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Posted: 1/4/2013 3:03:14 PM EDT
heres the link

She emptied a .38 revolver into his head and neck, He was ok to get out of the crawlspace, into his suv and drive off...Only to crash into a tree.

I guess its time for you guys to buy your wives something bigger than a .38 revolver
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 3:08:50 PM EDT
heres the link

She emptied a .38 revolver into his head and neck, He was ok to get out of the crawlspace, into his suv and drive off...Only to crash into a tree.

I guess its time for you guys to buy your wives something bigger than a .38 revolver

It may not have killed him, but it worked.

My favorite part of the story is "And the guy's telling her to quit shooting,"  Id love to know what his exact words were.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 3:27:22 PM EDT
I heard on the radio they found teeth, awesome.

She needs an assault clip for that revolver!

Link Posted: 1/4/2013 3:35:25 PM EDT
if CNN ever covered this story her weapon would end up looking like this and it would turn out that the intruder was really a jehovah's witness
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 3:46:46 PM EDT
if CNN ever covered this story her weapon would end up looking like this and it would turn out that the intruder was really a jehovah's witness

Good shot by the Loganville lady
Pretty weapon.

Link Posted: 1/4/2013 3:55:26 PM EDT
That is 6 miles from my parents' house.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 3:59:33 PM EDT
if CNN ever covered this story her weapon would end up looking like this and it would turn out that the intruder was really a jehovah's witness

That is true but CNN won't cover it because it does not meet their agenda. This mother should be the poster lady for the NRA. Maybe Mr. Badguy will think twice before he breaks into another house.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 4:19:08 PM EDT
She must not have used assault bullets.
Seriously, good for her.  I hope this kind of stuff gets more air time. Probably not.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 4:20:00 PM EDT
if CNN ever covered this story her weapon would end up looking like this and it would turn out that the intruder was really a jehovah's witness

A jehovas witness that was coming in to save them, because he smelled a gas leak.

In February, Slater was arrested on simple battery charges, according to the Gwinnett County Sheriff's Office. He has been arrested six other times in the county since 2008.

Deputies arrested 32-year-old Atlanta resident Paul Slater in connection with the break-in. He was most recently released from jail in August.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 4:37:17 PM EDT
It amazes me that he can take several 38s and live. Good on her for being armed and pulling the trigger.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:36:12 PM EDT
It amazes me that he can take several 38s and live. Good on her for being armed and pulling the trigger.

There was a home invasion in Lilburn in the winter of 2009.  If I recall correctly the home-owner fired 7 shots from a .45 killing the first guy through the door.  I remember reading that five of those shots were through multiple layers of clothing, including a heavy coat, which could have effected penetration.  Something to consider.  

Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:48:40 PM EDT
Co worker just told me about this. This was in the next neighborhood!

Some one needs to get her a higher capacity weapon.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 5:54:02 PM EDT
yeah that house is probaly 3 miles from me at the most,, wish she would of had a 8 shot 870 12 gauge
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 6:17:25 PM EDT
It amazes me that he can take several 38s and live. Good on her for being armed and pulling the trigger.

There was a home invasion in Lilburn in the winter of 2009.  If I recall correctly the home-owner fired 7 shots from a .45 killing the first guy through the door.  I remember reading that five of those shots were through multiple layers of clothing, including a heavy coat, which could have effected penetration.  Something to consider.  

I know that homeowner.  We used to shoot many IDPA matches together for a few years.  He used a .45 GAP, not ACP, to be precise.  The first guy that came through the door was dropped, the second guy after seeing his buddy becoming a bullet sponge decided he had another appointment somewhere else.  The Gwinnett police traced the dead invader to a burglary gang from the south side of Atlanta.

Link Posted: 1/4/2013 7:04:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 7:17:14 PM EDT
I just saw the thread, at the same moment the story was on the 11 pm news.  All I can saw is, "Great Shooting" !   911 my ass, that's the number to use for clean-up.  She did the right thing, anyone complains, "Kiss Off"

    Semper Fi ! !
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 7:17:35 PM EDT
What revolver carries holds 6 rounds of .38 special? I thought most only had 5 round capacity?
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 7:23:11 PM EDT
There are a ton of revolvers that hold 6 rounds of .38Spl......it would take me all day to even attempt to catalogue them.  Also, any 6-shot .357 Magnum revolver can be loaded with 6-rounds of .38 Spl.

Good for her!  I'm glad that her and her family came out physically unharmed.

The fact that the perp had an extensive, and recent, rap sheet doesn't surprise me.  Over 90% of the folks that I've arrested were on parole or probation when I arrested 'em.......as to the other 10%, I wasn't their first arresting officer in most instances!

