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Posted: 5/17/2012 8:52:05 PM EDT
As you may know an 18 year old who was legally carrying an M1 in Birmingham was illegally arrested.  He broke no law, but he was arrested, and his rifle confiscated anyway because the police did not personally approve.  Well that's not all, a liberal prosecutor has decided to pursue false charges against him for political reasons.  He was illegally arrested, had his rifle illegally confiscated, was illegally imprisoned, and is now facing trial on false charges so the prosecutor, and city can make a political point, and they are deliberately dragging it out to try to bankrupt the kid, and intimidate him in to just giving in.

Weather you support long gun carry, or not (for an 18-20 year old that does not have a private seller willing to sell them a handgun, the only choice they have if they want a firearm for self defense is to carry a long gun.) what the police, city, and prosecutor have done, and are doing is not only wrong but illegal.

That's why on June 11th there is going to be an open carry rally in Birmingham to support him.  Long Gun carry is encouraged if you like.  They may have illegally arrested one man, but lets see them arrest all of us!  They need to be told in no uncertain terms that illegal behavior under the color of law will NOT be tolerated!

"Evil can only flourish when good men do nothing."
-Sir Edmund Burke

The rally will be in Shain Park June 11th from about 4:00-4:30 to 7:15, and be followed by a march through the streets of Birmingham to the City Council Meeting at 7:30, where we will express our displeasure at the illegal, and immoral actions of the city, and it's employees, and the continued persecution of an innocent Law Abiding American Citizen at the hearings of the public.

I believe Pizza, and pop will be provided by one of the attendees, but bring food with you if you like.

Remember be as polite, professional, and courteous as always, we are in the right here.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 5:12:46 AM EDT
This has got me thinking. I really need to be politically active again. Might be a good time to jump back in.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 5:35:38 AM EDT
I'm sure someone will be along to correct me if I'm worng, but IIRC, LEO's and prosecutors can be held personally liable for civil rights violations.  Ignorance of the law is no excuse, right?

I doubt it's a case Feiger would take, but I'll bet there are plenty of others that could teach Birmingham a lesson.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 9:26:15 AM EDT
I'm sure someone will be along to correct me if I'm worng, but IIRC, LEO's and prosecutors can be held personally liable for civil rights violations.  Ignorance of the law is no excuse, right?

I doubt it's a case Feiger would take, but I'll bet there are plenty of others that could teach Birmingham a lesson.

That's the thing, the police have ADMITTED that he committed no crime, but they arrested him, and imprisoned him anyway, and the prosecutor is going ahead with the prosecution KNOWING FULL WELL that the guy committed no crime, so they are not even ignorant of the law, they know what it is, and are just choosing to ignore it.
Link Posted: 5/18/2012 9:32:10 AM EDT


I'm sure someone will be along to correct me if I'm worng, but IIRC, LEO's and prosecutors can be held personally liable for civil rights violations.  Ignorance of the law is no excuse, right?

I doubt it's a case Feiger would take, but I'll bet there are plenty of others that could teach Birmingham a lesson.

Didn't Mike Nifong, the prosecutor in that Duke lacrosse rape case get sued like that?

Link Posted: 5/23/2012 9:05:04 PM EDT

I intend to go at this point, won't know for sure until I get back from vacation. I work afternoons so it's "take a day off or don't go".
Link Posted: 6/4/2012 12:39:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 3:30:45 AM EDT
Doesnt look like "the cause" is gaining much traction....
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 5:23:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 7:40:39 AM EDT
Doesnt look like "the cause" is gaining much traction....

Quite disappointing.

So you guys will be there? I will be, hope to see you there.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 1:17:31 PM EDT
I'm in. Anyone from Jackson want to carpool?

So how many are going to LG OC?

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 4:10:48 PM EDT
I won't be LGOCing....too hard to control the safety and trigger with it slung over my back.

Although I could carry empty with an empty mag...but blah, I'll just carry the same way I always carry- Gun in holster, extra mags.
Link Posted: 6/6/2012 6:52:26 PM EDT
I won't be LGOCing....too hard to control the safety and trigger with it slung over my back.

Although I could carry empty with an empty mag...but blah, I'll just carry the same way I always carry- Gun in holster, extra mags.

Cool. I think a friend and I are going to make it up but won't be there at the start because he is working til 5.

Also, Doug, I was hoping I could talk to you about getting some milling done on my Glock in the future.

Link Posted: 6/6/2012 7:35:43 PM EDT
no problem
Link Posted: 6/8/2012 9:38:57 PM EDT
Isn't it kinda the point to LGOC at this rally?

