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Link Posted: 1/14/2024 11:36:41 AM EDT
Gospel reading for today, Second Sunday after Epiphany:

John 2: 1-11
At that time there was a marriage in
Cana of Galilee: and the mother of
Jesus was there. And Jesus also was
invited, and His disciples, to the
marriage. And the wine failing, the
mother of Jesus saith to Him: They
have no wine. And Jesus saith to her:
Woman, what is that to Me and to
thee? My hour is not yet come. His
mother saith to the waiters:
Whatsoever He shall say to you, do ye.
Now there were set there six water
pots of stone, according to the manner
of the purifying of the Jews, containing
two or three measures apiece. Jesus
saith to them: Fill the water-pots with
water. And they filled them up to the
brim. And Jesus saith to them: Draw
out now, and carry to the chief steward
of the feast. And they carried it. And
when the chief steward had tasted the
water made wine, and knew not
whence it was, but the waiters knew
who had drawn the water: the chief
steward calls the bridegroom, and saith
to him: Every man at first sets forth
good wine: and when men have well
drunk, then that which is worse: but
thou hast kept the good wine until now.
This beginning of miracles did Jesus in
Cana of Galilee; and manifested His
glory, and His disciples believed in

Laus tibi, Christe!
Link Posted: 1/15/2024 9:16:32 AM EDT
"What is the meaning of life?

… So it may be said that the chief purpose of life, for any one of us, is to increase according to our capacity our knowledge of God by all the means we have, and to be moved by it to praise and thanks. To do as we say in the Gloria in Excelsis: Laudamus te, benedicamus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te, gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam. We praise You, we call You holy, we worship You, we proclaim Your glory, we thank You for the greatness of Your splendour.

And in moments of exaltation we may call on all created things to join in our chorus, speaking on their behalf, as is done in Psalm 148, and in The Song of the Three Children in Daniel II. PRAISE THE LORD … all mountains and hills, all orchards and forests, all things that creep and birds on the wing.

This is much too long, and also much too short – on such a question.” - J.R.R. Tolkien
Link Posted: 1/16/2024 11:42:42 AM EDT
Saviour, who gave power to wise David,
cast down our adversaries as you did Goliath of old,
Compassionate One,
with your invisible slingshot, Christ,
crush their insolent acts and designs,
so that with faith we may honour you.

Life-giving son of God, by the prayers of your mother,
and by the divine supplications of the angels and gloriously triumphant martyrs,
gladden your faithful emperors,
shatter the throngs of barbarians, and to the army
that worships you, show mercy.

O Lord who showed to Constantine the first emperor of the Christians
the divine cross, and uttered from the heavens
“Trust in this sign,”
You, O Lord, by the power of the cross give now
victory and vigour and truly divine power
to your army in your compassion.

O Lord who fought with most gentle David
to defeat the Philistine,
fight beside your faithful emperors.
and armed with the cross
cast down their enemies.
Byzantium Crusader Prayer, 11th/12th Century
Link Posted: 1/17/2024 9:07:12 AM EDT
Precious Blood,
Ocean of Divine Mercy:
Flow upon us!

Precious Blood,
Most pure Offering:
Procure us every Grace!

Precious Blood,
Hope and Refuge of sinners:
Atone for us!

Precious Blood,
Delight of holy souls:
Draw us! Amen.
- St Catherine of Siena, 14th Century
Link Posted: 1/18/2024 9:53:48 AM EDT
Laudate Dominum

”Alleluia. O praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people.

For his mercy is confirmed upon us: and the truth of the Lord remaineth for ever.“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭116‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭

Alleluja. Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes, laudate eum, omnes populi.

Quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia ejus, et veritas Domini manet in aeternum.‬‬
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 9:27:16 AM EDT
Kyrie eleison! Christe eleison! Kyrie eleison! Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Good Shepherd! With your almighty hand you guide Your pilgrim Church through the storms of each age.

Adorn the Holy See with holy popes who neither fear the powerful of this world nor compromise with the spirit of the age, but preserve, strengthen, and defend the Catholic Faith unto the shedding of their blood, and observe, protect, and hand on the venerable liturgy of the Roman Church.

O Lord, return to us through holy popes who, inflamed with the zeal of the Apostles, proclaim to the whole world: “Salvation is found in no other than in Jesus Christ. For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which they should be saved” (see Acts 4:10-12).

Through an era of holy popes, may the Holy See—which is home to all who promote the Catholic and Apostolic Faith— always shine as the cathedra of truth for the whole world. Hear us, O Lord, and through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the Church, grant us holy Popes, grant us many holy Popes! Have mercy on us and hear us! Amen.

- Bishop Athanasius Schneider, January 18th, 2024
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 1:30:23 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:
Kyrie eleison! Christe eleison! Kyrie eleison! Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Good Shepherd! With your almighty hand you guide Your pilgrim Church through the storms of each age.

Adorn the Holy See with holy popes who neither fear the powerful of this world nor compromise with the spirit of the age, but preserve, strengthen, and defend the Catholic Faith unto the shedding of their blood, and observe, protect, and hand on the venerable liturgy of the Roman Church.

O Lord, return to us through holy popes who, inflamed with the zeal of the Apostles, proclaim to the whole world: “Salvation is found in no other than in Jesus Christ. For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which they should be saved” (see Acts 4:10-12).

Through an era of holy popes, may the Holy See—which is home to all who promote the Catholic and Apostolic Faith— always shine as the cathedra of truth for the whole world. Hear us, O Lord, and through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the Church, grant us holy Popes, grant us many holy Popes! Have mercy on us and hear us! Amen.