Shot placement is key.  "Fast is fine, but accuracy is final".  I ain't saying that those exact same shots with a different caliber weapon might not have done the trick, plus we don't know what kinda ammo she was using.  For all we know, she was shooting him with LRN's.

He ain't out of the woods yet;  punctured lungs, liver and stomach.  There is still a chance he could succumb to his injuries........if not, a pillow over the face in the night would do society a HUGE favor.

I find it galling that when the deputies found this POS, he told them, "Help me. I'm close to dying."  I feel that at that point he has given up his right to ask for anything.

I love the part when he asked her to quit shooting!  I know an officer who shot a man in the face......the mouth to be exact.  It was dark, inside an apartment.  He saw matter splat on the bulkhead behind the perp and stopped shooting (which he shouldn't have done, perp was still on his feet and holding his firearm, that he had just used to shoot another cop).  When he stopped firing, the perp dropped his gun and said, "Don't shoot me again, that shit hurts!"

Link Posted: 1/4/2013 7:33:43 PM EDT
I've worked more burglaries than I care to count, and I have never once heard of the burglar entering the attic.  This guy wasn't after merchandise; he was after the wife and/or kids.  How might this situation have played out if she had not been armed?  Not very good for the Good People involved.
Link Posted: 1/4/2013 8:45:41 PM EDT
It amazes me that he can take several 38s and live. Good on her for being armed and pulling the trigger.

I'm curious as to this shot placement since it says the face. Also wondering what kind of ammo she was using.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 4:38:23 AM EDT
There are a ton of revolvers that hold 6 rounds of .38Spl......it would take me all day to even attempt to catalogue them.  Also, any 6-shot .357 Magnum revolver can be loaded with 6-rounds of .38 Spl.

Good for her!  I'm glad that her and her family came out physically unharmed.

I'm with you Shep.  I'm real fond of a certain model 65 K frame with bobbed hammer, 3" barrel and cerakote finish.  Since acquiring it at Perimeter Mall :) I find myself carry it more than any of my other handguns.

She did great.  People can question her gun and ammo, blah blah blah all day long.  But she solved the problem, her hit to miss ratio exceed most recorded data by most cops.

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 5:13:41 AM EDT
I've worked more burglaries than I care to count, and I have never once heard of the burglar entering the attic.  This guy wasn't after merchandise; he was after the wife and/or kids.  How might this situation have played out if she had not been armed?  Not very good for the Good People involved.

My thoughts as well.  He went after them once inside.  Also heard on the news last night that the lady had a second weapon out, but left it sitting out before retreating to her hiding place.  

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 5:18:40 AM EDT
I've worked more burglaries than I care to count, and I have never once heard of the burglar entering the attic.  This guy wasn't after merchandise; he was after the wife and/or kids.  How might this situation have played out if she had not been armed?  Not very good for the Good People involved.

My thoughts as well.  He went after them once inside.  Also heard on the news last night that the lady had a second weapon out, but left it sitting out before retreating to her hiding place.  

I thought she was in a crawl space. Does that make any difference?
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 5:27:44 AM EDT
I've worked more burglaries than I care to count, and I have never once heard of the burglar entering the attic.  This guy wasn't after merchandise; he was after the wife and/or kids.  How might this situation have played out if she had not been armed?  Not very good for the Good People involved.

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 5:33:11 AM EDT
What revolver carries holds 6 rounds of .38 special? I thought most only had 5 round capacity?  

k frames Model 10,14, 15, 19 just off the top of my head

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 5:33:18 AM EDT
I've worked more burglaries than I care to count, and I have never once heard of the burglar entering the attic.  This guy wasn't after merchandise; he was after the wife and/or kids.  How might this situation have played out if she had not been armed?  Not very good for the Good People involved.

My thoughts as well.  He went after them once inside.  Also heard on the news last night that the lady had a second weapon out, but left it sitting out before retreating to her hiding place.  

I thought she was in a crawl space. Does that make any difference?

imo, no.  they were hiding, and rather than grabbing the tv or laptop the piece of trash went looking for the family.

channel 2’s Amy Napier Viteri learned from Chapman late Friday night that slater has been placed on a ventilator and suffers from punctured lungs, a punctured liver and a punctured stomach.

He said if Slater survives the night, doctors will try to operate in the morning to repair the damage.

why bother?

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 5:49:21 AM EDT

channel 2’s Amy Napier Viteri learned from Chapman late Friday night that slater has been placed on a ventilator and suffers from punctured lungs, a punctured liver and a punctured stomach.