I asked for the day off, looking pretty good.
Link Posted: 6/9/2012 5:33:00 PM EDT
So thats 3 confirmed and maybe a couple more after 5?
Link Posted: 6/10/2012 6:32:18 AM EDT
Doesnt look like "the cause" is gaining much traction....

Quite disappointing.

So you guys will be there? I will be, hope to see you there.

No response....figured as much.
Link Posted: 6/10/2012 6:51:58 AM EDT
Isn't it kinda the point to LGOC at this rally?

I asked for the day off, looking pretty good.

Absolutly not!

If you think this is about LGOC then you missed the point entirely.

What this gathering and meeting attendance is about is the fact that the cops over stepped their authority and the prosecutor is trying to railroad this young man.

He was doing NOTHING ILLEGAL.  The cops initiated a confrontation and escalated the situation instead of doing their job as "peace officers" and diffusing it.

LGOC is legal as is handgun OC.

We are going, to tell them this is not acceptable behavior for our public servants that took an oath to uphold the the U.S. and State Constitutions.

Police deal with scum 99% of the time and forget how to deal with a law abiding individuals.
Someone that not only is not a criminal but someone that try's very hard and strives to abide by the law.
They need to be reminded that we are on the same side and not to burn that bridge, for they may need our help someday.

I do not suggest LGOC for the reasons I posted above.

I also beg people that are coming out to be on your best behavior, dress decent and DON'T do anything that will make the front page of the News the next day.
Link Posted: 6/10/2012 6:55:11 AM EDT
So thats 3 confirmed and maybe a couple more after 5?

Yes, 3 from AR15....I expected as much as most here just like to sit behind their computers and bitch instead of standing up and doing something.

There are many more planning on attending as evidenced on other message boards and social media.
Link Posted: 6/10/2012 11:53:36 AM EDT
Isn't it kinda the point to LGOC at this rally?

I asked for the day off, looking pretty good.

Absolutly not!

If you think this is about LGOC then you missed the point entirely.

What this gathering and meeting attendance is about is the fact that the cops over stepped their authority and the prosecutor is trying to railroad this young man.

He was doing NOTHING ILLEGAL.  The cops initiated a confrontation and escalated the situation instead of doing their job as "peace officers" and diffusing it.

LGOC is legal as is handgun OC.

We are going, to tell them this is not acceptable behavior for our public servants that took an oath to uphold the the U.S. and State Constitutions.

Police deal with scum 99% of the time and forget how to deal with a law abiding individuals.
Someone that not only is not a criminal but someone that try's very hard and strives to abide by the law.
They need to be reminded that we are on the same side and not to burn that bridge, for they may need our help someday.

I do not suggest LGOC for the reasons I posted above.

I also beg people that are coming out to be on your best behavior, dress decent and DON'T do anything that will make the front page of the News the next day.

If he was arrested legally carrying a rifle, you don't think that it would be appropriate to repeat his actions in protest?

What makes his case unique is that unlike OCer's of handguns since the AG opinion, he was arrested on a disturbing the peace charge-against the AG's opinion. Depending on the stories you google up, there may or may not have been Obstruction and brandishing chargesas well, but either way the Prosecutor needs to be given a proper and clear message that We Peons won't quietly sit by while he makes an example out of someone exercising his Constitutional Right in Public. Heller specifically points out that the 2nd Amendment has no Public Interest Balance of review, and this is no different.

By not LGOC, you are letting them alter your behavior and they win by default.
Link Posted: 6/10/2012 8:24:24 PM EDT
Violation of civil rights under federal law 42 USC 1983.  Sue them big time!
Link Posted: 6/11/2012 8:54:39 AM EDT
Isn't it kinda the point to LGOC at this rally?

I asked for the day off, looking pretty good.

Absolutly not!

If you think this is about LGOC then you missed the point entirely.

What this gathering and meeting attendance is about is the fact that the cops over stepped their authority and the prosecutor is trying to railroad this young man.

He was doing NOTHING ILLEGAL.  The cops initiated a confrontation and escalated the situation instead of doing their job as "peace officers" and diffusing it.

LGOC is legal as is handgun OC.

We are going, to tell them this is not acceptable behavior for our public servants that took an oath to uphold the the U.S. and State Constitutions.

Police deal with scum 99% of the time and forget how to deal with a law abiding individuals.
Someone that not only is not a criminal but someone that try's very hard and strives to abide by the law.
They need to be reminded that we are on the same side and not to burn that bridge, for they may need our help someday.

