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Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:09:32 PM EDT
Don't worry. Liberals will shut it down.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:10:15 PM EDT


Fracking is the pumping of unknown chemicals and water into the ground.

The chemicals are not being released to the public as the companies are saying it's information they don't want to release.

Our water comes from the ground from underground reservoirs and rivers. This shit is polluting it.

Should be illegal. Find another way to do it safely.

Why can't they just use seawater? Why the chemicals and freshwater?

You too, Sir, are misinformed.
Pay close attention to 25 minutes into the video.

The EPA has found the fracking chemicals in peoples well water. The story I made hot above proves just that.


The damn gas company is saying that the EPA put the chemicals there. There is no way that is true.

Read the story before you come in here and start calling people misinformed.

Seriously, they only care about 1 thing and that is cash.

How else do you think fracking chemicals got in the water supply?

Polluting our underground reservoirs or even risking this for the sake of making natural gas cheaper is idiotic.

It's all about the almighty dollar.

We need to be focused on other ways to create energy without destroying our environment.

Seriously, you need to wake up. Do you work in the fracking industry?

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:20:41 PM EDT
Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.

Provide a link to a peer reviewed study. I'll be waiting.

No peer review yet, but here's the demonstration in Bologna (and not Milan) Link
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:26:35 PM EDT

Of course. They can't lie on the Internet. I read that on the Internet.

Clearly didn't click link.

Ha. You're correct. Thought you were the previous poster. Thought remains true. I would like to see some peer reviewed literature. I'm confident that studies will show that planned fraking will be safe and a boon for the US.

Fracking isn't that bad to be honest. It doesn't pollute the water supply. What DOES pollute the water supply are workers that half ass shit. Leave valves open when they shouldn't, don't fix leaks, not checking seals like they should. Basically cutting corners. That creates a problem and in turn does lead to water supply contamination.

Hence the reason that all the frackers in PA are shipped in from teaxs because why should they give a shit what kind of mess they leave behind when it is not in their backyard.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:27:51 PM EDT


Should be illegal.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:28:16 PM EDT


Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

you really need to be precise if you're going to make a statement like this.  it isn't fracking that pollutes the water, except in the rare cases of produced water being dealt with improperly.  now, if you want to say that natural gas extraction pollutes water, you're on less shaky ground.  there are indeed water issues surrounding natural gas extraction, just like there are in any other form of mining (petro...mineral...whatever).  


but to reduce it to "fracking" is just sloganeering.  environmentalists have tried to demonize that word, and now it's hurting them because the fracture itself isn't the problem.  people are just lumping it under "fracking" because if they said "extracting natural gas is bad", no one would listen to them.  this is a paradigm case of discursive framing.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:31:47 PM EDT
Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.

So where's your proof?

Show me the fucking evidence where fracing directly pollutes the local water supply.

I'll be waiting

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:32:48 PM EDT




Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.

So where's your proof?

Show me the fucking evidence where fracing directly pollutes the local water supply.
I'll be waiting


More proof in the video I posted above.


Where's the guy saying I'm misinformed now???

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:34:06 PM EDT


Fracking is the pumping of unknown chemicals and water into the ground.

The chemicals are not being released to the public as the companies are saying it's information they don't want to release.

Our water comes from the ground from underground reservoirs and rivers. This shit is polluting it.

Should be illegal. Find another way to do it safely.

Why can't they just use seawater? Why the chemicals and freshwater?

You too, Sir, are misinformed.


Pay close attention to 25 minutes into the video.

The EPA has found the fracking chemicals in peoples well water. The story I made hot above proves just that.    

The damn gas company is saying that the EPA put the chemicals there. There is no way that is true.

Read the story before you come in here and start calling people misinformed.

Seriously, they only care about 1 thing and that is cash.

How else do you think fracking chemicals got in the water supply?

Polluting our underground reservoirs or even risking this for the sake of making natural gas cheaper is idiotic.

It's all about the almighty dollar.

We need to be focused on other ways to create energy without destroying our environment.

Seriously, you need to wake up. Do you work in the fracking industry?


