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Link Posted: 2/16/2017 7:56:50 PM EDT
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Back in my time, a sock loaded with nickels made a good defensive tool.
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Show me the money, honey,

How much money you got-- honey?

(Bronson realizes he is trapped in the middle of a flight of stairs)
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 7:58:40 PM EDT
Just carry a roll of quarters with you
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 8:13:24 PM EDT
American Knuckles

Link Posted: 2/16/2017 8:30:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 8:36:58 PM EDT
Has anyone had any real world "experience" (giving or receiving) with these things? Brass, steel, aluminum, plastic, it doesn't matter.

I want a set, I think mostly because I'm not supposed to have them, but I can't imagine that I'd ever carry them.  In my mind, they are going to break bones and tear skin open if someone was to get hit in the face or on the head with them.
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Seeing as you are in Washington State, you should read this.  

Don't Go To Jail - For Being In Possession Of Something Stupid.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 8:48:50 PM EDT
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A legal CCW pistol says "I'm about personal protection." I'm a hothead wanna be cop who has fantasies about killing anyone that fucks with me.

An illegal pair of brass knuckles says "I like to brawl at the bar on weekends."
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Until its you in the defendants chair and theres a liberal juror...
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 8:57:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 9:58:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:20:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 10:20:30 PM EDT
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Hmmm .... good idea actually.
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It really isn't. Take a look at the structure of the non locking carabiner and compare it to traditional brass knuckles.
Attachment Attached File
Attachment Attached File

First as a non locking carabiner, the improvised knuckles do not have a solid structure. That means regardless of which way you hit with them (hinge in or hinge out) it will collapse. If you are lucky then you didn't drive that narrow spike of metal into your own knuckle.

Second, a traditional pair of brass knuckles supports, separates and adds weight to the fist. Please note the half moon shape at the base of the knuckles. This is placed at the heel of the palm.  This supports the broader structure of the knuckles and is not present in the carabiner. It works like the palm swell of a hammers handle. Traditional knuckles also have weight. Weight is the real benefit of knuckles. Weight helps the edges crush and cut as they impact. Most carabiners simply don't add enough weight to overcome the negatives of their structure.

You don't have to believe me. All you need to do is spend a couple of bucks on a carabiner (or a little more on a locking carabiner) and punch a bag.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:01:24 PM EDT
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It really isn't. Take a look at the structure of the non locking carabiner and compare it to traditional brass knuckles.

First as a non locking carabiner, the improvised knuckles do not have a solid structure. That means regardless of which way you hit with them (hinge in or hinge out) it will collapse. If you are lucky then you didn't drive that narrow spike of metal into your own knuckle.

Second, a traditional pair of brass knuckles supports, separates and adds weight to the fist. Please note the half moon shape at the base of the knuckles. This is placed at the heel of the palm.  This supports the broader structure of the knuckles and is not present in the carabiner. It works like the palm swell of a hammers handle. Traditional knuckles also have weight. Weight is the real benefit of knuckles. Weight helps the edges crush and cut as they impact. Most carabiners simply don't add enough weight to overcome the negatives of their structure.

You don't have to believe me. All you need to do is spend a couple of bucks on a carabiner (or a little more on a locking carabiner) and punch a bag.
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.....and ridge hands and back fists have no effect whatsoever....or hook punches..Dude....really? Look there's plenty of ways to apply a 'biner and seriously fuck someone up. I seen men torn up with nothing more than a wagon tongue.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:11:21 PM EDT
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.....and ridge hands and back fists have no effect whatsoever....or hook punches..Dude....really? Look there's plenty of ways to apply a 'biner and seriously fuck someone up. I seen men torn up with nothing more than a wagon tongue.
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Weird* only the bit in bold shows up in your post.  A hook punch is still a punch and a carabiner doesn't add much value to it. What's a wagon tongue?

Oh I caught it on an edit.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:18:32 PM EDT
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A legal CCW pistol says "I'm about personal protection."

