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Posted: 3/11/2013 6:07:40 AM EDT
I'm in my early 30's so obviously I have no first hand experience with the civil unrest during the 1960s. At Vietnam veteran friend of mine said this yesterday I was surprised. What do you older guys think?

Prehaps the opiates of electronic entertainment keep the masses sedated. Seems like there were more people in the street in the 60s.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:09:02 AM EDT
Much more so.

The "Great Society" is a failure the scale of which is unmatched in history.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:11:16 AM EDT
I thought we were improving, until the outright hatred with Bush by the left, and now the divine love with Obama, "The best President ever"
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:11:30 AM EDT
Much more so.

The "Great Society" is a failure the scale of which is unmatched in history.

When I read my copy of the lefty classic "Steal this Book" by Abbie Hoffman and read about The weather underground and Black panther party I get the impression that violence was more common in the 1960s and hence we are not that far down the road today.

"The Great Society" started with FDR right?
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:15:03 AM EDT
Much more so.

The "Great Society" is a failure the scale of which is unmatched in history.

When I read my copy of the lefty classic "Steal this Book" by Abbie Hoffman and read about The weather underground and Black panther party I get the impression that violence was more common in the 1960s and hence we are not that far down the road today.

"The Great Society" started with FDR right?

I'm in my 30s too, so I have no idea, but my theory is that there were not so many pussies back then.  The left is now a bunch of cowards after finding out they can hide behind the gov.  

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:15:27 AM EDT
Much more so.

The "Great Society" is a failure the scale of which is unmatched in history.

When I read my copy of the lefty classic "Steal this Book" by Abbie Hoffman and read about The weather underground and Black panther party I get the impression that violence was more common in the 1960s and hence we are not that far down the road today.

"The Great Society" started with FDR right?

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:15:39 AM EDT

There's something happening here.  What it is ain't exactly clear.  
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:16:27 AM EDT

There's something happening here.  What it is ain't exactly clear.  

There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:17:02 AM EDT

There's something happening here.  What it is ain't exactly clear.  

+1 Accurate and true.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:17:17 AM EDT
Much more so.

The "Great Society" is a failure the scale of which is unmatched in history.

When I read my copy of the lefty classic "Steal this Book" by Abbie Hoffman and read about The weather underground and Black panther party I get the impression that violence was more common in the 1960s and hence we are not that far down the road today.  "The Great Society" started with FDR right?

Leftism went from rogue underground groups to mainstream power.  Now they can pass laws and use state-sponsored violence to enforce their agendas.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:18:19 AM EDT
I would go as far as to say this country is divided like never before, including the run up to the War of Northern Aggression.

The Foamies have uncapped their game and are running balls out to destroy America.  They were patient for the longest time, but it seems they now have buck fever and can't stop the full retard.  Maybe it's due to the push back by those with Common Sense, but the Foamies just can't stop from peeling back their skull and looking into the abyss.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:18:40 AM EDT
The dirty little secret of this country is that we've never been at peace with ourselves.

There is no such thing as the "Land of the Free."

There is only "the place where I am, and I'm lucky nobody is screwing with me too much."
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:18:49 AM EDT
Much more so.

The "Great Society" is a failure the scale of which is unmatched in history.

When I read my copy of the lefty classic "Steal this Book" by Abbie Hoffman and read about The weather underground and Black panther party I get the impression that violence was more common in the 1960s and hence we are not that far down the road today.  "The Great Society" started with FDR right?

Leftism went from rogue underground groups to mainstream power.  Now they can pass laws and use state-sponsored violence to enforce their agendas.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:19:09 AM EDT

There's something happening here.  What it is ain't exactly clear.  

There's a man with a gun over there.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:19:25 AM EDT
You meant the 1860s right? and I love the Buffalo Springfield lyrics!!
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:19:58 AM EDT
Maybe so, but the electronic gadgets are keeping people entertained enough to stay inside.   Because we don't see dogs and firehoses being unleashed onto crowds of hippies yet.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:20:35 AM EDT
Much more so.

The "Great Society" is a failure the scale of which is unmatched in history.

When I read my copy of the lefty classic "Steal this Book" by Abbie Hoffman and read about The weather underground and Black panther party I get the impression that violence was more common in the 1960s and hence we are not that far down the road today.

"The Great Society" started with FDR right?

No, LBJ. "The Great Society" is LBJ's bill he was talking about when he said "I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next hundred years."

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:21:02 AM EDT
Until I see them taking to the streets in angry droves like Europe I say no. And I don't consider the union thuggery shenanigans we've seen lately to be anything close to a proper example.

I think what we are witnessing more than anything is the Greater Internet Dickwad Theory in effect than some kind of political brouhaha.

