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Posted: 2/9/2005 6:19:35 AM EDT
I know you guys don't want another one of "these" threads but I really want to know your opinions.
(Esp. EricTheHun)
About 10 years ago I was really into 'shrooms. I would eat them about once a month so I wouldn't build up a tolerance. But when I did eat them I would go for level 4-5 trips.
Anyway, during these experiences, I would not be seeking anything of ANY religious nature, just basically "exploring my mind". I have to tell you I DID SOME EXPLORING!
One thing  that did inadvertadly come from these sessions was a profound presence of God in my life. I would then trip for spiritual reasons ONLY!
I have since quit experimenting with ethno-pathogens(?) and now am a devout Christian.
Most folks would say "ooooo, you should never do any drug for any reason. This is a case where "drugs" had a HUGE POSITIVE affect on my life.
Anyone else do this type of experimentation with this type of result?
Flame suit on
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:25:03 AM EDT
Never heard of it or done it myself.
Pretty cool though you had to hallucinate to 'find God'
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:28:31 AM EDT
Looks like ya got lucky......call it good and keep away from the pharmocopia and you'll be fine....
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:29:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:30:14 AM EDT

this should be good.


popcorn and beer ready and waiting
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:32:40 AM EDT
Hallucinogenic mushrooms wouldn't be my first choice of evangelical methods.

I think that's all I'll say.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:34:25 AM EDT
There are worse ways to try and obtain enlightenment.

Whatever works, works.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:36:43 AM EDT

Hallucinogenic mushrooms wouldn't be my first choice of evangelical methods.

I think that's all I'll say.

Wasn't my first choice either.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:38:51 AM EDT
Carlos Santana said the same thing. So did Timothy Leary. I'm not saying you are an asshat, but they definitely are (were).

Is that the only change you experienced? I'd like to know what those who are close to have to say.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:39:23 AM EDT
Friend of mine in high school used to trip balls on LSD every chance he could (just exploring the mind, riiiiiiight).

You guessed it - An OTH discharge from the Navy, and an unknown number of pay checks blown on quickie-abortions, and a couple of wrecked cars later - he now tells people he's " a soldier for Christ".  He even tried to quit swearing.

Boy, couldn't see that one coming a mile away.  Care to guess whether or not he's huge fan of Rush Limbaugh?
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:43:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:47:02 AM EDT
Usually that sort of shit opens up your mind to the evil spirits.

Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:49:17 AM EDT


And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:  
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die

Well, I guess the question is, does God consider psylosibe cubensis to be the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:50:02 AM EDT
you think shrooms are fun.
try choking yourself when you masturbate  
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:50:27 AM EDT
I'm kind of in the same boat. Lets just say I pretty much tried every drug possible when I was younger. I looked at it as an experiment almost. Among those, I ate shrooms a few times. Sometimes I picked em myself and ate them 'wet' sometimes bought them dried. Definately had some INTERESTING visions and thoughts on them. I don't see the harm but then again I'm not religious.

ETA: Considering the things illegal things I did in my past, I'm pretty lucky to have grown out of it without any problems. I wouldn't recommend anything other than unprocessed natural "things" to get a buzz. The other way is a VERY slippery slope.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:53:58 AM EDT
I think it was Bill W. who originally advocated the use of LSD to achieve a spiritual awakening in the early days of AA.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:56:23 AM EDT
10 pages minimum
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:58:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 6:59:15 AM EDT
Maybe the message isn't that apparent if you need drugs to induce "faith". Drugs will make you see anything you want to see.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 7:01:55 AM EDT

you think shrooms are fun.
try choking yourself when you masturbate  

Did you find god that way too?
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 7:05:31 AM EDT
My ancestors, the Vikings, used mushies and other drugs to go into BERSERKER RAGE when entering combat.

Nowadays, I just watch 5 minutes of Katie Couric and I'm good to go...
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 7:06:53 AM EDT
If that is how you reach your faith, anyone that calls you an asshat needs to rethink their own spirituality. It might not be how you set out to get there, and it could just be dumb luck.

You're a better person now. You don't trip anymore.

The end can justify the means.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 7:08:33 AM EDT
X - which is just one or two carbon molecules off from the LSD chain - was originally a breakthrough, highly effective treatment for those afflicted with horrible depression.

