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Posted: 9/22/2012 9:28:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 9:32:25 AM EDT
Communist... and all that goes with it.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 9:33:27 AM EDT
First post nails it.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 9:38:45 AM EDT
Communist... and all that goes with it.

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 9:41:02 AM EDT



Communist... and all that goes with it.


murdering, shit stiring, scumbag

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 9:41:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 9:46:39 AM EDT
All three.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 9:47:50 AM EDT
Douchebag commie terrorist.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 9:51:04 AM EDT


All three.


Look up the Riviona trial. He admitted that the ANC used terrorism. Were I in his position I probably would have done the same.

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:08:10 AM EDT

All three.


Look up the Riviona trial. He admitted that the ANC used terrorism. Were I in his position I probably would have done the same.

Only Nixon could go to China.
Only Mandela could integrate RSA.
Only Sharon could bulldoze the settlements.

You cannot compromise unless your credentials as a warrior are strong.

Josey Wales knew that...
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:10:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:12:32 AM EDT
Communist... and all that goes with it.


He should have been put down like the dog he is.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:16:53 AM EDT
I liked him on Deal or No Deal.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:18:00 AM EDT

Communist... and all that goes with it.


murdering, shit stiring, scumbag


Him and his wife both.

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:24:48 AM EDT
Commie shitbag.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:27:02 AM EDT

Mandela is a Communist-terrorist. Which in today's world makes you a hero. Just ask our POTUS.

"If there is a country which has committed unspeakable atrocities, it is the United States of America. They don't care for human beings."

~ Nelson Mandela,
Jan. 31, 2003 - speaking just two days after GWBush pledged $15 BILLION to fight AIDS in Africa.

"There's one thing where that country stands out head and shoulders above the rest. That is in its love for human rights and liberty."

~ Nelson Mandela,
referring to Castro's Cuba, May, 1990.

A week later in Libya, he praised Moammar Qaddaf's "commitment to the fight for peace and human rights in the world."

"We support the cause of anyone who is fighting for self-determination, and our attitude is the same, no matter who it is. I would be honored to sit on the platform with the four comrades you refer to."

~ Nelson Mandela,
referring to the four Puerto Rican terrorists who shot and wounded five U.S. Congressmen in 1954. (quoted in The New York Times [early local edition only] June 25, 1990)

"Mandela had participated in planning acts of sabotage and
inciting violence, so that he could no longer fulfill the criteria for
the classification of political prisoners."

~ Amnesty International, 1985.

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:27:05 AM EDT





Communist... and all that goes with it.


murdering, shit stiring, scumbag


Him and his wife both.

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:35:50 AM EDT
He was weaned at the same communist terrorist teat as his buddy Mugabe.

The only reason that South Africa isn't bad off as Zimbabwe YET is that the South Africans kept Mandela on ice for 27 years.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:52:02 AM EDT
If the Sons of Liberty at Boston Harbor were heros, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Hence which Captain Parker paraded his men at Lexington Green involved Patriots, and Menachem Begin's Irgun at the King David hotel were righteous, then Nelson Mandela and the ANC representing a repressed majority fighting colonialism must be described in like terms.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:54:32 AM EDT


If the Sons of Liberty at Boston Harbor were heros, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Hence which Captain Parker paraded his men at Lexington Green involved Patriots, and Menachem Begin's Irgun at the King David hotel were righteous, then Nelson Mandela and the ANC representing a repressed majority fighting colonialism must be described in like terms.

And since apartheid ended, the South African "majority" has proven itself to be incapable of civilized self-rule, something the "colonialists" knew from the very start.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:56:24 AM EDT
Undeniable communist-terrorist.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:57:15 AM EDT
All three.


Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:58:07 AM EDT
He was weaned at the same communist terrorist teat as his buddy Mugabe.

The only reason that South Africa isn't bad off as Zimbabwe YET is that the South Africans kept Mandela on ice for 27 years.

Not the only reason.

The ratio of Europeans to Africans was substantially larger.  (1:200 versus 1:8.9 at the fall of both regimes)
European presence and rule had been in place for 200-300 years longer
Many leading nations relied on ZA for economic and industrial reasons despite sanctions

Half of the Rhodesians had UK passports or could go elsewhere when the wheels fell off the wagon.  The South Africans did not have this ability, and they still don't despite the mass emigrations of europeans and asians from ZA.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:58:26 AM EDT


If the Sons of Liberty at Boston Harbor were heros, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Hence which Captain Parker paraded his men at Lexington Green involved Patriots, and Menachem Begin's Irgun at the King David hotel were righteous, then Nelson Mandela and the ANC representing a repressed majority fighting colonialism must be described in like terms.

