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Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:53:52 PM EDT

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

Panties in a wad or sand in the mangina?

No where did I espouse killing cops.  show it in this thread.  Put up or shut up

I doubt we hear from you as your claim is false and baseless

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:02:05 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

Oh......I wouldnt do it because I am a man of principals and believe an oath should be upheld........not because I'm a coward tough guy.

I'm not going to get involved in this discussion for many reasons.

But I do have a question; you do realize that there are a whole bunch of real-live, honest-to-goodness, bonafide tough-guys here, don't you? Like folks with multiple tours under their belts fighting nasty counterinsurgencies, folks who train third worlders to fight insurgencies, guys who wear pretty decorations like silver & bronze stars...

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:02:47 PM EDT
I think Bloomberg should personally do it.  He fantasizes about it every day.  I bet if he forced his way into an NRA supporters home and took all their firearms he would jizz in his pants.  All the cops that would actually support him in his endeavor fantasize about killing 2A supporters as well.  Probably have wet dreams about blowing away silly patriots and their rifles of mass destruction.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:11:00 PM EDT
ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

You know, I've seen you post a lot in a very short time. Most of what I read of yours doesn't really impress me.

This would be one of them.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:11:10 PM EDT
I know a few local leo hoping they get to confiscate.  They assume they will get to keep what they take.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:13:28 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

Then why even worry about it?  You're one of the good guys.

Because if he pulls someone over on their way to bum fuck nowhere NY to practice with their assault rifle, that person isn't going to wait to find out whether or not he's a good guy that isn't going to confiscate his rifle and throw him in prison. A person willfully violating the ban just won't have the luxury of waiting to find out if the cop they run across is a good or bad guy, because once they lose the element of surprise they are done for.

Some how the people who resist actively will have to get their head around the fact that the a cop or cops they might potentially hurt or kill could be some of the good guys. About the only way someone ethical can do that is to say the police officers are themselves choosing to take part in a criminal organization and whether they are themselves good or bad they are wearing the uniform of the bad guys. It would be much like a soldier in any war between nation states, they have no way of knowing whether or not the individual enemy soldier they come up against is a true believer in the enemies cause or just some shmoe who doesn't want or intend to kill anyone but was drafted.

I'm glad someone said it. Political violence requires the use of generalizations, as a reflection of both practicality and ideology, and those generalization frequently mean otherwise uninterested parties are harmed as a result of the ensuring conflict. It's best to understand and acknowledge them and then to make some changes/decisions that might not be easy, as that's your best chance of avoiding negative impacts the arise out of the often indiscriminant nature of armed, political conflict.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:15:13 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

Oh......I wouldnt do it because I am a man of principals and believe an oath should be upheld........not because I'm a coward tough guy.

I'm not going to get involved in this discussion for many reasons.

But I do have a question; you do realize that there are a whole bunch of real-live, honest-to-goodness, bonafide tough-guys here, don't you? Like folks with multiple tours under their belts fighting nasty counterinsurgencies, folks who train third worlders to fight insurgencies, guys who wear pretty decorations like silver & bronze stars...

In his defense, on the flip side plenty of folks do bluster here and/or are basement dwelling retards. But I think he is "missing the forest for all of the trees."
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:18:26 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Don't embarrass yourself. No one is advocating cop killing.

i must have a fucking reading comprehension problem then.

Nope. People are talking about defending their property.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:19:47 PM EDT

Never, not a single one.  Totally unconstitutional.

In NY the reaction will be "you don't need those anyways, sure wish my department issued rifle plates"  

there was an article in the Ny hometown forum today that someone was arrested for carrying outside the restrictions (hunting only) on his permit. No way is that a penal law violation, he still got arrested. A couple of months ago a guy got arrested for having an illegal suppressor when what he really had was one of those .22lr hk clones with the fake suppressor, still got arrested. Kid in Rochester got arrested for having 'illegal assault weapons' even though they were legal post ban guns, the DA agreed to let the grand jury toss it basically but the kid still got arrested and hired a top flight Rochester criminal defense guy which I would guess was a $ 50k plus payment his parents made.

I foresee almost no NY police officers giving up their pensions and .gov jobs over principle, lose their houses and go live in an apartment and make a living as a security guard or swinging a hammer (if they can find work). There are certainly exceptions, but the overriding attitude here will be "you never needed one of those and better just give them up or else"

So that means dead LEOs, dead gun owners and gun fights in the streets at some point.  

It will be interesting to see who turns in their weapons if it came to this.  My bet is most go quietly and hand over the weapons.