- Bishop Athanasius Schneider, January 18th, 2024
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Link Posted: 1/20/2024 11:22:13 AM EDT
Tridentine Introit for today, Sts. Fabian and Sebastian, Martyrs:

Let the sighings of the prisoners come
in before Thee, O Lord; render to our
neighbors sevenfold in their bosom;
revenge the blood of Thy Saints, which
hath been shed. (Ps. 78: 1) O God, the
heathens are come into Thine
inheritance; they have defiled Thy holy
temple: they have made Jerusalem as
a place to keep fruit. Glory be to the
Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy
Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever shall be, forever and ever. Amen.
Let the sighings of the
prisoners come in before Thee, O Lord;
render to our neighbors sevenfold in
their bosom; revenge the blood of Thy
Saints, which hath been shed.
Link Posted: 1/21/2024 8:53:41 AM EDT
[Last Edit: EastWest] [#9]
Byzantine (Roman) Catholic Pre-Lenten Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
(Luke 18:9-14)


Let us bring to the Lord the sighs of the Publican, and as sinners let us approach the Lord.
He desires the salvation of all mankind; He grants forgiveness to all who repent.
For us he became man while remaining God - co-eternal with the Father.  

Link Posted: 1/21/2024 11:45:18 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By EastWest:
Byzantine (Roman) Catholic Pre-Lenten Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
(Luke 18:9-14)


Let us bring to the Lord the sighs of the Publican, and as sinners let us approach the Lord.
He desires the salvation of all mankind; He grants forgiveness to all who repent.
For us he became man while remaining God - co-eternal with the Father.  

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Gloria tibi, Domine!
Link Posted: 1/21/2024 11:45:41 AM EDT
Epistle and Gospel for today, the Third Sunday after Epiphany:

Romans 12: 16-21
Brethren: Be not wise in your own
conceits. To no man rendering evil for
evil: providing good things not only in
the sight of God, but also in the sight of
all men. If it be possible, as much as is
in you, have peace with all men.
Revenge not yourselves, my dearly
beloved, but give place unto wrath. For
it is written: Revenge is mine: I will
repay, saith the Lord. But if thy enemy
be hungry, give him to eat; if he thirst,
give him to drink: for doing this, thou
shalt heap coals of fire upon his head.
Be not overcome by evil, but
overcome evil by good.

Matthew 8: 1-13
At that time, when Jesus was come
down from the mountain, great
multitudes followed Him: and behold a
leper came and adored Him saying:
Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me
clean. And Jesus, stretching forth His
hand touched him, saying: I will. Be
thou made clean. And forthwith his
leprosy was cleansed. And Jesus saith
to him: See, thou tell no man: but go,
show thyself to the priest, and offer
the gift which Moses commanded, for a
testimony unto them. And when He had
entered into Capharnaum, there came
to Him a centurion, beseeching Him,
and saying: Lord, my servant lieth at
home sick of the palsy, and is
grievously tormented. And Jesus saith
to him: I will come and heal him. And
the centurion making answer said:
Lord, I am not worthy that Thou
should enter under my roof: but only
say the word and my servant shall be
healed. For I also am a man subject to
authority, having under me soldiers;
and I say to this: Go, and he goes; and
to another: Come, and he comes; and
to my servant: Do this, and he does it.
And Jesus hearing this
marveled, and said to them that
followed Him: Amen I say to you, I
have not found so great faith in Israël.
And I say to you, that many shall come
from the east and the west, and shall
sit down with Abraham and
Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of
heaven: but the children of the
kingdom shall be cast out into the
exterior darkness: there shall be
weeping and gnashing of teeth. And
Jesus said to the centurion: Go, and as
thou hast believed, so be it done to
thee. And the servant was healed at
the same hour.

Deo Gratias et Laus tibi, Christe!
Link Posted: 1/22/2024 9:07:50 AM EDT
I'm recycling this prayer I wrote some time ago due to today being the 51st anniversary of Roe v Wade, the legalization of murder.  The proliferation of which occurs parallel to contraceptives, the false promise of consequence free fornication and a symptom of the heresy, modernism; and the original sin, feminism, the daughter of Pride.  Divorce, children out of wedlock, a fatherless society, a Fatherless society, and the inversion of humanity.

Heavenly and almighty Father,
through the gift of free will Thou hast given Satan permission to tempt and to corrupt;
Grant us the fortitude to embrace the grace You have given us to rebuke him,
and to forgive those who failed and succumbed to him in a most wretched way;
Who have destroyed human life before it had a chance to know You, to love You, and to worship You.
I offer myself as a father willing to adopt spiritually an unborn child;
Bless me with the strength and will of St. Joseph, Your most blessed earthly father,
to love that child and to give it the chance at beatification that was so selfishly taken,
to baptize him or her in my tears if You deem them worthy,
to accept Your flesh as I desire, spiritually as life-giving nourishment,
and to offer my prayers, sufferings, graces, and experiences as life for the unborn.
Hear my prayer, oh Lord,
Delight in it and show us Thy wonders;
Bless You, my Lord.  Amen.
Kýrie eléison,
Christe eléison,
Kýrie eléison.
Link Posted: 1/22/2024 11:00:35 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:
I'm recycling this prayer I wrote some time ago due to today being the 51st anniversary of Roe v Wade, the legalization of murder.  The proliferation of which occurs parallel to contraceptives, the false promise of consequence free fornication and a symptom of the heresy, modernism; and the original sin, feminism, the daughter of Pride.  Divorce, children out of wedlock, a fatherless society, a Fatherless society, and the inversion of humanity.

