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Posted: 10/29/2004 8:18:25 AM EDT

Arsenal of war-time weapons seized from Beaverton home

06:20 PM PDT on Thursday, October 28, 2004

By ABE ESTIMADA, kgw.com Staff

BEAVERTON – Federal and local law enforcement agents raided a Beaverton house that was apparently used to store an arsenal of high-powered weaponry that is typically found in military hot zones such as Baghdad.

Perhaps most alarmingly, behind the home where the weapons were found is McKay Elementary School on 7485 SW Scholls Ferry Road.

Among the weapons seized at the house on 7420 SW 101st Avenue was a belt-fed, semiautomatic .50 caliber anti-aircraft gun mounted on a tripod. The weapon was fully loaded and facing outward toward neighbors’ homes, said Beaverton police officer Paul Wandell.

Had the .50 caliber been fired, it would’ve “destroyed the neighborhood,” Wandell said.
“The rounds will go through the engine block of a car,” he said. “They’re designed for penetrating power.”

Also taken from the split-level house was a German-made, .726 caliber machine gun also mounted on a tripod and loaded to open fire. Investigators worked into late Thursday afternoon to carry out the cache of heavy weaponry, which also included an unknown number of armor piercing and ordinary rounds, Uzi submachine guns and AK-47 assault rifles.

Authorities also took 110 marijuana plants from the house.

U.S. Marshals took 30-year-old Jason Thomas Laureno, the owner of the weapons, into custody on Thursday.

Wandell would not say why Laureno had collected the weapons or whether more arrests were pending. Nor would he say how long Laureno had been under investigation.

But Wandell did say that Laureno was part of a cross-state investigation that extends all the way to Florida. Beaverton police and federal agencies plan to share more details about the weapons bust during a news conference on Friday morning.

Neighbors had said the home was relatively quiet, but they noticed anti-United Nations signs at the house.

“My feeling is that the neighbors were completely unaware of what was inside the house,” Wandell said.

Wandell would not say if Laureno was part of or affiliated with any right-wing, extremist groups that typically espouse these types of views.

“Working for city agencies, I’ve never seen this type of weaponry seized in a home before,” Wandell said.

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:21:10 AM EDT
And what did the guy do wrong besides exercising the 2nd?
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:21:52 AM EDT

Neighbors had said the home was relatively quiet, but they noticed anti-United Nations signs at the house.

“My feeling is that the neighbors were completely unaware of what was inside the house,” Wandell said.

Wandell would not say if Laureno was part of or affiliated with any right-wing, extremist groups that typically espouse these types of views.

Most troubling part of the entire story right there.
The attitude regarding anti-UN statements and "right wing extrmemists"
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:24:23 AM EDT
guns and weed.. musta been a libertarian.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:24:32 AM EDT
So he had a semi ma-duece and a semi M60
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:24:53 AM EDT

And what did the guy do wrong besides exercising the 2nd?

Cultivating Marijuana for distribution maybe?

Edited to say I prov red it agin fer tha answer...
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:26:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:29:23 AM EDT


BEAVERTON -- Law enforcement authorities have raided a Beaverton home that was allegedly used to store an arsenal of high-powered, military-grade weapons.

Among the weapons seized at the house on Thursday was a belt-fed, semiautomatic .50 caliber anti-aircraft gun mounted on a tripod. The weapon was fully loaded and facing outward toward neighbors' homes, according to Beaverton police officer Paul Wandell.

Had the gun been fired, it would've "destroyed the neighborhood," Wandell said.

The cache of heavy weaponry also included an unknown number of armor piercing and ordinary rounds, Uzi submachine guns and AK-47 assault rifles.

Authorities also took 110 marijuana plants from the house. U.S. Marshals took 30-year-old Jason Laureno, the owner of the weapons, into custody on Thursday.

Wandell said Laureno was part of a cross-state investigation that extends all the way to Florida.

(Copyright 2004 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

Look out Norman, they are coming for you

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:34:46 AM EDT
Sooo... what did he do wrong?
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:36:28 AM EDT

Sooo... what did he do wrong?

Somthing about 110 pot plants comes to mind
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:37:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:40:39 AM EDT


Had the .50 caliber been fired, it would’ve “destroyed the neighborhood,” Wandell said.

I gotta remember that when I load my BFG50.  

Shoot through schools?  No, Itll shoot through neighborhoods.

