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Posted: 7/14/2016 5:09:14 PM EDT
Either right now or when you were young. I think all the young people get in trouble is because they are bored.i am kinda glad WoW and call of duty was at its prime when i was 12+

never had to worry about bullshit...well yeah, had cops called on me once or twice for egging an older dude who was like 20ish(lol, you can get Police called on you for that? retarded)

and firefighters got called. We decided to burn about 4-5 automotive tires. Yes, the fire and the smoke can get impressive for the first 20 minutes or so and even scary

by the time they arrived tires had "burned out"--there was no rubber, just metal rings and a small fire
Other than that,meh we did some stupid shit like bb gun war/airsoft wars where a friend put out a car window(how does an airsoft gun(no not a BB gun) put out a car window is beyond me, cops got also called). He was just kinda spraying the AIRSOFT mp5 and it hit a car window...blam, a hole. Then 30 minutes later it just kinda shattered

Also had cops called on me recently for this...I was pacing back and forth and going in my garage just oogling at my Caddy and imagining how badass of a mofo I will be when cruising down the street with my music blasting off

I sit in my car just listening to some tunes. Garage is closed but not locked and so is the side door. Suddenly the side-door opens and about 4-5 police officers show up and ask what am I doing here. I told them its my house. They want to see proof...hmm, I just gave them the bill of sale to my car. They said someone those Nervous Nelly type person called and said that a robbery might be going on someone suspicious I am sure they would steal 5$ worth of tools from my garage.  But they were cool about it, no one getting shot just laughed too...they almost gave me a heart attack lol I am here sitting in my car in a dark garage all doors closed in my own trance suddenly BAM!
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:14:48 PM EDT
Years ago when my kids were little they were playing with the dog on the trampoline , with the water hose.

I yelled out to them that we needed to go to the store.

Unbeknownst to me, they just hooked the dogs cable to the leg of the trampoline, since they wanted to play more when we got back.

We were gone 15 minutes

Of course the dog wrapped the cable around the trampoline and was stuck when we got home, I yelled at the girls for doing that , told them to handle it.

Neighbor woman came to the door at the same time , started yelling at me. I explained what happened .

She told me she didn't give a fuck what my story was I should be in jail. And that she was calling the cops.

I said cool, you do that and slammed the door in her face .

She did, they came, I explained the story, cop laughed and said have a nice day .

Me and her still evil eye each other 12 years later

She is hot though......
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:16:23 PM EDT
I might have been tuning a race engine, at 0130
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:16:42 PM EDT
Defending myself with a tomato.

I was getting rocks hit at my head by a kid with a bat.  So I fantasized a green tomato that was at my feet.

His crackhead mom (legit crackhead) called the cops on me cause he went home crying.

A nei
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:18:25 PM EDT
I don't know how to translate the story into words.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:19:56 PM EDT
For making noise at a shop at night.

The officer was cool and just told us to keep it down.

We weren't drinking so he really didn't care.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:21:07 PM EDT
Had two different cities cops and the county deputies show up once because somebody reported a gang fight at our duplex.
About seven cars total responded to three guys playing catch with a football, a couple guys under the hood of one guys little brothers car and the gfs and wives sitting around in lawn chairs talking.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:21:23 PM EDT
Around 10-11 years old, a group of friends and I took a couple of inflatable boats down to the drainage canal behind the neighborhood.   We started getting rowdy and trying to push each other off and into the water.

With all the screaming and commotion we were making, somebody called the cops thinking a person was getting attacked.  The cop popped up over the edge, saw it was just a bunch of kids in inflatable boats, then told us to have fun (and that somebody called thinking a person was being attacked).

Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:21:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:22:47 PM EDT
Friend's mom called the cops saying we were doing drugs at my parents house because she wanted him to come home early
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:23:39 PM EDT
You probably galled called for LRRPing or public masturbation
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:24:02 PM EDT
Taking a rifle out of my truck and walking into the house with it. Thanks Gladys.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:26:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:27:18 PM EDT
"Stalking" the lady that lived down the road. Because I drove past her house every day.

She lived five houses down, and should have seen my car parked in front of my house and figured it out pretty easily.

But, no. Better to call the police so they can pull me over and ask me about it.

Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:27:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:28:53 PM EDT
He never actually did it, but one of my former roommates constantly threatened to call the police if I talked to someone on the phone in my room after about 8:00 PM. Like they could/would have done anything about it.

