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Link Posted: 6/5/2014 2:10:28 AM EDT

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Why aren't we blaming the SF team who went to pick up Bergdahl?

They could have refused the mission.

Do you even comprehend how the military works?



WTF is wrong with you?
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 2:15:51 AM EDT
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  WTF is wrong with you?
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Why aren't we blaming the SF team who went to pick up Bergdahl?

They could have refused the mission.

Do you even comprehend how the military works?


  WTF is wrong with you?

My first guess would be........Alot
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 7:06:31 AM EDT
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Years after the fact? After the war is over? You'll note, I'm sure, that once hostilities are over the POWs go home.

Did we catch all Taliban assholes years after the fact? Or are you trying to parse "We've given Taliban members POW status?" If you are, do it directly.
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We've given Taliban members POW status.

Given that they were fighting for the state of Afghanistan...

So they take orders from Hamid Karzai?

So we defeat Germany and all those soldiers we captured are no longer POWs?

Nazi terrorists captured fighting against Helmut Kohl?

Years after the fact? After the war is over? You'll note, I'm sure, that once hostilities are over the POWs go home.

Did we catch all Taliban assholes years after the fact? Or are you trying to parse "We've given Taliban members POW status?" If you are, do it directly.

No.  We were never at war with the Taliban, per se.  We are at war with Al Qaida, affiliated groups, and those who supported the 911 attacks.  We didn't send the Italians home before the ret of the Axis forces were defeated.

POW status should be given to none of them.

Link Posted: 6/5/2014 7:26:55 AM EDT
this whole thing stinks more by the day
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 8:08:39 AM EDT
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Why aren't we blaming the SF team who went to pick up Bergdahl?

They could have refused the mission.

Do you even comprehend how the military works?


I'd say you doubled down on derp but I think you exceeded that by bringing in the Nazi reference. A simple no would have made things far less uncomfortable for you.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for the moment and assume that you were foolishly attempting to imply that any orders to retrieve Bergdahl were illegal and somehow at the discretion of the troops to ignore.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 8:12:27 AM EDT
From an outstanding short article on the major conservative v. Obama inner circle culture clash going on here-


This is a fundamental culture clash. Team Obama and its base cannot comprehend the values still cherished by those young Americans “so dumb” they joined the Army instead of going to prep school and then to Harvard. Values such as duty, honor, country, physical courage, and loyalty to your brothers and sisters in arms have no place in Obama World. (Military people don’t necessarily all like each other, but they know they can depend on each other in battle — the sacred trust Bergdahl violated.)

President Obama did this to himself (and to Bergdahl). This beautifully educated man, who never tires of letting us know how much smarter he is than the rest of us, never stopped to consider that our troops and their families might have been offended by their commander-in-chief staging a love-fest at the White House to celebrate trading five top terrorists for one deserter and featuring not the families of those soldiers (at least six of them) who died in the efforts to find and free Bergdahl, but, instead, giving a starring role on the international stage to Pa Taliban, parent of a deserter and a creature of dubious sympathies (that beard on pops ain’t a tribute to ZZ Top). How do you say “outrageous insult to our vets” in Pashto?
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Link Posted: 6/5/2014 8:16:35 AM EDT
This can't be all of it, what else is going on? Why would the administration trade away those five if there wasn't something else they thought they were going to get out of it instead of at best a deserter, at worst a traitor? This administration is not replete with geniuses, but they aren't exactly stupid either.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 8:26:53 AM EDT
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This can't be all of it, what else is going on? Why would the administration trade away those five if there wasn't something else they thought they were going to get out of it instead of at best a deserter, at worst a traitor? This administration is not replete with geniuses, but they aren't exactly stupid either.
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There might be more to it, so from what I'm seeing it's mostly the administration thinking they could win back vets' votes during the VA scandal by bringing a guy home. Except they totally misunderstand what they reaction would be. They were looking for cheap easy political points to win back vets and it blew up in their faces. The article I linked above describes the situation perfectly. Basically, nobody in Obama's littlle Ivy League circle would ever be dirty and serf-like and serve in the military and know nothing of the culture and values and thought we'd be as easily won over by being thrown a bone like their welfare consituency.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 8:28:18 AM EDT
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  WTF is wrong with you?
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Why aren't we blaming the SF team who went to pick up Bergdahl?

