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Posted: 6/14/2008 1:34:36 PM EDT

J.C. Watts, a former Oklahoma congressman who once was part of the GOP House leadership, said he's thinking of voting for Obama. Watts said he's still a Republican, but he criticizes his party for neglecting the black community. Black Republicans, he said, have to concede that while they might not agree with Democrats on issues, at least that party reaches out to them.

"And Obama highlights that even more," Watts said, adding that he expects Obama to take on issues such as poverty and urban policy. "Republicans often seem indifferent to those things."

I though he was a true conservative.

Who has kidnapped and brainwashed the conservative leadership?

Newt, Watts..........   Who is next?

Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:36:42 PM EDT
Wow that is unbelieveable.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:38:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:38:24 PM EDT
Comes down to race huh
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:38:55 PM EDT
Color is more important than ideology.  I have a co-worker who is politically conservative, votes (R) every time, but not this time.  I won't have to elaborate on what race he is.  

I'm far from racist, but in this election every single eligible black voter will be voting for Obama.  If we want to beat him we have to get enough white people to the polls to make our numerical superiority mean something.  
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:39:03 PM EDT
That surprises me.

Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:40:04 PM EDT

Comes down to race huh

Honestly, how else can you read this? Race aside, what else does he (or has he ever) had in common with Barack Obama? Good grief.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:40:07 PM EDT
Racial motivation.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:40:42 PM EDT
Will J.C. Watts turn in his N.R.A. card?
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:40:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:41:07 PM EDT
I admit I have heard him sounding like an apologist for O' on Hannity, but I never expected this.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:41:50 PM EDT

Comes down to race huh

Interestingly, as every single black politician endorses Obama, even those for whom it means abandoning long-held principals, the resolve of those who would vow never to vote for a black candidate is strengthened.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:44:35 PM EDT
Glad he outed himself now before getting any votes.

Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:49:30 PM EDT

That surprises me.

Ummm... not me.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:51:25 PM EDT


That surprises me.

Ummm... not me.

Please share, I was under the impression for many years that he was pretty conservative.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:54:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 1:57:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:05:16 PM EDT

Shows you who views themselves by their race first and their beliefs second.

Could you imagine if a white Republican said he was going to vote for Hillary against Rice because of race?

That what is so amazing and sad…

A black votes for a black because he is black that is OK.

A white votes for a white because he is white and that is racist.

No character in anyone anymore.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:07:45 PM EDT

That surprises me.

Same here.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:09:21 PM EDT
Np surprise there. Deep down, everyone favors their own. Some just won't admit it.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:10:41 PM EDT
Yay for tribalism!

This is the same kind of thinking that created Zimbabwe and is now destroying South Africa.

Tribalism always feels justified in killing and stealing from "outsiders."
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:12:26 PM EDT
Very disappointed in JC.  I've lost all respect for him.
I know if the election were between, for instance, Condoleeza Rice and John Edwards, I would vote for Rice in a heartbeat.  Voting for Edwards because he's white and a Southerner wouldn't even enter into my mind.  
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:12:44 PM EDT
How blatantly racist. The Bush Administration had more blacks in leadership positions than any preceding president. Shameful.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:20:22 PM EDT
JC Watts, Ha! Everybody knows what your about now. What a loser.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:23:47 PM EDT
So much for Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech.  
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:24:06 PM EDT

I am very disappointed.

Why am I not surprised?

Yup, I completely agree.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:26:31 PM EDT
Where's the Arfcom army to call him racist?  Hmm, a lot less people commenting on this one...

Very disappointing.  I like Watts a lot and had hoped he would stay true to the cause of conservatism.

I'll say one thing about this election fellas, whether it be on this forum, in D.C., or anywhere else in the nation - it's outing people's true beliefs and principles.

For example I have a few friends that've always been "Republican", but are planning on voting for Obama.  Many people here, through discussions and opinions have shown themselves to be pro-big brother and big government.  Some people aren't as much a true Conservative as they themselves may have thought.  The lines between the two partoes has definitely been blurred.

Everyone has a right to choose who they want, but I've definitely had my eyes opened.  Barack has charm and charisma and it's working on a lot of people.  People (some of them) who I think may regret their decision in the long run.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:27:25 PM EDT

How blatantly racist. The Bush Administration had more blacks in leadership positions than any preceding president. Shameful.

