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Posted: 5/5/2013 10:10:55 PM EDT
Very interesting stuff.

Link Posted: 5/5/2013 10:15:13 PM EDT
Tag for later viewing.  

Thanks for the link.
Link Posted: 5/5/2013 10:19:25 PM EDT
Can I get something of a cliffs notes to know whether I want to watch it or not?
Link Posted: 5/5/2013 10:22:17 PM EDT


Can I get something of a cliffs notes to know whether I want to watch it or not?

Talks about the lead up to the 94 election which in the end gave the ANC control. Also shows you that all they say about communist fucks is true.

Link Posted: 5/5/2013 10:24:38 PM EDT
America is in a very similiar situation.
Link Posted: 5/5/2013 10:31:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2013 10:38:59 PM EDT

Can I get something of a cliffs notes to know whether I want to watch it or not?

Talks about the lead up to the 94 election which in the end gave the ANC control. Also shows you that all they say about communist fucks is true.  

yeah I'll probably watch it then, thanks.
Link Posted: 5/5/2013 10:40:28 PM EDT
The truth about the S. African situation:

Link Posted: 5/5/2013 10:56:48 PM EDT
What a lot of useful idiots don't realize is that the white Boers have been there longer than the imported Africans that they brought in to help tame the land there.  Most of the ranches have gone dormant under black occupation, because the black South Africans have no interest in working the land, except the ones who had been ranch hands for centuries with their white counterparts.  They were opposed to the changes as much as the land owners.

South Africa is one of the only areas that has coastline that will support deep sea ports, and has arable farmland:

Africa is cursed by geography, in that there are very few rivers that go from the coast to the interior.  The notable ones are the Niger river and the Nile, and Nigeria and Egypt are the 2 most populous nations in the African continent because of those features.

I wish we would open the doors to every descendant of Boers that wants to come to the US, because they are hard-working, intelligent, and know what it's like to lose freedom under a communist regime.  If you look at Obama's history, he was a huge agitator in the US against the Apartheid government, and participated in useful idiot commie demonstrations while attending Occidental Community College in California.
Link Posted: 5/5/2013 11:11:47 PM EDT
Nelson Mandela was a commie, that is why the MSM and liberals see him as a "civil rights" hero.

Link Posted: 5/5/2013 11:14:52 PM EDT
Nelson Mandela was a commie, that is why the MSM and liberals see him as a "civil rights" hero.


A murderous commine who bombed other commies that his faction didn't see eye-to-eye with.  Dude was a terrorist, supported by China and Russia who were seeking strategic depth in Africa.  They succeeded.
Link Posted: 5/5/2013 11:28:06 PM EDT
South Africa is the fate of the Western World writ small.
Link Posted: 5/5/2013 11:44:01 PM EDT

Any news on what happened to that vote?
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 12:13:06 AM EDT
South Africa is the fate of the Western World writ small.

Not yet, but it will be soon if people don't wake up.  America's GOP is about as worthless as the S. African National Party and suffers from the same failure to acknowledge basic demographic reality.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 3:43:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 3:47:47 AM EDT

Cringing at stupid AWB-types fucking shit up
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 3:48:50 AM EDT

Any news on what happened to that vote?

NOTHING is going to happen with mugs in there.

Nothing is going to happen any time soon afterwards either.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 5:02:18 AM EDT
America is in a very similar situation.


I keep telling my wife that we are looking at a South Africa/Zimbabwe situation in a decade or so.  I'm no 88'r but you cannot dispute that the political narrative vilifies whites in this country.

Minorities in this country are taught antipathy to whites from the time they enter school.  Guilt is heaped by association on white kids and they are basically led to believe that if they resist the narrative they are bigots, homophobes, racists, etc.

In 10 years it will be knockout game/polar bear hunting but with firearms, "jackrolling", and those with the means to do so living in hardened secure "communities" (i.e., FOBs).

You think it's bad now? It will be very ugly very soon.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 5:26:27 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 5:33:18 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

It is true that things weren't proper in the old S. Africa, however, the new regime is FUCKING things up VERY BADLY.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 5:40:22 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

It is true that things weren't proper in the old S. Africa, however, the new regime is FUCKING things up VERY BADLY.

Sure, I won't dispute that.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 5:41:04 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 5:45:38 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.

