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Posted: 5/6/2008 7:07:22 PM EDT

Posted on Wed, Apr 30, 2008  Zoom +  |  Zoom -  
Cop allegedly abused cows  
Animal cruelty added to list of sex charges  
By Drew Ciccotelli; Staff Writer  
MOORESTOWN –Additional charges have been filed against former Moorestown police officer Robert Melia after allegations surfaced last week that he performed several sexual acts with livestock, specifically cows.Melia, 38, of 126 Cottage Avenue in Moorestown has been charged with four counts of animal cruelty after purposely and knowingly tormenting an animal, specifically by having a cow perform fellatio, according to the Burlington County Prosecutor's office.

Due to the nature of the investigation, authorities did not reveal how they uncovered the incidents involving the cows that occurred on four separate occasions between June and December of 2006 in Southampton, which is located within Burlington County.

Police had arrested Melia and his ex-girlfriend, Heather Lewis, 32, of Pemberton, April 12 after allegations surfaced that the pair had sexually assaulted three juvenile females. Each were charged with three counts of first degree aggravated sexual assault and one count of second degree sexual assault.

Melia has been held at Burlington County Jail with a bail of $500,000, according to authorities.

Last week, Burlington County Superior Court Judge John Almeida added an additional $10,000 to that sum because of the new charges, according to authorities.

Officials are still investigating the matter.

Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:07:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:09:19 PM EDT
I knew I shouldn't have clicked on this thread.

I wonder if he "finished" the animal.  Ugh.     Talk about  a fucking crime against nature.
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:10:07 PM EDT

Police had arrested Melia and his ex-girlfriend, Heather Lewis, 32, of Pemberton, April 12 after allegations surfaced that the pair had sexually assaulted three juvenile females. Each were charged with three counts of first degree aggravated sexual assault and one count of second degree sexual assault.

I'm confused by this paragraph. Do they mean humans, or...?

I just know I'm going to be glad I participated in this thread. I guess with the new fancy system I can "un-tag" if need be.
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:10:10 PM EDT
1. Cows do not have a penis, bulls have a penis.
2. I highly doubt the bull was "tormented" by getting his rocks off.

Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:11:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:11:32 PM EDT

1. Cows do not have a penis, bulls have a penis.
2. I highly doubt the bull was "tormented" by getting his rocks off.

Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:11:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:11:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:12:11 PM EDT

1. Cows do not have a penis, bulls have a penis.
2. I highly doubt the bull was "tormented" by getting his rocks off.

" specifically by having a cow perform fellatio"

he put HIS pee pee in the COW's mouth.
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:13:15 PM EDT
Repost from 4/23.

This one will be locked too.
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:13:43 PM EDT

1. Cows do not have a penis, bulls have a penis.
2. I highly doubt the bull was "tormented" by getting his rocks off.

The article says he made the cow (female) suck him off, not the other way around.

Reading is fundamental.
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:13:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:14:08 PM EDT

I knew I shouldn't have clicked on this thread.

I wonder if he "finished" the animal.  Ugh.     Talk about  a fucking crime against nature.

Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:14:31 PM EDT


1. Cows do not have a penis, bulls have a penis.
2. I highly doubt the bull was "tormented" by getting his rocks off.

" specifically by having a cow perform fellatio"

he put HIS pee pee in the COW's mouth.

HOOOO LY shit WTF?  QUE!!!!
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:14:57 PM EDT


1. Cows do not have a penis, bulls have a penis.
2. I highly doubt the bull was "tormented" by getting his rocks off.

" specifically by having a cow perform fellatio"

he put HIS pee pee in the COW's mouth.

Well, who hasn't after about 24 beers?
ETA: Cripes their talking about MOO cows, not the heavies.
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:15:22 PM EDT

Repost from 4/23.

This one will be locked too.

Really? The article is dated 4/30.
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:17:08 PM EDT


1. Cows do not have a penis, bulls have a penis.
2. I highly doubt the bull was "tormented" by getting his rocks off.

" specifically by having a cow perform fellatio"

he put HIS pee pee in the COW's mouth.

Ever fed grain protein cakes to a cow? The perv is lucky he's still got a penis at all.
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:18:25 PM EDT

When interviewed he said, "The bitch was asking for it.  Just look at the way she swishes her tail."  

And, "Hey, she was showing me her tits and I just did what came natural!"

Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:18:51 PM EDT



1. Cows do not have a penis, bulls have a penis.
2. I highly doubt the bull was "tormented" by getting his rocks off.

" specifically by having a cow perform fellatio"

he put HIS pee pee in the COW's mouth.

Well, who hasn't after about 24 beers?
ETA: Cripes their talking about MOO cows, not the heavies.


Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:19:39 PM EDT


Repost from 4/23.

This one will be locked too.

Really? The article is dated 4/30.

Yes.... really.


Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:20:23 PM EDT
banned ~ 82nd
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:21:06 PM EDT


1. Cows do not have a penis, bulls have a penis.
2. I highly doubt the bull was "tormented" by getting his rocks off.

The article says he made the cow (female) suck him off, not the other way around.

Reading is fundamental.


I think I need some sleep.
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:21:14 PM EDT
I am guessing it was a calf.

Calves will suck on anything.  If you believe that a BJ involves massive amounts of suction, perhaps you would want to try it.  

When I was a kid, my buddy lived on a dairy farm and he confessed to me that he presented the trouser mouse to a calf.

the calf got busy, and when he was not rewarded with the expected milk, the calf 'head butted' my buddy in the groin (calves do that to get mom to drop her milk)

He said it hurt, and IIRC it bit his pecker too.

No.. I was neither there, nor involved in any such nonsense.

I do; however, believe it to be true.
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:21:32 PM EDT
Heh heh heh...

Remember that South park episode?

Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:22:03 PM EDT
I find this udderly repulsive
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:25:09 PM EDT

I am guessing it was a calf.

Calves will suck on anything.  If you believe that a BJ involves massive amounts of suction, perhaps you would want to try it.  

When I was a kid, my buddy lived on a dairy farm and he confessed to me that he presented the trouser mouse to a calf.

the calf got busy, and when he was not rewarded with the expected milk, the calf 'head butted' my buddy in the groin (calves do that to get mom to drop her milk)

He said it hurt, and IIRC it bit his pecker too.

No.. I was neither there, nor involved in any such nonsense.

I do; however, believe it to be true.

BAAAHHHHHH! I had to bottle feed many a calf when I was growing up but I never thought of that! Besides in the country that are what the sheep are for.
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:26:35 PM EDT

I am guessing it was a calf.

Calves will suck on anything.  If you believe that a BJ involves massive amounts of suction, perhaps you would want to try it.  

When I was a kid, my buddy lived on a dairy farm and he confessed to me that he presented the trouser mouse to a calf.

the calf got busy, and when he was not rewarded with the expected milk, the calf 'head butted' my buddy in the groin (calves do that to get mom to drop her milk)

He said it hurt, and IIRC it bit his pecker too.

No.. I was neither there, nor involved in any such nonsense.

I do; however, believe it to be true.

You cannot unread this post.

I think you just surpassed DKPRof's Goose Story
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:27:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:28:42 PM EDT
We had a call come into dispatch once from two sweet elderly sisters of a reported "incident" in a nearby field. Kinda went like....

Dispatch= S.O. may I help you?
Sister1= I need to report a problem out in our pasture.
Dispatch= Yes ma'am.
Sister1= Well, there is a fella out there messin with a horse.
Dispatch= What is your address?
Sister1= 1122 SE 1st
Dispatch= Is he hitting the horse?
Sister1= Well not really.
Dispatch= Then what is he doing ma'am?
Sister1= I don't think I can say it.
Dispatch= Ma'am we need more information before we send an Officer.
Sister1= Well......he is uh.......I mean he's out there.......
Sister2= (heard in the background) Oh for piss sakes Ethel the crazy bastard is jerkin' off the damn thing!
Dispatch= Uhm.
Sister1= Did you hear that?
Dispatch= Yes ma'am, an Officer is on the way.

Sure enough he was still at it when we got there. He actually had one hand in the horse's ass and another shooting for the reach around. The horse was in no hurry to file a complaint.
Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:30:40 PM EDT


Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:31:01 PM EDT


Link Posted: 5/6/2008 7:31:43 PM EDT

I am guessing it was a calf.

Calves will suck on anything.  If you believe that a BJ involves massive amounts of suction, perhaps you would want to try it.  

When I was a kid, my buddy lived on a dairy farm and he confessed to me that he presented the trouser mouse to a calf.

the calf got busy, and when he was not rewarded with the expected milk, the calf 'head butted' my buddy in the groin (calves do that to get mom to drop her milk)

He said it hurt, and IIRC it bit his pecker too.

