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Posted: 9/13/2012 7:47:57 PM EDT
I am debating on another forum that consanguinity is a huge problem for islamic populations regarding the disintegration of their societies due to mental health and birth defects. That and the fact that they have very lax attitudes towards bestiality. Got a bunch of data on both these, but can anyone else chime in, especially anyone who has served over there?

To determine the prevalence of consanguineous marriages and estimate the
effects of consanguinity on reproductive behaviour and mortality,
household and hospital-based surveys were conducted in 11 cities in the
Pakistan province of Punjab between 1979 and 1985. The 9520 women
interviewed reported 44,474 pregnancies, with data collected on maternal
and paternal ages at marriage, abortions/miscarriages, stillbirths and
deaths in the first month, at 2-12 months and 2-8/10 years. Six
categories of consanguineous marriage were included: double first
cousin, first cousin, first cousin once removed/double second cousin,
second cousin, bradari (brotherhood) and non-consanguineous. Marriages
contracted between spouses related as second cousins or closer accounted
for 50.3% of the total, equivalent to an average coefficient of kinship
(alpha = sigma piFi) of 0.0280. Unions between close biological
relatives were characterized by younger maternal and paternal ages at
marriage and reduced spousal age difference, but a longer time to first
delivery. Overall, they exhibited greater fertility than
non-consanguineous couples. Antenatal and postnatal mortality were
assessed by consanguinity and age interval. Consanguinity-associated
deaths were consistently higher in the neonatal, infant and childhood
periods. The consequences of these outcomes on the health of the present
and future generations is assessed.
Biomedical Sciences Division, King's College, University of London, UK.

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Link Posted: 9/13/2012 7:49:49 PM EDT
In on one.
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 7:51:29 PM EDT
Uhhh...what is consanguinity?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 7:53:19 PM EDT
I predict this thread will go over as well as... A thread about beastiality and consanguinity would.
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 7:55:10 PM EDT
They love some sheep ass.

They also think woman are for breeding and little boys are for pleasure.
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 7:55:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 7:56:26 PM EDT


Uhhh...what is consanguinity?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Intertwined blood lines.  Latin is dead yet alive.

Link Posted: 9/13/2012 7:56:32 PM EDT
It's relationship by blood (or common ancestor). In other words, OP is suggesting that there are mental issues/birth defects due to incest and inbreeding (siblings/half-siblings/first cousins).
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 8:01:43 PM EDT
So, you're using the technical term for inbred?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 8:03:50 PM EDT


They love some sheep ass.

They also think woman are for breeding and little boys are for pleasure.

Yes. Thursdays were a BITCH to schedule meetings on

Link Posted: 9/13/2012 8:04:06 PM EDT


So, you're using the technical term for inbred?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

well we got to keep it classy here in GD. We are not a bunch of inbred goat fuckers afterall (well at least north of the mason dixie line that is)

Link Posted: 9/13/2012 8:11:47 PM EDT
I like how you call it "consanguinity"   instead of inbreeding.  

Smart man.
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 8:21:01 PM EDT
Quite common in many muslim countries.

Link Posted: 9/13/2012 8:23:54 PM EDT

So, you're using the technical term for inbred?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

well we got to keep it classy here in GD. We are not a bunch of inbred goat fuckers afterall (well at least north of the mason dixie line that is)

Now looky here, mister, we don't go for all that fancy-talkin' and book-larnin'........................

Link Posted: 9/13/2012 8:24:56 PM EDT
That map is full of fail ! I don't see KY. on there !

Link Posted: 9/13/2012 8:25:31 PM EDT
Happens here in the US. I know of a Lebanese guy married to his uncles daughter I think it plays a big part on intellect of offspring.
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 8:26:10 PM EDT
Queue "Thanks, Smokey!" YouTube video.
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 8:28:57 PM EDT
why the fuck have they put so much thought into this shit and what the flying fuck is wrong with them

"If a woman inserts (in her vagina) an animal's penis she must wash, and if she inserts a detached penis (thakaran maktu-an, lit. "a severed male member”) there are two opinions; the most correct is that she must wash."

