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Posted: 6/15/2010 7:11:05 PM EDT

ORANIA, South Africa – You come because there have been stories. Because around the World Cup the talk has been about peace and togetherness and the vanquishing of old racial wounds in the hope that the world’s arrival might stimulate new solutions. And you hear of a place that wants none of that. A place where white and black can’t live side-by-side in the rainbow nation. A place settled by the old South Africa who couldn’t cope with the new South Africa.

And you wonder why such a place should exist at all.

So you drive early one morning from Johannesburg, long before the sun climbs into the sky. You go past the flat-topped hills of mining country, through dusty towns and then across the long, open African savannah spotted with acacia trees until five hours later, near the banks of the Orange River, you find Orania.

And yes, it is true. In a country 80 percent black, there is a town that has made itself 100 percent white. Determined to preserve the Afrikaner culture 20 years after the fall of apartheid.

On the surface, Orania seems like a normal village. It has a grocery store, a gas station and a small bookstore that sells town T-shirts. A woman at a desk in the bookstore smiles and asks you to sign a guestbook. The primary language is Afrikaans, not English. The town’s public relations director, a former physician named John Strydom, comes out and shows a video. On the screen, children ride bicycles and the narrator explains that “there is a place where children can still have a comfortable childhood” and “residents can walk without looking over their shoulder.”

And it is clear that without even mentioning the words, this is all about black and white.

Driving around Orania, Strydom points out all the sights: the new houses built with bales of straw for insulation and solar panels on the roofs, the radio station, the small but lavish hotel and gleaming spa that overlook the river. He also explains the criteria for buying a house in Orania: one must submit an application, promise to uphold the Afrikaner culture and be approved by an administrative board.

“We can choose who lives here,” he says bluntly.

When asked if that was restricted by race he replied: “Most people in South Africa wouldn’t want to come here if they are black.”

Once the Afrikaners controlled South Africa, often brutally; this, despite the fact they were a white minority in a country that is predominately black. In the 1940s, they invented apartheid as an official form of segregation and ran the country almost as a dictatorship until black uprisings and the world’s scorn broke that rule. When Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990, it was only a matter of time before Afrikaner rule was over.

This is when a missionary named Carel Boshoff, the son in law of Hendrick Frensch Verwoerd, the architect of apartheid, banded with a group of 40 families to buy a mostly abandoned government construction camp and turn it into Orania. From the beginning, the idea was to separate. Orania had its own flag and its own currency (the ora, the first three letters of the town’s name) and set out to build something self-sustaining. Now, the 700 or so residents of Orania live as if it is their own country.

In fact, when asked who he considers to be his president, Boshoff’s son Carel (IV), who is now the community’s leader rambles for a moment, talking about how all people see government in different ways. When pressed on the question he finally says, “Right here,” and points to the ground at his feet.

Carel (IV) is an intellectual man, with large glasses and wavy long hair. He could be a young radical in Amsterdam if he wasn’t here in this small farming town explaining why he wants an Afrikaner state. He likes to talk in concepts and enjoys the show about international politics he hosts every week on the radio station.

He picks his words carefully but the community’s philosophy spills out nonetheless. Since the Afrikaner is white in heritage then the culture that is preserved must be white as well. The people of Orania don’t have anything against black people, he says, they just don’t share a culture. And if they don’t share a culture then they shouldn’t be living together.

In order to buy a house in Orania, one must submit an application and promise to uphold Afrikaner culture. (Photo by Alan Springer/Yahoo) Mostly Orania taps into white fear. Carel (IV) speaks a lot about how black rule has forced Afrikaners out of work because of Affirmative Action programs designed to get blacks jobs. An experienced white engineer could suddenly become a technical assistant to an inexperienced black employee, he says.

He also talks a lot about violence in other parts of South Africa. People in cities such as Johannesburg live behind giant walls and electric fences. In more rural areas, a panic has risen about what locals call “farm killings” in which young blacks have murdered a few Afrikaner farmers. The most notable was the killing of white supremacist Eugene TerreBlanche, a man who has advocated for several white republics in the country and was beaten to death by two of his black workers over a wage dispute.

“Very few people coming here are not affected by crime,” Carel (IV) says. “They have been robbed or hijacked or something. It affects their mindsets.”

South Africa is quickly becoming a failed state, Carel (IV) says. Any thought the World Cup is going to bring unity and help people confront two decades of growing pains is ridiculous, he says. The country’s future, with what he calls “corruption” in the mostly black African National Congress, is bleak.

“There’s no reason a country as diverse as South Africa should be united and together,” he says.

The best plan, he adds, is to “stand out of the tension.”

