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Posted: 4/21/2011 4:25:50 AM EDT

The B-17, B-24, and P-51 will start the 22nd season of the Wings of Freedom Tour.
Call 978-562-9182 to book your seat today!

Pics from the Collings website:

Pics from my Flight on the Collings Foundation WWII Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress Bomber Nini-O-Nine

Note the chin turret remote controlled twin .50 caliber machine guns.

The cockpit while on the ground:  

Out the bombardier's station while on the ground:  

The bombardier's station starboard .50 while on the ground:

The bombardier's station port .50 while on the ground:

The radio operator's station while on the ground:

The radio equipment:

The waist gunner's station starboard .50 while on the ground:

The waist gunner's station port .50 while on the ground:

The ball turret while on the ground:  

The port side engines:  

The starboard side engines:  

Out the bombardier's station:  

Out the bombardier's station:  

Out the bombardier's station:  

Ball turret:  

Sticking my head out the open top hatch into the airstream at 160 knots.

The B-17G on the taxiway:  

B-24 Liberator on the taxiway:

Flight prep B-24 Liberator

WWII warbirds mark their territory

Link Posted: 4/21/2011 4:37:29 AM EDT
Too bad they don't send the Huey on the nationwide tour.  I would love to experience an open door helicopter flight.
Link Posted: 4/21/2011 4:48:29 AM EDT
Awesome.  Someday I'd like to take a flight in one of those warbirds.

I've been inside a B-17, but it was in a hangar.  (btw, this was at the museum in Palm Springs, CA.  EXCELLENT museum, the planes are not roped off, you can walk right up to them and touch them.  They let you climb up into the B-17 (flight deck, nose and tail gun positions were closed off) for a few dollars donation. )
Link Posted: 4/21/2011 4:57:59 AM EDT
I flew on the Nine-O-Nine back when I was about 12 years old.

It was awesome!  

Link Posted: 4/21/2011 5:00:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/21/2011 5:42:33 AM EDT
Story & more pics and info at link.
WWII B-17 Flying Fortress hit by German 88 flack shell
The following deLancey 1944 article was transcribed from the 398th BG
Historical Microfilm.  Note: due to wartime security, Nuthampstead is
not mentioned, and the route deLancey flew home is referred to in
general terms.



the nose of his B-17 Flying Fortress as the result of a direct hit by
flak over Cologne, Germany on October 15, 1944, 1st Lt. Lawrence M.
deLancey, 25, of Corvallis, Oregon returned to England and landed the
crew safely at his home base.  Each man walked away from the plane
except the togglier, Staff Sergeant George E. Abbott, Mt. Lebanon,
Pennsylvania, who was killed instantly when the flak struck.

It was only the combined skill and teamwork of Lt. deLancey and 2nd
Lt. Raymond J. LeDoux, of Mt. Angel, Oregon, navigator, that enabled the
plane and crew to return safely.

"Just after we dropped our bombs and started to turn away from the
target”, Lt. deLancey explained, "a flak burst hit directly in the nose
and blew practically the entire nose section to threads.  Part of the
nose peeled back and obstructed my vision and that of my co-pilot, 1st
Lt. Phillip H. Stahlman of Shippenville, Pennsylvania.  What little
there was left in front of me looked like a scrap heap.  The wind was
rushing through.  Our feet were exposed to the open air at nearly 30,000
feet above the ground the temperature was unbearable.

"There we were in a heavily defended flak area with no nose, and
practically no instruments.  The instrument panel was bent toward me as
the result of the impact.  My altimeter and magnetic compass were about
the only instruments still operating and I couldn’t depend on their
accuracy too well.  Naturally I headed for home immediately.  The hit
which had killed S/Sgt. Abbott also knocked Lt. LeDoux back in the
catwalk (just below where I was sitting).  Our oxygen system also was
out so I descended to a safe altitude.

"Lt. LeDoux who had lost all his instruments and maps in the nose did a superb piece of navigating to even find England.”

During the route home flak again was encountered but due to evasive
action Lt. deLancey was able to return to friendly territory.  Lt.
LeDoux navigated the ship directly to his home field.