I remember reading an article in the Skeptical Inquirer alluding to the fact that recorded descriptions of near death experiences and acid trips shared a suprisingly high number of similarities.  The feeling of travelling down a dark tunnel to a point of light, out of body/remote viewing, feelings of a profound personal life change at the end of it all.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 7:10:31 AM EDT
Dear onemangang.  

Your rapturous visions of religion are not unparalleled.   The good prophet Mohammed received his instruction from God (or G-d or Allah or Yaweh) after locking himself up in a cave for a long period.  Surnamese natives shove Epena up their noses to better see "the little men of the forest."  

In fact I think that there is a book specifically devoted to exploring examples of psychoactive drugs and belief in different cultures.  It's pop culture nowadays.  

I would expect that rapturous speaking in tongues or being touched by the holy spirit or  is not far off in self-induced of God induced narcosis.

My personal take is that there are a lot of ways to receive or attain enlightenment, and if you get out of bed each day with a sense of reverence and fundamental wonder, then you ain't doing bad in my  book.  

Link Posted: 2/9/2005 7:11:53 AM EDT
the capacity of mankind to do dumb things, is only exceded by the mercy of God to rescue & redirect their lives...
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 7:17:48 AM EDT

I know you guys don't want another one of "these" threads but I really want to know your opinions.
(Esp. EricTheHun)
About 10 years ago I was really into 'shrooms. I would eat them about once a month so I wouldn't build up a tolerance. But when I did eat them I would go for level 4-5 trips.
Anyway, during these experiences, I would not be seeking anything of ANY religious nature, just basically "exploring my mind". I have to tell you I DID SOME EXPLORING!
One thing  that did inadvertadly come from these sessions was a profound presence of God in my life. I would then trip for spiritual reasons ONLY!
I have since quit experimenting with ethno-pathogens(?) and now am a devout Christian.
Most folks would say "ooooo, you should never do any drug for any reason. This is a case where "drugs" had a HUGE POSITIVE affect on my life.
Anyone else do this type of experimentation with this type of result?
Flame suit on

how do you think the american indians found their spirit world and gods?

wasn't "shrooms" but peyote had a major impact on them in their spirituality..

Link Posted: 2/9/2005 7:17:59 AM EDT

you think shrooms are fun.
try choking yourself when you masturbate  

Is school out early today?
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 7:25:08 AM EDT
I've made some life changing decisions on acid in the past, they were all positive in the short andlong run. I believe you go "to another plane", honestly. You do achieve an enlightened state if that's what you are looking far. I never looked for anything spiritual, not into a god/savior, just a supreme being.
Then again if you Haven't done any in 10+ years......Got to where it was all "dirty". Don't think I would do any now even if it was clean. I'm in a different place.
I would never do mushroms again...last batch I cooked was way stronger than I ever made and found myself crying while I was watching "Good Times" on the tube, while plastic pop-sicle sticks were closing in on me, and was scared I'd overdone it. Don't like the dirty feeling afterward not to mention what it does to your liver.
Many cultures have and do use hallucinagens to get spiritual, I believe it is posible. But I know some burn outs that don't think they have a drug problem but they all have an excuse.
If you are not the above, ignore the asshats nay sayers......you gotta livea little.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 7:35:09 AM EDT
Ha ha ha ha ha

doing shrooms while watching good times.  Jesus, that isn't something I'd want to do.  That was a depressing show even as a 4th grader who was completely sober.  JJ gets shot.  The electricity gets turned off.  

As a kid, I could look down to the end of my street and see that F$$king shitehole of a housing project that "Good times" was supposedly located on about 1mile away.  Monstrosity.  I hope it was an ok place to live, but it sure didn't look it.  

BTW, the last time I checked, Psylocybe was spelled 'wit a "C" not an "S"

Link Posted: 2/9/2005 7:52:17 AM EDT

Dear onemangang.  

Your rapturous visions of religion are not unparalleled.   The good prophet Mohammed received his instruction from God (or G-d or Allah or Yaweh) after locking himself up in a cave for a long period.  Surnamese natives shove Epena up their noses to better see "the little men of the forest."  

In fact I think that there is a book specifically devoted to exploring examples of psychoactive drugs and belief in different cultures.  It's pop culture nowadays.  

I would expect that rapturous speaking in tongues or being touched by the holy spirit or  is not far off in self-induced of God induced narcosis.

