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Posted: 5/18/2013 12:48:27 PM EDT
When will then Right in America (Fed level)  start trying to repeal some of the unconstitutional gun laws and other laws that violate American liberties? Are we doomed to a never ending creep of incrementalism where we're always on the defense against the socialists or will we eventually push back and try to repeal things like The Brady Act, FOPA, GCA, NFA. Rulings like Heller are great, but we are still burdened with numerous laws that need to be repealed, and these are just the gun laws. *cough* Obamacare *cough*.

Has the fundamental culture in America really just changed so much that this will likely never happen? If we got a House and Senate majority with an R President, would it even have a chance of happening then?
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 12:51:16 PM EDT
By the "right" do you mean republicans?

Not gonna happen.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 12:51:17 PM EDT
Don't see anyone in office with the balls to do it....
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 12:51:48 PM EDT
They won't. Just like the left, they have no interest in giving up even an inch of power.

If you think the R's will save you or have your best interest at heart, you're a fool.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 12:52:29 PM EDT
By the "right" do you mean republicans?

Not gonna happen.

Link Posted: 5/18/2013 12:54:21 PM EDT
By the "right" do you mean republicans?

Not gonna happen.


The Republicans are as bad as the Democrats.

They make a lot of noise but in reality they want the same things.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 12:56:48 PM EDT
your right we need to start trying to repeal some laws instead of always playing defense, make the other side spend some capital to try to quiet us
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 12:57:35 PM EDT
There are way too many RINO's who pose as Republicans. These fakes need to be driven from the party. Before this can happen more people need to wake up and vote. It doesn't appear this will happen anytime soon.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 12:58:16 PM EDT
The GOP just uses a different brand of chains
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 12:59:19 PM EDT
Do you mean like the 37 times the house has voted to repeal obamacare?  Do you understand how our government works?
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 12:59:43 PM EDT
Here's what I have been saying the last 10 years whenever politics and government come up in conversation with people I don't know well enough to disclose by views to:

"The man has a huge list of things you can't do. Every year, he adds hundreds of things to it, but never removes a single thing. What happens when there's nothing you ARE allowed to do?"

Pretty much everyone short of an actual communist has agreed w/ this statement.

And it's damn fucking true and neither current party will ever do a damn thing about it.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:00:36 PM EDT
Um, they just voted again, for the third time, to repeal obamacare in the house.

Stay alert, stay alive.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:08:55 PM EDT
The GOP just uses a different brand of chains

yep, bronze vs iron.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:10:09 PM EDT
Need a majority to repeal laws.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:14:34 PM EDT
Like the one about carrying guns in National Parks?

Registering ammunition sales?

Wicker Amendment?

Interstate sales of long guns?

Transporting firearms through Workers' Paradise states?

Not everything is perfect, but refusing to see the positive is deadly. The perfect is the enemy of the good. Our side spent the last twenty five years fighting for RTC and removing other restrictions. We got the first ugly gun ban to include a sunset clause and we stopped the recent one. We took back the Congress after the Clinton ban, for the first time in forty years.

The antis made progress in states where they were expected to do so, although the federal smackdown of Illinois for refusing to issue a carry permit of any kind is a pleasant victory for our side.

There's a good chance we can save Colorado. If we do, the idiot liberals in the solid, blue states will remain, but the democrats in places where they can lose will take notice. If not, they'll be replaced.

Stop the rending your garments and gnashing your teeth. Have you donated your time or money to the recalls in Colorado? We will not win every battle, but we are winning overall.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:14:44 PM EDT
Do you mean like the 37 times the house has voted to repeal obamacare?  Do you understand how our government works?

Well, my post was PRIMARILY regarding gun laws, or does your reading comprehension suck as bad as your attitude?

Yeah I understand pretty well how the fucking government works.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:16:12 PM EDT
You mean when will they relinquish a bit of the .gov power back to the people? Don't hold your breath for it.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:17:36 PM EDT
Don't hold your breath for anything to be repealed. Ever.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:23:49 PM EDT
When has R ever had a 60 seat Senate majority? A quick bing search turned up full pages. Nope R isn't perfect either.

Yet leftwing loony Robert Reich knows how

How Republicans quietly repeal laws they don't like

Op's concern sounds like something out of alinsky's book of rules to divert from demorat party corruption. Not surprised.

Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:24:07 PM EDT
When will then Right in America (Fed level)  start trying to repeal some of the unconstitutional gun laws and other laws that violate American liberties? Are we doomed to a never ending creep of incrementalism where we're always on the defense against the socialists or will we eventually push back and try to repeal things like The Brady Act, FOPA, GCA, NFA. Rulings like Heller are great, but we are still burdened with numerous laws that need to be repealed, and these are just the gun laws. *cough* Obamacare *cough*.

