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Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:01:56 PM EDT



It's O'Donnell and IBD_A to tell us that this is a travesty of the highest level if she wins tonight.

So putting this lady in DC is worth the GOP *NOT* getting a majority?
Castle is not part of the GOP
There is no difference between Castle winning or the Democrat winning.
You don't get it.....losing Castle is a blow to Obama, not the GOP


There is a HUGE difference.

Castle will vote for Mitch McConell for Majority Leader.

The guy who's going up there will vote for Chuck Schumer.

The problem with rabid individualists, sometimes, is you guys do not see the organizational dynamics, you focus on the individual people....

You assume that Castle won't pull a Jeffords or Specter by changing parties to get one of the key committee chairs the Dems will guarantee him if he flips.

That is exactly how they played Jeffords.

This may well take more than one cycle; it may take three, but we have to start somewhere.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:02:52 PM EDT



By taking over leadership positions in both houses, the GOP actually can push an agenda - show leadership, and put foreward something to run on besides 'We're not Obama'.


Yeah because they did such a great job of this last time the usual suspects were in control. It's time for some new blood.

They did a great job from 1996-2006, on everything except public relations.

The 'new blood' so far does not inspire confidence....

No, they did NOT do a great job from 1996 to 2006.  They were warned repeatedly that they were in power for one reason and one reason only.  In 2000 I predicted that if the Republicans did NOT repeal the AW ban, did not secure the 2nd Amendment rights of the people and restrain the out of control Government, they would lose control of Congress in 2006.  It would be two years AFTER the sunset of the ban when gun owners had no fucking reason to bother voting for the asshats that made the promises... remember Gingrich and the Contract with America?... an never delivered.  Gun owners abandoned the Republican party because the Republicans were spineless.  They had a golden opportunity to secure control of Congress for years and they fucking snatched defeat from the jaws of victory once again.

Republicans are going to win Congress again this year.  Not because they are a better party, but because the Democrats really, really fucked up.  Hell, in half of the contested races, Jeffery Dahmer could run as a Conservative R and win... That's pretty sad.  I guarantee that this will most likely be the last time Republicans are given another chance.  The pendulum is swinging wildly now and our nation is fucked beyond all recognition because of the lesser of two evils bullshit.  

The incoming Congress had better unfuck some majore gun laws, reign in the BATFE, get a fucking firm grip on this out of control spending spree, and fucking begin to respect the People, the Flag and the Constitution before shit goes sideways in 99 directions at once.  People are at the end of their ropes with this bullshit from our elected Government.  This will be the last opportunity to repair the damage civilly.  This isn't a threat, it's a warning from someone who wants to grow old and die without having to have fought a war for freedom.  It's not the Governments right to dictate our freedoms and they better fucking get a clue before it's too late.  RINO's, Leftists, and flat out communists want a war here.  They are going to get it if the incoming Congress doesn't start respecting the citizens they represent.  

We want a cap on the spending in Government.  We want the BATFE to be reigned in HARD...  no more batfe opinions.  State the law.  nothing more, nothing less.  We want the repeal of the Hughes Amendment without any bullshit amendments.  We want the repeal of the UnConstitutional "sporting purpose" clause without any bullshit amendments.  We want a total ban on Government bail outs of private industry at the cost of tax payers.  We want full disclosure of the histories of our candidates with no exceptions.  


Most of America doesn't care about any of that.

Dave I am dissapointed in you Hard Rock goes through all the trouble to write a very elegant response and you dismiss it like it was written by a child. Anyway, I stood with thousands of Americans not too long ago in DC who do care about this and are working very hard to see it to fruition.

Dave knows I'm right.  Notice, he still hasn't said how long he's been involved in politics... He doesn't know how the voters minds work yet.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:03:18 PM EDT
I'll say this one more time since most of y'all appear to be somewhat dense...


You know what they say the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Do you really think that YOUR brilliant argument will make him see the light where the zillions of others have failed?

Just give it up, move on and let him be.


There's no way that an individual who has come straight out in this thread and clearly stated that America needs a ruling class, is going to seriously listen to the opinions of we little people.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:03:26 PM EDT


Is it just me or is Dave A sounding more and more like a DU member?

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:05:42 PM EDT
New York Governors Primary.

With under 10% reporting Paladino the Tea Party Candidate leads Lazio the Republican Establishment Hack. 70% to 30%.

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:06:48 PM EDT

Beautiful pic...  Right click, save as....  
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:08:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:09:14 PM EDT



I'll say this one more time since most of y'all appear to be somewhat dense...


You know what they say the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Do you really think that YOUR brilliant argument will make him see the light where the zillions of others have failed?

Just give it up, move on and let him be.


There's no way that an individual who has come straight out in this thread and clearly stated that America needs a ruling class, is going to seriously listen to the opinions of we little people.

Just ask Dave if he still believes that the UAE does not produce oil.

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:09:17 PM EDT
Vote conservative in the primaries, Republican in the general election.

Bye bye RINO's.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:13:24 PM EDT
I'll say this one more time since most of y'all appear to be somewhat dense...


You know what they say the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Do you really think that YOUR brilliant argument will make him see the light where the zillions of others have failed?

Just give it up, move on and let him be.

He dismisses it all. Point taken. Best of luck to you Dave. Stay safe and thanks for your service.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:14:46 PM EDT

looks like o'donnell is leading castle and lamontagne is leading ayotte

ETA:  my bad, it's o'donnell.  mcdonnell popped into my head for some reason.  

ETAA:  race was just called for o'donnell

FABULOUS, now the RINO supporters can just vote for the lesser or let a demoncrap win.......

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:16:01 PM EDT
No, they did NOT do a great job from 1996 to 2006.  They were warned repeatedly that they were in power for one reason and one reason only.  In 2000 I predicted that if the Republicans did NOT repeal the AW ban, did not secure the 2nd Amendment rights of the people and restrain the out of control Government, they would lose control of Congress in 2006.  It would be two years AFTER the sunset of the ban when gun owners had no fucking reason to bother voting for the asshats that made the promises... remember Gingrich and the Contract with America?... an never delivered.  Gun owners abandoned the Republican party because the Republicans were spineless.  They had a golden opportunity to secure control of Congress for years and they fucking snatched defeat from the jaws of victory once again.

Republicans are going to win Congress again this year.  Not because they are a better party, but because the Democrats really, really fucked up.  Hell, in half of the contested races, Jeffery Dahmer could run as a Conservative R and win... That's pretty sad.  I guarantee that this will most likely be the last time Republicans are given another chance.  The pendulum is swinging wildly now and our nation is fucked beyond all recognition because of the lesser of two evils bullshit.  

The incoming Congress had better unfuck some majore gun laws, reign in the BATFE, get a fucking firm grip on this out of control spending spree, and fucking begin to respect the People, the Flag and the Constitution before shit goes sideways in 99 directions at once.  People are at the end of their ropes with this bullshit from our elected Government.  This will be the last opportunity to repair the damage civilly.  This isn't a threat, it's a warning from someone who wants to grow old and die without having to have fought a war for freedom.  It's not the Governments right to dictate our freedoms and they better fucking get a clue before it's too late.  RINO's, Leftists, and flat out communists want a war here.  They are going to get it if the incoming Congress doesn't start respecting the citizens they represent.  
We want a cap on the spending in Government.  We want the BATFE to be reigned in HARD...  no more batfe opinions.  State the law.  nothing more, nothing less.  We want the repeal of the Hughes Amendment without any bullshit amendments.  We want the repeal of the UnConstitutional "sporting purpose" clause without any bullshit amendments.  We want a total ban on Government bail outs of private industry at the cost of tax payers.  We want full disclosure of the histories of our candidates with no exceptions.  


