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Link Posted: 9/27/2011 4:57:35 PM EDT
1. Place can of Shave Cream in freezer.
2. (After Frozen) Remove shave cream from can (the can will pop open in the freezer, cream will be solid).
3. Place in most oportune place for mahem, as the shave cream thaws, it will expand to the size it would as if it was sprayed out of the can.

***Do not place on or in items that are waterproofed!!!***
(that is, if you DON'T want to permanantly destroy said item)

This does not work as you expect it to.

Link Posted: 9/27/2011 5:08:52 PM EDT
Catch a mouse or rat in a trap and then hide it in his office behind a book case or behind a drawer something like that.
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 5:56:00 AM EDT
Tag for AAR.
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:15:47 AM EDT
Tag for AAR.

See post above.  It worked just as planned.  He flipped out and bawled out the cadet battalion commander and then had to call him back and apologize since there was nothing wrong with the cannon.  We got him good and now he's planning revenge.
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 2:00:26 AM EDT



1. Place can of Shave Cream in freezer.

2. (After Frozen) Remove shave cream from can (the can will pop open in the freezer, cream will be solid).

3. Place in most oportune place for mahem, as the shave cream thaws, it will expand to the size it would as if it was sprayed out of the can.

***Do not place on or in items that are waterproofed!!!***

(that is, if you DON'T want to permanantly destroy said item)

This does not work as you expect it to.


Wiki Pedi? Really?

It's totally win in desks, backpacks, gloveboxes, etc...

Boo friggin' hoo "it took 50 cans to fill a car", try doing it unfrozen smart guy, it'll probably take about...

50 cans!

Link Posted: 9/29/2011 2:40:35 AM EDT
I don't remember where I heard this but:

Every day, put 1 penny in his desk phone.  Make sure they are secure and don't rattle.  He probably won't notice the gradual increase in weight day to day.  When the weight has built to an acceptable level, remove all the pennies.  When he goes to answer the now much lighter phone, he will probably smash it into his face when he answers it.

I probably read it on the internet so it must be true.
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 2:41:56 AM EDT
Every other week cut mm or so off his acu belt for a couple months and
make coments about how hes gaining weight
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 4:05:05 AM EDT
Every other week cut mm or so off his acu belt for a couple months and
make coments about how hes gaining weight

Hmm, guess we could pass that on to his wife.  I'm not about to ask for his belt every other week or so just to cut a bit off.  He'd probably wonder why we needed his belt.....

Oh, I caught him poking around my desk yesterday......
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 4:28:06 AM EDT
Pranks that have been pulled off here at where I work:

Unattended computer: Change wallpaper to gay men posing on the beach wearing banana hammocks and an E-mail to supervisor confessing undieing love for him

Arrive early to work. Remove every bolt in desk chair and balance everything.  Watch mark's face as he goes to pull out desk and chair falls apart all over the floor.

Super glue stuff to desk.  Apple or orange they brought for lunch, mouse, pens, etc....

tinfoil everything in office. If it is Christmas, use wrapping paper.

two side tape phone receiver to base. (non distructive prank)

Hang strings, rope, etc to marks rear belt loop and let them walk around without realizing they have a tail now.

Tape sign to back and allow to walk around. They got me with one that had a fork taped to it and it said "Have fork, will travel"

Place rubber mouse on desk with fishing line attached to it. Pull across desk after they have been at desk for a while.

If you have a dropped ceiling, you can rig a big fake spider to come down on their head using fishing line from another room.

Photographers hate it when you start hiding lead weights in the bottom of their camera bags. A little at a time

We once got a photographer with the old black soot in the eyepieces of binoculars. (April 1st to boot!)

One time some guys were pranking someone by emptying out their office. they came back from vacation to find nothing but 4 walls and phone on the floor.  But the real prank was the guy that snuck into the storage room and filled the desk drawers with sand bags so perps that pulled off original prank got pranked carrying uber heavy desk back after they pulled their prank.

Does he have a cubicle? or office?  I returned from vacation to find my old cubicle filled with balloons. We also have been known to build a fake wall behind an office door using boxes and then close the door and go through the ceiling tiles to fill the area between the door and the boxes with either packing peanuts or balloons. One guy used old 2" video tape about 20 years ago.

I once built a cardboard house over a guys cubicle. It had windows cut out, door, roof. We even did artwork with flower boxes on the windows.

One time an employee with on a week vacation. When he returned we had redecorated his office and removed all of his family photos and replaced them with photos of some family of a different race.

Turned desk over and made office upside down.