"Some Islamic scholars have ruled that bestiality does not invalidate the hajj or ones fast.
Sunni Imam Abu Bakar al-Kashani (d. 587 H) records in his authority work 'Badaye al-Sanae' Volume 2 page 216:
"If he had sexual intercourse with an animal, that will not make his hajj void"[16]
In Fatawa Qadhi Khan, Page 820, the learned Hanafi scholar Allamah Hassan bin Mansoor Qadhi Khan sets out those acts that do not invalidate one's fast, and he includes:
"Sex with animals, dead people and masturbation, does not invalidate one's fast provided ejaculation does not occur"[16]
Fatawa Qadhi Khan, Page 820"
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 8:46:25 PM EDT


why the fuck have they put so much thought into this shit and what the flying fuck is wrong with them

"If a woman inserts (in her vagina) an animal's penis she must wash, and if she inserts a detached penis (thakaran maktu-an, lit. "a severed male member”) there are two opinions; the most correct is that she must wash."
"Some Islamic scholars have ruled that bestiality does not invalidate the hajj or ones fast.

Sunni Imam Abu Bakar al-Kashani (d. 587 H) records in his authority work 'Badaye al-Sanae' Volume 2 page 216:

"If he had sexual intercourse with an animal, that will not make his hajj void"[16]

In Fatawa Qadhi Khan, Page 820, the learned Hanafi scholar Allamah Hassan bin Mansoor Qadhi Khan sets out those acts that do not invalidate one's fast, and he includes:

"Sex with animals, dead people and masturbation, does not invalidate one's fast provided ejaculation does not occur"[16]

Fatawa Qadhi Khan, Page 820"

Here is a world wide study on the issue.


Socio-cultural factors, such as maintenance of family structure and property, ease
  of marital arrangements, better relations with in-laws, and financial advantages relating
  to dowry seem to play a crucial role in the preference of consanguinity in Arab populations
  [3]. Consanguineous marriages are generally thought to be more stable than marriages
  between non-relatives, though there are no studies to compare divorce rates of consanguineous
  and non-consanguineous marriages among Arabs. It is generally believed that the husband's
  family would side with the consanguineous wife in marital disputes since she is considered
  part of the extended family. When there are children with disabilities, more family
  members share in caring for these children. Unlike what is thought, consanguinity
  in the Arab World is not only confined to Muslim communities. Several other communities,
  including the Lebanese, Jordanian, and Palestinian Christian populations, have also
  practiced consanguinity, but to a lesser extent than Muslims [4-7].

Consanguinity rates show wide variations among Arab countries, as well as within the
  same country (Table 1, Additional file 1). However, reports from Arab countries on consanguinity rates may sometimes include
  marriages between third cousins or far relatives within the consanguineous category.
  Although this discrepancy affects the total consanguinity rate, it does not markedly
  alter the average inbreeding coefficient. Therefore, for comparison of consanguinity
  rates among populations, two parameters are best used; the mean inbreeding coefficient
  (F) and marriages between first cousins. However, Arab societies have a long tradition
  of consanguinity, and the cumulative estimate of (F) may exceed the estimated value
  which is calculated for a single generation [8].

Secular changes in the consanguinity rates have been noticed in some Arab populations.
  In Jordan [9], Lebanon [5], Bahrain [10], and among Palestinians [11-13], the frequency of consanguineous marriage is decreasing. Several factors may be playing
  a role in decreasing the consanguinity rates in Arab countries. Amongst these factors
  are the increasing higher female education levels, the declining fertility resulting
  in lower numbers of suitable relatives to marry, more mobility from rural to urban
  settings, and the improving economic status of families. Moreover, genetic diseases
  may be feared more now that infectious diseases are on the decline as causes of severe
  morbidity and mortality.

Generally, the highest rates of marriages to close relatives are consistently reported
  in the more traditional rural areas and among the poorest and least educated in society
  [8]. Reports from some Arab countries have shown that consanguinity rates are lower in
  urban when compared to rural settings. Urban to rural first cousin rates in Algeria
  were 10% and 15% [14], in Egypt, 8.3% and 17.2% [15], and in Jordan, 29.8% and 37.9% [6], respectively. Likewise the mean inbreeding coefficient was lower in urban as compared
  to rural settings in Syria (0.0203 versus 0.0265) [16]. In Jordan, it was evident that the higher the level of education of the female partner,
  the lower the consanguinity rate. Only 12% of university educated females would marry
  their first cousins, whereas 25% of university educated males tend to marry first
  cousins [6]. Similar trends of lower consanguinity rates among educated women, but not educated
  men, were noticed in Yemen [17] and Tunisia [18].

