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Posted: 12/26/2021 2:08:43 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Geralt55]
As goal posts keep moving, I think we should post a list of the claims that people were fed en masse, an attempt to chart where the goalposts once were.
In my usual style, I can't help but season it with some humor
This is my best attempt off the top of my head.


Trump's Travel ban from China is xenophobic and irresponsible.
You can't share science by Closing WallsTM and being racist.

The virus definitely came from nature, there is No ProofTM the Wuhan virus, came from a virus lab located in Wuhan.
It's a bat virus that jumped to a pangolin, which ended up in a wet market many miles away.
Believing it came from a Lab is basically believing in UFOs whoops those are real lmao Bigfoot!

Masks do not work to stop the spread, please don't buy N95 masks

Okay so masks not only work, but are necessary to GO OUTSIDE IN PUBLIC, and we may see a nationwide mask mandate
Gosh Trump is such a buffoon for NOT WEARING A MASK on camera, he's going to kill Grandma!

Trump shutting down travel from Europe is more buffoonery.

We should shut down the country for 2 years, we aren't going to have vaccines in time
What are treatments? Those could be dangerous..

Hydroxychloroquine is literally fish tank cleaner and is killing people.
Trump was irresponsible for saying it outloud and needs to stop ASAP.
It's not only not effective but it's dangerous. The StudiesTM said so.

Sweden's no lockdown strategy is anti-science and Reckless, and so is Trump's for punting this to the states.
Thank God for CuomoTM, that wonderful Governor filling in the gaps where Trump's Federal failures left them!

You cannot protest lockdowns, those are Super-SpreaderTM events and will kill Grandma.
Not silently, distanced, and masks, now enjoy your business being shutdown and your bankrupty.

The Floydd protests are NOT super-spreader events, despite thousands of people maskless, shouting into the air above their heads and inhaling it, for hours a day, every day, for weeks.
Because they aren't.

We need a Nationwide Mask mandate law
We just don't have it because REPUBLICANS are chickenshit and it's pro-longing the pandemic.

Trying to differentiate COVID hospitalization numbers to figure out who is there with COVID and who is there from COVID is just politics, and trying to help trump.
That big number that grows by the hour is his fault!

Trying to differentiate COVID deaths to figure out who died with COVID and who died from COVID is just politics, and trying to help trump.
That big number that grows by the hour is his fault!

Saying that __Red State's COVID numbers are up because of testing, is a lie!
It's irresponsible and letting them off the hook for not doing enough mandating!

BREAKING: We have vaccines With 97% efficacy!
In a LONG TERM 6month test, it was Safe And EffectiveTM

The vaccine's immunity will get us to herd immunity and end the pandemic.
See as the virus runs into vaccinated people, it stops spreading. Once that R0 ticks down, the virus fades out.
Fauci said it's 60% vaccinated to get to herd immunity.

The vaccine is absolutely better than natural immunity.

"Click this link to a buzzfeed article to see why."

The Vaccine isn't hurting people, don't you know how vaccines work?
6 people and only 6 people died from a bad batch of J&J that they caught.
No ProofTM of any number higher than 6, save your detailed story about your coworker the jogger dropping dead.
That's CoincidenceTM

The spike protein stays in the shoulder, pfizer's brochure even said so.
Don't you know how vaccines work? There were studies.
Fuck that Malone guy, and fuck that Pfizer data from Japan, that's literally nothing and proves nothing.
There's literally no way that the spike protein is getting out of the shoulder.

Dr.Malone didn't invent the mrna tech, he didn't invent anything at all.
Wikipedia agrees. Actually the mrna vaccines aren't new, mrna tech has been around for DecadesTM
No these jabs are not a gene therapy, and they aren't changing your DNA.

And even if spike protein left the shoulder, it's harmless.
It's literally exactly like the one from a normal cold.
You can educate yourself via one of the dozen videos of the 25year old science youtubers with no background in mrna tech, the pharma industry, how drugs get approved, etc.

Geert Vanden Bossche is a quack, and the "Escape mutant" theory is ridiculous.
Just ludicrous, the vaccines produce some Neutralizing AntibodiesTM, his science doesn't even make sense.

People getting blood clots and strokes from the jab literally can't happen.
The Anti-VaxxersTM are getting ridiculous at this point.

There's no spike proteins getting to women's ovaries.
Pfizer's testing was rigorous, they even said it can't happen, therefore: it cannot be happening
That AnecdoteTM you have about a woman who got jabbed and now has a very heavy flow every 2 weeks must be a CoincidenceTM.

Heart ailments, from the jab? No. lmao, yeah uh uh and flu shots give people autism.
Okay Jenny McCarthy.