Sometimes we state employess have time on our hands......
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 5:26:43 AM EDT
You would be surprised at the noise $5 worth of crickets can make in a suspended ceiling.

Get a large green leaf, like a maples leaf, roll it up and slide it into the mark's gas tank. As he drives the suction will pull the leaf, which has unrolled, covering the outflow hole thus stopping the flow of fuel and then the engine. Once he stops there is no suction and the leaf floats back to the top of the tank. The vehicle will start and run until it sucks it the leaf back in.
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 7:40:46 PM EDT


You would be surprised at the noise $5 worth of crickets can make in a suspended ceiling.

Get a large green leaf, like a maples leaf, roll it up and slide it into the mark's gas tank. As he drives the suction will pull the leaf, which has unrolled, covering the outflow hole thus stopping the flow of fuel and then the engine. Once he stops there is no suction and the leaf floats back to the top of the tank. The vehicle will start and run until it sucks it the leaf back in.

That may not work with a car with fuel injection...

Link Posted: 9/30/2011 3:40:41 AM EDT

You would be surprised at the noise $5 worth of crickets can make in a suspended ceiling.

Get a large green leaf, like a maples leaf, roll it up and slide it into the mark's gas tank. As he drives the suction will pull the leaf, which has unrolled, covering the outflow hole thus stopping the flow of fuel and then the engine. Once he stops there is no suction and the leaf floats back to the top of the tank. The vehicle will start and run until it sucks it the leaf back in.

That may not work with a car with fuel injection...  

I've been into a lot of Fuel tanks in my lifetime and I have never seen a fuel pick up that could be blocked that easily. Modern tanks with a fuel pump have a 3" long filter shaped like a bag that the leaf would have to wrap all the way around and form to the contours of the bag. Not to mention that the area the pickup/fuel pump is located usually has baffles all the way around it and the leaf would some how have to get through all that baffling.
 Even pre FI cars have a long cylinder shaped pick up the leaf would have to wrap around and they draw so little fuel there is no way a current could form to allow the leaf to be sucked up against it.
It's not like you are clogging up a bathtub drain.
I call this one "BUSTED"
Link Posted: 9/30/2011 3:42:07 AM EDT
Prankdial . com
Link Posted: 9/30/2011 5:12:11 AM EDT
Well, when I cleared the barracks, when I ETS'd, I put a frozen salmon into the ceiling tiles.

Forget shaving cream; freeze a pressurized bottle of RTV Silicone (You have to get it COLD) Then proceed as normally. Shit sticks to EVERYTHING, lol. Us mechanics have a mean streak a mile wide. OR, take said can of RTV, poke a hole in one side, and chuck it into their room/office.

Smear RTV under the latches on their toolbox, and hope they have to open it soon

Go on craigslist, make a personals add, straight, gay, doesn't matter. Post the phone number for CQ, Battallion Staff Duty, 1SG, CO, battle buddy, Chow hall, Armory, etc. Hilarity ensues. (It's a good idea to use a different computer, and make up a false email account, beforehand) Update the add as needed, or delete.

Sign up above person(s) for a gay porn magazine, and give their work address.

(If you have access) Fill a tire on a .mil vehicle with marbles. Fish oil in the radiator. Cat piss works even better.

(If you have the manpower) Take apart something BIG (too big to go through the door or window, ie a small vehicle, large generator, swingset, etc) and reassemble it inside their office, or room.

Zip ties on driveshafts.

Smear dogshit under the doorhandles on their POV.
Link Posted: 9/30/2011 5:55:17 AM EDT
1. Place can of Shave Cream in freezer.
2. (After Frozen) Remove shave cream from can (the can will pop open in the freezer, cream will be solid).
3. Place in most oportune place for mahem, as the shave cream thaws, it will expand to the size it would as if it was sprayed out of the can.

***Do not place on or in items that are waterproofed!!!***
(that is, if you DON'T want to permanantly destroy said item)

This does not work as you expect it to.


Wiki Pedi? Really?

It's totally win in desks, backpacks, gloveboxes, etc...

Boo friggin' hoo "it took 50 cans to fill a car", try doing it unfrozen smart guy, it'll probably take about...
50 cans!

Yes, it will expand, but because it doesn't all unfreeze at once, the first bit that thaws is well flat by the time the last bit thaws.
I've tried it several times, and there really is no good way to do it by freezing it.