Well and good, but the Republicans won in 1994 because of the Contract with America as their positive promise, and the disgust with the Dems' corrup behavior and arrogance after 40 year in power as the negative the voters rejected. The Contract had nothing to do with guns or BATFE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contract_with_America

Contents [hide]
1 Content of the Contract
1.1 Government and Operational Reforms
1.2 Major Policy Changes
2 Implementation of the Contract
2.1 The Fiscal Responsibility Act
2.2 The Taking Back Our Streets Act
2.3 The Personal Responsibility Act
2.4 The American Dream Restoration Act
2.5 The National Security Restoration Act
2.6 The "Common Sense" Legal Reform Act
2.7 The Job Creation and Wage Enhancement Act
2.8 The Citizen Legislature Act
2.9 Other sections of the Contract
3 Non-implementation of the Contract
4 Effects of the Contract
5 Notes
6 References
7 Sources

As much as it is blasphemy to say so here, not one voter in 100 even knows what the Hughes Amendment is, or cares much about BATFE.

The galvanizing issue of this election is not guns but spending and scope of government in general, as far as the average voter is concerned.
It is hard to find any Republican who campaigns on gun issues except to hint they might be better than the Democrat on that issue just to get our votes, with few exceptions. Inhofe? Demint? Coburn? Wo else?

Not to dis anyone here, but this election is not about guns. It is about the spending.

The courts are about guns, and we seem to be winning with regularity of late.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:31:49 PM EDT









It's O'Donnell and IBD_A to tell us that this is a travesty of the highest level if she wins tonight.

So putting this lady in DC is worth the GOP *NOT* getting a majority?

Castle is not part of the GOP

There is no difference between Castle winning or the Democrat winning.

You don't get it.....losing Castle is a blow to Obama, not the GOP


There is a HUGE difference.

Castle will vote for Mitch McConell for Majority Leader.

The guy who's going up there will vote for Chuck Schumer.

The problem with rabid individualists, sometimes, is you guys do not see the organizational dynamics, you focus on the individual people....


Possibly because the latter influences the former?
'Organizational Dynamics' got US a $13.5 BILLION Deficit....Change has to happen in stages, at times


The deficit is about what, 1.2BN

The National Debt iis 13.5 - and that is hardly the biggest issue we face...

Castle has been a Politician for 40+ years....His 'type' is the problem.

Brother, Deficits make OUR Saved Dollars worth less; Unfunded Deficits Promises are the biggest issue.

Our Assets are Deflating because OUR Government needs to Print Money to make their OUR Interest-Only Payments

Corruption has to end somehow; I don't see anyone trying to prosecute these Criminal Acts.


None of that is 'criminal' - there's nothing to prosecute...

And the overwhelming majority of America has NO 'saved dollars'.

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:32:26 PM EDT







By taking over leadership positions in both houses, the GOP actually can push an agenda - show leadership, and put foreward something to run on besides 'We're not Obama'.


Yeah because they did such a great job of this last time the usual suspects were in control. It's time for some new blood.

They did a great job from 1996-2006, on everything except public relations.

The 'new blood' so far does not inspire confidence....


No, they did NOT do a great job from 1996 to 2006.  They were warned repeatedly that they were in power for one reason and one reason only.  In 2000 I predicted that if the Republicans did NOT repeal the AW ban, did not secure the 2nd Amendment rights of the people and restrain the out of control Government, they would lose control of Congress in 2006.  It would be two years AFTER the sunset of the ban when gun owners had no fucking reason to bother voting for the asshats that made the promises... remember Gingrich and the Contract with America?... an never delivered.  Gun owners abandoned the Republican party because the Republicans were spineless.  They had a golden opportunity to secure control of Congress for years and they fucking snatched defeat from the jaws of victory once again.

Republicans are going to win Congress again this year.  Not because they are a better party, but because the Democrats really, really fucked up.  Hell, in half of the contested races, Jeffery Dahmer could run as a Conservative R and win... That's pretty sad.  I guarantee that this will most likely be the last time Republicans are given another chance.  The pendulum is swinging wildly now and our nation is fucked beyond all recognition because of the lesser of two evils bullshit.  

The incoming Congress had better unfuck some majore gun laws, reign in the BATFE, get a fucking firm grip on this out of control spending spree, and fucking begin to respect the People, the Flag and the Constitution before shit goes sideways in 99 directions at once.  People are at the end of their ropes with this bullshit from our elected Government.  This will be the last opportunity to repair the damage civilly.  This isn't a threat, it's a warning from someone who wants to grow old and die without having to have fought a war for freedom.  It's not the Governments right to dictate our freedoms and they better fucking get a clue before it's too late.  RINO's, Leftists, and flat out communists want a war here.  They are going to get it if the incoming Congress doesn't start respecting the citizens they represent.  

We want a cap on the spending in Government.  We want the BATFE to be reigned in HARD...  no more batfe opinions.  State the law.  nothing more, nothing less.  We want the repeal of the Hughes Amendment without any bullshit amendments.  We want the repeal of the UnConstitutional "sporting purpose" clause without any bullshit amendments.  We want a total ban on Government bail outs of private industry at the cost of tax payers.  We want full disclosure of the histories of our candidates with no exceptions.  


Most of America doesn't care about any of that.


Wanna bet?  I've been involved in politics a very long time.  I've got a pretty good feel about how the voters are feeling.  If the Republicans address what is in the last paragraph I wrote in the quoted section above, you'll see a massive increase in voters.  We saw this in Virginia, West Virginia, we saw it across the nation.  Right now, voters are PISSED.  The asshats in Congress put a debt on our great grand children because they are too stupid to have a clue about what the fuck they are doing running our Government.  All the old assumptions about elections is off.  Anyone that wants to cling to how it used to be is living in a fairytale land.  

It comes down to this Dave, even if you are right and most of America doesn't care, there are enough that DO care that will be the tipping point between having a good Government or having a nasty civil war.  Our elected officials can choose either one they want.  They will be obliged either way... and either way, we will secure our rights against infringement by the Government.

What I'm saying is that your feel for politics doesn't equate to the national reality.

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:35:30 PM EDT
First off, people should back off Dave_A, he is one of the few in GD who will actually debate an issue.

Dave_A, answer me this: Who will the Castle votes go for in the general election?  Will the combined votes be enough to seat O'Donnell?
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:39:55 PM EDT
First off, people should back off Dave_A, he is one of the few in GD who will actually debate an issue.

Dave_A, answer me this: Who will the Castle votes go for in the general election?  Will the combined votes be enough to seat O'Donnell?

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:40:38 PM EDT
First off, people should back off Dave_A, he is one of the few in GD who will actually debate an issue.

Dave_A, answer me this: Who will the Castle votes go for in the general election?  Will the combined votes be enough to seat O'Donnell?

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:42:21 PM EDT
Does this also have the added benefit of scaring the crap of all RINO's?

God forbid that they now have to watch how they vote because their caucus will now hold them accountable come the primaries.

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:45:06 PM EDT





By taking over leadership positions in both houses, the GOP actually can push an agenda - show leadership, and put foreward something to run on besides 'We're not Obama'.


Yeah because they did such a great job of this last time the usual suspects were in control. It's time for some new blood.

