right away.  But now that you are away from the mental-protection offered by being in a crowd, how do you demonstrate your intentions and correctly interrupt the other person's?

You may know that you are only pulling up the rifle scope to take a closer look at him, but what is he thinking you're doing?  You may have no intentions of harming him, but how best to demonstrate this without putting yourself in more harm?

I see questions like this ignored for the most part.  I don't have the right answers but I think situational awareness and preparedness are important and only developed correctly during calm times.  You don't want your adrenaline fueled brain making the split second decision for you then and there without having previously put some damn good thought in to likely situations.

Do you realize the "salute" was invented for this VERY EXACT scenario?

It was your "sword hand" raising up your visor showing the other guy......"Hey, just passing through....no harm intended".

WHich is why you held it until you passed.

EDIT: also why the "British version" is palm out---empty hand

cue the GI Joe "now you know"

I know this.  I also know why the USN returns salutes palm in.  I don't know if most other people know and respect this though, hence my comment.

Gadflies are often the best way to learn the fallibilities of our own thought processes.  I was only trying to raise another issue with the OP without providing a direct answer (mainly because I don't have one myself) in an effort to stimulate some more thinking along the same lines.

I see a lot of these types of threads focus on one topic without realizing that there will be many more, mundane, problems that will kill you just as dead as "what route is best to get our of Dodge.

No malintent intended
Link Posted: 2/3/2013 4:14:39 PM EDT
Quoted:You may know that you are only pulling up the rifle scope to take a closer look at him, but what is he thinking you're doing?  You may have no intentions of harming him, but how best to demonstrate this without putting yourself in more harm?

"Intent" has been set with that kindof gesture, and I'd be thinking the offender is engaging.
Best to use a friggin binocular to get a better looksy instead of pointing a weapon. And shame on ya for admittin' it if ya don't have one.
Proper firearms safety and common courtesy have a place in almost every situation.
No sense lookin for, OR ignorantly starting trouble.

No intentions of starting trouble.  But honestly, do you think that the OP has had the exact thought that you posted about being properly equipped?  If I was trying to pack light, binocs may be on the bottom of my list.  I only intended to point out a scenario which may be encountered without the proper equipment where the OPer may be placed in danger.  One can only have so much gear on them.  Knowledge beats having all possible gear any day of the week.
Link Posted: 2/3/2013 4:26:46 PM EDT

Quoted:You may know that you are only pulling up the rifle scope to take a closer look at him, but what is he thinking you're doing?  You may have no intentions of harming him, but how best to demonstrate this without putting yourself in more harm?

"Intent" has been set with that kindof gesture, and I'd be thinking the offender is engaging.
Best to use a friggin binocular to get a better looksy instead of pointing a weapon. And shame on ya for admittin' it if ya don't have one.
Proper firearms safety and common courtesy have a place in almost every situation.
No sense lookin for, OR ignorantly starting trouble.

This response was overly mild.  NEVER scope anybody over a rifle barrel unless you're in the process of shooting them.  I call people out on it on the airsoft fields!  You can purchase a cheap 3X gag telescope for under $3, and a decent pair of 5X32's for under $40.  There is absolutely no reason on earth to paint a non-target just to see what it is.


From what it sounds like, cost may not be the driving force in this scenario.  Packing light may come first and foremost.  

I agree with what you are saying which is precisely why I raised my original point.  I'm willing to bet that a majority of people who start down the path of these thoughts never consider what I posted, they are entirely focused on the immediate need of getting home and ignore the details.  This is why I posted, I see this too often and it upsets me, I would like to see people thinking of knowledge as being just as important of a prep as gear.  Too often this isn't the case which will have severe consequences.

Adrenaline can do strange things to the human brain.  I have witnessed it first hand too often.
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