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Posted: 12/21/2009 9:08:29 PM EDT
Ran across this.  Enjoy!

http://laddehlingerjr.com/articles/?CP=texas  <––- left cold.  Has beauty pageant pictures which may be NSFW for you.


Dear Texas,

I don't know much about you. I don't live there.

I know it takes about two days to drive through your vast tracts of land in an aging Mazda RX-7. That drive really sucks. Even when listening to Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" on tape.

I know that most of your nasty collectivist hippies have been confined to Austin, like cells of tuberculosis encrusted in calcium. They are harmless and if the chips were down, you could drive them out to live in some refugee camp on the Louisiana border. They could live there for decades, like the Palestinians in the Middle East, only they would be singing bad college rock. And smell worse.

Your state is mostly flat. You have problems on the border. Most of your air smells like cow dung or dust, and Houston has terrific traffic problems.

You also have bad food. Seriously. It's bad. Don't tell me about your barbeque and authentic Mexican crap, because I'm from New Orleans. Ça va?

Also you have Ross Perot, and he's batsh-t crazy. Also you have Kay Bailey Hutchinson, a fifth-columnist collectivist if ever there was a Vichy in France.

Also you have a former president there who teed up the United States of America for its final destruction with TARP I: A Fake New Hope. So you'll have to transfer him out of there to preserve your future freedom, otherwise he'll be trying to get good real estate deals, the rotten...

Wait, I don't want to get ahead of myself.

Dear Texas, despite all of your shortcomings, I am here to inform you:

You are the last best hope of mankind.

The collectivists now have the votes in the Senate to pass the Health Care Enslavement Act. Everything else is procedure. Therefore I must recognize that now, to my utter horror...

I no longer live in a free country.

I will be forced by the power of the State to pay for a stranger's MRI. I will be forced to beg the government for permission to get a heart transplant.

I am a slave. The government now has complete power over everything that constitutes my humanity, for if they control my health and body, they control me.

I've had to put up with the petty 'crats in my various entrepreneurial endeavors. I have lost countless hours filling out sales tax forms and regulation forms. I've spent hours at the DMV. At the local Fascist Building Code Authority. I saw my home town of New Orleans destroyed by collectivists at the Army Corps of Engineers, the City Council of New Orleans, the Mayor's Office, various Levee Boards, the Governor's Office, and hundreds if not thousands of Louisana State representatives sucking off the government teat for the better part of a century.

These obscene lilliputian vultures!

They have stolen countless hours of my life already through taxes and regulations. These vampires that produce nothing and consume all. Who destroy art and freedom and culture and happiness. These monsters of vulgarity who wish to control and regulate and want you to thank them for it. Yes, I have lost much to these evil creatures and to my shame I have put up with it, voting against them time and again. Voting for people and donating to people I thought loved liberty, only to discover the nasty little jack-in-the-box monster that pops up like a horror zombie, who sneaks in ear marks to increase the value of real-estate they "happen" to own.

How many corrupt fifth columnists voting for bill after obscene liberty-killing bill must I endure before I wake from this nightmare?

Denny Hastert, Tom Delay, Newt Gingrich, I am looking your way when I say that last bit about corrupt fifth columnists. You f-cks. Dance With the Stars and die.

But this is the last straw.

I will not put up with them in charge of my health, my children's health, or my parent's health.

Never. Do you hear me?

I refuse.

I refuse to live under this tyranny.

If I must choose to live as a slave or go to prison, then I choose prison. Better a prisoner than a slave. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, President Obamahole: arrest me now. Never a red cent shall I pay. Get it over with and come get me now. I won't pay your fines. I won't fill out your paperwork. I will die first.

I refuse even under threat of death to conform to your Health Enslavement Act.

Do you understand?

This is not a democracy. This is a constitutional republic, and I do not care about your majority vote. My liberty is more important. Do you understand?

It appears then that, since collectivists now control the United States and wish to enslave me and my family, I must consider other options. Shall I move? To where? Name a country that is not collectivist in one form or another, or under threat of imminent domination. Europe is under the crushing velvet glove of socialism, Russia is a madhouse, all else froth and insanity, corruption and tyranny.