They did a great job from 1996-2006, on everything except public relations.

The 'new blood' so far does not inspire confidence....


No, they did NOT do a great job from 1996 to 2006.  They were warned repeatedly that they were in power for one reason and one reason only.  In 2000 I predicted that if the Republicans did NOT repeal the AW ban, did not secure the 2nd Amendment rights of the people and restrain the out of control Government, they would lose control of Congress in 2006.  It would be two years AFTER the sunset of the ban when gun owners had no fucking reason to bother voting for the asshats that made the promises... remember Gingrich and the Contract with America?... an never delivered.  Gun owners abandoned the Republican party because the Republicans were spineless.  They had a golden opportunity to secure control of Congress for years and they fucking snatched defeat from the jaws of victory once again.

Republicans are going to win Congress again this year.  Not because they are a better party, but because the Democrats really, really fucked up.  Hell, in half of the contested races, Jeffery Dahmer could run as a Conservative R and win... That's pretty sad.  I guarantee that this will most likely be the last time Republicans are given another chance.  The pendulum is swinging wildly now and our nation is fucked beyond all recognition because of the lesser of two evils bullshit.  

The incoming Congress had better unfuck some majore gun laws, reign in the BATFE, get a fucking firm grip on this out of control spending spree, and fucking begin to respect the People, the Flag and the Constitution before shit goes sideways in 99 directions at once.  People are at the end of their ropes with this bullshit from our elected Government.  This will be the last opportunity to repair the damage civilly.  This isn't a threat, it's a warning from someone who wants to grow old and die without having to have fought a war for freedom.  It's not the Governments right to dictate our freedoms and they better fucking get a clue before it's too late.  RINO's, Leftists, and flat out communists want a war here.  They are going to get it if the incoming Congress doesn't start respecting the citizens they represent.  

We want a cap on the spending in Government.  We want the BATFE to be reigned in HARD...  no more batfe opinions.  State the law.  nothing more, nothing less.  We want the repeal of the Hughes Amendment without any bullshit amendments.  We want the repeal of the UnConstitutional "sporting purpose" clause without any bullshit amendments.  We want a total ban on Government bail outs of private industry at the cost of tax payers.  We want full disclosure of the histories of our candidates with no exceptions.  


Most of America doesn't care about any of that.


Dave I am dissapointed in you Hard Rock goes through all the trouble to write a very elegant response and you dismiss it like it was written by a child. Anyway, I stood with thousands of Americans not too long ago in DC who do care about this and are working very hard to see it to fruition.

Dave knows I'm right.  Notice, he still hasn't said how long he's been involved in politics... He doesn't know how the voters minds work yet.

Formal involvement? Bush 04 campaign, Milwaukee Wisconsin office...

Army from 04-09 -> no formal politics while on Active Duty...

I've followed politics since about 96 or so...

Anyone who seriously considers a 'civil war' possible - let alone likely - is completely out of touch.

You would try to have a war, and no one would show to fight....

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:47:40 PM EDT



First off, people should back off Dave_A, he is one of the few in GD who will actually debate an issue.

Dave_A, answer me this: Who will the Castle votes go for in the general election?  Will the combined votes be enough to seat O'Donnell?


I know how I hope they will go.  Maybe I should restate my first sentence above.  Dave_A most closely follows liberal talking points which are a good practice against actual conversations we may find ourselves in out in the real world.  I appreciate seeing his responses so I know how to counter the talking point in real life.

He did echo Krauthammer plus some other right and left talking heads earlier in the thread.  Most of the time I agree with Krauthammer and he could still be right in this case, I don't know.

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:50:13 PM EDT
Well according to another thread the NRSC has said that they will provide her with no support in this election. It's nice to see the GOP stand together...
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:50:17 PM EDT



I'll say this one more time since most of y'all appear to be somewhat dense...


You know what they say the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Do you really think that YOUR brilliant argument will make him see the light where the zillions of others have failed?

Just give it up, move on and let him be.


There's no way that an individual who has come straight out in this thread and clearly stated that America needs a ruling class, is going to seriously listen to the opinions of we little people.

Some people have leadership skills... Others do not...

Such as the current President...

A man who's mother was a globe-hopping hippie, who himself was a roaming-gnome for most of his life... Yeah, great choice, right?

Seriously, there are plenty of folks here who would LOVE to put a 'Republican Obama' in the White House - a right-wing radical with no leadership skills and no qualifications....

That's unacceptable.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:52:02 PM EDT


First off, people should back off Dave_A, he is one of the few in GD who will actually debate an issue.

Dave_A, answer me this: Who will the Castle votes go for in the general election?  Will the combined votes be enough to seat O'Donnell?

Many of the Castle votes will go to the Democrat.

The leftovers will give McDonnell about the 35-38% she got the LAST TIME she ran for Senate....

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:54:00 PM EDT


Well according to another thread the NRSC has said that they will provide her with no support in this election. It's nice to see the GOP stand together...

She can't win. It would be a waste of money.

Too many close races out there, that need the money/resources....

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:56:38 PM EDT



First off, people should back off Dave_A, he is one of the few in GD who will actually debate an issue.

Dave_A, answer me this: Who will the Castle votes go for in the general election?  Will the combined votes be enough to seat O'Donnell?

Many of the Castle votes will go to the Democrat.

The leftovers will give McDonnell about the 35-38% she got the LAST TIME she ran for Senate....


So the current "climate" of politics has no effect on Delaware?  I would say if that was her outcome last time, this time will put her on the other side of the pinnacle.  We have seen it time and again this year.  This is not your standard Ross Perot "third party" uprising.  This is a serious scream of "WAKE THE FUCK UP GOP OR WE WILL LEAVE YOU IN THE DUST!"

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:57:41 PM EDT


Well according to another thread the NRSC has said that they will provide her with no support in this election. It's nice to see the GOP stand together...

If that is the case then they will get no more money form me and I will call them and tell them such.


Nothing like thwarting the will of the voters.

The GOP needs a house cleaning.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:59:15 PM EDT




First off, people should back off Dave_A, he is one of the few in GD who will actually debate an issue.

Dave_A, answer me this: Who will the Castle votes go for in the general election?  Will the combined votes be enough to seat O'Donnell?

Many of the Castle votes will go to the Democrat.

The leftovers will give McDonnell about the 35-38% she got the LAST TIME she ran for Senate....


So the current "climate" of politics has no effect on Delaware?  I would say if that was her outcome last time, this time will put her on the other side of the pinnacle.  We have seen it time and again this year.  This is not your standard Ross Perot "third party" uprising.  This is a serious scream of "WAKE THE FUCK UP GOP OR WE WILL LEAVE YOU IN THE DUST!"


You exaggerate the 'climate' substantially.

She will get squashed.

Odds are currently 85/15 in favor of her opponent.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 7:02:51 PM EDT

Well according to another thread the NRSC has said that they will provide her with no support in this election. It's nice to see the GOP stand together...

She can't win. It would be a waste of money.

Too many close races out there, that need the money/resources....


That's the same attitude that the GOP took with Cuccinelli last year but he still managed to win.

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 7:05:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 7:06:24 PM EDT

There comes a time when you cannot compromise, because you'll get a rino,  who would change their mind like a fart in the wind. & go with the status quo/progressives.   It's about conservatism & it is worth getting a conservative in the seat.
nobodys got a crystal ball, and if "we" lose, it'll be more rope to hang themselves with.