They could have refused the mission.

Do you even comprehend how the military works?


  WTF is wrong with you?

LOL is this dude for real? I can't even.... nevermind.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 9:05:52 AM EDT
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Why aren't we blaming the SF team who went to pick up Bergdahl?

They could have refused the mission.

Do you even comprehend how the military works?


That's all I really have for this nonsense.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 9:08:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 9:18:10 AM EDT
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There might be more to it, so from what I'm seeing it's mostly the administration thinking they could win back vets' votes during the VA scandal by bringing a guy home. Except they totally misunderstand what they reaction would be. They were looking for cheap easy political points to win back vets and it blew up in their faces. The article I linked above describes the situation perfectly. Basically, nobody in Obama's littlle Ivy League circle would ever be dirty and serf-like and serve in the military and know nothing of the culture and values and thought we'd be as easily won over by being thrown a bone like their welfare consituency.
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This can't be all of it, what else is going on? Why would the administration trade away those five if there wasn't something else they thought they were going to get out of it instead of at best a deserter, at worst a traitor? This administration is not replete with geniuses, but they aren't exactly stupid either.

There might be more to it, so from what I'm seeing it's mostly the administration thinking they could win back vets' votes during the VA scandal by bringing a guy home. Except they totally misunderstand what they reaction would be. They were looking for cheap easy political points to win back vets and it blew up in their faces. The article I linked above describes the situation perfectly. Basically, nobody in Obama's littlle Ivy League circle would ever be dirty and serf-like and serve in the military and know nothing of the culture and values and thought we'd be as easily won over by being thrown a bone like their welfare consituency.

Saw Moochelle on the tv yesterday promoting her, "Let's get all vets off the streets campaign" yesterday.  They are desperate.  Why did they wait till now?  I think we know.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 9:18:14 AM EDT

It appears as though there was some sort of trying to cover up Berghdals disappearance back when it happened
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 9:45:56 AM EDT
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Saw Moochelle on the tv yesterday promoting her, "Let's get all vets off the streets campaign" yesterday.  They are desperate.  Why did they wait till now?  I think we know.
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This can't be all of it, what else is going on? Why would the administration trade away those five if there wasn't something else they thought they were going to get out of it instead of at best a deserter, at worst a traitor? This administration is not replete with geniuses, but they aren't exactly stupid either.

There might be more to it, so from what I'm seeing it's mostly the administration thinking they could win back vets' votes during the VA scandal by bringing a guy home. Except they totally misunderstand what they reaction would be. They were looking for cheap easy political points to win back vets and it blew up in their faces. The article I linked above describes the situation perfectly. Basically, nobody in Obama's littlle Ivy League circle would ever be dirty and serf-like and serve in the military and know nothing of the culture and values and thought we'd be as easily won over by being thrown a bone like their welfare consituency.

Saw Moochelle on the tv yesterday promoting her, "Let's get all vets off the streets campaign" yesterday.  They are desperate.  Why did they wait till now?  I think we know.

I know, I know, I know, I know, they were so busy repairing the economy, er, they were so busy making sure that everyone had low cost health insurance, er, they were so busy protecting us from terrorists both domestic and foreign, er, they were so wrapped up in protecting our property rights, er, they were so engrossed in protecting our privacy rights, er, they were so involved with protecting our energy supplies,..........damn, why did they wait so long?
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:15:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:16:36 AM EDT

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Last time I checked we weren't attacked by any European countries, so you may want to try again.

Sure, Hitler declared war on us, but there wasn't a damn thing he could have done to actually inflict any harm on us.  We could have easily said "cool story bro" and not done shit.

So, try again.
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In wars we could have avoided, but chose not to?


You did try to avoid it, but you were attacked. Don't they teach you anything in schools?

