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Posted: 1/4/2013 5:53:41 AM EDT
Latest Title: To require criminal background checks on all firearms transactions occurring at gun shows.
Sponsor: Rep McCarthy, Carolyn [NY-4] (introduced 1/3/2013)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 1/3/2013 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Latest Title: To provide for greater safety in the use of firearms.
Sponsor: Rep Moran, James P. [VA-8] (introduced 1/3/2013)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 1/3/2013 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Latest Title: To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to restrict the ability of a person whose Federal license to import, manufacture, or deal in firearms has been revoked, whose application to renew such a license has been denied, or who has received a license revocation or renewal denial notice, to transfer business inventory firearms, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Cicilline, David N. [RI-1] (introduced 1/3/2013)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 1/3/2013 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Latest Title: To ensure that all individuals who should be prohibited from buying a firearm are listed in the national instant criminal background check system and require a background check for every firearm sale.
Sponsor: Rep McCarthy, Carolyn [NY-4] (introduced 1/3/2013)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 1/3/2013 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Latest Title: To provide for emergency deployments of United States Border Patrol agents and to increase the number of DEA and ATF agents along the international border of the United States to increase resources to identify and eliminate illicit sources of firearms into Mexico for use by violent drug trafficking organizations and for other lawful activities, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Jackson Lee, Sheila [TX-18] (introduced 1/3/2013)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 1/3/2013 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Homeland Security, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

Latest Title: To provide for the implementation of a system of licensing for purchasers of certain firearms and for a record of sale system for those firearms, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep Rush, Bobby L. [IL-1] (introduced 1/3/2013)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 1/3/2013 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Latest Title: To prohibit the transfer or possession of large capacity ammunition feeding devices, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep McCarthy, Carolyn [NY-4] (introduced 1/3/2013)      Cosponsors (1)
Latest Major Action: 1/3/2013 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Latest Title: To require face to face purchases of ammunition, to require licensing of ammunition dealers, and to require reporting regarding bulk purchases of ammunition.
Sponsor: Rep McCarthy, Carolyn [NY-4] (introduced 1/3/2013)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 1/3/2013 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Latest Title: To repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 and amendments to that Act.
Sponsor: Rep Massie, Thomas [KY-4] (introduced 1/3/2013)      Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 1/3/2013 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Gun Show Loophole
5 Closing Act of 2013’’.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:54:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:55:29 AM EDT
We're Farked..
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:56:02 AM EDT
...to increase resources to identify and eliminate illicit sources of firearms into Mexico for use by violent drug trafficking organizations...

So HR72 is a bill to investigate the ATF?

ETA - Nolo, take out the "mailto:" portion before your top two links.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:56:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:56:52 AM EDT
The bill sponsors reads like a list of washington idiots


Thanks nolo
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:57:43 AM EDT
tag for later
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:57:54 AM EDT
Slinging them all at the wall to see which one sticks?

Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:58:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:58:25 AM EDT

We are NOT farked. Call / write your rep now! Tell them "NO NEW GUN CONTROL!"
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:58:42 AM EDT

Fasten your seatbelts, guys.  Its going to be a very bumpy ride.  Hopefully we can avoid careening off the cliff.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:58:55 AM EDT
looks like 141 and 137 would have the best chance of making it through.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:59:38 AM EDT
HR 142--no more internet ammo and reporting for bulk ammo purchase?

I can't remember the last time I bought ammo in a shop.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:59:48 AM EDT
Some of those aren't that bad. Like the "making sure prohibited persons are included in NICS" thing.

Edit: Missed the background checks for all purchases part. Too early. Sorry.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:00:27 AM EDT
AND ............. we're off !
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:01:45 AM EDT
And, so it begins.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:02:20 AM EDT


The bill sponsors reads like a list of washington idiots


Thanks nolo

It's the DC shortbus gang.

Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:03:28 AM EDT
They introduced these bills last Congress too.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:05:26 AM EDT


In.  What....no magazine ban?


Latest Title: To prohibit the transfer or possession of large capacity ammunition feeding devices, and for other purposes.

Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:06:04 AM EDT
Actually, for all the doom and gloom that has been spouted on here since the Newtown shooting, that list of proposed bills looks pretty damn mild. Not even a single representative has brought forth an AWB. And only Carolyn McCarthy has even introduced legislation limiting mag capacity. And we all know that her gun proposals are pretty much ignored by everyone, including most dems. So I actually think things are looking up as far as new gun laws.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:06:25 AM EDT
In.  What....no magazine ban?

See HR 138.  They're throwing as much against the wall as they can and seeing what sticks.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:06:37 AM EDT

Horse shit.

We are only truly fucked when we give up and roll over.

Get engaged, contact and recontact your reps and boehners office. Do it. Do it now!
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:07:11 AM EDT
Hope all  the sponsors of those bill get explosive diarrhea for 3 days
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:07:17 AM EDT
Tagged for research.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:07:30 AM EDT
H.R. 72 cracks me up...