Here's a quote from the conclusion of the actual report cited in those articles:
A lines of reasoning approach utilized at this site best
supports an explanation that inorganic and organic
constituents associated with hydraulic fracturing have
contaminated ground water at and below the depth
used for domestic water supply.  However, further
investigation would be needed to determine if organic
compounds associated with hydraulic fracturing have
migrated to domestic wells in the area of

See the bit in bold? That says they don't know where the chemicals they found came from, they just "think" they're from the fracking operation.

If you read the report, the most likely source of contamination, isn't the deep wells where the fracking is going on, it is from shallow pits / retention ponds where the drilling tailings were stored. The problem isn't with "fracking" it is with improperly lined storage pits. The self same report indicates that the company responsible was already remediating them.

And if fracking is such a problem, why is the basis for your panic just one formation? They have been fracking in vertical wells since the 1960's. There are hundreds of horizontal fracking sites around the country already. Why is there only one location, Pavilion, WY? These articles are two years old, why aren't there more reports from other locations that are more recent?
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:37:12 PM EDT




Fracking is the pumping of unknown chemicals and water into the ground.

The chemicals are not being released to the public as the companies are saying it's information they don't want to release.

Our water comes from the ground from underground reservoirs and rivers. This shit is polluting it.

Should be illegal. Find another way to do it safely.

Why can't they just use seawater? Why the chemicals and freshwater?

You too, Sir, are misinformed.


Pay close attention to 25 minutes into the video.

The EPA has found the fracking chemicals in peoples well water. The story I made hot above proves just that.

The damn gas company is saying that the EPA put the chemicals there.

Read the story before you come in here and start calling people misinformed.

Seriously, they only care about 1 thing and that is cash.

How else do you think fracking chemicals got in the water supply?

Polluting our underground reservoirs or even risking this for the sake of making natural gas cheaper is idiotic.

It's all about the almighty dollar.

We need to be focused on other ways to create energy without destroying our environment.

There are two glaring incongruities in you contentions:

1. There is no way fracking fluids can enter the aquifers, again they are seperated by several feet of steel and concrete layers. Well casing isn't like flue pipe, it's heavy wall steel. [img style='and surfactants. Many are found in nature. Regardless, there is no way they can contact the groundwater formations.

2. The majority of the chemicals used in fracking are so diluted, they are at relatively insignificant levels even in the fracking fluid. Most of these chemicals are anti-microbial compounds and surfactants (soap). The majority of this fluid returns to the surface where it ir reclaimed and treated, then either re-used or made chemically inert and disposed of. This is actually a moot point as the frack fluids cannot come into contact wth the groundwater...no way...no how.


Faced with the facts I have presented, you must really enjoy regurgitating the eco-nazi party line if you still believe that bullshit.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:37:37 PM EDT


Fracking is the pumping of unknown chemicals and water into the ground.

The chemicals are not being released to the public as the companies are saying it's information they don't want to release.

Our water comes from the ground from underground reservoirs and rivers. This shit is polluting it.

Should be illegal. Find another way to do it safely.

Why can't they just use seawater? Why the chemicals and freshwater?





i sympathize with your concern, but you need to do some further reading from the scientific literature rather than from blogs and newspapers.


just so you know, there is a growing movement within the industry that aims at using low-quality water for the fracture.  the problem with seawater is that it weighs a ton, and is extremely expensive to move.  this means it requires a lot of fuel to extract fuel––not a good situation.

there have been overstatements from both sides here in the thread.  water has been polluted due to natural gas extraction.  it isn't a perfect system.  on the flip side, water is going to be polluted by any subsurface activity, and to demonize the word "fracking" is unwise.  the real issue here is a multidisciplinary benefits-to-cost analysis.  at the popular and political levels, i don't see either side doing that right now.  the scholarship is just now delving into it.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:38:07 PM EDT
Fracking is the pumping of unknown chemicals and water into the ground.

The chemicals are not being released to the public as the companies are saying it's information they don't want to release.

Our water comes from the ground from underground reservoirs and rivers. This shit is polluting it.