Last time I checked we weren't attacked by any European countries, so you may want to try again.

Sure, Hitler declared war on us, but there wasn't a damn thing he could have done to actually inflict any harm on us.  We could have easily said "cool story bro" and not done shit.

So, try again.

German Subs stalking the US coast and Gulf of Mexico?
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:19:31 AM EDT
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The douchebaggery and derp that is this admin knoweth no bounds.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:27:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:29:48 AM EDT
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The douchebaggery and derp that is this admin knoweth no bounds.
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The douchebaggery and derp that is this admin knoweth no bounds.

You have to accept that he fits in with that crowd.  He is just maligning American soldiers to defend Obama's failed trade of five terrorists for a reported deserter. If the deserter aspect is true as it appears to be, I would have left the deserter where he was. A deserter forfeits any "Leave no man behind" protection in my opinion.....unless you want to get him for a court-martial.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:31:22 AM EDT
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But democrats support the troops.
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It sounds like the Republicans need to start a Democrat "War on the military" campaign much as the libs "War on women."
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:32:09 AM EDT
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He changed his twitter profile to hide the administration connection

Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:35:54 AM EDT
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Well now.  It appears that they issue cans of gasoline to their 'officials'.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:38:26 AM EDT
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It sounds like the Republicans need to start a Democrat "War on the military" campaign much as the libs "War on women."
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It sounds like the Republicans need to start a Democrat "War on the military" campaign much as the libs "War on women."

VERY good suggestion.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:39:08 AM EDT
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POW status should be given to none of them.

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Those assholes are POW's about as much as I am a fucking brain surgeon.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:43:43 AM EDT
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From an outstanding short article on the major conservative v. Obama inner circle culture clash going on here-


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From an outstanding short article on the major conservative v. Obama inner circle culture clash going on here-


This is a fundamental culture clash. Team Obama and its base cannot comprehend the values still cherished by those young Americans “so dumb” they joined the Army instead of going to prep school and then to Harvard. Values such as duty, honor, country, physical courage, and loyalty to your brothers and sisters in arms have no place in Obama World. (Military people don’t necessarily all like each other, but they know they can depend on each other in battle — the sacred trust Bergdahl violated.)

President Obama did this to himself (and to Bergdahl). This beautifully educated man, who never tires of letting us know how much smarter he is than the rest of us, never stopped to consider that our troops and their families might have been offended by their commander-in-chief staging a love-fest at the White House to celebrate trading five top terrorists for one deserter and featuring not the families of those soldiers (at least six of them) who died in the efforts to find and free Bergdahl, but, instead, giving a starring role on the international stage to Pa Taliban, parent of a deserter and a creature of dubious sympathies (that beard on pops ain’t a tribute to ZZ Top). How do you say “outrageous insult to our vets” in Pashto?

And these dumb fuck 18 year old soldiers have a better understanding of the constitution than most college educated young adults ... This admin continually turning about face on these guys is gonna have some nasty Repercussions
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:46:25 AM EDT
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Doubling down(or is it tripling down by now?) on the derp I see.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:46:41 AM EDT
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And these dumb fuck 18 year old soldiers have a better understanding of the constitution than most college educated young adults ... This admin continually turning about face on these guys is gonna have some nasty Repercussions
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From an outstanding short article on the major conservative v. Obama inner circle culture clash going on here-


This is a fundamental culture clash. Team Obama and its base cannot comprehend the values still cherished by those young Americans “so dumb” they joined the Army instead of going to prep school and then to Harvard. Values such as duty, honor, country, physical courage, and loyalty to your brothers and sisters in arms have no place in Obama World. (Military people don’t necessarily all like each other, but they know they can depend on each other in battle — the sacred trust Bergdahl violated.)