Too bad the media won't pick up on this and run with it............oh wait, that would be racist.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:29:52 PM EDT



That surprises me.

Ummm... not me.

Please share, I was under the impression for many years that he was pretty conservative.

I always looked at him as an opportunist.  He never struck me as a man of deep intelligence or learning.

And I'm not going to take credit for being the one to have the insight to doubt Watts' integrity.  My late dad never, never bought into his public persona.

Huh-uh, no way.  "It's all poppycock" is what my dad would say about Watts,  "He's found him a little niche and he's milking it for all its worth."
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:31:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:31:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:33:57 PM EDT
What a tool.

How blatantly racist.

There's nothing racist about it.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:35:06 PM EDT
Tribalism is right.  

The most basic human desire is the desire to be with people like oneself, however you define "like".  Could be culture, could be race, could be passions (hence Arfcom).

Tribalism is a step further where one puts one's tribe ahead of others and to the exclusion and detriment of those outside the tribe.

Witness La Raza.  Witness any other number of "me and my people are gonna get what's mine, even if it means taking yours."

Tribalism is surging across America.  And it is gonna get a whole lot worse.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:36:25 PM EDT

What a tool.

How blatantly racist.

There's nothing racist about it.

There is if he is voting based on race.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:38:25 PM EDT
He was on a very short list of polititians, that I used to have respect for...................... Used to have.

Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:40:06 PM EDT
I truly am stunned.

Watts was on Fox News constantly stating that the race card was continuously played by the Dems and that liberal policies creates the "victim" mentality amoung minorities.

I just lost a ton of respect for that man.  If it is all about race even for a guy like that, then I would love to see the percentage of the black vote that McCain gets this November

Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:41:49 PM EDT
"Reaching out, without some money in that hand is fairly difficult  Moreso, when the other side of the aisle has kind of co-opted hand outs, perhaps even trade-marked them.  But Republicans are not above corporate welfare and farm welfare so they've got themselves to blame if they are perceived as being uncaring for the black community

If they stopped the corporate welfare and farm subsidies, at least they'd have a principle to stand on

Anyway, this is what he's saying IMHO  He's a smart guy, he ain't just flinging crap on the wall...
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:42:06 PM EDT
I think Im going to start saying Im not going to vote for Obama because he is black.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:42:37 PM EDT

"And Obama highlights that even more," Watts said, adding that he expects Obama to take on issues such as poverty and urban policy. "Republicans often seem indifferent to those things."

If by 'indifferent' he means: "pissed off that my hard earned tax dollars are supporting folks that choose to suck off the gov't teat", then yeah, you can label me as 'indifferent'.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:45:33 PM EDT


Comes down to race huh

Interestingly, as every single black politician endorses Obama, even those for whom it means abandoning long-held principals, the resolve of those who would vow never to vote for a black candidate is strengthened.


Colin Powell has always been hinting he supports Obama.

Now JC Watts jumps on the "black-wagon" too.

Race before country. Is that's what it comes down too now?

Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:49:05 PM EDT


J.C. Watts, a former Oklahoma congressman who once was part of the GOP House leadership, said he's thinking of voting for Obama. Watts said he's still a Republican, but he criticizes his party for neglecting the black community. Black Republicans, he said, have to concede that while they might not agree with Democrats on issues, at least that party reaches out to them.

"And Obama highlights that even more," Watts said, adding that he expects Obama to take on issues such as poverty and urban policy. "Republicans often seem indifferent to those things."

I though he was a true conservative.

Who has kidnapped and brainwashed the conservative leadership?

Newt, Watts..........   Who is next?

Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:51:36 PM EDT
Makes you think Pat Buchanan is right.

Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:53:39 PM EDT
Guess it's better to know who he REALLY is and remove all doubt.

I'd have no problem myself voting for a Black American if he was a conservative like Walter Williams.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:53:56 PM EDT



J.C. Watts, a former Oklahoma congressman who once was part of the GOP House leadership, said he's thinking of voting for Obama. Watts said he's still a Republican, but he criticizes his party for neglecting the black community. Black Republicans, he said, have to concede that while they might not agree with Democrats on issues, at least that party reaches out to them.