Just imagine if we had the internet in the 60s... it would have been a billion times worse.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:21:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:22:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:23:49 AM EDT
I thought we were improving, until the outright hatred with Bush by the left, and now the divine love with Obama, "The best President ever"

To be fair, there was a good deal of hatred for clinton, then Bush, and now obama. The haters change as the leaders do. I think the internet contributes quite a bit. If the republicans would drop abortion and the dems would drop gun control, it would be a start. (although I think most of the Bush hate from the left was regarding the wars, obama hasn't changed anything and he gets a pass on that also)
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:23:58 AM EDT
Well, we're certainly more divided, but the people who were using violence back in the 60s are now in political office, heading departments in universities, working in media, teaching school children, and went from being all "down with the system" to "using the system to take us down".

These are dangerous folks, and getting more dangerous as they hold more and more power.

But hey, like Bill Ayers said, they only need to sacrifice a few tens of millions of us to get what they want...
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:25:40 AM EDT
I'm in my early 30's so obviously I have no first hand experience with the civil unrest during the 1960s. At Vietnam veteran friend of mine said this yesterday I was surprised. What do you older guys think?

Prehaps the opiates of electronic entertainment keep the masses sedated. Seems like there were more people in the street in the 60s.

Back in '06 - '07 I asked an older gentlemen that works with me and he thought the country was more divided then than during the 60's.  Haven't seen him in a few years, but I have heard that this once conservative business owner is now a full-on Obamabot.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:25:41 AM EDT
I would go as far as to say this country is divided like never before, including the run up to the War of Northern Aggression.

The Foamies have uncapped their game and are running balls out to destroy America.  They were patient for the longest time, but it seems they now have buck fever and can't stop the full retard.  Maybe it's due to the push back by those with Common Sense, but the Foamies just can't stop from peeling back their skull and looking into the abyss.


The run-up to the Civil War had fist fights on the floor of the House and representatives carrying their guns during debates. We are not even close to that.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:26:21 AM EDT
No one is burning draft cards or bras, throwing molotov cocktails, burning Watts or Detroit, or holding real marches and demonstrations with clubs, rocks, tear gas, chains, or MRAPS.

So, we have a way to go.  But we're getting very close.

I don't see a difference between burning a draft card and "Will not comply."
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:29:02 AM EDT
Being 66, I remember the 1960's really well. The hippies and draft-dodger types were bad, and made me sad for us. Today, the attacks on our individual freedoms has me much more concerned. The country is more divided today than ever, and that is what people like Obama want; they see political advantage in making us more divided. Just look at the way Obama and the Democrat govern, there is absolutely no consideration of what might be best for the country, all their efforts are toward achieving more power for them.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:30:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:31:55 AM EDT
Every day that goes by I feel like Idiocracy goes from slightly entertaining move with a hint for truth, to full blown prophecy.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:32:56 AM EDT
Having grown up in the 60's, not even close.  Posting  a rant on the internet isn't the same as burning your neighbor's house down.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:37:19 AM EDT
I thought we were improving, until the outright hatred with Bush by the left, and now the divine love with Obama, "The best President ever"

To be fair, there was a good deal of hatred for clinton, then Bush, and now obama. The haters change as the leaders do. I think the internet contributes quite a bit. If the republicans would drop abortion and the dems would drop gun control, it would be a start. (although I think most of the Bush hate from the left was regarding the wars, obama hasn't changed anything and he gets a pass on that also)

Bush was hated because he "stole" the election from AlGore.  In reality, the left was unable to steal the election from Bush in FL, and since they'd had 8 years of Klinton thinking all the while the country was trending to the far left, they lost their collective fucking minds when the USSC ruled in favor of the Bush camp.

They would have hated him regardless of the close election, though-just like they hated Reagan.  They'll hate the next conservative with even more vitriol if and when one is elected.  After four or eight years of this, another libtard dimocRat will come along and tell the sheep that he wants to "unite the country", "heal the divisions in our country", and "move the country forward".  History repeats itself.

Bear in mind, every time the left fields a presidential candidate under the "D" brand, that candidate gets further and further to the left-lowering the bar for what's considered "center left", and that trend will continue unabated until you absolutely will not recognize the America we grew up in.

Think it's bad now?  Just wait a couple of decades.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:37:24 AM EDT
Much more so.

The "Great Society" is a failure the scale of which is unmatched in history.

When I read my copy of the lefty classic "Steal this Book" by Abbie Hoffman and read about The weather underground and Black panther party I get the impression that violence was more common in the 1960s and hence we are not that far down the road today.

"The Great Society" started with FDR right?

Violence was much less common.