Heavenly and almighty Father,
through the gift of free will Thou hast given Satan permission to tempt and to corrupt;
Grant us the fortitude to embrace the grace You have given us to rebuke him,
and to forgive those who failed and succumbed to him in a most wretched way;
Who have destroyed human life before it had a chance to know You, to love You, and to worship You.
I offer myself as a father willing to adopt spiritually an unborn child;
Bless me with the strength and will of St. Joseph, Your most blessed earthly father,
to love that child and to give it the chance at beatification that was so selfishly taken,
to baptize him or her in my tears if You deem them worthy,
to accept Your flesh as I desire, spiritually as life-giving nourishment,
and to offer my prayers, sufferings, graces, and experiences as life for the unborn.
Hear my prayer, oh Lord,
Delight in it and show us Thy wonders;
Bless You, my Lord.  Amen.
Kýrie eléison,
Christe eléison,
Kýrie eléison.
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Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.

Amen and amen.

I remember this prayer when you initially posted it, great job.
And thanks for the reminder of today's significance. I'm meeting a buddy at Mass today at noon at his parish, then we'll grab some lunch.
So, your intentions (and you and your family) will be in my prayers there.
Link Posted: 1/22/2024 11:13:25 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By EastWest:

Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.

Amen and amen.

I remember this prayer when you initially posted it, great job.
And thanks for the reminder of today's significance. I'm meeting a buddy at Mass today at noon at his parish, then we'll grab some lunch.
So, your intentions (and you and your family) will be in my prayers there.
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Originally Posted By EastWest:
Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:
I'm recycling this prayer I wrote some time ago due to today being the 51st anniversary of Roe v Wade, the legalization of murder.  The proliferation of which occurs parallel to contraceptives, the false promise of consequence free fornication and a symptom of the heresy, modernism; and the original sin, feminism, the daughter of Pride.  Divorce, children out of wedlock, a fatherless society, a Fatherless society, and the inversion of humanity.

Heavenly and almighty Father,
through the gift of free will Thou hast given Satan permission to tempt and to corrupt;
Grant us the fortitude to embrace the grace You have given us to rebuke him,
and to forgive those who failed and succumbed to him in a most wretched way;
Who have destroyed human life before it had a chance to know You, to love You, and to worship You.
I offer myself as a father willing to adopt spiritually an unborn child;
Bless me with the strength and will of St. Joseph, Your most blessed earthly father,
to love that child and to give it the chance at beatification that was so selfishly taken,
to baptize him or her in my tears if You deem them worthy,
to accept Your flesh as I desire, spiritually as life-giving nourishment,
and to offer my prayers, sufferings, graces, and experiences as life for the unborn.
Hear my prayer, oh Lord,
Delight in it and show us Thy wonders;
Bless You, my Lord.  Amen.
Kýrie eléison,
Christe eléison,
Kýrie eléison.

Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.

Amen and amen.

I remember this prayer when you initially posted it, great job.
And thanks for the reminder of today's significance. I'm meeting a buddy at Mass today at noon at his parish, then we'll grab some lunch.
So, your intentions (and you and your family) will be in my prayers there.

Thank you, brother!  Enjoy Mass today, it was nice to get two Latin Masses over the weekend.
Link Posted: 1/22/2024 11:41:04 AM EDT
[Last Edit: EastWest] [#15]
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Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:

Thank you, brother!  Enjoy Mass today, it was nice to get two Latin Masses over the weekend.
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Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:
Originally Posted By EastWest:
Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:
I'm recycling this prayer I wrote some time ago due to today being the 51st anniversary of Roe v Wade, the legalization of murder.  The proliferation of which occurs parallel to contraceptives, the false promise of consequence free fornication and a symptom of the heresy, modernism; and the original sin, feminism, the daughter of Pride.  Divorce, children out of wedlock, a fatherless society, a Fatherless society, and the inversion of humanity.

Heavenly and almighty Father,
through the gift of free will Thou hast given Satan permission to tempt and to corrupt;
Grant us the fortitude to embrace the grace You have given us to rebuke him,
and to forgive those who failed and succumbed to him in a most wretched way;
Who have destroyed human life before it had a chance to know You, to love You, and to worship You.
I offer myself as a father willing to adopt spiritually an unborn child;
Bless me with the strength and will of St. Joseph, Your most blessed earthly father,
to love that child and to give it the chance at beatification that was so selfishly taken,
to baptize him or her in my tears if You deem them worthy,
to accept Your flesh as I desire, spiritually as life-giving nourishment,
and to offer my prayers, sufferings, graces, and experiences as life for the unborn.
Hear my prayer, oh Lord,
Delight in it and show us Thy wonders;
Bless You, my Lord.  Amen.
Kýrie eléison,
Christe eléison,
Kýrie eléison.

Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.

Amen and amen.

I remember this prayer when you initially posted it, great job.
And thanks for the reminder of today's significance. I'm meeting a buddy at Mass today at noon at his parish, then we'll grab some lunch.
So, your intentions (and you and your family) will be in my prayers there.

Thank you, brother!  Enjoy Mass today, it was nice to get two Latin Masses over the weekend.