"And Obama highlights that even more," Watts said, adding that he expects Obama to take on issues such as poverty and urban policy. "Republicans often seem indifferent to those things."

I though he was a true conservative.

Who has kidnapped and brainwashed the conservative leadership?

Newt, Watts..........   Who is next?


Newt Gingrich is not voting for Obama.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:54:23 PM EDT



Comes down to race huh

Interestingly, as every single black politician endorses Obama, even those for whom it means abandoning long-held principals, the resolve of those who would vow never to vote for a black candidate is strengthened.


Colin Powell has always been hinting he supports Obama.

Now JC Watts jumps on the "black-wagon" too.

Race before country. Is that's what it comes down too now?

Like Colin Powell has a lot to complain about when it comes to Republicans and race.  After all.  A REPUBLICAN President appointed him as the FIRST BLACK SECRETARY OF STATE.  
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:55:34 PM EDT

That what is so amazing and sad…

A black votes for a black because he is black that is OK.

A white votes for a white because he is white and that is racist.

No character in anyone anymore.

It's always been this way, some are just now showing their true colors (so to speak)!

Look at the whole O.J. circus a decade ago. The black community couldn't have given a shit about him. Hell, in their eyes he was white. Until the infamous murders and the trial that followed. Then all the sudden he was their champion because he beat the white courts. I don't find it shocking when an otherwise conservative black man decides he supports a liberal black man. I expect it! I'd be shocked if he didn't! It's the way America works. Always has, always will. Whites prefer whites, blacks prefer blacks, chinese prefer chinese, and so on.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:57:58 PM EDT

WASHINGTON - Black conservative talk show host Armstrong Williams has never voted for a Democrat for president. That could change this year with Barack Obama as the Democratic Party's nominee.

"I don't necessarily like his policies; I don't like much that he advocates, but for the first time in my life, history thrusts me to really seriously think about it," Williams said. "I can honestly say I have no idea who I'm going to pull that lever for in November. And to me, that's incredible."

Just as Obama has touched black Democratic voters, he has engendered conflicting emotions among black Republicans. They revel over the possibility of a black president but wrestle with the thought that the Illinois senator doesn't sit beside them ideologically.

"Among black conservatives," Williams said, "they tell me privately, it would be very hard to vote against him in November."

Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:58:04 PM EDT
I just lost all respect for JC Watts.  

Link Posted: 6/14/2008 2:59:26 PM EDT

If they stopped the corporate welfare and farm subsidies, at least they'd have a principle to stand on

A few things to note here...

No "corporation" pays taxes.  Expenses are passed on to the consumer.

Letting any entity that pays taxes pay less taxes isn't in any way "welfare."

Offering lower taxes as a means of encouraging desired behavior isn't "welfare."

Paying "farm subsidies" to accomplish wetlands conservation and other "environmental" goals isn't "subsidy."  (It may, however, be a misuse of public funds by a the federal government that has no mandate for such activity.)

Anyhow, good job outing yourself as a proponent of "class warfare."
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 3:00:07 PM EDT


J.C. Watts, a former Oklahoma congressman who once was part of the GOP House leadership, said he's thinking of voting for Obama. Watts said he's still a Republican, but he criticizes his party for neglecting the black community. Black Republicans, he said, have to concede that while they might not agree with Democrats on issues, at least that party reaches out to them.

"And Obama highlights that even more," Watts said, adding that he expects Obama to take on issues such as poverty and urban policy. "Republicans often seem indifferent to those things."

I though he was a true conservative.

Who has kidnapped and brainwashed the conservative leadership?

Newt, Watts..........   Who is next?

African Americans who absolutely adore the Clintons, will throw them under the bus in the first sentence when Obama is mentioned.
Link Posted: 6/14/2008 3:02:07 PM EDT
What a hypocrite. Watts used his race to become the Repubs favorite minority figure and then quit without doing much of anything for "his people."

If he really cared about helping minorities he would have stayed in office instead of filling his pockets behind the political scene.

How is the Republican party supposed to reach out to minorities when their leading Republican minority figures waste their opportunites?
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