He said if Slater survives the night, doctors will try to operate in the morning to repair the damage.

why bother?

While I agree with you, psychologically I would think it would be much easier on the wife to accept she shot someone and he lived then she shot and killed someone. Pure speculation on my part as I don't know the mental state of the lady. While I applaud her for her actions I wish she and her children didn't have to live thorough or even  witness that
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 6:02:30 AM EDT
It amazes me that he can take several 38s and live. Good on her for being armed and pulling the trigger.

There was a home invasion in Lilburn in the winter of 2009.  If I recall correctly the home-owner fired 7 shots from a .45 killing the first guy through the door.  I remember reading that five of those shots were through multiple layers of clothing, including a heavy coat, which could have effected penetration.  Something to consider.  

I know that homeowner.  We used to shoot many IDPA matches together for a few years.  He used a .45 GAP, not ACP, to be precise.  The first guy that came through the door was dropped, the second guy after seeing his buddy becoming a bullet sponge decided he had another appointment somewhere else.  The Gwinnett police traced the dead invader to a burglary gang from the south side of Atlanta.

Thanks.  I couldn't remember all the details I'd read.  Not at all surprised that the bad guys ended up connected with even more bad guys.  

Whether the bad guy lives or dies in this case (I have my preference), I hope someone will help keep an eye out for any of his friends who might want to mess with the family.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 6:03:05 AM EDT

While I applaud her for her actions I wish she and her children didn't have to live thorough or even  witness that

That is the sad part of this situation, the aftermath and trauma they will likely endure.  It's a celebration that she and her kids are physically unharmed.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 6:18:30 AM EDT

Whether the bad guy lives or dies in this case (I have my preference), I hope someone will help keep an eye out for any of his friends who might want to mess with the family.

I think she sent a message to his friend , and besides I doubt any criminal want to avenge their homies death....
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 6:24:32 AM EDT
I've worked more burglaries than I care to count, and I have never once heard of the burglar entering the attic.  This guy wasn't after merchandise; he was after the wife and/or kids.  How might this situation have played out if she had not been armed?  Not very good for the Good People involved.

That's what it sounds like to me, thank god this lady was armed. There's no telling what he would have done once he got his hands on her or her children.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 6:25:56 AM EDT
I am assuming her revolver was take by the police as evidence.
Would the LEO's take all the weapons in the house?

Being in a self defense shooting and having all my weapons taken as evidence, leaving my family defenseless scares the crap out of me.

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 6:33:27 AM EDT
I've worked more burglaries than I care to count, and I have never once heard of the burglar entering the attic.  This guy wasn't after merchandise; he was after the wife and/or kids.  How might this situation have played out if she had not been armed?  Not very good for the Good People involved.

My thoughts as well.  He went after them once inside.  Also heard on the news last night that the lady had a second weapon out, but left it sitting out before retreating to her hiding place.  

I thought she was in a crawl space. Does that make any difference?

imo, no.  they were hiding, and rather than grabbing the tv or laptop the piece of trash went looking for the family.

The article said crawl space, but the video appeared that the house was on a slab and would only have some type of attic space.  Regardless, you can visualize either when mentally rehearsing/ replaying the situation.  

This video fills in some other details of how it went down, but here is the jist of it.  1pm, car pulls up and man rings doorbell/knocked numerous times.  Went to car and retrieved crowbar and broke in.  Wife was already on the phone with her husband who had called 911 for her.  She took the kids, grabbed her weapon when he was breaking in and hid.  At some point he opens the crawl space door where they were hiding.  I'm 'guessing' he heard them in there.


Not trying to quarterback the situation at all, but it is good to run through scenarios in your head of how you think you'd react to this type of situation if it happened to you, at your home.  One thought is- do you let the guy continue to knock and even break in or IF you have time, do you let him know of your presence?  

I'm not trying to insinuate the lady did anything wrong, clearly she didn't as she and her kids are ok.  Seems like she may have only had time to grab a weapon and get the kids to safety before he was inside.  
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:37:42 AM EDT
The sad part is the mental anguish the wife and mostly the children have to live with from witnessing this.

Was she wrong for not answering the door? Hell no, mostly because she doesnt have to answer the door for anyone she doesnt want to answer it for. just because she didnt answer the door isnt any reason for him to break into the house. Even if the door was open he still shouldnt have entered her house.

