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Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:02:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:05:49 PM EDT

tree slashed and burned

think we see a railed lever gun in 556 in the near future?

Not unless you replace the spitzer bullets for round nose. Can't have those sharp tips bumping into primers.

Could be magazine fed, loaded with standard 10 round stripper clips

Handcrank Gatling with hopper feed, chambered for 5.56, and with flash hiders and barrel shouds just to piss off Carolyn McCarthy.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:08:47 PM EDT
well it's sad on both ends!  

the shitz comin, and will probably/will pass! best ya can hope for now is the old ban!.................suck it up! it's comin your way in a heartbeat!

Not so fast country boy ...  

I think you best buckle that seat belt kid!............done been through this shit!   .........your about too!  ain't perrty!

and yes! I know who ya are!

Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:14:49 PM EDT
Keep writing your reps and posting in the comments section of the news stories regarding gun control..the only way we slow the swell is actively push back against it
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:16:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:20:13 PM EDT
Keep writing your reps and posting in the comments section of the news stories regarding gun control..the only way we slow the swell is actively push back against it

Lot of smarts right there.

yes indeed! cut some cash loose to the NRA also!  those folk's know who feed them come election time!

Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:20:54 PM EDT
Fox news ..........just had some douchebag former "detective" on who said .223 travels are more than 3000 feet per second, and that Bushmaster .223s are fully automatic, that all you have to do is hold the trigger down and spray.

What. The. Fuck.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:24:23 PM EDT


Fox news ..........just had some douchebag former "detective" on who said .223 travels are more than 3000 feet per second, and that Bushmaster .223s are fully automatic, that all you have to do is hold the trigger down and spray.

What. The. Fuck.

Saw that. Bo Dietl, Former NYPD detective.



How the fuck can he be so ignorant. It has never once been suggested by anyone this was a F/A, gun all reports for two days are it is S/A. I almost though Gerlado was going to correct him.

It is downright scary the amount of ignorance out there.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:26:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:28:17 PM EDT
Harry Reid is in the senate. Republicans own the house. Too many democrap senators are up for re-election in 2 years. There is still the fiscal cliff. If anything, the horse trade will be taxes on the rich to leave the guns alone.

Might get some mental illness regulations, might get mandatory training law( similar to hunter ed before buying a hunting license, maybe gun owner law and safety ed prior to being able to buy a gun, with a ten year renewal exam.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:38:58 PM EDT
Interesting perspective from Karl Denninger.


You have to live in a hole not to know that a deranged young man shot up a school yesterday morning.

In the aftermath there are the predictable calls for bans on all guns, bans on most guns, and bans on, well, anyone other than you and your hired goons (aka Mayor Bloomberg) having a gun.

Hysteria does not produce good results.  Indeed, evil men often wait for conveniently-timed hysteria to do unspeakably ugly and evil things under cover of public demand that they conveniently exploit.  There are hundreds if not thousands of banksters freely roaming the land today who are free under precisely this rubric; men and women (but mostly men) who would under any rational legal system be rotting in prison right now but for Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke locking Congress in a room in the dark evenings of 2008 and threatening that the end of the world would ensue if he was not given plenary power to do whatever he thought necessary.  He even came with a convenient three-page document that would grant him that power.  Ultimately Congress only gave him part of what he asked for, but as is almost always the case when someone claims he is going to do something under mass-hysteria conditions he is lying, and intends to do something else.

Such was the case with Hank Paulson, who we now know had "changed his intent" to buy toxic assets (his original claim) before Congress voted on the proposal and yet didn't tell Congress of his changed intentions, misleading the body intentionally by omission.

You're still paying for the result today in the form of ridiculous unemployment, food stamp recipients going off the scale, gasoline and other necessities nearly doubling in price and the inexorable health care cost ramp continuing.  All of this is happening because instead of addressing the causes of the crisis and jailing the malefactors responsible the executive used the hysteria generated by Lehman's failure to shove a law down Congressional throats.

Now let's look at what we know about the Connecticut shootings -- and unlike many commentators I will clearly delineate that which we now can state confidently are facts, that which is a reasonable conclusion from those facts, and that which is speculative in character at this time as sufficient information is not available to refute or support such a position.

More at link above.

Another interesting snippet.

You cannot stop bullets with paper (laws); by definition laws only impact the actions (or inactions) of law-abiding individuals. Once someone decides to commit a capital felony (irrespective of whether life imprisonment or death is the potential sentence) all considerations of legal sanction have been discarded and become inoperative.