Should be illegal. Find another way to do it safely.

Why can't they just use seawater? Why the chemicals and freshwater?





Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:39:54 PM EDT
Damn it, I just bought a Prius.

Better hurry up and sell it before you're "underwater" on the balance owed. What was I thinking? You're an ARFCOMER, you probably paid cash for it.  

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:40:44 PM EDT


Fracking is the pumping of unknown chemicals and water into the ground.

The chemicals are not being released to the public as the companies are saying it's information they don't want to release.

Our water comes from the ground from underground reservoirs and rivers. This shit is polluting it.

Should be illegal. Find another way to do it safely.

Why can't they just use seawater? Why the chemicals and freshwater?

You too, Sir, are misinformed.


Pay close attention to 25 minutes into the video.

The EPA has found the fracking chemicals in peoples well water. The story I made hot above proves just that.    

The damn gas company is saying that the EPA put the chemicals there. There is no way that is true.

Read the story before you come in here and start calling people misinformed.

Seriously, they only care about 1 thing and that is cash.

How else do you think fracking chemicals got in the water supply?

Polluting our underground reservoirs or even risking this for the sake of making natural gas cheaper is idiotic.

It's all about the almighty dollar.

We need to be focused on other ways to create energy without destroying our environment.

Seriously, you need to wake up. Do you work in the fracking industry?


And Congressmen say ATF allowed or supported gun-running to Mexico. We all know that shit isn't true.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:42:13 PM EDT


Fracking is the pumping of unknown chemicals and water into the ground.

The chemicals are not being released to the public as the companies are saying it's information they don't want to release.

Our water comes from the ground from underground reservoirs and rivers. This shit is polluting it.

Should be illegal. Find another way to do it safely.

Why can't they just use seawater? Why the chemicals and freshwater?


Water is a chemical.  The salt in sea water is a chemical.  Hell, you are just a series of chemical reactions.  Quit being chemically ignorant.

Some of the chemicals they use are hydrochloric acid.  At concentrations LESS  than what is in your stomach right now.  Yes, you have hydrochloric acid IN YOUR STOMACH.

Guar gum?  Commonly used in food products.

Potassium persulfate?  Decomposes to potassium sulfate and oxygen.  Completely harmless and a good source of dietary potassium.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:43:11 PM EDT
Absolutely false. Fracking does not pollute the water supply. On the western slope, the water table is around 200 ft. A typical well is drilled to 7k plus ft. Then the well bore is cased, perforated and the pay zone is fracked. Now it is more complicated than that, but tell me how fracking at 7k plus ft polluted the CASED water table at 200 ft? We have only been doing it 60 some years. The game changer is obama shutting down drilling on 1.6 million acres in Colorado, which will kill jobs and increase energy prices.

Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:43:38 PM EDT
Some people believe the bullshit Mike Moore puts out as well. The world's full of idiots.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:44:31 PM EDT
The worst thing I see about fracking is they use up the local water supply.  Here we are in the 3rd year of the worst drought in 50 years and folks are selling their water to the oil companies.  That and farmers are irrigating their fuel source corn crops like there is no tomorrow.  Once used it is never recovered.  I like cheap energy and a robust economy but we cannot survive without water.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:45:15 PM EDT

Fracking is the pumping of unknown chemicals and water into the ground.

The chemicals are not being released to the public as the companies are saying it's information they don't want to release.

Our water comes from the ground from underground reservoirs and rivers. This shit is polluting it.

Should be illegal. Find another way to do it safely.

Why can't they just use seawater? Why the chemicals and freshwater?


Water is a chemical.  The salt in sea water is a chemical.  Hell, you are just a series of chemical reactions.  Quit being chemically ignorant.

Some of the chemicals they use are hydrochloric acid.  At concentrations LESS  than what is in your stomach right now.  Yes, you have hydrochloric acid IN YOUR STOMACH.

Guar gum?  Commonly used in food products.

Potassium persulfate?  Decomposes to potassium sulfate and oxygen.  Completely harmless and a good source of dietary potassium.


