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Posted: 11/6/2010 4:29:10 PM EDT
...by G. Edward Griffin?

Reason I ask is that I saw the latest AP headline where Ben Bernanke was speaking to a conference on that very island a few hours south of me, discussing the Feds' decision to purchase 600 billion in govt. bonds.

Worth a read?
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 4:30:21 PM EDT
Sounds like a good place to hyde.
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 4:30:47 PM EDT
...by G. Edward Griffin?

Reason I ask is that I saw the latest AP headline where Ben Bernanke was speaking to a conference on that very island a few hours south of me, discussing the Feds' decision to purchase 600 billion in govt. bonds.

Worth a read?

Good starter book.
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 4:32:49 PM EDT
...by G. Edward Griffin?

Reason I ask is that I saw the latest AP headline where Ben Bernanke was speaking to a conference on that very island a few hours south of me, discussing the Feds' decision to purchase 600 billion in govt. bonds.

Worth a read?

Good starter book.

Please recommend a follow-up book.

OP, I've read the book.  I think everyone should read it.
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 4:34:05 PM EDT
Everyone should read that book. Another good one is End The Fed by Ron Paul

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 4:34:32 PM EDT
Yes it is a good read but I couldn't read it before bed like a novel. A lot of it pissed me off and I'd lay in bed for hours mad.

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 4:36:01 PM EDT
Sounds like a good place to hyde.


Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 4:38:34 PM EDT
I'm definitely open to both sides of the argument when it comes to the Fed....although I must admit that I am not that "learned" of a man when it comes to economics.   I went over to Amazon reviews and am now reading up on it....
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 4:42:44 PM EDT


...by G. Edward Griffin?

Reason I ask is that I saw the latest AP headline where Ben Bernanke was speaking to a conference on that very island a few hours south of me, discussing the Feds' decision to purchase 600 billion in govt. bonds.

Worth a read?

It's garbage.

The author has definite socialist leanings, as evidenced by his other works....

Bernake is doing his job, with the result being STILL no collapse/depression. If he followed the 'Inflation Doom-er' line, we would be worse off than 1929 right now.

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 4:43:14 PM EDT

...by G. Edward Griffin?

Reason I ask is that I saw the latest AP headline where Ben Bernanke was speaking to a conference on that very island a few hours south of me, discussing the Feds' decision to purchase 600 billion in govt. bonds.

Worth a read?

It's garbage.

The author has definite socialist leanings, as evidenced by his other works....

Bernake is doing his job, with the result being STILL no collapse/depression. If he followed the 'Inflation Doom-er' line, we would be worse off than 1929 right now.

Told ya....
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 4:47:33 PM EDT
I have had the book since about 1994. Im not sure how someone can argue with facts and say it isn't so. But whatever. Those kind of folks are always going to be there.

On another note I also find the fact he was on Jekyll Island interesting as well.
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 4:47:34 PM EDT
Why not let people read the book and decide for themselves?

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 4:48:50 PM EDT


...by G. Edward Griffin?

Reason I ask is that I saw the latest AP headline where Ben Bernanke was speaking to a conference on that very island a few hours south of me, discussing the Feds' decision to purchase 600 billion in govt. bonds.

Worth a read?

It's garbage.

The author has definite socialist leanings, as evidenced by his other works....

Bernake is doing his job, with the result being STILL no collapse/depression. If he followed the 'Inflation Doom-er' line, we would be worse off than 1929 right now.


Socialist leanings? Funny for YOU to say that. lol

ETA: Im most certain that you have read it in full in order to give us this detailed opinion on his work.

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 4:53:36 PM EDT
I'm looking for a listing of his other works...I see one called "The Capitalist Conspiracy"....and one called "Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations"....

I see the globalist/NWO connections, but where are the socialist leaning titles?
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:04:41 PM EDT
I'm looking for a listing of his other works...I see one called "The Capitalist Conspiracy"....and one called "Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations"....