I want my United States, but it is no longer the United States. It is gone and has been since at least the 1950's, as Rome was no longer Rome after the madness of the twelve Caesars, but still trundled on under momentum and past glories.

The radio hosts upon which I based my last film, Hive Mind, are for the most part believers in the vote. They do not believe in taking up arms against our nation and are extremely reluctant to even consider such with their audiences. For one thing, they could get yanked off the air. For another, they have a love for country that is as admirable, and stubborn, as what those British subjects felt for king and country in 1771 Colonial America.

They revolted over a dinky tea tax, for Chr-ssake. Now look at us. You think George Washington would've sighed, shaken his head, and trundled down to the Tax-Stamp office to buy health insurance mandated by the British Crown 'cause it was the law?

Frankly, I must confess that I'm not enthused by the image of villagers storming the White House with pitchforks and torches, or waging guerilla warfare against the combined might of the ATF, the FBI, and the Coast Guard.

I am a realist, which means I am a pessimist, and unfortunately I must say with great pessimism that the country our radio hosts love is no longer the United States of America. It is beyond salvation.

Now listen, I will certainly continue to fight through political channels. I will continue to call my Congressmen and Senators, and go to rallies and rail against the machine. But I know deep down, and I believe everyone else here does too, that with such power over the vast machinery of the United States in the hands of these ruthless collectivists, there will be no turning back the tide even should Republicans and Libertarians and Conservatives sweep the House and Senate in every election in 2010.

Which brings me to the most important thing I know about Texas.

Dear big beautiful Texas with all your gorgeous pageant women and crappy food: you are the only state that joined our Union with a treaty allowing for legal secession.

Here's the "long story short," your favorite phrase, Dear Texas:

You can get out now and no one will stop you.

Look, I'm just a crazy filmmaker who writes a blog to boost sales for my movies. But before that I worked for the defense community and hung out in certain circles, so you meet people, you learn a few secrets. Here's a few that most beltway journalists know also, but are too chickensh-t to tell you, because if too many little people heard it, they'd rise up and kill all their buddies and benefactors in the government. And that would just totally kill the cocktail party circuit.

Here's the first secret they know.

Obama doesn't care about preserving the Union. He is the anti-Lincoln. He would be perfectly happy to see all the "Red States" go. They are pesky. They vote against collectivists. Red Staters own guns. They're dangerous. I know I am.

Obama's buddies in the Weather Undergound were even overheard by the FBI in the 1960's trying to figure out how to get rid of all you liberty-loving gun-toting whack jobs. They estimated they'd have to kill 25 million in total. Which gave them pause. Not because the number was too big for their morality; it just seemed like a big job, and collectivists are lazy.

Yet their lust for a collectivist country has brought them to the White House decades later, and, rather than be forced to kill all those that disagree with collectivism, they'll be happier jettisoning a state or two and let all the whack jobs who love liberty flee there.

Don't get me wrong, Obama's Weather Underground buddies would cheerily kill every last Red Stater if they had to. Look at Jeremiah Wright. You don't think he wants you dead? Please, girlfriend. Please.

But if it can be avoided, they'd prefer you secede. Less money spent on bullets and mass graves and more money for them to live like the Politburo elite in the good old days, with fancy toilet paper.

Dear Texas, Obama-collectivist wants you to leave. You are a guest who has overstayed your welcome in the Union. You just don't know that the liberty party is over yet.

Remember when Castro wanted to ship all his troublemakers out during the Muriel boatlift? Bingo.

Dear Texas, put aside fears of "Civil War II: The Revenge of the North." Not going to happen.

Consider that a large percentage of the U.S. Military is from Texas. Obama would dare not send his "Blue State" armed forces into your borders. He would invite a military coup if he even thought about it. And besides, without Red State soldiers, the U.S. Military will be too busy blow drying its hair, putting on makeup while driving, and fiddling around in its purse trying to find that Tomahawk cruise missile next to its tampon.