Has the fundamental culture in America really just changed so much that this will likely never happen? If we got a House and Senate majority with an R President, would it even have a chance of happening then?

When conservative PURGE the RHINOS from the party.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:25:18 PM EDT
They won't. Just like the left, they have no interest in giving up even an inch of power. .

Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:26:31 PM EDT
OP, would you please define ''right''.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:30:02 PM EDT
Like the one about carrying guns in National Parks? not very significant in my personal opinion

Registering ammunition sales? defense

Wicker Amendment? couldn't care less myself

Interstate sales of long guns? defense

Transporting firearms through Workers' Paradise states? defense

Not everything is perfect, but refusing to see the positive is deadly. The perfect is the enemy of the good. Our side spent the last twenty five years fighting for RTC and removing other restrictions. We got the first ugly gun ban to include a sunset clause and we stopped the recent one. We took back the Congress after the Clinton ban, for the first time in forty years.

The antis made progress in states where they were expected to do so, although the federal smackdown of Illinois for refusing to issue a carry permit of any kind is a pleasant victory for our side.

There's a good chance we can save Colorado. If we do, the idiot liberals in the solid, blue states will remain, but the democrats in places where they can lose will take notice. If not, they'll be replaced.

Stop the rending your garments and gnashing your teeth. Have you donated your time or money to the recalls in Colorado? We will not win every battle, but we are winning overall. within the scope of the last 80 years I have to disagree, highly

All of the defensive things are things that were already legal and we were just trying to keep them that way. I was not rending or gnashing anything, we are winning small victories and defending the line in some places but what are we doing at the federal level to get back rights we've already lost? That's what I'm asking in a nutshell. I think that most have just grown up under these onerous laws and it has effectively become the new status quo so people don't even question it anymore.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:30:49 PM EDT
Do you mean like the 37 times the house has voted to repeal obamacare?  Do you understand how our government works?

Well, my post was PRIMARILY regarding gun laws, or does your reading comprehension suck as bad as your attitude?

Yeah I understand pretty well how the fucking government works.

Your post specifically notes obamacare.  So what's the house supposed to do?  Will 2014 actually make a difference even if they manage to take the senate?  

So how about you stfu until you understand what's going on and stop asking stupid fucking questions.  The house republicans are doing everything they can at this point.  Not saying that they're not a bunch of rinos but they can only control what they have the power to control.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:30:59 PM EDT
When has R ever had a 60 seat Senate majority? A quick bing search turned up full pages. Nope R isn't perfect either.

Yet leftwing loony Robert Reich knows how

How Republicans quietly repeal laws they don't like

Op's concern sounds like something out of alinsky's book of rules to divert from demorat party corruption. Not surprised.

Hahahaha, wait you're serious, yeah
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:31:33 PM EDT
I was having too much fun on ARFCOM today.

I knew it wouldnt last.  

Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:32:41 PM EDT
OP, would you please define ''right''.

I just used the common terminology, I consider "right" to typically mean Republican, since we're effectively in a two party system they're the only viable alternative to the Dems for now.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:35:07 PM EDT
Do you mean like the 37 times the house has voted to repeal obamacare?  Do you understand how our government works?

Well, my post was PRIMARILY regarding gun laws, or does your reading comprehension suck as bad as your attitude?

Yeah I understand pretty well how the fucking government works.

You mean like the AWB which was allowed to expire under GWB and the GOP Congress?  
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:35:14 PM EDT
Do you mean like the 37 times the house has voted to repeal obamacare?  Do you understand how our government works?

Well, my post was PRIMARILY regarding gun laws, or does your reading comprehension suck as bad as your attitude?

Yeah I understand pretty well how the fucking government works.

Your post specifically notes obamacare.  So what's the house supposed to do?  Will 2014 actually make a difference even if they manage to take the senate?  

So how about you stfu until you understand what's going on and stop asking stupid fucking questions.  The house republicans are doing everything they can at this point.  Not saying that they're not a bunch of rinos but they can only control what they have the power to control.

Tell me then how we can begin to get to where it can get done. Controlling one house and making political theatre doesn't get anything accomplished, how can we accomplish it?
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:37:48 PM EDT
Do you mean like the 37 times the house has voted to repeal obamacare?  Do you understand how our government works?

Well, my post was PRIMARILY regarding gun laws, or does your reading comprehension suck as bad as your attitude?

Yeah I understand pretty well how the fucking government works.

You mean like the AWB which was allowed to expire under GWB and the GOP Congress?  

Yes, that was a win, recovering lost rights is a win, as opposed to defense.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:38:01 PM EDT



By the "right" do you mean republicans?