I do not suggest LGOC for the reasons I posted above.

I also beg people that are coming out to be on your best behavior, dress decent and DON'T do anything that will make the front page of the News the next day.

If he was arrested legally carrying a rifle, you don't think that it would be appropriate to repeat his actions in protest?

What makes his case unique is that unlike OCer's of handguns since the AG opinion, he was arrested on a disturbing the peace charge-against the AG's opinion. Depending on the stories you google up, there may or may not have been Obstruction and brandishing chargesas well, but either way the Prosecutor needs to be given a proper and clear message that We Peons won't quietly sit by while he makes an example out of someone exercising his Constitutional Right in Public. Heller specifically points out that the 2nd Amendment has no Public Interest Balance of review, and this is no different.

By not LGOC, you are letting them alter your behavior and they win by default.

He would have gotten the same treatment whether he had a handgun or a rifle.

You know me well enough to know "they" can't alter my behavior.  I gave my reasons, you gave yours, either way, see you there!
Link Posted: 6/11/2012 7:13:34 PM EDT
Just saw some video of today on Chan 4. There was some nice POF porn I saw.

Good for you guys and those whom we do not know.

It is ridiculous how far this has gone.

Link Posted: 6/11/2012 9:12:27 PM EDT
So far the coverage has been pretty damned good, the reporters who were there seemed pretty objective and interested in getting a good story. The biggest surprise for me was the amount of media coverage given that Birmingham is a small place relative to Detroit, there were 4 news vans, reporters from the local papers, Detnews was there, as well as a nice reporter from a news service I had never heard of called Patch. If you wanted to talk to a reporter or get on camera about 2A issues, this definitely would have been the place-I think I did 5 or 6 interviews and started to forget which group from which station/paper I had already given my talking points to. So far, Detnews, Patch, and channel 4 have run stories and all three have been good and without bias-it definitely isn't 1994 anymore.

As for the rally, it was great. We weren't bothered by anyone and were even joined by a Birmingham resident who was unhappy about what he had read in the papers-Great guy BTW. We grilled hot dogs and hung out as people came-at least 35 from the look of it-from work to make the march to the spot the arrest happened at and then off to the council meeting. The march was quite a spectacle, with us walking thru the entertainment district with our weapons and 10 or so reporters and photographers running to keep up.

In the end, I don't know that city council will instruct their police to handle things differently in the future when contacting armed citizens but I found out that they are prohibited from talking to the prosecutor about dropping the charges so that will have to play out in court still. A handful of us were able to speak at the meeting once their other business hand been handled and I thought that the meeting went well so who knows...
Link Posted: 6/12/2012 7:03:52 AM EDT
Press coverage has been pretty good!
Link Posted: 6/12/2012 3:37:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2012 8:32:02 PM EDT
The MSNBC article made rounds at work, with what you can assume is a lot of twisted panties over the blonde lady "brandishing" a rifle.

Good on you guys for standing up for your rights.
Link Posted: 6/13/2012 5:40:19 AM EDT
Thanks to those that attended. I couldn't even if I wanted to.

I think more events like these (rally, not arrest) will only change folks' minds for the better.
Link Posted: 6/13/2012 6:03:50 AM EDT
Front page of MSN this morning:

Link Posted: 6/13/2012 7:36:21 AM EDT
Great work !! Thanks go out to all of you who showed up and protested .
And to Stephanie Locke . . . . outstanding display
Link Posted: 6/16/2012 11:47:48 AM EDT
I have video, but I'm having computer issues right now so can't post it at the moment, but I did get some still pictures.

Link Posted: 6/18/2012 12:22:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/19/2012 8:59:12 PM EDT
I don`t have a problem with open carry but from what i read this young mans problems started when he was ask by a police officer for his id and refused to produce it. if you don`t have anything to hide why not show your id. sounds like he brought some of this on himself..
Link Posted: 6/20/2012 4:17:21 AM EDT
Thats exactly what happened. If he just proved his age, he woulda been on his way.  Honestly..the kid looks 16 at best.
Link Posted: 6/20/2012 7:44:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/20/2012 8:13:53 AM EDT
A VERY good reason for not giving ID is that we have had several people charged several weeks after an encounter with trumped up BS.

He told them he was 18.  The contact should have ended right there but the cops insisted on creating a scene.

No one called 911 on Sean.  He was downtown, with rifle, walking around for about 1.5 hours before the cops happened upon him.

There was no disturbing the peace until the cops got there.