At this point, it's clearly, a Pandemic of The UnvaccinatedTM
They're the only ones getting it, spreading it, and dying from it.
Worse: Vaccinated people might get it from unvaccinated people, it might even mutate in unvaccinated people!
Once we get to 75% Vaccinated we're done.

Once you get your 2 jabs, the pandemic is over for you, you can take your mask off.

Breakthrough infections are so unbelievably rare. It just seems worse than it is with alllll these vaccinated athletes and celebrities getting it anyway.
It's not like they were spreading it though, thank god they were vaccinated.

Vaccine passports are a conspiracy theory, no one is calling for that lmao.
Once we hit herd immunity the pandemic is over anyway.

- High #s of breakthrough infections in very vaccinated Gibraltar is not proof the vaccines won't bring herd immunity.
That won't happen here because it won't.

Ivermectin is cattle de-wormer, and people are going to the ERs in huge numbers, and calling Poison ControlTM.
It does not work and is literally dangerous and Bret Weinstein is hurting people and should be in jail.
It's fucking colloidal silver.
Anecdotes about it "lessening your case" are false.

The real problem here is MisinformationTM
They did not redefine vaccine, and they did not redefine herd immunity. They did not skip steps in safety testing.
I even asked my doctor who has zero background in vaccines, didn't make THESE vaccines, has no independent testing, and is going on information handed to them by other people - and they said it's safe.

Vaccine mandates are not coming
No one is saying that lmao.

The booster-shot subscription service meme is dangerous and people need to stop spreading that nonsense.

The jab was still effective at 6months, in the Long TermTM massive 6month study they did.
Suggesting that nonsense is irresponsible fear porn, to suggest it's going to stop working is anti-science, literally.
It's like any other vaccine, only better because it's NEW, and science, and technology.

The Day 1 understanding has totally always been, that boosters would be needed every 1 year 6 months 4 months.
We were told from the beginning we were going to have a bi/tri-yearly booster program to be considered fully vaccinated.
If they don't get onboard, we might have a pandemic of the unboosted!
At 80-90% vaccination we should hit herd immunity though and be done.

- High #s of breakthrough infections in very vaccinated Israel/Ireland/UK/Iceland is not proof the vaccines won't bring herd immunity.
That won't happen here because it won't.

The vaccines you actually got are approved, just the name is different, not only that, no steps were skipped!
Not animal models, not discussion panels, they did ALL of those 'cept the ones they didn't do.
GD is just salty.

So what the vaccine's spike proteins COULD cause harm, no one is denying thatthey must be safer than the virus, those can cause harm too!

Look, the vaccines with 5 jabs will be good to go on omicron, see this tweet from Pfizer's CEO saying so.

Soccer players having heart attacks on the field isn't happening.
According to Reuters, esteemed medical journal, their Fact-CheckersTM looked into it and said no.

I got COVID anyway, but the vaccine lessened my case. It's called ScienceTM try it some time lmao.
That's always been the understanding that after vaccinating you still need to mask because you could get it and spread it, and die from it if you were too many months away from your last very effective jab with its durable X- Month immunity with muh 97% efficacy.

Omicron looks the way it does, because it definitely/maybe got into someone with AIDs or HIV, pin-balled in their immune system for about a year mutating and viola!
An ancient spike protein, dozens of mutations, no traced ancestor.
Certainly wasn't a lab, that would be a conspiracy theory, we can rule that right out!

Biden shutting down Travel from South Africa, that's what a real leader does!
He takes charge!

Japan putting a myocarditis warning on the jabs is nothing.
Don't they know myocarditis (a heart ailment) is MildTM?
People got myocarditis BEFORE the shots you know.

Biden saying there is no federal solution
It's the unvaccinated fault!!!!

We need to find out who is hospitalized WITH COVID, and who is hospitalized FROM COVID!
Blue states like NY and Mass are changing COVID hospitalization numbers.

We need to find out who is dying WITH COVID, and who is dying FROM COVID!
We need to figure out this Science obviously, it's just smart.

The vaccine MAY interfere with menstrual cycles,
but it’s only MildTM menstrual problems most of the time, cept for the women with HEAVY flows every 2 weeks.
Oh that's what happens though, science changes.

Pfizer CEO: the shots don’t have the safety profile they hoped for
Bot talking points not received, headline not acknowledged at all

Look for the final time, VAERs clearly has an over-reporting problem because you can @ them with a tweet and they will just report it.

If you get the jab and then get COVID you have Super-ImmunityTM
It's better than natural immunity and isn't made up at all.

