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Link Posted: 6/1/2014 5:20:41 PM EDT
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I believe that most officers who shoot dogs do so because there are no better options at the time.
If you want to MMQB them that's your call. Easy to do from the comfort of your chair, isn't it
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The underlying theme is mitigating serious injuries. To do that one would need to identify the most common causes and look for ways to reduce their impact. I think the pareto theory would apply in this situation.

I believe that most officers who shoot dogs do so because there are no better options at the time.
If you want to MMQB them that's your call. Easy to do from the comfort of your chair, isn't it

I would think that it's because they're cowards, but whatever.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 5:21:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 5:28:33 PM EDT

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Yes, a dog is exactly the same as an attacker with a knife.

You guys are something else.

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For the closing the door crowd, ever hear of the 21 foot rule?


How long does it take to close a door? 1 second?  How fast for a 120 pound jumping rot to bite you?  if 1 second or less you're a chew toy


Yes, a dog is exactly the same as an attacker with a knife.

You guys are something else.


I guess that means all dog attacks are non-lethal and nothing to worry about.  My mistake.

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 5:37:39 PM EDT

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I guess that means all dog attacks are non-lethal and nothing to worry about.  My mistake.

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For the closing the door crowd, ever hear of the 21 foot rule?


How long does it take to close a door? 1 second?  How fast for a 120 pound jumping rot to bite you?  if 1 second or less you're a chew toy


Yes, a dog is exactly the same as an attacker with a knife.

You guys are something else.


I guess that means all dog attacks are non-lethal and nothing to worry about.  My mistake.


So, you're saying there is no other way to deal with a dog that's confined to one room except to shoot it?

And then, since the shoot is entirely justified, the cops go ahead and clean all the evidence?
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 6:03:17 PM EDT
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I've seen people post that they don't believe the cops even when a video is shown that corroborates the cops statement of events.

First post in this thread:

Occupy Wall Street protestor found guilty of felony assault on NYPD cop
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I think what some fail to realize is that some times the police fail to tell the truth such as the case of the two dogs that were shot at the mayor's house - one in the back of the hind leg. Yet the officers maintained it was acting aggressive toward them when they shot it. Then the police department investigation clears the officer of any wrongdoing and then in the mayor's case the forensic investigation on the dog shows the bullet entry from the rear as well as another officer corroborating the story of being shot from behind and they still don't acknowledge their lies AND the police chief says he would do it again tonight.

A rotten apple spoils the whole barrel yet a lot of the good apples are in denial about the rotten apples being rotten.

If theres specific evidence that an officer lied in a particular instance then certainly there needs to be consequences.
The problem is that you have some folks in these threads saying that they never believe LE
Just a manifestation of their general anti-social and anti-authority personalities

I've seen people post that they don't believe the cops even when a video is shown that corroborates the cops statement of events.

First post in this thread:

Occupy Wall Street protestor found guilty of felony assault on NYPD cop

Classic GD.  
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 6:06:30 PM EDT
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Then " many" are pretty retarded, to NEVER consider facts to reach a conclusion on the legality of a particular use of force
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So is there ever a duty to retreat?

If they know what is good for them they will walk the other way when encountering a dog, as a dog shoot is never seen as justifiable by many.  These threads clearly demonstrate that.

Then " many" are pretty retarded, to NEVER consider facts to reach a conclusion on the legality of a particular use of force

Facts are drowned out by emotional hand wringing tirades.  Facts don't keep one from being crucified in the media.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 6:15:39 PM EDT
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And yet it clearly still does, because me accurately calling you a liar hurt your feelings enough for you to block me.  
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Perhaps, if you don't like reading posts from people who disagree with you, you might enjoy the BOTS forum better.


I don't appreciate being called a liar
Do you?

I was called a monkey on the last page by one of your fellow LEOs.

I'm not even mad.  


You know, I came to the realization many years ago that what people refer to me as shouldn't bother me because either A) it is true so I can't deny it so no sense worrying about it or B) it isn't true and the facts will back me up so no sense worrying about it.
And yet it clearly still does, because me accurately calling you a liar hurt your feelings enough for you to block me.  

Wrong liar.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 7:11:55 PM EDT
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  What is that?  Midget bloodhound?
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  What is that?  Midget bloodhound?

I don't know but its pretty vicious looking.  
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 7:21:10 PM EDT

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So, you're saying there is no other way to deal with a dog that's confined to one room except to shoot it?

And then, since the shoot is entirely justified, the cops go ahead and clean all the evidence?

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For the closing the door crowd, ever hear of the 21 foot rule?


How long does it take to close a door? 1 second?  How fast for a 120 pound jumping rot to bite you?  if 1 second or less you're a chew toy


Yes, a dog is exactly the same as an attacker with a knife.

You guys are something else.


I guess that means all dog attacks are non-lethal and nothing to worry about.  My mistake.


So, you're saying there is no other way to deal with a dog that's confined to one room except to shoot it?