I have told my wife not to answer the door, and damn sure not to open it if she isnt expecting company, especially if she doesnt know them. Answering the door, lets them know that someone is home, and if they are gonna break in they have to come in hard. Opening the door, just makes it easier for them to bum rush her, removing any adults from the equation. I told her if she thinks something funny is about to go down, Grab the kids, AR pistol and the phone and get the hell upstairs. Dont say anything to anyone if they kick in the door or break a window, stay still, quiet and whisper to the cops, the first thing the bad guy should hear from her should be the pistol going off. She doesnt need to yell at them and let them know where she is and that she is armed, Mostly because she isnt trained to take on an armed attacker and the element of surprise is the best equalizer in that situation.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:44:05 AM EDT




It amazes me that he can take several 38s and live. Good on her for being armed and pulling the trigger.

There was a home invasion in Lilburn in the winter of 2009.  If I recall correctly the home-owner fired 7 shots from a .45 killing the first guy through the door.  I remember reading that five of those shots were through multiple layers of clothing, including a heavy coat, which could have effected penetration.  Something to consider.  

I know that homeowner.  We used to shoot many IDPA matches together for a few years.  He used a .45 GAP, not ACP, to be precise.  The first guy that came through the door was dropped, the second guy after seeing his buddy becoming a bullet sponge decided he had another appointment somewhere else.  The Gwinnett police traced the dead invader to a burglary gang from the south side of Atlanta.

It was a 45 GAP.  I heard the story first hand and said...IIRC.... that the first two shots were stopped by his clothing.  

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 8:57:12 AM EDT
Clothes stopped a 45 or 38? Kevlar clothes?
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 11:29:42 AM EDT


Clothes stopped a 45 or 38? Kevlar clothes?

I heard it come directly from him.  Several of his 45 GAP didn't penetrate his clothing.

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 12:54:29 PM EDT

Clothes stopped a 45 or 38? Kevlar clothes?

I heard it come directly from him.  Several of his 45 GAP didn't penetrate his clothing.


Yes, he told me himself that some of the .45 GAP didn't penetrate the HEAVY clothing.  It happened during the winter month and the perp was wearing a heavy coat.
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 1:14:28 PM EDT

Clothes stopped a 45 or 38? Kevlar clothes?

I heard it come directly from him.  Several of his 45 GAP didn't penetrate his clothing.


Yes, he told me himself that some of the .45 GAP didn't penetrate the HEAVY clothing.  It happened during the winter month and the perp was wearing a heavy coat.

I am having a really hard time with a heavy coat stopping bullets.  I am the guy in the Buick O' Truth series on Box O' Truth.  I can tell you that pistol rounds penetrate car doors pretty easily.  I really don't see a coat stopping them.

ETA - one of the guys.

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 4:17:18 PM EDT

I am having a really hard time with a heavy coat stopping bullets.  I am the guy in the Buick O' Truth series on Box O' Truth.  I can tell you that pistol rounds penetrate car doors pretty easily.  I really don't see a coat stopping them.


Check with the Gwinnett County medical examiner.  

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 4:19:54 PM EDT





Clothes stopped a 45 or 38? Kevlar clothes?

I heard it come directly from him.  Several of his 45 GAP didn't penetrate his clothing.


Yes, he told me himself that some of the .45 GAP didn't penetrate the HEAVY clothing.  It happened during the winter month and the perp was wearing a heavy coat.

I am having a really hard time with a heavy coat stopping bullets.  I am the guy in the Buick O' Truth series on Box O' Truth.  I can tell you that pistol rounds penetrate car doors pretty easily.  I really don't see a coat stopping them.

ETA - one of the guys.

All I can tell you is what I heard from the man, he didn't strike me as much of a bullshitter.

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 4:33:45 PM EDT

I am having a really hard time with a heavy coat stopping bullets.  I am the guy in the Buick O' Truth series on Box O' Truth.  I can tell you that pistol rounds penetrate car doors pretty easily.  I really don't see a coat stopping them.


Check with the Gwinnett County medical examiner.  

Thank you, but I don't know him.  You'll forgive me if I cling to my misconception and continue to not use heavy coats as body armor.

Link Posted: 1/5/2013 6:55:24 PM EDT
My information re shooting in Loganville is that 4 rounds penetrated thru and thru, one round stayed in the BG....
The 6th round would have hit had he not fallen to the ground, seems her last round went right where his head had been...
The crawlspace is an attic type crawlspace off of a bonus type room upstairs....
I am trying to find out what ammo she used....hope to have that info soon
Link Posted: 1/5/2013 7:00:13 PM EDT
My information re shooting in Loganville is that 4 rounds penetrated thru and thru, one round stayed in the BG....
The 6th round would have hit had he not fallen to the ground, seems her last round went right where his head had been...
The crawlspace is an attic type crawlspace off of a bonus type room upstairs....
I am trying to find out what ammo she used....hope to have that info soon

Having our own HTF Celebrity Sheriff is already coming in handy.

