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Posted: 8/27/2007 1:01:20 PM EDT
Who makes the best/most effective license plate cover to defeat these red light cameras?

My state legislators (Virginia) foolishly got conned into adopting red-light cameras by the money grubbing companies that run these cameras (and get to keep 50% of the fees they collect).  The republicans overcame the cameras for 2 years but now they are back. I am pissed. This is SO Big Brother!

So, again I have to ask: who makes the best/most effective license plate cover to defeat these red light cameras?

BTW, the companies tell you that "cameras reduce accidents."  BS!  What they DON'T tell you is that when they install the cameras, they DOUBLE the legth of time that the traffic light is yellow before going to red.

If the state legislature was serious about safety, they could simply double the length of the yellow light - and it would be at NO cost to the driver.  But, that would not give the legislators the fine $$ they want for their pork projects - their real motivation.  I am not into running red lights - but there are rare times, such as snow or rain where its safer to go through a yellow instead of slamming on the brakes. I would never go through a red light - but what if it switches to red while I am in the intersection?  These things happen sometimes. Plus, I don't support the increasing use of cameras against citizens.

Thanks in advance for any (useful) suggestions.

Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:03:12 PM EDT
According to MythBusters none of them work.

and IBTL because I doubt anything that is used in such a way is legal anyway.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:03:36 PM EDT
A truck with your tailgate down.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:04:24 PM EDT

On a serious note, watch to see they aren't illegal where you live.  You might defeat the red light camera, but they could say in a roundabout way that it's obstruction of justice or something ridiculous like that.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:04:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:06:03 PM EDT
Try stopping at red lights.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:06:59 PM EDT


BTW, the companies tell you that "cameras reduce accidents."  BS!  What they DON'T tell you is that when they install the cameras, they DOUBLE the legth of time that the traffic light is yellow before going to red.

Really? I don't know how it works in Virginia, but in PA, every intersection and light system has to be on a permit from the PA Dept of Transportation.
The permit determines the traffic light timings, including the min/max times for yellows and reds. I find it hard to believe that while installing a camera, the company would alter the timings.

Case in point: We had an intersection coming off of a state route that was impossible for trucks to stop safely during the winter for the reasons you described. We changed the timing to make it safer, and the state came down on us like a ton of bricks, we weren't following the permit, blah blah blah and they changed the times back.

FWIW, my sister lived in VA for a time, and despised the cameras as well. Total big-brother bullshit, and the cops don't even have to work for the revenue off traffic tickets.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:08:07 PM EDT

Who makes the best/most effective license plate cover to defeat these red light cameras?

My state legislators (Virginia) foolishly got conned into adopting red-light cameras by the money grubbing companies that run these cameras (and get to keep 50% of the fees they collect).  The republicans overcame the cameras for 2 years but now they are back. I am pissed. This is SO Big Brother!

So, again I have to ask: who makes the best/most effective license plate cover to defeat these red light cameras?

BTW, the companies tell you that "cameras reduce accidents."  BS!  What they DON'T tell you is that when they install the cameras, they DOUBLE the legth of time that the traffic light is yellow before going to red.

If the state legislature was serious about safety, they could simply double the length of the yellow light - and it would be at NO cost to the driver.  But, that would not give the legislators the fine $$ they want for their pork projects - their real motivation.  I am not into running red lights - but there are rare times, such as snow or rain where its safer to go through a yellow instead of slamming on the brakes. I would never go through a red light - but what if it switches to red while I am in the intersection?  These things happen sometimes. Plus, I don't support the increasing use of cameras against citizens.

Thanks in advance for any (useful) suggestions.

there is a spray to make those pics just reflect off those flash cameras, but red light cameras are something newSpray
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:08:20 PM EDT
There are some covers that are quite effective using polarizing technology that obscures the plate from all but directly behind at the level of the car.