But I watched a special on TeeVee.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:46:22 PM EDT






Of course. They can't lie on the Internet. I read that on the Internet.

Clearly didn't click link.

Ha. You're correct. Thought you were the previous poster. Thought remains true. I would like to see some peer reviewed literature. I'm confident that studies will show that planned fraking will be safe and a boon for the US.

Fracking isn't that bad to be honest. It doesn't pollute the water supply. What DOES pollute the water supply are workers that half ass shit. Leave valves open when they shouldn't, don't fix leaks, not checking seals like they should. Basically cutting corners. That creates a problem and in turn does lead to water supply contamination.

Hence the reason that all the frackers in PA are shipped in from teaxs because why should they give a shit what kind of mess they leave behind when it is not in their backyard.

You don't actually believe the State of Pennsylvania would issue drilling permits without the Operators posting a huge performance bond....do you?

The Operating companies couldn't stay in business if they left messes behind. They'd forfiet their multi-million dollar bonds. Your assertion is financially vapid.  

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:49:13 PM EDT

Fracking is the pumping of unknown chemicals and water into the ground.

The chemicals are not being released to the public as the companies are saying it's information they don't want to release.

Our water comes from the ground from underground reservoirs and rivers. This shit is polluting it.

Should be illegal. Find another way to do it safely.

Why can't they just use seawater? Why the chemicals and freshwater?





i sympathize with your concern, but you need to do some further reading from the scientific literature rather than from blogs and newspapers.  

just so you know, there is a growing movement within the industry that aims at using low-quality water for the fracture.  the problem with seawater is that it weighs a ton, and is extremely expensive to move.  this means it requires a lot of fuel to extract fuel––not a good situation.

there have been overstatements from both sides here in the thread.  water has been polluted due to natural gas extraction.  it isn't a perfect system.  on the flip side, water is going to be polluted by any subsurface activity, and to demonize the word "fracking" is unwise.  the real issue here is a multidisciplinary benefits-to-cost analysis.  at the popular and political levels, i don't see either side doing that right now.  the scholarship is just now delving into it.

So how many other people's deaths have they decided is acceptable for them to make enough money to make them rich.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:51:19 PM EDT


The worst thing I see about fracking is they use up the local water supply. Here we are in the 3rd year of the worst drought in 50 years and folks are selling their water to the oil companies. That and farmers are irrigating their fuel source corn crops like there is no tomorrow. Once used it is never recovered. I like cheap energy and a robust economy but we cannot survive without water.

You'd be supprised at how much water used in drilling operations gets re-used over and over.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:51:21 PM EDT
From what I understand it's just not viable yet, it costs more to Frack than to drill.. and there' still plenty of drilling left to be done. I think it'll be viable a few hundred years down the road when the crude dries up, or Obama regulates and taxes drilling to death.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:52:48 PM EDT


So how many other people's deaths have they decided is acceptable for them to make enough money to make them rich.

Fucking, puh-lease.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:53:04 PM EDT

Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.

So where's your proof?

Show me the fucking evidence where fracing directly pollutes the local water supply.

I'll be waiting


More proof in the video I posted above.  

Where's the guy saying I'm misinformed now???

I'm still here and your understanding of the fracturing process is elementary at best.  So they found one instance of pollutants that "could" have come from fracing.  IMO you need a lot more than that to shut down a whole industry causing energy prices to skyrocket. Which in turn would cripple the economy even further.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:53:43 PM EDT
Matt Damon has a movie coming out that is going to demonize fracking. I pray nobody goes to see it.

Is that why he's stumblin around with a shaved head.
I like him better when he was a Southie trying to get GWH made.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:55:22 PM EDT

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:58:42 PM EDT


Of course. They can't lie on the Internet. I read that on the Internet.

Clearly didn't click link.

Ha. You're correct. Thought you were the previous poster. Thought remains true. I would like to see some peer reviewed literature. I'm confident that studies will show that planned fraking will be safe and a boon for the US.

Fracking isn't that bad to be honest. It doesn't pollute the water supply. What DOES pollute the water supply are workers that half ass shit. Leave valves open when they shouldn't, don't fix leaks, not checking seals like they should. Basically cutting corners. That creates a problem and in turn does lead to water supply contamination.

