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Posted: 6/21/2014 10:14:16 AM EDT

I'm starting to wonder (maybe I'm slow?) if this whole takeover of parts of syria and Iraq was planned from the beginning.

Helping the MB in Egypt, Libya. Transfering weapons to terrs in Syria. Ambassador Stevens finds out about the plan to arm them and help them take over syria and iraq and obama sics the terrs on him to keep him quite/punish him.

Could they have planned all this right from the failure to get a status of forces agreement in Iraq? Did Obama and Valerie Jarett work out
  a plan for Iran to make huge gains toward controlling a big part of the globe?

 If it wasn't for the fact that MB are Sunni and Iran is Shia, this would be a scary thought.
 But what the hell is really going on? What is the big picture if this isn't just haphazard? Is there a detailed plan being executed or am I sleep deprived again?
Link Posted: 7/7/2014 8:08:22 AM EDT
3rd Jihad. That is what is going on. Interesting theory too.
Link Posted: 8/22/2018 8:29:33 AM EDT
the big picture is there were 4 bad guys Iraq, Libya Iran & Syria Now there is only one & they are funding everyone illegally & should be removed.
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