On the other hand, social, religious, cultural, political and economic factors still
  play roles in favoring consanguineous marriages among the new generations just as
  strongly as they did among the older generations, particularly in rural areas. Consanguinity
  rates seem to be increasing at a higher pace in Qatar [19], Yemen [17], the United Arab Emirates (UAE) [20], and Tlemcen in Algeria [14]. In Morocco, a study indicated an increasing consanguinity rate from the previous
  (21.5%) to the present (25.4%) generation [21], while another study indicated a decreasing consanguinity rate [22]. Consanguinity rates are not declining in some Arab countries because it is generally
  accepted that the social advantages of consanguinity outweigh the disadvantages [23], and consanguinity is regarded as a deeply rooted cultural trend. It is believed
  that the practice of consanguinity has significant social and economic advantages.
  Consanguineous marriages among Arabs are respected because it is thought that they
  promote family stability, simplify financial premarital negotiations, offer a greater
  compatibility between the spouses and other family members, offer a lesser risk of
  hidden financial and health issues, and maintain the family land possessions [3,24,25]. Among 390 women attending reproductive health clinics in Jordan, consanguinity was
  protective against violence during pregnancy [26]. In all cases, reports on secular trends in consanguinity need to be treated with
  some caution because in countries where consanguinity is favored, major regional and
  ethnic differences in prevalence are commonly observed [3].

Link Posted: 9/13/2012 8:51:57 PM EDT


Happens here in the US. I know of a Lebanese guy married to his uncles daughter I think it plays a big part on intellect of offspring.

This is why there is no saving the middle east. They are getting dumber and dumber. Hell dropping a nuke on them would probably clean up their gene pool. I think russians living near Chernobyl have less birth defects then those living in afghanistan.

Link Posted: 9/13/2012 9:06:22 PM EDT
just fucking gross.

they really go in to detail about what amount of penis may be inserted if the penis is severed but fucking dead and animals is ook as long as you don't bust a nut....

hmm Koran studies must be interesting.
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 11:12:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 11:38:21 PM EDT
From your approach it quickly becomes a chicken or the egg question. Are the crazy because they are muslim, or are they muslim because they are crazy? The issues are not as simple as you want to believe and correlation does not equate to causation. Education levels, societal stability, and many other factors are at work. Its my guess that if you give guys a shot at a bunch of different girls, their cousins and farm animals don't look as good to them.
Link Posted: 9/13/2012 11:57:59 PM EDT
OP, go watch Ann Barnhardt's youtube videos on "Muslim Sexuality".

Weird all of these threads showing up all at once.  


Uhhh...what is consanguinity?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Intertwined blood lines.  Latin is dead yet alive.

That is not dead which can eternal lie.
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 12:15:45 AM EDT
Dad, if we get divorced, are we still brother and sister...?

Link Posted: 9/14/2012 12:51:16 AM EDT
An Iraqi civil servant I used to meet with told this story on himself to me when I asked him about his family.  He said, "Yeah, one day my father caught me having sex with our donkey.  He got very angry with me.  Said if I had to do that kind of thing, he would find a wife for me.  So he did and that is how I got married."
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 3:26:02 AM EDT
Uhhh...what is consanguinity?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I didn't know either but I assumed it had something to do with two Japanese girls, a vending machine and a squid

Link Posted: 9/14/2012 3:27:30 AM EDT
soooo in
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 4:05:42 AM EDT
That map speaks volumes .
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 4:09:56 AM EDT


soooo in

The whole head?  Cause you'd have to wash, if so.

Link Posted: 9/14/2012 4:15:20 AM EDT
<––- 3 tours in Iraq flying ISR aircraft..... seen it twice. They LOVE goats...
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 4:33:19 AM EDT
Every day we would catch dudes fucking goats, sheep, dogs, what ever. And I do mean EVERY DAY. Dudes hunched over their sheep out in the fields, in plain sight of everyone. There's a reason they stake by the head and one back foot. Hell, the sheep get so used to it after a while, they don't even put up a struggle any more.  We caught a guy gay raping a male dog, giving it a hand job, and beating it with a stick while it was happening.

We caught a guy on a ladder fucking a camel once.

Boys fucking other boys is very common. Men fucking boys is over the top. When you see a dude walking his son/ little brother in a dress with make up on to go to a "party" it makes you want to kill him on the spot.

