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Link Posted: 12/20/2012 5:09:42 PM EDT
I was here.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 5:19:18 PM EDT
Your Mom has issues.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 5:19:40 PM EDT
Regardless of politics, that's a really fucked up attitude on your part.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile


That woman took care of you when you were a sniveling, snotnose baby crapping on yourself.


Actually, she didn't. Don't assume to know anything about me. She pretty-much abandoned me so she could go party. My grandparents raised me. I WOULD protect my grandparents.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 5:23:51 PM EDT
Regardless of politics, that's a really fucked up attitude on your part.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile


That woman took care of you when you were a sniveling, snotnose baby crapping on yourself.


Actually, she didn't. Don't assume to know anything about me. She pretty-much abandoned me so she could go party. My grandparents raised me. I WOULD protect my grandparents.

And the mommy issues start to come out.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 5:24:48 PM EDT


I only own 2 AR's and usually keep one at my apartment and one at my mom's house. I do this because apartments often burn-down and my mom has a nice alarm system and a black german shepherd. I was at my mom's the other night and I got-out my AR. She believes in "total gun control" and began questioning me why I "need" an AR. I didn't feel like arguing so I said "If you don't support my having a gun that's fine. I will honor your feelings; in the unlikely event there is ever an emergency I will NOT use my gun to protect you. If someone breaks-in I will point to you and say "you can take her." If there is ever another holocaust-like event I will not protect you; I'll wave and smile as you are loaded into the box cars on your way to the ovens."  She said "you wouldn't protect your mother?!? You are a horrible son!"  To which I responded "hey, you admonish me for having guns... that's fine, but if you don't support my choice they I won't use my investments to protect you."

She was horrified. I laughed my ass off. and I was serious; I wouldn't use a gun to protect her, or anybody else I knew to be anti-2nd amendment.

Just wanted to share : )

(sniff sniff)

I smell bullshit.

Link Posted: 12/20/2012 5:26:15 PM EDT
Whether or not the OP is a troll is not something I'll address, but he does have a point.

If I know someone is a raving anti-gunner who is all for my losing my right to defend myself, then I'll be damned if I'll use my right and risk my neck to save them when their ass is on the line.

Mind you, this requires prior knowledge of the attitude.

I have a friend who was in Homestead, Florida when Andrew hit. His neighbor across the street was a screeching anti-gun maniac who always gave him shit and who would not allow her children to play with his because he had guns in the house.

Then the storm hit, and the city was wiped out.

When the looting started and the days went by with no help, she was crying for him to protect her with his gun. He told her she could bring her kids over and he would protect them, but she couldn't come herself. He told her to find her phone in the rubble and dial 911, just like she said was the best course of action for all those years. The armed neighbors did the same.

She changed her fucking tune right quick after that, and never again uttered a word.

So yeah, doing this to your mom may be harsh, but my rights are precious to me, too.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 5:27:39 PM EDT
(In for train wreck)

Pics of mom?

LOL.... that would be un-cool to post people's photo without their knowledge..... good one though.

For those that see my logic; thank you; you rock! I like the capsule and bear analogy! For those who say "she's still your mother" or something like that, beyond the hypocrasy (spelling) of her outrage, she's put her own interests ahead of mine many times. She's made her choices; let her live with them. That's the basis of the American system. If someone wants to criticize you that's fine; she can disapprove of my guns. But the idea of using a tool that someone thinks is "evil" to protect them is offensive to all logic and reason.

And I'm 33 by the way.

