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Posted: 10/6/2011 6:07:26 PM EDT
Yeah for me he made a great phone but from what I read....the guy was a borderline scumbag if you asked me.  All due respect and all but he was no saint.

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:08:17 PM EDT
Casting the first stones already?
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:08:37 PM EDT
Probably not a saint, but who is?
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:11:29 PM EDT
All day long Barry Obama is touting how he was such a friend, yet, he's one of those billionaires that didn't pay income tax and instead.... "Capitol Gain Tax @ 10%" yet he was such a great Liberal minded supporter?

As the CEO of the world's most valuable brand, Jobs pulled in a comically low annual salary of just $1. While the gesture isn't unheard of in the corporate world  — Google's Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Eric Schmidt all pocketed the same 100 penny salary annually — Jobs has kept his salary at $1 since 1997, the year he became Apple's lead executive. Of his salary, Jobs joked in 2007: "I get 50 cents a year for showing up, and the other 50 cents is based on my performance."

In early 2011, Jobs owned 5.5 million shares of Apple. After his death, Apple shares were valued at $377.64 — a roughly 43-fold growth in valuation over the last 10 years that shows no signs of slowing down.

He may only have taken in a single dollar per year, but Jobs leaves behind a vast fortune. The largest chunk of that wealth is the roughly $7 billion from the sale of Pixar to Disney in 2006. In 2011, with an estimated net worth of $8.3 billion, he was the 110th richest person in the world, according to Forbes. If Jobs hadn't sold his shares upon leaving Apple in 1985 (before returning to the company in 1996), he would be the world's fifth richest individual.

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:11:31 PM EDT
The thing I don't get about him is that well,I have a shit ton of liberal "99%" as that entirely dumbassed name they want to call themselves now goes associates.

  They're treating his passing as if it was well,like most of us treated Reagans.

 Uhhhhhhh.....as the sheer definition of a 1%er,shouldn't they have hated him?

 It all does not compute but trying to make sense of insanity only works so far. Because Apple is one of the "good" mega-corps...
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:11:53 PM EDT
didn't know him personally but he contributed quite a bit and should be recognized for that
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:11:58 PM EDT
Casting the first stones already?

Are you blind?
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:12:26 PM EDT
I used to work at a semiconductor manufacturer that produced the chips for Apples/Mcintosh.  He visited the plant one day and seemed like a real prick.  

Walked through the facility with his nose in the air, wouldn't even respond to the employess that said 'hi'.  

Meh.  Fuck 'em.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:13:20 PM EDT
He was human and all that comes with it. But look at the company he ran and how profitable it is. He is also credited with all but saving the music industry with itunes. Not a saint, not far from a scumbag!
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:14:40 PM EDT
Quite simply, he changed the world.

And what have you done, OP?
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:15:06 PM EDT
1. He had adopted parents....okay?

2. Dropped out of school because it was expensive and he didn't want to burden his parents....okay?

3. Point taken, although he later helped make them billionares

4. Married to the same wife 20 years and skipped a business meeting to be with her...okay?

5. His sister is a famous author....okay?

6. He dated people?!....okay?

7. Point taken, although he eventually did man up to his daughter born out of wedlock.

8. Experimented with drugs during the hippie movement?!....okay?

9. A CEO that pays himself $1 a year in salary....okay?
I really don't get your point. 7/9 either paint him in a neutral or favorable light. 1 is questionable and 1 is indeed scumbagish.
[don't own an Apple product and don't care too]

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:15:23 PM EDT
didn't know him personally but he contributed quite a bit and should be recognized for that

He was a great businessman and drove his employees to the point where they were afraid to "catch an elevator" with him for fear of his epic firings for disagreeing with him.  He denied paternity for years to his first daughter and was well known for anti-philanthropy contributions.

Try reading the article the article before calling me cold.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:16:23 PM EDT
Casting the first stones already?

Are you blind?

Blind?  Not exactly, do wear glasses though.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:17:38 PM EDT
Quite simply, he changed the world.

And what have you done, OP?

I've never destroyed a mans career and never claimed I was the second coming from Zen.