Hence the reason that all the frackers in PA are shipped in from teaxs because why should they give a shit what kind of mess they leave behind when it is not in their backyard.

You don't actually believe the State of Pennsylvania would issue drilling permits without the Operators posting a huge performance bond....do you?

The Operating companies couldn't stay in business if they left messes behind. They'd forfiet their multi-million dollar bonds. Your assertion is financially vapid.  

Do you live in PA? do you k now anything about our bought and paid for governor?? yes I do believe that they would issue permits without any restrictions.  They have done it before here in PA and we have been paying to clean up the brownfields for a hundred years and now we are going to have to clean up the frackers when the gas plays out and the texans leave a mess behind.  If you think you are getting real honest info about fracking just look at the SUNY Buffalo fracking propaganda department that was just shut down.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:59:06 PM EDT

Of course. They can't lie on the Internet. I read that on the Internet.

Clearly didn't click link.

Ha. You're correct. Thought you were the previous poster. Thought remains true. I would like to see some peer reviewed literature. I'm confident that studies will show that planned fraking will be safe and a boon for the US.

Fracking isn't that bad to be honest. It doesn't pollute the water supply. What DOES pollute the water supply are workers that half ass shit. Leave valves open when they shouldn't, don't fix leaks, not checking seals like they should. Basically cutting corners. That creates a problem and in turn does lead to water supply contamination.

Hence the reason that all the frackers in PA are shipped in from teaxs because why should they give a shit what kind of mess they leave behind when it is not in their backyard.

Or it could be that the companies and workers that have the knowledge and training are all from Texas.....

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 3:59:58 PM EDT

So how many other people's deaths have they decided is acceptable for them to make enough money to make them rich.

Fucking, puh-lease.

Well what exactly do you think the bottom line of "cost benefit analysis" means??.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:00:14 PM EDT
I love Niall Ferguson.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:02:33 PM EDT


The worst thing I see about fracking is they use up the local water supply. Here we are in the 3rd year of the worst drought in 50 years and folks are selling their water to the oil companies. That and farmers are irrigating their fuel source corn crops like there is no tomorrow. Once used it is never recovered. I like cheap energy and a robust economy but we cannot survive without water.

No.  Fracking is a few hour job that doesn't take huge volumes of water.  It is high pressure but not a lot of flow into the formation.  Now actually drilling the hole takes a lot of water but even that is usually only a month

or two.  They also use water to pump down the well (in places, usually old fields) and dilute the oil to get it to the surface, but that is recovery, not fracking.

As Pssutton says, fracking takes place way down hole and is completely isolated from the surface.  If the fracking chemicals could get into groundwater, it would have to mean the casing is holed and the gas or oil

would leak into the groundwater as well, which obviously cannot be allowed to happen besides which it's to valuable to allow to escape.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:04:36 PM EDT
Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.

not sure if troll or obama voter?  

Those two things are pretty much the same.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:04:38 PM EDT






Sure there's oil in them thar hills. Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.

Want a game changer? Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.

So where's your proof?

Show me the fucking evidence where fracing directly pollutes the local water supply.

I'll be waiting


More proof in the video I posted above.

Where's the guy saying I'm misinformed now???

I'm still here and your understanding of the fracturing process is elementary at best. So they found one instance of pollutants that "could" have come from fracing. IMO you need a lot more than that to shut down a whole industry causing energy prices to skyrocket. Which in turn would cripple the economy even further.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

The state of Wyoming is refuting the EPA's claim in Pavilion.   It is complete BS or something would have come of it by this time.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:06:30 PM EDT
Sure there's oil in them thar hills.  Fracking also pollutes the local water supply. No water, no life.  

Want a game changer?  Univ of Milan demonstrated fusion but the US refused the patent.

So where's your proof?

Show me the fucking evidence where fracing directly pollutes the local water supply.

I'll be waiting



OK now seriously, send me a real link.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:07:36 PM EDT






Of course. They can't lie on the Internet. I read that on the Internet.