Seriously, don't worry about a hot civil war. Remember that Truman (collectivist like Obama) was too much of a pussy to take care of the Soviet Union back when we were the only ones with the nuke. At worst, Obama will wage a cold war with you and maybe embargo your arugala supply. And really, I know you couldn't give a sh-t about that.

Dear Texas, do you want to know what Obama will say? Have fun. Good luck. Sign a Global Warming Treaty with us? Buy our stuff with your Texas dollars? Here, take a bunch of these other pesky liberty-loving gun owners from Wyoming, Montana, Arizona, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, etc. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. But hey, sell us your oil until our solar panels are working.

Be careful not to lend him money. He'll ask.

Obama and his ilk don't believe that the United States should be the lone super power of the world. They really couldn't care less if you are in the Union or not. They just want collectivism and all the corruption money they can eat.

Now Dear Texas, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it won't be easy. Let me let you in on another secret I've learned in my old-school circles.

China's been giving Mexico's military arms and training for the better part of two decades. Many Chinese "companies" (which are really owned by the People's Liberation Army) run most of the major Mexican ports. They have been pre-deploying small arms, hand-held missiles, and other nasty pieces of work in warehouses down there, all for a rainy day like this.

They would love to see Mexico try to take back Texas. During the confusion they'll be all over Taiwan like a drunk teenager on a 5 dollar whore. The Chinese and Mexicans have been slipping money to the Democrats (algore, Billary Clinton, Obamahole, etc.) and Republicans (John MyFriends McCain, Bob Viagra Dole, Denny Earmark Hastert, George Bushes Part I: The Lethargic Projectile Vomiter and Part II: The Expensive Mindless Sequel) for decades for a reason.

Come on. You think China was giving money to Bill Clinton cause he looks good with Monica Lewinsky in his lap? 'Cause they wanted to sell us plastic Mardi Gras beads? They want Taiwan and then they want to pay back Japan for the rape of Nanking. And hey, if algore gets some bucks out of it, well, that's a cheap price 'cause algore's a cheap whore.

So bear in mind, Dear Texas, that when you declare independence, Mexico will try to take you back. And Obamahole will not lift a finger for you in that instance. You will be alone.

It will be a nasty and ugly guerilla war.

I know you don't care about that, because you love liberty, Dear Texas.

Plus, you have the hottest pageant women on planet earth, better even than Brazil, so you know you can't lose.

You will indeed be "like a whole other country."

I volunteer.

I remember the Alamo.

Save a seat for me in liberty's sweet embrace, 'cause I'm on my way.

God Bless The United State of Texas.

Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:14:27 PM EDT
God bless Texas
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:17:25 PM EDT
Bout as much chance of Texas even trying as Ron Paul being elected emporer.
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:20:59 PM EDT
Because secessions always go so well.

Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:25:43 PM EDT
I saw what is coming in the world about five years ago.

I moved here then to get some roots.

Change is comming.  What?  I don't know, but I'd rather face it here.  
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:25:57 PM EDT
Semper Fi.
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:27:18 PM EDT
If given a referendum, I would gladly vote to secede.

And BTW, Ross Sr was not batshit, the man is a true patriot. I worked for him for 6 years, and have spoken with him several times over the years. He is a damned fine man. He treated his employees like kin while he was in charge.
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:29:26 PM EDT
This is a tag to see how long this thread has until it turns into an anti CA thread.
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:30:27 PM EDT
didnt read but i would be there bitches!
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:31:58 PM EDT
didnt read but i would be there bitches!

Better yet, lets join em, and boot Denver and Boulder to the PRK.  
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:32:40 PM EDT
So...how many federal tax $$$ does Texas take in these days?
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:35:14 PM EDT
I will say again...as I do in all secession threads...if secession occurs then we would need to secure all the military bases to prevent all the equipment from being moved out so that we would have the means to defend ourselves with more than just personally owned rifles, pistols, and shotguns.
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:37:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:42:24 PM EDT
I wish... I'm in!

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:47:17 PM EDT
Because secessions always go so well.

OOOOH the pretentious sarcasm meter is off the charts.  Good for you but I think you forgot at the end of your post.