I wonder why South Africa is starting to look like the rest of South Sahara Africa......


Maybe there is some kind of correlation there........
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:58:36 AM EDT

If the Sons of Liberty at Boston Harbor were heros, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Hence which Captain Parker paraded his men at Lexington Green involved Patriots, and Menachem Begin's Irgun at the King David hotel were righteous, then Nelson Mandela and the ANC representing a repressed majority fighting colonialism must be described in like terms.

And since apartheid ended, the South African "majority" has proven itself to be incapable of civilized self-rule, something the "colonialists" knew from the very start.


Any thinking person ought to have known the result.

But the forces that created it were unstoppable.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 10:59:14 AM EDT
Scumbag communist-terrorist who should have been shot in a field somewhere and buried in an unmarked grave.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:02:58 AM EDT

If the Sons of Liberty at Boston Harbor were heros, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Hence which Captain Parker paraded his men at Lexington Green involved Patriots, and Menachem Begin's Irgun at the King David hotel were righteous, then Nelson Mandela and the ANC representing a repressed majority fighting colonialism must be described in like terms.

And since apartheid ended, the South African "majority" has proven itself to be incapable of civilized self-rule, something the "colonialists" knew from the very start.


Self determination can be a messy thing, and the colonialists were right about what would follow. If they wanted to avoid the journey, they should have chosen another path.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:03:37 AM EDT

If the Sons of Liberty at Boston Harbor were heros, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Hence which Captain Parker paraded his men at Lexington Green involved Patriots, and Menachem Begin's Irgun at the King David hotel were righteous, then Nelson Mandela and the ANC representing a repressed majority fighting colonialism must be described in like terms.

And since apartheid ended, the South African "majority" has proven itself to be incapable of civilized self-rule, something the "colonialists" knew from the very start.


Any thinking person ought to have known the result.

But the forces that created it were unstoppable.

I believe that the thought was that outside influence via participation in the UN, IMF, big business, big mining, etc, etc, combined with the remaining influence of the Afrikaaner business community would had kept things in check enough to be civilized.

The way I view the fall of apartheid, was more of a way for foreign business to acquire the wealth of ZA.  For example, all of the big mining concerns in ZA are now owned either by UK, Indian, Australian, or Brazilian interests.  All but the brazilian interests flow back up to London anyways.  Ending apartheid was just a side show.  This was always neocolonialism, which required that the afrikaaners with ownership had to GTFO of the way.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:04:30 AM EDT

If the Sons of Liberty at Boston Harbor were heros, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Hence which Captain Parker paraded his men at Lexington Green involved Patriots, and Menachem Begin's Irgun at the King David hotel were righteous, then Nelson Mandela and the ANC representing a repressed majority fighting colonialism must be described in like terms.

And since apartheid ended, the South African "majority" has proven itself to be incapable of civilized self-rule, something the "colonialists" knew from the very start.


Self determination can be a messy thing, and the colonialists were right about what would follow. If they wanted to avoid the journey, they should have chosen another path.

If it was about self-determination, there would be a new Boer republic or two cutting ZA into little donut holes like Lesotho does now.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:07:16 AM EDT

If the Sons of Liberty at Boston Harbor were heros, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Hence which Captain Parker paraded his men at Lexington Green involved Patriots, and Menachem Begin's Irgun at the King David hotel were righteous, then Nelson Mandela and the ANC representing a repressed majority fighting colonialism must be described in like terms.

I wonder why South Africa is starting to look like the rest of South Sahara Africa......  

Maybe there is some kind of correlation there........

To be fair, I think that if the ANC had not instituted the ridiculous BEE (equal opportunity) plans there, the nation would be a lot better off.   Let the ANC run government, and let the Afrikaaners run business.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:09:34 AM EDT
fuck Mandela....communist.