We are headed for a winter of Severe Illness And DeathTM for the filthy unvaccinated scumbags.
The death toll this year could be unimaginable

Pulling Monoclonal antibodies is only because one brand is effective, and no other reason.
Not incompetence, not favoritism, nothing.

Israel's highly vaccinated population getting COVID is no biggie.
See, it’s happening because there is an increase in testing!

No I don't see how the US running out of test kits
And the mild nature of the omicron strain, and it's ability to evade home tests, could have caused us to under-report the massive spike in cases.

Fauci: Boost number 4 may be necessary
It's Just Like a 4 times in 1 year Flu ShotTM  duhhh.

Shaquille O’Neal is wrong, people are not being forced to take vaccines.
They have a choice that includes option B – losing your job/house/not participating in society/not going to college.

I know people are frustrated but everything was 100% necessary!
Pennsylvania/America/Canada has never been stronger and more united!
Only a Small FringeTM is upset at this point.

Government Study admits COIVD vaccine lengths menstrual cycles
It only lengthened them by 1 day, in Rare and MildTM cases! Case closed. Science settled. No disagree plz.
But COVID does too and everyone was gunna get COVID so, checkmate!

New Study: Actually the Placebo was causing some of the adverse events!
See the new study? The PLACEBO irritated people post injection, everyone calm down, your neighbor didn't have that stroke.
Besides, "side effects mean that the vaccines are working, doing a what a vaccine should do."

Ivermectin being proven effective in Phase 3 trials in Japan is nothing.
Look whatever that proves nothing, 2 years in it's just, it's too soon to say if that off the shelf drug we've had for decades and given out billions of times to humans is of any use.
Wow we don't even know what horrible longterm side effects ivermectin might have in the years to come! Too dangerous.

The CDC and HHS are working to recalculate the Covid hospitalizations.
It's important to know who is there FROM COVID, and who is there, and ALSO has COVID.
It's called science.

Look myocarditis is still rare: but good news!
Astra Zeneca is trying to develop an mRNA therapeutic to promote recovery of cardiac function through tissue regeneration

Good news everyone, we might have hit Herd ImmunityTM!
This is allll thanks to the vaccines, and the fact that you got 3 of them and got sick anyway.
And some of you died anyway lmao sorry no refunds
Nothing to do with those atrocious internal polls the Dems are seeing or that Canadian trucker protest, we promise.
The winter of severe disease and death is over, and the science has changed! Pharma Science be praised.

Fauci said on TV lockdowns might come back, the science changed.

ACTUALLY, the DOD leak is false because, the old numbers weren't high enough and they fact-checked them.
The old numbers were higher allll those years and no one noticed until now - so after the leak, they fixed the error by making the old numbers higher.
Nothing sketchy is going down, calm down.

Moderna being hit with a warning label or pulled off market in other countries for young males isn't proof of anything because:
It's Mild and RareTM, they're just being safe.
Everyone knows this safe and tested vaccine could give you mild and rare permanent heart ailments.
But you know what else could give you Myocarditis? COVID. Ha! checkmate.

Congress dropped the mask mandate ahead of the state of the union address
Because, they did. Your kid still has to wear it at school though. The celebrities don't at the superbowl.

Commercials for HIV testing is normal guys, calm down.

Young people are getting strokes at higher rates now but, calm down.

Pfizer raising awareness of Deep Vein Thrombosis is nothing
You guys know what PfizerTM does as a company right?
It existed before these vaccines silly goose.

Any talk of insurance actuarial data suggesting excess mortality in young people is just silly.

We're not seeing alll the data for the vaccines because it might cause vaccine hesitancy.
Some silly people don't understand how akshulllllllllllllllllly the vaccines are still double plus good, even in an omicron world.

The idea that the mrna vaccines take spike protein throughout the body
To places that natural infection does not always bring it, and in greater quantities, is absolutely silly!

"The enormous list of side effects of the vaccines from the pfizer data is a nothingburger
because, we've seen the chart already. yawn."

The LancetTM looked at VAERs in a New StudyTM.
They said, "Nuh uh". Your neighbor who died 1 day after getting vaccinated from a stroke, must not have been the vaccine.

Look, I know Hillary and Obama and Psaki and Klaus Schwab alllll got COVID at the same time but.
The vaccine lessened their case, and as we all know there's no herd immunity with this.

Yes, we see a lot of deaths in 3x and 4x vaccinated people in countries that keep real data and publish it
But they were old. Some of those people even ate too much sugar and bacon. Can you believe that?
We can't expect someone to get vaccinated 4 times for something in 1 year and NOT die from that something if they're sick or at risk - vaccines can't be expected to be be over 97% effective at protecting sick or at risk people.
If someone sick gets a vaccine to protect them, 4 times in one year, and still gets it and spreads it, and dies from it, the vaccine is NOT a failure you smooth brains.

Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave
Israeli 16-39 yos: weekly emergency call counts for cardiac arrest & acute coronary syndromes were significantly associated with the rates of 1st & 2nd covid-19 vaccine doses administered to this age group but were NOT with COVID-19 infection rates.

Myocarditis Study: Nordic Cohort Study of 23 million, “ Results of this large cohort study indicated that both first and second doses of mRNA vaccines were associated with increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis …risk of myocarditis was highest among young males (aged 16-24 years) after the second dose.

Very Vaccinated Blue NY state blows up with COVID, May 2022 People urged to wear masks (again)

Pfizer data dump: “270 pregnant women were tested and 238 went AWOL. Of the 32 remaining only 1 live birth”

Pfizer data dump: “What was the basis for Pfizer and the FDA to declare the mRNA vaccine ‘safe and effective’ for pregnant and breastfeeding women? Just 44 rats.”

Pfizer data dump: Skeptics believe the Pfizer data MAY show the efficacy at 12%
“If you calculate the VE from these numbers, it’s a staggeringly low 12%. VE is calculated by dividing the difference between the case numbers in the placebo and vaccine groups, by the case number in the placebo group x 100 = VE of 12 %”

Pfizer data dump: “Newly released reports show touted 95% effectiveness figure was cherry picked and buried in the data was 1600 trial recipients showing symptoms versus 1800 with symptoms who were given the placebo.”

“NBC’s Lester Holt  blames free will for Covid deaths”

FDA LIMITS the use of Johnson & Johnson's one-shot COVID vaccine due to risk of potentially life-threatening blood clots
“It is now only authorizing the jab to people 18 or older for whom other COVID vaccines aren't available or aren't appropriate…
The decision comes after an investigation revealed those who got the vaccine were at increased risk for thrombosis and thrombocytopenia syndrome”

FDA: Americans Should Treat COVID-19 Like The Flu
May 9th 2022

The official mortality data from the UK government Office of National Statistics shows that the all-cause mortality rate for vaccinated people is higher than the unvaccinated for the data range from January 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022 for all age cohorts EXCEPT for people over 90 where the data was not reliable enough to make an assessment.
original source

Pfizer data dump: Site 4444/Site 1231 controversy.
“MAY” show, suspiciously unbelievably high enrollment meeting necessary numbers right in the nick of time for a specific safety deadline.

"Misoprostol is relatively easy to acquire from veterinary sources,
since in addition to medically inducing abortions, it's also used to treat ulcers in horses.

@ Motherboard on twitter, 5/3/22. Mainstream press unalarmed, unconcerned, unable to see the irony.

"The Anti-Vaxxer idiots are asking why the vaxxed are getting COVID multiple times!
Such a spectacular self own - they're not dying the first time my dudes haha lmao"
That means it's working."

"So there's more cases and deaths amongst the jabbed, but that doesn't mean anything because
Boosted are much more likely to be in a category of high risk or high exposure."

"Nobody said you wouldn't get it if you were vaccinated!"
"Nobody said you wouldn't transmit it if you were vaccinated!"
"Nobody said you wouldn't die from COVID if you were vaccinated!"
"Nobody said you wouldn't get myocarditis if you were vaccinated!"
"Nobody said you wouldn't need quarterly boosters if you got vaccinated!"

NEWMSNBC Host Yasmin Vossoughian got myocarditis,
but everyone needs to relax because she got it from a regular cold.

NEWProject Veritas drops a video where a Pfizer employee talks about reproductive issues being studied, and "hints at manipulating the virus for scientific reasons.
Reaction: "Remember what happened to 9-11 truthers…"

NEWMasks didn't work in that new study, because: people were reusing them and not wearing them enough Duh.
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The review doesn't show that masks definitely do not reduce the spread of COIVD- only that studies to date have not proven that they do."

NEWFauci tells us that the vaccines saved 3 million lives.
They came up with that ultra-scientific number using guesstimates fed into a bullshit model ScienceTM. You're all welcome.
Anti-vaxxers just need to let it go.

NEWI know the Conspiracy kooks think these strokes, clots, and sudden deaths could be vaccine caused,
But it can't be that. So actually it's Long CovidTM

NEWI know the Conspiracy kooks think these strokes, clots, and sudden deaths could be vaccine caused,
But it can't be that. So actually it's climate change/eggs/gas stoves/"tiny particles in the air".
"Akshully your neighbor couldn't have been killed by the vaccine, it was diabetes or something, oh call Congress it's a coverup!
It's a conspiracy!!!"

NEWLook no one is denying an all cause mortality problem, but we know it's not the vaccines because it isn't.
It could be Long CovidTM though.

