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Posted: 6/15/2013 6:41:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 6:42:48 AM EDT

Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 6:50:43 AM EDT
Wow i wanna beat the fuck outta that old shit stain who considers himself a person.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 6:50:44 AM EDT
Khazrian Jewish conspiracy.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 6:51:26 AM EDT
Whatever story gets them through the day.

My grandfathers machine-gunned many of them.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 6:54:21 AM EDT




Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.

It's denial man pure and simple. Some of them are probably narcassitic enough to think they were right.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 6:58:14 AM EDT


Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.

It's denial man pure and simple. Some of them are probably narcassitic enough to think they were right.  

I wish my great grandfather was around, I would have sold everything I own to fly him over there so he could finish the job.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 6:58:34 AM EDT
Fucking Nazis, yeah not all were party members but nearly all supported the party through action, inaction, monetary support, or silence.

Yeah go ahead and rationalize your inexcusable youthful indiscretions.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 6:59:50 AM EDT
Like all the rest of them they were forced to join the nazi party against their will and knew nothing about the death camps.

They are old men now; but once, they were monsters.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:01:34 AM EDT


Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.

It's denial man pure and simple. Some of them are probably narcassitic enough to think they were right.  

A lot of them didn't have a clue about the other things that took place. There is no denying those events happened, but don't confuse the actions of a common Werhmacht soldier with those of certain SS elements, etc.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:01:47 AM EDT


Like all the rest of them they were forced to join the nazi party against their will and knew nothing about the death camps.

They are old men now; but once, they were monsters.


Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:01:52 AM EDT
More "I know nothing! I was only following orders! We suffered too!" crap from ze Germans.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:02:23 AM EDT
Wow i wanna beat the fuck outta that old shit stain who considers himself a person.

He would tell you as long as the day is long that no one out side the camps actually knew about what was going on in the camps. If really pressed he would tell you that all that evil shit was done by the Evil Gestapo, and Satanic SS.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:02:56 AM EDT
I didn't watch the video, did they claim they were fighting for states rights?
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:03:10 AM EDT
They shot my father and killed his best friend . Fuck that Nazi bastard .
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:04:23 AM EDT
Like all the rest of them they were forced to join the nazi party against their will and knew nothing about the death camps.

They are old men now; but once, they were monsters.

They are still monsters, just old distilled, unrepentant monsters.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:05:49 AM EDT
Fuck that Nazi bastard. Glad my grandfather killed some of them. Wish he had killed more
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:06:05 AM EDT

Fuck 'em
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:06:56 AM EDT
Fuck them.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:07:05 AM EDT
Tag for home viewing, and fuck those guys from what I'm gathering from the comments here.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:07:35 AM EDT

Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.


This is coming from a person of Austrian/German decent.  My ancestors saw the writing on the wall and got the fuck out of dodge.  They wanted no part of national socialism or the anti-Semites.  The German people have a lot to to be ashamed of.  They had the opportunity to leave, not participate, or fight back, most simply turned a blind eye.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:09:27 AM EDT
"If we didn't stop them the bolsheviks would have gone all the way to the channel."

Yeah you stopped'em buddy.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:14:12 AM EDT
My grandmother and grandfather both fought against the Nazi's

Grandfather - British Army

Grandmother - Polish resistance(Part of General Sikorski's staff)

I think Band Of Brothers covers it well.

Baker: Ich bin kein Nazi! (I am not a Nazi!)

Webster: Oh, you're not a Nazi? My mistake, you fat fucking prick. What about a human being? Are you one of those, or are you going to tell me that you never smelt the fucking stench? [of the nearby concentration camp]

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:16:03 AM EDT

Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.


This is coming from a person of Austrian/German decent.  My ancestors saw the writing on the wall and got the fuck out of dodge.  They wanted no part of national socialism or the anti-Semites.  The German people have a lot to to be ashamed of.  They had the opportunity to leave, not participate, or fight back, most simply turned a blind eye.

Often wondered what if? What if Hitler didn't have a prejudice for the Jews and enlisted them into the war effort? Seems a lot of good talent went to waste.
Also our views of Germany vs Russia may of changed. Just seems such a waste of manpower and intelligence. What if the resources used to eliminate the
Jews went instead to the war effort.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:16:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:18:06 AM EDT
Unfortunately  for  us  we  didn't  finish  the  job . These  fascist  are  now  showing  up  in  Conn. , N.Y. , Co. , Maryland  and  several  other  places . Anyone  who  doesn't  believe  another  " purge "  is  coming  is  smoking  crack .
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:20:54 AM EDT






Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.