An illegal pair of brass knuckles says "I like to brawl at the bar on weekends."
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So what about the guy that

Can't afford a CCW class
Can't afford a CCW license
Can't afford a handgun
But could and did make himself an improvised impact weapon

Totality of circumstances has to be considered.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:19:47 PM EDT
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Legal or not carrying these around tells me a lot about you. ETA not you directly Reno
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Check your local laws.  They're illegal in my jurisdiction.

Also, if I was on a jury, I'd be a lot more understanding of a legal CCW than a pair of knucks.

But why...use of force is either justified or it isn't and you Johnny_Reno are smart enough to know this.

I have read many things you have posted over the years so I know you are "smart"

You need to teach yourself just in case you ever are on a Jury that the use of force was either justified or it wasn't regardless of the TOOL being used.

A legal CCW pistol says "I'm about personal protection."

A pair of brass knuckles says "I like to brawl at the bar on weekends."

Legal or not carrying these around tells me a lot about you. ETA not you directly Reno

That you potentially hate poor people
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 11:26:48 PM EDT
Made a home made set once in high school welding class when teacher wasn't looking. They weren't comfortable at all and not being an expert in such things, didn't realize they would need a palm bar for support. So basically, as configured,
they probably would have broken all four of my fingers if i had ever tried to use them.
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 5:18:28 AM EDT
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Weird only the bit in bold shows up in your post.  A hook punch is still a punch and a carabiner doesn't add much value to it. What's a wagon tongue?
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Look man, you can rave all you want about your brass knuckles or little old rolled up newspaper or whatever it was. The fact is that I've seen men tore up by nothing bigger than a king bolt, from a wagon tongue, defending myself, stopping men in flight, etc...
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 10:34:09 AM EDT
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We're not allowed to buy them or sell them in Florida but they're sold at every gun show.
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 gunshow loophole!!!!
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 5:38:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 6:46:06 PM EDT
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Had a buddy in high school receive very similar injuries, other kid had rolls of change in his fists.  Wasn't even his fight, standing up for another kid.. no good deed goes unpunished..
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Nephew was almost killed by a pair of BK. Broken eyesocket, jaw wired shut, concussion, cheek bone fracture. Pretty close call.y advise.  See a pair shoot the mf rfn.

Had a buddy in high school receive very similar injuries, other kid had rolls of change in his fists.  Wasn't even his fight, standing up for another kid.. no good deed goes unpunished..

I got sucker punched in the nose with roll of quarters or nicks or something.  In H.S.

Luckily just broke my nose a little.  Guy was weak.  70 guys tried to jump 3 of us lol.  California things.
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 6:50:34 PM EDT
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A less conspicuous object that would be quite effective
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Knowing how to make a proper fist and how to punch is better than any of these novelties that risk breaking your hand.
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 7:02:00 PM EDT
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Knowing how to make a proper fist and how to punch is better than any of these novelties that risk breaking your hand.
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Id probably prefer to get punched with a good fist than a proper set of brass knuckles, but I agree that knowing how to make a proper fist and how to punch is a skill worth learning. A weak fist will often cause a break at the wrist of the person throwing the punch. A proper fist will crush an eye socket like an eggshell with moderate force. 

Still...I will keep carrying a gun 
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 7:21:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 7:30:08 PM EDT
I have a pair that I got somehow from a high school friend.  It belonged to his grandmother, so that cracks me up.  I have no idea how old it is, but it has to be one of the older BK I've seen.

I also have a plastic one...it's really solid, but not sure how well it would hold up to hitting something hard.
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 7:45:19 PM EDT

The ones my grandfather carried in WW2
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 10:58:24 PM EDT
Surprised no one mentioned these folks:


Do what you will with the info...
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 11:51:37 PM EDT
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If you are wanting them for personal protection, etc., a small sap would be better then knuckles.  A sap is easily concealed and when you hit people with it, it doesn't immediately remove flesh.  

Bonk a guy in the head a few times with a sap and walk away.  The guy isn't ruined but it'll take the fight out of them.
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My grandpa had a small sap tagged saying it was used to kill criminals. If I find the pics I will post them.
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 11:53:34 PM EDT
I'd rather have a pair of really nice sap gloves.
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 11:57:21 PM EDT
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I can only imagine what a prosecutor would say at your assault trial.