The best method is to get a tapered punch.  I used a spent injector nozzle for a medium-speed diesel, but anything like that, really.
You want to wrap the punch in a good layer of teflon tape and secure a string or tripwire to the end.
Hammer the punch into the base of the can and leave it there.  The bomb is now armed.  Secure the punch in place with a bit of tape, a wire clip, etc. that will hold it but still let the tripwire pull the punch free.
Duct tape the bomb in an unfortunate location.  Tape it well, there is some force involved when the foam sprays out.  Right above a door is awesome.  Attach the tripwire to the back side of the door, or low across a floor.
Wait for hilarity.

But pranks that leave messes aren't really my style.  The photoshopped cannon is a really good prank because it's ultimately zero impact.
Link Posted: 9/30/2011 6:03:43 AM EDT
Mess with his office.

Turn his desk around backwards but leave everything on top the same direction.  He will sit down first think in the morning and not realize until he reaches for a drawer.

Put cellophane across his door and fill the office with newspaper or packing peanuts.

Move his entire office something else perfectly set up.

Gather things from around the office bulding an put into his office.  My favorite is gathering all the stupid indoor plants we have and filling up someones office with them.

Link Posted: 9/30/2011 6:20:51 AM EDT

If he is an instructor, try this:

Gather the students and have them collaborate...

If the Instructor stands in the center or right side of the room, ignore him and and act restlessly, chat amongst yourselves, shift and shuffle the chairs.

If he moves to the left side of the room, sit up straight and pay rapt attention to his every word.

By the end of the semester, he will be teaching from the corner.
That's evil


we shifted an entire room 90 degrees Chalk board, flag, turned all the desks, moved all posters, book shelf and all .... Teacher walked in and fell over a desk

After getting repremanded infront of the teacher she gloated and walked out. Once she was down the hall the house master chuckled and said "did she really walk in and fall over a desk?"  Then just chuckled and walked out shaking his head.

Link Posted: 9/30/2011 8:19:07 AM EDT
A lot of good ideas, but we can't really use the ones that make messes.  It's a school environment and we don't want to mess anything up.  Right now, I'm thinking his truck has something wrong with the drive shaft that a zip tie would fix.....
Link Posted: 9/30/2011 8:50:21 AM EDT
1. Place can of Shave Cream in freezer.
2. (After Frozen) Remove shave cream from can (the can will pop open in the freezer, cream will be solid).
3. Place in most oportune place for mahem, as the shave cream thaws, it will expand to the size it would as if it was sprayed out of the can.

***Do not place on or in items that are waterproofed!!!***
(that is, if you DON'T want to permanantly destroy said item)

This does not work as you expect it to.


Wiki Pedi? Really?

It's totally win in desks, backpacks, gloveboxes, etc...

Boo friggin' hoo "it took 50 cans to fill a car", try doing it unfrozen smart guy, it'll probably take about...
50 cans!

Yes, it will expand, but because it doesn't all unfreeze at once, the first bit that thaws is well flat by the time the last bit thaws.
I've tried it several times, and there really is no good way to do it by freezing it.

The best method is to get a tapered punch.  I used a spent injector nozzle for a medium-speed diesel, but anything like that, really.
You want to wrap the punch in a good layer of teflon tape and secure a string or tripwire to the end.
Hammer the punch into the base of the can and leave it there.  The bomb is now armed.  Secure the punch in place with a bit of tape, a wire clip, etc. that will hold it but still let the tripwire pull the punch free.
Duct tape the bomb in an unfortunate location.  Tape it well, there is some force involved when the foam sprays out.  Right above a door is awesome.  Attach the tripwire to the back side of the door, or low across a floor.
Wait for hilarity.

But pranks that leave messes aren't really my style.  The photoshopped cannon is a really good prank because it's ultimately zero impact.

RTV, or MACE would be even better
Link Posted: 9/30/2011 10:23:24 AM EDT
Pour Powdered  sugar down the defroster vents in his truck flip defroster to high and wait till he starts the truck.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 9/30/2011 10:55:03 AM EDT
1.  If it is like most Gov't jobs, there is a mini van around.  The middle seat of a Dodge Caravan has a slide out cup holder.  An open can of cat food fits perfectly, and then can be slid back under the seat.  Mine wasn't found for well over a year.  
2.  Get a wiring diagram for his vehicle.  Most horns are reversed polarity, so it will require a relay to change it to what you need.  the12volt.com can show you how to reverse it.  T-tap it to the brake pedal and the vehicle horn.  Every time the brake pedal is depressed, the horn will honk until you let off.  Works awesome if you have multiple check points you must stop at and exit the vehicle.
Link Posted: 10/3/2011 3:20:52 AM EDT
Pour Powdered  sugar down the defroster vents in his truck flip defroster to high and wait till he starts the truck.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Link Posted: 10/3/2011 4:54:10 AM EDT
The op doesn't deliver
Link Posted: 10/3/2011 5:48:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/3/2011 5:59:10 AM EDT

Cheaper and easier is to get a dollar store digital watch that can be set to chime on the hour.  Do so, then set the time to something random, and hide the watch somewhere odd.  You can also set the alarm to a similarly random time, but it'll go off for 30 secs, and that might be enough time for him to find it.  Just one beep an hour should be fine.