33 and store things in your moms house?
CSB and all that

If you aren't trolling She lets you keep it at her house. If she felt strongly about you not having it, you wouldn't keep it there.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 5:35:23 PM EDT

Regardless of politics, that's a really fucked up attitude on your part.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile


This. My mom dislikes firearms and doesn't see a reason why I should have any. Even then, should someone try to hurt her, I would be going to town and bringing Hell with me
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 5:56:48 PM EDT




Regardless of politics, that's a really fucked up attitude on your part.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

This. My mom dislikes firearms and doesn't see a reason why I should have any. Even then, should someone try to hurt her, I would be going to town and bringing Hell with me

Interesting, but that's different than the OP's mother supporting 'total gun control' and agressively questioning her own son about his 'need' to own firearms.  Granted, the OP's methodology is different than what I would use, but he did get his point across, and his relationship with his mother is undoubtedly different than yours, mine, and everyone else's.

I open carry around my family.  They, including my pre-teen and teen siblings often ask me why I need a gun or if I would shoot people with it.  The conversation is short and to the point:

Me: Are there bad people?

Them: Yes.

Me: Do they sometimes hurt other people?

Them: Yes.

Me: If they try to hurt you, I can use it to stop them from doing that to you.

Them: Oh.

And sometimes...

Them: Will you kill them?

Me: Yes, if they don't stop.

I realize it's a shame that the OP's differences are so horrifying as to lead to this thread and the responses it generated, but then again... I'm not related to anyone so rabidly anti-gun as the OP's mother (sorry, OP).
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 5:59:35 PM EDT
Only 2 ARs???
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 6:20:34 PM EDT


Good for you.  I feel the exact same way.

I'm sure some think our POV is hard-hearted or heartless.  But I have no patience for people who want other to do their dirty jobs for them--and to do them without getting their hands dirty.

Same here.  I stand with OP.


And, just to stir up you butt-hurt basement dwelling airsoft fags: You sons of bitches would be the first ones in line to hand in your shit so you don't lose your free mac 'n cheese and a floor over your head, all while bitching about the NRA not keepin' yer rights.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 6:22:47 PM EDT

Regardless of politics, that's a really fucked up attitude on your part.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

This. My mom dislikes firearms and doesn't see a reason why I should have any. Even then, should someone try to hurt her, I would be going to town and bringing Hell with me

Interesting, but that's different than the OP's mother supporting 'total gun control' and agressively questioning her own son about his 'need' to own firearms.  Granted, the OP's methodology is different than what I would use, but he did get his point across, and his relationship with his mother is undoubtedly different than yours, mine, and everyone else's.

I open carry around my family.  They, including my pre-teen and teen siblings often ask me why I need a gun or if I would shoot people with it.  The conversation is short and to the point:

Me: Are there bad people?
Them: Yes.
Me: Do they sometimes hurt other people?
Them: Yes.
Me: If they try to hurt you, I can use it to stop them from doing that to you.
Them: Oh.
And sometimes...
Them: Will you kill them?
Me: Yes, if they don't stop.

I realize it's a shame that the OP's differences are so horrifying as to lead to this thread and the responses it generated, but then again... I'm not related to anyone so rabidly anti-gun as the OP's mother (sorry, OP).

When I say she doesn't see a reason why I should have any, I mean she wants them banned.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 6:25:29 PM EDT






Regardless of politics, that's a really fucked up attitude on your part.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

This. My mom dislikes firearms and doesn't see a reason why I should have any. Even then, should someone try to hurt her, I would be going to town and bringing Hell with me
Interesting, but that's different than the OP's mother supporting 'total gun control' and agressively questioning her own son about his 'need' to own firearms. Granted, the OP's methodology is different than what I would use, but he did get his point across, and his relationship with his mother is undoubtedly different than yours, mine, and everyone else's.

I open carry around my family. They, including my pre-teen and teen siblings often ask me why I need a gun or if I would shoot people with it. The conversation is short and to the point:

Click To View Spoiler

I realize it's a shame that the OP's differences are so horrifying as to lead to this thread and the responses it generated, but then again... I'm not related to anyone so rabidly anti-gun as the OP's mother (sorry, OP).
When I say she doesn't see a reason why I should have any, I mean she wants them banned.