The fact is that most don't have the stomach for political violence and armed revolution. To much to lose.  Job, kids, family.

The fact is that if things get violent,  It will be US vs. Them situation and when they bring overwhelming firepower to your home at 0 dark thirty most will surrender.

Even hardened criminals do so.  What makes the talkers any differnt?  This Is the reality and explains why we must win the political fight.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:21:42 PM EDT



Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?
One thing that pisses me off is someone saying that my safety and the safety of my family is a f$*%& HOBBY? I just counted to 10 and will no post the rest of what I am thinking..
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:24:43 PM EDT







Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Don't embarrass yourself. No one is advocating cop killing.

i must have a fucking reading comprehension problem then.

Nope. People are talking about defending their property, their rights and quite possibly their lives.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:24:52 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Don't embarrass yourself. No one is advocating cop killing.

i must have a fucking reading comprehension problem then.

Nope. People are talking about defending their property.

Life, liberty, and property actually. The first is only subsequent to the last two though in  this case.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:24:57 PM EDT
article should read "Police wonder if they'll get shot in the face if they violate gunowners' rights"
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:27:05 PM EDT
It scares be, but the way this country is going, it's almost like they are using Unintended Consequences as a script.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:28:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:28:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:29:44 PM EDT
I see general lawlessness due to the loss of legitimacy of the government. Then attacks against soft, specific targets.

There would be increasing numbers of infrastructure attacks. Democrats in city centers would not like being without electricity, and they would take the opportunity to riot. Buffalo, Rochester etc, would be burned out.

Local offices of legislators would be burned with gasoline bombs. Vehicles carrying legislators on the Thruway to Albany would be shot up.

Judges leaving local courthouses. Town government officials. Local employees of highway departments.

And nothing would be left of government activity without police to protect them, and there are not enough police to go around. Even if there were, a policeman standing around to guard, say, a road crew could easily be targeted by a sniper.

Wives have to shop and kids go to school- even if Dad is a gun-banning tyrant. And those are the softest targets. Civil war is NOT civil. This would make the Balkins look like Disneyland.

God help us if the idiot Democrats think they will get away with this. The 15 to 25 year olds will destroy them, one bloody body at a time.

Pray it doesn't  happen.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:30:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:30:58 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

Oh......I wouldnt do it because I am a man of principals and believe an oath should be upheld........not because I'm a coward tough guy.

Eh, I chalk all this hot air up to Internet bravado.  When I worked MCV (Major Crimes Violators), every other suspect was a third striker looking at life and "would never be taken alive".  Yeah right.

What ever makes these guys feel better about themselves I guess.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:33:09 PM EDT
Confiscation = forced selling to the government.  It would be considered a taking and, just like if the government wants to take your real property under eminent domain, they would have to compensate you fairly.   It would simply be cost prohibitive to buy back the property of tens of millions of people who own hundreds of millions of firearms.  

They cannot simply just call something bad and take it.  The only other time in history that this actually happened was when the government did not compensate people for the alcohol it destroyed during prohibition.  What makes that different is that prohibition was written into the Constitution.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:34:44 PM EDT

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

I think Randy Weaver said something to that effect back in '92... Just sayin'

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:38:22 PM EDT
My one Christmas wish is that it never comes to violence and the current crisis can be solved politically and civilly.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:42:31 PM EDT
If the NYPD gets involved the bystander body counts will be horrific.

I could only imagine how much hell would be unleashed by the populace on the "enforcers".  It would make Iraq look like kids play.  

not to mention if that started happening how much infrastructure would start magically shutting down.....entire power grids, water, sewage, trash control, communications, flights, you name it.  NYC would be a jungle in about ten minutes

it would be ugly very quick

You over estimate our power! I'm going to pull a number out of my ass 99.99% of NYers will comply because law abiding citizens do that

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:43:45 PM EDT

Molon Labe

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:43:51 PM EDT
Oh boy. . . maybe those Mayans were right and the world did end this month. . . .
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:47:48 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

Oh......I wouldnt do it because I am a man of principals and believe an oath should be upheld........not because I'm a coward tough guy.

Eh, I chalk all this hot air up to Internet bravado.  When I worked MCV (Major Crimes Violators), every other suspect was a third striker looking at life and "would never be taken alive".  Yeah right.

What ever makes these guys feel better about themselves I guess.