Put another way there is no punishment that enhances a life sentence, nor one that enhances a sentence of death.  Once the remainder of one's life is to be spent behind bars or they are to suffer the death penalty all additional offenses they choose to commit are free of sanction, as society has exhausted the available remedies they can apply for that person's behavior.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:44:01 PM EDT
that boy was a load his momma should have swallowed!

cut it as best ya can! I'm figurin momma bought  all that shit for juniour there. 20 year olds don't have this shit!!

old man?

kid's on riddlin, lux whatever and other shit!  he's a mental basket! Autistic..............
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:49:58 PM EDT
Interesting perspective from Karl Denninger.


You have to live in a hole not to know that a deranged young man shot up a school yesterday morning.

In the aftermath there are the predictable calls for bans on all guns, bans on most guns, and bans on, well, anyone other than you and your hired goons (aka Mayor Bloomberg) having a gun.

Hysteria does not produce good results.  Indeed, evil men often wait for conveniently-timed hysteria to do unspeakably ugly and evil things under cover of public demand that they conveniently exploit.  There are hundreds if not thousands of banksters freely roaming the land today who are free under precisely this rubric; men and women (but mostly men) who would under any rational legal system be rotting in prison right now but for Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke locking Congress in a room in the dark evenings of 2008 and threatening that the end of the world would ensue if he was not given plenary power to do whatever he thought necessary.  He even came with a convenient three-page document that would grant him that power.  Ultimately Congress only gave him part of what he asked for, but as is almost always the case when someone claims he is going to do something under mass-hysteria conditions he is lying, and intends to do something else.

Such was the case with Hank Paulson, who we now know had "changed his intent" to buy toxic assets (his original claim) before Congress voted on the proposal and yet didn't tell Congress of his changed intentions, misleading the body intentionally by omission.

You're still paying for the result today in the form of ridiculous unemployment, food stamp recipients going off the scale, gasoline and other necessities nearly doubling in price and the inexorable health care cost ramp continuing.  All of this is happening because instead of addressing the causes of the crisis and jailing the malefactors responsible the executive used the hysteria generated by Lehman's failure to shove a law down Congressional throats.

Now let's look at what we know about the Connecticut shootings -- and unlike many commentators I will clearly delineate that which we now can state confidently are facts, that which is a reasonable conclusion from those facts, and that which is speculative in character at this time as sufficient information is not available to refute or support such a position.

More at link above.

Another interesting snippet.

You cannot stop bullets with paper (laws); by definition laws only impact the actions (or inactions) of law-abiding individuals. Once someone decides to commit a capital felony (irrespective of whether life imprisonment or death is the potential sentence) all considerations of legal sanction have been discarded and become inoperative.

Put another way there is no punishment that enhances a life sentence, nor one that enhances a sentence of death.  Once the remainder of one's life is to be spent behind bars or they are to suffer the death penalty all additional offenses they choose to commit are free of sanction, as society has exhausted the available remedies they can apply for that person's behavior.

REALLY good artical. Good read.

Link Posted: 12/15/2012 6:57:21 PM EDT
all additional offenses they choose to commit are free of sanction,

After the first one, the rest are free....
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 7:07:21 PM EDT
I gotta say, your fault, my fault, I don't care who's fault it was, it p*sses me off to no end that not one person in that whole building was prepared to even remotely defend those kids against an attacker, other than throwing themselves across the next victim.  It looks like if he had had a sharp sword he would have slayed untold numbers.

ETA - The janitor could have had a pitch fork in his broom closet - something, anything. .

i couldn't agree more, we should think about how we adults better protect our kids, we need more people to have guns, and kill that bastard the moment he started shooting, all we adults failed those poor kids
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 7:17:01 PM EDT
Harry Reid is in the senate. Republicans own the house. Too many democrap senators are up for re-election in 2 years. There is still the fiscal cliff. If anything, the horse trade will be taxes on the rich to leave the guns alone.

Might get some mental illness regulations, might get mandatory training law( similar to hunter ed before buying a hunting license, maybe gun owner law and safety ed prior to being able to buy a gun, with a ten year renewal exam.