Murder was a big deal back then. No such thing as drive-bys. Graffiti/scrawl didn't cover everything. No metal detectors at schools. No TSA BS. No checkpoints.

Very few "no-go" neighborhoods.

Sure, there was crime, always has been. The number and violence of society's animals has skyrocketed.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:37:54 AM EDT
I thought we were improving, until the outright hatred with Bush by the left, and now the divine love with Obama, "The best President ever"

I think they hated Reagan more than either Bush.
Still do.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:38:17 AM EDT
I see it as more divided today. But, as others have posted, the active threat is from inside the government, universities, and public institutions in general. Therefore, there is no longer a real reason for the radicals to riot and organize huge demonstrations. The MSM gives them uncritical loving coverage 24/7 anyway, so why resort to violence, unless it is institutional violence. We are way down the slippery slope.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:38:34 AM EDT
I thought we were improving, until the outright hatred with Bush by the left, and now the divine love with Obama, "The best President ever"

To be fair, there was a good deal of hatred for clinton, then Bush, and now obama. The haters change as the leaders do. I think the internet contributes quite a bit. If the republicans would drop abortion and the dems would drop gun control, it would be a start. (although I think most of the Bush hate from the left was regarding the wars, obama hasn't changed anything and he gets a pass on that also)

I am very conservative and I don't think I ever hated Clinton; I disliked him and didn't like his policies and always felt we deserved a better President. I never felt that Clinton wanted to destroy the USA as we know it. Clinton just had far different values than I. Now with Obama, he does want to change the US to his vision of what it should be and has openly said that. His supporters don't seem to understand what that change really means. Obama's class warfare is destroying the country.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:40:50 AM EDT
Much more so.

The "Great Society" is a failure the scale of which is unmatched in history.

When I read my copy of the lefty classic "Steal this Book" by Abbie Hoffman and read about The weather underground and Black panther party I get the impression that violence was more common in the 1960s and hence we are not that far down the road today.

"The Great Society" started with FDR right?

Violence was much less common.

Murder was a big deal back then. No such thing as drive-bys. Graffiti/scrawl didn't cover everything. No metal detectors at schools. No TSA BS. No checkpoints.

Very few "no-go" neighborhoods.

Sure, there was crime, always has been. The number and violence of society's animals has skyrocketed.

And then dropped like a stone.

After the drug spike in the 80s and 90s, we're now right back to 1970s levels of crime - and that's COUNTING the inner cities.

You take away black-on-black violence, and we're arguably the most peaceful our society has ever been since before the Civil War.

If the Left keeps pushing, I'm afraid they're going to crack.  The Right is being impressively peaceful about this whole business, but the Left just keeps on making more senator-shooters and cop-killers (I'm not using their names; fuck those people.  You know what I'm talking about.).
That sort of thing starts happening at large?  Maybe the victim targets move more to the grassroots political level?  People attacking their neighbors?

These people are going to see some shit they are in no way prepared for.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:41:09 AM EDT
Law enforcement is much more technical and efficient nowadays. If people thought they could get away with 60's style actions, they would. Anything you do in public is going to be video'd and used as evidence. Back in the old days, people could get away with stuff. Now they only get away with stuff if the people enforcing the stuff choose not to care about what they did.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:41:27 AM EDT
The fucktarded hippies that used to protest against "The Man" have become a worse version of "The Man" than any they ever protested against.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:42:20 AM EDT
Until I see them taking to the streets in angry droves like Europe I say no. And I don't consider the union thuggery shenanigans we've seen lately to be anything close to a proper example.

I think what we are witnessing more than anything is the Greater Internet Dickwad Theory in effect than some kind of political brouhaha.

Just imagine if we had the internet in the 60s... it would have been a billion times worse.

I am not familiar with this theory. Please explain.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:42:26 AM EDT
I was born in 1960, so I was just a kid during that time.  But I do remember seeing all the bad stuff on TV; riots, anti-war protests, cops with firehoses and billy sticks, burning ghettos, etc.

As others have said, I don't think we are quite to that point yet, but I think we could be very close.  All it will take is that one "right" event that could set things on fire again.

I've seen a couple things that could have become that event, like the LA/Rodney King riots, or hell, look at the Ruby Ridge/Waco incidents.

As far as the riots, if the NG had not been called out when it did, who knows how bad it might have gotten?  As for the assault on gun owners in the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents, it's mostly luck that cooler heads prevailed.  And as we all know, in OK City, cooler heads did not prevail.  It had the potential for far worse things to happen.

Now sit back and think what would happen if say, next week, the economy just completely collapsed.  Or if someone were to take out a major civil rights leader or politician.

Dangerous times indeed.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:43:15 AM EDT
Much more so.