And then, since the shoot is entirely justified, the cops go ahead and clean all the evidence?


Show me where I said that.  I question response time needed for an attacking dog vs response time to close a door with both hands occupied (which is an assumption, but can't be disproven either).

As far as cleaning the evidence that's done to hide crimes and avoid guilt.  The cops admitted to shooting the dog. Where's the cover up?  If they didn't clean up the blood and animal tissues that'd be one more thing Fluffy's owner would bitch about.

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 7:28:48 PM EDT
guys, I generally hate cops as much as the next guy, but we are talkign abotu a rottie here.  This isnt like that 15 lb dog that was tied up in a garage in colorado that got shot by some asshole cop b/c he didn't like being yapped at.  A rottie is a real danger.

I am pretty sure that if the cop thought he could have certainly got back out the door before the dog got to him, he would have done that as everyone knows it is hard to hit moving targets w/ handguns, especially when you life is in danger.  Frankly, I'm impressed that he was able to hit the dog at all the way most cops shoot  Anway, if there is doubt about wheret you can get out in time, you compromise your ability to hit your target by either turning and running or backpedaling. Since there is so much uncertantity about tstoppting the dog in time w/ a handgun, it is very unlikely that the cop chose to shoot the dog even if he could have escaped w/ certainty.

as to him shooting the dag 6 times, well, handguns are not effective stoppers after all.  If he says the dog ate up the first shot and kept coming, I believe him.  Its not like in hollywood where the dog woudl have went flying back across the room.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 7:30:24 PM EDT
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Show me where I said that.  I question response time needed for an attacking dog vs response time to close a door with both hands occupied (which is an assumption, but can't be disproven either).

As far as cleaning the evidence that's done to hide crimes and avoid guilt.  The cops admitted to shooting the dog. Where's the cover up?  If they didn't clean up the blood and animal tissues that'd be one more thing Fluffy's owner would bitch about.
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For the closing the door crowd, ever hear of the 21 foot rule?


How long does it take to close a door? 1 second?  How fast for a 120 pound jumping rot to bite you?  if 1 second or less you're a chew toy


Yes, a dog is exactly the same as an attacker with a knife.

You guys are something else.


I guess that means all dog attacks are non-lethal and nothing to worry about.  My mistake.

So, you're saying there is no other way to deal with a dog that's confined to one room except to shoot it?

And then, since the shoot is entirely justified, the cops go ahead and clean all the evidence?


Show me where I said that.  I question response time needed for an attacking dog vs response time to close a door with both hands occupied (which is an assumption, but can't be disproven either).

As far as cleaning the evidence that's done to hide crimes and avoid guilt.  The cops admitted to shooting the dog. Where's the cover up?  If they didn't clean up the blood and animal tissues that'd be one more thing Fluffy's owner would bitch about.

I'll have to concur with your first statement. I'm sure if they were worried about fluffy's owner complaining they wouldn't have shot the dog in the first place.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 7:32:36 PM EDT
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guys, I generally hate cops as much as the next guy, but we are talkign abotu a rottie here.  This isnt like that 15 lb dog that was tied up in a garage in colorado that got shot by some asshole cop b/c he didn't like being yapped at.  A rottie is a real danger.

I am pretty sure that if the cop though he could have certainly got back out the door before the dog got to him, he would have done that as everyone knows it is hard to hit moving targets w/ handguns, especially when you life is in danger.  Frankly, I'm impressed that he was able to hit the dog at all the way most cops shoot

as to him shooting the dag 6 times
, well, handguns are not effective stoppers after all.  If he says the dog ate up the first shot and kept coming, I believe him.  Its not like in hollywood where the dog woudl have went flying across the room.
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Maybe that would explain why there were bullet holes in the bottom of the baseboard where the dog usually laid down.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 7:37:10 PM EDT
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Cops don't shoot dogs to prevent their deaths, they shoot them to prevent this.

It's not like any of you anti-cop types use actual statistics to fuel your feigned outrage.

"In the 9-year period from 2005 to 2013, two dog breeds accounted for 74% of the attacks that resulted in death: pit bulls and rottweilers."

"In 2012, more than 27,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs."

"Dog attack victims suffer over $1 billion in monetary losses annually. JAMA reports this estimate to be as high as $2 billion."

"A 2010 study showed that the average cost of a dog bite-related hospital stay was $18,200, about 50% higher than the average injury-related hospital stay." Now you're paying for a cop that can't work.

For those who like to ask "why don't postal carriers need to kill dogs?" 5,879 attacks on postal carriers a year suggest that perhaps they should...

The lack of logic you guys put into your arguments is astounding, bordering on dishonesty.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 7:52:28 PM EDT
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Cops don't shoot dogs to prevent their deaths. They shoot them to prevent this.




It's not like any of you anti-cop types use actual statistics to fuel your feigned outrage.