Well, shit.  Sorry, man.  How do you handle that?  I'm curious, because I'm not real good at the emotional stuff, and I think you might have some pointers, just in case I have to deal with this in somebody I'm emotionally invested in.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 6:28:02 PM EDT
Do you remember Jay Leno in the movie Americathon, in the boxing ring with his mother?

Mom: "Poopy butt! Poopy butt!"

Leno: "I'm gonna kill you ma!"

Link Posted: 12/20/2012 6:32:53 PM EDT

Regardless of politics, that's a really fucked up attitude on your part.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

This. My mom dislikes firearms and doesn't see a reason why I should have any. Even then, should someone try to hurt her, I would be going to town and bringing Hell with me
Interesting, but that's different than the OP's mother supporting 'total gun control' and agressively questioning her own son about his 'need' to own firearms. Granted, the OP's methodology is different than what I would use, but he did get his point across, and his relationship with his mother is undoubtedly different than yours, mine, and everyone else's.

I open carry around my family. They, including my pre-teen and teen siblings often ask me why I need a gun or if I would shoot people with it. The conversation is short and to the point:

Click To View Spoiler
I realize it's a shame that the OP's differences are so horrifying as to lead to this thread and the responses it generated, but then again... I'm not related to anyone so rabidly anti-gun as the OP's mother (sorry, OP).
When I say she doesn't see a reason why I should have any, I mean she wants them banned.

Well, shit.  Sorry, man.  How do you handle that?  I'm curious, because I'm not real good at the emotional stuff, and I think you might have some pointers, just in case I have to deal with this in somebody I'm emotionally invested in.

I point out that cars don't cause speeding and spoons don't make people fat.

Funny story time, I handed her a pistol once and she was holding it between her index and thumb as far away from herself as possible with disgust on her face. Cracked me up.

In most other respects she holds very conservative or libertarian views. I recently pointed this out to her, considering she doesn't see herself as conservative or libertarian and this is how it went down:

Me: You know every time we discuss politics, you agree with me, which means you hold conservative or libertarian views, right?

Her: Well...I guess you're right, I hadn't thought about that


She literally made that face ->
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 6:42:13 PM EDT
Lotta dirtbags in this thread. And yeah, I'm talking to you.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 6:43:20 PM EDT



Click To View Spoiler

Well, shit. Sorry, man. How do you handle that? I'm curious, because I'm not real good at the emotional stuff, and I think you might have some pointers, just in case I have to deal with this in somebody I'm emotionally invested in.

I point out that cars don't cause speeding and spoons don't make people fat.

Funny story time, I handed her a pistol once and she was holding it between her index and thumb as far away from herself as possible with disgust on her face. Cracked me up.

In most other respects she holds very conservative or libertarian views. I recently pointed this out to her, considering she doesn't see herself as conservative or libertarian and this is how it went down:

Me: You know every time we discuss politics, you agree with me, which means you hold conservative or libertarian views, right?

Her: Well...I guess you're right, I hadn't thought about that


She literally made that face ->

I have been known to (at the house), after I notice someone eyeballing my pistol, clear it and hand it to them.  I have yet to get that response.

I'll have to remember those.  Thank you.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 6:58:39 PM EDT
How does unconditional love work again?  
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:00:34 PM EDT
I was serious; I wouldn't use a gun to protect her, or anybody else I knew to be anti-2nd amendment.

Wow. Besides the clear disregard for human life, maybe being protected with a gun would change someone attitudes about guns.

don't bet on it.
the stupid runs deep.

pics of Mom? She sounds like a cougar.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:01:31 PM EDT


How does unconditional love work again?

You mean like the mother trying use emotional leverage to persuade her own son that he should give up the very method she expects him to use to protect her?

Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:13:18 PM EDT


If my mom ever talked to me like that she would be getting butt stroked and making me some pizza rolls.


Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:19:48 PM EDT
Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about... your mother.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:21:47 PM EDT
I would move heaven and earth to protect my mom.  Even if she was anti gun.