However, in my neck of the woods (New York City), the NYPD has been on a campaign against any type of plate cover -- you risk a moving violation (possible if seen) to a parking ticket (a certainty if you park on the street in Manhattan for more than a few minutes).
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:08:24 PM EDT
You might want to check the laws in your state, but most states have laws preventing you from covering your license plate with anything, even if it's clear.

Wanna hear about big brother? I was driving back from another arfcommer's house a couple weeks ago and as I stopped a red light the camera took a picture. It seems that they always take pictures when the lights change at night.

Oh, and there has been some controversy over these cameras here because people who were in the intersection when the light turned red have gotten tickets. You see, the cities here have moved the "violation line" forward into the intersection but it isn't marked. In some places you can be 3 feet past the white line when the light turns red and still get a ticket because one of your axles was behind the invisible "violation line". Nice eh?
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:08:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:11:47 PM EDT


Who makes the best/most effective license plate cover to defeat these red light cameras?

My state legislators (Virginia) foolishly got conned into adopting red-light cameras by the money grubbing companies that run these cameras (and get to keep 50% of the fees they collect).  The republicans overcame the cameras for 2 years but now they are back. I am pissed. This is SO Big Brother!

So, again I have to ask: who makes the best/most effective license plate cover to defeat these red light cameras?

BTW, the companies tell you that "cameras reduce accidents."  BS!  What they DON'T tell you is that when they install the cameras, they DOUBLE the legth of time that the traffic light is yellow before going to red.

If the state legislature was serious about safety, they could simply double the length of the yellow light - and it would be at NO cost to the driver.  But, that would not give the legislators the fine $$ they want for their pork projects - their real motivation.  I am not into running red lights - but there are rare times, such as snow or rain where its safer to go through a yellow instead of slamming on the brakes. I would never go through a red light - but what if it switches to red while I am in the intersection?  These things happen sometimes. Plus, I don't support the increasing use of cameras against citizens.

Thanks in advance for any (useful) suggestions.

there is a spray to make those pics just reflect off those flash cameras, but red light cameras are something new Spray
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:16:57 PM EDT

Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:16:57 PM EDT
I dont speed and i stop at red lights and so far that seems to be the most effective method, no tickets in 15 years of driving.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:17:57 PM EDT

Who makes the best/most effective license plate cover to defeat these red light cameras?
The same people who make the best pocket cold-fusion nuclear reactors. They're made of fairy dust.

I would never go through a red light - but what if it switches to red while I am in the intersection?
Rather than wasting money on bullshit that doesn't work, why don't you take 10 minutes and actually read the traffic laws in your state. In most states, entering the intersection under yellow is permitted - that's the whole purpose of the yellow light - insofar as there is adequate time and space to clear the intersection before it turns red. Never enter a stale yellow that you can't clear - even on a CBR900.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:18:56 PM EDT
It goes against the manly genes to not try to run the yellow light.

Speaking of, I have to pay off a red light ticket right now.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:21:56 PM EDT

Try stopping at red lights.

Try reading the news....

How about all the people who were in a funeral procession, under the direction of a police officer, who got tickets?

How about the people who got tickets on red light cameras because some dipshit allowed a car to make a right hand turn on red into the crossing traffic thus making it impossible to clear the intersection?

How about the people in constuction zones, under direction of a flagman who got tickets?

How about the people who were ticketed by the red light camera when the stopped for jaywalkers who illegally entered the crosswalk?  Yeah, that one was all over the news in downtown DC for awhile.  

Or the people who were caught in traffic light "traps" where the camera companies set the green, yellow, red transition at HALF the prescribed interval on a 50mph road.

All of these things happened in varying jurisdications around the country.  They didn't just happen to singular people.  They were happening to hundreds and hundreds of people.

At one point San Diego {at least I think it was SD} had to pay back something like $500,000 in red light fines due to the vendor who made camera figgiting with the timing sequence.

Virginia found that total accidents went UP with the cameras in place.  Total fatal crashes stayed relatively unchanged.  Insurance claims for "accidents at intersections" went up.