"In the 9-year period from 2005 to 2013, two dog breeds accounted for 74% of the attacks that resulted in death: pit bulls and rottweilers."

"In 2012, more than 27,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs."

"Dog attack victims suffer over $1 billion in monetary losses annually. JAMA reports this estimate to be as high as $2 billion."

"A 2010 study showed that the average cost of a dog bite-related hospital stay was $18,200, about 50% higher than the average injury-related hospital stay." Now you're paying for a cop that can't work.


For those who like to ask "why don't postal carriers need to kill dogs?" 5,879 attacks on postal carriers a year suggest that perhaps they should...

The lack of logic you guys put into your arguments is astounding, bordering on dishonesty.
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Cops don't shoot dogs to prevent their deaths. They shoot them to prevent this.




It's not like any of you anti-cop types use actual statistics to fuel your feigned outrage.

"In the 9-year period from 2005 to 2013, two dog breeds accounted for 74% of the attacks that resulted in death: pit bulls and rottweilers."

"In 2012, more than 27,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs."

"Dog attack victims suffer over $1 billion in monetary losses annually. JAMA reports this estimate to be as high as $2 billion."

"A 2010 study showed that the average cost of a dog bite-related hospital stay was $18,200, about 50% higher than the average injury-related hospital stay." Now you're paying for a cop that can't work.


For those who like to ask "why don't postal carriers need to kill dogs?" 5,879 attacks on postal carriers a year suggest that perhaps they should...

The lack of logic you guys put into your arguments is astounding, bordering on dishonesty.

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 7:54:24 PM EDT
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Cops don't shoot dogs to prevent their deaths, they shoot them to prevent this.




It's not like any of you anti-cop types use actual statistics to fuel your feigned outrage.

"In the 9-year period from 2005 to 2013, two dog breeds accounted for 74% of the attacks that resulted in death: pit bulls and rottweilers."

"In 2012, more than 27,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs."

"Dog attack victims suffer over $1 billion in monetary losses annually. JAMA reports this estimate to be as high as $2 billion."

"A 2010 study showed that the average cost of a dog bite-related hospital stay was $18,200, about 50% higher than the average injury-related hospital stay." Now you're paying for a cop that can't work.


For those who like to ask "why don't postal carriers need to kill dogs?" 5,879 attacks on postal carriers a year suggest that perhaps they should...

The lack of logic you guys put into your arguments is astounding, bordering on dishonesty.
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Cops don't shoot dogs to prevent their deaths, they shoot them to prevent this.




It's not like any of you anti-cop types use actual statistics to fuel your feigned outrage.

"In the 9-year period from 2005 to 2013, two dog breeds accounted for 74% of the attacks that resulted in death: pit bulls and rottweilers."

"In 2012, more than 27,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs."

"Dog attack victims suffer over $1 billion in monetary losses annually. JAMA reports this estimate to be as high as $2 billion."

"A 2010 study showed that the average cost of a dog bite-related hospital stay was $18,200, about 50% higher than the average injury-related hospital stay." Now you're paying for a cop that can't work.


For those who like to ask "why don't postal carriers need to kill dogs?" 5,879 attacks on postal carriers a year suggest that perhaps they should...

The lack of logic you guys put into your arguments is astounding, bordering on dishonesty.

Boom. Headshot.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 7:56:31 PM EDT
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Maybe that would explain why there were bullet holes in the bottom of the baseboard where the dog usually laid down.
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guys, I generally hate cops as much as the next guy, but we are talkign abotu a rottie here.  This isnt like that 15 lb dog that was tied up in a garage in colorado that got shot by some asshole cop b/c he didn't like being yapped at.  A rottie is a real danger.

I am pretty sure that if the cop though he could have certainly got back out the door before the dog got to him, he would have done that as everyone knows it is hard to hit moving targets w/ handguns, especially when you life is in danger.  Frankly, I'm impressed that he was able to hit the dog at all the way most cops shoot

as to him shooting the dag 6 times
, well, handguns are not effective stoppers after all.  If he says the dog ate up the first shot and kept coming, I believe him.  Its not like in hollywood where the dog woudl have went flying across the room.

Maybe that would explain why there were bullet holes in the bottom of the baseboard where the dog usually laid down.

Average height of a man shooting downwards at an animal 1/2 to 1/4 his height?

Terminal ballistics ending in descending angle?
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:00:52 PM EDT
Cops respond to burglar alarm to investigate and apprehend potential criminal, kill home owner's dog and riddle house with 7 bullet holes. Job well done. I don't want to see cops mauled by a dog, but seriously you're pretty much useless if you respond to a burglar alarm and cause that much damage.

First reaction is that it's not really cost effective to have cops respond to burglaries. Even if they didn't shoot/kill anything, if they missed the perp, you've got a handful of cops wasting their time and our tax dollars.  If something was stolen by said missing perp, guess who isn't investigating shit about your missing tv and computer?