President Obama did this to himself (and to Bergdahl). This beautifully educated man, who never tires of letting us know how much smarter he is than the rest of us, never stopped to consider that our troops and their families might have been offended by their commander-in-chief staging a love-fest at the White House to celebrate trading five top terrorists for one deserter and featuring not the families of those soldiers (at least six of them) who died in the efforts to find and free Bergdahl, but, instead, giving a starring role on the international stage to Pa Taliban, parent of a deserter and a creature of dubious sympathies (that beard on pops ain’t a tribute to ZZ Top). How do you say “outrageous insult to our vets” in Pashto?

And these dumb fuck 18 year old soldiers have a better understanding of the constitution than most college educated young adults ... This admin continually turning about face on these guys is gonna have some nasty Repercussions

Doubt it.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:46:53 AM EDT
What a mealy mouth swarmy POS.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:52:50 AM EDT
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From an outstanding short article on the major conservative v. Obama inner circle culture clash going on here-


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From an outstanding short article on the major conservative v. Obama inner circle culture clash going on here-



From the same article;
"But compassion, please! The president and all the president’s men and women are not alone. Our media elite — where it’s a rare bird who bothered to serve in uniform — instantly became experts on military justice. Of earnest mien and blithe assumption, one talking head after another announced that “we always try to rescue our troops, even deserters.”

Uh, no. “Save the deserter” is a recent battle cry of the politically indoctrinated brass. For much of our history, we did make some efforts to track down deserters in wartime. Then we shot or hanged them. Or, if we were in good spirits, we merely used a branding iron to burn a large D into their cheeks or foreheads. Even as we grew more enlightened, desertion brought serious time in a military prison. At hard labor."

Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:54:23 AM EDT
What incidents can conservatives use to show the voters about the Democrat "War on the military"

1)   The tweets by Friedman are excellent

2)  Trying to make a hero out of a deserter whose desertion led to the deaths of multiple military personnel.

3)  Letting vets die by not treating them in a timely manner.  

4)  The stalling during that event and Senate rejection of a bill to allow VA administrators to be fired.

5)  Letting terrorist go who probably killed military and can be expected to do that in the future.

Link Posted: 6/5/2014 10:56:50 AM EDT
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Doubt it.
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From an outstanding short article on the major conservative v. Obama inner circle culture clash going on here-


This is a fundamental culture clash. Team Obama and its base cannot comprehend the values still cherished by those young Americans “so dumb” they joined the Army instead of going to prep school and then to Harvard. Values such as duty, honor, country, physical courage, and loyalty to your brothers and sisters in arms have no place in Obama World. (Military people don’t necessarily all like each other, but they know they can depend on each other in battle — the sacred trust Bergdahl violated.)

President Obama did this to himself (and to Bergdahl). This beautifully educated man, who never tires of letting us know how much smarter he is than the rest of us, never stopped to consider that our troops and their families might have been offended by their commander-in-chief staging a love-fest at the White House to celebrate trading five top terrorists for one deserter and featuring not the families of those soldiers (at least six of them) who died in the efforts to find and free Bergdahl, but, instead, giving a starring role on the international stage to Pa Taliban, parent of a deserter and a creature of dubious sympathies (that beard on pops ain’t a tribute to ZZ Top). How do you say “outrageous insult to our vets” in Pashto?

And these dumb fuck 18 year old soldiers have a better understanding of the constitution than most college educated young adults ... This admin continually turning about face on these guys is gonna have some nasty Repercussions

Doubt it.

Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:10:16 AM EDT
From Obama earlier-

“I make absolutely no apologies for making sure that we get back a young man to his parents"

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Double down time. I'm pretty surprised he's defending it still and hasn't blamed and fired a GO for "recommending" the release to him.

Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:11:28 AM EDT
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From Obama earlier-

Double down time. I'm pretty surprised he's defending it still and hasn't blamed and fired a GO for "recommending" the release to him.

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From Obama earlier-

“I make absolutely no apologies for making sure that we get back a young man to his parents"

Double down time. I'm pretty surprised he's defending it still and hasn't blamed and fired a GO for "recommending" the release to him.