No.. I was neither there, nor involved in any such nonsense.

I do; however, believe it to be true.

Gawd damn! You've got some weird fuckin' friends!

Of course, "It bit his pecker too" is truly the
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 3:47:10 AM EDT


You cannot unread this post.

I think you just surpassed DKPRof's Goose Story

Pfft! Not even close!
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 3:56:01 AM EDT
How does this work?

Does he have to put his hand on the back of the cow's head to get her to finish, or just pull on her ear tags?
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 4:01:50 AM EDT
I hope they were at least good looking cows
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 4:03:56 AM EDT
A newborn calf is usually just the right height and it will suck ANYTHING as presented before.  Yes, they will head butt.  

No, this doesn't even come close to DK_Prof's story as it lacks the snuff issue and I don't mean Copenhagen.

I cannot see this as being anything of pleasure due to the rough texture of a falf tongue.  You shouldn't have to worry about teeth as cattle don't have an upper set up front
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 4:06:06 AM EDT

A newborn calf is usually just the right height and it will suck ANYTHING as presented before.  Yes, they will head butt.  

No, this doesn't even come close to DK_Prof's story as it lacks the snuff issue and I don't mean Copenhagen.

I cannot see this as being anything of pleasure due to the rough texture of a falf tongue.  You shouldn't have to worry about teeth as cattle don't have an upper set up front
Do they swallow?
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 4:51:05 AM EDT


A newborn calf is usually just the right height and it will suck ANYTHING as presented before.  Yes, they will head butt.  

No, this doesn't even come close to DK_Prof's story as it lacks the snuff issue and I don't mean Copenhagen.

I cannot see this as being anything of pleasure due to the rough texture of a falf tongue.  You shouldn't have to worry about teeth as cattle don't have an upper set up front
Do they swallow?

I would not know but would assume they do.
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 4:52:54 AM EDT



A newborn calf is usually just the right height and it will suck ANYTHING as presented before.  Yes, they will head butt.  

No, this doesn't even come close to DK_Prof's story as it lacks the snuff issue and I don't mean Copenhagen.

I cannot see this as being anything of pleasure due to the rough texture of a falf tongue.  You shouldn't have to worry about teeth as cattle don't have an upper set up front
Do they swallow?

I would not know but would assume they do.

How's that joke go about the milking machines?  "Doesn't stop until it gets two quarts!"  
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 4:58:09 AM EDT


When interviewed he said, "The bitch was asking for it.  Just look at the way she swishes her tail."  

And, "Hey, she was showing me her tits and I just did what came natural!"

Link Posted: 5/7/2008 5:11:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 5:15:13 AM EDT
So, do they like it when you play with their ears?

I like it when he plays with my hair.

Link Posted: 5/7/2008 5:24:19 AM EDT

I am guessing it was a calf.

Calves will suck on anything.  If you believe that a BJ involves massive amounts of suction, perhaps you would want to try it.  

When I was a kid, my buddy lived on a dairy farm and he confessed to me that he presented the trouser mouse to a calf.

the calf got busy, and when he was not rewarded with the expected milk, the calf 'head butted' my buddy in the groin (calves do that to get mom to drop her milk)

He said it hurt, and IIRC it bit his pecker too.

No.. I was neither there, nor involved in any such nonsense.

I do; however, believe it to be true.

I'm sure this will be dropped soon........
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 5:43:28 AM EDT

Hilarious movie.....has a similar scene, but it's not so pleasant.

I wonder if this guy has alot of stumps in his pasture.....
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 5:49:51 AM EDT
When I was a kid some guy named "WoodPecker", who lived in a john boat on a lake(really), told me that cow booty was the hottest booty you can ever get.
So the subject of this thread might have picked the wrong end..
I do know a guy who almost killed his fathers mare because it was pregnant and he was afraid the offspring would look like him....no shit. Funny.
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 5:50:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 5:51:24 AM EDT

banned ~ 82nd

I can't even IMAGINE what gets you banned in a thread like this.
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 5:54:19 AM EDT

He's a cow moolester!  

I lol'd at that. So was the cow fellating the man? Thats the only way I see this working. That reminds me I need to pick up some peanut butter on the way home later.

Nevermind read some more.
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 5:56:16 AM EDT

So, do they like it when you play with their ears?

I like it when he plays with my hair.

daiswench-making even the weirdest threads easy to masturbate to since 2004!
Link Posted: 5/7/2008 5:57:41 AM EDT

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