I don't know the answer here. If my neighbors ankle biter went after my kid, I'd probably shoot the dog. But I'm just not certain a cop's first reaction should be to kill your dog. The cop typically has a partner (or a team), and access to protective equipment and non lethal weapons.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:03:26 PM EDT
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Cops respond to burglar alarm to investigate and apprehend potential criminal, kill home owner's dog and riddle house with 7 bullet holes. Job well done. I don't want to see cops mauled by a dog, but seriously you're pretty much useless if you respond to a burglar alarm and cause that much damage.

First reaction is that it's not really cost effective to have cops respond to burglaries. Even if they didn't shoot/kill anything, if they missed the perp, you've got a handful of cops wasting their time and our tax dollars.  If something was stolen by said missing perp, guess who isn't investigating shit about your missing tv and computer?

I don't know the answer here. If my neighbors ankle biter went after my kid, I'd probably shoot the dog. But I'm just not certain a cop's first reaction should be to kill your dog. The cop typically has a partner (or a team), and access to protective equipment and non lethal weapons.
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Fucking lol.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:03:56 PM EDT
I shot two attacking dogs.  Best $1505 I ever spent.  $5 for shells, $1500 for bail.   It was in Cali.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:08:56 PM EDT
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Fucking lol.
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Cops respond to burglar alarm to investigate and apprehend potential criminal, kill home owner's dog and riddle house with 7 bullet holes. Job well done. I don't want to see cops mauled by a dog, but seriously you're pretty much useless if you respond to a burglar alarm and cause that much damage.

First reaction is that it's not really cost effective to have cops respond to burglaries. Even if they didn't shoot/kill anything, if they missed the perp, you've got a handful of cops wasting their time and our tax dollars.  If something was stolen by said missing perp, guess who isn't investigating shit about your missing tv and computer?

I don't know the answer here. If my neighbors ankle biter went after my kid, I'd probably shoot the dog. But I'm just not certain a cop's first reaction should be to kill your dog. The cop typically has a partner (or a team), and access to protective equipment and non lethal weapons.

Fucking lol.

Good reply. Thanks for adding a lot to the discussion.

ETA: No links to give, but it seems that most of the dog shooting stories has multiple officers on scene.

ETA #2: One cop by himself will respond to a burglary alarm AND enter the house by himself? I find that hard to believe.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:09:18 PM EDT
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Cops don't shoot dogs to prevent their deaths, they shoot them to prevent this.




It's not like any of you anti-cop types use actual statistics to fuel your feigned outrage.

"In the 9-year period from 2005 to 2013, two dog breeds accounted for 74% of the attacks that resulted in death: pit bulls and rottweilers."

"In 2012, more than 27,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs."

"Dog attack victims suffer over $1 billion in monetary losses annually. JAMA reports this estimate to be as high as $2 billion."

"A 2010 study showed that the average cost of a dog bite-related hospital stay was $18,200, about 50% higher than the average injury-related hospital stay." Now you're paying for a cop that can't work.

For those who like to ask "why don't postal carriers need to kill dogs?" 5,879 attacks on postal carriers a year suggest that perhaps they should...

The lack of logic you guys put into your arguments is astounding, bordering on dishonesty.
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Cops don't shoot dogs to prevent their deaths, they shoot them to prevent this.




It's not like any of you anti-cop types use actual statistics to fuel your feigned outrage.

"In the 9-year period from 2005 to 2013, two dog breeds accounted for 74% of the attacks that resulted in death: pit bulls and rottweilers."

"In 2012, more than 27,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs."

"Dog attack victims suffer over $1 billion in monetary losses annually. JAMA reports this estimate to be as high as $2 billion."

"A 2010 study showed that the average cost of a dog bite-related hospital stay was $18,200, about 50% higher than the average injury-related hospital stay." Now you're paying for a cop that can't work.

For those who like to ask "why don't postal carriers need to kill dogs?" 5,879 attacks on postal carriers a year suggest that perhaps they should...

The lack of logic you guys put into your arguments is astounding, bordering on dishonesty.

Not to mention that if a cop downs a dog trying to attack them, then GD freaks out.   If a GD member shoots a dog trying to eat a fucking chicken then they applaud and  love the pics of a tiny dog with his leg blown off that are posted.  Typical GD mentality.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:09:55 PM EDT
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Good reply. Thanks for adding a lot to the discussion.
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Cops respond to burglar alarm to investigate and apprehend potential criminal, kill home owner's dog and riddle house with 7 bullet holes. Job well done. I don't want to see cops mauled by a dog, but seriously you're pretty much useless if you respond to a burglar alarm and cause that much damage.

First reaction is that it's not really cost effective to have cops respond to burglaries. Even if they didn't shoot/kill anything, if they missed the perp, you've got a handful of cops wasting their time and our tax dollars.  If something was stolen by said missing perp, guess who isn't investigating shit about your missing tv and computer?