I hope that guy dies in a fire.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:30:07 PM EDT
back about 13 years ago,  Wife and I had just gone to bed after working on the yard and house all day. basically we showered and crashed. after about an hour of sleep, our dogs (we had 4 at the time} go bat shit crazy at the front door, followed by loud banging.  I look out the upstairs window and there is 4 squad cars parked in front of my house and officers standing at my front door.  So in my stupor, I grab a t-shirt... turns out it was white and ratty, an pair of jeans..turns out one of my worse pairs too. and I get dress, go to the door yell at the dogs to get back. I open then door and ask what is the issue and what can I do for them.  they inform me that they received a complain that we were yelling at and threatening our children.......
Me"Um. what children?"
Police "Your children".
Me"We don't have any children"
Them "Are you sure"  
Me" last I checked we don't have kids "
Police "What about your dogs"
Me. " Look, we have been in bed for that last hour asleep after working on the yard and house all day, there hasn't been any yelling fighting etc.... "  I of course didn't tell them about the "tickle" fight we had before going to sleep.
After a good 30 -60 seconds stare at me....
Police " Have a good, night"

Me .

I get upstairs wife is and tells me to go look in the mirror... I looked like a classic White trash thug one would see on COPS.  Wife beater tank top, wholly jeans... bead head hair, 2 day beard.

Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:31:41 PM EDT
I don't think I've ever had the cops called on me.

There was one time I blew a tree up with an improvised explosive device when I was a kid that I was sure someone was going to call the cops. But no one ever did.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:35:03 PM EDT
Bumpfiring.   By a former Marine, no less.

Sheriff's deputys came out, saw we were being safe, didn't even ask to see what we were shooting.    
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:35:27 PM EDT
Years ago, as in when I was in college, I was detained by the police for leaving a night club and mouthing off to the cop.

Here is the deal.  My friend who was a bouncer there told me to leave because the cops were about to raid the place and he said that I didn't want to be involved in all the BS associated with it.  He saw them on the security cameras lining up on the property, hence the reason he told me to leave.  

I proceed to exit through the door that is clearly marked "No re-entry" in big red letters on the outside of the club.  Well, I exit the bar, and there is a young officer waiting out there who proceeds to tell me to go back in.  I told him that I didn't want to and I was going across the street to another club as the door closed behind me.  He proceeds to push me with both hands while yelling at me to go back inside, which I couldn't do because the door was locked, and I showed him by pulling on the handle.  I then proceed to insult him by asking him if he was born stupid or dropped on his head too many times as a baby.  

That ended up getting me handcuffed, and having my ID called in for any priors and the whole ordeal took about 15 minutes.  After handing my license back, the officer asked me who I knew because there were many staple holes in my license yet I didn't have so much as a single traffic citation on my record.  My response was sarcastic, something like:  "I bet you would like to know, but you'll have to call my attorney to get that answer."  When I gave him my attorney's name, he had a look of shock on his face.  My attorney also happened to be a Federal Judge.

Come to think of it, that was the only time in my life when I was ever a dick to a cop.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:35:34 PM EDT
Back in the late 90s I went to my usual LGS to sell them a shotgun on a Sunday afternoon. I got there right when they were closing for the day and the owner had somewhere he had to be, but his son said he'd look at the shotgun. So dad closes up the store and we walk over to my car, one of the only cars left in the parking lot. I pop the trunk and junior takes out the shotgun and starts looking at it. About that time out of the corner of my eye I see someone looking at us through the blinds of one of the other stores in the shopping center. It looks like a pair of women spying on us. I pay them no mind and carry on with junior, but I keep seeing the women looking at us from behind the blinds.