This is coming from a person of Austrian/German decent.  My ancestors saw the writing on the wall and got the fuck out of dodge.  They wanted no part of national socialism or the anti-Semites.  The German people have a lot to to be ashamed of.  They had the opportunity to leave, not participate, or fight back, most simply turned a blind eye.

Often wondered what if? What if Hitler didn't have a prejudice for the Jews and enlisted them into the war effort? Seems a lot of good talent went to waste.

Also our views of Germany vs Russia may of changed. Just seems such a waste of manpower and intelligence. What if the resources used to eliminate the

Jews went instead to the war effort.

So basically if Hitler hadn't been Hitler.

There was a plan for a conservative Generals putsch against Hitler in the late 1930s. If it had worked we probably would have seen something like you're describing. The General Staff wouldn't have been celebrating Hanukkah, but they would have had to put a lot of the top Holocaust architects into detention camps themselves.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:21:32 AM EDT
War is a messy business.  I'm sure when I am an old man I would look as shady as the Wehrmacht guys defending our military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:22:09 AM EDT
"If we didn't stop them the bolsheviks would have gone all the way to the channel."

Yeah you stopped'em buddy.


They would have had they been left alone.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:25:03 AM EDT
I didn't watch the video, did they claim they were fighting for states rights?

Reverse Godwin?
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:27:33 AM EDT

Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.


This is coming from a person of Austrian/German decent.  My ancestors saw the writing on the wall and got the fuck out of dodge.  They wanted no part of national socialism or the anti-Semites.  The German people have a lot to to be ashamed of.  They had the opportunity to leave, not participate, or fight back, most simply turned a blind eye.

Often wondered what if? What if Hitler didn't have a prejudice for the Jews and enlisted them into the war effort? Seems a lot of good talent went to waste.
Also our views of Germany vs Russia may of changed. Just seems such a waste of manpower and intelligence. What if the resources used to eliminate the
Jews went instead to the war effort.

I always wondered that as well.  It was a good thing he was fucking insane.  All the resources used running the concentration camps, all the brilliant men he chased out of Germany or killed, the added man power, all that could have been used on the eastern front.  The German army got damn close to Moscow, who knows, if he hadn't wasted all those resources he may have been able to take Moscow.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:32:08 AM EDT
What happened has happened before and will happen again.  The explanations for what happens vary.  Here, there is truth in what those men say about bolshevism.  Look at bolshevism's threat to Europe before WWII.  A whole hell-of-a-lot of people around the world feared bolshevism and with good reason, and they had no problem with Germans willing to 'bleed them a favor.'  The Bolsheviks would certainly have wasted much life in the pursuit of their expansionism--expansionism toward a different purpose than the Germans'--had the Germans not thrown the first 'punches' in v.1941 Total War.  In the wake of industrialization, the 20th Century was to be a Century of Death.  People around the world were anxious to kill to make things right for their own and in their minds and by their new ways and means, for others.  Ironically, technology has allowed at least a temporary pause in industrialized right-making with the wide availability of the "kill-all" button.  

Understanding what happened requires unemotional objective analysis.  Right-vs-wrong, good-and-evil isn't what led to WWII.  These things never are; they're only propaganda tools for the real driving force: National Interests.  Subjective analysis the handy but erroneous shortcut to 'understanding'.  

(Please put whatever "fuck-who-all" one needs to read here that redirects ones NAZI/Communist/etc -sympathizer detector suits.)

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:37:23 AM EDT


War is a messy business.  I'm sure when I am an old man I would look as shady as the Wehrmacht guys defending our military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yeah because our military assisted in rounding up entire villages so that our state security, police, and sometimes other military units could kill every single one of them. Yup it's completely the same.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:37:39 AM EDT
Hitlers Army, by Omer Bartov... y'all should read it.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:37:47 AM EDT
Flame suit is on.

The majority here would have done the same thing those men did, given the same circumstance. Look at how Hitler came to power, all the propaganda surrounding his reign etc. People, particularly youth and desperate are easily swayed and brainwashed.

It's a fact that Hitler just beat Stalin to the punch. Also a fact that the Germans generally treated POWs decently (jews and the like, notwithstanding). Also widely known that the Russians were animals to POWs and civilians.