I don't know the answer here. If my neighbors ankle biter went after my kid, I'd probably shoot the dog. But I'm just not certain a cop's first reaction should be to kill your dog. The cop typically has a partner (or a team), and access to protective equipment and non lethal weapons.

Fucking lol.

Good reply. Thanks for adding a lot to the discussion.

Pretty typical for him.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:10:09 PM EDT
We must applaud the police for their restraint, at least they didn't club any bystanders into a coma.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:10:10 PM EDT
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Not to mention that if a cop downs a dog trying to attack them, then GD freaks out.   If a GD member shoots a dog trying to eat a fucking chicken then they applaud and  love the pics of a tiny dog with his leg blown off that are posted.  Typical GD mentality.
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Not all of ARFCOM applauded that thread
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:10:40 PM EDT
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Not to mention that if a cop downs a dog trying to attack them, then GD freaks out.   If a GD member shoots a dog trying to eat a fucking chicken then they applaud and  love the pics of a tiny dog with his leg blown off that are posted.  Typical GD mentality.
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Cops don't shoot dogs to prevent their deaths, they shoot them to prevent this.




It's not like any of you anti-cop types use actual statistics to fuel your feigned outrage.

"In the 9-year period from 2005 to 2013, two dog breeds accounted for 74% of the attacks that resulted in death: pit bulls and rottweilers."

"In 2012, more than 27,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs."

"Dog attack victims suffer over $1 billion in monetary losses annually. JAMA reports this estimate to be as high as $2 billion."

"A 2010 study showed that the average cost of a dog bite-related hospital stay was $18,200, about 50% higher than the average injury-related hospital stay." Now you're paying for a cop that can't work.

For those who like to ask "why don't postal carriers need to kill dogs?" 5,879 attacks on postal carriers a year suggest that perhaps they should...

The lack of logic you guys put into your arguments is astounding, bordering on dishonesty.

Not to mention that if a cop downs a dog trying to attack them, then GD freaks out.   If a GD member shoots a dog trying to eat a fucking chicken then they applaud and  love the pics of a tiny dog with his leg blown off that are posted.  Typical GD mentality.

I didnt applaud that clown.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:13:39 PM EDT
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Yes, a dog is exactly the same as an attacker with a knife.

You guys are something else.

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Probably worse since a good number of  dogs can move faster than many people
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:14:23 PM EDT

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We must applaud the police for their restraint, at least they didn't club any bystanders into a coma.
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They need to save something for next week.

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:15:35 PM EDT

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Probably worse since a good number of  dogs can move faster than many people
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Yes, a dog is exactly the same as an attacker with a knife.

You guys are something else.


Probably worse since a good number of  dogs can move faster than many people

Fucking Cujo was gonna eat dem cops.

Good shoot, hurr durr.

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:17:05 PM EDT
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I didnt applaud that clown.
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Cops don't shoot dogs to prevent their deaths, they shoot them to prevent this.




It's not like any of you anti-cop types use actual statistics to fuel your feigned outrage.

"In the 9-year period from 2005 to 2013, two dog breeds accounted for 74% of the attacks that resulted in death: pit bulls and rottweilers."

"In 2012, more than 27,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs."

"Dog attack victims suffer over $1 billion in monetary losses annually. JAMA reports this estimate to be as high as $2 billion."

"A 2010 study showed that the average cost of a dog bite-related hospital stay was $18,200, about 50% higher than the average injury-related hospital stay." Now you're paying for a cop that can't work.

For those who like to ask "why don't postal carriers need to kill dogs?" 5,879 attacks on postal carriers a year suggest that perhaps they should...

The lack of logic you guys put into your arguments is astounding, bordering on dishonesty.

Not to mention that if a cop downs a dog trying to attack them, then GD freaks out.   If a GD member shoots a dog trying to eat a fucking chicken then they applaud and  love the pics of a tiny dog with his leg blown off that are posted.  Typical GD mentality.

I didnt applaud that clown.

Then you are excluded
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:17:35 PM EDT
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Probably worse since a good number of  dogs can move faster than many people
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Yes, a dog is exactly the same as an attacker with a knife.

You guys are something else.


Probably worse since a good number of  dogs can move faster than many people

The dog is also the home owner's property.  A lot of people have dogs. If you have a high chance of meeting a dog when responding to a residence, you should be prepared for it in ways other than destroying it.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:18:18 PM EDT
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Cops respond to burglar alarm to investigate and apprehend potential criminal, kill home owner's dog and riddle house with 7 bullet holes. Job well done. I don't want to see cops mauled by a dog, but seriously you're pretty much useless if you respond to a burglar alarm and cause that much damage.