A few minutes after we started a police cruiser pulls into the parking lot and right up to us. Cop gets out, it is a cop both junior and I know, and he chats us up. We talk for about five minutes, junior says bring the shotgun back by next week and they will buy it. We put it away and as we are all getting ready to go our separate ways our cop friend says "oh by the way, we got a call from some concerned citizens that you two were up to no good out here". I mention the spies behind the blinds and just as we all look over there we see the women spying on us again. All three of us wave at them and the blinds snap shut and never open again.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:35:37 PM EDT
Bump firing
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:38:52 PM EDT
Shooting bottle rockets out of a college dorm window 4 stories up at passing cars. I think one slid off the road (ice) and hit a fence post. Whoops. Apparently you can't tape a bottle rocket to a paper airplane and get lift. My ding dong friend left the door cracked so cops had us up against a wall in no time. I slipped my Spyderco out of my pocket and between some pillows before getting frisked luckily. Friend took the rap for all of us and did community service. They were his fireworks but we goaded him into letting us set them loose.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:39:28 PM EDT
Cast netting golden shiners in a public river.  Owner of the nearest property called Fish & Game to come run us off by telling them we were illegally fishing.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:43:42 PM EDT
I was cutting and grinding to customize the dash of the '56 Ford I was building in my garage with the door open.  I look up through the window opening and a city cop is standing right there.  I said: what, too much noise?

Nope, he was looking for a loose pit bull in the neighborhood.  I didn't hear any gunshots later, so I don't think he found it.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:45:36 PM EDT
Too many stupid things too list.
Live in a very small town and county.
Sheriff,  Deputy Sheriffs and State Troopers would just come to see if it was something serious. If not, they would tell the caller to stop.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:45:36 PM EDT
Eh, not on me specifically but I've had cops called on two companies I worked for while I was there.

1) Retail store almost 25 years ago.  We had to make a company training video and during a break one of the guys started goofing off with a toy gun from the children's department.  He faked taking someone hostage... and apparently someone saw it through the storefront.

Cop came up and bitched us all out for a few minutes.  Nothing he could do though since no crimes had been committed.

2) Woman called the cops on us for not letting her return her computer.  The manager would have cut her a break (it was outside the return policy) if it really was broken, but I personally tested it and it was fine.  After that she started screaming at us... everything from "I KNOW MY RIGHTS!" to suggesting that we had endangered her child.

She ended up calling 911, sobbing as she told the operator what had happened.  I was just starting up my car to head home when the cops showed up.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:46:47 PM EDT
Greenwich Connecticut around 98 or 99. I had the FD called on me for having a grill cooking hamburgers on a jobsite. Apparently it's considered an open fire source. I felt bad for the firemen. They knew it was bullshit but had to respond to appease the rich people who complained.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:49:08 PM EDT

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I was cutting and grinding to customize the dash of the '56 Ford I was building in my garage with the door open.  I look up through the window opening and a city cop is standing right there.  I said: what, too much noise?

Nope, he was looking for a loose pit bull in the neighborhood.  I didn't hear any gunshots later, so I don't think he found it.
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The day we signed the paperwork on our house and got the keys we swung by the apartment on the way there to pick up some things, and took our Aussie with us.

We had been at the house five minutes and a County Sheriffs Deputy rolls up, and says our dog (pointed at it) was reported to have killed some sheep nearby. I felt like I was telling him "These aren't my pants", but it was impossible given the circumstances.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:50:10 PM EDT
I have never had the po po called on me. I am a good boy
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:50:47 PM EDT
Crazy neighbor- she had complained several times that limbs from my trees had fallen in her yard.  Then in the fall we had an NC ice storm. I had about 4 very large pine trees uproot, fall across her fence and into her yard. I hopped the fence, and over the course of about 8 hours cut up all the trees and hauled them to the street in front of my house and fixed the fence. Two days later while I was working on the trees in my yard she came to fence looking she claimed I had cut up one of her cedar trees she was going to use for an arbor. I have several cedars. I told her to point out one, I would cut it down and build her an arbor. She said I was evil. Over the next two hours she hung up homemade "NO TRESPASSING" signs at the fence facing my yard and posted a list of grievances. Then she called the SO. She must have made it sound bad because two showed up. They came, I told them what happened took them to the back of the property and said if she wanted to come over and point out any thing she thought was hers I would be happy to haul it back and toss it over the fence into her yard.
They came back about 15 minutes later and asked if she was "a little off." I told them "Uh, yeah."
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 5:57:40 PM EDT
When I was 16 I had a job, but no car.  I walked the half mile to work every afternoon.  When I got off work in the summer, I typically had plans so I'd run home.  I got stopped by the police who wanted to know what I was doing as they had a complaint called in about a man running down the street.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 6:03:14 PM EDT
Shooting fireworks and drinking beer.  Not really an unreasonable call, but they could have have just walked over and told us to knock it off.  College guys.  Cops were cool.  Offered to go over and apologize to the neighbors.  "No.  I mean, maybe when you guys sober up, but I don't want to have to drag my ass back out here."  
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 6:09:52 PM EDT
Water balloon slingshot.  Launching them at friends as a prank.  A young, new cop in a college town tried to make WAY MORE of it than it was.