Not gonna happen.


The Republicans are as bad as the Democrats.

They make a lot of noise but in reality they want the same things.

Big government.

Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:38:06 PM EDT
Stop the rending your garments and gnashing your teeth. Have you donated your time or money to the recalls in Colorado? We will not win every battle, but we are winning overall. within the scope of the last 80 years I have to disagree, highly

It started before Theodore Roosevelt was President, much more than 80 years ago. We've done a lot. We have a lot more to do. Your post sounds like despair, and that will never help.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:39:44 PM EDT

Tell me then how we can begin to get to where it can get done. Controlling one house and making political theatre doesn't get anything accomplished, how can we accomplish it?

You would need broad public support that isn't there
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:40:27 PM EDT
Don't see anyone in office with the balls to do it....

Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:41:04 PM EDT
They both play the same tune.

"We really don't want to add these new taxes, but the other guys fucked things up so badly that we have no choice."

Translation: "Bend over."
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:42:08 PM EDT
In several states the GOP Governors and State Assemblies have successfully repealed a variety of taxes.  Several more have also repealed many of the prerogatives that unionized public sector employees enjoy.

Here's a good story:  Rise of the Republican Governors

Perhaps the most ambitious of the 2010 crop of reform governors is Michigan’s Rick Snyder, a former venture capitalist with no previous experience in office. Snyder initially received less national attention than Christie or Wisconsin’s Scott Walker, whose battle with government unions grabbed headlines throughout 2011. Perhaps Snyder’s post-partisan image was what kept him off the national press’s radar for so long: he ran as a wonk who would use his business acumen to fix the state’s finances.

In his first budget, Snyder sought to close a $1.5 billion deficit while pushing—successfully, as it turned out—to get rid of the hated Michigan Business Tax. The MBT didn’t just tax businesses’ profits, as most corporate taxes do; it taxed their revenues as well, meaning that firms had to pay even when they weren’t making money. Politicians and policy experts in Michigan had long acknowledged that the MBT was one of the nation’s worst corporate taxes and that it drove away business. But it brought the state $1.7 billion in yearly revenue that no previous governor had wanted to forgo.

Snyder’s tax-reform plan was audacious. To make up for the lost MBT revenues, he proposed a flat corporate levy; jettisoning $400 million in targeted corporate tax credits, which had tried to keep particular companies in the state; and (most controversially) taxing the pensions of all Michigan residents. Michigan, Snyder observed, was one of only three states that exempted pensions from income tax. The anomaly had originated in the mid-sixties, when state pols and public-sector unions reached a deal to exclude government pensions from taxes and public anger over the favoritism led to a broadened exemption. Snyder’s call to tax pensions understandably upset retirees and government-worker groups, who threatened to try to recall the governor. But he persisted, and the recall idea fizzled. The Michigan legislature eventually agreed with him and reshaped the state’s tax code. The new arrangement moved Michigan’s corporate levy from next-to-worst in the Tax Foundation’s national rankings to 18th best. “The Wicked Witch is done,” Snyder said.

Some are even looking at emulating TX and eliminating their income taxes:

So Nebraska’s Dave Heineman has proposed replacing the income tax, which brings in some $1.6 billion in revenue, with sales-tax money. Nebraska collects $2.4 billion in sales tax already but exempts certain products and industries, forgoing as much as $5 billion; Heineman would eliminate many of those exemptions. He’s asked the legislature to study the impact of his proposal before proceeding. Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal also wants to end the income tax—continuing a movement that he started in 2008, when he repealed $359 million in income-tax increases that Louisiana had passed six years earlier, arguing that the higher levies were destroying jobs. Jindal’s current push would mean $3.3 billion less for the state in annual tax revenue, which the governor thinks could be made up partly by hiking the sales tax and applying it to some of the nearly 500 products and services currently not subject to it.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:42:50 PM EDT
Do you mean like the 37 times the house has voted to repeal obamacare?  Do you understand how our government works?

Well, my post was PRIMARILY regarding gun laws, or does your reading comprehension suck as bad as your attitude?

Yeah I understand pretty well how the fucking government works.

Your post specifically notes obamacare.  So what's the house supposed to do?  Will 2014 actually make a difference even if they manage to take the senate?  

So how about you stfu until you understand what's going on and stop asking stupid fucking questions.  The house republicans are doing everything they can at this point.  Not saying that they're not a bunch of rinos but they can only control what they have the power to control.

Tell me then how we can begin to get to where it can get done. Controlling one house and making political theatre doesn't get anything accomplished, how can we accomplish it?

You run solid conservative candidates.  You energize the right with a solid conservative message and they will come out and vote.  Until the conservative voters have candidates they can rally around nothing will change.  We need to find our "Obama".  
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:43:25 PM EDT
They both play the same tune.