Do this with three or four watches, and you'll have him in a straightjacket in no time.
Link Posted: 10/3/2011 6:23:08 AM EDT
If he travels by plane...

Create a tin-foil cutout shaped like a pair of large scissors.

Buy a gay porn magazine.

Insert foil scissors into magazine.

Give him a lift to the airport.  Slip the magazine in a carry-on.

I invented this prank, then some Army buddies pulled it on me when I was flying home.  They didn't put the scissors in, though.  It was bad enough, though, because I found it in my pack in Germany, and I gotta say it was nerve-racking trying to dispose of gay porn in a barracks environment.
Link Posted: 10/3/2011 7:04:47 AM EDT
The op doesn't deliver

What do you want delivered?  I already posted how the original prank went down and we aren't going to prank him every day.  He PCS's next summer and we want to prank him periodically all year long.  We're not going to hit him every day or he'll be expecting it all the time.  That just won't do.  I can update when we pull the pranks, but it will be once every couple of weeks or so, not every day.  If you have to have a fix or something, jump on youtube.  Lots of stuff there to amuse you.

I'm going to try the autocorrect prank if I can access his computer.  He usually locks it.
Link Posted: 10/3/2011 8:15:38 AM EDT
The op doesn't deliver

What do you want delivered?  I already posted how the original prank went down and we aren't going to prank him every day.  He PCS's next summer and we want to prank him periodically all year long.  We're not going to hit him every day or he'll be expecting it all the time.  That just won't do.  I can update when we pull the pranks, but it will be once every couple of weeks or so, not every day.  If you have to have a fix or something, jump on youtube.  Lots of stuff there to amuse you.

I'm going to try the autocorrect prank if I can access his computer.  He usually locks it.

Your title asks for ideas that stretch over months.  You pick a prank that last a couple of hours.
Link Posted: 10/3/2011 1:34:40 PM EDT
The op doesn't deliver

What do you want delivered?  I already posted how the original prank went down and we aren't going to prank him every day.  He PCS's next summer and we want to prank him periodically all year long.  We're not going to hit him every day or he'll be expecting it all the time.  That just won't do.  I can update when we pull the pranks, but it will be once every couple of weeks or so, not every day.  If you have to have a fix or something, jump on youtube.  Lots of stuff there to amuse you.

I'm going to try the autocorrect prank if I can access his computer.  He usually locks it.

Your title asks for ideas that stretch over months.  You pick a prank that last a couple of hours.

Hmm.....I'm asking for ideas that we can use at various times over a several month long period of time.  I don't want one prank that lasts for several months but a lot of ideas for different pranks.  Better?
Link Posted: 10/3/2011 1:35:24 PM EDT
Oh yeah, opportunity knocked.  He left his patrol cap in my office.  Somehow it got dunked in water and then frozen in a freezer.  Not quite sure how that happened, though.....
Link Posted: 10/3/2011 1:39:14 PM EDT


Have many random people call him over the course of days, weeks, or months. Be persistent. Have each caller ask for the same name, but not him. Example:

Caller: "Hi, can I talk with Steve?"

At the end of the prank, call him up and say, "Hi, this is Steve. Did I get any messages?"
Link Posted: 10/3/2011 4:12:40 PM EDT
The op doesn't deliver

What do you want delivered?  I already posted how the original prank went down and we aren't going to prank him every day.  He PCS's next summer and we want to prank him periodically all year long.  We're not going to hit him every day or he'll be expecting it all the time.  That just won't do.  I can update when we pull the pranks, but it will be once every couple of weeks or so, not every day.  If you have to have a fix or something, jump on youtube.  Lots of stuff there to amuse you.

I'm going to try the autocorrect prank if I can access his computer.  He usually locks it.

Your title asks for ideas that stretch over months.  You pick a prank that last a couple of hours.

Hmm.....I'm asking for ideas that we can use at various times over a several month long period of time.  I don't want one prank that lasts for several months but a lot of ideas for different pranks.  Better?

I understand now.

Link Posted: 10/3/2011 4:20:10 PM EDT
Yes the Annoy atron is a very good one. I have 3 of them and its been endless fun as long as you can keep a straight face while they are losing their mind.
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