And yet that is the misfortune of Orania, this fact it wants to step back from the fight to build South Africa. It is a beautiful town with imaginative people, like Carel (IV)’s nephew, also named Carel who is a student in Pretoria, who loves the idea of the World Cup and yet dreams of returning to Orania.

“We’re building something for ourselves here,” he says.

But why? Why not for the country? Why hide a spectacular hotel and a spa on the edge of the river and not share it with the rest of South Africa? All around the country there is growth and building, even among the “tension” as Carel (IV) calls it. Just a few days ago in the black Johannesburg township of Soweto, a group of black residents gathered at a restaurant for the monthly meeting of their saving group. Together, they said, they give whatever money they want to put away to one member who deposits it in the bank. Then when enough has been saved to buy a car or a house or pay for school they can pull it out. The group serves as their support.

Imagine putting the saving group together with the Orania ingenuity that erected energy-efficient houses made with straw inside? What a country this could become.

On the drive back to Johannesburg and the World Cup that has come to be about unity, it was so easy to see.

The sadness as night fell and an autumn storm rumbled across the savannah was that Orania could not.
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 7:12:27 PM EDT
They're not doing anything different from the Zulus in the Inkatha Freedom Party have done. Orania is their own white bantustan.

Tell me, how would a white man fare in Soweto or Cape Flats?
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 7:15:37 PM EDT
Probably will be the last town standing in SA. There will also probably be food on the table.
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 7:15:58 PM EDT
Sounds like a decent place.

I bet 50% are dead by 2020.

- BG
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 7:23:33 PM EDT
Sounds like a decent place.

I bet 50% are dead by 2020.

- BG

And the others live somewhere else..
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 7:28:25 PM EDT
That article is a biased, racist (against whites) POS.  

According to the media the white South African is the most vile creature on the earth.

Link Posted: 6/15/2010 7:35:08 PM EDT
Great Video here.


Link Posted: 6/15/2010 7:40:39 PM EDT

He also talks a lot about violence in other parts of South Africa. People in cities such as Johannesburg live behind giant walls and electric fences. In more rural areas, a panic has risen about what locals call “farm killings” in which young blacks have murdered a few Afrikaner farmers.

2,500 to 3,000 is a "few?"

Link Posted: 6/15/2010 7:40:44 PM EDT
They're not doing anything different from the Zulus in the Inkatha Freedom Party have done. Orania is their own white bantustan.  

Tell me, how would a white man fare in Soweto or Cape Flats?

Dead within 15 minutes.
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 7:48:50 PM EDT
USA by 2015.
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 7:54:39 PM EDT

They better have their own security force...
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 7:58:47 PM EDT
Bet ya they have a LOT of FALs!
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:01:14 PM EDT

They better have their own security force...


I'd start with long guns for every resident, established defensive points, plenty of crew-served weaponry, and at the very least a few light armored vehicles.  Anti-armor teams would be a good idea as well, just in case.
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:02:00 PM EDT
Whatever. They should move to Australia or NZ or iceland or some shit. GTFO before its too late.
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:02:12 PM EDT

They better have their own security force...

I'm sure they do...especially if they consider themselves a nation apart from SA.
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:02:51 PM EDT
By and large SA is a festering craphole

I cannot imagine trying to live in a place like that
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:03:09 PM EDT
Sounds nice.  Call me what you want, but do you think we could somehow establish a place like that here in the States, say in Central Texas?
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:04:36 PM EDT
maybe R5s?


Bet ya they have a LOT of FALs!

Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:06:46 PM EDT

"Welcome to Orania, where Rape, Murder and AIDS is 10,000 times less than in other parts of the Country.  Enjoy your Stay!"
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:10:06 PM EDT
The problem with SA and many other countries that exploit a certain group of people is sooner or later it will bite you if you leave the people without much education, money or hope. Those conditions make it easy for something like communism or socialism to take root. I think what they do is ok but they are surrounded by a bigger country that might not tolerate them.
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:10:10 PM EDT
Any place where whites have not been integrated, and are on their own, the left considers criminal. That most of the planet is still like this for other races escapes them.

South Africa is the crime capitol of the world. Blacks commit an amazing number of crimes against each other (much higher than the numbers against whites). If whites were as integrated as lefties would like, then they would share in that with even more victims. A certain separation, even by class and income, is rational in such a place.

I live next to Detroit –– but I sure wouldn't want to live in S.A., with all it's natural beauty.
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:11:08 PM EDT


"Welcome to Orania, where Rape, Murder and AIDS is 10,000 times less than in other parts of the Country.  Enjoy your Stay!"


I dunno, Africa has always been a conundrum for me.  I know segregation, racism, etc is bad, but when I look at what places like South Africa and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) have become once the minority white rule ended, I don't know what to think.  

Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:16:42 PM EDT
World Cup will fix everything!  All those racists need to share and quit being so divisive as to actually prefer to live on their own!

Talk about a biased article.
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:17:35 PM EDT


"Welcome to Orania, where Rape, Murder and AIDS is 10,000 times less than in other parts of the Country.  Enjoy your Stay!"


I dunno, Africa has always been a conundrum for me.  I know segregation, racism, etc is bad, but when I look at what places like South Africa and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) have become once the minority white rule ended, I don't know what to think.  

Places like that only work for so long.
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:24:32 PM EDT



"Welcome to Orania, where Rape, Murder and AIDS is 10,000 times less than in other parts of the Country.  Enjoy your Stay!"


I dunno, Africa has always been a conundrum for me.  I know segregation, racism, etc is bad, but when I look at what places like South Africa and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) have become once the minority white rule ended, I don't know what to think.  


And Detroit......

Link Posted: 6/15/2010 8:27:21 PM EDT


"Welcome to Orania, where Rape, Murder and AIDS is 10,000 times less than in other parts of the Country.  Enjoy your Stay!"


I dunno, Africa has always been a conundrum for me.  I know segregation, racism, etc is bad, but when I look at what places like South Africa and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) have become once the minority white rule ended, I don't know what to think.  

I know what will help you concentrate on this dilemma...

Link Posted: 6/15/2010 11:11:42 PM EDT


"Welcome to Orania, where Rape, Murder and AIDS is 10,000 times less than in other parts of the Country.  Enjoy your Stay!"


I dunno, Africa has always been a conundrum for me.  I know segregation, racism, etc is bad, but when I look at what places like South Africa and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) have become once the minority white rule ended, I don't know what to think.  

You left out our good old U S of A. Look at what has happend in the last 50 years sence the civilrights movement. No one can argue that blacks as a whole in this country are better off now. The crime rate in their own comunities has skyrocketed sence then. Not to mention the rest of the country.
  We have literally given them jobs, homes, cars, money, and every opportunity we could. In my city we spend 50% more per student in the cities than the suburbs and they still claim that our schools are better and that its our fault because we're racist. I can't think of one more thing we could do more for them other than just pay them because their black. In my city we actualy pay them to go to community college, just guess how thats working out. I went there, there was a placement test to get in. Most of it was questions with simple answers. My favorite was: What is the right way to say what Jumal is trying to say: A. the books at's my house. B. The book is at my house. C.  Da house is where my book's at. I could not belive how much they have dumbed down the school. It no longer surprises me why Obama is pushing college so hard for kids, It's because they some how get through grade school without learning even the basics.
 Alot of people call me racist but I don't think I am. I thought it was wrong for whites to get something just because of the color of their skin, just like I think it is wrong for any other race to get something for the same reason.
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 11:20:32 PM EDT
Oh, so IBTL.  

Link Posted: 6/15/2010 11:25:31 PM EDT


"Welcome to Orania, where Rape, Murder and AIDS is 10,000 times less than in other parts of the Country.  Enjoy your Stay!"


I dunno, Africa has always been a conundrum for me.  I know segregation, racism, etc is bad, but when I look at what places like South Africa and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) have become once the minority white rule ended, I don't know what to think.  

Places like that only work for so long.

But it works better and may end up working longer than post-Apartheid South Africa.
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 11:34:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/15/2010 11:44:33 PM EDT
Orania, good for you!
Link Posted: 6/16/2010 12:01:02 AM EDT
Looks like they're building an Afrikaaner version of Israel.   Good luck to them.  Their model of simply separating from those who want them dead seems like it might be more effective than the Israeli policy of letting them in and trying to trade with them.
Link Posted: 6/16/2010 12:14:12 AM EDT
NEWSFLASH!!! All social animals, including humans, hate those that are different from them.  Rival packs of wolves fight over territory. Tribes of Africans were at war with each other even before evil white people showed up. IT IS NATURAL for animals and people to divide into similar groups and set up a defined territory. When you force things against their natural tendencies, violence will occur. For example, if you mix two different ant colonies together, they will attempt to wipe each other out. Same goes for people.

I'm against government interference, both segregation and integration.

It seems to me that the people of Orania are just looking to live the quiet life. If they aren't bothering anyone else, don't bother them.

Think of it this way, there won't be any hate crimes because there are no people around to hate.
Link Posted: 6/16/2010 12:14:24 AM EDT
The writer of this was very biased, let people live amongst who they want ffs.  Forced integration does no good. The "journalist" must have been giving truckstop handshakes for purse money when class covered non-biased reporting. If journalism courses teach such a thing.
Link Posted: 6/16/2010 12:22:04 AM EDT
Nothing wrong with wanting to live with those of your own kind,ones with jobs,morals,no criminal intent that want to enjoy the rest of their lives happy and content,is very normal to associate with those like you are
Link Posted: 6/16/2010 1:25:07 AM EDT
SA and Israel are models of what will eventually happen here.