From what I've read, they were told that this was a bad idea and the folks who told them were told 'shut up'.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:13:22 AM EDT

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From what I've read, they were told that this was a bad idea and the folks who told them were told 'shut up'.
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From Obama earlier-

"I make absolutely no apologies for making sure that we get back a young man to his parents"

Double down time. I'm pretty surprised he's defending it still and hasn't blamed and fired a GO for "recommending" the release to him.

From what I've read, they were told that this was a bad idea and the folks who told them were told 'shut up'.
Well...b/c they don't listen to advisers that actually understand the military....

If they have those...

Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:15:05 AM EDT
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Bush DOJ opined that GITMO would be outside US Jurisdiction re: habeas corpus, UCMJ, etc.

The supreme court disagreed. Whoops.
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Congress was supposed to pass a law that would square this circle. They didn't. Thanks for your support to the war effort, chumps.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:15:38 AM EDT
I'll be the first to say it!!!! Quote me here!!!! If found guilt of desertion or treason he will be "pardoned" by FBHO. Quote me!!!!

Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:18:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:20:18 AM EDT
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Years after the fact? After the war is over? You'll note, I'm sure, that once hostilities are over the POWs go home.
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No. POWs do not "go home."

They are returned to their protecting power, technically speaking.

Who is the protecting power of a erstwhile citizen of Afghanistan fighting against the recognized government of Afghanistan? How about a third country national?
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:21:46 AM EDT
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The douchebaggery and derp that is this admin knoweth no bounds.
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The douchebaggery and derp that is this admin knoweth no bounds.

Stay classy, Washington!
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:24:45 AM EDT
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Doubt it.


That's a little harsh and unwarranted for that matter. He's not throwing anyone to the wolves, he's doubting anything will be done when nothing "officially" happens to Taliban Bowe! I agree with Crabs, nothing will happen!
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:27:18 AM EDT
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I'll be the first to say it!!!! Quote me here!!!! If found guilt of desertion or treason he will be "pardoned" by FBHO. Quote me!!!!

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Obama will be out of office in 2 years and 7 months.  I'm told that the investigation and legal processes are rather slow sometimes.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:28:19 AM EDT
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Congress was supposed to pass a law that would square this circle. They didn't. Thanks for your support to the war effort, chumps.
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Bush DOJ opined that GITMO would be outside US Jurisdiction re: habeas corpus, UCMJ, etc.

The supreme court disagreed. Whoops.

Congress was supposed to pass a law that would square this circle. They didn't. Thanks for your support to the war effort, chumps.

They couldn't. Boumedine was a constitutional decision.

I mean, I guess they could have moved the detainess back to Bagram or Iraq. That would have resulted in a flurry of habeas motions from the detainees and could very well have resulted in a federal judge staying the process.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:31:52 AM EDT
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No. POWs do not "go home."

They are returned to their protecting power, technically speaking.

Who is the protecting power of a erstwhile citizen of Afghanistan fighting against the recognized government of Afghanistan? How about a third country national?
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Years after the fact? After the war is over? You'll note, I'm sure, that once hostilities are over the POWs go home.

No. POWs do not "go home."

They are returned to their protecting power, technically speaking.

Who is the protecting power of a erstwhile citizen of Afghanistan fighting against the recognized government of Afghanistan? How about a third country national?

I wasn't speaking technically.  This is GD.

Normally you defeat an adversarial country and, once the fight is over, you repatriate the POWs to the adversary country.

Except we never declared the fight over, precisely because it would have required repatriation of those dudes we captured early on in Afghanistan and deemed POWs.

So we forced ourselves to continue treating captured Taliban as POWs, if we even capture Taliban anymore. I have no idea. That well may have run dry.

Of course a SOFA may have changed this. But I do know that one of the five we gave up for Bergdahl were captured in 2002. But he was held at Gitmo, and did not receive POW status.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:37:06 AM EDT
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Obama will be out of office in 2 years and 7 months.  I'm told that the investigation and legal processes are rather slow sometimes.
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I'll be the first to say it!!!! Quote me here!!!! If found guilt of desertion or treason he will be "pardoned" by FBHO. Quote me!!!!