I see the globalist/NWO connections, but where are the socialist leaning titles?

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:10:26 PM EDT
I'm looking for a listing of his other works...I see one called "The Capitalist Conspiracy"....and one called "Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations"....

I see the globalist/NWO connections, but where are the socialist leaning titles?

That certainly doesn't mean socialism - perhaps it is advocacy for free enterprise (which we don't have).
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:11:55 PM EDT
Alright ya'll....Wiki is telling me some really strange crap about this author....may have to pass on this book.
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:15:43 PM EDT




...by G. Edward Griffin?

Reason I ask is that I saw the latest AP headline where Ben Bernanke was speaking to a conference on that very island a few hours south of me, discussing the Feds' decision to purchase 600 billion in govt. bonds.

Worth a read?

It's garbage.

The author has definite socialist leanings, as evidenced by his other works....

Bernake is doing his job, with the result being STILL no collapse/depression. If he followed the 'Inflation Doom-er' line, we would be worse off than 1929 right now.

Socialist leanings? Funny for YOU to say that. lol

ETA: Im most certain that you have read it in full in order to give us this detailed opinion on his work.

Socialist?  That would be news to me.

That book was one of the most popular titles when I used to work at the John Birch Society bookstore.
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:15:58 PM EDT
This thread needs more Sons of Liberty:

Jekyll Island
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:27:29 PM EDT





...by G. Edward Griffin?

Reason I ask is that I saw the latest AP headline where Ben Bernanke was speaking to a conference on that very island a few hours south of me, discussing the Feds' decision to purchase 600 billion in govt. bonds.

Worth a read?

It's garbage.

The author has definite socialist leanings, as evidenced by his other works....

Bernake is doing his job, with the result being STILL no collapse/depression. If he followed the 'Inflation Doom-er' line, we would be worse off than 1929 right now.

Socialist leanings? Funny for YOU to say that. lol

ETA: Im most certain that you have read it in full in order to give us this detailed opinion on his work.

Socialist?  That would be news to me.

That book was one of the most popular titles when I used to work at the John Birch Society bookstore.

Right, this book is heavily promoted by John Birch Society.

Everyone knows that the JBS is a left wing, socialist organization.

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:27:38 PM EDT
Good book.
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:28:26 PM EDT
Read it and decide for yourself.  
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:31:17 PM EDT
His audio rendition of Frederic Bastiat's The Law was quite good. It ought to be required reading listening in our nation's government schools.

Part one of nine:

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:31:59 PM EDT


Alright ya'll....Wiki is telling me some really strange crap about this author....may have to pass on this book.

On the other hand Wiki has a glowing review of the illustrious Senator Barbara Boxer.

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:43:34 PM EDT


I'm looking for a listing of his other works...I see one called "The Capitalist Conspiracy"....and one called "Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations"....

I see the globalist/NWO connections, but where are the socialist leaning titles?

'The Capitalist Conspiracy'... Gee, hmm...

The guy is a nut. Period.

Of course, anyone who complains about 'globalisim' or 'the NWO' is too, so....

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:44:21 PM EDT






...by G. Edward Griffin?

Reason I ask is that I saw the latest AP headline where Ben Bernanke was speaking to a conference on that very island a few hours south of me, discussing the Feds' decision to purchase 600 billion in govt. bonds.

Worth a read?

It's garbage.

The author has definite socialist leanings, as evidenced by his other works....

Bernake is doing his job, with the result being STILL no collapse/depression. If he followed the 'Inflation Doom-er' line, we would be worse off than 1929 right now.

Socialist leanings? Funny for YOU to say that. lol

ETA: Im most certain that you have read it in full in order to give us this detailed opinion on his work.

Socialist?  That would be news to me.

That book was one of the most popular titles when I used to work at the John Birch Society bookstore.

Right, this book is heavily promoted by John Birch Society.

Everyone knows that the JBS is a left wing, socialist organization.


No, they are a populist organization.