NEWCDC and FDA: Booster Shots May Trigger Stroke Incidents
MAY trigger =/= does trigger, relax Alex Jones, they're being safe. Know what's worse though? Long CovidTM.

NEWUnvaccinated New York City teachers were reportedly "flagged" and their fingerprints sent to the FBI, according to an affidavit filed in federal court
-Early Feb 2023

NEWCBS: "+30% Heart attacks over the past 2 years amongst the 25-44 age range.
But you know who is at fault? Unvaccinated people and anti-maskers.

NEWA paper showing brain injury from the vaccine, a person who never had a COVID infection? Nonono.
That one autopsy of the old man is "n=1, what do you expect. Further more it's Campbell, so most likely whatever he said was incorrect."

NEWCOVID infection boosts long term immunity, "at the same level as vaccination"
But akshully, a COVID infection could give you Long CovidTM so checkmate.

NEWArticle: "Is the Spike Protein from the mRNA Vaccines Toxic to the Human Body?"
"Meh, meanwhile hospitals remain not filling up with any if this doom-porn shit."

NEW"Long Covid is associated with significantly increased risk of death, heart and lung problems"

NEWWSJ: Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, U.S. Agency Now Says
AP the next day: "COVID-19 origins still a mystery 3 years into pandemic"

V6's Events "time capsule" is on page 14
NEW V7's Events "time capsule" is on page 28
Link Posted: 12/2/2023 4:16:00 PM EDT

Link Posted: 12/2/2023 5:04:58 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RSG:

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I am just wanting to know when/where the lamp post dedication ceremony is........
Link Posted: 12/2/2023 9:54:18 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RSG:

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Crimes against humanity.
Link Posted: 12/4/2023 3:23:09 AM EDT
White lung pneumonia becoming a problem.
What is the likely Explanation for White Lung Syndrome?
Link Posted: 12/4/2023 3:02:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/4/2023 4:18:46 PM EDT
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There are a few warning signs on that post besides what she said.....
Link Posted: 12/4/2023 4:27:50 PM EDT
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Zero Chances ≠ Getting On A Crowded Plane
Link Posted: 12/4/2023 7:00:52 PM EDT
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Lol, what a maroon.
Link Posted: 12/4/2023 7:25:24 PM EDT
You can almost smell the fear in that picture, a constant, paralyzing terror.  I guess we shouldn't expect rational thought from this person.
Link Posted: 12/5/2023 4:54:37 PM EDT
When you have mrna persisting over 3 months and spike protein persisting over 9months to a year its no surprise . Subsequent vaccinations and infections compounding that even further.
Are the Vaxed Potentially Facing an Avalanche of Inflammation?
Link Posted: 12/5/2023 8:02:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/5/2023 11:57:17 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RSG:

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In reality, IMHO every page of the documents should have been released BEFORE a public debate about the jabs was had.

We paid for the R&D right?
And bought the jabs, right?

There should have been a public discussion about it before release, a mandate should never have happened.
Link Posted: 12/6/2023 12:13:10 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By 9D1Alpha:
When you have mrna persisting over 3 months and spike protein persisting over 9months to a year its no surprise . Subsequent vaccinations and infections compounding that even further.
View Quote
My youngest sister has taken all but the very last clot shot.

Her arthritis is crazy and lots of inflammation.
Link Posted: 12/6/2023 1:39:08 AM EDT
[Last Edit: glock27bill] [#14]
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Originally Posted By Geralt55:


In reality, IMHO every page of the documents should have been released BEFORE a public debate about the jabs was had.

We paid for the R&D right?
And bought the jabs, right?

There should have been a public discussion about it before release, a mandate should never have happened.
View Quote

Just as there should have been debate in the scientific/medical community before the government changed the definition of "Vaccine."

Just as the media should have sounded the alarm when the man who decreed the mandate had previously stated that he would never get injected with his predecessors vaccine, and that same man then exempted Congress and a list of others.

Just as there should have been an uproar when so many unvaxxed illegals have been let into this country to sit next to our schoolchildren, and they get a No Shots Required card.

But everyone here knows these things.
Link Posted: 12/6/2023 4:10:08 PM EDT
Humm…. Not sure if anyone would be able to validate this but if true not shocked….

Oh here is a bonus….as if they needed anything besides climate change….

Link Posted: 12/7/2023 7:46:26 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Scoobysmak:
Humm…. Not sure if anyone would be able to validate this but if true not shocked….


Oh here is a bonus….as if they needed anything besides climate change….

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I'd seen the 11,000 exemptions of mostly politicians and elite . That'd cover more than 95% vs the 95% that were forced to get it.  