You should've seen the look the judge gave him.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 6:13:48 PM EDT
when I was 18 I had an iguana I would put on the porch to sun in the am ... one of my dip shit neighbors must have seen it an called the law on me ..said I had a komodo dragon ....
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 6:14:02 PM EDT
Got called in for peeing in the street one night. What was I supposed to do, I was drunk walking home from the bar, and I had to piss,

At a place I used to live my family owned the house and the grass lot across the street, I got called in for taking my dog across the street (unleashed) and letting him shit in that grass lot.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 6:25:59 PM EDT
Too many times, too many reasons.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 6:29:42 PM EDT
I was training my Lab Retriever with a dummy launcher that uses .22 blanks to fire a dummy for the dog to retrieve. I was walking out when the police came in asking had I seen anybody shooting a gun. I fell out laughing and so did the cops. They said a woman called in someone was shooting at dogs and they were running from me!
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 6:29:59 PM EDT

It may have been for an Volkswagen Beetle with bushes stuck in the fenders stalling in front of an old man's house at the end of a rough dirt road. Oh and it didn't have a license plate.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 6:31:48 PM EDT
I had a guy call the police on me for taking his fake ID away from him.  He had a warrant and the cops arrested him.  Laughed my ass off.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 6:39:43 PM EDT
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Years ago when my kids were little they were playing with the dog on the trampoline , with the water hose.

I yelled out to them that we needed to go to the store.

Unbeknownst to me, they just hooked the dogs cable to the leg of the trampoline, since they wanted to play more when we got back.

We were gone 15 minutes

Of course the dog wrapped the cable around the trampoline and was stuck when we got home, I yelled at the girls for doing that , told them to handle it.

Neighbor woman came to the door at the same time , started yelling at me. I explained what happened .

She told me she didn't give a fuck what my story was I should be in jail. And that she was calling the cops.

I said cool, you do that and slammed the door in her face .

She did, they came, I explained the story, cop laughed and said have a nice day .

Me and her still evil eye each other 12 years later

She is hot though......
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Funny.   I'd have left a flaming pile of dogshit on her doorstep.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 6:43:32 PM EDT
Several times , One of my favorites is , I held a machine gun shoot at my house . It was on a local Yahoo group , one of the Yahoo guys posted it on another board and I had a ton of people I did not know show up , We had a good time with machine guns and Tannerite . One cop showed up and I knew him. He said the neighbors called and reported it sounded like a war zone with explosions and machine guns . I said okay . He said are these legal , we said sure would you like to shoot . He said he had to make sure we were safe , He went back to the neighbor and delivered him the bad news , we kept shooting
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 6:45:54 PM EDT
Years ago i got a new neighbor down the road he moved  from cali. We had an all day range session he came and told me to stop shooting . I said its an unincorporated are FOAD. He said Ill call the SO. I said go head and by the way your tresspassing .He did and he got a talking to about filing false complaints. After that i made a point to shoot every damn day and on the weeked . He finally moved.

Life was good.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 6:46:00 PM EDT
Once along time ago.
I was a cop and days off were rare as I would suck up all the OT I could. My brother in law called and said his motocycle was running rough could I take a look at it.
I go over and look at it simple fix - he had run it dry the week before and the filter was clogged.
We were working in his driveway when two cruisers pull up. Guy from my own dept.
I ask whats up? They tell me someone called in a couple guys trying to steal a motorcycle
BIL produces ID and registration
We all laugh and they ask which neighbor doesnt like him, he points accross the street. We both know this guy and his wife. Hell he bowls with the father in law and knows Im a cop.
The two uniforn and I go accross the street and bang on the door until the asshole comes out. I badge him and ask wtf is your problem.
He stutters this and that and other stuff that makes no sense.about cant be too careful
The two uniform guys ge this name and info and tell him if abuses 911 again they will refer it for prosecution.