Clearly didn't click link.

Ha. You're correct. Thought you were the previous poster. Thought remains true. I would like to see some peer reviewed literature. I'm confident that studies will show that planned fraking will be safe and a boon for the US.

Fracking isn't that bad to be honest. It doesn't pollute the water supply. What DOES pollute the water supply are workers that half ass shit. Leave valves open when they shouldn't, don't fix leaks, not checking seals like they should. Basically cutting corners. That creates a problem and in turn does lead to water supply contamination.

Hence the reason that all the frackers in PA are shipped in from teaxs because why should they give a shit what kind of mess they leave behind when it is not in their backyard.

By ship in I think you mean a Texas based company expands into PA and hires locals, which makes your theory completely stupid.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:09:53 PM EDT

The worst thing I see about fracking is they use up the local water supply. Here we are in the 3rd year of the worst drought in 50 years and folks are selling their water to the oil companies. That and farmers are irrigating their fuel source corn crops like there is no tomorrow. Once used it is never recovered. I like cheap energy and a robust economy but we cannot survive without water.

No.  Fracking is a few hour job that doesn't take huge volumes of water.  It is high pressure but not a lot of flow into the formation.  Now actually drilling the hole takes a lot of water but even that is usually only a month

or two.  They also use water to pump down the well (in places, usually old fields) and dilute the oil to get it to the surface, but that is recovery, not fracking.

As Pssutton says, fracking takes place way down hole and is completely isolated from the surface.  If the fracking chemicals could get into groundwater, it would have to mean the casing is holed and the gas or oil

would leak into the groundwater as well, which obviously cannot be allowed to happen besides which it's to valuable to allow to escape.

please somebody get this guy a beer.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:12:20 PM EDT








Of course. They can't lie on the Internet. I read that on the Internet.

Clearly didn't click link.

Ha. You're correct. Thought you were the previous poster. Thought remains true. I would like to see some peer reviewed literature. I'm confident that studies will show that planned fraking will be safe and a boon for the US.

Fracking isn't that bad to be honest. It doesn't pollute the water supply. What DOES pollute the water supply are workers that half ass shit. Leave valves open when they shouldn't, don't fix leaks, not checking seals like they should. Basically cutting corners. That creates a problem and in turn does lead to water supply contamination.

Hence the reason that all the frackers in PA are shipped in from teaxs because why should they give a shit what kind of mess they leave behind when it is not in their backyard.

You don't actually believe the State of Pennsylvania would issue drilling permits without the Operators posting a huge performance bond....do you?

The Operating companies couldn't stay in business if they left messes behind. They'd forfiet their multi-million dollar bonds. Your assertion is financially vapid.

Do you live in PA? do you k now anything about our bought and paid for governor?? yes I do believe that they would issue permits without any restrictions. They have done it before here in PA and we have been paying to clean up the brownfields for a hundred years and now we are going to have to clean up the frackers when the gas plays out and the texans leave a mess behind. If you think you are getting real honest info about fracking just look at the SUNY Buffalo fracking propaganda department that was just shut down.

Well....instead of wheezing and whining and believing some bulshit....why don't you look it up on the fucking internet. Drilling permits require a multi-million dollar performance bond be posted with the state which is recorded of public record....just to foil the idiot cocksuckers who think no such thing exists.  

Incidentally, there is a world of difference between what happened a 'hundred years' ago and modern technology monitored by governmental agencies. Are you afraid they'll put another Johnstown Flood Tax on your beer?

I suspect you 'feel' all this information as opposed to having factual cogent information...kind of like how anti-gunners 'feel' guns are all evil.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:12:24 PM EDT
Can we all agree on one thing?  FBHO
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:12:46 PM EDT




So how many other people's deaths have they decided is acceptable for them to make enough money to make them rich.

Fucking, puh-lease.

Typical zero cock sucker.


Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:12:59 PM EDT
Let all of us hope and pray that he's right  

Sad part is 0bama will get the credit. Like FDR brought us out of the depression instead of WWII.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:13:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:14:05 PM EDT
And the Obama Admin will stop it or regulate it into the ground...