Obama will be out of office in 2 years and 7 months.  I'm told that the investigation and legal processes are rather slow sometimes.

That's what I'm hoping for.
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 11:54:51 AM EDT
Obama, as CINC, has exercised what the military refers to as "undue command influence" on the case.

This makes it very difficult for the Unit Commander to court martial the possible shitbag.

One more example of our current President's complete and utter incompetency.

Link Posted: 6/5/2014 12:52:50 PM EDT
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And these dumb fuck 18 year old soldiers have a better understanding of the constitution than most college educated young adults ... This admin continually turning about face on these guys is gonna have some nasty Repercussions
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From an outstanding short article on the major conservative v. Obama inner circle culture clash going on here-


This is a fundamental culture clash. Team Obama and its base cannot comprehend the values still cherished by those young Americans “so dumb” they joined the Army instead of going to prep school and then to Harvard. Values such as duty, honor, country, physical courage, and loyalty to your brothers and sisters in arms have no place in Obama World. (Military people don’t necessarily all like each other, but they know they can depend on each other in battle — the sacred trust Bergdahl violated.)

President Obama did this to himself (and to Bergdahl). This beautifully educated man, who never tires of letting us know how much smarter he is than the rest of us, never stopped to consider that our troops and their families might have been offended by their commander-in-chief staging a love-fest at the White House to celebrate trading five top terrorists for one deserter and featuring not the families of those soldiers (at least six of them) who died in the efforts to find and free Bergdahl, but, instead, giving a starring role on the international stage to Pa Taliban, parent of a deserter and a creature of dubious sympathies (that beard on pops ain’t a tribute to ZZ Top). How do you say “outrageous insult to our vets” in Pashto?

And these dumb fuck 18 year old soldiers have a better understanding of the constitution than most college educated young adults ... This admin continually turning about face on these guys is gonna have some nasty Repercussions

Even after bengazi, even after threatening the military and punishing them every time there is a vote a the debt ceiling, even after bowing to various enemies overseas, even after napalitono called them the biggest threat to our security . . .

      . . . Even after all that many of those "young" in the military love and support obama. My neighbors SIL is a ranger helicopter pilot, I work with 3 people that aren't in but served, they all support obama.

So don't wax nostalgic over what you thing most of the military think and how they are.  I couldn't believe myself how much support obama has but it is what it is. Don't deny reality.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 12:54:59 PM EDT
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Doubt it.
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From an outstanding short article on the major conservative v. Obama inner circle culture clash going on here-


This is a fundamental culture clash. Team Obama and its base cannot comprehend the values still cherished by those young Americans “so dumb” they joined the Army instead of going to prep school and then to Harvard. Values such as duty, honor, country, physical courage, and loyalty to your brothers and sisters in arms have no place in Obama World. (Military people don’t necessarily all like each other, but they know they can depend on each other in battle — the sacred trust Bergdahl violated.)

President Obama did this to himself (and to Bergdahl). This beautifully educated man, who never tires of letting us know how much smarter he is than the rest of us, never stopped to consider that our troops and their families might have been offended by their commander-in-chief staging a love-fest at the White House to celebrate trading five top terrorists for one deserter and featuring not the families of those soldiers (at least six of them) who died in the efforts to find and free Bergdahl, but, instead, giving a starring role on the international stage to Pa Taliban, parent of a deserter and a creature of dubious sympathies (that beard on pops ain’t a tribute to ZZ Top). How do you say “outrageous insult to our vets” in Pashto?

And these dumb fuck 18 year old soldiers have a better understanding of the constitution than most college educated young adults ... This admin continually turning about face on these guys is gonna have some nasty Repercussions

Doubt it.

It's a common pipe dream. Obama got reelectd on the heels of bengazi. Plus the attack on the harrier squadron that has been all but forgotton.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 6/5/2014 12:58:50 PM EDT

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I'll be the first to say it!!!! Quote me here!!!! If found guilt of desertion or treason he will be "pardoned" by FBHO. Quote me!!!!

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I think he'll just go right under the bus, and they'll try to forget him.
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