That they wrap their bullshit up in 'right-wing-sounding' paper, non-withstanding.

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:47:12 PM EDT



I'm looking for a listing of his other works...I see one called "The Capitalist Conspiracy"....and one called "Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations"....

I see the globalist/NWO connections, but where are the socialist leaning titles?

'The Capitalist Conspiracy'... Gee, hmm...

The guy is a nut. Period.

Of course, anyone who complains about 'globalisim' or 'the NWO' is too, so....


Dave, have you even read the F$%ing book?

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:55:17 PM EDT
...by G. Edward Griffin?

Reason I ask is that I saw the latest AP headline where Ben Bernanke was speaking to a conference on that very island a few hours south of me, discussing the Feds' decision to purchase 600 billion in govt. bonds.

Worth a read?

Good starter book.

Please recommend a follow-up book.

OP, I've read the book.  I think everyone should read it.

Fiat Paper Money, the history and evolution of our currency.
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 5:56:45 PM EDT


I'm looking for a listing of his other works...I see one called "The Capitalist Conspiracy"....and one called "Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations"....

I see the globalist/NWO connections, but where are the socialist leaning titles?

'The Capitalist Conspiracy'... Gee, hmm...

The guy is a nut. Period.

Of course, anyone who complains about 'globalisim' or 'the NWO' is too, so....


Dave, have you even read the F$%ing book?


The book takes the same absolute bullshit positions posted by the kooks here on ARF.

1) It claims that the Fed is really a collection of 'private banks' - the reality is it is about as 'private' as the FDIC or FICA. An organization that is run by Presidential appointees, is NOT exactly 'private'.

The fact that the Fed is not fully public, is also true (it would be a terrible thing if it was), but that does not make it 'a collection of private banks' nor does it make it a conspiracy, either.

With that said, the Fed SHOULD be a private bank, with no accountability AT ALL to the government - just like 1BOUS and 2BOUS were. The fact that the author of the book has a problem with this, makes everything else he writes suspect to say the least - especially with 'Capitalist Conspiracy' among his other works...

2) The claim that there is something 'wrong' with banking as a concept - with fractional reserve.

Thus, it can be completely written off, no matter what else it claims.

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 6:07:28 PM EDT





I'm looking for a listing of his other works...I see one called "The Capitalist Conspiracy"....and one called "Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations"....

I see the globalist/NWO connections, but where are the socialist leaning titles?

'The Capitalist Conspiracy'... Gee, hmm...

The guy is a nut. Period.

Of course, anyone who complains about 'globalisim' or 'the NWO' is too, so....


Dave, have you even read the F$%ing book?


The book takes the same absolute bullshit positions posted by the kooks here on ARF.

1) It claims that the Fed is really a collection of 'private banks' - the reality is it is about as 'private' as the FDIC or FICA. An organization that is run by Presidential appointees, is NOT exactly 'private'.

The fact that the Fed is not fully public, is also true (it would be a terrible thing if it was), but that does not make it 'a collection of private banks' nor does it make it a conspiracy, either.

With that said, the Fed SHOULD be a private bank, with no accountability AT ALL to the government - just like 1BOUS and 2BOUS were. The fact that the author of the book has a problem with this, makes everything else he writes suspect to say the least - especially with 'Capitalist Conspiracy' among his other works...

2) The claim that there is something 'wrong' with banking as a concept - with fractional reserve.

Thus, it can be completely written off, no matter what else it claims.


You have never read the book David. Im unsure how that makes you an expert on the book David.

By the way I have had the opportunity to meet with members of the KC FED. They are a private banking institution. UMB, Commerce et al. are stock holders. The KC FED first began in the basement of UMB. The Kemper's own that bank.

I can appreciate the argument that the FED should be privatized. That doesn't make the facts in the book incorrect.
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 6:08:56 PM EDT



I'm looking for a listing of his other works...I see one called "The Capitalist Conspiracy"....and one called "Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations"....