My personal take is that there are a lot of ways to receive or attain enlightenment, and if you get out of bed each day with a sense of reverence and fundamental wonder, then you ain't doing bad in my  book.  

The book is called "The Teachings of Don Juan: a Taqui way of Knowledge" by Carlos Castaneda.
I have it and read it about a year ago. Good read! Some of it is pretty funny! There is a part in it where the author is tripping(not sure on what) and is running around trying to pee on his "teachers" dog. His teacher tells hime about it the next day!

I never had any "bad trips" I had some that were as intense as they come but never anything frightening. The most I ever ate was 27 wet/picked-'em myself fresh ones. That was 10 hours of serious traveling!
Someone stated something about "dirty and clean". I know EXACTLY what you're talking about except that whenever I came down I would feel incredibly, sparkley, clean! At times while tripping I would feel like trash and have a "dirty" outlook on life. After it was over I would feel cleansed.

Link Posted: 2/9/2005 7:54:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 8:09:13 AM EDT
Well I think that another poster already made the connection between NAtive Americans and peyote.

Which is like weed is to heroin, compared to psylicibin.

From everything I have read they didn't use it to have "fun" they used it to go on spirit journies.

So you are not the first to find the presence of religion between "reality" if you will.

The couple of times I did it, I never felt out of control, I just always saw things a little different.

Buddhists used to meditate to reach a stage of enlightenment that removed them from the physical plane.

MAybe hallucinogens just speed the process up..

Link Posted: 2/9/2005 8:21:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 8:35:32 AM EDT

Well I think that another poster already made the connection between NAtive Americans and peyote.

Which is like weed is to heroin, compared to psylicibin.

From everything I have read they didn't use it to have "fun" they used it to go on spirit journies.

So you are not the first to find the presence of religion between "reality" if you will.

The couple of times I did it, I never felt out of control, I just always saw things a little different.

Buddhists used to meditate to reach a stage of enlightenment that removed them from the physical plane.

MAybe hallucinogens just speed the process up..


If you look at the brain wave patterns of meditators and psychotropic users (mescaline, psilocybin, LSD) there are similarities under some circumstances.  These similarities occur in the left temporal lobe, and can be associated with religious experiences.  It has been known for a long time that this connection exists, and frequently has beneficial effects on the person.  All of these chemicals are related, and act upon roughly the same place in the brain, called the 'reticular activating system'.  They differ mainly in the associated physiologic changes (e.g., acid is a lot harsher on you physically than shrooms).

Chemicals by themselves are no guarantee that there will be any one specific kind of experience.  The person's mind set, personality and the environment  they are in will make a tremendous difference, with reactions ranging from  ecstatic to horrific.  YMMV, so it's not all just chemicals. Many people who have been exposed to these compounds feel that  using (or misusing) drugs this powerful for trivial purposes is a big mistake, or at the very least a waste of time.  The Indian's ritual use of peyote is a religious usage; watching television cartoons after dropping a hit of acid is not.  Different setting, and different mindset.  Thus different results.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 8:57:42 AM EDT
If you look at patterns of brainwaves of drug users who overdose and people who are otherwise dead, there are similarities also.

Link Posted: 2/9/2005 9:02:41 AM EDT
ARe you under the age of 27 by chance?

If so, I would worry.

DUde, you got high...that's it.

Link Posted: 2/9/2005 10:04:23 AM EDT

you think shrooms are fun.
try choking yourself when you masturbate  

Thats F'ing so funny!
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 10:12:45 AM EDT
God can turn anything to his purpose.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 10:26:07 AM EDT

Well, I knew a guy once who used to take LSD and draw pictures. Normally he was just an OK guy, no real vision. On LSD? The guy was amazing. So if you're in to altered states, this could be considered a positive.

His experimentation (and art career) ended when he had a massively "bad trip" in which he vividly saw a depiction of hell. The intensity of the vision and the perceived pain almost ten years later still brought the guy to tears.

He wasn't a Christian per se... But he was a good guy.