I confess my ignorance.
Is this good or bad for us?
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 7:25:46 PM EDT
Harry Reid is in the senate. Republicans own the house. Too many democrap senators are up for re-election in 2 years. There is still the fiscal cliff. If anything, the horse trade will be taxes on the rich to leave the guns alone.

Might get some mental illness regulations, might get mandatory training law( similar to hunter ed before buying a hunting license, maybe gun owner law and safety ed prior to being able to buy a gun, with a ten year renewal exam.

I confess my ignorance.
Is this good or bad for us?

Reid is (supposedly) pro-gun; or at least not complicit in anti-gun maneuvering.  He's anti- everything else conservative as far as I know, though.  
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 7:27:12 PM EDT
Interesting wrinkle in the latest round of stories. The media is now drooling over the fact that the asshole's mom was a prepper/survivalist.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 7:28:16 PM EDT




Harry Reid is in the senate. Republicans own the house. Too many democrap senators are up for re-election in 2 years. There is still the fiscal cliff. If anything, the horse trade will be taxes on the rich to leave the guns alone.

Might get some mental illness regulations, might get mandatory training law( similar to hunter ed before buying a hunting license, maybe gun owner law and safety ed prior to being able to buy a gun, with a ten year renewal exam.

I confess my ignorance.

Is this good or bad for us?

Reid is (supposedly) pro-gun; or at least not complicit in anti-gun maneuvering.  He's anti- everything else conservative as far as I know, though.  

He is a politician first, he knows who butters his bread in Nevada. he brings home the bacon, makes sure there are the loopholes to let his rich boys keep getting rich while making it look like he is taxing the rich. He is rated rather well by the NRA, he knows gun control is a non starter.

Link Posted: 12/15/2012 7:33:16 PM EDT

REALLY good artical. Good read.

Another good snippet from that article. One that you will NOT hear from the media.

Occasionally, however, their plans go awry.  For instance, in Oregon.

"He was working on his rifle," said Meli.  "He kept pulling the charging handle and hitting the side."

The break in gunfire allowed Meli to pull out his own gun, but he never took his eyes off the shooter.


"I'm not beating myself up cause I didn't shoot him," said Meli.  "I know after he saw me I think the last shot he fired was the one he used on himself."

Indeed the shooter did shoot himself next, despite having multiple additional unarmed people available near him to continue his rampage, along with additional cartridges, once he unjammed the gun.


He saw the man who, despite a sign claiming that there were no guns in the mall, was in fact armed and able to return fire.  The assailant's illusion of a free-fire zone where all the people he wanted to shoot were free from the risk of returning fire had been dispelled; had he elected to shoot another unarmed and helpless individual the odds are good that he would have exposed himself to being shot as he would have had to move in a fashion that would have given the CCW holder a clear shot at him.

As such he elected to take his own life since he knew, at that point, that he no longer had the ability to continue to murder people without reprisal.

Nick Meli saved lives with a gun.  He did so without discharging the weapon as occurs more than one million times a year in the United States; his mere display of the weapon broke the illusion of a risk-free target zone for the shooter.  Without that citizen firing a shot by the mere display of his gun the shooter's calculation of risk and reward changed, and he elected to kill himself rather than continue his rampage.
You won't hear this reported in the media, of course.  Nor will the screaming left, who prey on emotion rather than facts, take an analytical look at these events.  Indeed, I was puzzled when it was first reported that the Oregon shooter elected to shoot himself after his weapon jammed.  That act made no sense standing alone; he obviously un-jammed his weapon or he couldn't have shot himself with it, so why shoot himself rather than continue his rampage in a mall full of unarmed people?  He was not at imminent risk of capture by law enforcement at that moment in time, and it did not appear from original reports that he had come into the mall targeting a specific person or persons -- that is, all reports were that he was randomly shooting people rather than trying to assassinate someone with whom he had a grudge.

It therefore made absolutely no sense that he would shoot two people then choose to kill himself absent the risk of his own imminent demise.

ETA: IOW there WAS a citizen CCW that played a role in stopping the Portland mall shooting. Albiet, without firing a shot, but it appears that the brandishment may have caused the shooter to "end" his rampage early.