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:14:54 PM EDT
Natural gas is actually slowing down because it's so cheap nobody can make money on it.



If we'd actually try use it efficiently then we could use it for vehicle fuel instead of just heating and power plants.  That would cut a lot of oil out of the picture.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:15:03 PM EDT
ok... what about fracking and increased earth quakes?

eastern ohio has alot of fracking going on, and in the last 2 years quite a few 4.0's have happened in the area
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:15:39 PM EDT



Fracking is the pumping of unknown chemicals and water into the ground.

The chemicals are not being released to the public as the companies are saying it's information they don't want to release.

Our water comes from the ground from underground reservoirs and rivers. This shit is polluting it.

Should be illegal. Find another way to do it safely.

Why can't they just use seawater? Why the chemicals and freshwater?





i sympathize with your concern, but you need to do some further reading from the scientific literature rather than from blogs and newspapers.  

just so you know, there is a growing movement within the industry that aims at using low-quality water for the fracture.  the problem with seawater is that it weighs a ton, and is extremely expensive to move.  this means it requires a lot of fuel to extract fuel––not a good situation.

there have been overstatements from both sides here in the thread.  water has been polluted due to natural gas extraction.  it isn't a perfect system.  on the flip side, water is going to be polluted by any subsurface activity, and to demonize the word "fracking" is unwise.  the real issue here is a multidisciplinary benefits-to-cost analysis.  at the popular and political levels, i don't see either side doing that right now.  the scholarship is just now delving into it.

So how many other people's deaths have they decided is acceptable for them to make enough money to make them rich.

non sequitur.  how many people died from the collapse of the teton dam in idaho?  how many people died from the chemical effluents of gold mining?  how many people died from the effects of chernobyl and fukushima?  but we still have dams, and mineral mines, and nuclear energy, because the entire american way of life is based upon inexpensive energy.  we simply can't live the way that we do without it.

now, if you want to make the case that the american lifestyle is based on overconsumption, fine––that's a worthwhile question.  but unless you're living off the grid and powering your laptop off of a wind generator, then you're part of the system that demands this kind of thing.  

this issue is extremely relevant for me––water resource management is what i study.  my advisor when i was an undergrad is now a major player in the environmental ethics specific to fracking.  but amidst all the hyperventilation, i have yet to find good, solid evidence that natural gas extraction is any more dangerous than oil extraction, or coal extraction, or nuclear energy.

show me that, and i'll follow the evidence.  as i wrote, there are definitely some water issues surrounding natural gas.  but until i see compelling scientific evidence that it is a major issue, then i'm not going to write it off based upon a knee-jerk reaction.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:17:25 PM EDT
From what I've seen of the above ground mess involved I'd rather have a prison on my property line.

Meh...Where I live I ain't going to have to worry much about it anyway so I'll let others fight about it.

That said I'll bet the land owners are going to be the first to get fucked.

That "drink your milkshake" line comes to mind as greed and graft rears it's ugly head.
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:17:50 PM EDT

You are grabbing at straws.

Those 'facts'....aren't. How is it you seemingly want to cling to these baseless assertions that have been proven time and again to be false?
Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:18:56 PM EDT


The worst thing I see about fracking is they use up the local water supply.  Here we are in the 3rd year of the worst drought in 50 years and folks are selling their water to the oil companies.  That and farmers are irrigating their fuel source corn crops like there is no tomorrow.  Once used it is never recovered.  I like cheap energy and a robust economy but we cannot survive without water.

this, OTOH, is a major unresolved issue, especially west of the mississippi.

Link Posted: 11/23/2012 4:19:06 PM EDT
I work in the area of Eagle Ford Shale, but have nothing to do with the oil business. I have noticed these ponds/tanks in the ground lined with black plastic and filled with some nasty looking black sludge.  What's that all about?  It can't be good for the water supply underground?  

What's up with all the "salt water disposal" places going up in the area as well?  The town I work in has tripled in size with oil field workers and all the other problems that crowd brings along.
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