If he was truly brandishing, they should have arrested him immediately and TAKEN his ID.
On a side note...He was walking down the street with his rifle slung over his shoulder. Cops think this was brandishing.  Yet there were 25 of us with firearms in the park last Monday and none of us were charged with brandishing.  The cops never even stopped by.

Michigan is not a stop and ID state and as the previous poster stated, if he was legal there was no duty to provide ID.
So obstructing an officer is a trumped up charge.

Did you know that there is NO law requiring us to even carry ID while OCing or LGOCing.  It's known as Sterile Carry.

All this is is the cops and procecutor throwing crap at the wall and seeing what sticks.

EVERYONE, every gun owner, everyone on AR15.com, every citizen of the U.S.A. with a passion for freedom and liberty and a hate for tyranny should be outraged that this young man is being charged with anything.
Link Posted: 6/21/2012 2:20:19 PM EDT
The city council said it's in the court system now so it's out of their hands.

I say BS.

It's in the city prosecutors hands and his boss IS THE CITY COUNCIL.

Pressure the city council to get the prosecutor to DROP THE CHARGES!
Link Posted: 6/22/2012 8:51:50 AM EDT
Dunno if it's true or not, but one of the reporters mentioned in her interview with me that the city is prevented from contact with the prosecutor via their city charter. What I am hoping to get out of this is a difference in how B'ham's police interact with armed citizens in the future, and that Comb's lawyer breaks it off in the city's ass with a civil rights lawsuit.
Link Posted: 6/22/2012 1:49:26 PM EDT
Amazing some of you think it is okay for the police to harass someone because they look young. This young man only did one thing wrong: he talked to the police instead of just walking away from them.
Link Posted: 6/22/2012 4:17:29 PM EDT
Amazing some of you think it is okay for the police to harass someone because they look young. This young man only did one thing wrong: he talked to the police instead of just walking away from them.

It's 100 years of liberal brainwashing.  It will take time for people to get right in the head again.

Link Posted: 7/12/2012 8:48:28 AM EDT
Not guilty on all 3 counts!
Link Posted: 7/12/2012 9:12:15 AM EDT
Awesome! Did it actually go to trial or did the prosecutor drop the charges?
Link Posted: 7/12/2012 11:48:27 AM EDT
Sean Combs acquitted of all charges. Freedom Wins!
Link Posted: 7/12/2012 1:14:28 PM EDT
This is great news!  Freedom, and the rule of la ruled the day!!!!

Now for the civil trial.....


Sorry, gross use of emoticons, because I'm happy.
Link Posted: 7/12/2012 1:55:15 PM EDT
Happy ending.
Link Posted: 7/12/2012 2:41:10 PM EDT
Great, GREAT news.

I am watching the video on the link and I haven't even gotten through it and that B is making me sick. How about we speculate a little more. First of all, even if he was "bringing attention to himself" what the heck is illegal about that. You can't fix stupid...

ETA: Finished...AHHHHH. That lady is so ridiculous it makes me want to scream. It seems she used a lot of opinion in her statements...If she thinks a WW2 M1 carbine looks scary I would have loved to see her face when just a plane jane AR15 is carried down the street. Devil guns, I tell you...devil guns....(sarcastic)

BACK TO CELEBRATING!!!! Congrats to Sean. That made my day        
Link Posted: 7/12/2012 7:23:26 PM EDT
As they interviewed the jurors after the verdict, every one stated the aquittal was due to the kids compliance with the law. They also all agreed that the law needs to be changed so this cant happen again. Nice way to bring attention to the issue.  I guess all the OCers finally got what they wanted. I give it 2 years and there will be a "No OC law" on the books.................
Link Posted: 7/12/2012 7:37:10 PM EDT
As they interviewed the jurors after the verdict, every one stated the aquittal was due to the kids compliance with the law. They also all agreed that the law needs to be changed so this cant happen again. Nice way to bring attention to the issue.  I guess all the OCers finally got what they wanted. I give it 2 years and there will be a "No OC law" on the books.................

Like Texas?

Well, if your rationale is that he (or anyone) should not OC since it would result in a future ban on OC, then why does it matter if it's made illegal?
Link Posted: 7/12/2012 7:45:59 PM EDT
My only rationale, is that all this exposure has seemed to have backfired. The anti gunners will use this ammo to gain traction for more legislation.... Thats all I meant.
Link Posted: 7/12/2012 9:29:25 PM EDT
So much fail....
they were talking about a clarification of the I.D. law
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