I knew all I needed to know when Hollywood libtards, Clinton and other leftists were felating him in the '90s
south Africa is destroyed and that creep was the start.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:11:02 AM EDT
If the Sons of Liberty at Boston Harbor were heros, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Hence which Captain Parker paraded his men at Lexington Green involved Patriots, and Menachem Begin's Irgun at the King David hotel were righteous, then Nelson Mandela and the ANC representing a repressed majority fighting colonialism must be described in like terms.

Too bad the "oppressed" majority Mandela represented itself colonized that region hundreds of years before from the indigenous tribes who ORIGINALLY inhabited the region.

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:11:22 AM EDT
fuck Mandela....communist.

I knew all I needed to know when Hollywood libtards, Clinton and other leftists were felating him in the '90s
south Africa is destroyed and that creep was the start.

Actually, liberal whites were the start of all of it....

Just like Obama didn't start our downturn.....

They are Obama is our Mandela.  A little commie teddybear that makes you racist if you didn't vote for him..
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:11:24 AM EDT
Communist... and all that goes with it.

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:11:51 AM EDT

Mandela is a Communist-terrorist. Which in today's world makes you a hero. Just ask our POTUS.

"If there is a country which has committed unspeakable atrocities, it is the United States of America. They don't care for human beings."
~ Nelson Mandela,
Jan. 31, 2003 - speaking just two days after GWBush pledged $15 BILLION to fight AIDS in Africa.

"There's one thing where that country stands out head and shoulders above the rest. That is in its love for human rights and liberty."
~ Nelson Mandela,
referring to Castro's Cuba, May, 1990.
A week later in Libya, he praised Moammar Qaddaf's "commitment to the fight for peace and human rights in the world."

"We support the cause of anyone who is fighting for self-determination, and our attitude is the same, no matter who it is. I would be honored to sit on the platform with the four comrades you refer to."
~ Nelson Mandela,
referring to the four Puerto Rican terrorists who shot and wounded five U.S. Congressmen in 1954. (quoted in The New York Times [early local edition only] June 25, 1990)

"Mandela had participated in planning acts of sabotage and inciting violence, so that he could no longer fulfill the criteria for the classification of political prisoners."
~ Amnesty International, 1985.


Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:14:50 AM EDT
If the Sons of Liberty at Boston Harbor were heros, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Hence which Captain Parker paraded his men at Lexington Green involved Patriots, and Menachem Begin's Irgun at the King David hotel were righteous, then Nelson Mandela and the ANC representing a repressed majority fighting colonialism must be described in like terms.

Too bad the "oppressed" majority Mandela represented itself colonized that region hundreds of years before from the indigenous tribes who ORIGINALLY inhabited the region.

Mandela is isiXhosa.  His features are clearly Khoisan, or bushman, rather than the distinctly congoid appearance of Zulus-derived tribes.  (in layman's terms, he looks like the dude from The Gods Must be Crazy, or if Obama had a Grandfather, he would look just like Mandela)

They were actually in the eastern cape before the 1600's when the settlers showed up.

Zulus came down later and killed everyone they couldn't eat alive.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:15:30 AM EDT

Communist... and all that goes with it.


murdering, shit stiring, scumbag


Piece of shit terrorist.  Revisionist history has made him smell like a rose.  He'll have his day in hell.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:16:27 AM EDT

Communist... and all that goes with it.


murdering, shit stiring, scumbag


Piece of shit terrorist.  Revisionist history has made him smell like a rose.  He'll have his day in hell.

I'm sure that is coming soon.  This guy is 92 or something like that.

Then we get to see if Van Rennsberg was full of shit or not.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:22:19 AM EDT
Trying to overturn the racist form of government that was the pariah of the world. Did what he had to do to get the job done. Same as Irish, scots and Indians did against the English.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:23:30 AM EDT
If the Sons of Liberty at Boston Harbor were heros, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Hence which Captain Parker paraded his men at Lexington Green involved Patriots, and Menachem Begin's Irgun at the King David hotel were righteous, then Nelson Mandela and the ANC representing a repressed majority fighting colonialism must be described in like terms.

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:28:13 AM EDT
If the Sons of Liberty at Boston Harbor were heros, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Hence which Captain Parker paraded his men at Lexington Green involved Patriots, and Menachem Begin's Irgun at the King David hotel were righteous, then Nelson Mandela and the ANC representing a repressed majority fighting colonialism must be described in like terms.


A communist revolution, even against colonialism, is not right.