Yeah, like I said, you believe white european settlers have more right to africa, than africans do. I don't really care that you think this, but don't act indignant when somebody calls you a racist, because your position is objectively racist. Its fucking africa, not europe, if the Boers don't like it, maybe they ought to "giiiiiiiit out".
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 5:52:24 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.

Yeah, like I said, you believe white european settlers have more right to africa, than africans do. I don't really care that you think this, but don't act indignant when somebody calls you a racist, because your position is objectively racist. Its fucking africa, not europe, if the Boers don't like it, maybe they ought to "giiiiiiiit out".

Seems kinda racist to me to assume the boers don't have any rights because they are white

Link Posted: 5/6/2013 5:53:23 AM EDT




Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.

Yeah, like I said, you believe white european settlers have more right to africa, than africans do. I don't really care that you think this, but don't act indignant when somebody calls you a racist, because your position is objectively racist. Its fucking africa, not europe, if the Boers don't like it, maybe they ought to "giiiiiiiit out".

exactly, since racism against whites is ok

Link Posted: 5/6/2013 5:54:19 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.

Yeah, like I said, you believe white european settlers have more right to africa, than africans do. I don't really care that you think this, but don't act indignant when somebody calls you a racist, because your position is objectively racist. Its fucking africa, not europe, if the Boers don't like it, maybe they ought to "giiiiiiiit out".

I wish I could give a fuck about communist leeches. I really do. Perhaps it's a character flaw of mine.

That being said, perhaps you think White people... excuse me... "Europeans" have no right to America too? If so, please carry your ass back to Europe and give my Red Ass a big smooch on the way out.

Otherwise, your hypocrisy is out there for all to see.

Have a nice day.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 5:54:45 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.

Yeah, like I said, you believe white european settlers have more right to africa, than africans do. I don't really care that you think this, but don't act indignant when somebody calls you a racist, because your position is objectively racist. Its fucking africa, not europe, if the Boers don't like it, maybe they ought to "giiiiiiiit out".

If facts are racist, does that mean racism is factual?

FWIW you can throw the 'R' card in my face all you want.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 5:57:26 AM EDT
Like I said, I don't care if you guys are racists, I'm not going to change your mind on here, and I have absolutely no interest in trying to.

I'm just saying, don't act upset/indignant when you are called on your racism.

How did the Boers settle South Africa, anyways? Through violence. How did the ANC take power? Through violence. How is one any less legitimate than the other?
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 5:59:47 AM EDT
The saffers are getting out. They make good citizens of any country. Meanwhile state and the catholics are bringing over somalies and ethiopians to our country. Question for extra credit; what kind of citizens do they make?
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:00:32 AM EDT
South Africa is the fate of the Western World writ small.

Not yet, but it will be soon if people don't wake up.  America's GOP is about as worthless as the S. African National Party and suffers from the same failure to acknowledge basic demographic reality.

Actually, the South African National Party DID acknowledge basic demographic realities up until the point it was browbeaten into getting rid of Apartheid.  Anyone willing to be honest about the situation knew that Apartheid was the only reason that SA was, for the most part, a first world nation.

Disclaimer:  I'm not in favor of Apartheid, but I'm also not surprised by what happened to SA after Apartheid was eliminated.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:07:34 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.

Yeah, like I said, you believe white european settlers have more right to africa, than africans do. I don't really care that you think this, but don't act indignant when somebody calls you a racist, because your position is objectively racist. Its fucking africa, not europe, if the Boers don't like it, maybe they ought to "giiiiiiiit out".

13'er world view is not surprising. I guess we all need to pack up and turn the North American continent over to the remaining native Americans also. It looks like Europe is going to get REAL crowded.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:08:45 AM EDT
America is in a very similiar situation.


Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:09:52 AM EDT
South Africa is the fate of the Western World writ small.


Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:13:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:15:57 AM EDT
Like I said, I don't care if you guys are racists, I'm not going to change your mind on here, and I have absolutely no interest in trying to.

I'm just saying, don't act upset/indignant when you are called on your racism.

How did the Boers settle South Africa, anyways? Through violence. How did the ANC take power? Through violence. How is one any less legitimate than the other?

How did Whites settle America? Through violence.