You seem to have a very limited recollection of history.  There are far more examples of successful secession than of failed attempts.  

Oh and as far as the OP: tldr
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:47:52 PM EDT
Tennessee didn't get the name Volunteers for nothing!..

I am IN!..But I want some rank when I get there!

Lt Col will be just fine..
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:48:46 PM EDT
Because secessions always go so well.

OOOOH the pretentious sarcasm meter is off the charts.  Good for you but I think you forgot at the end of your post.

You seem to have a very limited recollection of history.  There are far more examples of successful secession than of failed attempts.  

Oh and as far as the OP: tldr

You should...It is a great read!

Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:49:07 PM EDT
So...how many federal tax $$$ does Texas take in these days?

Seeing as how we are doing better than most states during this depression, I would guess its less than we pay out in federal taxes.

Texas is a "tax donor state"; in 2005, for every dollar Texans paid to the federal government in federal income taxes, the state received approximately $0.94 in benefits.[
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:49:26 PM EDT


So...how many federal tax $$$ does Texas take in these days?
Less than they send in.

I've only seen the numbers from 1981 to 2005 but for each of those years it was a donor state.  There is always a chance the numbers have shifted but I'm not seeing anything relevant pop up on Google.

Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:49:40 PM EDT


So...how many federal tax $$$ does Texas take in these days?

Compared to how much we pay?



That would be because of dumbass FEMA spending and those of us paying insurance and who don't live on the coast don't partake in that party.  Any other bright questions slick?

Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:51:16 PM EDT


So...how many federal tax $$$ does Texas take in these days?

Less than it pays.

Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:52:12 PM EDT
If Texas seceded I would be there in a heart beat. No lies, pack my shit and be there
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:53:34 PM EDT

So...how many federal tax $$$ does Texas take in these days?

Less than it pays.

Yup, we would be fine as far as money goes.  We could also do away with some of the red tape that covers illegal immigrant healthcare, which is a major drain on the states economy.

In 2008, our export revenues were $192.2 billion, leading the US for the 7th year in a row,
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:55:50 PM EDT
Still too many fed $$$ worth. Face it, until a state has the balls to completely refuse federal funding, no one's going to secede anytime soon. Money ties this union together far more than any ideology can ever hope break.
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:57:30 PM EDT
This is a tag to see how long this thread has until it turns into an anti CA thread.

Depends. How long until EXPCustom posts in this thread?
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:58:07 PM EDT
Still too many fed $$$ worth. Face it, until a state has the balls to completely refuse federal funding, no one's going to secede anytime soon. Money ties this union together far more than any ideology can ever hope break.

Did you not see what we posted?    If we remove ourself from the US, stop paying federal taxes, and start paying what we were paying in fed tax, to the state, we will be better off than we are now.
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 9:59:01 PM EDT
Unlikely but.....we can hope.

Texas seceding is the kind of hope and change that might make a difference.
The "hope and change" bullshit BHO talks about is  just that....bullshit.

Link Posted: 12/21/2009 10:01:17 PM EDT



Because secessions always go so well.

OOOOH the pretentious sarcasm meter is off the charts.  Good for you but I think you forgot
at the end of your post.

You seem to have a very limited recollection of history.  There are far more examples of successful secession than of failed attempts.  

Oh and as far as the OP: tldr

I'd like to see some of these example of successful secession and to see how well they fit the current world situation.

I'm sure you realize the reality that the US is in danger of becoming
irrelevant on the world stage and turning into a bulkanized collection
of two or more countries will only jump this process ahead decades.

Can't wait for a china ruled world?  Succession is the fastest way there.

Succession would have ruined us 145 years ago, and it will ruin us now.

Link Posted: 12/21/2009 10:03:08 PM EDT

Because secessions always go so well.

OOOOH the pretentious sarcasm meter is off the charts.  Good for you but I think you forgot at the end of your post.

You seem to have a very limited recollection of history.  There are far more examples of successful secession than of failed attempts.  

Oh and as far as the OP: tldr

I'd like to see some of these example of successful secession and to see how well they fit the current world situation.