On the bloodclot issue,  or hemagglutination as it's called , it's been known for some time with viral infections.  It's just that the spike protein itself has much more affinity for such a mechanism.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 12:36:35 PM EDT
[Last Edit: RSG] [#17]

“A study out today reveals they (mRNA vaccines) may unexpectedly prompt cells to produce small amounts of unintended proteins. There is no evidence that these mistakes compromise the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines,…”

Your body’s cell machinery is hijacked and oops it is making “unintended proteins” but don’t worry folks, according to
@ScienceMagazine there is nothing to worry about with these “mistakes.” Yay!!

This isn’t journalism. This is the PR arm of the Pharma Industrial Complex cloaked as an independent media outlet, and you should hold them in appropriate contempt.

Link Posted: 12/7/2023 7:17:30 PM EDT
More to previous post on unintended proteins .
Unanticipated Complications with mRNA Vaccine
Link Posted: 12/9/2023 12:37:51 PM EDT
" no evidence of harm ...at this time ...because we haven't looked at it ....yet "
mRNA Vaccines - Researchers Propose A Design Fix
Link Posted: 12/9/2023 9:25:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 1:31:04 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 12/10/2023 9:08:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/13/2023 10:52:52 AM EDT
[Last Edit: 9D1Alpha] [#23]

National study in Austria mirroring Cleveland Clinic study.
No protection against death
Link Posted: 12/14/2023 11:03:20 AM EDT
Lots of interesting tidbits in the latest (and last) tranche of documents released by the FDA under the FOIA.


TL,DR: There were neon bright blinking red flags even during the trials that these HEGT shots should have never left the lab.
Link Posted: 12/14/2023 1:14:06 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By planemaker:
Lots of interesting tidbits in the latest (and last) tranche of documents released by the FDA under the FOIA.


TL,DR: There were neon bright blinking red flags even during the trials that these HEGT shots should have never left the lab.
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Originally Posted By planemaker:
Lots of interesting tidbits in the latest (and last) tranche of documents released by the FDA under the FOIA.


TL,DR: There were neon bright blinking red flags even during the trials that these HEGT shots should have never left the lab.

FDA Acknowledges Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease

In its Pharmacovigilance Plan Review Memorandum, the FDA referenced a condition called “vaccine-associated enhanced disease.” According to the journal Vaccine, VAED is the modified presentation of a clinical infection affecting individuals exposed to the wild-type pathogen after having received a vaccine for the same pathogen.

Remember when we just called it VAIDS?
Link Posted: 12/14/2023 6:10:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/14/2023 9:54:06 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RSG:

Remember when we just called it VAIDS?
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Originally Posted By RSG:
Originally Posted By planemaker:
Lots of interesting tidbits in the latest (and last) tranche of documents released by the FDA under the FOIA.


TL,DR: There were neon bright blinking red flags even during the trials that these HEGT shots should have never left the lab.

FDA Acknowledges Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease

In its Pharmacovigilance Plan Review Memorandum, the FDA referenced a condition called “vaccine-associated enhanced disease.” According to the journal Vaccine, VAED is the modified presentation of a clinical infection affecting individuals exposed to the wild-type pathogen after having received a vaccine for the same pathogen.

Remember when we just called it VAIDS?

Yep. And, I also remember us calling out a bunch of the the things in that article as they were happening. I can also remember the "original antigenic sin" argument against the HEGT shots.

And, as these (and other) docs are showing, the bastards at the FDA knew about all of this and deliberately swept it under the rug.
Link Posted: 12/14/2023 10:46:48 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By planemaker:

Yep. And, I also remember us calling out a bunch of the the things in that article as they were happening. I can also remember the "original antigenic sin" argument against the HEGT shots.

And, as these (and other) docs are showing, the bastards at the FDA knew about all of this and deliberately swept it under the rug.
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Originally Posted By planemaker:
Originally Posted By RSG:
Originally Posted By planemaker:
Lots of interesting tidbits in the latest (and last) tranche of documents released by the FDA under the FOIA.


TL,DR: There were neon bright blinking red flags even during the trials that these HEGT shots should have never left the lab.

FDA Acknowledges Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease

In its Pharmacovigilance Plan Review Memorandum, the FDA referenced a condition called “vaccine-associated enhanced disease.” According to the journal Vaccine, VAED is the modified presentation of a clinical infection affecting individuals exposed to the wild-type pathogen after having received a vaccine for the same pathogen.

Remember when we just called it VAIDS?

Yep. And, I also remember us calling out a bunch of the the things in that article as they were happening. I can also remember the "original antigenic sin" argument against the HEGT shots.