ETA2: Cite for above.  http://www.kgw.com/news/Clackamas-man-armed-confronts-mall-shooter-183593571.html
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 7:36:49 PM EDT
Interesting wrinkle in the latest round of stories. The media is now drooling over the fact that the asshole's mom was a prepper/survivalist.

well......someone bought that stuff!!  I suspect they know who did by now!
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 7:39:53 PM EDT
Interesting wrinkle in the latest round of stories. The media is now drooling over the fact that the asshole's mom was a prepper/survivalist.

well......someone bought that stuff!!  I suspect they know who did by now!

prepper/survivalist my ass. She got the guns so her sick shit 20 year old could play with them,

Link Posted: 12/15/2012 7:40:36 PM EDT
Interesting wrinkle in the latest round of stories. The media is now drooling over the fact that the asshole's mom was a prepper/survivalist.

well......someone bought that stuff!!  I suspect they know who did by now!

prepper/survivalist my ass. She got the guns so her sick shit 20 year old could play with them,

That's not what was reported.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 7:42:42 PM EDT
Interesting wrinkle in the latest round of stories. The media is now drooling over the fact that the asshole's mom was a prepper/survivalist.

well......someone bought that stuff!!  I suspect they know who did by now!

prepper/survivalist my ass. She got the guns so her sick shit 20 year old could play with them,

agree 100%  keep shithead happy!...........where did that get her?   sadly other's to!

Link Posted: 12/15/2012 7:43:28 PM EDT
The mall shooter seems to have come in contact with a CCW holder just before offing himself.
see the other thread in GD and post the link to your facebook as well as send it to all the major news outlets and
post it in every comments section you can find until someone picks it up


Link Posted: 12/15/2012 8:06:28 PM EDT
Interesting wrinkle in the latest round of stories. The media is now drooling over the fact that the asshole's mom was a prepper/survivalist.

well......someone bought that stuff!!  I suspect they know who did by now!

prepper/survivalist my ass. She got the guns so her sick shit 20 year old could play with them,

Its happened before.


From the article...
"Kinkel had an interest in firearms and explosives from an early age. His father first denied this, but later enrolled him at gun safety courses, buying him a .22 caliber Long rifle and eventually a 9mm Glock handgun when Kip was 15. According to Kinkel, his psychologist, Jeffrey Hicks, told Bill Kinkel to "let Kip have the guns, for it will be a good outlet."[1]

The kid has a psychologist and recommends his father buys him a handgun at 15 ? You see where that got them, the kid killed both his parents and then shot up his school.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 8:10:37 PM EDT
I would like to see a restriction on the Right to a Free Press. There are so many stories that they fuck the facts up. That they don't even give a shit anymore if they tell the truth.

So if my Right is going to be infringed I'm going to start infringing the Rights of some other Group.

Oh. And fuck the Politicians that have to line up at the mike there in the town to make their little speech to get their face time.

Link Posted: 12/15/2012 8:13:38 PM EDT
So.. What is everyone going to do with their mandatory semi-auto gun buyback money?  

It'll be a lever-action world.

I guess we'll all be eating crow in regards to Mossberg's 464.

That really hurt.  Not as much as it is going to, but pretty bad.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 8:26:35 PM EDT
Anyone see that the killers family was worth millions? This coupled with the fact that his mother was said to be a "doomsday prepper," does anyone think that the media reports of his weapon being full auto is plausible? I just thought of this while looking over some news stories. Seems like there is a chance he actually had a select fire/full auto ar15.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 8:30:48 PM EDT
Anyone see that the killers family was worth millions? This coupled with the fact that his mother was said to be a "doomsday prepper," does anyone think that the media reports of his weapon being full auto is plausible? I just thought of this while looking over some news stories. Seems like there is a chance he actually had a select fire/full auto ar15.

I thought he used pistols.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 8:33:33 PM EDT
Contact your representatives at the State and Federal levels! Liberals and gun grabbers are on the move, its time we do the same thing.


Just type in your ZIP code and click submit. It directs you to the forms to email and numbers to call. It will only take a minute.

You can use my written response if you like.

In light of the tragedy at the school in New Town, Connecticut I felt the need to express my opinion regarding any future legislation that will undoubtedly be proposed in the coming weeks and months. The cold blooded massacre of innocent children is pure evil at immeasurable levels. There is absolutely no denying that fact. But during such a period of heartache and sadness, quick emotional responses can guide legislation rather than levelheaded logical decision making. Any forms of licensing, registration, permits, and assault weapon bans only further erode our rights as stated in the Constitution. I ask you to oppose any new restrictions on the 2nd amendment during this time of great sadness and in the future of your service as my representative.