I'm sure you realize the reality that the US is in danger of becomingirrelevant on the world stage and turning into a bulkanized collectionof two or more countries will only jump this process ahead decades.

Can't wait for a china ruled world?  Succession is the fastest way there.

Succession would have ruined us 145 years ago, and it will ruin us now.


This country was founded on succession.

Link Posted: 12/21/2009 10:05:56 PM EDT





Because secessions always go so well.

OOOOH the pretentious sarcasm meter is off the charts.  Good for you but I think you forgot
at the end of your post.

You seem to have a very limited recollection of history.  There are far more examples of successful secession than of failed attempts.  

Oh and as far as the OP: tldr

I'd like to see some of these example of successful secession and to see how well they fit the current world situation.

I'm sure you realize the reality that the US is in danger of becomingirrelevant on the world stage and turning into a bulkanized collectionof two or more countries will only jump this process ahead decades.

Can't wait for a china ruled world?  Succession is the fastest way there.

Succession would have ruined us 145 years ago, and it will ruin us now.


This country was founded on succession.

Sucessful?  Certainly.

However, it was a completely different time and completely different circumstances.
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 10:06:49 PM EDT
Still too many fed $$$ worth. Face it, until a state has the balls to completely refuse federal funding, no one's going to secede anytime soon. Money ties this union together far more than any ideology can ever hope break.

Did you not see what we posted?    If we remove ourself from the US, stop paying federal taxes, and start paying what we were paying in fed tax, to the state, we will be better off than we are now.

As long as you can convince other states to keep selling y'all electricity and freshwater since you don't have enough.
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 10:07:57 PM EDT
I really wouldn't mind Texas seceding.

But for it to work right New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Kansas would need to come as well.

This would ensure abundant water, natural gas, grain, and textile production to go along with Texas' technical-manufaturing- cattle industries, and sea ports.

We could send all of the libtards in the region to Detroit, where the real estate prices are cheap and the political structure is right up their alley.
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 10:08:16 PM EDT
Just one change.  Republic of Texas, not United States of Texas.  :)  I would gladly vote for it as well if given the chance.
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 10:09:52 PM EDT
God bless Texas

Link Posted: 12/21/2009 10:12:32 PM EDT
We export electricity.  Hell, we have nuke plants, not too far from where I live and they are looking to put in another 2 reactors here.  :)
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 10:23:09 PM EDT
We export electricity.  Hell, we have nuke plants, not too far from where I live and they are looking to put in another 2 reactors here.  :)

Despite large net interstate electricity imports in some areas, the Texas power grid is largely isolated from the integrated power systems serving the eastern and western U.S., and most areas of Texas have little ability to export or import electricity to and from other states.


You import more than you export.
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 10:25:45 PM EDT
Not sure how being a federal military reservist in a seceding
state would go down......
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 10:34:52 PM EDT
We export electricity.  Hell, we have nuke plants, not too far from where I live and they are looking to put in another 2 reactors here.  :)

Despite large net interstate electricity imports in some areas, the Texas power grid is largely isolated from the integrated power systems serving the eastern and western U.S., and most areas of Texas have little ability to export or import electricity to and from other states.


You import more than you export.

I didn't see where we import more than we export. Can you point it out?
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 10:43:59 PM EDT
Not sure how being a federal military reservist in a seceding
state would go down......

We got enough guns in TX that we don't need no military
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 11:22:33 PM EDT
haha!, that was pretty good.

Link Posted: 12/21/2009 11:37:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 11:40:12 PM EDT
Not sure how being a federal military reservist in a seceding
state would go down......

In the first Civil War, they simply chose sides. Leave or stay. It's not hard to figure out.

Many Confederates.were West Point Grads.
In fact Robert E. Lee was the superintendent of West Point in 1852.
Link Posted: 12/21/2009 11:54:37 PM EDT
i stopped using the word "texican" and swore off Texas jokes 6~8 months ago.
Link Posted: 12/22/2009 12:16:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/22/2009 1:34:12 AM EDT
Good read, and great insight except the one thing that *EVERYONE GETS WRONG*

There is not one state in this union that has not already seceded.