Don't lump ALL American men in with the low life "third striker"  cowards you ran across. There are still some out there that have lived by all the rules, dotted all the Is and crossed all the Ts and lived a silent law abiding life while they raised their families.
THESE are the MEN that apparently you don't know or never ran across.... the kind that hold strong convictions and are willing to sacrifice for them. The ones that may believe they want to leave their children and grandchildren an America like they grew up in.
The silent type that keep to themselves..... the same kind of men and maybe the Descendants of men who charged beaches and came home shot to shit for their beliefs.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:48:14 PM EDT
I see general lawlessness due to the loss of legitimacy of the government. Then attacks against soft, specific targets.

There would be increasing numbers of infrastructure attacks. Democrats in city centers would not like being without electricity, and they would take the opportunity to riot. Buffalo, Rochester etc, would be burned out.

Local offices of legislators would be burned with gasoline bombs. Vehicles carrying legislators on the Thruway to Albany would be shot up.

Judges leaving local courthouses. Town government officials. Local employees of highway departments.

And nothing would be left of government activity without police to protect them, and there are not enough police to go around. Even if there were, a policeman standing around to guard, say, a road crew could easily be targeted by a sniper.

Wives have to shop and kids go to school- even if Dad is a gun-banning tyrant. And those are the softest targets. Civil war is NOT civil. This would make the Balkins look like Disneyland.

God help us if the idiot Democrats think they will get away with this. The 15 to 25 year olds will destroy them, one bloody body at a time.

Pray it doesn't  happen.

I agree with everything but your age range. Obama has assured that there are a lot of people older than that with nothing to lose. The guys who had good jobs and are now working at Walmart waiting for the bank to foreclose on their house don't have much to lose. If they're contemplating suicide they just might decide to wait until they have a chance to do something meaningful and are more than happy to die doing it.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:49:52 PM EDT



Never, not a single one.  Totally unconstitutional.

Since when has that stopped anything

He must have missed new orleans confiscation of legally owned firearms.  Cue the grandma being assaulted by police in new orleans...

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:49:53 PM EDT

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

I think Randy Weaver said something to that effect back in '92... Just sayin'


So did the branch davidians.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:51:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:57:40 PM EDT
They can fuck off to hell.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 6:58:22 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

One thing that pisses me off is someone saying that my safety and the safety of my family is a f$*%& HOBBY? I just counted to 10 and will no post the rest of what I am thinking..


Yeah the statement that guy made is a huge part of the problem.  People keep talking about hunting, target shooting, hobby, blah, blah, blah.

I own ARs because I have an absolute right to protect myself and my family.  An AR is the best tool for the job, and really semi-auto rifles are the only serious tools for the job.   Sidearms are underpowered, ineffective, and difficult to shoot well under stress.   Shotguns are a little better, but they have severe magazine constraints and are hard to reload.  Any manually cycled firearm is not good for self defense, adrenaline causes loss of fine motor skills, among other issues.    

A semi-auto rifle with as much ammo as you can carry is the best self defense weapon available to us.  Period.  That is the justification for owning these weapons.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:02:48 PM EDT
My one Christmas wish is that it never comes to violence and the current crisis can be solved politically and civilly.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Crisis?  Nothing has happened yet.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:03:37 PM EDT

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

I think Randy Weaver said something to that effect back in '92... Just sayin'


You seem proud of that. Why?

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:05:54 PM EDT

Don't lump ALL American men in with the low life "third striker"  cowards you ran across. There are still some out there that have lived by all the rules, dotted all the Is and crossed all the Ts and lived a silent law abiding life while they raised their families.
THESE are the MEN that apparently you don't know or never ran across.... the kind that hold strong convictions and are willing to sacrifice for them. The ones that may believe they want to leave their children and grandchildren an America like they grew up in.
The silent type that keep to themselves..... the same kind of men and maybe the Descendants of men who charged beaches and came home shot to shit for their beliefs.

Well said

I served my country, retired honorably from the military, and two of my family were signers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  Convictions in one beliefs are what is missing in much of society.  

I have met and had the honor to serve with a number of what I call heroes.  People that have laid it on the line to protect the very freedoms that some now talk of taking away.  It would be a dishonor to ALL that have fought for the rights guaranteed to all ...to throw them away be obeying unlawful orders from corrupt politicians.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:05:58 PM EDT

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

I think Randy Weaver said something to that effect back in '92... Just sayin'


You seem proud of that. Why?