Thank you for your time,


Link Posted: 12/15/2012 8:34:38 PM EDT
Anyone see that the killers family was worth millions? This coupled with the fact that his mother was said to be a "doomsday prepper," does anyone think that the media reports of his weapon being full auto is plausible? I just thought of this while looking over some news stories. Seems like there is a chance he actually had a select fire/full auto ar15.

I highly doubt it.

Is there even pre 86 FA Bushmasters out there ?
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 8:37:14 PM EDT
Anyone see that the killers family was worth millions? This coupled with the fact that his mother was said to be a "doomsday prepper," does anyone think that the media reports of his weapon being full auto is plausible? I just thought of this while looking over some news stories. Seems like there is a chance he actually had a select fire/full auto ar15.

I highly doubt it.

Is there even pre 86 FA Bushmasters out there ?

doubt it.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 8:37:18 PM EDT
Anyone see that the killers family was worth millions? This coupled with the fact that his mother was said to be a "doomsday prepper," does anyone think that the media reports of his weapon being full auto is plausible? I just thought of this while looking over some news stories. Seems like there is a chance he actually had a select fire/full auto ar15.

I highly doubt it.

Is there even pre 86 FA Bushmasters out there ?

Full auto lower/RDIAS/lightning link, with a bushmaster upper?
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 8:54:26 PM EDT
Interesting wrinkle in the latest round of stories. The media is now drooling over the fact that the asshole's mom was a prepper/survivalist.

well......someone bought that stuff!!  I suspect they know who did by now!

prepper/survivalist my ass. She got the guns so her sick shit 20 year old could play with them,

Its happened before.


From the article...
"Kinkel had an interest in firearms and explosives from an early age. His father first denied this, but later enrolled him at gun safety courses, buying him a .22 caliber Long rifle and eventually a 9mm Glock handgun when Kip was 15. According to Kinkel, his psychologist, Jeffrey Hicks, told Bill Kinkel to "let Kip have the guns, for it will be a good outlet."[1]

The kid has a psychologist and recommends his father buys him a handgun at 15 ? You see where that got them, the kid killed both his parents and then shot up his school.

Don't see your point.
I had guns since I was 4. First handgun (of my own) at 7. My dad bought them for me.
I'm in my 40s now, and my dad is 78. No dead parents. My dad made me prep cases & reload if I said I was bored.
I'm going to raise my kids the same.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 8:56:44 PM EDT
Anyone see that the killers family was worth millions? This coupled with the fact that his mother was said to be a "doomsday prepper," does anyone think that the media reports of his weapon being full auto is plausible? I just thought of this while looking over some news stories. Seems like there is a chance he actually had a select fire/full auto ar15.

I highly doubt it.

Is there even pre 86 FA Bushmasters out there ?

doubt it.

You can put an RLL or RDIAS in any AR. (Not that I buy that it was FA.)

Link Posted: 12/15/2012 9:04:06 PM EDT
I just got off the phone after briefing a GOP consultant on gun laws, he will be doing a TV interview Monday night. Love the guy, but he kept bringing up compromise and reasonable restrictions on magazines. He kept bringing up need. I felt like I was talking to a wall. He asked me to go on the air with him, but my current employer would likely not be keen on their corporate spokesman tearing the gun control lobby to shreds and coming off as not caring about 20 dead children.

Oh what I wouldn't give to do that show.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 9:04:53 PM EDT
Interesting wrinkle in the latest round of stories. The media is now drooling over the fact that the asshole's mom was a prepper/survivalist.

well......someone bought that stuff!!  I suspect they know who did by now!

prepper/survivalist my ass. She got the guns so her sick shit 20 year old could play with them,

Its happened before.


From the article...
"Kinkel had an interest in firearms and explosives from an early age. His father first denied this, but later enrolled him at gun safety courses, buying him a .22 caliber Long rifle and eventually a 9mm Glock handgun when Kip was 15. According to Kinkel, his psychologist, Jeffrey Hicks, told Bill Kinkel to "let Kip have the guns, for it will be a good outlet."[1]

The kid has a psychologist and recommends his father buys him a handgun at 15 ? You see where that got them, the kid killed both his parents and then shot up his school.

Don't see your point.
I had guns since I was 4. First handgun (of my own) at 7. My dad bought them for me.
I'm in my 40s now, and my dad is 78. No dead parents. My dad made me prep cases & reload if I said I was bored.
I'm going to raise my kids the same.