You CANNOT get a 'conservative' in a senate seat from DELEWARE! By the way it's Delaware
Electable in GA is NOT electable in DE.

I remember hearing the same thing about Massachusetts but what happened...

"Republican Scott Brown Wins Kennedy Senate Seat in Massachusetts"

"G.O.P. Senate Victory Stuns Democrats - NY Times"

Can't never could do shit you know.

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 7:14:00 PM EDT

I'll say this one more time since most of y'all appear to be somewhat dense...


You know what they say the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Do you really think that YOUR brilliant argument will make him see the light where the zillions of others have failed?

Just give it up, move on and let him be.


There's no way that an individual who has come straight out in this thread and clearly stated that America needs a ruling class, is going to seriously listen to the opinions of we little people.

It hasn't stopped a bunch of people from continuing their arguments with him. "I'LL SHOW HIM! MY ARGUMENT IS GOING TO MAKE HIM SEE THE LIGHT"


I just told him to let go.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 7:23:35 PM EDT
What is that Dave? Oh that is right I can't hear you!

Kick the Rino's out!
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 7:25:09 PM EDT




There comes a time when you cannot compromise, because you'll get a rino,  who would change their mind like a fart in the wind. & go with the status quo/progressives.   It's about conservatism & it is worth getting a conservative in the seat.

nobodys got a crystal ball, and if "we" lose, it'll be more rope to hang themselves with.

You CANNOT get a 'conservative' in a senate seat from DELEWARE! By the way it's Delaware

Electable in GA is NOT electable in DE.


I remember hearing the same thing about Massachusetts but what happened...

"Republican Scott Brown Wins Kennedy Senate Seat in Massachusetts"

"G.O.P. Senate Victory Stuns Democrats - NY Times"

Can't never could do shit you know.

Once again, Scott Brown IS A RINO.

That's why he won.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 7:25:35 PM EDT
Yeah, I just saw Paladino won. Beat Lazio soundly. We averted another RINO run. Lazio had all the Republican establishment support too. He's got a tough go against Cuomo, but with the political climate the way it is I honestly think he has a shot.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 7:26:03 PM EDT


What is that Dave? Oh that is right I can't hear you!

Kick the Rino's out!

We'll see...

If we end up 50/50 with DE going DEM, then I'll be right there to say I TOLD YOU SO!

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 7:27:48 PM EDT


First off, people should back off Dave_A, he is one of the few in GD who will actually debate an issue.

Dave_A, answer me this: Who will the Castle votes go for in the general election?  Will the combined votes be enough to seat O'Donnell?

Many of the Castle votes will go to the Democrat.

The leftovers will give McDonnell about the 35-38% she got the LAST TIME she ran for Senate....


So the current "climate" of politics has no effect on Delaware?  I would say if that was her outcome last time, this time will put her on the other side of the pinnacle.  We have seen it time and again this year.  This is not your standard Ross Perot "third party" uprising.  This is a serious scream of "WAKE THE FUCK UP GOP OR WE WILL LEAVE YOU IN THE DUST!"


You exaggerate the 'climate' substantially.

She will get squashed.

Odds are currently 85/15 in favor of her opponent.

I am going to ask you to provide a link to these published odds.  Otherwise, your comment is mere speculation.  I believe that the "climate" I referred to is in fact real and currently no one has developed a way to measure it except through the reality of the primaries again and again turning out anti-establishment.

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 7:52:19 PM EDT

There comes a time when you cannot compromise, because you'll get a rino,  who would change their mind like a fart in the wind. & go with the status quo/progressives.   It's about conservatism & it is worth getting a conservative in the seat.
nobodys got a crystal ball, and if "we" lose, it'll be more rope to hang themselves with.

You CANNOT get a 'conservative' in a senate seat from DELEWARE! By the way it's Delaware
Electable in GA is NOT electable in DE.

I remember hearing the same thing about Massachusetts but what happened...

"Republican Scott Brown Wins Kennedy Senate Seat in Massachusetts"

"G.O.P. Senate Victory Stuns Democrats - NY Times"

Can't never could do shit you know.

Brown is a rino, but that fact is lost on every person who has quoted some variation of this same bullshit
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 7:53:03 PM EDT

First off, people should back off Dave_A, he is one of the few in GD who will actually debate an issue.

Dave_A, answer me this: Who will the Castle votes go for in the general election?  Will the combined votes be enough to seat O'Donnell?

Many of the Castle votes will go to the Democrat.

The leftovers will give McDonnell about the 35-38% she got the LAST TIME she ran for Senate....

You don't even know her name.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 7:57:03 PM EDT
No, they did NOT do a great job from 1996 to 2006.  They were warned repeatedly that they were in power for one reason and one reason only.  In 2000 I predicted that if the Republicans did NOT repeal the AW ban, did not secure the 2nd Amendment rights of the people and restrain the out of control Government, they would lose control of Congress in 2006.  It would be two years AFTER the sunset of the ban when gun owners had no fucking reason to bother voting for the asshats that made the promises... remember Gingrich and the Contract with America?... an never delivered.  Gun owners abandoned the Republican party because the Republicans were spineless.  They had a golden opportunity to secure control of Congress for years and they fucking snatched defeat from the jaws of victory once again.

Republicans are going to win Congress again this year.  Not because they are a better party, but because the Democrats really, really fucked up.  Hell, in half of the contested races, Jeffery Dahmer could run as a Conservative R and win... That's pretty sad.  I guarantee that this will most likely be the last time Republicans are given another chance.  The pendulum is swinging wildly now and our nation is fucked beyond all recognition because of the lesser of two evils bullshit.  

The incoming Congress had better unfuck some majore gun laws, reign in the BATFE, get a fucking firm grip on this out of control spending spree, and fucking begin to respect the People, the Flag and the Constitution before shit goes sideways in 99 directions at once.  People are at the end of their ropes with this bullshit from our elected Government.  This will be the last opportunity to repair the damage civilly.  This isn't a threat, it's a warning from someone who wants to grow old and die without having to have fought a war for freedom.  It's not the Governments right to dictate our freedoms and they better fucking get a clue before it's too late.  RINO's, Leftists, and flat out communists want a war here.  They are going to get it if the incoming Congress doesn't start respecting the citizens they represent.  
We want a cap on the spending in Government.  We want the BATFE to be reigned in HARD...  no more batfe opinions.  State the law.  nothing more, nothing less.  We want the repeal of the Hughes Amendment without any bullshit amendments.  We want the repeal of the UnConstitutional "sporting purpose" clause without any bullshit amendments.  We want a total ban on Government bail outs of private industry at the cost of tax payers.  We want full disclosure of the histories of our candidates with no exceptions.  


Well and good, but the Republicans won in 1994 because of the Contract with America as their positive promise, and the disgust with the Dems' corrup behavior and arrogance after 40 year in power as the negative the voters rejected. The Contract had nothing to do with guns or BATFE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contract_with_America

Contents [hide]
1 Content of the Contract
1.1 Government and Operational Reforms
1.2 Major Policy Changes
2 Implementation of the Contract
2.1 The Fiscal Responsibility Act
2.2 The Taking Back Our Streets Act
2.3 The Personal Responsibility Act
2.4 The American Dream Restoration Act
2.5 The National Security Restoration Act
2.6 The "Common Sense" Legal Reform Act
2.7 The Job Creation and Wage Enhancement Act
2.8 The Citizen Legislature Act
2.9 Other sections of the Contract
3 Non-implementation of the Contract
4 Effects of the Contract
5 Notes
6 References
7 Sources

As much as it is blasphemy to say so here, not one voter in 100 even knows what the Hughes Amendment is, or cares much about BATFE.