The US overthrew monarchy
The Irgun pretty much was fighting the same hag that we were fighting in 1776.
The Indians.....yup the UK.....
The Boers, yup....the UK.....

See a pattern here?

I'll acknowledge that the early Israeli state was VERY Marxist, and remains that way in certain corners, but they were not fighting FOR communism or redistribution.  The common ANC cadre was fighting for the right of gimmiedat.  

The intellectual base of the ANC up until a few years ago more resembled a table of Yale professors having dinner at an Indian restaraunt on New Haven Green.  Massive push for greed and power, not independence.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:32:37 AM EDT
Trying to overturn the racist form of government that was the pariah of the world. Did what he had to do to get the job done. Same as Irish, scots and Indians did against the English.

Except that the racist government was moving towards integration, rather than being ousted.  If there had been integration then ZA would have a chance of surviving.  The crime rates there are atrocious and there is no death penalty . . . for blacks.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 11:37:43 AM EDT
Trying to overturn the racist form of government that was the pariah of the world. Did what he had to do to get the job done. Same as Irish, scots and Indians did against the English.

Except that the racist government was moving towards integration, rather than being ousted.  If there had been integration then ZA would have a chance of surviving.  The crime rates there are atrocious and there is no death penalty . . . for blacks.

Yup.  Botha had dismantled most of the bullshit petty apartheid laws.  However, he had also put the nation into a perpetual police state at the same time.  Lower house of government was open to other races as well..... Not to mention the massive investment in the "independent" homelands....

If anyone thinks that blacks only lived in squatter camps back then, then how the fuck did Mandela become a lawyer with offices in downtown JHB?  There were several black millionaires back then too.  Self-made, not living off of tribal mining agreement schemes.

Another mistake was that the damn afrikaaners couldn't be bothered to iron their own pants or make their own bed........  Only nation I've ever seen where even lower middle class had multiple domestic help.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 12:23:19 PM EDT
you need to add "Racist" as a choice.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 12:36:33 PM EDT
Fucking Communist.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 12:41:06 PM EDT
He was born a tribal chieftain. He didn't achieve his position with great oratory; he is the slowest speaker alive of any modern leader.

They practiced collectivism like feudal Europe. Which means everyone got fed but everything really belonged to the chief.

He lives in a mansion now that got paid for how?

Mandela is isiXhosa.  His features are clearly Khoisan, or bushman, rather than the distinctly congoid appearance of Zulus-derived tribes.  (in layman's terms, he looks like the dude from The Gods Must be Crazy, or if Obama had a Grandfather, he would look just like Mandela)

They were actually in the eastern cape before the 1600's when the settlers showed up.

Zulus came down later and killed everyone they couldn't eat alive.

Those other tribes caved to the whites. Only much later when their numbers had grown and communist ideology was being disseminated did they decide to really go after the whites.

The Zulus were willing to fight from the beginning. I respect that.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 12:41:29 PM EDT
Trying to overturn the racist form of government that was the pariah of the world. Did what he had to do to get the job done. Same as Irish, scots and Indians did against the English.

You eat that crap up, colonel.
Link Posted: 9/22/2012 12:43:19 PM EDT
Communist... and all that goes with it.

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 12:44:33 PM EDT
Communist... and all that goes with it.

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 12:54:48 PM EDT
Communist... and all that goes with it.

Link Posted: 9/22/2012 1:31:29 PM EDT
If the Sons of Liberty at Boston Harbor were heros, the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Hence which Captain Parker paraded his men at Lexington Green involved Patriots, and Menachem Begin's Irgun at the King David hotel were righteous, then Nelson Mandela and the ANC representing a repressed majority fighting colonialism must be described in like terms.

Too bad the "oppressed" majority Mandela represented itself colonized that region hundreds of years before from the indigenous tribes who ORIGINALLY inhabited the region.

Mandela is isiXhosa.  His features are clearly Khoisan, or bushman, rather than the distinctly congoid appearance of Zulus-derived tribes.  (in layman's terms, he looks like the dude from The Gods Must be Crazy, or if Obama had a Grandfather, he would look just like Mandela)

They were actually in the eastern cape before the 1600's when the settlers showed up.

Zulus came down later and killed everyone they couldn't eat alive.

Thanks for the info;I'd always assumed Mandela was Zulu
So Mandela helped "free' the people that originally conquered his ancestors?
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