Are your kids going to a psychologist, or have personality problems, autism, or  Aspergers syndrome.

I bet your answer is NO.

Link Posted: 12/15/2012 9:26:54 PM EDT
I just got off the phone after briefing a GOP consultant on gun laws, he will be doing a TV interview Monday night. Love the guy, but he kept bringing up compromise and reasonable restrictions on magazines. He kept bringing up need. I felt like I was talking to a wall. He asked me to go on the air with him, but my current employer would likely not be keen on their corporate spokesman tearing the gun control lobby to shreds and coming off as not caring about 20 dead children.

Oh what I wouldn't give to do that show.

I wish you could too.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 9:27:59 PM EDT
Anyone see that the killers family was worth millions? This coupled with the fact that his mother was said to be a "doomsday prepper," does anyone think that the media reports of his weapon being full auto is plausible? I just thought of this while looking over some news stories. Seems like there is a chance he actually had a select fire/full auto ar15.

I highly doubt it.

Is there even pre 86 FA Bushmasters out there ?

doubt it.

No way.

Link Posted: 12/15/2012 9:38:58 PM EDT
Today’s shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut was a tragedy.  But it was a tragedy that could have been either entirely avoided or at least mitigated substantially.  How?  Well, it’s time to stop thinking of this as a political issue and to start thinking about this as a tactical, safety issue and apply some very straightforward logic.  To do this, we’re going to ask a 5th grader.  After all, who better to ask than a person representative of the victims targeted?

After he’d seen the news all over the TV, I simply asked my 5th grader how this tragedy could have been averted.  What could have been done differently? First, I presented him with a piece of paper and we drew a bad guy and a potential victim.  I labeled the location as a hardware store.

Then I told him to draw whatever he could think of that would have stopped the bad guy.  He drew this without a second’s hesitation:

Hmm.  He gave the store clerk a gun.  That, he said, leveled the playing field.  He said that the clerk would have had just as much chance of stopping the bad guy as the bad guy had of injuring or killing the store clerk.  Fair enough.  That fulfilled my request.

So, then I gave him this picture.  I merely changed the location.  I told him everything was the same, except now we’re at a school and instead of a store clerk, we had a principal sitting in his office.

He thought for a second and started to draw a gun in the principal’s hand.  I had to stop him.  I then explained that Connecticut had laws about guns that stated the following were gun-free zones (meaning no one could have a firearm at these locations):

In typical 5th grader fashion, he argued, ‘But the bad guy just broke the law!’

I said, ‘I see that. But did it stop him?  He’s still there in the picture, right?’

‘Yes,’ he conceded.  ’Now what?’

I said, ‘That’s up to you.’  What can be done?’

‘Well, the principal can call the police; I’ll draw a phone….,’ he said.

‘Good idea!  How long will it take the police to get there compared to how fast that bad guy can shoot?’  I responded.

‘Arrgh! Okay….he can duck behind the desk….no….that won’t work; bullets could go through that and the bad guy could run around really fast.  A knife?  Not so good against a gun.  Arggh.’  Then silence.  ’I don’t know. I can’t think of anything else that will work!  A gun is tough to beat.  Everything I’m thinking ends up like this.’  And he drew the following:

‘And that’s what happened today at the school in Connecticut,’ I said.  So, then I asked him who those gun laws prohibiting firearms in schools, churches and courts protected.

‘Duh, mom….the BAD GUYS! They don’t care about laws. They weren’t going to follow them anyway.’

Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

We shall soon see if Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan is smarter than a 5th grader as he considers whether to sign SB-59, which essentially eliminates these ‘gun free zones’ or as my son calls them, ‘easy target zones.’   However, one thing of which Michigan citizens should be aware, we really do not have ‘gun free zones’ in Michigan.  These zones are merely concealed carry-free zones.

As my friend Rick Ector, of Rick’s Firearms Academy points out:

CPL (Concealed Pistol License)-Holders Carrying Guns in School: In Michigan, it’s going to happen regardless of whether Governor Snyder signs SB-59 or not. You see, a long time ago before our conceal carry license process became “shall issue,” we had a discretionary process. Under that system, each county could hand pick who they wanted to have conceal carry licenses. These “good” folks had an exemption written in law for them to carry in pistol-free zones, such as schools. Well, a funny thing thing happened about 11 years ago. The law was changed such that anybody who met the criteria could get one. The CPL law however designated made places, like schools, to be off-limits while concealed carrying. So, the only other way to carry in a place like a school was to do so openly – if you had a CPL. Long story short: if the governor does not sign the bill, CPL-holders can only carry guns in restricted areas, like schools, if they do so openly. It’s the law. If you don’t like it, call the governor and tell him to sign HB-59. If he does, we will have to get more training and hide them from your eyes so you’ll “feel” safe. True story.