"We really don't want to add these new taxes, but the other guys fucked things up so badly that we have no choice."

Translation: "Bend over."

That's false, but your argument will gain a lot of traction here.  See my post above.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:44:30 PM EDT
Here's my prediction...

2016 goes to the left.  This spiral downfall of America continues.  The fedgov will keep pushing with things like obamacare and gun control and other anti-freedom stuff.  Police state will become much more involved.

2020 will see a shift from establishment republicans to more libertarian like candidates.  Election will still go the left.

2024 Once America is practically unrecognizable and the people FINALLY get upset because the money is gone, the economy is in shambles and the freedoms are all but gone...the real Americans will finally get up off their asses and vote.  The vote will go to a libertarian candidate.

2026 Elections in the house and senate will start to go that way.  

2028 Libertarians win again, take over the Senate, remain in control of the house.

2030 We start to get some of these detrimental laws off the books.  

So...yeah we are a LONG ass way away.  If it even happens at all.  Maybe once they cancel American Idol.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:44:47 PM EDT

Has the fundamental culture in America really just changed so much that this will likely never happen?

We are more risk averse, and willing to limit other's rights for a little extra chance at security.
Also, our culture has too broad a spectrum of values for us to agree on any consistent set of values upon which to create laws that more or less please everyone. Consequently, we end up banning everything in a grand compromise.

Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:49:33 PM EDT


By the "right" do you mean republicans?

Not gonna happen.

Holy fucking FPNI.

Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:50:36 PM EDT
The D's and R's are (to me) different sides of the same coin.  Having worked for some very wealthy people in Kalifornia in the 80's (Regan presidential campain) was an 'eye popper'.  Money and lots of it push the political system - in other words, follow the money and you will have your answers.  Much of the 'system' is hidden from you and yours but make no mistake, the pay off/prize is huge and not necessarily based on 'what's best for the people'.  Just saying ................
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:55:02 PM EDT


By the "right" do you mean republicans?
Not gonna happen.


Politicians are the same people that were on your high school student council.  What'd they do for you back then?  Were they on "student council" to represent your interest or their own?  Who benefited by them winning a seat on student council, you or them?  


People in government are there to benefit themselves.  Oh, they'll say "To Serve" but we all know that's a crock of shit.  They are there for their own benefit.  Also, no one gets elected to do LESS.   They keep their jobs by getting YOU to need them to do more things.  Next, look at the net worth of Senators and Congressional Representatives.   You'll notice a pattern.  Many of them are wealthy.   Furthermore, some have actually become wealthy while "selflessly" serving the public interest.  Some like our President, have done very little other then "serve" the public good...and have become wealthy doing it.  Politics is a great wealth building tool.    

Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:55:49 PM EDT
anyone who has the balls to do it would never make it in politics, its a dirty business full of a bunch of douche bags
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 1:58:44 PM EDT
I have bitched about this a lot.  Conservatives seem to always be on the defensive...why can't we go on the legislative offense?
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 2:04:47 PM EDT
Do you mean like the 37 times the house has voted to repeal obamacare?  Do you understand how our government works?

Thank you, civics courses aren't what they used to be.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 2:08:23 PM EDT
Do you mean like the 37 times the house has voted to repeal obamacare?  Do you understand how our government works?


It's shocking how little people pay attention.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 2:13:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 2:16:01 PM EDT
Don't hold your breath for anything to be repealed. Ever.

It'll probably have to be done on a state level. The Indiana Governor just signed bills last week that repealed the prohibition of sound suppressors for hunting and automatic knives. Both laws were in effect for decades and we got them repealed. It's a start anyway.

Indiana also passed Right to Work, IIRC.

There's actually a lot of strong work being done once you get through the octopus ink the Mobies like to spray.
Link Posted: 5/18/2013 2:17:37 PM EDT



Do you mean like the 37 times the house has voted to repeal obamacare?  Do you understand how our government works?


It's shocking how little people pay attention.

Oh, people are paying attention...


Link Posted: 5/18/2013 2:18:11 PM EDT
When will then Right in America (Fed level)  start trying to repeal some of the unconstitutional gun laws and other laws that violate American liberties? Are we doomed to a never ending creep of incrementalism where we're always on the defense against the socialists or will we eventually push back and try to repeal things like The Brady Act, FOPA, GCA, NFA. Rulings like Heller are great, but we are still burdened with numerous laws that need to be repealed, and these are just the gun laws. *cough* Obamacare *cough*.

Has the fundamental culture in America really just changed so much that this will likely never happen? If we got a House and Senate majority with an R President, would it even have a chance of happening then?

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