"The accused was so intent on looking for a fight that he carried brass knuckles . . . a gun....."
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You can't live your life worrying about every possible, negative angle.
Link Posted: 2/17/2017 11:58:12 PM EDT
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I'd rather have a pair of really nice sap gloves.
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And this
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 12:08:08 AM EDT
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I used to carry them, but now I wear a pair of Oakley Tac gloves on the street.

I used them once.  I got into a pretty good resisting arrest where the guy was tased three times, with three policemen on top of him, and still kept fighting as we were trying to take him down.

After the Taser proved ineffective, I peeked up, looked around for potential witnesses, slipped them on and cracked him on top of the head.  His head bounced off the pavement from the blow.

I split him open on his scalp and the blood started gushing (not uncommon for even a paper cut up there).  He felt it gushing, wiped his face, looked at his hand, and said "Ok, I'm done."

We cuffed him, got him stitched up, and sent him to jail for robbery.

Only time I ever used them.
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Feel good story of the day
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 12:09:56 AM EDT
had my facebone broken from my left eye socket to below my nose, my teeth went through my lower lip and three teeth were busted out,

hurts like hell
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 12:12:30 AM EDT
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Saw a fight in high school where a guy pulled out a pair and promptly got his ass beaten into the ground.
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In high school, I pulled out a pair because I was going to get my ass beat into the ground.
Guy backed down. Good thing because I would have probably ended up on the receiving end....
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 12:14:39 AM EDT
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Had a guy in the emergency room a few weeks ago. He and his baby mommas boyfriend went to the ground.
Boyfriend had a fucking trench knife and went all World War 1 on him.
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 12:28:51 AM EDT
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I've seen people that supposedly got the shit beat out of them by someone using them.

I've heard the "roll of quarters" thing too, but I don't know how you'd keep the end of the roll intact. Maybe tape?
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I've never heard of using a roll of quarters, I always of using an impact socket.

I have one somewhere that I got before I was old enough to buy a gun and they were big enough that they felt like they would fuck your hand up if you tried to use them.
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 12:30:18 AM EDT
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Had a guy in the emergency room a few weeks ago. He and his baby mommas boyfriend went to the ground.
Boyfriend had a fucking trench knife and went all World War 1 on him.
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Had a guy in the emergency room a few weeks ago. He and his baby mommas boyfriend went to the ground.
Boyfriend had a fucking trench knife and went all World War 1 on him.

that had to have been brutal
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 12:30:44 AM EDT
prohibited weapon here. Still, a good shot with knucks can kill.
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 12:35:34 AM EDT
No. roll of nickels? Yea.
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 12:39:38 AM EDT
My dad has some brass knuckles his grandfather used to carry when he worked on the railroad. Apparently, he put them on often, and they were effective, from what my dad tells me.

His grandpa was also a bare knuckle boxer, so I don't know if there's skill needed to use them effectively or not. This is all second hand from my dad. I can probably get pics of the knucks in a day or two if anyone wants.
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 1:11:37 AM EDT
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seems to me a better argument could be made for the carrying of a roll of quarters. I could be wrong though. I remember in one of the Bond books 007 used his big ole Omega or Rolex...........
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Rolex. On Her Majesty's Secret Service.
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 1:14:21 AM EDT
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Surprised no one mentioned these folks:


Do what you will with the info...
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A couple of cool sets there!  Love the 1800 copper knucks!
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 1:21:12 AM EDT
Didn't Bogart get knocked out with a roll of quarters in "The Big Sleep"?
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 1:29:28 AM EDT
I got a set of Afrankart double finger knuckles before they got ridiculously expensive.   They fit like a glove and you are in no danger of breaking your fingers.   They are brutal.   They add a lot to a punch.
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 1:39:20 AM EDT
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I got a set of Afrankart double finger knuckles before they got ridiculously expensive.   They fit like a glove and you are in no danger of breaking your fingers.   They are brutal.   They add a lot to a punch.
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Can you post up pics?
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 2:21:12 AM EDT
I have a set from the 70's. They are machined out of brass.
I always thought I would screw myself up if I ever used them.