You're welcome, brother! TWO TLMs over the weekend. You the Man!
I have been going to a diocesan TLM near me recently, but went Byzantine yesterday due to some withdrawal symptoms (cold sweats, shaking hands, listening to Byzantine chant on YouTube, etc.) also my granddaughter's parochial class basketball game at 1pm (which was a time conflict with the aforementioned TLM).
Link Posted: 1/22/2024 11:47:11 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By EastWest:

You're welcome, brother! TWO TLMs over the weekend. You the Man!
I have been going to a diocesan TLM near me recently, but went Byzantine yesterday due to some withdrawal symptoms (cold sweats, shaking hands, listening to Byzantine chant on YouTube, etc.) also my granddaughter's parochial class basketball game at 1pm (which was a time conflict with the aforementioned TLM).
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Originally Posted By EastWest:
Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:
Originally Posted By EastWest:
Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:
I'm recycling this prayer I wrote some time ago due to today being the 51st anniversary of Roe v Wade, the legalization of murder.  The proliferation of which occurs parallel to contraceptives, the false promise of consequence free fornication and a symptom of the heresy, modernism; and the original sin, feminism, the daughter of Pride.  Divorce, children out of wedlock, a fatherless society, a Fatherless society, and the inversion of humanity.

Heavenly and almighty Father,
through the gift of free will Thou hast given Satan permission to tempt and to corrupt;
Grant us the fortitude to embrace the grace You have given us to rebuke him,
and to forgive those who failed and succumbed to him in a most wretched way;
Who have destroyed human life before it had a chance to know You, to love You, and to worship You.
I offer myself as a father willing to adopt spiritually an unborn child;
Bless me with the strength and will of St. Joseph, Your most blessed earthly father,
to love that child and to give it the chance at beatification that was so selfishly taken,
to baptize him or her in my tears if You deem them worthy,
to accept Your flesh as I desire, spiritually as life-giving nourishment,
and to offer my prayers, sufferings, graces, and experiences as life for the unborn.
Hear my prayer, oh Lord,
Delight in it and show us Thy wonders;
Bless You, my Lord.  Amen.
Kýrie eléison,
Christe eléison,
Kýrie eléison.

Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy.

Amen and amen.

I remember this prayer when you initially posted it, great job.
And thanks for the reminder of today's significance. I'm meeting a buddy at Mass today at noon at his parish, then we'll grab some lunch.
So, your intentions (and you and your family) will be in my prayers there.

Thank you, brother!  Enjoy Mass today, it was nice to get two Latin Masses over the weekend.

You're welcome, brother! TWO TLMs over the weekend. You the Man!
I have been going to a diocesan TLM near me recently, but went Byzantine yesterday due to some withdrawal symptoms (cold sweats, shaking hands, listening to Byzantine chant on YouTube, etc.) also my granddaughter's parochial class basketball game at 1pm (which was a time conflict with the aforementioned TLM).

We normally only get one a week, one High Mass per month.  But we had a grandfather/father/son Mass and breakfast Saturday.

Haha, I love Byzantine chants, we don't have any near us though, just have them on my playlists.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 9:31:46 AM EDT
Lord Jesus Christ,
I love Thee beyond all measure;
The reprieve from this world, the sanctuary of Your embrace.
I ask for Thy gifts of wisdom and clarity;
To navigate this world as only a journey to the eternal,
and to not fall prey to the worries and trials of temporal life;
To stand against modernism and the snares of the devil,
and to be a pillar of faith against the behest of the world around me;
To always put You first,
no matter the circumstance or consequence.
O Lord; The Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 10:15:06 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:
Lord Jesus Christ,
I love Thee beyond all measure;
The reprieve from this world, the sanctuary of Your embrace.
I ask for Thy gifts of wisdom and clarity;
To navigate this world as only a journey to the eternal,
and to not fall prey to the worries and trials of temporal life;
To stand against modernism and the snares of the devil,
and to be a pillar of faith against the behest of the world around me;
To always put You first,
no matter the circumstance or consequence.
O Lord; The Way, the Truth, and the Life.
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This is a fantastic one
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 9:47:35 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Gullskjegg] [#19]
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Originally Posted By WhiskersTheCat:

This is a fantastic one
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Originally Posted By WhiskersTheCat:
Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:
Lord Jesus Christ,
I love Thee beyond all measure;
The reprieve from this world, the sanctuary of Your embrace.
I ask for Thy gifts of wisdom and clarity;
To navigate this world as only a journey to the eternal,
and to not fall prey to the worries and trials of temporal life;
To stand against modernism and the snares of the devil,
and to be a pillar of faith against the behest of the world around me;
To always put You first,
no matter the circumstance or consequence.
O Lord; The Way, the Truth, and the Life.

This is a fantastic one

Thanks, brother, you're too kind.  I've been slacking for a while.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 9:48:31 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Gullskjegg] [#20]
How about something different for today, some imaginative prayer:

It’s late morning, with heavy hearts and anxious minds we set out upon the road across the mountains and foothills.  There’s a warm stillness from the sun as it breaks through the overcast sky and stays the chill breeze.  Beneath our feet, the earth is still cool from the night before, patches of frost shimmer in the broken light beneath the trees. The cheerful innocence of the children among us in stark contrast to the sorrow that weighs so heavy on our souls, the knowledge of what was and what we think we have lost.  

There is a man in our midst whom we know not, who speaks with a familiar wisdom and authority, lifting our hearts and enlightening our minds.  As we draw near Emmaus, the sun is setting low and the midday warmth has left the air, but the warmth in our hearts has only grown with each passing moment with him. If we could be as the children, the wisdom and sanctity in their innocence, we would have known all along, just as they did, that Jesus Christ walks among us.

O Lord, give us the wisdom and clarity to know and to follow You as You lead us, to recognize You as You walk among us in this life, and to desire You; body, soul, and divinity, in Your Holy Eucharist.