What made me curious about the ammo was that I generally carry a S&W 442.
Link Posted: 1/6/2013 5:07:28 AM EDT
I am assuming her revolver was take by the police as evidence.
Would the LEO's take all the weapons in the house?

Being in a self defense shooting and having all my weapons taken as evidence, leaving my family defenseless scares the crap out of me.



Only the actual weapon involved would be taken as evidence.  My friend (I think you know him too) that was involved in the other home invasion being discussed here had his .45GAP Glock taken by Gwinnett county as evidence.  He was able to re-armed himself with his other pistols.

Link Posted: 1/6/2013 5:49:32 AM EDT
I am assuming her revolver was take by the police as evidence.
Would the LEO's take all the weapons in the house?

Being in a self defense shooting and having all my weapons taken as evidence, leaving my family defenseless scares the crap out of me.



Only the actual weapon involved would be taken as evidence.  My friend (I think you know him too) that was involved in the other home invasion being discussed here had his .45GAP Glock taken by Gwinnett county as evidence.  He was able to re-armed himself with his other pistols.

Will you eventually get the weapon back in a situation like this (after trial)? doesnt seem fair you have to go through such BS and lose your gun. I guess thats the system for you though...

Link Posted: 1/6/2013 5:59:09 AM EDT
I am assuming her revolver was take by the police as evidence.
Would the LEO's take all the weapons in the house?

Being in a self defense shooting and having all my weapons taken as evidence, leaving my family defenseless scares the crap out of me.



Only the actual weapon involved would be taken as evidence.  My friend (I think you know him too) that was involved in the other home invasion being discussed here had his .45GAP Glock taken by Gwinnett county as evidence.  He was able to re-armed himself with his other pistols.

Will you eventually get the weapon back in a situation like this (after trial)? doesnt seem fair you have to go through such BS and lose your gun. I guess thats the system for you though...

It'd be quite a drive for me but if she needs a loaner, let me know!
Link Posted: 1/6/2013 6:06:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/6/2013 6:11:10 AM EDT
My information re shooting in Loganville is that 4 rounds penetrated thru and thru, one round stayed in the BG....
The 6th round would have hit had he not fallen to the ground, seems her last round went right where his head had been...
The crawlspace is an attic type crawlspace off of a bonus type room upstairs....
I am trying to find out what ammo she used....hope to have that info soon

Having our own HTF Celebrity Sheriff is already coming in handy.

What made me curious about the ammo was that I generally carry a S&W 442.

There is so much non-defense 38 special ammo out there that would be piss-poor for defense...You go to walmart to buy some ammo and you end up with WWB etc.

Thats part of educating people on self defense. My father in law still thinks a 45 FMJ will flip a man head over heels compared to a 9mm HP snakebite.
Link Posted: 1/6/2013 6:38:26 AM EDT




My information re shooting in Loganville is that 4 rounds penetrated thru and thru, one round stayed in the BG....

The 6th round would have hit had he not fallen to the ground, seems her last round went right where his head had been...

The crawlspace is an attic type crawlspace off of a bonus type room upstairs....

I am trying to find out what ammo she used....hope to have that info soon

Having our own HTF Celebrity Sheriff is already coming in handy.

What made me curious about the ammo was that I generally carry a S&W 442.

There is so much non-defense 38 special ammo out there that would be piss-poor for defense...You go to walmart to buy some ammo and you end up with WWB etc.

Thats part of educating people on self defense. My father in law still thinks a 45 FMJ will flip a man head over heels compared to a 9mm HP snakebite.

I can't elaborate due to HIPAA laws on the Loganville incident other than to say it's obvious the holes weren't poked in the right place.

FWIW, I've seen a few shot with 38's to poor effect.  I've seen a pile of people killed with 22's and a few with 25's.  I've only see one person live from a centerfire rifle round....most of his face was missing.  When you need something dead, there really is no substitute.

Link Posted: 1/6/2013 7:22:43 AM EDT
IF that were her only gun for self defense and they took it. That could end up with her in a bad situation,  especially if his buddies or his baby mama come to get their revenge. Of if he decides to come back and get her for shooting him, criminals especially repeat offenders dont seem to be the most logical group of people.
I dont want to what if this situation to death, But if they took her ojnly gun, and someone randomly came by say a week later and broke in and did whateve to her. Who would be liable?

You would think since she didnt commit a crime, they couldn't take her gun at all. I mean they have the bullets, for ballistics, and surely the serial number of the gun. Which would be all the evidence they need.
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