Wow, how fucking dare I discuss this

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:18:39 PM EDT
didn't know him personally but he contributed quite a bit and should be recognized for that

He was a great businessman and drove his employees to the point where they were afraid to "catch an elevator" with him for fear of his epic firings for disagreeing with him.  He denied paternity for years to his first daughter and was well known for anti-philanthropy contributions.

Try reading the article the article before calling me cold.

Oh, I agree with that being bad...that said, I also know there are folks in my past that would consider me a scumbag, and others that would consider me a standup guy.  When I read the article earlier, I found it interesting and thought to myself that if it had been me, I'd of dealt with some things differently than he did.  ((shrugs))
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:19:20 PM EDT
He ran a business that turned a great profit and strived for better products. I would say that is something to great in todays world of cheap crap.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:19:26 PM EDT
I don't read that he was a border line scum bag at all in your link.

Generally people don't talk bad about the dead. If you were to die I'd hate for someone to say

"Was Super_Duty_John that great of a guy?" "He was a borderline scumbag if you ask me."

Look at how he was talking about someone a couple days after they died.


I never thought he was a super great guy. He was an excellent businessman. Steve Jobs that is.

I'm partly kidding with you john.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:19:49 PM EDT
Quite simply, he changed the world.

And what have you done, OP?

I've never destroyed a mans career and never claimed I was the second coming from Zen.

Wow, how fucking dare I discuss this

Dude, it's GD...we're not allowed to allow threads to go in the direction the OP intended.  Didn't you get the memo?
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:20:44 PM EDT
We all have warts.

When a person reaches Steve's level of prominence everyone breaks out the magnifying glasses and looks really closely.

There are a lot of highly productive people that have serious personal problems.  It's not all that uncommon.

I say just look at the good that the person did and do your best to ignore the rest.  YMMV
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:20:55 PM EDT
Did you by chance catch Rush today?  Great piece on his thought about Jobs.  The man changed the world in which we live...he is one of the most profound Americans ever.  Politics aside, he was a visionary obsessed with simplicity.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:21:38 PM EDT

OP, just ignore the Jobs fanboys here.  They seem to think it's okay for a billionaire to give money to those who are destroying the US economy, just as long as they get to stand in line to buy the next iProduct.

Just wait until Soros finally kicks the bucket - same fanboys will be singing his praises too!
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:22:08 PM EDT



Quite simply, he changed the world.

And what have you done, OP?

I've never destroyed a mans career and never claimed I was the second coming from Zen.

Wow, how fucking dare I discuss this

OK... so we've established you've done nothing (surprise!).


Are you loved by all who know you?
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:22:25 PM EDT
didn't know him personally but he contributed quite a bit and should be recognized for that

He was a great businessman and drove his employees to the point where they were afraid to "catch an elevator" with him for fear of his epic firings for disagreeing with him.  He denied paternity for years to his first daughter and was well known for anti-philanthropy contributions.

Try reading the article the article before calling me cold.

Oh, I agree with that being bad...that said, I also know there are folks in my past that would consider me a scumbag, and others that would consider me a standup guy.  When I read the article earlier, I found it interesting and thought to myself that if it had been me, I'd of dealt with some things differently than he did.  ((shrugs))

Me too and that was all I was pointing out.  The guy was definitely not a saint and this worship level of PR is starting to wear thing.  People are re-writing history for a good businessman that is being held up as a "Man of the People" which he wasn't.  

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:23:10 PM EDT
Did great things yes.

Am I tired of hearing about him? Yes

How many of our soldiers died this week? (Unfortunately I do not know the answer)
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:24:06 PM EDT
Yeah, there's 9 reasons right there why he's an aweful person.  Didn't bother reading them in detail but I'm sure each is in line with what Hitler did.

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:24:54 PM EDT
I know some folks that worked at Apple in the early days ( even been to a party at Wozniaks house ),  I won't talk bad about Jobs but the folks that worked at apple called Woz the "not an asshole Steve"
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:25:07 PM EDT
I don't read that he was a border line scum bag at all in your link.

Generally people don't talk bad about the dead. If you were to die I'd hate for someone to say

"Was Super_Duty_John that great of a guy?" "He was a borderline scumbag if you ask me."

Look at how he was talking about someone a couple days after they died.