They have all long left America without realizing it, to this socialist blood-sucking leach country and still call it America, which it is not.

Texas needs to un-secede and I agree, not a shot will be fired to the north or from.
Link Posted: 12/22/2009 2:07:09 AM EDT
If TX secedes and KY does not, I am moving.

(pretty sure KY would not, they did not before, and we probably receive more in fed money than we give)
Link Posted: 12/22/2009 2:20:57 AM EDT


Ran across this.  Enjoy!

http://laddehlingerjr.com/articles/?CP=texas  <––- left cold.  Has beauty pageant pictures which may be NSFW for you.


Dear Texas,

I don't know much about you. I don't live there.

I know it takes about two days to drive through your vast tracts of land in an aging Mazda RX-7. That drive really sucks. Even when listening to Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" on tape.

I know that most of your nasty collectivist hippies have been confined to Austin, like cells of tuberculosis encrusted in calcium. They are harmless and if the chips were down, you could drive them out to live in some refugee camp on the Louisiana border. They could live there for decades, like the Palestinians in the Middle East, only they would be singing bad college rock. And smell worse.

Your state is mostly flat. You have problems on the border. Most of your air smells like cow dung or dust, and Houston has terrific traffic problems.

You also have bad food. Seriously. It's bad. Don't tell me about your barbeque and authentic Mexican crap, because I'm from New Orleans. Ça va?

Also you have Ross Perot, and he's batsh-t crazy. Also you have Kay Bailey Hutchinson, a fifth-columnist collectivist if ever there was a Vichy in France.

Also you have a former president there who teed up the United States of America for its final destruction with TARP I: A Fake New Hope. So you'll have to transfer him out of there to preserve your future freedom, otherwise he'll be trying to get good real estate deals, the rotten...

Wait, I don't want to get ahead of myself.

Dear Texas, despite all of your shortcomings, I am here to inform you:

You are the last best hope of mankind.

The collectivists now have the votes in the Senate to pass the Health Care Enslavement Act. Everything else is procedure. Therefore I must recognize that now, to my utter horror...

I no longer live in a free country.

I will be forced by the power of the State to pay for a stranger's MRI. I will be forced to beg the government for permission to get a heart transplant.

I am a slave. The government now has complete power over everything that constitutes my humanity, for if they control my health and body, they control me.

I've had to put up with the petty 'crats in my various entrepreneurial endeavors. I have lost countless hours filling out sales tax forms and regulation forms. I've spent hours at the DMV. At the local Fascist Building Code Authority. I saw my home town of New Orleans destroyed by collectivists at the Army Corps of Engineers, the City Council of New Orleans, the Mayor's Office, various Levee Boards, the Governor's Office, and hundreds if not thousands of Louisana State representatives sucking off the government teat for the better part of a century.

These obscene lilliputian vultures!

They have stolen countless hours of my life already through taxes and regulations. These vampires that produce nothing and consume all. Who destroy art and freedom and culture and happiness. These monsters of vulgarity who wish to control and regulate and want you to thank them for it. Yes, I have lost much to these evil creatures and to my shame I have put up with it, voting against them time and again. Voting for people and donating to people I thought loved liberty, only to discover the nasty little jack-in-the-box monster that pops up like a horror zombie, who sneaks in ear marks to increase the value of real-estate they "happen" to own.

How many corrupt fifth columnists voting for bill after obscene liberty-killing bill must I endure before I wake from this nightmare?

Denny Hastert, Tom Delay, Newt Gingrich, I am looking your way when I say that last bit about corrupt fifth columnists. You f-cks. Dance With the Stars and die.

But this is the last straw.

I will not put up with them in charge of my health, my children's health, or my parent's health.

Never. Do you hear me?

I refuse.

I refuse to live under this tyranny.

If I must choose to live as a slave or go to prison, then I choose prison. Better a prisoner than a slave. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, President Obamahole: arrest me now. Never a red cent shall I pay. Get it over with and come get me now. I won't pay your fines. I won't fill out your paperwork. I will die first.

