Limon Pepino. Yeah. Lime and Cucumber. In what universe should those two things ever be combined? Anti-matter vs. Matter = instant mutual annihilation. Lime vs. Cucumber should yield similar results, no? YET THIS IS NOT THE CASE!!! It seems that when lime and cucumber are combined using a Gatorade catalyst the result is the most perfect, refreshing, satisfying, and addicting human fuel in the universe! Also, I'm pretty sure that at some point during the reaction ecstasy and crack cocaine are produced.
Seriously, I can't get enough of this stuff! I know that the stuff is aimed at the Latino demographic, and may not be available everywhere, but if you live somewhere there is a significant vato presence you should look for it. I grabbed a bottle one day by mistake thinking it was the original lemon-lime flavor and didn't realize anything was different until I started drinking it. Now it's the only flavor Gatorade makes as far as I'm concerned. I'm drinking one right now, and no matter how well you're doing at the moment, I'm doing better than you are unless you're drinking one too.
Wow. You guys gotta try this stuff. I'm not even kidding.
BTW- I've only seen it in the larger 28oz bottles so far, so keep that in mind if you go looking for some.