Although the plane was off balance without any nose section, without
any brakes (there was no hydraulic pressure left), and with obstructed
vision, Lt. deLancey made a beautiful landing to the complete amazement
of all personnel at this field who still are wondering how the feat was

The other members of the crew include:  

  1. Technical Sergeant Benjamin H. Ruckel, Roscoe, California, engineer top turret gunner;  

  2. Technical Sergeant Wendell A. Reed, Shelby, Michigan, radio operator gunner;  

  3. Technical Sergeant Russell A. Lachman, Rockport, Mass., waist gunner;  

  4. Staff Sergeant Albert Albro, Antioch, California, ball turret gunner and

  5. Staff Sergeant Herbert D. Guild, Bronx, New York, tail gunner.

1st Lt. Lawrence DeLancey's crippled B-17 at Nuthampstead

       October 15, 1944

Link Posted: 4/21/2011 7:55:41 AM EDT
They are now here in PHX!
Link Posted: 4/22/2011 9:11:00 AM EDT
Startup, Takeoff, Flight & History of B-25 Tondelayo. The pilot is Jimmy Doolittle's nephew.


Cockpit Tour  


Link Posted: 5/22/2011 5:19:44 AM EDT
Schedule Updated May 17th, 2011 - More Tour Stops Added

Link Posted: 5/22/2011 5:35:33 AM EDT
That...is...awesome!  I've always been a warbird buff.  I've seen museum/display planes on the various bases that I've been on, but I've never had the chance to climb around in one or fly in one.  Don't think I can afford to fly in one, but would love to man the dorsal turret in a 17 for a flight.  I checked the site and it doesn't look like they're making it over my way, but some organization does every year.  And every year I somehow miss the air show.  After seeing these pics, it's going to be a priority to get there this year.  You know, for my kids.  Awesome post, thanks!!
Link Posted: 5/22/2011 6:26:41 AM EDT


I checked the site and it doesn't look like they're making it over my way, but some organization does every year.

In 2009 the WOFT did have a tour stop in WI at the Sheboygan County Memorial Airport. Keep checking the schedule as they update it every few weeks or call the Collings Foundation and ask if there are any plans for a tour stop in WI or at another location not too far from where you live.

Some more pics:

Link Posted: 5/22/2011 6:29:23 AM EDT
Awesome pictures.
Link Posted: 5/22/2011 6:45:26 AM EDT
Awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing them! I can't wait for EAA this year even more now!
Link Posted: 5/29/2011 4:47:25 AM EDT
Repost from my archived thread.
RIP Staff
Sergeant Brunson
Wife's uncle was a ball turrent gunner on a B-17.  Was KIA 16 February
1945 on the way back from a mission.  The plane he died in was called
"Maid to Order", and there are no known pics of her.   Wade Brunson,
second from the left on bottom row.  I tracked down one of his crewmates
who told me the guys that were responsible for getting Wade out of the
turret after the plane was hit didn't do their job and he was trapped
all the way down.

Wade Travis Brunson
This site is about the soldiers, that we as a family, have
Adoption is taking care of a grave and visit it whenever you feel
like it, e.g. on Memorial Day.
We, as a family,  adopted 7 graves in Margraten and Henri Chapelle.
We live very close by and visit the cemeteries regular to place some
flowers and to enjoy the silence.
These men died for us and they may never be forgotten.
This website is my tribute to them.
RIP Staff
Sergeant Brunson

ID : 38555031
In service from : Texas
Rank : Staff

Division : U.S. Army Air Force
615th Bomber Squadron, 401st Bomber
Group, Heavy

Died : Friday, 16 Febr. 1945
Buried : Netherlands American
Location : Margraten, The Netherlands
Plot : B Row : 10
Grave : 1

Medals : Purple Heart and the Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters

Foundation for Adopting Graves at the American Cemetery in Margraten
The American Cemetery lies along the Maastricht-Vaals motorway in the
municipality of Margraten. One of the largest cemeteries in the world,
it contains the graves of no less than 8301 liberators, nearly all of
them Americans. The white marble crosses and stars of David are
memorials to the often young soldiers who paid the ultimate price in
World War II so that we could live in freedom today.

Link Posted: 5/29/2011 5:09:09 AM EDT
The Collings Foundation is going to be open on June 19,Father's Day Weekend, for anyone who wants to have the rare chance to see their collection at its home. I want to see the B-26 they're working on,getting restored in its correct Korean War markings and if I only had $12k to spare,I'd love little more than a ride in their Phantom.
Link Posted: 5/30/2011 4:14:42 AM EDT
Memorial Day

Bivouac Of The Dead, by Theodore O'Hara
Link Posted: 5/30/2011 4:43:25 AM EDT
I've climbed all over the B-17G they have at the Evergreen museum here and (As you can see from the OP's pic's) one of
the things that always gets me is that there ain't SHIT between the crew and whatever was coming at them!