I never thought he was a super great guy. He was an excellent businessman. Steve Jobs that is.

I'm partly kidding with you john.

I never denied paternity to an unwed mother, and then didn't help take care of the child till I was rich, and it was convienient.  That fact alone makes him a scumbag in my eyes.  

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:26:02 PM EDT
Quite simply, he changed the world.

And what have you done, OP?

I've never destroyed a mans career and never claimed I was the second coming from Zen.

Wow, how fucking dare I discuss this

Dude, it's GD...we're not allowed to allow threads to go in the direction the OP intended.  Didn't you get the memo?

I get it...I'm having fun with you too....some here are out for blood

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:26:27 PM EDT
Did great things yes.
Am I tired of hearing about him? Yes

How many of our soldiers died this week? (Unfortunately I do not know the answer)

Not entirely sure, either.  Haven't heard much on it.  I do know that the Strykers that deployed from AK have been taking more casualties this time vs thier last deployment..seems like I see another headline in the local paper every couple of days.

((ETA))  End hijack.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:27:18 PM EDT



Did great things yes.

Am I tired of hearing about him? Yes

How many of our soldiers died this week? (Unfortunately I do not know the answer)

Not entirely sure, either.  Haven't heard much on it.  I do know that the Strykers that deployed from AK have been taking more casualties this time vs thier last deployment..seems like I see another headline in the local paper every couple of days.
You see what Im saying though.........................right?

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:30:13 PM EDT
I liked the one where he knocked up the GF and then stated that the child wasn't his.  Even mentioned in court that he was sterile until things panned out showing it was his kid.  He had three kids later, with his wife.

He ended up paying for her Harvard education, but I wonder how much cash she'll be getting?

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:31:40 PM EDT

Quite simply, he changed the world.

And what have you done, OP?

I've never destroyed a mans career and never claimed I was the second coming from Zen.

Wow, how fucking dare I discuss this

OK... so we've established you've done nothing (surprise!).  

Are you loved by all who know you?

I'll play along.

I've raised a son and daughter that are successful in life today.  I own property and I've owned my own business for over a decade now and hire employees.  I've been married for 23 years and I love my wife. I have a few close friends and never thought about the question: am I loved by all I know  Now thinking about it, I'm liked by about 80% of acquaintances.

What was it that you do?
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:32:31 PM EDT
Quite simply, he changed the world.

And what have you done, OP?

I would not go that far. I would say he was very successful but Einstein or Edison he was not.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:32:41 PM EDT
Apparently he walked on water...  
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:34:01 PM EDT
Sweet Jesus, I guess he's the Princess Di of the geek world!

You know, folks who don't know their next door neighbors names, or ever visit their aged Grandma, or sick cousin, yet they get all emotional and broken hearted if Lady Di, or Dale Earnhart, or Steve Jobs, or some other quasi-celebrity, some one they've NEVER MET AND HAVE NO REAL CONENCTION TO,  croaks.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:36:27 PM EDT
Bottom line on him was that $8 billion dollars couldn't save him from a miserable,drawn out and shitty death.Whatever he did or didn't do,he spent the majority of the past decade surviving rather than living.

  I have no earthly idea what I could buy that would be worth  $ 8 billion dollars to suffer from cancer for 8 years. I'm sure that he had plenty of time to think about things such as not manning up to fathering a child,hosing his business partner over at the first chance he got etc etc etc .By most accounts,he wasn't someone I would have wanted to befriend. He certainly didn't share my world view and so forth but much like I think Henry Ford was an asshole,there is no denying his company's success and part of America and in fact the world.

 Perhaps the moral of the story is that nobody gets out alive and cancer doesn't give a fuck who you are.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:37:32 PM EDT


Did you by chance catch Rush today?  Great piece on his thought about Jobs.  The man changed the world in which we live...he is one of the most profound Americans ever.  Politics aside, he was a visionary obsessed with simplicity.

Rush did a great job today talking about Jobs.  I thought it was a very fair and pointful discussion of the man and his legacy.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:38:11 PM EDT


Yeah, there's 9 reasons right there why he's an aweful person.  Didn't bother reading them in detail but I'm sure each is in line with what Hitler did.

