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Posted: 8/6/2012 11:43:15 PM EDT

Well, everyone's going to see this no doubt. But the ground forces version of the quad-eye? Is that what the SEALs really used? I know ITT has some clip-on camera units that allow video to be transmitted from a normal NOD, but not the Quadeye. I would have guessed the SENVG myself. Though I can understand the appeal of the Quadeye or PNVG.

Have a look and decide for yourself... If you don't mind "Day for Night" in true ATN fashion...

The director, BTW, was the one who directed The Hurt Locker, which taught us that the SAS freeze up at the sight of blood and that an AK47 is accurate enough to take headshots time after time at 300m, but a Barrett is lucky to place two shots within the same 10m group over the same distance... So not the most technically accurate director on the planet.



Added content:

"Daylight" with NV.

Link Posted: 8/7/2012 2:46:56 AM EDT


I'll wait for the book...

Link Posted: 8/7/2012 4:28:30 AM EDT
Well that sure is... hmm.
Link Posted: 8/7/2012 5:13:23 AM EDT

Why not? Panoramic NVGs for ground forces were in use before 2011. (pic from Invictus Alliance Group Facebook page)
..and I'm going to see this movie because Hurt Locker was a good movie and looking at the pic you posted, it looks like they went to some effort to get the gear "right".  I'm sure they could've bought a bunch of Condor gear and ACH helmets with the word SEAL written on the side, it would have saved them money and the average moviegoer wouldn't give a shit.
Link Posted: 8/7/2012 5:30:58 AM EDT
That guy must have a brick glued to the back of his helmet to balance things out.
Link Posted: 8/7/2012 5:37:31 AM EDT



Why not? Panoramic NVGs for ground forces were in use before 2011. (pic from Invictus Alliance Group Facebook page)

..and I'm going to see this movie because Hurt Locker was a good movie and looking at the pic you posted, it looks like they went to some effort to get the gear "right".  I'm sure they could've bought a bunch of Condor gear and ACH helmets with the word SEAL written on the side, it would have saved them money and the average moviegoer wouldn't give a shit.

Nice pic - thanks for posting. Though we may disagree about The Hurt Locker, you do have a valid point.


But, to the best of my knowledge, there is no video recording capability known to be available for the PNVG's. Does anyone know if it is? The only clip-on recording/review system that I know of doesn't seem like it would fit the PNVG. On the other hand, the director of Zero Dark Thirty had access to the actual information about the mission.

As for my other beef, it would be nice to see some accuracy in movies with night vision. I know it's all fake, but green-colored day-for-night is not attention to detail, or even close, IMO. You may criticise, but selective attention to detail isn't attention to detail at all.

Sure, it's just story telling, but I like movies that reflect real events to be accurate. Movies make poor NV implementations. Games make poor NV implementations. They could just pretend it happened in the light right? Or give us all a green pair of spectacles in the cinema so we could choose.

And it's possible to build good drama with better simulations and real NV imagery caught in the camera.

Now Generation Kill? That was good. Probably the best I've seen yet. Even if it was day-for-night where needed. Some directors know how to do it right.


Link Posted: 8/7/2012 9:13:03 AM EDT
I don't even disagree with what you're saying about the NVG effects.   I think my stance is to compare this to the usual Hollywood production... And it is true that Hollywood can get very invested in "realistic" scenery, costumes, props etc.. But the word "realistic" just doesn't go with "sound effects" or "special effects" at all in Hollywood..  I should see Generation Kill.
Link Posted: 8/7/2012 10:43:12 AM EDT
Here's the movie I'm NOT seeing this year:
Link Posted: 8/7/2012 12:17:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/7/2012 2:33:39 PM EDT
Why would ANYONE think they actually killed Bin Laden?  There is no evidence to support this.  As a matter of fact everything indicates the exact opposite:

1.  He was on dialysis in 2001.  There was no dialysis machine there.  Most people with his problem do not live another 10 years.
2.  Every aspect of the official report changed - he fought back, he didn't fight back, he hid behind his wives ....
3.  The traitor in chief claimed they watched it real time.  Then they said they didn't.
4.  The icing on the cake - THEY DUMPED HIS BODY OVERBOARD.  Right.  Sounds like a fish story.  

This was a PR stunt based on a lie.  Just like they lied about Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman.  The soldiers are good people.  Our leaders are corrupt to the core.  

No proof.  None.
Link Posted: 8/7/2012 2:37:45 PM EDT
Oh boy.

This can only end in tears.
Link Posted: 8/7/2012 2:50:37 PM EDT
No, he is on Mars in the NASA Curosity Land Rover, they dumped his ashes there so no one would not be able to find them, he is the only Al Qaeda member enshrined on Mars .