“And they drew night to the town, whither they were going: and he made as though he would go farther. But they constrained him; saying: Stay with us, because it is towards evening, and the day is now far spent. And he went in with them. And it came to pass, whilst he was at table with them, he took bread, and blessed, and brake, and gave to them. And their eyes were opened, and they knew him: and he vanished out of their sight. And they said one to the other: Was not our heart burning within us, whilst he spoke in this way, and opened to us the scriptures? “ St Luke 24:28-32
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 1:06:19 PM EDT
Praise to You, O Christ.
Link Posted: 1/25/2024 9:43:41 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Gullskjegg] [#22]
The Book of Wisdom, among other meanings, it is known as a prefiguration or "type" of Mary, the Mother of God and of Christs Holy Church.  

'Wherefore I wished, and understanding was given me: and I called upon God, and the spirit of wisdom came upon me: And I preferred her before kingdoms and thrones, and esteemed riches nothing in comparison of her. Neither did I compare unto her any precious stone: for all gold in comparison of her, is as a little sand, and silver in respect to her shall be counted as clay. I loved her above health and beauty, and chose to have her instead of light: for her light cannot be put out. Now all good things came to me together with her, and innumerable riches through her hands, And I rejoiced in all these: for this wisdom went before me, and I knew not that she was the mother of them all. '

Wisdom 7:7-12

With respect to sacred Scripture, the Apocrypha are those religious books written in the Old and New Testaments eras that claimed a sacred origin but were ultimately judged by the Catholic Church as not inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Our Protestant brothers and sisters mistakenly place the deuterocanonicals (seven Old Testament books) in this category.  The deuterocanonicals are seven books (Tobit, Judith, Baruch, Sirach, Wisdom, 1–2 Maccabees) and parts of two others (Daniel, Esther) considered canonical in the Catholic Church and many Eastern Orthodox and other Eastern Christian Churches but not in the Protestant community.  At the Council of Rome in 382, the Church decided upon a canon of 46 Old Testament books and 27 in the New Testament. This decision was ratified by the councils at Hippo (393), Carthage (397, 419), II Nicea (787), Florence (1442), and Trent (1546).
Link Posted: 1/26/2024 9:41:42 AM EDT
Eastern commemoration of Our Holy Father Xenophon and his relatives, January 26.


O God of our Fathers who always deal with us according to your everlasting compassion, do not withdraw your mercy from us, but through the prayers of our Fathers, guide our lives among the ways of peace.
Link Posted: 1/26/2024 9:46:15 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By EastWest:
Eastern commemoration of Our Holy Father Xenophon and his relatives, January 26.


O God of our Fathers who always deal with us according to your everlasting compassion, do not withdraw your mercy from us, but through the prayers of our Fathers, guide our lives among the ways of peace.
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Amen!  The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, have mercy on us!
Link Posted: 1/26/2024 10:01:10 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Gullskjegg] [#25]
I think I've posted this one before but in light of the events unfolding around the world and especially in these United States, precisely with Governor Abbot of Texas who is a Catholic in communion with Christ; I find it very fitting.  

Grant unto all Kings and Rulers, O Lord, health, peace, concord, and stability, that they may administer the government which Thou hast given them without failure. For Thou, O heavenly Master, King of the Ages, givest to the sons of men glory and honour, and power over all things that are upon the earth. Do Thou, Lord, direct their counsel according to that which is good and well pleasing in Thy sight, that administering in peace and gentleness, with godliness, the power which Thou hast given them, they may obtain Thy favour. O Thou Who alone art able to do these things, and things far more exceeding good than these, for us, we praise Thee, through the High Priest and Guardian of our souls, Jesus Christ; through Whom be the glory and the majesty, unto Thee, both now and for all generations, and forever and ever. Amen. —Clement of Rome, 1st Century
Link Posted: 1/26/2024 10:50:31 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By EastWest:
Amen. And a great prayer.

I think it is always an excellent practice to have a daily rule of prayer.

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Well said.
Link Posted: 1/27/2024 10:21:38 AM EDT
Epistle for today, as we honor St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church:

2 Timothy 4: 1-8
Dearly beloved, I charge thee, before
God and Jesus Christ, who shall judge
the living and the dead, by His
coming, and His kingdom: preach the
word: be instant in season, out of
season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all
patience and doctrine. For there shall
be a time when they will not endure
sound doctrine, but according to their
own desires they will heap to
themselves teachers, having itching
ears: and will indeed turn away their
hearing from the truth, but will be
turned unto fables. But be thou
vigilant, labour in all things, do the
work of an evangelist, fulfill thy
ministry. Be sober. For I am even now
ready to be sacrificed: and the time of
my dissolution is at hand. I have
fought a good fight, I have finished my
course, I have kept the faith. As to the
rest, there is laid up for me a crown of
justice, which the Lord, the just Judge,
will render to me in that day: and not
only to me, but to them also that love
his coming.

Deo gratias!
Link Posted: 1/27/2024 12:10:14 PM EDT
Eastern troparion for the transfer of the remains of St John Chrysostom (in 438, 30+ years after his death, to Constantinople/Istanbul).

The grace that shines forth from your mouth like a torch has enlightened the universe,
bestowed treasures of generosity upon the world and shown us the heights of humility.
While you teach us through your words, pray to the Word, Christ our God,
that He may save our souls.