The galvanizing issue of this election is not guns but spending and scope of government in general, as far as the average voter is concerned.
It is hard to find any Republican who campaigns on gun issues except to hint they might be better than the Democrat on that issue just to get our votes, with few exceptions. Inhofe? Demint? Coburn? Wo else?

Not to dis anyone here, but this election is not about guns. It is about the spending.

The courts are about guns, and we seem to be winning with regularity of late.[/quote]

It's about out of control Government.  Spending, Rights, Freedom.  We must have satisfaction across the board.  We are about to see a huge change in how politics works in our nation.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 7:58:18 PM EDT




By taking over leadership positions in both houses, the GOP actually can push an agenda - show leadership, and put foreward something to run on besides 'We're not Obama'.


Yeah because they did such a great job of this last time the usual suspects were in control. It's time for some new blood.

They did a great job from 1996-2006, on everything except public relations.

The 'new blood' so far does not inspire confidence....

No, they did NOT do a great job from 1996 to 2006.  They were warned repeatedly that they were in power for one reason and one reason only.  In 2000 I predicted that if the Republicans did NOT repeal the AW ban, did not secure the 2nd Amendment rights of the people and restrain the out of control Government, they would lose control of Congress in 2006.  It would be two years AFTER the sunset of the ban when gun owners had no fucking reason to bother voting for the asshats that made the promises... remember Gingrich and the Contract with America?... an never delivered.  Gun owners abandoned the Republican party because the Republicans were spineless.  They had a golden opportunity to secure control of Congress for years and they fucking snatched defeat from the jaws of victory once again.

Republicans are going to win Congress again this year.  Not because they are a better party, but because the Democrats really, really fucked up.  Hell, in half of the contested races, Jeffery Dahmer could run as a Conservative R and win... That's pretty sad.  I guarantee that this will most likely be the last time Republicans are given another chance.  The pendulum is swinging wildly now and our nation is fucked beyond all recognition because of the lesser of two evils bullshit.  

The incoming Congress had better unfuck some majore gun laws, reign in the BATFE, get a fucking firm grip on this out of control spending spree, and fucking begin to respect the People, the Flag and the Constitution before shit goes sideways in 99 directions at once.  People are at the end of their ropes with this bullshit from our elected Government.  This will be the last opportunity to repair the damage civilly.  This isn't a threat, it's a warning from someone who wants to grow old and die without having to have fought a war for freedom.  It's not the Governments right to dictate our freedoms and they better fucking get a clue before it's too late.  RINO's, Leftists, and flat out communists want a war here.  They are going to get it if the incoming Congress doesn't start respecting the citizens they represent.  

We want a cap on the spending in Government.  We want the BATFE to be reigned in HARD...  no more batfe opinions.  State the law.  nothing more, nothing less.  We want the repeal of the Hughes Amendment without any bullshit amendments.  We want the repeal of the UnConstitutional "sporting purpose" clause without any bullshit amendments.  We want a total ban on Government bail outs of private industry at the cost of tax payers.  We want full disclosure of the histories of our candidates with no exceptions.  


Most of America doesn't care about any of that.

Wanna bet?  I've been involved in politics a very long time.  I've got a pretty good feel about how the voters are feeling.  If the Republicans address what is in the last paragraph I wrote in the quoted section above, you'll see a massive increase in voters.  We saw this in Virginia, West Virginia, we saw it across the nation.  Right now, voters are PISSED.  The asshats in Congress put a debt on our great grand children because they are too stupid to have a clue about what the fuck they are doing running our Government.  All the old assumptions about elections is off.  Anyone that wants to cling to how it used to be is living in a fairytale land.  

It comes down to this Dave, even if you are right and most of America doesn't care, there are enough that DO care that will be the tipping point between having a good Government or having a nasty civil war.  Our elected officials can choose either one they want.  They will be obliged either way... and either way, we will secure our rights against infringement by the Government.

What I'm saying is that your feel for politics doesn't equate to the national reality.

And yours does?  Please, share your experience.  I'm really interested in knowing just what you've done for our rights and helping to get the right people elected.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 8:03:40 PM EDT









By taking over leadership positions in both houses, the GOP actually can push an agenda - show leadership, and put foreward something to run on besides 'We're not Obama'.


Yeah because they did such a great job of this last time the usual suspects were in control. It's time for some new blood.

They did a great job from 1996-2006, on everything except public relations.

The 'new blood' so far does not inspire confidence....


No, they did NOT do a great job from 1996 to 2006.  They were warned repeatedly that they were in power for one reason and one reason only.  In 2000 I predicted that if the Republicans did NOT repeal the AW ban, did not secure the 2nd Amendment rights of the people and restrain the out of control Government, they would lose control of Congress in 2006.  It would be two years AFTER the sunset of the ban when gun owners had no fucking reason to bother voting for the asshats that made the promises... remember Gingrich and the Contract with America?... an never delivered.  Gun owners abandoned the Republican party because the Republicans were spineless.  They had a golden opportunity to secure control of Congress for years and they fucking snatched defeat from the jaws of victory once again.

Republicans are going to win Congress again this year.  Not because they are a better party, but because the Democrats really, really fucked up.  Hell, in half of the contested races, Jeffery Dahmer could run as a Conservative R and win... That's pretty sad.  I guarantee that this will most likely be the last time Republicans are given another chance.  The pendulum is swinging wildly now and our nation is fucked beyond all recognition because of the lesser of two evils bullshit.  

The incoming Congress had better unfuck some majore gun laws, reign in the BATFE, get a fucking firm grip on this out of control spending spree, and fucking begin to respect the People, the Flag and the Constitution before shit goes sideways in 99 directions at once.  People are at the end of their ropes with this bullshit from our elected Government.  This will be the last opportunity to repair the damage civilly.  This isn't a threat, it's a warning from someone who wants to grow old and die without having to have fought a war for freedom.  It's not the Governments right to dictate our freedoms and they better fucking get a clue before it's too late.  RINO's, Leftists, and flat out communists want a war here.  They are going to get it if the incoming Congress doesn't start respecting the citizens they represent.  

We want a cap on the spending in Government.  We want the BATFE to be reigned in HARD...  no more batfe opinions.  State the law.  nothing more, nothing less.  We want the repeal of the Hughes Amendment without any bullshit amendments.  We want the repeal of the UnConstitutional "sporting purpose" clause without any bullshit amendments.  We want a total ban on Government bail outs of private industry at the cost of tax payers.  We want full disclosure of the histories of our candidates with no exceptions.  


Most of America doesn't care about any of that.


Wanna bet?  I've been involved in politics a very long time.  I've got a pretty good feel about how the voters are feeling.  If the Republicans address what is in the last paragraph I wrote in the quoted section above, you'll see a massive increase in voters.  We saw this in Virginia, West Virginia, we saw it across the nation.  Right now, voters are PISSED.  The asshats in Congress put a debt on our great grand children because they are too stupid to have a clue about what the fuck they are doing running our Government.  All the old assumptions about elections is off.  Anyone that wants to cling to how it used to be is living in a fairytale land.  

It comes down to this Dave, even if you are right and most of America doesn't care, there are enough that DO care that will be the tipping point between having a good Government or having a nasty civil war.  Our elected officials can choose either one they want.  They will be obliged either way... and either way, we will secure our rights against infringement by the Government.