Link Posted: 8/7/2012 4:36:18 PM EDT


Yes, Dam Neck is running GPNVG's.  No, it is not the only goggle in their armory.  Yes, it is possible that GPNVG's were present on the raid.  Yes, there are movies coming out about the raid.  No, they will not be accurate because the guys that did the hit will not talk to the media, let alone Hollywood.  Yes, the White House has loose lips concerning national security in a bid to show off the administration's so-called foreign policy.  No, their account of what happened is not accurate.

Yes, the Hurt Locker was an entertaining movie.  No, it was not at all accurate except to show guys in ACU's with M4's in the desert.  No, the gear depicted was not entirely accurate.  No, the tactics depicted were not accurate either.  Yes, SME's intentionally lead Hollywood astray so they depict military (particularly SOF personnel) TTP's inaccurately so the uninitiated (including our enemies) will see it and think (ah, so that's how it's done."  Yes, the Hurt Locker was a shitty movie from the technical aspect.  Yes, they did get some things right such as some individuals' reactions with PTSD and others' need for the drug that is the rush of combat.  No, these topics are not security risks.

Anyhoo, the GPNVG is a pretty amazing device, but it is not perfect.  The 97 degree FOV is awesome because it actually makes CQB a more feasible prospect under goggles.  With regular goggles, I do not advocate CQB under goggles.  It's too fast an activity and the outcome is almost completely reliant on the ability to instantly observe and process everything in your sector, determining as quickly as possible if a threat is present, and then the ability to process the bad guys is too much to effectively do under standard goggles. Pano's change this somewhat.  But, this technology is still in its infancy.  The GPNVG's are cool, but they are huge.  The weight is not as bad as you might think and the remote battery pack does help with counterweight.  But, Tier 1 units are the guys who test this new tech, so Dam Neck and CAG are the guys that see it first.  But, if you have a ton of cash and want to run these cool toys too, contact us and we can get you hooked up.


Hi Chip,

Good post.

But what can I say? You know how worked up I get over little things like faked NV footage... It just encourages bad photoshopped images in magazine and advertisements. I guess I just like to see real images where it counts. Like here in the forum.  Or the ones you took last year.

Nice pic and goggles too. Four 18mm tubes instead of 16mm tubes? Impressive. Nice set of gear also in the pics. You guys have all the best stuff.

But there's still one unanswered question... Is there a video recording add-on for the GPNVG? After all, the stuff that makes a normal PVS-14 act like a SENVG attaches to the rear ocular and screws in - but I wasn't aware of any such attachment points on the GPNVG?

I'd love to know if there is? ( unless that's something that can't be discussed here ).

As for the practical side of faking NVG?s  Well, it may not hurt the US military, but the Australian military recently acquired VBS2  for training, and based on the released footage, it's completely incapable of producing realistic NV scenario's. And this is something they use for training!. Probably because the people who create the games have no idea how NVGs look. They have no familiarity with them. All they know is everything is green, so they make it like that. Then apply all the daylight models.

OK, I am rambling on... I will go sit quietly by the blackboard and write a hundred times "I will not get worked up over zero dark thirty's fake NV images"...


Link Posted: 8/7/2012 5:55:57 PM EDT
Someone's tin foil beanie is on a little too tight.  Loosen it up and let some blood flow in there.  You'll feel better.

And, Chip takes great shots.  And posts helpful information.  And generally brings it.  Thanks!
Link Posted: 8/7/2012 6:17:08 PM EDT


Someone's tin foil beanie is on a little too tight.  Loosen it up and let some blood flow in there.  You'll feel better.

And, Chip takes great shots.  And posts helpful information.  And generally brings it.  Thanks!

Ahh, took me a while to realize. When I said "Faking Bin Laden" I meant "Faking NV images in the new movie about the Bin Laden mission"


Link Posted: 8/7/2012 7:26:13 PM EDT
You ain't the one with the beanie brother!  You be good.  
Link Posted: 8/7/2012 8:42:53 PM EDT
Tin Foil?  Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?  They claim they killed him.  There is ABSOLUTELY no proof this happened.  Why would you believe it?  They said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  It was a lie.  The said Pat Tillman died storming an enemy position.  That was a lie.  They said that Jessica Lynch was a hero.  That was a lie.  She hid under her truck while others fought.  Do you know that American troops guard and protect the opium so that the drug lords and the CIA can make money in Afghanistan?  This is the same government that ran 30,000 guns to Mexican drug cartels and demonize the 2nd Amendment.  War is a business and and you are being played.  Our government is a pathological liar.  You are a sucker if you believe anything they have to say without proof.  