Link Posted: 1/28/2024 11:50:44 AM EDT
Gospel for today, Septuagesima   Sunday (70(ish) days until Easter) the beginning of the penitential season as we prepare for Lent:

Matthew 20: 1-16
At that time Jesus spoke to his
disciples this parable: The kingdom of
heaven is like to an householder who
went out early in the morning to hire
laborers into his vineyard. And having
agreed with the laborers for a penny a
day, he sent them into his vineyard.
And going out about the third hour, he
saw others standing in the market
place idle, and he said to them: Go you
also into my vineyard, and I will give
you what shall be just. And they went
their way. And again he went out about
the sixth and the ninth hour: and did in
like manner. But about the eleventh
hour he went out and found others
standing, and he said to them: Why
stand you here all the day idle? They
say to him: Because no man has hired
us. He said to them: Go you also into
my vineyard. And when evening was
come, the lord of the vineyard said to
his steward: Call the laborers and pay
them their hire, beginning from the last
even to the first. When therefore they
were come that came about the
eleventh hour, they received every man
a penny. But when the first also came,
they thought that they should receive
more: and they also received every
man a penny. And receiving it they
murmured against the master of the
house, saying: These last have worked
but one hour, and thou hast made them
equal to us that have borne the burden
of the day and the heats. But he
answering said to one of them: Friend, I
do thee no wrong: did thou not agree
with me for a penny? Take what is thine
and go thy way: I will also give to this
last even as to thee. Or, is it not lawful
for me to do what I will? Is thy eye evil,
because I am good? So shall the last
be first, and the first last. For many are
called, but few chosen.

Laus tibi, Christe!
Link Posted: 1/28/2024 9:48:29 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:
Gospel for today, Septuagesima   Sunday (70(ish) days until Easter) the beginning of the penitential season as we prepare for Lent:

Matthew 20: 1-16
At that time Jesus spoke to his
disciples this parable: The kingdom of
heaven is like to an householder who
went out early in the morning to hire
laborers into his vineyard. And having
agreed with the laborers for a penny a
day, he sent them into his vineyard.
And going out about the third hour, he
saw others standing in the market
place idle, and he said to them: Go you
also into my vineyard, and I will give
you what shall be just. And they went
their way. And again he went out about
the sixth and the ninth hour: and did in
like manner. But about the eleventh
hour he went out and found others
standing, and he said to them: Why
stand you here all the day idle? They
say to him: Because no man has hired
us. He said to them: Go you also into
my vineyard. And when evening was
come, the lord of the vineyard said to
his steward: Call the laborers and pay
them their hire, beginning from the last
even to the first. When therefore they
were come that came about the
eleventh hour, they received every man
a penny. But when the first also came,
they thought that they should receive
more: and they also received every
man a penny. And receiving it they
murmured against the master of the
house, saying: These last have worked
but one hour, and thou hast made them
equal to us that have borne the burden
of the day and the heats. But he
answering said to one of them: Friend, I
do thee no wrong: did thou not agree
with me for a penny? Take what is thine
and go thy way: I will also give to this
last even as to thee. Or, is it not lawful
for me to do what I will? Is thy eye evil,
because I am good? So shall the last
be first, and the first last. For many are
called, but few chosen.

Laus tibi, Christe!
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Great scripture for this day & age (as all are)!

How many of us (probably most of us, I being more guilty than many), get worked
up, & bent out of shape because of what someone else has gotten, what they do at
work, how they've been favored, blessed, what they DIDN'T do when they were supposed
to, etc....   you know- how it's not fair..

Do what's right & required of yourself, be right with God, & don't worry about others..
Link Posted: 1/28/2024 9:53:17 PM EDT
Wrote down the prayer of St. Michael yesterday
Link Posted: 1/29/2024 9:37:45 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By G1F2-EE:

Great scripture for this day & age (as all are)!

How many of us (probably most of us, I being more guilty than many), get worked
up, & bent out of shape because of what someone else has gotten, what they do at
work, how they've been favored, blessed, what they DIDN'T do when they were supposed
to, etc....   you know- how it's not fair..

Do what's right & required of yourself, be right with God, & don't worry about others..
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It's very difficult to do isn't it.  At the same time, it is our duty to correct the mistakes of our brothers, with charity if possible but with authority if needed.
Link Posted: 1/29/2024 9:38:48 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By WhiskersTheCat:
Wrote down the prayer of St. Michael yesterday
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A very good prayer, especially in this time of spiritual warfare.

We say it after every Low Mass, and at the end of every rosary.
Link Posted: 1/29/2024 9:41:23 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Gullskjegg] [#34]
Universal Prayer of Clement XI, 18th Century

Part 1

O my God, I believe in Thee, but do Thou strengthen my faith. All my hopes are in Thee, do Thou secure them. I love Thee with my whole heart, teach me to love Thee daily more and more. I am sorry for having offended Thee, do Thou increase my sorrow.

I adore Thee as my first beginning, I aspire after Thee as my last end. I give Thee thanks as my constant benefactor; I call upon Thee as my sovereign protector. Vouchsafe, O my God, to conduct me by Thy wisdom, to restrain me by Thy justice, to comfort me by Thy mercy, to defend me by Thy power.

To Thee I desire to consecrate all my thoughts, words, actions, and sufferings; that henceforward I may think of Thee, speak of Thee, and willingly refer all my actions to Thy greater glory: and suffer willingly whatever Thou shalt appoint.

Link Posted: 1/29/2024 3:57:22 PM EDT
Here's a Roman Catholic one that is a favorite of mine. It is recommended to be prayed after confession.

I think this can be read by not only those who participate in sacramental confession (Orthodox, Catholic, some Anglicans) but also by any Christian.