Steve Jobs is the same as Osama Bin Laden dude, didn't you get the memo?

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:39:32 PM EDT


I know some folks that worked at Apple in the early days ( even been to a party at Wozniaks house ),  I won't talk bad about Jobs but the folks that worked at apple called Woz the "not an asshole Steve"

It's very old news to anybody remotely familiar with the industry.

While being a nice guy is a trait I strive for, the simple fact is that in many cases assholes get shit done.  Jobs got shit done.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:39:38 PM EDT
oh well, OP, love is all that matters.

I do appreciate your ability to look at things from a different perspective regarding your op.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:40:03 PM EDT
Originally Written By William Shakespeare:
The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:41:15 PM EDT
Fanboys will be fanboys.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:41:47 PM EDT

Yeah, there's 9 reasons right there why he's an aweful person.  Didn't bother reading them in detail but I'm sure each is in line with what Hitler did.

Steve Jobs is the same as Osama Bin Laden dude, didn't you get the memo?

Well, Jobs' biological father WAS a Mooslim.....
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:43:03 PM EDT

I know some folks that worked at Apple in the early days ( even been to a party at Wozniaks house ),  I won't talk bad about Jobs but the folks that worked at apple called Woz the "not an asshole Steve"

It's very old news to anybody remotely familiar with the industry.

While being a nice guy is a trait I strive for, the simple fact is that in many cases assholes get shit done.  Jobs got shit done.


There is no doubt about that.   The other one is that he was no saint.

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:45:23 PM EDT
I know some folks that worked at Apple in the early days ( even been to a party at Wozniaks house ),  I won't talk bad about Jobs but the folks that worked at apple called Woz the "not an asshole Steve"

That jibes with what I've read about him. He may have had a flair for getting wildly successful products to market, but he apparently was a steaming turd of a person.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:45:57 PM EDT
I used to work at a semiconductor manufacturer that produced the chips for Apples/Mcintosh.  He visited the plant one day and seemed like a real prick.  

Walked through the facility with his nose in the air, wouldn't even respond to the employess that said 'hi'.  

Meh.  Fuck 'em.

Was he late paying his bills? Did he back out of contracts with your company? Seems the company he ran was paying the company you worked for which turned into your paycheck. But hey, fuck 'em.
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:50:59 PM EDT
oh well, OP, love is all that matters.

I do appreciate your ability to look at things from a different perspective regarding your op.

I've been reading (closely) about Jobs for about 3 months now, that last article "was nice" compared to most!
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:51:11 PM EDT
didn't know him personally but he contributed quite a bit and should be recognized for that

He was a great businessman and drove his employees to the point where they were afraid to "catch an elevator" with him for fear of his epic firings for disagreeing with him.  He denied paternity for years to his first daughter and was well known for anti-philanthropy contributions.

Try reading the article the article before calling me cold.

He was a great businessman.  That is not a historically notable achievement.  The man was a true innovator, not to be confused with inventor.  His work changed the lives of billions of humans.  Was he a prick?  It sounds like he was.  Lots of people are nice; you will never know their names.  

I don’t have the ability to judge his heart.  Do you?
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:52:56 PM EDT
oh well, OP, love is all that matters.

I do appreciate your ability to look at things from a different perspective regarding your op.

I've been reading (closely) about Jobs for about 3 months now, that last article "was" nice compared to most!

You don't get to the top by kissing asses.

This thread is fucking stupid.

Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:53:21 PM EDT
Yeah for me he made a great phone but from what I read....the guy was a borderline scumbag if you asked me.  All due respect and all but he was no saint.


Who is?
Link Posted: 10/6/2011 6:54:21 PM EDT
He ran a company that makes Microsoft look like open-source loving philanthropists and I've rarely heard anyone who met him say he was a decent guy. The article doesn't really show much of that (except for abandoning his child and her mother). The guy had killer PR, that's it. Sucked liberal scumbags into his cult like some kind of big scumbag sucking thing.

I haven't liked Apple since the IIe. I'm not happy he died or anything, but I'm certainly not in mourning.

ETA - full disclosure, I'm posting this from an iPad2. My opinion of this thing could best be described as "meh"
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