And, as these (and other) docs are showing, the bastards at the FDA knew about all of this and deliberately swept it under the rug.

There was money to be made.  People's lives don't matter.
Link Posted: 12/14/2023 10:48:51 PM EDT

Link Posted: 12/15/2023 10:13:24 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By exponentialpi:

There was money to be made.  People's lives don't matter.
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Originally Posted By exponentialpi:
Originally Posted By planemaker:
Originally Posted By RSG:
Originally Posted By planemaker:
Lots of interesting tidbits in the latest (and last) tranche of documents released by the FDA under the FOIA.


TL,DR: There were neon bright blinking red flags even during the trials that these HEGT shots should have never left the lab.

FDA Acknowledges Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease

In its Pharmacovigilance Plan Review Memorandum, the FDA referenced a condition called “vaccine-associated enhanced disease.” According to the journal Vaccine, VAED is the modified presentation of a clinical infection affecting individuals exposed to the wild-type pathogen after having received a vaccine for the same pathogen.

Remember when we just called it VAIDS?

Yep. And, I also remember us calling out a bunch of the the things in that article as they were happening. I can also remember the "original antigenic sin" argument against the HEGT shots.

And, as these (and other) docs are showing, the bastards at the FDA knew about all of this and deliberately swept it under the rug.

There was money to be made.  People's lives don't matter.

There was a control issue too. More shots equals more infections , and therfore equals more state control ...for the good of the people of course.
Link Posted: 12/15/2023 12:25:35 PM EDT
[Last Edit: 9D1Alpha] [#31]

It used to be conspiracy theory that there was sv40 in the vaccines.  It is now admitted.  I think that is a critical point that gets passed up while everyone is so overwhelmed with so much information coming in . Sv40.
Link Posted: 12/15/2023 12:44:55 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 9D1Alpha:

It used to be conspiracy theory that there was sv40 in the vaccines.  It is now admitted.  I think that is a critical point that gets passed up while everyone is so overwhelmed with so much information coming in . Sv40. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuZsEqOtDdI
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Uhhh.....the SV40 is just added as a PH buffer....because its science....or something......

Link Posted: 12/16/2023 9:33:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2023 11:02:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/17/2023 12:57:46 AM EDT
'Either go to the dark place, or stand up against those who take from us' | Excess COVID deaths rise

Link Posted: 12/19/2023 2:52:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2023 4:43:19 PM EDT
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It's too bad that the Covidians are too arrogant to understand how fucking stupid and wrong they are.

Link Posted: 12/20/2023 9:43:49 PM EDT
Variants and scariants

Link Posted: 12/24/2023 6:48:14 PM EDT

And she's promoting this article which is kinda long, so here's just a few nuggets:

How the press manufactured consent for never-ending COVID reinfections
Continual reinfection was not the "new normal" Biden advertised. How did we get here?'


How did we get here? When we were first vaccinated, many of us in early 2021, was this the future we were promised? Constant reinfections that will surely disable many of us, but hopefully it won’t be you, so go about your day?


Looking at the boiling-frog timeline, we need to examine how far the goalposts have moved since March 2021, and this is a great example. The CDC under the Biden administration explicitly stated that “ending the pandemic” would result from sterilizing immunity vaccines. When it turned out our vaccines weren’t sterilizing… let the great spin begin.


If you’re updating your glossary, it’s here we first begin to encounter the famous COVID “upticks.” Under Trump, we had COVID surges. But as daily COVID cases rise precipitously in that third large spike in our wastewater graph, large liberal news outlets adopt the word “uptick” and hang on to it for dear life through surge after surge.


We went from celebrating in March 2021 because we would not be infected, to celebrating the rarity of infection, to celebrating the mildness of infection, to celebrating that those harmed by COVID are ‘not us’.

The media, in order to prop up the incompetent Biden administration, successfully cast those who continue to be harmed as an out-group that exists outside the social contract of community care.


The political project of normalizing transmitting COVID and casting basic, scientific mitigations as bad, weird, mean, stupid, and impossible is a fantastic coup for the right. It is the utter rejection of state responsibility for public welfare, paired with the complete shredding of an early-pandemic solidarity that bound those at risk (everyone) together. That solidarity was replaced with a poisonous “us vs them” worldview whereby those who have been and are harmed are weak, lying, lame, unlucky, unusual, uncool, rare, stupid, bad, mean, aggressive, psychologically disturbed and/or crazy. This schism seeps into the bloodstream of leftist organizing and splinters our coalition, shattering our incipient power as, unsurprisingly, the popularity of the fascists surges globally. I would argue it is the most thorough victory of the far-right in living memory, and it has embedded its eugenicist logic into the very foundation of public beliefs about health, disability, and who deserves safety.
Link Posted: 12/26/2023 2:47:30 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By RSG:

The political project of normalizing transmitting COVID and casting basic, scientific mitigations as bad, weird, mean, stupid, and impossible is a fantastic coup for the right. It is the utter rejection of state responsibility for public welfare, paired with the complete shredding of an early-pandemic solidarity that bound those at risk (everyone) together. That solidarity was replaced with a poisonous “us vs them” worldview whereby those who have been and are harmed are weak, lying, lame, unlucky, unusual, uncool, rare, stupid, bad, mean, aggressive, psychologically disturbed and/or crazy. This schism seeps into the bloodstream of leftist organizing and splinters our coalition, shattering our incipient power as, unsurprisingly, the popularity of the fascists surges globally. I would argue it is the most thorough victory of the far-right in living memory, and it has embedded its eugenicist logic into the very foundation of public beliefs about health, disability, and who deserves safety.
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For the part in bold

Link Posted: 12/27/2023 4:19:32 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By 9D1Alpha:
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Unfortunately I think it's gonna be the former
Link Posted: 1/15/2024 10:11:44 PM EDT
[Last Edit: RSG] [#42]
Plan to vaccinate the planet failed, time to move on to the "water crisis"

Link Posted: 1/16/2024 4:59:00 AM EDT
I would not trust that group to arrange the napping rugs at pre-school.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 11:17:04 AM EDT
Many of us saw the data on certain lots having more serious adverse events than others. Problem was, the size of the lots not being available rendered assessing the rate of adverse events between lots impossible. Now a group has finally won their court suit to get the lot sizes and has teamed up with OpenVAERS to do an analysis that showed, yep, some lots were hot and some not so much.

Confirmation of what we suspected
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 5:18:05 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By planemaker:
Many of us saw the data on certain lots having more serious adverse events than others. Problem was, the size of the lots not being available rendered assessing the rate of adverse events between lots impossible. Now a group has finally won their court suit to get the lot sizes and has teamed up with OpenVAERS to do an analysis that showed, yep, some lots were hot and some not so much.

Confirmation of what we suspected
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I wonder if any actually were effective as a vax?
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 10:46:34 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By planemaker:
Many of us saw the data on certain lots having more serious adverse events than others. Problem was, the size of the lots not being available rendered assessing the rate of adverse events between lots impossible. Now a group has finally won their court suit to get the lot sizes and has teamed up with OpenVAERS to do an analysis that showed, yep, some lots were hot and some not so much.

Confirmation of what we suspected
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Non paywall link.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:28:46 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By APPARITION:

I wonder if any actually were effective as a vax?
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Originally Posted By APPARITION:
Originally Posted By planemaker:
Many of us saw the data on certain lots having more serious adverse events than others. Problem was, the size of the lots not being available rendered assessing the rate of adverse events between lots impossible. Now a group has finally won their court suit to get the lot sizes and has teamed up with OpenVAERS to do an analysis that showed, yep, some lots were hot and some not so much.

Confirmation of what we suspected

I wonder if any actually were effective as a vax?

Cleveland Clinic Study and Austrian national study say no .
Link Posted: 1/22/2024 12:05:06 PM EDT
At this point it's obvious there will be no accountability for the messed up government covid response that began in early 2020. This just empowers them to do it all over again.
Those that were in charge, and those currently in charge, still swear up and down it was the right thing and they saved millions of lives despite numerous studies showing otherwise.
Link Posted: 1/25/2024 12:39:06 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Scoobysmak] [#49]
I know there are people that don't like this source but.....


The nation’s top public health agency did not send an alert on COVID-19 vaccines and heart inflammation because officials were concerned they would cause panic.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2021 drafted an alert for heart inflammation, or myocarditis, and the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. Officials prepared to release it to the public, taking steps including having the agency’s director review the language.  

The alert would have been sent through the CDC’s Health Alert System (HAN) network, which goes to state and local officials, as well as doctors, across the country.

The alert was never sent.

In the May 25, 2021, email, exclusively obtained by The Epoch Times, a CDC official revealed why some officials were against sending the alert.

“The pros and cons of an official HAN are what the main discussion are right now,” Dr. Sara Oliver, the official, wrote in the missive. “I think it’s likely to be a HAN since that is CDC’s primary method of communications to clinicians and public health departments, but people don’t want to appear alarmist either.”
Link Posted: 1/25/2024 3:12:42 PM EDT
goodbye informed consent............
Rule went into effect 1-22-24
Getting ready for phase II?
This final rule allows an exception from the requirement to obtain informed consent when a clinical investigation poses no more than minimal risk to the human subject.........
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