Act of Firm Purpose

Give me a change of heart O Jesus, Thou who has sacrificed Thyself for love of me!
Make known to my spirit the excellence of Thy spiritual humiliations.
Let me begin today, illumined by Thy light, to destroy this part of the natural man which lives in me in its entirety.
This is the main source of my misery, the obstacle that constantly keeps me from Thy love.

-- Cardinal Rafael Merry Del Val (d. 1930)

The final sentence of this prayer has been a blessing to me for many years.

Cardinal Del Val was in the conclave that elected St Pius X as pope. His mother was of English ancestry, and he was educated in England. He received a doctorate in philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University.  He was Spanish and was noted for the popularity of his devotions in Hispanic countries as well as for his traditionalism.

He was a young Secretary of State in the Vatican.

Pope Pius XII started the cause of his canonization in 1953.

Would be nice if Pope Francis would do something positive and fast track my man for beatification.


Link Posted: 1/29/2024 4:15:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By EastWest:
Here's a Roman Catholic one that is a favorite of mine. It is recommended to be prayed after confession.

I think this can be read by not only those who participate in sacramental confession (Orthodox, Catholic, some Anglicans) but also by any Christian.

Act of Firm Purpose

Give me a change of heart O Jesus, Thou who has sacrificed Thyself for love of me!
Make known to my spirit the excellence of Thy spiritual humiliations.
Let me begin today, illumined by Thy light, to destroy this part of the natural man which lives in me in its entirety.
This is the main source of my misery, the obstacle that constantly keeps me from Thy love.

-- Cardinal Rafael Merry Del Val (d. 1930)

The final sentence of this prayer has been a blessing to me for many years.

Cardinal Del Val was in the conclave that elected St Pius X as pope. His mother was of English ancestry, and he was educated in England. He received a doctorate in philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University.  He was Spanish and was noted for the popularity of his devotions in Hispanic countries as well as for his traditionalism.

He was a young Secretary of State in the Vatican.

Pope Pius XII started the cause of his canonization in 1953.

Would be nice if Pope Francis would do something positive and fast track my man for beatification.


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I'll have to keep that one handy, thank you.  That last sentence is very applicable to me.
Link Posted: 1/29/2024 5:35:04 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:

I'll have to keep that one handy, thank you.  That last sentence is very applicable to me.
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You're welcome! Yes, the last sentence is very applicable to me, too. It's a great reminder for us as to where happiness can truly be found. After confession and penance, I actually look forward to reading/praying it.

Also, one of my go-to prayers to get my mind straight while enduring temptation.
Link Posted: 1/30/2024 8:43:10 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Gullskjegg] [#38]
Originally Posted By EastWest:

You're welcome! Yes, the last sentence is very applicable to me, too. It's a great reminder for us as to where happiness can truly be found. After confession and penance, I actually look forward to reading/praying it.

Also, one of my go-to prayers to get my mind straight while enduring temptation.
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This next part is oddly relevant...  
Link Posted: 1/30/2024 8:45:16 AM EDT
Universal Prayer of Clement XI, 18th Century

Part 2

Lord, I desire that in all things Thy will may be done, because it is Thy will, and in the manner that Thou willest. I beg of Thee to enlighten my understanding, to inflame my will, to purify my body, and to sanctify my soul.

Give me strength, O my God, to expiate my offenses, to overcome my temptations, to subdue my passions, and to acquire the virtues proper for my state. Fill my heart with tender affection for Thy goodness, a hatred for my faults, a love for my neighbour, and a contempt of the world.

Link Posted: 1/31/2024 9:03:57 AM EDT
This keeps getting more difficult.

Universal Prayer of Clement XI, 18th Century

Part 3

Let me always remember to be submissive to my superiors, charitable to my inferiors, faithful to my friends, and indulgent towards my enemies.

Assist me to overcome sensuality by mortification, avarice by almsgiving, anger by meekness, and tepidity by devotion.

O my God, make me prudent in my undertakings, courageous in dangers, patient in afflictions, and humble in prosperity.

Grant, that I may be ever attentive in my prayers, temperate at my meals, diligent in my employments, and constant in my resolutions.

Link Posted: 1/31/2024 12:11:27 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:
This keeps getting more difficult.

Universal Prayer of Clement XI, 18th Century

Part 3

Let me always remember to be submissive to my superiors, charitable to my inferiors, faithful to my friends, and indulgent towards my enemies.

Assist me to overcome sensuality by mortification, avarice by almsgiving, anger by meekness, and tepidity by devotion.

O my God, make me prudent in my undertakings, courageous in dangers, patient in afflictions, and humble in prosperity.

Grant, that I may be ever attentive in my prayers, temperate at my meals, diligent in my employments, and constant in my resolutions.

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It keeps getting more difficult for you? I thought it was only me.  
Link Posted: 2/1/2024 8:42:42 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By EastWest:

It keeps getting more difficult for you? I thought it was only me.  
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If we're honest with ourselves it should be difficult for all of us.  
Link Posted: 2/1/2024 8:44:19 AM EDT
Universal Prayer of Clement XI, 18th Century

Part 4 / Final

Let my conscience be ever upright and pure, my exterior modest, my conversation edifying, and my comportment regular.

Assist me, that I may continually labour to overcome nature, by corresponding to thy grace, to keep thy commandments, and to work out my salvation.

Discover to me, O my God, the nothingness of this world, the greatness of heaven, the shortness of time, and the length of eternity.

Grant, that I may prepare for death, that I may fear thy judgments, that I may escape hell, and in the end obtain heaven, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.  

Link Posted: 2/2/2024 8:55:52 AM EDT
Every Friday is Lent.

'Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen. When Jesus therefore had seen his mother and the disciple standing whom he loved, he saith to his mother: Woman, behold thy son. After that, he saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother. And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own. ' - St John 19:25-27

Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
Link Posted: 2/2/2024 12:15:42 PM EDT
[Last Edit: EastWest] [#45]
February 2, The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ Into the Temple. One of the twelve major feasts of the Orthodox/Byzantine Catholic Church.


Hail O woman full of grace, Virgin and Mother of God:
from you has arisen the Sun of Justice, Christ our God,
enlightening those who stand in darkness. You too, just Elder
Simeon, rejoice, for you carried in your arms the Redeemer of our souls,
our Resurrection.

Link Posted: 2/2/2024 12:21:51 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Gullskjegg] [#46]
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Originally Posted By EastWest:
February 2, The Feast of the Presentation of Christ of Jesus Christ Into the Temple. One of the twelve major feasts of the Orthodox/Byzantine Catholic Church.


Hail O woman full of grace, Virgin and Mother of God:
from you has arisen the Sun of Justice, Christ our God,
enlightening those who stand in darkness. You too, just Elder
Simeon, rejoice, for you carried in your arms the Redeemer of our souls,
our Resurrection.

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Thanks, brother!  

Yes there is a lot today, Christs presentation, purification, Candlemas!  What a glorious day to be on the sorrowful day of the week.

My wife and daughters went to first Friday Mass this morning as they always do, but with a huge box of candles to be blessed by father this Candlemas.
Link Posted: 2/2/2024 7:57:34 PM EDT
[Last Edit: EastWest] [#47]
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Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:

Thanks, brother!  

Yes there is a lot today, Christs presentation, purification, Candlemas!  What a glorious day to be on the sorrowful day of the week.

My wife and daughters went to first Friday Mass this morning as they always do, but with a huge box of candles to be blessed by father this Candlemas.
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Outstanding, and you are absolutely right about the glorious nature of this particular Friday, brother! I went to Mass today as well (noon), and then a long time (formerly Orthodox now TLM) friend and I went to lunch in honor of the feast day.

St Blaise commemoration is tomorrow; a stone groove as we old folks would say.

Link Posted: 2/2/2024 8:11:56 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By EastWest:

Outstanding, and you are absolutely right about the glorious nature of this particular Friday, brother! I went to Mass today as well (noon), and then a long time (formerly Orthodox now TLM) friend and I went to lunch in honor of the feast day.

St Blaise commemoration is tomorrow; a stone groove as we old folks would say.

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Originally Posted By EastWest:
Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:

Thanks, brother!  

Yes there is a lot today, Christs presentation, purification, Candlemas!  What a glorious day to be on the sorrowful day of the week.

My wife and daughters went to first Friday Mass this morning as they always do, but with a huge box of candles to be blessed by father this Candlemas.

Outstanding, and you are absolutely right about the glorious nature of this particular Friday, brother! I went to Mass today as well (noon), and then a long time (formerly Orthodox now TLM) friend and I went to lunch in honor of the feast day.

St Blaise commemoration is tomorrow; a stone groove as we old folks would say.

I love it, truly living the liturgical life; the living, breathing, days of our faith.  Bless you, my brother, Deo gratias et ave Maria!
Link Posted: 2/3/2024 6:38:16 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Gullskjegg:

I love it, truly living the liturgical life; the living, breathing, days of our faith.  Bless you, my brother, Deo gratias et ave Maria!
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Thank you, brother. Yes, the liturgical life of the Church is such a gift -thanks be to God!
Link Posted: 2/3/2024 9:22:10 AM EDT
Epistle for tomorrow, Sexagesima Sunday:

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭11‬:‭19‬-‭33‬, 12:1-9
”For you gladly suffer the foolish; whereas yourselves are wise. For you suffer if a man bring you into bondage, if a man devour you, if a man take from you, if a man be lifted up, if a man strike you on the face. I speak according to dishonour, as if we had been weak in this part. Wherein if any man dare (I speak foolishly), I dare also. They are Hebrews: so am I. They are Israelites: so am I. They are the seed of Abraham: so am I. They are the ministers of Christ (I speak as one less wise): I am more; in many more labours, in prisons more frequently, in stripes above measure, in deaths often. Of the Jews five times did I receive forty stripes, save one. Thrice was I beaten with rods, once I was stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I was in the depth of the sea. In journeying often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils from my own nation, in perils from the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils from false brethren. In labour and painfulness, in much watchings, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness. Besides those things which are without: my daily instance, the solicitude for all the churches. Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is scandalized, and I am not on fire? If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things that concern my infirmity. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed for ever, knoweth that I lie not. At Damascus, the governor of the nation under Aretas the king, guarded the city of the Damascenes, to apprehend me. And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and so escaped his hands.“”If I must glory (it is not expedient indeed): but I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I know a man in Christ above fourteen years ago (whether in the body, I know not, or out of the body, I know not; God knoweth), such a one caught up to the third heaven. And I know such a man (whether in the body, or out of the body, I know not: God knoweth): That he was caught up into paradise, and heard secret words, which it is not granted to man to utter. For such an one I will glory; but for myself I will glory nothing, but in my infirmities. For though I should have a mind to glory, I shall not be foolish; for I will say the truth. But I forbear, lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth in me, or any thing he heareth from me. And lest the greatness of the revelations should exalt me, there was given me a sting of my flesh, an angel of Satan, to buffet me. For which thing thrice I besought the Lord, that it might depart from me. And he said to me: My grace is sufficient for thee; for power is made perfect in infirmity. Gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may dwell in me.“

Deo gratias!‬
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