I see the globalist/NWO connections, but where are the socialist leaning titles?

'The Capitalist Conspiracy'... Gee, hmm...

The guy is a nut. Period.

Of course, anyone who complains about 'globalisim' or 'the NWO' is too, so....

Dave, have you even read the F$%ing book?


The book takes the same absolute bullshit positions posted by the kooks here on ARF.

1) It claims that the Fed is really a collection of 'private banks' - the reality is it is about as 'private' as the FDIC or FICA. An organization that is run by Presidential appointees, is NOT exactly 'private'.

The fact that the Fed is not fully public, is also true (it would be a terrible thing if it was), but that does not make it 'a collection of private banks' nor does it make it a conspiracy, either.

With that said, the Fed SHOULD be a private bank, with no accountability AT ALL to the government - just like 1BOUS and 2BOUS were. The fact that the author of the book has a problem with this, makes everything else he writes suspect to say the least - especially with 'Capitalist Conspiracy' among his other works...

2) The claim that there is something 'wrong' with banking as a concept - with fractional reserve.

Thus, it can be completely written off, no matter what else it claims.

The fact is, the fed rents our money supply to us for a profit. The question is, why is there a profit, and why does it not go to the us treasury, if it is as politically oriented as you say.  It is a private institution, for good or for bad.
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 6:11:29 PM EDT
Isn't anyone here concerned that the fate of the entire US economy seems to rely on the actions of the FED?

An institution that seems to be untouchable?

Does that bother anyone else but me??
Link Posted: 11/6/2010 6:12:52 PM EDT



I'm looking for a listing of his other works...I see one called "The Capitalist Conspiracy"....and one called "Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations"....

I see the globalist/NWO connections, but where are the socialist leaning titles?

'The Capitalist Conspiracy'... Gee, hmm...

The guy is a nut. Period.

Of course, anyone who complains about 'globalisim' or 'the NWO' is too, so....


Dave, have you even read the F$%ing book?


The book takes the same absolute bullshit positions posted by the kooks here on ARF.

1) It claims that the Fed is really a collection of 'private banks' - the reality is it is about as 'private' as the FDIC or FICA. An organization that is run by Presidential appointees, is NOT exactly 'private'.

The fact that the Fed is not fully public, is also true (it would be a terrible thing if it was), but that does not make it 'a collection of private banks' nor does it make it a conspiracy, either.

With that said, the Fed SHOULD be a private bank, with no accountability AT ALL to the government - just like 1BOUS and 2BOUS were. The fact that the author of the book has a problem with this, makes everything else he writes suspect to say the least - especially with 'Capitalist Conspiracy' among his other works...

2) The claim that there is something 'wrong' with banking as a concept - with fractional reserve.

Thus, it can be completely written off, no matter what else it claims.


The fact is, the fed rents our money supply to us for a profit. The question is, why is there a profit, and why does it not go to the us treasury, if it is as politically oriented as you say.  It is a private institution, for good or for bad.

That's not a fact at all. The Fed does NOT 'rent our money to us'. Rather, most of our money supply is created by the banking system DOWNSTREAM from the Fed, as money is borrowed on the open market.

And any profit made by the Fed does go to the US treasury.

It's in the Federal Reserve Act.

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 6:17:26 PM EDT


Isn't anyone here concerned that the fate of the entire US economy seems to rely on the actions of the FED?

An institution that seems to be untouchable?

Does that bother anyone else but me??
Im concerned, you're concerned, others here are concerned. As others learn they are concerned, Dave is not concerned.

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 6:18:34 PM EDT


Isn't anyone here concerned that the fate of the entire US economy seems to rely on the actions of the FED?

An institution that seems to be untouchable?

Does that bother anyone else but me??

It's supposed to be untouchable - after all, if the politicians had the power to control the money supply directly, THAT would be something to worry about.

The immunity from political influence is an essential part of the system's stability.