The Germans running the death camps were absolutely, undeniably animals along with the rest of the SS leadership who knew what the truth was.

The rank and file German soldiers were same as any other soldier, doing what they thought was right after being indoctrinated with patriotism and nationalism. Fighting for country and fellow soldier.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:40:27 AM EDT


Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.

It's denial man pure and simple. Some of them are probably narcassitic enough to think they were right.  

A lot of them didn't have a clue about the other things that took place. There is no denying those events happened, but don't confuse the actions of a common Werhmacht soldier with those of certain SS elements, etc.

This. I had two nazi youth as pt's years ago. A male and female both were around 9 or 10 y/o at the time iirc. All I can say is, neither had a "choice" about where their lives took them.

I could do a nice thread on them as I got to know them and spent hours de briefing them if you will on my own time. One quick quip

my pt aged 10 and his two cohorts , a bit younger he said were manning a MG42 (he does not fap over guns like we do) and did not know the name of the weapon but he described it to me so..anyway they were on a river bank/RR bridge area pretty much totally alone. A US fighter plane came alone and they were freaking out. They were well hidden but the older nazi fuks in the area called on the radio and told them to shoot it down. He refused as he did not want to kill anyone and ran off to a good dist. Well the two 9y/o MGers fired a burst as it fly by. The plane turned around in a flash he said and swopped down like it was hunting rabbits in a field. It took two passes, my guy went back and his friends were in pieces. 9 fuking yrs old.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:41:40 AM EDT
So you defended Germany from Russian Bolshevism.... Against Americans in France, Italy and Africa? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight......
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:44:03 AM EDT
WW2 version of the "Stab in the Back" beliefs.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:48:06 AM EDT


Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.

It's denial man pure and simple. Some of them are probably narcassitic enough to think they were right.  

Watch the video they do think it was right.  There is another member here who is Dutch.  Who met one of these pricks on a plane once. Said the guy said he had a great time in holland during the war! He was proud of it!
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:50:20 AM EDT
They are correct about the Ostfront because Hitler did have the invasion time moved up since Stalin was going to invade Europe and enslave it in the same manner that he had Russia. Good war, pagan national socialist vs. atheist communist.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:53:38 AM EDT
Whatever story gets them through the day.

My grandfathers machine-gunned many of them.

This, my grandfather was there when they liberated Buchenwald, my dad sat me down when I was about 12, he pulled out a shoe box with my grandfathers pictures from Buchwald and his 1911, he told me what papa told him and let the pictures speak for themselves.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:55:53 AM EDT
Whatever story gets them through the day.

My grandfathers machine-gunned many of them.

This, my grandfather was there when they liberated Buchenwald, my dad sat me down when I was about 12, he pulled out a shoe box with my grandfathers pictures from Buchwald and his 1911, he told me what papa told him and let the pictures speak for themselves.

My German teacher in school had a number on her arm
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:56:08 AM EDT
Wehrmacht =/= SS
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:56:58 AM EDT
Yeah.  Alright.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 7:57:21 AM EDT
War is a messy business.  I'm sure when I am an old man I would look as shady as the Wehrmacht guys defending our military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Go back to Stormfront.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:00:25 AM EDT


I didn't watch the video, did they claim they were fighting for states rights?

The stupidity has no limits with certain (very few thankfully) members here. You have certainly earned a spot on the list.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:00:57 AM EDT

War is a messy business.  I'm sure when I am an old man I would look as shady as the Wehrmacht guys defending our military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yeah because our military assisted in rounding up entire villages so that our state security, police, and sometimes other military units could kill every single one of them. Yup it's completely the same.


That is exactly what leftist academia says about us now. Imagine how in 40 years they will portray us and use photos from Haiditha and Abu Garhib to prove it.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:01:40 AM EDT

Fuck those assholes, they killed off half of my family near Odessa but hey I guess they were just defending Europe against those dirty Judeo-bolshevists.

Perfect first post, considering the subject.
Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:02:38 AM EDT
War is a messy business.  I'm sure when I am an old man I would look as shady as the Wehrmacht guys defending our military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I'm sure that you would not, unless, of course,  you have some knowledge of the labor and extermination camps that the rest of us aren't privy to.

Children subjected to medical experiments by the nazis.

Link Posted: 6/15/2013 8:03:08 AM EDT
War is a messy business.  I'm sure when I am an old man I would look as shady as the Wehrmacht guys defending our military's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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