Theories were that more people were slamming on their brakes at high speed red light camera intersections, 45mph, 50mph and 55mph, and creating accidents that would normally not occur sans camera.

Apparently the only statistic that went down were "t-bone" crashes resulting in fatality.

Oh, and of course revenue was up.  Which we all know is the ultimate reason they exist.

If they were about safety, then the courts WOULD assess points to a license of a driver ASSUMING the court could prove who was driving.  We all know that the legislatures don't won't to create an avenue for having hundreds and thousands of court challenges, so they just make them cash penalities, rather than demerit points.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:24:29 PM EDT



When I still had Indiana temp tags on my new Mustang, I blew every tollbooth in IL for damn near a whole month, while I was there. Tee hee.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:25:06 PM EDT




When I still had Indiana temp tags on my new Mustang, I blew every tollbooth in IL for damn near a whole month, while I was there. Tee hee.

They spot you by your hat, not your plate Sub.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:25:58 PM EDT
From what I been able to find none of the covers or sprays work. The recommendation was that getting a custom license plate with a number such as 0O0O0O or some variation that has letters and numbers that look similar. It makes it more difficult for the scumbags to read the license plate in the image.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:26:20 PM EDT

Try stopping at red lights.

Here in Roanoke, that's a sure way to get rear-ended! When the light turns yellow, it means that everyone speeds up to get six more cars through the light.

If you happen to be sitting at the red light when it turns green...count to two before entering the intersection.

Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:26:41 PM EDT
Airport parking lots and mall parking lots (not all) , toll booths, the list goes on
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:28:12 PM EDT
If I'm going to get a ticket because I run the just turned red light because granny is on my ass, I might as well get a ticket for flipping the camera off.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:30:09 PM EDT

"super protector"
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:32:04 PM EDT
Photo radar buster I have one and have YET to receive a automated ticket.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:32:23 PM EDT

there is a spray to make those pics just reflect off those flash cameras, but red light cameras are something newSpray

The spray-on stuff has been shown to NOT work.

Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:32:59 PM EDT
install a few superbright lights on your bumper aimed at your own license plate hooked up to a button on your dash. push a button and instant hidden plate from the overbright light on it. would work even ebtter with that reflective stuff on the plate itself.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:34:53 PM EDT

I dont speed and i stop at red lights and so far that seems to be the most effective method, no tickets in 15 years of driving.

Most strange, I say! Obey the rules of the road... and don't get punished? Why, what if this phenomenon were to spread?
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:38:52 PM EDT


I dont speed and i stop at red lights and so far that seems to be the most effective method, no tickets in 15 years of driving.

Most strange, I say! Obey the rules of the road... and don't get punished? Why, what if this phenomenon were to spread?

yes... if thoses pesky folks had simple paid their Tea Tax...  we would all be better of today
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 1:57:04 PM EDT
Big Brother??

Orwell would so kick your ass.

When they start filming you in PRIVATE places then you can, correctly, scream BB all you want.  You know, like your bedroom, toilets..... places like that.  

Last I checked..... public roadways AREN'T private.

Wasn't there a thread bitching (rightly so) about cops not letting people tape them, because it's in public and there's no right to privacy?

As someone who lost a family member to someone running a red..... to get to a fucking happy hour special on a fucking SOFT DRINK.... well, my stance should be clear.  If you speed, don't bitch when you get the ticket, man up and pay.

If you're a pole-smoker that runs reds.... MAN UP AND PAY THE TICKET.

As someone who's driven in most major cities in this country for the last 20 years..... somehow I've managed to run 1 red light.... when I was 19 or 20.  It's not that fucking hard to STOP.

And somehow I've never been rear-ended at an intersection.
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 2:00:54 PM EDT


I dont speed and i stop at red lights and so far that seems to be the most effective method, no tickets in 15 years of driving.

Most strange, I say! Obey the rules of the road... and don't get punished? Why, what if this phenomenon were to spread?

Drone thinking
Link Posted: 8/27/2007 2:02:22 PM EDT
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