The timing of this bill’s debate is certainly ironic in light of this horrible tragedy, but the fact remains, we must approach this problem from a tactical perspective.  There is no place for emotional reaction when it comes to our personal safety or the safety of our children.  As my 5th grader showed you, the answer to the problem is NOT to further disarm law-abiding citizens. Nothing about what this mass-murderer did was ‘law abiding’ and it is my understanding he didn’t buy the guns or own them.  He stole them (so he didn’t follow that no stealing law).  Then he shot their owner (and he didn’t follow that no killing law).  Then he proceeded to find targets that were the most vulnerable and ones that would put up no resistance and had no way to defend themselves.  This is what criminals do.  They prey on the weak and defenseless. They don’t follow laws!  So, what makes anyone think he’d have followed gun laws any  more than he did the laws against theft and murder?  They don’t and they won’t.  That’s why they’re called criminals.

Gun laws merely make it more difficult for those who are law-abiding to defend themselves against those who don’t care one bit about following the law. Criminals will ALWAYS find a way to accomplish their crimes, whether it is stealing, killing, raping or obtaining a firearm.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 9:48:26 PM EDT


Maybe this is staing the obvious (and nothing new) but a great many of the  people calling for more gun control can't tell me anything about our existing gun laws.

This seems to be almost universally true.

To further compound the problem, they know almost nothing about guns to begin with.

So not only do they know nothing about existing gun laws, they don't even know anything about the things they want to ban.

It's also pretty clear that news agencies don't retain firearms experts, which just compounds the problems they already have.

Link Posted: 12/15/2012 9:55:55 PM EDT

Maybe this is staing the obvious (and nothing new) but a great many of the  people calling for more gun control can't tell me anything about our existing gun laws.

This seems to be almost universally true.

To further compound the problem, they know almost nothing about guns to begin with.

So not only do they know nothing about existing gun laws, they don't even know anything about the things they want to ban.

It's also pretty clear that news agencies don't retain firearms experts, which just compounds the problems they already have.

Bad facts make bad policy.

Be prepared for a lot of people offering bad facts over the next weeks.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 9:58:10 PM EDT
I just got off the phone after briefing a GOP consultant on gun laws, he will be doing a TV interview Monday night. Love the guy, but he kept bringing up compromise and reasonable restrictions on magazines. He kept bringing up need. I felt like I was talking to a wall. He asked me to go on the air with him, but my current employer would likely not be keen on their corporate spokesman tearing the gun control lobby to shreds and coming off as not caring about 20 dead children.

Oh what I wouldn't give to do that show.

It's gonna be tough for a lot of people to stand up against the political fallout from this.

20 dead 6 and 7 year olds is a motherfucker.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 10:09:43 PM EDT
Anyone see that the killers family was worth millions? This coupled with the fact that his mother was said to be a "doomsday prepper," does anyone think that the media reports of his weapon being full auto is plausible? I just thought of this while looking over some news stories. Seems like there is a chance he actually had a select fire/full auto ar15.

I highly doubt it.

Is there even pre 86 FA Bushmasters out there ?

doubt it.

Yes there are.  They are conversions.  Bushmaster didn't do the conversion.  Other SOTs did the conversions.  Sendra did a lot of bushmasters.  

But this instance is 99% likely to be a misunderstanding in the media to call semi autos, automatic,  happens all the time.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 10:35:08 PM EDT




this is staing the obvious (and nothing new) but a great many of the  
people calling for more gun control can't tell me anything about our
existing gun laws.

This seems to be almost universally true.

To further compound the problem, they know almost nothing about guns to begin with.

So not only do they know nothing about existing gun laws, they don't even know anything about the things they want to ban.

It's also pretty clear that news agencies don't retain firearms experts, which just compounds the problems they already have.


Bad facts make bad policy.

Be prepared for a lot of people offering bad facts over the next weeks.