Hardworking, industrious people build up a nation, and then the entitlement crowd ( Be it South African blacks, so called Palestinians, or in our case welfare bums of every stripe )  tries to take it by force.

SA has already fallen to the entitlement crowd, and now the remaining Afrikaners are simply trying to survive.

The gated communities in the U.S. will eventually have to become armed independent communities like Orania.

Link Posted: 6/16/2010 1:34:07 AM EDT
Bet ya they have a LOT of FALs!

Link Posted: 6/16/2010 1:56:50 AM EDT
SA and Israel are models of what will eventually happen here.

Hardworking, industrious people build up a nation, and then the entitlement crowd ( Be it South African blacks, so called Palestinians, or in our case welfare bums of every stripe )  tries to take it by force.

SA has already fallen to the entitlement crowd, and now the remaining Afrikaners are simply trying to survive.

The gated communities in the U.S. will eventually have to become armed independent communities like Orania.

I think a better analogy to what happened in South Africa would be if the entire world became a democracy.  European peoples are just a small fraction of the entire world community.  The U.S. behaves much like apartheid South Africa in many ways if you stick with the anology.  The liberals blamed South Africa for having too strict internal borders, for making war beyond their borders, etc.  

Link Posted: 6/16/2010 2:38:39 AM EDT
I fail to see the problem here.
Link Posted: 6/16/2010 2:39:40 AM EDT
Probably will be the last town standing in SA. There will also probably be food on the table.
Boy, if I said that...

Link Posted: 6/16/2010 2:48:55 AM EDT

He also talks a lot about violence in other parts of South Africa. People in cities such as Johannesburg live behind giant walls and electric fences. In more rural areas, a panic has risen about what locals call “farm killings” in which young blacks have murdered a few Afrikaner farmers.

2,500 to 3,000 is a "few?"


The equivalent in the USA would be 50,000 murdered farmers.
Link Posted: 6/16/2010 6:49:39 AM EDT

He also talks a lot about violence in other parts of South Africa. People in cities such as Johannesburg live behind giant walls and electric fences. In more rural areas, a panic has risen about what locals call “farm killings” in which young blacks have murdered a few Afrikaner farmers.

2,500 to 3,000 is a "few?"


According to people like the journalist, 2500-3000 is "a few" when we're talking about white farmers murdered by hoodlums.  Of course, if white farmers had murdered 2500-3000 black people over the last decade, this guy would probably refer to it as a genocide.
Link Posted: 6/16/2010 6:51:18 AM EDT


Probably will be the last town standing in SA. There will also probably be food on the table.

No shit.

I hope they have strong walls.

Link Posted: 6/16/2010 6:58:36 AM EDT
Individualism is so sad.  We should really just force them to be part of the collective.  Then their saving group could help people in Soweto buy a car!

Link Posted: 6/16/2010 7:08:38 AM EDT
I could definitely see Afrikaners carving out their own country in the future if SA continues on the Zimbabwe trajectory. They will

be treated like a pariah state by the world community much like Israel, but the Afrikaners are a very tough people that managed to

survive things like concentration camps...
Link Posted: 6/16/2010 7:14:11 AM EDT
Apartheid was a good thing in South Africa.  Since then, that part of the world has gone to shit.
Link Posted: 6/16/2010 7:14:56 AM EDT

He also talks a lot about violence in other parts of South Africa. People in cities such as Johannesburg live behind giant walls and electric fences. In more rural areas, a panic has risen about what locals call “farm killings” in which young blacks have murdered a few Afrikaner farmers.

2,500 to 3,000 is a "few?"


According to people like the journalist, 2500-3000 is "a few" when we're talking about white farmers murdered by hoodlums.  Of course, if white farmers had murdered 2500-3000 black people over the last decade, this guy would probably refer to it as a genocide.

Black lives are worth more.
Link Posted: 6/16/2010 7:37:43 AM EDT
Apartheid was a good thing in South Africa.  Since then, that part of the world has gone to shit.

No, Apartheid really wasn't a good thing.  It was pretty rotten, actually.  It just turns out that it may be less rotten than having your country run by the communist, terrorist ANC.
Link Posted: 6/16/2010 10:15:10 AM EDT

One of those is a G3.  

Link Posted: 6/16/2010 10:19:57 AM EDT
Sounds like a decent place.

I bet 50% are dead by 2020.

- BG

And the others live somewhere else..

This exactly.  I find it surprising there are still whites in South Africa.
Link Posted: 6/16/2010 10:26:22 AM EDT
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