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Posted: 5/18/2010 6:54:13 AM EDT
Goldline girds for Weiner assault

May 17, 2010

Forget Goldman. New York Rep. Anthony Weiner has been shooting a bit lower in the finance food chain, going after gold dealers.

His latest target, the company Goldline, which has made its name profiting –– with the help of conservative talkers –– off fees for buying and selling gold against public anxiety.

A representative of the company circulated an email this afternoon:

   Tomorrow May 18th Congressman Weiner (NY-D) will be either having a press conference or sending out a press release that will involve Goldline International and Glenn Beck. Congressman Weiner will also be going after other conservative supporters that endorse Goldline International. We are not sure what exactly Weiner will be saying but we do know that it will not be favorable to either Goldline or any of the conservative personalities that support Goldline.

   Goldline wants to make sure that you are aware of this situation. Mark Albarian (President and CEO of Goldline) and Scott Carter (Executive Vice President of Goldline) are available at any time to address questions and concerns.

A Weiner aide forwards his advisory, headed, "'Goldline' Rips Off Consumers, Profits Off Public Fears, Likely Violates Federal Law."

"The company has formed an unholy alliance with conservative pundits to drive a false narrative and play off public fears in order to sell its products," says the release. Coming soon to MSNBC...

Link Posted: 5/18/2010 6:57:09 AM EDT
Seriousness of the charge, and all that.

Goldline has advertised with Beck and others for years.  Why suddenly a problem?
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 6:59:20 AM EDT

A Weiner aide forwards his advisory, headed, "'Goldline' Rips Off Consumers, Profits Off Public Fears, Likely Violates Federal Law."

Is this the Weiner aide?

Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:00:02 AM EDT
Seriousness of the charge, and all that.

Goldline has advertised with Beck and others for years.  Why suddenly a problem?

Because Beck's message is getting REAL close to home. Even if you don't like him personally, the dirt their digging up under their Crime Inc. story has been breathtaking.
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:04:08 AM EDT
I can see Beck digging up a big pile of shit on Weiner..

Then watch him STFU..


Bye Bye Weiner..

You just lost the elections..
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:05:44 AM EDT
I can see Beck digging up a big pile of shit on Weiner..

Then watch him STFU..

Shit on Weiner. Theres an ass-to-mouth joke in here that Im just not seeing. I need lunch.
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:06:31 AM EDT
I think they should go after Select Comfort and Pro Flowers too.

In fact, I think they should ban all advertising and all sponsorship and all private ownership of companies.

And the owner of Goldline and Glenn Beck and everyone else should get the electric chair and spend eternity in Hell.

Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:07:02 AM EDT
The democrats going after a company selling a legal for now anyway product? If only they went after our foreign enemies as much as they attack capitalism
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:07:49 AM EDT
They want us dealing in dollars.  Remember, there was a reason why FDR banned gold during the depression.
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:09:18 AM EDT
I think they should go after Select Comfort and Pro Flowers too.

In fact, I think they should ban all advertising and all sponsorship and all private ownership of companies.

And the owner of Goldline and Glenn Beck and everyone else should get the electric chair and spend eternity in Hell.

But make sure that Acorn keeps their doors open, and keep supporting black panthers who harrass people at polling stations.   Then everything will be fair.
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:10:45 AM EDT
I think they should go after Select Comfort and Pro Flowers too.

In fact, I think they should ban all advertising and all sponsorship and all private ownership of companies.

And the owner of Goldline and Glenn Beck and everyone else should get the electric chair and spend eternity in Hell.

You broke my sarcasm meter........
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:11:27 AM EDT
Seriousness of the charge, and all that.

Goldline has advertised with Beck and others for years.  Why suddenly a problem?

Because Beck's message is getting REAL close to home. Even if you don't like him personally, the dirt their digging up under their Crime Inc. story has been breathtaking.

Even though Beck is just presenting pasteurized Alex Jones stories (I know because I often listen to both), I agree with you.  It's too close to home and too mainstream.   Plus the leftist elements in society (and on this site) have a personal vendetta against gold.
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:14:55 AM EDT
Is this the Weiner aide?