In the mean time, DHS says returning Vets are the number 1 "terrorist" threat in America.  America has a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome.
Link Posted: 8/7/2012 11:13:56 PM EDT
Tin Foil?  Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?  They claim they killed him.  There is ABSOLUTELY no proof this happened.  Why would you believe it?  They said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  It was a lie.  The said Pat Tillman died storming an enemy position.  That was a lie.  They said that Jessica Lynch was a hero.  That was a lie.  She hid under her truck while others fought.  Do you know that American troops guard and protect the opium so that the drug lords and the CIA can make money in Afghanistan?  This is the same government that ran 30,000 guns to Mexican drug cartels and demonize the 2nd Amendment.  War is a business and and you are being played.  Our government is a pathological liar.  You are a sucker if you believe anything they have to say without proof.  



In the mean time, DHS says returning Vets are the number 1 "terrorist" threat in America.  America has a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome.

But what about the night vision used in this movie?
Link Posted: 8/7/2012 11:26:26 PM EDT
A. it's a movie,

Two. It's probably INFINITELY easier to film in the day light, and make it look like NV, than have everyone bumping around in the dark trying to film.

OP, did you get mad watching "Red October" when they do "dry for wet" scenes?

Link Posted: 8/8/2012 1:20:29 AM EDT


A. it's a movie,

Two. It's probably INFINITELY easier to film in the day light, and make it look like NV, than have everyone bumping around in the dark trying to film.

OP, did you get mad watching "Red October" when they do "dry for wet" scenes?


Good point. Hollywood should just stick to portraying war like it really is...

Just like this...

Yep, just like it happened.



Link Posted: 8/8/2012 4:10:44 AM EDT


Tin Foil?  Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?  They claim they killed him.  There is ABSOLUTELY no proof this happened.  Why would you believe it?  They said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  It was a lie.  The said Pat Tillman died storming an enemy position.  That was a lie.  They said that Jessica Lynch was a hero.  That was a lie.  She hid under her truck while others fought.  Do you know that American troops guard and protect the opium so that the drug lords and the CIA can make money in Afghanistan?  This is the same government that ran 30,000 guns to Mexican drug cartels and demonize the 2nd Amendment.  War is a business and and you are being played.  Our government is a pathological liar.  You are a sucker if you believe anything they have to say without proof.  



In the mean time, DHS says returning Vets are the number 1 "terrorist" threat in America.  America has a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome.
This is a technical forum.  I don't come here to read this bullshit.

Link Posted: 8/8/2012 5:28:02 AM EDT
The truth is B.S. to those that are sound asleep.  Funny thing coming from a Vet because YOU are one of the new USA police state's key targets.  

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Wednesday that she was briefed before the release of a controversial intelligence assessment and that she stands by the report, which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S.


They built a police state in America under the pretext of targeting scary brown people with beards that live in caves.  Now, they are turning it on their real target = the American people.  

NDAA says they can lock you up without a trial
Military on the streets
Checkpoints and frisking without probable cause
Rampant spying on US citizens
TSA sticks their hands down your pants to fly
Government running guns to Mexican drug lords
Increased gun regulation

Some things are more important than reading about your toys.
Link Posted: 8/8/2012 8:05:03 AM EDT
I'm not really in charge here but my gut tells me your stay in the NV tech forum will be short if you keep up the crazy political rants.

This has literally nothing to do with night vision. At this point, you're watering down the technical content of this discussion, and it's kind of annoying.

Can anybody comment on what it means that each monocular can be removed from the gpnvg housing and used independent? Pictures?
Link Posted: 8/8/2012 8:43:53 AM EDT
I'm not really in charge here but my gut tells me your stay in the NV tech forum will be short if you keep up the crazy political rants.

This has literally nothing to do with night vision. At this point, you're watering down the technical content of this discussion, and it's kind of annoying.

Can anybody comment on what it means that each monocular can be removed from the gpnvg housing and used independent? Pictures?

I am sure it could be done fairly easy. They look very similar to the Anvis tubes uses on a AVS-6 or 9. You would need your own battery box for power and a switch. I don't think anyone would butcher such an expensive scope though. I know I would not.

Link Posted: 8/8/2012 8:47:24 AM EDT
Th movie will suck
Link Posted: 8/8/2012 8:50:07 AM EDT
As a side note, David gets really perturbed over faked NV shots. ATN does this often to sell their super duper Gen 1 scopes to the unsuspecting public. He has a reason for his disdain of anything other than true Night Vision photography. Myself ? I can forgive Hollywood and I get a laugh out of it often.

Bin Laden ? That fucker is fish food and I am damn happy about it. Enough said on that topic in a tech forum.
Link Posted: 8/8/2012 9:05:53 AM EDT
Too far off track.  Please keep it technical in the . . . technical forums.
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