On a side note, as ETH said, however you come to the Lord is fine, just so long as you ask Him into your heart.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 10:37:08 AM EDT
Were you listening to Jerry Garcia by any chance?
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 10:53:16 AM EDT


His experimentation (and art career) ended when he had a massively "bad trip" in which he vividly saw a depiction of hell. The intensity of the vision and the perceived pain almost ten years later still brought the guy to tears.

that's the sort of crazy shit I usually hear people talk about when they do lsd/schrooms/etc.

it makes you more accesable to the demons

Link Posted: 2/9/2005 11:02:31 AM EDT



His experimentation (and art career) ended when he had a massively "bad trip" in which he vividly saw a depiction of hell. The intensity of the vision and the perceived pain almost ten years later still brought the guy to tears.

that's the sort of crazy shit I usually hear people talk about when they do lsd/schrooms/etc.

it makes you more accesable to the demons

that type reaction is not typical, and the only "demons" that are accesable are in your own mind.
(100 times just with LSD here) shrooms I never kept track of, but many were taken never a bad experience and never a "flashback"<<< a mythical happening IMVHEO
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 11:03:40 AM EDT

God can turn anything to his purpose.

I believe God uses anything and everything to bring us to an understanding of Him.

I said my "sinner's prayer" and was baptized when I was 14.  Twenty seven years later

at the end of a rebellious and broken life, God revealed Himself to me.

I asked Him "Why did I have to go through all this?"

He replied "Would you have known me any other way?"

He was absolutely right (what a surprise) I had to come to an end of myself.

So I wouldn't be to concerned as to what brought you to a knowledge of God,

I would be concerned with what to do with that Knowledge.

Link Posted: 2/9/2005 11:07:14 AM EDT


God can turn anything to his purpose.

I believe God uses anything and everything to bring us to an understanding of Him.

I said my "sinner's prayer" and was baptized when I was 14.  Twenty seven years later

at the end of a rebellious and broken life, God revealed Himself to me.

I asked Him "Why did I have to go through all this?"

He replied "Would you have known me any other way?"

He was absolutely right (what a surprise) I had to come to an end of myself.

So I wouldn't be to concerned as to what brought you to a knowledge of God,

I would be concerned with what to do with that Knowledge.

was gonna, but I won't.

Link Posted: 2/9/2005 11:08:10 AM EDT


Well, I knew a guy once who used to take LSD and draw pictures. Normally he was just an OK guy, no real vision. On LSD? The guy was amazing. So if you're in to altered states, this could be considered a positive.

His experimentation (and art career) ended when he had a massively "bad trip" in which he vividly saw a depiction of hell. The intensity of the vision and the perceived pain almost ten years later still brought the guy to tears.

He wasn't a Christian per se... But he was a good guy.


On a side note, as ETH said, however you come to the Lord is fine, just so long as you ask Him into your heart.

If I had a trip where I saw hell vividly I would probably get right with God real quick!
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 11:16:12 AM EDT



God can turn anything to his purpose.

I believe God uses anything and everything to bring us to an understanding of Him.

I said my "sinner's prayer" and was baptized when I was 14.  Twenty seven years later

at the end of a rebellious and broken life, God revealed Himself to me.

I asked Him "Why did I have to go through all this?"

He replied "Would you have known me any other way?"

He was absolutely right (what a surprise) I had to come to an end of myself.

So I wouldn't be to concerned as to what brought you to a knowledge of God,

I would be concerned with what to do with that Knowledge.

was gonna, but I won't.


Don't want to hijack this thread....but I can only imagine!

And yes God talks to me, rarely direct verbal communication (those are the BEST), other non-verbal ways. The key for me is to keep my attenane(sp) up.
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 11:17:24 AM EDT

Were you listening to Jerry Garcia by any chance?

That's the acid test, alright......
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 11:35:50 AM EDT
Did anybody see the size of that chicken?
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 11:41:18 AM EDT
My college girlfriend and I found that sex while shrooming was a near religious for both of us... Does that count?
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 11:45:25 AM EDT

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Well, I knew a guy once who used to take LSD and draw pictures. Normally he was just an OK guy, no real vision. On LSD? The guy was amazing. So if you're in to altered states, this could be considered a positive.

His experimentation (and art career) ended when he had a massively "bad trip" in which he vividly saw a depiction of hell. The intensity of the vision and the perceived pain almost ten years later still brought the guy to tears.

He wasn't a Christian per se... But he was a good guy.

Darwin works in mysterious ways...
Link Posted: 2/9/2005 11:48:54 AM EDT

My college girlfriend and I found that sex while shrooming was a near religious for both of us... Does that count?

you've done shrooms huh, officer?
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