I thought Viagra was a weiner aide.
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:16:04 AM EDT



I think they should go after Select Comfort and Pro Flowers too.

In fact, I think they should ban all advertising and all sponsorship and all private ownership of companies.

And the owner of Goldline and Glenn Beck and everyone else should get the electric chair and spend eternity in Hell.

But make sure that Acorn keeps their doors open, and keep supporting black panthers who harrass people at polling stations.   Then everything will be fair.

We should give Acorn 12 trillion dollars.
per week.

Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:17:56 AM EDT
Goldline sounds like a major scam.  Who here has purchased gold from them?  

Also, the advertising from "income at home 55 dot com" sounds like a complete scam... it makes me think that conservative radio hosts think that their listeners are total gullible idiots.
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:18:37 AM EDT
Seriousness of the charge, and all that.

Goldline has advertised with Beck and others for years.  Why suddenly a problem?

Because Beck's message is getting REAL close to home. Even if you don't like him personally, the dirt their digging up under their Crime Inc. story has been breathtaking.

Even though Beck is just presenting pasteurized Alex Jones stories (I know because I often listen to both), I agree with you.  It's too close to home and too mainstream.   Plus the leftist elements in society (and on this site) have a personal vendetta against gold.

Is Beck saying anything that can be proven to be not true?  I'm just askin'...
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:19:47 AM EDT
what a doosh
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:20:22 AM EDT
Maybe I'm missing something, but why does the headline say "likely" breaking federal law?

Wouldn't that be something to check into before getting into a big stink about it?
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:20:58 AM EDT
He's a loser.  Bill Clinton mouthpiece.  ZERO politician.  Just wants to be mayor, never will be.
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:24:18 AM EDT
I think they should go after Select Comfort and Pro Flowers too.

In fact, I think they should ban all advertising and all sponsorship and all private ownership of companies.

And the owner of Goldline and Glenn Beck and everyone else should get the electric chair and spend eternity in Hell.


You forgot the biggest evil of them all:
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:25:53 AM EDT



I think they should go after Select Comfort and Pro Flowers too.

In fact, I think they should ban all advertising and all sponsorship and all private ownership of companies.

And the owner of Goldline and Glenn Beck and everyone else should get the electric chair and spend eternity in Hell.


You forgot the biggest evil of them all:



Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:28:11 AM EDT

A Weiner aide forwards his advisory, headed, "'Goldline' Rips Off Consumers, Profits Off Public Fears, Likely Violates Federal Law."

Is this the Weiner aide?



Great one
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:29:05 AM EDT
2 wars, economy is still in the shitter, fed gov expanding at an astounding rate, a growing war on our southern border, imigration, etc etc

And THIS is what this twerp is worried about?

You know how I know our country is screwed?
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:33:14 AM EDT
There has never been a "man" so aptly named.  
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:42:15 AM EDT
Goldline sounds like a major scam.  Who here has purchased gold from them?  

Also, the advertising from "income at home 55 dot com" sounds like a complete scam... it makes me think that conservative radio hosts think that their listeners are total gullible idiots.

Don't know about Goldline but I have been involved in some of the "e-gold" type companies folks would do well to stay away from the companies that sell you gold that you never get and is stored elsewhere like as a stored value balance (no pun intended)

what I do object to is Mark Levin, Hannity and others (not sure about Beck) that do these OMG the economy is failing bits then seamlessly roll in to "i have invested with gold seller X for many years and it is a great way to hedge against a bad dollar" or whatever their hook is.

Buyer beware and all but when you create an air of fear about something and then sell what you allude to being an antidote for it, that gets a bit iffy morally to me. Don't know if it is against the law, don't care, not my job to figure that out. But I'd hate for someone to hear the message of a radio personality they like a lot and then invest in something that isn't necessarily good for them. Remember not everyone is as saavy and brilliant as all the ARFCOM folk.