Yeah, I am wondering the same thing.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:07:40 PM EDT

Don't lump ALL American men in with the low life "third striker"  cowards you ran across. There are still some out there that have lived by all the rules, dotted all the Is and crossed all the Ts and lived a silent law abiding life while they raised their families.
THESE are the MEN that apparently you don't know or never ran across.... the kind that hold strong convictions and are willing to sacrifice for them. The ones that may believe they want to leave their children and grandchildren an America like they grew up in.
The silent type that keep to themselves..... the same kind of men and maybe the Descendants of men who charged beaches and came home shot to shit for their beliefs.

Well said

I served my country, retired honorably from the military, and two of my family were signers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  Convictions in one beliefs are what is missing in much of society.  

I have met and had the honor to serve with a number of what I call heroes.  People that have laid it on the line to protect the very freedoms that some now talk of taking away.  It would be a dishonor to ALL that have fought for the rights guaranteed to all ...to throw them away be obeying unlawful orders from corrupt politicians.

It would be the ultimate insult.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:07:43 PM EDT
It's telling when certain posters are more upset about people being killed for following unconstitutional orders, than they are upset with their so called brothers following those orders.

Seems some have already picked sides. Even if the premise is just a hypothetical.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:09:33 PM EDT
I know a few local leo hoping they get to confiscate.  They assume they will get to keep what they take.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:09:35 PM EDT
If the NYPD gets involved the bystander body counts will be horrific.

I could only imagine how much hell would be unleashed by the populace on the "enforcers".  It would make Iraq look like kids play.  

not to mention if that started happening how much infrastructure would start magically shutting down.....entire power grids, water, sewage, trash control, communications, flights, you name it.  NYC would be a jungle in about ten minutes

it would be ugly very quick

You over estimate our power! I'm going to pull a number out of my ass 99.99% of NYers will comply because law abiding citizens do that

The 00.01% will start the revolution.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:16:39 PM EDT
This entire argument is a moot point. The justice department has sued several states for trying to enfore imigration laws, stating states have no right to enforce as it's a federal law.

Any ban would be federal, therefore the states have no right to enforce.

I'm sure i misspelled a bunch of shit but im feeling no pain tanks to 15mg of vicodin 30 minutes ago, so fuck it.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:16:44 PM EDT
If the NYPD gets involved the bystander body counts will be horrific.

I could only imagine how much hell would be unleashed by the populace on the "enforcers".  It would make Iraq look like kids play.  

not to mention if that started happening how much infrastructure would start magically shutting down.....entire power grids, water, sewage, trash control, communications, flights, you name it.  NYC would be a jungle in about ten minutes

it would be ugly very quick

You over estimate our power! I'm going to pull a number out of my ass 99.99% of NYers will comply because law abiding citizens do that

The 00.01% will start the revolution.

Right now it would probably only take one pissed off person carrying out an attack on a target affiliated with the Democratic Party.

They are already almost frothing at the mouth, after that they would be out of control.  Which would probably lead to another attack...

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:20:57 PM EDT
That would be a bad idea.  Doing so would show support for totalitarianism.

helps out the domestic enemies
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:25:11 PM EDT

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

I think Randy Weaver said something to that effect back in '92... Just sayin'


You seem proud of that. Why?

What in that sentence emphasized proud?  I think it's a black mark on the reputation of federal law enforcement.

I could have replaced Weaver with a dozen other names.  bin Laden, Escobar, Capone, esc.  I chose Weaver because in the end, it wasn't he would paid the ultimate price.  I wonder if you asked him today which he'd rather have this Christmas Eve, his wife and son or his Mini 14, which he'd say...?

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:28:33 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

This country was born of armed resistance to weapons confiscation.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:30:33 PM EDT

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

I think Randy Weaver said something to that effect back in '92... Just sayin'


Yep, then shortly after that some fucking cowards killed his wife, son, and dog.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:30:50 PM EDT
I spoke to a LEO the other day.  He definitely does not support a ban, nor would he want to be involved in confiscating weapons, but it sounded as if he would do it if told to do so, like orders trump the Constitution.  
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:31:06 PM EDT
If they came to take em and you decided to hand em over...

...out comes the hack saw to the receiver.

Couldn't you keep the uppers since they aren't firearms?

***Just asking.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:36:23 PM EDT
If they came to take em and you decided to hand em over...

...out comes the hack saw to the receiver.

Couldn't you keep the uppers since they aren't firearms?

***Just asking.

Yup, hand them stripped lowers and keep some 80% receivers fuck them.

Eta: that opens a whole can of worms. They knock on the door, you answer. Will they allow you to strip it. The parts aren't considered the firearm, therefore they are legal property. If they tell you no, they are stealing legally owned property that does not fall under the purview of the confiscation order.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 7:36:37 PM EDT
Stupid phone

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