What I'm saying is that your feel for politics doesn't equate to the national reality.


And yours does?  Please, share your experience.  I'm really interested in knowing just what you've done for our rights and helping to get the right people elected.

Like I said, my formal political experience is that I worked for Bush's campaign in 2004.

The guy who I quoted considers 'Civil War' a realistic probability if the anti-establishment crowd doesn't get their way...

That right there shows he's out of touch....

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 8:18:17 PM EDT




By taking over leadership positions in both houses, the GOP actually can push an agenda - show leadership, and put foreward something to run on besides 'We're not Obama'.


Yeah because they did such a great job of this last time the usual suspects were in control. It's time for some new blood.

They did a great job from 1996-2006, on everything except public relations.

The 'new blood' so far does not inspire confidence....

No, they did NOT do a great job from 1996 to 2006.  They were warned repeatedly that they were in power for one reason and one reason only.  In 2000 I predicted that if the Republicans did NOT repeal the AW ban, did not secure the 2nd Amendment rights of the people and restrain the out of control Government, they would lose control of Congress in 2006.  It would be two years AFTER the sunset of the ban when gun owners had no fucking reason to bother voting for the asshats that made the promises... remember Gingrich and the Contract with America?... an never delivered.  Gun owners abandoned the Republican party because the Republicans were spineless.  They had a golden opportunity to secure control of Congress for years and they fucking snatched defeat from the jaws of victory once again.

Republicans are going to win Congress again this year.  Not because they are a better party, but because the Democrats really, really fucked up.  Hell, in half of the contested races, Jeffery Dahmer could run as a Conservative R and win... That's pretty sad.  I guarantee that this will most likely be the last time Republicans are given another chance.  The pendulum is swinging wildly now and our nation is fucked beyond all recognition because of the lesser of two evils bullshit.  

The incoming Congress had better unfuck some majore gun laws, reign in the BATFE, get a fucking firm grip on this out of control spending spree, and fucking begin to respect the People, the Flag and the Constitution before shit goes sideways in 99 directions at once.  People are at the end of their ropes with this bullshit from our elected Government.  This will be the last opportunity to repair the damage civilly.  This isn't a threat, it's a warning from someone who wants to grow old and die without having to have fought a war for freedom.  It's not the Governments right to dictate our freedoms and they better fucking get a clue before it's too late.  RINO's, Leftists, and flat out communists want a war here.  They are going to get it if the incoming Congress doesn't start respecting the citizens they represent.  

We want a cap on the spending in Government.  We want the BATFE to be reigned in HARD...  no more batfe opinions.  State the law.  nothing more, nothing less.  We want the repeal of the Hughes Amendment without any bullshit amendments.  We want the repeal of the UnConstitutional "sporting purpose" clause without any bullshit amendments.  We want a total ban on Government bail outs of private industry at the cost of tax payers.  We want full disclosure of the histories of our candidates with no exceptions.  


Most of America doesn't care about any of that.

Dave I am dissapointed in you Hard Rock goes through all the trouble to write a very elegant response and you dismiss it like it was written by a child. Anyway, I stood with thousands of Americans not too long ago in DC who do care about this and are working very hard to see it to fruition.

Dave knows I'm right.  Notice, he still hasn't said how long he's been involved in politics... He doesn't know how the voters minds work yet.

Formal involvement? Bush 04 campaign, Milwaukee Wisconsin office...

Army from 04-09 -> no formal politics while on Active Duty...

I've followed politics since about 96 or so...

Anyone who seriously considers a 'civil war' possible - let alone likely - is completely out of touch.

You would try to have a war, and no one would show to fight....

Dave, no offense but your a noob.  I've been politically involved since 1986.  I've served as a duly elected officer of my county Republican committee, I've lobbied before Congress, before state legislatures, I've been involved in far too many elections, I've seen wins and losses, I've stood up for our rights and have been spit on and ridiculed while continuing to fight.  

I've seen the best and the worst of people during elections.  In 2003 in Virginia, we ran a sign campaign that ended up on the receiving end of violence from the opposition.

Basically, in the last year an a half, there has been a very concerning change in people.  The comments, questions, and attitudes have shifted dramatically.  People no longer have a single shred of confidence in our elected officials.  People no longer feel respected by our elected officials.  They are tired of it.  

I don't want a war Dave, that is the last thing I want to see in our nation.  But if you were truly politically involved, you'd see what I've been seeing and what other people are seeing.  Frustration, desperation, dejection, anger, loathing.  It's all coming out now.  On the professional side, I'm an 02/07 SOT.  My company services civilian shooters, law enforcement and mlitary.  The so called usual suspects on ranting and raving have shut up.  All the bullshit coming from them is gone.  Now, I'm seeing concern, fear, apprehension, and talk out of most of the LE and military folks I deal with.  There has been a major shift and tension is growing.  

You can pretend it's not there and call anyone who gives warning crazy or whatever...  It's not going to change the fact that there is trouble brewing.  You of all people should realize how weak your argument is when you consider the mere existance of the Tea Party.  Tonight proved that they are a force to be reckoned with and there is a major purge of incumbants taking place.  

Look at what the RNSC has done, they are basically declaring war on Conservatives over the O'Donnell win.  This is another divide amongst many that we've been seeing.  Our nation can only fracture so far before it breaks.  

No Dave, I don't want a war.  That's why I've spent more than two decades fighting for our Rights... to prevent a war from happening.  I fear, that time spent was in vain.  The pendulum is swinging to the right again.  Given how hard it swung to the left, this backlash will be very strong.  

Watch, I bet somewhere in the nation tonight or tomorrow, you're going to see violence over the primaries that happened today.  It'll be against the Conservatives.  You're going to see something like shots fired at candidate HQ's, vandalism, threats, assaults, or a myriad of other such crimes.  Wanna bet that some of it will be from the "moderates" in the Republican party?
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 8:39:31 PM EDT
This thread has gone full retard.  Something you just should NOT do.

I wonder if Dave_A has ever "lost" an argument.  Has anyone in GD ever "lost" an argument??

You can't really win ya know.

Link Posted: 9/14/2010 9:06:39 PM EDT






By taking over leadership positions in both houses, the GOP actually can push an agenda - show leadership, and put foreward something to run on besides 'We're not Obama'.


Yeah because they did such a great job of this last time the usual suspects were in control. It's time for some new blood.

They did a great job from 1996-2006, on everything except public relations.

The 'new blood' so far does not inspire confidence....


No, they did NOT do a great job from 1996 to 2006.  They were warned repeatedly that they were in power for one reason and one reason only.  In 2000 I predicted that if the Republicans did NOT repeal the AW ban, did not secure the 2nd Amendment rights of the people and restrain the out of control Government, they would lose control of Congress in 2006.  It would be two years AFTER the sunset of the ban when gun owners had no fucking reason to bother voting for the asshats that made the promises... remember Gingrich and the Contract with America?... an never delivered.  Gun owners abandoned the Republican party because the Republicans were spineless.  They had a golden opportunity to secure control of Congress for years and they fucking snatched defeat from the jaws of victory once again.

Republicans are going to win Congress again this year.  Not because they are a better party, but because the Democrats really, really fucked up.  Hell, in half of the contested races, Jeffery Dahmer could run as a Conservative R and win... That's pretty sad.  I guarantee that this will most likely be the last time Republicans are given another chance.  The pendulum is swinging wildly now and our nation is fucked beyond all recognition because of the lesser of two evils bullshit.  