ETA: Totally agree with the folks that think there are more important things to worry about. Looks really shady to go after someone like Beck when you are target of someone like Beck. Completely stinks of, I will use my power to silence those who oppose me fairly. And at the end of the day a congressman using his or her power to silence someone who has not been shown to be lying about them is probably worse than any iffy advertising bs.

Link Posted: 5/18/2010 7:57:12 AM EDT
I can see Beck digging up a big pile of shit on Weiner..

Then watch him STFU..


Bye Bye Weiner..

You just lost the elections..

Why wait, let's start digging.  

Link Posted: 5/18/2010 8:00:04 AM EDT
What a dick!
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 8:04:12 AM EDT
Seriousness of the charge, and all that.

Goldline has advertised with Beck and others for years.  Why suddenly a problem?

Because Beck's message is getting REAL close to home. Even if you don't like him personally, the dirt their digging up under their Crime Inc. story has been breathtaking.

Even though Beck is just presenting pasteurized Alex Jones stories (I know because I often listen to both), I agree with you.  It's too close to home and too mainstream.   Plus the leftist elements in society (and on this site) have a personal vendetta against gold.

Is Beck saying anything that can be proven to be not true?  I'm just askin'...

No, both of them are insightful.  Beck just avoids some of the tarnish that Jones gets by carefully avoiding certain issues.  Beck outright pirates a lot of Jones's material.  However, as long as the good word gets out there, it's good for all of us.
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 8:14:41 AM EDT
Goldline sounds like a major scam.  Who here has purchased gold from them?  

Also, the advertising from "income at home 55 dot com" sounds like a complete scam... it makes me think that conservative radio hosts think that their listeners are total gullible idiots.

Don't know about Goldline but I have been involved in some of the "e-gold" type companies folks would do well to stay away from the companies that sell you gold that you never get and is stored elsewhere like as a stored value balance (no pun intended)

what I do object to is Mark Levin, Hannity and others (not sure about Beck) that do these OMG the economy is failing bits then seamlessly roll in to "i have invested with gold seller X for many years and it is a great way to hedge against a bad dollar" or whatever their hook is.

Buyer beware and all but when you create an air of fear about something and then sell what you allude to being an antidote for it, that gets a bit iffy morally to me. Don't know if it is against the law, don't care, not my job to figure that out. But I'd hate for someone to hear the message of a radio personality they like a lot and then invest in something that isn't necessarily good for them. Remember not everyone is as saavy and brilliant as all the ARFCOM folk.

ETA: Totally agree with the folks that think there are more important things to worry about. Looks really shady to go after someone like Beck when you are target of someone like Beck. Completely stinks of, I will use my power to silence those who oppose me fairly. And at the end of the day a congressman using his or her power to silence someone who has not been shown to be lying about them is probably worse than any iffy advertising bs.

I hate it when firemen recommend a fire extinguisher, they should just do their job!
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 8:27:19 AM EDT
Seriously! how the fuck does a guy with that last name make it in politics?? everytime I hear that name it cracks me up, and when I see that worthless fuckstick start opening his suckhole about something, it makes me laugh more.

Goodluck with wasting our money investigating nothing Anthony, you worthless fuckstain!
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 8:29:40 AM EDT
I think Goldline sells physical gold don't they?

Are they going after all the other coin and bullion dealers too?

I suppose a couple dollars over spot is to much profit for the Marxists in Congress.

These FUCKSTICKS in Congress really piss  me off.
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 8:31:55 AM EDT
Maybe I'm missing something, but why does the headline say "likely" breaking federal law?

Wouldn't that be something to check into before getting into a big stink about it?

It's quite obvious the administration (including Obama) don't let facts get in the way, nor do they bother reading bills before ripping them to pieces and making totally bogus claims about them, so why would this be any different?
Link Posted: 5/18/2010 9:27:18 AM EDT
Buyer beware and all but when you create an air of fear about something and then sell what you allude to being an antidote for it, that gets a bit iffy morally to me.

That's what our government does.  

ETA:  And Algore with carbon credits.

If I have a choice between investing in gold or carbon credits... I think I'll take gold.

But I want the actual gold in my possession.
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