Hey Sheila, I've got a tip for you.  You want to reduce the number of guns going into Mexico from the US?  How about holding the Justice Dept. and Attorney General Holder responsible for walking guns used to murder DEA agents?
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:07:36 AM EDT
I wonder if SJL used a crayon to write her bill?  
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:08:41 AM EDT
Prepare our anus'.  Some of that is going to stick.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:10:49 AM EDT
Why are all these in the House?  I thought these would originate in the Senate...  
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:12:01 AM EDT
I've been waiting for this report. Thanks Nolo.

Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:13:25 AM EDT
...to increase resources to identify and eliminate illicit sources of firearms into Mexico for use by violent drug trafficking organizations...

So HR72 is a bill to investigate the ATF?

ETA - Nolo, take out the "mailto:" portion before your top two links.

Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:13:57 AM EDT
Some of those aren't that bad. Like the "making sure prohibited persons are included in NICS" thing.

Edit: Missed the background checks for all purchases part. Too early. Sorry.

The devil of course is in the details.  
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:14:18 AM EDT
Sent another set of e-mails. I've called and e-mailed at this point. I think I've done about 10 sets of e-mails in the last two weeks.

If everyone who is spending $1300 on a base model AR-15 would also spend $35 to join the NRA, we would be doing better. If everyone who is buying $60 PMAGS would spend $35 to join the NRA we would be doing better. If everyone who is participating in the panic buying at any level would e-mail/call their reps, we would be in a good position.

You're already on "the list." When the bans come the ATF is going to go to all of the FFLs and demand their 4473s and bound books. There may not be a database today, but they can create one in a couple weeks. I know you don't think e-mails will help, well they sure as hell aren't going to hurt. Take 3 minutes out of your day and send some e-mails. EVERYONE.

Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:15:46 AM EDT
I love how most say "and for other purposes"
Scum, all of them.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:17:07 AM EDT
Thanks Nolo

Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:17:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:18:46 AM EDT
...to increase resources to identify and eliminate illicit sources of firearms into Mexico for use by violent drug trafficking organizations...

So HR72 is a bill to investigate the ATF?

ETA - Nolo, take out the "mailto:" portion before your top two links.


Thanks for the post good sir! Carolyn's a busy bitch.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:19:48 AM EDT
Good 'ole Shela Jackson Lee.

She needs a well funded pro-gun opponent during the next election cycle. Badly.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:20:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:20:12 AM EDT
Why are all these in the House?  I thought these would originate in the Senate...  

So we can see how much of a spine our House Republicans have.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:22:22 AM EDT
They introduced these bills last Congress too.

As well as every year going back into the early 1990s.  This is standard procedure.  At the beginning on a Congress thousands of resolutions are submitted and then assigned to a committee. Most of them never see the light of day after that.  

Here is the first thing to be concerned with, the number of co-sponsors.  The co-sponsors are an indicator of support for the specific language in the bill.  Right now all those bills have zero except one bill that has 1 co-sponsor.  There are 435 members of the House.  The bills have no support and they are not moving.  A Democrat bill with 30 Democrats as co-sponsors is a bill that will go no-where in the house.  If a bill gets close to 100 co-sponsors of both Democrats and Republicans, then that bill gaining bi-partisan support and the committee might start trying to move it.

The second thing to be concerned with the committee a bill is assigned to, the chairman of the committee, and the members on committee.  If the majority party of the committee is pro-gun then a anti-gun bill will go nowhere.  That is rare though as RINOs will side with the Dems and vote to bring it out of committee.

Once a bill actually gets out of committee that is the time to be truly concerned.  Then all the cosponsors and specific language becomes really important.  That is also the point that Amendments can be added to it making the bill better or worse.

Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:22:38 AM EDT

Thomas Massie!!!! Rand Paul apparently was right about this one!!!
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:22:39 AM EDT
To prohibit the transfer or possession of large capacity ammunition feeding devices

So when they come for the PMAGS.....
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:22:44 AM EDT
HR 142--no more internet ammo and reporting for bulk ammo purchase?

I can't remember the last time I bought ammo in a shop.

I can't remember the last time I bought bulk ammo online, probably 2002 or 2003.  Since then, I just reload and buy bulk components online.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:23:36 AM EDT
What's the problem with HR133?
Sounds like that would be a good bill for us. Get rid of the gun free school zone or am I miss reading that?
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:24:07 AM EDT
I didn't see anything about assault weapons. Did I miss it?
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:24:23 AM EDT
Hopefully our reps that defend the constitution will make these bills go away.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:24:39 AM EDT
Why are all these in the House?  I thought these would originate in the Senate...  

I'm not sure why you would think that.  Any legislator in the House or Senate can submit a resolution.  The Senate will have their own set of resolutions that they submitted.  That won't start until January 22nd though because Reid made that the first day resolutions could be submitted.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:26:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:26:39 AM EDT
I'd hate for the no online ammo thing. It's already hard enough to find stuff especially when you have guys who don't work and can wait at the walmart sporting goods counter to buy up everything. LGS here isn't too bad with prices. Maybe a $1 difference but who knows what it'll be if you can no longer buy online.

I think what will happen is you'll be able to buy online but there be some additional tax put on it
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:26:52 AM EDT
No text of bills posted yet.....I'm sure they need to pass it, so we can know what's in it.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:27:31 AM EDT
Tag for bill text.
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