The incoming Congress had better unfuck some majore gun laws, reign in the BATFE, get a fucking firm grip on this out of control spending spree, and fucking begin to respect the People, the Flag and the Constitution before shit goes sideways in 99 directions at once.  People are at the end of their ropes with this bullshit from our elected Government.  This will be the last opportunity to repair the damage civilly.  This isn't a threat, it's a warning from someone who wants to grow old and die without having to have fought a war for freedom.  It's not the Governments right to dictate our freedoms and they better fucking get a clue before it's too late.  RINO's, Leftists, and flat out communists want a war here.  They are going to get it if the incoming Congress doesn't start respecting the citizens they represent.  

We want a cap on the spending in Government.  We want the BATFE to be reigned in HARD...  no more batfe opinions.  State the law.  nothing more, nothing less.  We want the repeal of the Hughes Amendment without any bullshit amendments.  We want the repeal of the UnConstitutional "sporting purpose" clause without any bullshit amendments.  We want a total ban on Government bail outs of private industry at the cost of tax payers.  We want full disclosure of the histories of our candidates with no exceptions.  


Most of America doesn't care about any of that.


Dave I am dissapointed in you Hard Rock goes through all the trouble to write a very elegant response and you dismiss it like it was written by a child. Anyway, I stood with thousands of Americans not too long ago in DC who do care about this and are working very hard to see it to fruition.

Dave knows I'm right.  Notice, he still hasn't said how long he's been involved in politics... He doesn't know how the voters minds work yet.

Formal involvement? Bush 04 campaign, Milwaukee Wisconsin office...

Army from 04-09 -> no formal politics while on Active Duty...

I've followed politics since about 96 or so...

Anyone who seriously considers a 'civil war' possible - let alone likely - is completely out of touch.

You would try to have a war, and no one would show to fight....


Dave, no offense but your a noob.  I've been politically involved since 1986.  I've served as a duly elected officer of my county Republican committee, I've lobbied before Congress, before state legislatures, I've been involved in far too many elections, I've seen wins and losses, I've stood up for our rights and have been spit on and ridiculed while continuing to fight.  

I've seen the best and the worst of people during elections.  In 2003 in Virginia, we ran a sign campaign that ended up on the receiving end of violence from the opposition.

Basically, in the last year an a half, there has been a very concerning change in people.  The comments, questions, and attitudes have shifted dramatically.  People no longer have a single shred of confidence in our elected officials.  People no longer feel respected by our elected officials.  They are tired of it.  

I don't want a war Dave, that is the last thing I want to see in our nation.  But if you were truly politically involved, you'd see what I've been seeing and what other people are seeing.  Frustration, desperation, dejection, anger, loathing.  It's all coming out now.  On the professional side, I'm an 02/07 SOT.  My company services civilian shooters, law enforcement and mlitary.  The so called usual suspects on ranting and raving have shut up.  All the bullshit coming from them is gone.  Now, I'm seeing concern, fear, apprehension, and talk out of most of the LE and military folks I deal with.  There has been a major shift and tension is growing.  

You can pretend it's not there and call anyone who gives warning crazy or whatever...  It's not going to change the fact that there is trouble brewing.  You of all people should realize how weak your argument is when you consider the mere existance of the Tea Party.  Tonight proved that they are a force to be reckoned with and there is a major purge of incumbants taking place.  

Look at what the RNSC has done, they are basically declaring war on Conservatives over the O'Donnell win.  This is another divide amongst many that we've been seeing.  Our nation can only fracture so far before it breaks.  

No Dave, I don't want a war.  That's why I've spent more than two decades fighting for our Rights... to prevent a war from happening.  I fear, that time spent was in vain.  The pendulum is swinging to the right again.  Given how hard it swung to the left, this backlash will be very strong.  

Watch, I bet somewhere in the nation tonight or tomorrow, you're going to see violence over the primaries that happened today.  It'll be against the Conservatives.  You're going to see something like shots fired at candidate HQ's, vandalism, threats, assaults, or a myriad of other such crimes.  Wanna bet that some of it will be from the "moderates" in the Republican party?

In 04 we had our office stormed, and our vans sabotaged - by the Dems of course...

I would not, in any sense, expect that from the GOP - even the moderate-to-liberal Republicans...

Folks will be pissed, but will settle for the I-told-you-so when she loses.

Further, your view in your part of VA most certainly does not spread across the country...

Especially placing anything related to the ATF as a major political issue...
Link Posted: 9/15/2010 8:12:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2010 9:09:12 AM EDT

There comes a time when you cannot compromise, because you'll get a rino,  who would change their mind like a fart in the wind. & go with the status quo/progressives.   It's about conservatism & it is worth getting a conservative in the seat.
nobodys got a crystal ball, and if "we" lose, it'll be more rope to hang themselves with.

You CANNOT get a 'conservative' in a senate seat from DELEWARE! By the way it's Delaware
Electable in GA is NOT electable in DE.

I remember hearing the same thing about Massachusetts but what happened...

"Republican Scott Brown Wins Kennedy Senate Seat in Massachusetts"

"G.O.P. Senate Victory Stuns Democrats - NY Times"

Can't never could do shit you know.

Brown is a rino, but that fact is lost on every person who has quoted some variation of this same bullshit

He's less of a RINO than Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, Jim Jeffords are/were.  Mike Castle's voting record was indistinguishable from a Democrat's.  He was WORSE than Jim Jeffords, Arlen Specter, and Olympia Snowe.  

Scott Brown probably is the best we can do in Massachusetts, but Mike Castle is not the best we can do in Delaware.  

The same arguments that the RNSC used to support Arlen Specter over Pat Toomey are being trotted out against O'Donnell.  Look who is set to win in Pennsylvania.  The too-conservative Toomey has a statistically significant lead over Sistak.

And at the end of the day, here is the thing: you are better off having a strongly united minority than an ineffective majority that is held hostage by liberal members of the party at the margins.  Because the minority party can be obstructionist and prevent really bad legislation from getting through, while offering up an alternative in the next election.  The majority party gets the blame, so when you have an ineffective Republican majority that can't implement positive conservative policies, you lose on both sides.  You don't capture converts, and you don't motivate the base.  This election needs to be for the long haul, by investing in candidates that will pay us back.

Link Posted: 9/15/2010 9:30:19 AM EDT

A good turn-out from Upstate !  He's gonna have a tougher time against Cuomo, but I bet that fucker'll have a few sleepless nights now until
Nov 2nd.

Link Posted: 9/16/2010 3:45:52 PM EDT






First off, people should back off Dave_A, he is one of the few in GD who will actually debate an issue.

Dave_A, answer me this: Who will the Castle votes go for in the general election?  Will the combined votes be enough to seat O'Donnell?

Many of the Castle votes will go to the Democrat.

The leftovers will give McDonnell about the 35-38% she got the LAST TIME she ran for Senate....


So the current "climate" of politics has no effect on Delaware?  I would say if that was her outcome last time, this time will put her on the other side of the pinnacle.  We have seen it time and again this year.  This is not your standard Ross Perot "third party" uprising.  This is a serious scream of "WAKE THE FUCK UP GOP OR WE WILL LEAVE YOU IN THE DUST!"


You exaggerate the 'climate' substantially.

She will get squashed.

Odds are currently 85/15 in favor of her opponent.