Thug weapon. I feel better with a gun.
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 6:52:29 AM EDT
I've seen BK's used, rolls of quarters,, and large knives used as weapons, all have similar results. I carried a large lockback brass framed knife. I only used it once as a weapon, but it worked well. One swing, it hit the drunk attacking me's bicep, and his left arm was instantly useless. A couple more and he was down and helpless. I still carry that knife all these years later. It weighs over 8 ounces, and it's not as pretty as it was back then, but it's still not something I would ever want to get hit with. I can still punch pretty hard, and with that knife in my hand, a hit from it/me is going to cause major damage if I hit you in the chin or face.
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 8:37:45 AM EDT
had my facebone broken from my left eye socket to below my nose, my teeth went through my lower lip and three teeth were busted out,

hurts like hell
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 9:47:59 AM EDT
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If you are wanting them for personal protection, etc., a small sap would be better then knuckles.  A sap is easily concealed and when you hit people with it, it doesn't immediately remove flesh.  

Bonk a guy in the head a few times with a sap and walk away.  The guy isn't ruined but it'll take the fight out of them.
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Here the pics of what a sap is capable of and some brass knuckles from old. The were in my grandpas collection and are now my uncles.

That is a quarter on top od the knuckles so you can get an idea of scale on those bad boys. I have tried to buy them several times from my uncle but he won't budge.

The big metal club between the knuckles was a tear gas club. that screws apart in the middle so you can load it. It has a firing mechanism that is thumb operated.

So a little tap from a sap can be lethal and that is not something I would want to trust one way or the other.
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 11:27:36 AM EDT
These pics and stories are great!

I still think I want a set to add to the collection. They can go with the copy of Negan's bat I'm going to make. Lol

Maybe they'd be a good project to (re)learn how to cast things.
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 11:30:14 AM EDT
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Didn't Bogart get knocked out with a roll of quarters in "The Big Sleep"?
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John D. McDonald referenced a character in one of the  Travis McGee novels using a roll of nickels, only because the character had small hands.
Link Posted: 2/18/2017 11:33:26 AM EDT
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http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r112/SearcherforTruth/My%20grandpas%20weapons/100_1754a.jpghttp://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r112/SearcherforTruth/My%20grandpas%20weapons/100_1754.jpghttp://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r112/SearcherforTruth/My%20grandpas%20weapons/100_1752a.jpghttp://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r112/SearcherforTruth/My%20grandpas%20weapons/100_1744.jpghttp://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r112/SearcherforTruth/My%20grandpas%20weapons/100_1740.jpg Here the pics of what a sap is capable of and some brass knuckles from old. The were in my grandpas collection and are now my uncles.

That is a quarter on top od the knuckles so you can get an idea of scale on those bad boys. I have tried to buy them several times from my uncle but he won't budge.

The big metal club between the knuckles was a tear gas club. that screws apart in the middle so you can load it. It has a firing mechanism that is thumb operated.

So a little tap from a sap can be lethal and that is not something I would want to trust one way or the other.
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If you are wanting them for personal protection, etc., a small sap would be better then knuckles.  A sap is easily concealed and when you hit people with it, it doesn't immediately remove flesh.  

Bonk a guy in the head a few times with a sap and walk away.  The guy isn't ruined but it'll take the fight out of them.
Here the pics of what a sap is capable of and some brass knuckles from old. The were in my grandpas collection and are now my uncles.

That is a quarter on top od the knuckles so you can get an idea of scale on those bad boys. I have tried to buy them several times from my uncle but he won't budge.

The big metal club between the knuckles was a tear gas club. that screws apart in the middle so you can load it. It has a firing mechanism that is thumb operated.

So a little tap from a sap can be lethal and that is not something I would want to trust one way or the other.

I know a guy that bought his fiance a sap for protection when she was working over time in the city. He gave her strict instructions to dump it if she ever had to us it.
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