Every tim I saw the guy again after that I just stared at him with a stink eye that would kill.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 6:48:36 PM EDT
We were kids playing "war" in a woods we always played in.  We were all in camo,  ninja gear, entertech guns, ninja swords,  nunchukas, bo staves,  etc.  It was a regular thing with all us kids.

Anyhow,  there was a bank next to these woods.  One of the customers said she saw "masked men with guns in the woods getting ready to rob the bank. "

Like half of the county SO and city PD showed up ready to pounce.  I think they were upset because they took our "illegal" bo staves (boy scout walking sticks from summer camp.)
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 7:00:09 PM EDT
Back in the early 90s when laser pointers were a somewhat expensive novelty, a friend bought one.

We were dicking around with it in the living room of his apartment and decided to point it at the windowless wall of the apartment building across the way.

After playing with the laser for a few minutes we went back inside and got back to drinking beer and talking to girls.

About 10 minutes after we went inside there was a very firm knock on the door followed by "POLICE!!! OPEN UP".

Figuring it was one of our buddys, we opened the door and had guns stuffed in our faces.

Apparently somebody in the complex had seen the Terminator movies before, saw the laser, assumed we were pointing a gun at the wall, freaked out and called the cops.
The cops were told by the person reporting that he had seen a firearm. There were no guns in the apartment.

We showed them the laser pointer, they played with it, thought it was cool and told us it would probably be a good idea to use it as a strictly indoor toy from here on out.

The other was in my apartment, got cops at my door for a "loud, out of control party" at like 8:30-9:00 on a friday night.
It was me, my roommate, his buddy and two girls. We were having a few drinks and watching tv.
I was obviously drunk and the cops tried to get me to step outside so they could lock me up for public intox (common tactic with this department).

One of them did let slip who called.
It was the white trash welfare fucks two doors down who would routinely party loudly into the night pretty much all week.

Link Posted: 7/14/2016 7:03:14 PM EDT
I had an elderly neighbor call the cops on me every time I started my motocross race bike up for maintenance. (better to warm it up for oil changes, I'd idle it until it was warm and then shut it off).  Over a couple years a few officers had shown up multiple times each to find me with a bike on the stand surrounded by tools.

The officers believed me but were getting frustrated at the repeated calls of people riding dirtbikes in the street.  Finally one day the officer and I were talking in the driveway (because the neighbor had called 911 again) and 3 kids on mini bikes rode by.  All I had to say was "those are probably your perps" and he laughed and went after them.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 7:18:33 PM EDT
Bitch across the street from my friends called the cops during our baby shower. Apparently she thought the public street in front of her house was private parking. Prior to the police arriving her douchebag boyfriend was sitting on the front porch with a crosssman 760, pumping it a couple times and pointing it in our direction and shooting it.

When the police arrived the responding officer was a friend. I explained about the crossman and told her to let the douchebag know I don't play with bb guns. She informed him that he would probably be shot if he threatened someone who was legally armed if he tried that again. She also informed them that they may see charges if they call again.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 7:36:39 PM EDT
Over 25 years ago I swapped the engine in my 1975 K5 Blazer at my wife's cousin's house.  Once it was running, still with open headers for the exhaust system, I drove it about 2 miles down the road to my house where I was going to finish the remaining details.

This was a rural area but some guy who was standing in front of his new house on his new acreage decided that he didn't like it and copied down my plate number, and a deputy showed up at my house 10 minutes later.  I wonder if that guy knew the deputy because he went off on me with all sorts of false accusations and threatened to have my vehicle impounded if he ever saw me on the road.  First and only bad LEO that I've come across, the dude was a complete prick.  I just nodded my head until he left, but I couldn't believe the lies he was saying all on the basis of a citizen's complaint.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 8:00:43 PM EDT
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I might have been tuning a race engine, at 0130
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Was with a buddy when he was doing this on his 69 Mustang and burning rubber at the curb until it backfired like a bitch flames shot out about 5 feet from the carb. He shut it down we left in my car to go get something to eat. Get back and he dad asked what he was doing for the cops to show up.
Link Posted: 7/14/2016 8:06:52 PM EDT
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Bumpfiring.   By a former Marine, no less.

Sheriff's deputys came out, saw we were being safe, didn't even ask to see what we were shooting.    
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Had an Arfcom shoot at my place.  The sheriff showed up.  Asked  if we had machine guns.  

I think you were there.
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