Bestiality and boy fucking are out of fucking control throughout the Muslim world. It isn't just in the ME. Thailand is eat up with it too in the southern provinces where the majority of their Muslim population is. Indonesia is down with it also.
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 4:36:24 AM EDT
Every day we would catch dudes fucking goats, sheep, dogs, what ever. And I do mean EVERY DAY. Dudes hunched over their sheep out in the fields, in plain sight of everyone. There's a reason they stake by the head and one back foot. Hell, the sheep get so used to it after a while, they don't even put up a struggle any more.  We caught a guy gay raping a male dog, giving it a hand job, and beating it with a stick while it was happening.

We caught a guy on a ladder fucking a camel once.

Boys fucking other boys is very common. Men fucking boys is over the top. When you see a dude walking his son/ little brother in a dress with make up on to go to a "party" it makes you want to kill him on the spot.

Bestiality and boy fucking are out of fucking control throughout the Muslim world. It isn't just in the ME. Thailand is eat up with it too in the southern provinces where the majority of their Muslim population is. Indonesia is down with it also.

No wonder they're so effed in the head....
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 4:40:31 AM EDT
Uhhh...what is consanguinity?

"If anyone's going to have sex with my sister, it's going to be me!"

Link Posted: 9/14/2012 4:41:04 AM EDT
They love some sheep ass.

They also think woman are for breeding and little boys are for pleasure.

Yep. they'll stick their peepee into anything for fun except a woman. The vag terrifies them.
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 4:45:51 AM EDT
Every day we would catch dudes fucking goats, sheep, dogs, what ever. And I do mean EVERY DAY. Dudes hunched over their sheep out in the fields, in plain sight of everyone. There's a reason they stake by the head and one back foot. Hell, the sheep get so used to it after a while, they don't even put up a struggle any more.  We caught a guy gay raping a male dog, giving it a hand job, and beating it with a stick while it was happening.

We caught a guy on a ladder fucking a camel once.

Boys fucking other boys is very common. Men fucking boys is over the top. When you see a dude walking his son/ little brother in a dress with make up on to go to a "party" it makes you want to kill him on the spot.

Bestiality and boy fucking are out of fucking control throughout the Muslim world. It isn't just in the ME. Thailand is eat up with it too in the southern provinces where the majority of their Muslim population is. Indonesia is down with it also.

All true. I was scanning my sector one night with the thermals and happened to see movement out behind this "fence". A guy hops the "fence" to where some sheep were penned, flips his man dress up, then goes to town on one of the sheep. That was the first time in my life I actually saw someone having sex with an animal, until then I thought it was always a sick joke. Its no joke. I saw it again between a boy and a donkey. He waved to us as we drove by, never even stopped or tried to hide it.
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:01:11 AM EDT
It's 20-50 percent in Turkey?

That's complete bullshit.
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:08:38 AM EDT
It's 20-50 percent in Turkey?

That's complete bullshit.

Why are you ashamed of me 36_Gauge??

Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:10:21 AM EDT
It's 20-50 percent in Turkey?

That's complete bullshit.

Why are you ashamed of me 36_Gauge??


That's hot
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:11:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:14:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:15:04 AM EDT
It's 20-50 percent in Turkey?

That's complete bullshit.

Why are you ashamed of me 36_Gauge??


So a Marine, a Turk and a goat walk into a bar...
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:15:41 AM EDT
Terrence and Phillip have a song about them
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:20:18 AM EDT
Terrence and Phillip have a song about them  

shut your fu
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:21:04 AM EDT
Sounds like they need to get some P&^%y.  To bad their religious books make it a crime to get some.
But its normal to bonk little boy and animals.
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:22:18 AM EDT
It's 20-50 percent in Turkey?

That's complete bullshit.

First, if you look at the color code, Turkey is in the 20-29 range. Second, I know you love your country...hell, I had a good six week deployment tere, had a lot of fun, but think clearly.  You're saying that there's no way that even 20% of marriages there are at the cousin level? Are you certain? There's no rural, more traditional regions that might be skewing that rate higher than your experience tells you it ought to be? And, remember, we're not just talking about the first cousin level.  Could be second, or further.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:22:58 AM EDT
Sounds like they need to get some P&^%y.  To bad their religious books make it a crime to get some.
But its normal to bonk little boy and animals.

Does anyone actually believe this? Seriously. This is the stupidest shit on par with "they worship a moon god".
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:23:53 AM EDT

Uhhh...what is consanguinity?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Intertwined blood lines.  Latin is dead yet alive.

LOL, thank you St Jerome.
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:24:38 AM EDT
It's 20-50 percent in Turkey?

That's complete bullshit.

So it's higher than that?
Link Posted: 9/14/2012 5:24:56 AM EDT
CoC #1
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