First reaction is that it's not really cost effective to have cops respond to burglaries. Even if they didn't shoot/kill anything, if they missed the perp, you've got a handful of cops wasting their time and our tax dollars.  If something was stolen by said missing perp, guess who isn't investigating shit about your missing tv and computer?
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You seriously think officers should respond to burglaries in progress or alarms?
The problem with investigating a burglary after the fact  more often than not is that the homeowner has NO information on the stuff that was taken.
No way to prove ownership, no way to prove specifically what was taken. They might know they had a TV but can't recall make model or serial number ( for instance ).
Makes investigating difficult
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:19:48 PM EDT
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ETA #2: One cop by himself will respond to a burglary alarm AND enter the house by himself? I find that hard to believe.
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ETA #2: One cop by himself will respond to a burglary alarm AND enter the house by himself? I find that hard to believe.

We're one person cars. Sure we call for a second car if we find an open door, but more often than not I can't just sit there for the 30 minutes it'll take them to arrive on scene in many cases.....


The dog is also the home owner's property.  A lot of people have dogs. If you have a high chance of meeting a dog when responding to a residence, you should be prepared for it in ways other than destroying it.

That's been answered numerous times already
Clearing the house the officers gun is out.
The officer might carry dog bones or some other dog distraction item but probably wont have it out while clearing the house.
Nor can officers clear a house while holding multiple levels of force like guns, OC and taser all at the same time
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:20:09 PM EDT
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Good reply. Thanks for adding a lot to the discussion.

ETA: No links to give, but it seems that most of the dog shooting stories has multiple officers on scene.

ETA #2: One cop by himself will respond to a burglary alarm AND enter the house by himself? I find that hard to believe.
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Cops respond to burglar alarm to investigate and apprehend potential criminal, kill home owner's dog and riddle house with 7 bullet holes. Job well done. I don't want to see cops mauled by a dog, but seriously you're pretty much useless if you respond to a burglar alarm and cause that much damage.

First reaction is that it's not really cost effective to have cops respond to burglaries. Even if they didn't shoot/kill anything, if they missed the perp, you've got a handful of cops wasting their time and our tax dollars.  If something was stolen by said missing perp, guess who isn't investigating shit about your missing tv and computer?

I don't know the answer here. If my neighbors ankle biter went after my kid, I'd probably shoot the dog. But I'm just not certain a cop's first reaction should be to kill your dog. The cop typically has a partner (or a team), and access to protective equipment and non lethal weapons.

Fucking lol.

Good reply. Thanks for adding a lot to the discussion.

ETA: No links to give, but it seems that most of the dog shooting stories has multiple officers on scene.

ETA #2: One cop by himself will respond to a burglary alarm AND enter the house by himself? I find that hard to believe.

Perhaps you should read my post a little higher up on this page. I'd wager I offered more in this thread than most.

Most of your Police Departments are in small towns. Most of your Deputies operate in rural areas. Most of my calls are answered by me and me alone includes domestics and burglaries. Sometimes I can get a deputy or an officer from a neighboring town to assist if there's time.

You guys assume way to much and do very little researching.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:22:09 PM EDT
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You seriously think officers should respond to burglaries in progress or alarms?
The problem with investigating a burglary after the fact  more often than not is that the homeowner has NO information on the stuff that was taken.
No way to prove ownership, no way to prove specifically what was taken. They might know they had a TV but can't recall make model or serial number ( for instance ).
Makes investigating difficult
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Cops respond to burglar alarm to investigate and apprehend potential criminal, kill home owner's dog and riddle house with 7 bullet holes. Job well done. I don't want to see cops mauled by a dog, but seriously you're pretty much useless if you respond to a burglar alarm and cause that much damage.

First reaction is that it's not really cost effective to have cops respond to burglaries. Even if they didn't shoot/kill anything, if they missed the perp, you've got a handful of cops wasting their time and our tax dollars.  If something was stolen by said missing perp, guess who isn't investigating shit about your missing tv and computer?

You seriously think officers should respond to burglaries in progress or alarms?
The problem with investigating a burglary after the fact  more often than not is that the homeowner has NO information on the stuff that was taken.
No way to prove ownership, no way to prove specifically what was taken. They might know they had a TV but can't recall make model or serial number ( for instance ).
Makes investigating difficult

No I don't think that, unless of course there's a good chance you can find it which seems unlikely.  But don't shoot up my fucking house and dog over a burglary when you wouldn't be following up on missing stuff anyways.

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:24:11 PM EDT
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No I don't think that, unless of course there's a good chance you can find it which seems unlikely.  But don't shoot up my fucking house and dog over a burglary when you wouldn't be following up on missing stuff anyways.

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Every burg here gets followed up on.
The success of that investigation depends on how well the homeowner has set aside information on their personal property.
Don't blame LE for that homeowner shortcoming.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:27:59 PM EDT

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Not all of ARFCOM applauded that thread
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Not to mention that if a cop downs a dog trying to attack them, then GD freaks out.   If a GD member shoots a dog trying to eat a fucking chicken then they applaud and  love the pics of a tiny dog with his leg blown off that are posted.  Typical GD mentality.

Not all of ARFCOM applauded that thread

Wait, are you telling me that GD is composed of thousands of individuals, each with their own opinions, and is not one cohesive unit?