I refuse even under threat of death to conform to your Health Enslavement Act.

Do you understand?

This is not a democracy. This is a constitutional republic, and I do not care about your majority vote. My liberty is more important. Do you understand?

It appears then that, since collectivists now control the United States and wish to enslave me and my family, I must consider other options. Shall I move? To where? Name a country that is not collectivist in one form or another, or under threat of imminent domination. Europe is under the crushing velvet glove of socialism, Russia is a madhouse, all else froth and insanity, corruption and tyranny.

I want my United States, but it is no longer the United States. It is gone and has been since at least the 1950's, as Rome was no longer Rome after the madness of the twelve Caesars, but still trundled on under momentum and past glories.

The radio hosts upon which I based my last film, Hive Mind, are for the most part believers in the vote. They do not believe in taking up arms against our nation and are extremely reluctant to even consider such with their audiences. For one thing, they could get yanked off the air. For another, they have a love for country that is as admirable, and stubborn, as what those British subjects felt for king and country in 1771 Colonial America.

They revolted over a dinky tea tax, for Chr-ssake. Now look at us. You think George Washington would've sighed, shaken his head, and trundled down to the Tax-Stamp office to buy health insurance mandated by the British Crown 'cause it was the law?

Frankly, I must confess that I'm not enthused by the image of villagers storming the White House with pitchforks and torches, or waging guerilla warfare against the combined might of the ATF, the FBI, and the Coast Guard.

I am a realist, which means I am a pessimist, and unfortunately I must say with great pessimism that the country our radio hosts love is no longer the United States of America. It is beyond salvation.

Now listen, I will certainly continue to fight through political channels. I will continue to call my Congressmen and Senators, and go to rallies and rail against the machine. But I know deep down, and I believe everyone else here does too, that with such power over the vast machinery of the United States in the hands of these ruthless collectivists, there will be no turning back the tide even should Republicans and Libertarians and Conservatives sweep the House and Senate in every election in 2010.

Which brings me to the most important thing I know about Texas.

Dear big beautiful Texas with all your gorgeous pageant women and crappy food: you are the only state that joined our Union with a treaty allowing for legal secession.

Here's the "long story short," your favorite phrase, Dear Texas:

You can get out now and no one will stop you.

Look, I'm just a crazy filmmaker who writes a blog to boost sales for my movies. But before that I worked for the defense community and hung out in certain circles, so you meet people, you learn a few secrets. Here's a few that most beltway journalists know also, but are too chickensh-t to tell you, because if too many little people heard it, they'd rise up and kill all their buddies and benefactors in the government. And that would just totally kill the cocktail party circuit.

Here's the first secret they know.

Obama doesn't care about preserving the Union. He is the anti-Lincoln. He would be perfectly happy to see all the "Red States" go. They are pesky. They vote against collectivists. Red Staters own guns. They're dangerous. I know I am.

Obama's buddies in the Weather Undergound were even overheard by the FBI in the 1960's trying to figure out how to get rid of all you liberty-loving gun-toting whack jobs. They estimated they'd have to kill 25 million in total. Which gave them pause. Not because the number was too big for their morality; it just seemed like a big job, and collectivists are lazy.

Yet their lust for a collectivist country has brought them to the White House decades later, and, rather than be forced to kill all those that disagree with collectivism, they'll be happier jettisoning a state or two and let all the whack jobs who love liberty flee there.

Don't get me wrong, Obama's Weather Underground buddies would cheerily kill every last Red Stater if they had to. Look at Jeremiah Wright. You don't think he wants you dead? Please, girlfriend. Please.

But if it can be avoided, they'd prefer you secede. Less money spent on bullets and mass graves and more money for them to live like the Politburo elite in the good old days, with fancy toilet paper.

Dear Texas, Obama-collectivist wants you to leave. You are a guest who has overstayed your welcome in the Union. You just don't know that the liberty party is over yet.

Remember when Castro wanted to ship all his troublemakers out during the Muriel boatlift? Bingo.

Dear Texas, put aside fears of "Civil War II: The Revenge of the North." Not going to happen.