Sadly, I'm used to it.  I work with about a dozen Obama voters.
I've had the "You can't hunt with an assault rifle" conversation three times in the last two days.
Of course, none of them hunt.  Or have ever hunted.  Or know anyone who hunts.  
I asked them what you can hunt with.  No answer.
They were confused when I showed them dozens of pictures like this: http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_10_9/622166_Post_some_pics_of_your_hogs___.html
It had never occurred to them that they could be wrong.
There wasn't even any point in getting into the fact that the 2A has nothing to do with hunting.  

THAT is a conversation that would have been pointless.

Link Posted: 12/15/2012 11:49:29 PM EDT
Anyone see that the killers family was worth millions? This coupled with the fact that his mother was said to be a "doomsday prepper," does anyone think that the media reports of his weapon being full auto is plausible? I just thought of this while looking over some news stories. Seems like there is a chance he actually had a select fire/full auto ar15.

I highly doubt it.

Is there even pre 86 FA Bushmasters out there ?

doubt it.

Yes there are.  They are conversions.  Bushmaster didn't do the conversion.  Other SOTs did the conversions.  Sendra did a lot of bushmasters.  

But this instance is 99% likely to be a misunderstanding in the media to call semi autos, automatic,  happens all the time.

Agreed. I'd say even a 1% chance of it being a papered legal NFA item is high. Its not going to be the case.
Link Posted: 12/15/2012 11:54:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2012 3:41:40 AM EDT
Interesting wrinkle in the latest round of stories. The media is now drooling over the fact that the asshole's mom was a prepper/survivalist.  

I suppose this nearby event (just 20 miles away northeast) caught the mom's eye ...

" Cheshire, CT Home Invasion "

According to Hayes' confession, the two men planned to rob the house and flee the scene with the family bound and unharmed. Hayes attributed the outcome of the spree to a change in their plan. Upon their early morning arrival, they found William Petit sleeping on a couch on the porch. With a bat Komisarjevsky had found in the yard, he bludgeoned William and then restrained him in the basement at gun point. The children and their mother were each bound and locked in their respective rooms. Hayes says he and Komisarjevsky were not satisfied with their haul, and that a bankbook was found which had an available balance. Hayes convinced Jennifer to withdraw $15,000 from her line of credit.[1][9] A gas station's video surveillance shows Hayes purchasing $10 worth of gasoline in two cans he had taken from the Petit home. After returning to the house, and unloading the gas, he took her to the bank. The prosecution later entered this as evidence of premeditation.[10]

The bank surveillance cameras captured the transaction which shows Hawke-Petit in the morning of July 23 as she informed the teller of her situation. The teller then called 911 and reported the details to police. Hawke-Petit left the bank, was picked up by Hayes, who had escorted her there, and drove away. These actions were reported to the 911 dispatcher and recorded in real time. The teller stated that Hawke-Petit had indicated the assailants were "being nice", and she believed they only wanted money.

The Cheshire police response to the bank tellers' "urgent bid" began with assessing the situation and setting up a vehicle perimeter.[11] These preliminary measures employed by the police exhausted more than half an hour and provided the time used by the assailants to conclude their modified plan.[12]

During this time, Hayes and Komisarjevsky escalated the aggravated nature of their crimes. Komisarjevsky sexually assaulted the 11-year-old daughter, Michaela. Komisarjevsky, who had photographed the sexual assault of the youth on his cell phone,[13] then provoked Hayes to rape Hawke-Petit. While Hayes was raping Hawke-Petit on the floor of her living room, Komisarjevsky entered the room announcing that William Petit had escaped. Hayes then strangled Hawke-Petit, doused her lifeless body and parts of the house including the daughters' rooms with gasoline. The daughters, while tied to their beds, had both been doused with gasoline; each had her head covered with a pillowcase.[14] A fire was then ignited, and Hayes and Komisarjevsky fled the scene. 17-year-old Hayley and 11-year-old Michaela both died from smoke inhalation.[5]

Don't forget this one.  The national media likes to forget this one happened.....

Hartford Distributors Shooting - 10 Dead
Link Posted: 12/16/2012 3:45:13 AM EDT



ME says all were shot with Rifle.

Big time repercussions if true.

Now that they have had time to "confer" to "clear up inaccuracies"... of COURSE it was the rifle.  It takes time to find or create enough spent cases to fit the scene you know.  They didn't have enough of them in the pre-evidence room.

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