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:30:54 PM EDT
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haha,  that's exactly how I felt.

I was a milk delivery man in high school.  Other than getting hit on by every other MILF on the route, I got attacked by dogs about a dozen times.  I wound up shooting one of them in the people's back yard in the middle of the night.  a *nasty* pitt that went after me twice.  Put an end to that nonsense and felt a lot safer on my next delivery.

I think postal carriers and milk guys, pretty much anyone who does daily delivery, should be packing a big can of bear spray, or a firearm if they can.

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:34:10 PM EDT
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I shot two attacking dogs.  Best $1505 I ever spent.  $5 for shells, $1500 for bail.   It was in Cali.
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Better than spending ten times or more than that on medical bills had you let them bite you.z
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:36:57 PM EDT
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Better than spending ten times or more than that on medical bills had you let them bite you.z
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I shot two attacking dogs.  Best $1505 I ever spent.  $5 for shells, $1500 for bail.   It was in Cali.

Better than spending ten times or more than that on medical bills had you let them bite you.z

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:47:24 PM EDT
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Wait, are you telling me that GD is composed of thousands of individuals, each with their own opinions, and is not one cohesive unit?
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Not to mention that if a cop downs a dog trying to attack them, then GD freaks out.   If a GD member shoots a dog trying to eat a fucking chicken then they applaud and  love the pics of a tiny dog with his leg blown off that are posted.  Typical GD mentality.

Not all of ARFCOM applauded that thread

Wait, are you telling me that GD is composed of thousands of individuals, each with their own opinions, and is not one cohesive unit?

I know, I know weird.  Should have worded it better.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 8:54:15 PM EDT
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Here's what I don't get.

Report states dog is standing on the futon when the officer enters the room, growling and barking.

Many respondents here state cops probably didn't have time to get out of the room and shut the door, and/or didn't have time to holster gun and draw pepper spray (which many claim is MORE effective than firearms for stopping grizzly attacks(


Do we need to train cops on what dog barking sounds like, so if they hear it from outside the room they can say 'Hey, maybe there is a dog inside there' and then can do something like have on officer holster his gun and draw pepper spray.  Add this to the tactic of opening the door just a little and looking inside.  As long as they don't see a burglar inside being eaten by the dog, just close the door and clear the rest of the house.


What kind of cop opens the door when clearing a room and enters with such distraction to his surroundings as to fail to notice a 120lb dog standing on a futon?   Remember, both offices were able to shoot at the dog, so unless both men stood shoulder-to shoulder in the doorframe (would they even fit?) both were in the room.  And according to some here the officers might not have had time to open the door, exit, and shut it, so now we are talking about a pair of officers who are supposed to be clearing a house of a potential burglar BOTH wandering in, then shutting the door, and THEN noticing a dog standing on the Futon barking and growling at them....a dog that had the opportunity to attack before it was even noticed and apparently was happy to just stand there and bark.  This spells out to me either #1 lying officers or #2 grossly incompetent officers.  AND it spells out a dog that was not dangerous, else it would have attacked earlier, like at the first seconds as the door was opened.
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Who in the hell wants to read all that?!
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:04:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:28:40 PM EDT
"According to Russell, police cleaned the scene of all the blood and bullet casings."
Is this standard procedure or are they covering something up? I've never heard of cps cleaning up after themselves.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:53:11 PM EDT
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"According to Russell, police cleaned the scene of all the blood and bullet casings."
Is this standard procedure or are they covering something up? I've never heard of cps cleaning up after themselves.
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Well, since this isn't just about someone's dog anymore (shots fired elevated this beyond "whoops, my bad"), it would be interesting to see the recorded evidence of the scene. Surely there must be some visual recording of the dog where it layed, blood spots/trail, casings, etc.. The issue is either mundane or extraordinary but hey, it would help pass an evening going over it.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:13:45 PM EDT
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Good reply. Thanks for adding a lot to the discussion.

ETA: No links to give, but it seems that most of the dog shooting stories has multiple officers on scene.

ETA #2: One cop by himself will respond to a burglary alarm AND enter the house by himself? I find that hard to believe.
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Cops respond to burglar alarm to investigate and apprehend potential criminal, kill home owner's dog and riddle house with 7 bullet holes. Job well done. I don't want to see cops mauled by a dog, but seriously you're pretty much useless if you respond to a burglar alarm and cause that much damage.

First reaction is that it's not really cost effective to have cops respond to burglaries. Even if they didn't shoot/kill anything, if they missed the perp, you've got a handful of cops wasting their time and our tax dollars.  If something was stolen by said missing perp, guess who isn't investigating shit about your missing tv and computer?

I don't know the answer here. If my neighbors ankle biter went after my kid, I'd probably shoot the dog. But I'm just not certain a cop's first reaction should be to kill your dog. The cop typically has a partner (or a team), and access to protective equipment and non lethal weapons.