BUt the point you're missing - the Boers not only settled South Africa, they built a society, tamed the wilderness, and essentially built a nation from scratch with a high standard of living, civilization, health care, agriculture, and many other benefits - things that were not there when they arrived Of course, such a thing is a tempting target for the Communist pieces of shit who want what others have created.

There is absolutely NOTHING legitimate about the ANC or their government. The Boers? They had a legitimate right to what they built. The ANC had ZERO right to what the Boers built. It is NOT racist to point that out. I don't care whether the Boers are White, Black, Brown, Yellow, or Red. What THEY built was not for anyone else to just waltz in and take. South Africa is a microcosm of everything that is wrong with Communism - and it was fully-supported by the American Left. Hurrah for them. They got to destroy another prosperous nation.

You say "Africans have a right to Africa"? Well, guess what? The Whites in South Africa are just as African as anyone else in Africa. Unless, of course, by "African", you mean "Black". In which case, there is absolutely no reasoning with someone who only sees things through the prism of skin color.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:18:11 AM EDT


Like I said, I don't care if you guys are racists, I'm not going to change your mind on here, and I have absolutely no interest in trying to.

I'm just saying, don't act upset/indignant when you are called on your racism.

How did the Boers settle South Africa, anyways? Through violence. How did the ANC take power? Through violence. How is one any less legitimate than the other?

The fact of the matter is that the white farmers in SA or Rhodesia offered something that eluded that continent for centuries....wealth and prosperity. They gave blacks, who did not have many skills, jobs and a better country. The whites and a minority of blacks were willing to work together because it benefited both. Then you have socialist/communist black leaders like Mugabe riling the black crowd up against the whites, who are helping the country more than anyone, and the whites are the bad guys? Get out. Now look at Zimbabwe, what was once a jewel of Africa is now one of the poorest countries on earth and a hell hole. The blacks pushed the white farmers out and now most of the land is not even used. Do you realize how close parts of Africa were to being productive countries in the world? And now, just for the sake of black rule, they are back to being another failed African country that offers nothing productive to the rest of the world. But blacks have "their" country back so it's all good....right

Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:24:02 AM EDT


Like I said, I don't care if you guys are racists, I'm not going to change your mind on here, and I have absolutely no interest in trying to.

I'm just saying, don't act upset/indignant when you are called on your racism.

How did the Boers settle South Africa, anyways? Through violence. How did the ANC take power? Through violence. How is one any less legitimate than the other?

You provide an excellent example of the Public School Brainwashing.  Have you met any South Africans?  Have you ever had any conversations with South Africans?  I have lived and worked with many of them and your statements are quite retarded.

Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:26:08 AM EDT
Racism is such a trite overused term. The further development of positive race relationships are getting hung up by those that profit by keeping it an active topic.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:27:05 AM EDT
Apartheid had to go, but it should have gone in an orderly transition. Not "we're taking these farms and you're leaving, whitey."
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:39:30 AM EDT
wait till this happens here in 10 years....

except instead of black vs white, it's going to be white vs mexican.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:41:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:41:37 AM EDT
Like I said, I don't care if you guys are racists, I'm not going to change your mind on here, and I have absolutely no interest in trying to.

I'm just saying, don't act upset/indignant when you are called on your racism.

How did the Boers settle South Africa, anyways? Through violence. How did the ANC take power? Through violence. How is one any less legitimate than the other?

I have a good friend who is Rhodesian . The stories she has told me makes me cringe. Her parents worked their ass off to make the land profitable, had native Africans work for them for decades and everyone made $$$ and was fat rich and happy. Well until Uncle Bob and the ZANU-PF came along and decided to kill whitey. Every night all the families had to form together in armed groups to protect themselves from govt backed gorillas, you can take that literally or figuratively. Her own young sister was raped and killed one night. The family wanted to at least save one daughter (my friend) and left. The economy went south right quick as the natives had no clue how to farm tobacco and that was the genesis of the end. I do get a big smile when she talks about her love for the FAL she has and the damage it did to the commies over there.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:44:05 AM EDT
You'll probably never get them on record saying it, but I bet some members of the ANC were seething that the apartheid government scrapped their nuclear program before they left power, depriving some members of the ANC eight figure paydays by flipping some warheads.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:56:37 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.