The fact that the Fed is ignoring the shrill minority (including most of ARF's anti-Fed posters) who want the power of government, by way of taking direct government control of the money supply and adopting a 'tight' monetary policy, to be used to FORCE Americans to save instead of spend 'for their own good', is proof that the system works.

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 6:22:01 PM EDT







I'm looking for a listing of his other works...I see one called "The Capitalist Conspiracy"....and one called "Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations"....

I see the globalist/NWO connections, but where are the socialist leaning titles?

'The Capitalist Conspiracy'... Gee, hmm...

The guy is a nut. Period.

Of course, anyone who complains about 'globalisim' or 'the NWO' is too, so....


Dave, have you even read the F$%ing book?


The book takes the same absolute bullshit positions posted by the kooks here on ARF.

1) It claims that the Fed is really a collection of 'private banks' - the reality is it is about as 'private' as the FDIC or FICA. An organization that is run by Presidential appointees, is NOT exactly 'private'.

The fact that the Fed is not fully public, is also true (it would be a terrible thing if it was), but that does not make it 'a collection of private banks' nor does it make it a conspiracy, either.

With that said, the Fed SHOULD be a private bank, with no accountability AT ALL to the government - just like 1BOUS and 2BOUS were. The fact that the author of the book has a problem with this, makes everything else he writes suspect to say the least - especially with 'Capitalist Conspiracy' among his other works...

2) The claim that there is something 'wrong' with banking as a concept - with fractional reserve.

Thus, it can be completely written off, no matter what else it claims.


The fact is, the fed rents our money supply to us for a profit. The question is, why is there a profit, and why does it not go to the us treasury, if it is as politically oriented as you say.  It is a private institution, for good or for bad.

That's not a fact at all. The Fed does NOT 'rent our money to us'. Rather, most of our money supply is created by the banking system DOWNSTREAM from the Fed, as money is borrowed on the open market.

And any profit made by the Fed does go to the US treasury.

It's in the Federal Reserve Act.


Dave do you know what a "Note" is and how it relates to the money in your wallet? The signatures on the note?

On second thought never mind.

Link Posted: 11/6/2010 6:22:31 PM EDT




I'm looking for a listing of his other works...I see one called "The Capitalist Conspiracy"....and one called "Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations"....

I see the globalist/NWO connections, but where are the socialist leaning titles?

'The Capitalist Conspiracy'... Gee, hmm...

The guy is a nut. Period.

Of course, anyone who complains about 'globalisim' or 'the NWO' is too, so....

Dave, have you even read the F$%ing book?


The book takes the same absolute bullshit positions posted by the kooks here on ARF.

1) It claims that the Fed is really a collection of 'private banks' - the reality is it is about as 'private' as the FDIC or FICA. An organization that is run by Presidential appointees, is NOT exactly 'private'.

The fact that the Fed is not fully public, is also true (it would be a terrible thing if it was), but that does not make it 'a collection of private banks' nor does it make it a conspiracy, either.

With that said, the Fed SHOULD be a private bank, with no accountability AT ALL to the government - just like 1BOUS and 2BOUS were. The fact that the author of the book has a problem with this, makes everything else he writes suspect to say the least - especially with 'Capitalist Conspiracy' among his other works...

2) The claim that there is something 'wrong' with banking as a concept - with fractional reserve.

Thus, it can be completely written off, no matter what else it claims.

The fact is, the fed rents our money supply to us for a profit. The question is, why is there a profit, and why does it not go to the us treasury, if it is as politically oriented as you say.  It is a private institution, for good or for bad.

That's not a fact at all. The Fed does NOT 'rent our money to us'. Rather, most of our money supply is created by the banking system DOWNSTREAM from the Fed, as money is borrowed on the open market.

And any profit made by the Fed does go to the US treasury.

It's in the Federal Reserve Act.

The fed loans money and demands repayment with interest.  if thats not renting something, then what is?
Any profits made after shareholders are paid goes to the US treasury.
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