Luckily she has her own SP101 so she can take care of herself.

OP is fucked in the head.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:23:25 PM EDT
So..... you don't love your mom.  That's kind of sad.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:27:20 PM EDT
In before, my mom turned my AR at the no questions asked Guns for toys drive.

Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:29:35 PM EDT


(In for train wreck)
Pics of mom?


Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:35:04 PM EDT
You cant pick your family and they can be just as fucked up as any random stranger on the street.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:35:33 PM EDT
I only own 2 AR's and usually keep one at my apartment and one at my mom's house. I do this because apartments often burn-down and my mom has a nice alarm system and a black german shepherd. I was at my mom's the other night and I got-out my AR. She believes in "total gun control" and began questioning me why I "need" an AR. I didn't feel like arguing so I said "If you don't support my having a gun that's fine. I will honor your feelings; in the unlikely event there is ever an emergency I will NOT use my gun to protect you. If someone breaks-in I will point to you and say "you can take her." If there is ever another holocaust-like event I will not protect you; I'll wave and smile as you are loaded into the box cars on your way to the ovens."  She said "you wouldn't protect your mother?!? You are a horrible son!"  To which I responded "hey, you admonish me for having guns... that's fine, but if you don't support my choice they I won't use my investments to protect you."

She was horrified. I laughed my ass off. and I was serious; I wouldn't use a gun to protect her, or anybody else I knew to be anti-2nd amendment.

Just wanted to share : )

You'z trollin'
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:36:16 PM EDT
They want no one other than the government to have guns, and then ask you to protect them with your guns in case of something bad happen.  Liberals.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:37:42 PM EDT
33 and store things in your moms house?

Doesnt everyone have guns and ammo stashed at relatives houses?  "Dont keep all your eggs in one basket."
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:40:48 PM EDT
Lot of "I's" in the OP making it difficult to read. . .
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:50:29 PM EDT
I only own 2 AR's and usually keep one at my apartment and one at my mom's house. I do this because apartments often burn-down and my mom has a nice alarm system and a black german shepherd. I was at my mom's the other night and I got-out my AR. She believes in "total gun control" and began questioning me why I "need" an AR. I didn't feel like arguing so I said "If you don't support my having a gun that's fine. I will honor your feelings; in the unlikely event there is ever an emergency I will NOT use my gun to protect you. If someone breaks-in I will point to you and say "you can take her." If there is ever another holocaust-like event I will not protect you; I'll wave and smile as you are loaded into the box cars on your way to the ovens."  She said "you wouldn't protect your mother?!? You are a horrible son!"  To which I responded "hey, you admonish me for having guns... that's fine, but if you don't support my choice they I won't use my investments to protect you."

She was horrified. I laughed my ass off. and I was serious; I wouldn't use a gun to protect her, or anybody else I knew to be anti-2nd amendment.

Just wanted to share : )

Wow...please don't go around saying you represent gun owners. Even If my mother tried to steal my guns and dump them in the ocean I'd always protect her. WTF is wrong with you? Oh your mommy didn't love you enough is that it? Grow up. Your duty as a man is to protect your family. That includes your mother, even if she doesn't know what's best for her or what's best for YOU!
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 7:56:28 PM EDT
Regardless of politics, that's a really fucked up attitude on your her part.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

OP I am on your side.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 8:02:30 PM EDT
Good for you.  I feel the exact same way.

I'm sure some think our POV is hard-hearted or heartless.  But I have no patience for people who want other to do their dirty jobs for them--and to do them without getting their hands dirty.

This x1000

She's your FUCKING MOM  

And he's her FUCKING SON.

Link Posted: 12/20/2012 8:06:33 PM EDT
Good for you.  I feel the exact same way.

I'm sure some think our POV is hard-hearted or heartless.  But I have no patience for people who want other to do their dirty jobs for them--and to do them without getting their hands dirty.