The "Great Society" is a failure the scale of which is unmatched in history.

I agree with this.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:43:16 AM EDT
EVERYBODY STOP!.............................

Hey, what's that sound?
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:44:41 AM EDT
I thought we were improving, until the outright hatred with Bush by the left, and now the divine love with Obama, "The best President ever"

To be fair, there was a good deal of hatred for clinton, then Bush, and now obama. The haters change as the leaders do. I think the internet contributes quite a bit. If the republicans would drop abortion and the dems would drop gun control, it would be a start. (although I think most of the Bush hate from the left was regarding the wars, obama hasn't changed anything and he gets a pass on that also)

There was full-on hatred for Nixon from way before Watergate.

There is some evidence that the ballot box stuffing in Chicago (and elsewhere) in '60 gave the election to Kennedy. Nixon felt that challenging the election results would be too damaging to the country, and elected not to do so. There were many union strikes in the late 50's, and JFK received very heavy union support. The mob was big then too - but they had rules, and did not traffic much in drugs.

LBJ was a crude man, and did as much, if not more damage than the current leader. It just took decades for it to show up.

One need only look at the cities and state of industry to see what his "Great Society" brought us.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:44:59 AM EDT
also in my early 30's OP. A storm is brewing, & IMO this country is more divided today than it has been in a long time.  might as well cut this bitch in two. again.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:45:02 AM EDT
Until I see them taking to the streets in angry droves like Europe I say no. And I don't consider the union thuggery shenanigans we've seen lately to be anything close to a proper example.

I think what we are witnessing more than anything is the Greater Internet Dickwad Theory in effect than some kind of political brouhaha.

Just imagine if we had the internet in the 60s... it would have been a billion times worse.

I am not familiar with this theory. Please explain.

It was a Penny Arcade comic a few years back.

Normal person + Anonymity = Insufferable Douchecanoe
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:46:32 AM EDT
John F Kennedy and liberals back then would be now be considered conservative these days

The leftists have gone so far left and the RINOs have taken over also.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:48:39 AM EDT



I would go as far as to say this country is divided like never before, including the run up to the War of Northern Aggression.

The Foamies have uncapped their game and are running balls out to destroy America.  They were patient for the longest time, but it seems they now have buck fever and can't stop the full retard.  Maybe it's due to the push back by those with Common Sense, but the Foamies just can't stop from peeling back their skull and looking into the abyss.


The run-up to the Civil War had fist fights on the floor of the House and representatives carrying their guns during debates. We are not even close to that.

Sure, the congress critters are better behaved, but I think the citizens have moved away from the middle.  There is a huge gap between the two mindsets (Takers and Makers), with more people polarized than ever, and I don't see it closing anytime soon.

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:49:42 AM EDT

99% vs 1%

Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:51:23 AM EDT
Until I see them taking to the streets in angry droves like Europe I say no. And I don't consider the union thuggery shenanigans we've seen lately to be anything close to a proper example.

I think what we are witnessing more than anything is the Greater Internet Dickwad Theory in effect than some kind of political brouhaha.

Just imagine if we had the internet in the 60s... it would have been a billion times worse.

I am not familiar with this theory. Please explain.

It was a Penny Arcade comic a few years back.

Normal person + Anonymity = Insufferable Douchecanoe


Or in this case overly outspoken political diarrhea and combativeness when "discussing" politics online.

Most of the political divide / war that folks claim is brewing is just typical online trollery and people being anonymous assholes. I in no way shape or form expect to see 1960's level mass street protests and riots due to differing political opinion. I think the only real threat of real world physical unrest is if the gravy train stops and the FSA goes full retard, and I don't consider that to be political divisiveness... I consider that to be unruly dependents throwing a tantrum.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:52:47 AM EDT
I was born in 62. The 60's movement cannot be compared to the current civil unrest. Hair was much longer and free love was much safer back then. In school, we were required to end sentences with "man" rather than using a period. We also crawled under our desks believing that it would save us from nuclear blasts and the subsequent radiation. Cool times man
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:57:27 AM EDT
Folks that say it's more divided now just need to do research.  in 1967 (iirc ) 6 cities were burning at one time in the US.  Every damn one of them was a bigger disturbance than the LA riots.

Austin  and Dallas  rioted  for four days and had about 20 dead. Austin was a  town of about 75K back then.

The news media pushed it all as much as they could, just like they do today.
Link Posted: 3/11/2013 6:57:57 AM EDT
Born in 1955 and I agree with your friend.

The country is much more divided now than it was then.  Much.  When I was young and liberal, I thought of all of us as Americans, despite the deep differences of opinion I had with conservatives.  I don't think or feel that way now.
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