Consider that a large percentage of the U.S. Military is from Texas. Obama would dare not send his "Blue State" armed forces into your borders. He would invite a military coup if he even thought about it. And besides, without Red State soldiers, the U.S. Military will be too busy blow drying its hair, putting on makeup while driving, and fiddling around in its purse trying to find that Tomahawk cruise missile next to its tampon.

Seriously, don't worry about a hot civil war. Remember that Truman (collectivist like Obama) was too much of a pussy to take care of the Soviet Union back when we were the only ones with the nuke. At worst, Obama will wage a cold war with you and maybe embargo your arugala supply. And really, I know you couldn't give a sh-t about that.

Dear Texas, do you want to know what Obama will say? Have fun. Good luck. Sign a Global Warming Treaty with us? Buy our stuff with your Texas dollars? Here, take a bunch of these other pesky liberty-loving gun owners from Wyoming, Montana, Arizona, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, etc. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. But hey, sell us your oil until our solar panels are working.

Be careful not to lend him money. He'll ask.

Obama and his ilk don't believe that the United States should be the lone super power of the world. They really couldn't care less if you are in the Union or not. They just want collectivism and all the corruption money they can eat.

Now Dear Texas, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it won't be easy. Let me let you in on another secret I've learned in my old-school circles.

China's been giving Mexico's military arms and training for the better part of two decades. Many Chinese "companies" (which are really owned by the People's Liberation Army) run most of the major Mexican ports. They have been pre-deploying small arms, hand-held missiles, and other nasty pieces of work in warehouses down there, all for a rainy day like this.

They would love to see Mexico try to take back Texas. During the confusion they'll be all over Taiwan like a drunk teenager on a 5 dollar whore. The Chinese and Mexicans have been slipping money to the Democrats (algore, Billary Clinton, Obamahole, etc.) and Republicans (John MyFriends McCain, Bob Viagra Dole, Denny Earmark Hastert, George Bushes Part I: The Lethargic Projectile Vomiter and Part II: The Expensive Mindless Sequel) for decades for a reason.

Come on. You think China was giving money to Bill Clinton cause he looks good with Monica Lewinsky in his lap? 'Cause they wanted to sell us plastic Mardi Gras beads? They want Taiwan and then they want to pay back Japan for the rape of Nanking. And hey, if algore gets some bucks out of it, well, that's a cheap price 'cause algore's a cheap whore.

So bear in mind, Dear Texas, that when you declare independence, Mexico will try to take you back. And Obamahole will not lift a finger for you in that instance. You will be alone.

It will be a nasty and ugly guerilla war.

I know you don't care about that, because you love liberty, Dear Texas.

Plus, you have the hottest pageant women on planet earth, better even than Brazil, so you know you can't lose.

You will indeed be "like a whole other country."

I volunteer.

I remember the Alamo.

Save a seat for me in liberty's sweet embrace, 'cause I'm on my way.

God Bless The United State of Texas.

100% Looney Tunes!

Link Posted: 12/22/2009 2:27:48 AM EDT
100% Looney Tunes!


Well that seals the deal. With Dave's disapproval you can break-away confidently, knowing you did the right thing.
Link Posted: 12/22/2009 2:35:59 AM EDT



100% Looney Tunes!


Well that seals the deal. With Dave's disapproval you can break-away confidently, knowing you did the right thing.

In a world where the unraveling of the US, and the dooming of both the residents of TX, and the rest of the union to destruction is a 'good thing'...

See my original comment....

Nothing good can come of an attempt to break up the union - regardless of the success or failure of said attempt...

Link Posted: 12/22/2009 2:43:44 AM EDT
In a world where the unraveling of the US, and the dooming of both the residents of TX, and the rest of the union to destruction is a 'good thing'...

Oh yes. The residents of Texas would be DOOMED!

Link Posted: 12/22/2009 2:45:43 AM EDT
So...how many federal tax $$$ does Texas take in these days?

Hello delacrue from who the fuck knows where because you're too embarrassed to put your state in your profile (which usually means California ). I bet you're wishing you would have kept your trap shut right about now, huh?

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