I am going to ask you to provide a link to these published odds.  Otherwise, your comment is mere speculation.  I believe that the "climate" I referred to is in fact real and currently no one has developed a way to measure it except through the reality of the primaries again and again turning out anti-establishment.


It seems as if Dave_A disappeared after a request for facts was made.

Link Posted: 9/16/2010 5:06:19 PM EDT


First off, people should back off Dave_A, he is one of the few in GD who will actually debate an issue.
Dave_A, answer me this: Who will the Castle votes go for in the general election?  Will the combined votes be enough to seat O'Donnell?

Many of the Castle votes will go to the Democrat.
The leftovers will give McDonnell about the 35-38% she got the LAST TIME she ran for Senate....


So the current "climate" of politics has no effect on Delaware?  I would say if that was her outcome last time, this time will put her on the other side of the pinnacle.  We have seen it time and again this year.  This is not your standard Ross Perot "third party" uprising.  This is a serious scream of "WAKE THE FUCK UP GOP OR WE WILL LEAVE YOU IN THE DUST!"


You exaggerate the 'climate' substantially.
She will get squashed.
Odds are currently 85/15 in favor of her opponent.

I am going to ask you to provide a link to these published odds.  Otherwise, your comment is mere speculation.  I believe that the "climate" I referred to is in fact real and currently no one has developed a way to measure it except through the reality of the primaries again and again turning out anti-establishment.


It seems as if Dave_A disappeared after a request for facts was made.
Krauthammer just gave her a 10% chance of winning.  He said he hopes he's proven wrong, but he doesn't have high hopes for her.

The Buckley rule

By Charles Krauthammer

Friday, September 17, 2010;

Tuesday in Delaware was a bad day not only for Republicans but also for
conservatives. Tea Partyer Christine O'Donnell scored a stunning victory
over establishment Republican Mike Castle. Stunning but pyrrhic. The
very people who have most alerted the country to the perils of President
Obama's social democratic agenda may have just made it impossible for
Republicans to retake the Senate and definitively stop that agenda.

Bill Buckley –– no Mike Castle he –– had a rule: Support the most conservative candidate who is electable.

A timeless rule of sober politics, and particularly timely now. This is
no ordinary time. And this is no ordinary Democratic administration. It
is highly ideological and ambitious.
It is determined to use whatever historical window it is granted to
change the country structurally, irreversibly. It has already done so
with Obamacare and has equally lofty ambitions for energy, education,
immigration, taxation, industrial policy and the composition of the
Supreme Court.

That's what makes the eleventh-hour endorsements of O'Donnell by Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) and Sarah Palin so reckless and irresponsible.

Of course Mike Castle is a liberal Republican. What do you expect from
Delaware? A DeMint? Castle voted against Obamacare and the stimulus.
Yes, he voted for cap-and-trade. That's batting .667. You'd rather have a
Democrat who bats .000 and who might give the Democrats the 50th vote
to control the Senate?

Castle wasn't only electable. He was unbeatable. Why do you think Beau
Biden, long groomed to inherit his father's seat, flinched from running?
Because Castle, who had already won statewide races a dozen times,
scared him off. Democrats had already given up on the race.

O'Donnell, a lifelong activist who has twice lost statewide races, is
very problematic. It is not that the Republican establishment denigrates
her chances –– virtually every nonpartisan electoral analyst from Charlie Cook to Larry Sabato to Stuart Rothenberg has her losing in November.

Nor is opposition to O'Donnell's candidacy a sign of hostility or
disrespect to the Tea Party. Many of those who wanted to see Castle
nominated in Delaware have from the beginning defended the Tea Party movement
from the mainstream media's scurrilous portrayal of it as a racist
rabble of resentful lumpenproletarians. Indeed, it is among the most
vigorous and salutary grass-roots movements of our time, dedicated to a
genuine constitutionalism from which the country has strayed far.

And its complaint that it is often taken for granted by the Republican
establishment (interestingly parallel to the often-heard African
American community's complaint against the Democratic Party) is not to
be dismissed. Tea Partyers should not, as many of them fear, simply be
used by the Republican Party as a source of electoral energy while their
own candidates are ignored and dismissed. But the question is: Which of their candidates?

Marco Rubio in Florida is strong, serious, dynamic. He has a great
future as a Republican leader. Joe Miller, who upset the Murkowski
dynasty in Alaska, is a man of remarkable achievement: West Point
graduate, decorated veteran, judge. Both will win.

Moreover, geography matters. Rand Paul may not be the best candidate in
the world –– it is not a very good idea to start your general election
campaign by expressing reservations about the Civil Rights Act –– but he is running in Kentucky. He will almost certainly win.

Delaware is not Kentucky. If Republicans want to be a national party,
they cannot write off the Northeast, whose Republicanism is of a
distinctly moderate variety. Scott Brown broke Republican ranks to vote
for Obama's financial reform. Are conservatives going to now run him out
of the Senate? Wasn't it just eight months ago that his victory in
Massachusetts was hailed as a turning point in the campaign to stop the
Obama agenda?

You don't stop that agenda by nominating an O'Donnell in Delaware and
turning a Senate seat from safe Republican to safe Democratic.

If DeMint and Palin want to show that helping O'Donnell over the top ––
she won late and by six points –– wasn't a capricious spreading of fairy
dust, perhaps they should go to Delaware now and get her elected to the

You made it possible. Now make it happen. I would be happy to be proved
wrong about O'Donnell's electability –– I want Republicans to win that
51st seat. Stay in Delaware and show us you were right. The beaches are
said to be lovely in the fall.

Link Posted: 9/16/2010 5:19:58 PM EDT

There comes a time when you cannot compromise, because you'll get a rino,  who would change their mind like a fart in the wind. & go with the status quo/progressives.   It's about conservatism & it is worth getting a conservative in the seat.
nobodys got a crystal ball, and if "we" lose, it'll be more rope to hang themselves with.

You CANNOT get a 'conservative' in a senate seat from DELEWARE! By the way it's Delaware
Electable in GA is NOT electable in DE.

I remember hearing the same thing about Massachusetts but what happened...

"Republican Scott Brown Wins Kennedy Senate Seat in Massachusetts"

"G.O.P. Senate Victory Stuns Democrats - NY Times"

Can't never could do shit you know.

Brown is a rino, but that fact is lost on every person who has quoted some variation of this same bullshit

He's less of a RINO than Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, Jim Jeffords are/were.  Mike Castle's voting record was indistinguishable from a Democrat's.  He was WORSE than Jim Jeffords, Arlen Specter, and Olympia Snowe.  

Scott Brown probably is the best we can do in Massachusetts, but Mike Castle is not the best we can do in Delaware.  

The same arguments that the RNSC used to support Arlen Specter over Pat Toomey are being trotted out against O'Donnell.  Look who is set to win in Pennsylvania.  The too-conservative Toomey has a statistically significant lead over Sistak.

And at the end of the day, here is the thing: you are better off having a strongly united minority than an ineffective majority that is held hostage by liberal members of the party at the margins.  

I agree.

Because the minority party can be obstructionist and prevent really bad legislation from getting through, while offering up an alternative in the next election. The majority party gets the blame, so when you have an ineffective Republican majority that can't implement positive conservative policies, you lose on both sides.  You don't capture converts, and you don't motivate the base.


This election needs to be for the long haul, by investing in candidates that will pay us back.

Where is there any proof that this particular candidate will? Even if four or five "good ones" get in, they aren't a majority and can't push through anything that will fix the problems.

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