Fucking lol.

Good reply. Thanks for adding a lot to the discussion.

ETA: No links to give, but it seems that most of the dog shooting stories has multiple officers on scene.

ETA #2: One cop by himself will respond to a burglary alarm AND enter the house by himself? I find that hard to believe.

What does having multiple officers on scene help the situation?  Are they supposed to wrestle a dog to the ground that is biting them?

Also, forgot I had that bite suit in my trunk next to all the other shit I don't carry while on duty.  What fucking protective gear are you speaking of that is going to protect me from a dog bite?  
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:33:37 PM EDT
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What does having multiple officers on scene help the situation?  Are they supposed to wrestle a dog to the ground that is biting them?

Also, forgot I had that bite suit in my trunk next to all the other shit I don't carry while on duty.  What fucking protective gear are you speaking of that is going to protect me from a dog bite?
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Cops respond to burglar alarm to investigate and apprehend potential criminal, kill home owner's dog and riddle house with 7 bullet holes. Job well done. I don't want to see cops mauled by a dog, but seriously you're pretty much useless if you respond to a burglar alarm and cause that much damage.

First reaction is that it's not really cost effective to have cops respond to burglaries. Even if they didn't shoot/kill anything, if they missed the perp, you've got a handful of cops wasting their time and our tax dollars.  If something was stolen by said missing perp, guess who isn't investigating shit about your missing tv and computer?

I don't know the answer here. If my neighbors ankle biter went after my kid, I'd probably shoot the dog. But I'm just not certain a cop's first reaction should be to kill your dog. The cop typically has a partner (or a team), and access to protective equipment and non lethal weapons.

Fucking lol.

Good reply. Thanks for adding a lot to the discussion.

ETA: No links to give, but it seems that most of the dog shooting stories has multiple officers on scene.

ETA #2: One cop by himself will respond to a burglary alarm AND enter the house by himself? I find that hard to believe.

What does having multiple officers on scene help the situation?  Are they supposed to wrestle a dog to the ground that is biting them?

Also, forgot I had that bite suit in my trunk next to all the other shit I don't carry while on duty.  What fucking protective gear are you speaking of that is going to protect me from a dog bite?

A closed door.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:37:52 PM EDT
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A closed door.
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Interesting, and what if I can't get to the door for any number of reasons?  He specifically stated "protective gear."  People don't usually categorize doors as being that.

I'm very interested to hear what "protective gear" he thinks I carry that will work for a dog that is biting.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:40:47 PM EDT
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Fucking lol.
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Cops respond to burglar alarm to investigate and apprehend potential criminal, kill home owner's dog and riddle house with 7 bullet holes. Job well done. I don't want to see cops mauled by a dog, but seriously you're pretty much useless if you respond to a burglar alarm and cause that much damage.

First reaction is that it's not really cost effective to have cops respond to burglaries. Even if they didn't shoot/kill anything, if they missed the perp, you've got a handful of cops wasting their time and our tax dollars.  If something was stolen by said missing perp, guess who isn't investigating shit about your missing tv and computer?

I don't know the answer here. If my neighbors ankle biter went after my kid, I'd probably shoot the dog. But I'm just not certain a cop's first reaction should be to kill your dog. The cop typically has a partner (or a team), and access to protective equipment and non lethal weapons.

Fucking lol.

lol indeed.  Cop shoulda had a long gun is what he shouada had out and ready if he was looking for an intruder.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:42:09 PM EDT
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The dog is also the home owner's property.  A lot of people have dogs. If you have a high chance of meeting a dog when responding to a residence, you should be prepared for it in ways other than destroying it.
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Yes, a dog is exactly the same as an attacker with a knife.

You guys are something else.


Probably worse since a good number of  dogs can move faster than many people

The dog is also the home owner's property.  A lot of people have dogs. If you have a high chance of meeting a dog when responding to a residence, you should be prepared for it in ways other than destroying it.

I'll give you that
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:43:28 PM EDT
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haha,  that's exactly how I felt.

I was a milk delivery man in high school.  Other than getting hit on by every other MILF on the route, I got attacked by dogs about a dozen times.  I wound up shooting one of them in the people's back yard in the middle of the night.  a *nasty* pitt that went after me twice.  Put an end to that nonsense and felt a lot safer on my next delivery.

I think postal carriers and milk guys, pretty much anyone who does daily delivery, should be packing a big can of bear spray, or a firearm if they can.

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haha,  that's exactly how I felt.

I was a milk delivery man in high school.  Other than getting hit on by every other MILF on the route, I got attacked by dogs about a dozen times.  I wound up shooting one of them in the people's back yard in the middle of the night.  a *nasty* pitt that went after me twice.  Put an end to that nonsense and felt a lot safer on my next delivery.

I think postal carriers and milk guys, pretty much anyone who does daily delivery, should be packing a big can of bear spray, or a firearm if they can.

dang, how old are you??
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