A few millimeters of aluminum and that's about it.
Link Posted: 5/30/2011 4:47:50 AM EDT
Holy crap, I saw them flying over 240 on my way back from Asheville NC yesterday.

I was wondering what that was all about.
Link Posted: 5/30/2011 4:51:04 AM EDT
Any idea roughly when they'll hit the Kansas City, MO area?  We tried to go last year, but the closest place to KC the tour was at was Lawrence KS, and both times there weren't enough flyers to make the trip.
Link Posted: 5/30/2011 2:03:52 PM EDT


Any idea roughly when they'll hit the Kansas City, MO area?  We tried to go last year, but the closest place to KC the tour was at was Lawrence KS, and both times there weren't enough flyers to make the trip.

They were at the the Charles Wheeler Airport in KC during the 2009 tour but I don't see anything on the 2010 schedule. Call 978-562-9182 and see if they have have anything planned for this year.

Link Posted: 5/30/2011 8:15:02 PM EDT
These are from May 28th, when they were at Moffett Field in Mountain View, CA.

B-24 Witchcraft - coming in for a landing.

My favorite shot of the day, B-17 Nine-0-Nine getting lit just right between rain sprinkles.

Link Posted: 5/30/2011 8:18:20 PM EDT
Fantastic pictures!!

Link Posted: 6/11/2011 7:02:44 AM EDT
Updated June 9, 2011 - More Tour Stops Added


Link Posted: 6/11/2011 7:24:26 AM EDT
Awsome pics, would love to get a chance to ride in one of these old warbirds.
Only plane I've had the opportunity to play in was a HE-111
Link Posted: 6/17/2011 6:31:30 AM EDT
I am fortunate enough that I used to see a B17 flying at about 500 feet about once a month during my childhood.

My dad once took me to see a B24 up close and to see the B17 take off. When we got there, the B17 was idling. Then it took off. Man, what a roar. Just like "Memphis Bell" with a 10 gigawatt PA system...

It's a shame that one B17 burned.
Link Posted: 6/17/2011 6:36:49 AM EDT


My dad once took me to see a B24 up close and to see the B17 take off. When we got there, the B17 was idling. Then it took off. Man, what a roar. Just like "Memphis Bell" with a 10 gigawatt PA system...

It's a shame that one B17 burned.

They tell you when you book the flight to bring ear plugs. They weren't kidding.

Link Posted: 7/14/2011 3:55:37 AM EDT
Updated July 8, 2011 - More Tour Stops Added
Link Posted: 7/25/2011 10:19:26 AM EDT
Updated July 20, 2011 - More Tour Stops Added
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 8:53:27 AM EDT
Updated August 4, 2011 - More Tour Stops Added
Link Posted: 9/19/2011 8:04:44 AM EDT
Awesome.  Someday I'd like to take a flight in one of those warbirds.

I've been inside a B-17, but it was in a hangar.  (btw, this was at the museum in Palm Springs, CA.  EXCELLENT museum, the planes are not roped off, you can walk right up to them and touch them.  They let you climb up into the B-17 (flight deck, nose and tail gun positions were closed off) for a few dollars donation. )

You can get rides in Galveston at the Lone Star Flight Museum. If you have never been, I highly recommend it..very cool place.

Link Posted: 9/19/2011 8:19:18 AM EDT
They are all sweet, but that P-51C is absolutely beautiful.
Link Posted: 9/19/2011 9:05:42 AM EDT


You can get rides in Galveston at the Lone Star Flight Museum. If you have never been, I highly recommend it..very cool place.



Link Posted: 9/19/2011 9:11:17 AM EDT
Damn that looks bad ass!!!
Link Posted: 9/19/2011 9:13:08 AM EDT
I've ridden the 909 three times...and might hit it again this fall.
Link Posted: 9/23/2011 4:05:54 AM EDT


I've ridden the 909 three times...and might hit it again this fall.

Pics or it never happened.

Link Posted: 9/29/2011 3:57:13 AM EDT
Updated September 28th, 2011 - More Tour Stops Added
Link Posted: 10/16/2011 6:41:13 AM EDT
Updated October 13th, 2011 - More Tour Stops Added
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