Yeah, like I said, you believe white european settlers have more right to africa, than africans do. I don't really care that you think this, but don't act indignant when somebody calls you a racist, because your position is objectively racist. Its fucking africa, not europe, if the Boers don't like it, maybe they ought to "giiiiiiiit out".

You do realize you're sitting on conquered land, right? The height of hipocrasy is to dwell in the land that was violently wrested from indians and decry the poor blacks in Africa being given a higher standard of living than anywhere else on the continent due to white rule.

The Boers and the rulers of Rhodesia should have gone the route of the US government in the 1800s. Kill or kick out every last one of them.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:56:50 AM EDT
if the dark skinned people of the world (all tints) have more children than the lighter skinned people of the world who's to blame for them ending up in control of everything, even if that control is combined with communism and cannibalism, racist treatment of the new minority, and shitty management of everything within their grasp?

demographics trumps all.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 6:58:11 AM EDT

Apartheid had to go, but it should have gone in an orderly transition. Not "we're taking these farms and you're leaving, whitey."


I cannot support the idea of minority governments such as those in Rhodesia and the old South Africa, but there needed to be a transition so that the black majority was ready to rule.

Sadly, nobody had the patience for that.

Well of course this would have been the correct way.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:00:56 AM EDT

Like I said, I don't care if you guys are racists, I'm not going to change your mind on here, and I have absolutely no interest in trying to.

I'm just saying, don't act upset/indignant when you are called on your racism.

How did the Boers settle South Africa, anyways? Through violence. How did the ANC take power? Through violence. How is one any less legitimate than the other?

The fact of the matter is that the white farmers in SA or Rhodesia offered something that eluded that continent for centuries....wealth and prosperity. They gave blacks, who did not have many skills, jobs and a better country. The whites and a minority of blacks were willing to work together because it benefited both. Then you have socialist/communist black leaders like Mugabe riling the black crowd up against the whites, who are helping the country more than anyone, and the whites are the bad guys? Get out. Now look at Zimbabwe, what was once a jewel of Africa is now one of the poorest countries on earth and a hell hole. The blacks pushed the white farmers out and now most of the land is not even used. Do you realize how close parts of Africa were to being productive countries in the world? And now, just for the sake of black rule, they are back to being another failed African country that offers nothing productive to the rest of the world. But blacks have "their" country back so it's all good....right


Your story is sounding very familar. Almost like it's happening before our eyes. Class warfare? Majority against the wealthy elite? Bring down the producers so everyone is more equal? Hmmm.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:04:12 AM EDT
if the dark skinned people of the world (all tints) have more children than the lighter skinned people of the world who's to blame for them ending up in control of everything, even if that control is combined with communism and cannibalism, racist treatment of the new minority, and shitty management of everything within their grasp?

demographics trumps all.

Doesn't trump technology and weapons.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:08:34 AM EDT
You'll probably never get them on record saying it, but I bet some members of the ANC were seething that the apartheid government scrapped their nuclear program before they left power, depriving some members of the ANC eight figure paydays by flipping some warheads.

The ANC-led Government ratified the Treaty of Pelindaba and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. The Treaty of Pelindaba forbids the development and ownership of nuclear weapons.
Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:09:27 AM EDT
Crying about the end of apartheid is racist, things like this are why people call conservatives racists. People in this thread are claiming Boers (white european settlers) have more of a right to Africa than Africans do.

My heart truly bleeds for the struggle of the disadvantaged white man around the globe.

Considering South Africa was pretty much empty and void of people when the Boers arrived, and they built that country from nothing, I'd say they had every right to that land, and the Jonny Come Lately communist Blacks who swooped in and demanded their share of the pie long after it was baked should have been sent back to whatever shithole they came from.

Yeah, like I said, you believe white european settlers have more right to africa, than africans do. I don't really care that you think this, but don't act indignant when somebody calls you a racist, because your position is objectively racist. Its fucking africa, not europe, if the Boers don't like it, maybe they ought to "giiiiiiiit out".

Many parts of Africa were quite safe and civilized under European rule. I don't think there is one Country in Africa that I would consider safe and civilized today.

Not sure if that makes me a racist or a realist.

Link Posted: 5/6/2013 7:12:20 AM EDT
Tagging this on one!

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