This x1000

She's your FUCKING MOM  

And he's her FUCKING SON.

Ban all guns!!! but son...will you use your "lost my gun in a boating accident' to protect me in case something happen?  Liberals.

Link Posted: 12/20/2012 8:07:28 PM EDT

If my mom ever talked to me like that she would be getting butt stroked and making me some pizza rolls.

Never hit your mother in the head with a shovel. It leaves a dull impression in her mind.

Link Posted: 12/20/2012 8:39:37 PM EDT
If my mom ever talked to me like that she would be getting butt stroked and making me some pizza rolls.

Hell yeah I wouldn't come out of the basement for weeks either.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 9:01:00 PM EDT



If my mom ever talked to me like that she would be getting butt stroked and making me some pizza rolls.

Hell yeah I wouldn't come out of the basement for weeks either.

Shit yeah I would withhold my rent money too.

Link Posted: 12/20/2012 9:21:00 PM EDT

My immediate family are anti-gun, if SHTF
in no way would my weapons go toward their

I can't save those that have had several decades to save themselves.

Sorry 'bout that...

Link Posted: 12/20/2012 9:38:32 PM EDT
good read, very entertaining.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 9:46:37 PM EDT
Regardless of politics, that's a really fucked up attitude on your part.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile


That woman took care of you when you were a sniveling, snotnose baby crapping on yourself.


Actually, she didn't. Don't assume to know anything about me. She pretty-much abandoned me so she could go party. My grandparents raised me. I WOULD protect my grandparents.

And the mommy issues start to come out.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

This covers it.

The issue isn't his mother's stance on gun control.

Link Posted: 12/20/2012 9:58:50 PM EDT






Regardless of politics, that's a really fucked up attitude on your part.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

That woman took care of you when you were a sniveling, snotnose baby crapping on yourself.

Actually, she didn't. Don't assume to know anything about me. She pretty-much abandoned me so she could go party. My grandparents raised me. I WOULD protect my grandparents.
And the mommy issues start to come out.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
This covers it.

The issue isn't his mother's stance on gun control.


Go ahead, expound.  Is the issue his failure to have a mother that didn't abandon him?  

We're all ears.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 10:07:58 PM EDT
Regardless of politics, that's a really fucked up attitude on your part.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

My mom is progun and if someone was shooting at us, I'd use that bitch for cover.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 10:11:45 PM EDT
How does unconditional love work again?  

Why assume that unconditional love is in play here?
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 10:14:30 PM EDT
Regardless of politics, that's a really fucked up attitude on your part.

Why would anyone help someone who not only actively refused to help themselves, but actively endeavored to make it harder for others to help them? That'd be like being pissed at firemen for not using the jaws of life to pry open the jammed door of a person who kept reaching out to cut the hydraulic line.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 10:15:29 PM EDT
Regardless of politics, that's a really fucked up attitude on your part.

Why would anyone help someone who not only actively refused to help themselves, but actively endeavored to make it harder for others to help them? That'd be like being pissed at firemen for not using the jaws of life to pry open the jammed door of a person who kept reaching out to cut the hydraulic line.

I'd like to see what a pinhole leak in the hose would do to someone trying that.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 10:21:03 PM EDT
While it's sad that the OP has that sort of relationship with his mother, her attitude is a bit like Bloomberg's: "Guns are ok if they're protecting ME but not ok otherwise".
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 10:22:16 PM EDT
I'd fight and die to protect my family, even if they didn't like my guns but still wanted to be protected by them.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 10:45:13 PM EDT
Lots of mommy issues in here.
Link Posted: 12/20/2012 10:47:32 PM EDT
Lots of mommy issues in here.

Everyone here knows a lot of women that are just dumb cunts. Sometimes those dumb cunts breed, and some of their spawn grow up to be arfcommers. My wife babysits over 400 felons and they're all better people than my mother.
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