And what did the guy do wrong besides exercising the 2nd?

Sooo... what did he do wrong?

Authorities also took 110 marijuana plants from the house.

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:42:27 AM EDT
Everything sounded cool to me till I heard about the Dope!
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:43:47 AM EDT

Only in California the bastard jack booted thugs here will stop at nothing will they ... wait a minute ... that's Oregon. Must be the Californian who have moved up there taking over.

My parents live an a little po-dunk town in Idaho. A few years back a guy moved in from CA, and ended up becoming the sherrif. He brought in a bunch of ex-Kalifornians to work in the PD. Apparently, they have fucked up the whole town. and the pd is notoriously corrupt.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:50:09 AM EDT
Which member here has gone missing recently?
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:52:00 AM EDT
Sad part is all that stuff will be destroyed because its EVIL!!
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:52:38 AM EDT

Everything sounded cool to me till I heard about the Dope!

True, the dope is the illegal part but they make the big deal about the weapons and just casually mention the pot as an afterthought!  WTF?!

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:53:18 AM EDT
.726?? Where do you get ammo for that?
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:54:45 AM EDT

Which member here has gone missing recently?

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:55:56 AM EDT
And you all think we're not being watched!

This is why I don't own any firearms.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 8:58:52 AM EDT

And what did the guy do wrong besides exercising the 2nd?

Oops, my bad about missing the pot plants . . . .unless he had a doctors note of course.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 9:02:04 AM EDT

Everything sounded cool to me till I heard about the Dope Dupe !

fixed it.


Link Posted: 10/29/2004 9:02:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 9:03:28 AM EDT
They also said on the news he has a "permit" for medical mary jane.  Interesting....

The Pig
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 9:04:32 AM EDT
Drugs & guns don't mix. At least when the law is concerned. Interestingly, congress used the NFA to ban pot in the 30's.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 9:06:33 AM EDT
"Had the .50 caliber been fired, it would’ve “destroyed the neighborhood,” Wandell said. "

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 9:09:06 AM EDT
[Kerry]While this administration was busy disarming Iraq, which was not a threat to us, George W. Bush was allowing drug dealers in this coutry to re-arm and threaten our neighborhoods, schools and police with weapons of war. I have a plan to stop that! Help is on the way![/Kerry]
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 9:20:14 AM EDT
drug dealers, the less the better.  i'm glad the police got to him now before he had the chance to do something stupid with those guns
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 9:21:03 AM EDT
Holy crap!  This tied the "More thrusts per squeeze" article for the 'most biased new article EVER' award.  This jackass invented more catch phrases than I could ever imagine.

Arsenal of war-time weapons seized from Beaverton home

Now it's no longer just a plain 'ol 'arsenal', it's an 'arsenal of war-time weapons'?  What would qualify as a 'peace-time' weapon?

Among the weapons seized at the house on 7420 SW 101st Avenue was a belt-fed, semiautomatic .50 caliber anti-aircraft gun mounted on a tripod. The weapon was fully loaded and facing outward toward neighbors’ homes, said Beaverton police officer Paul Wandell.

LOL!  Good luck with that semi auto anti-aircraft gun.  Better hope for slow aircraft, maybe a glider or two.

Had the .50 caliber been fired, it would’ve “destroyed the neighborhood,” Wandell said.
“The rounds will go through the engine block of a car,” he said. “They’re designed for penetrating power.”

Holy cow, a nuclear tipped .50 cal round!

Also taken from the split-level house was a German-made, .726 caliber machine gun also mounted on a tripod and loaded to open fire. Investigators worked into late Thursday afternoon to carry out the cache of heavy weaponry, which also included an unknown number of armor piercing and ordinary rounds, Uzi submachine guns and AK-47 assault rifles.

Oh no!  Not the ubiquitous Uzi submachine gun and AK-47 assault rifles!  Think of all the puppies and kittens he could have massacred!

Authorities also took 110 marijuana plants from the house.

Aw, never mind that.  We only need one sentance about the illegal drugs.  Let's focus some more on the 'war-time arsenal' which may or may have not been legally owned.

Neighbors had said the home was relatively quiet, but they noticed anti-United Nations signs at the house.

OMFG!  Rumor has it that he also had an AMERICAN flag!!!  What a traitorous bastard!  

“My feeling is that the neighbors were completely unaware of what was inside the house,” Wandell said.

Oh no!  The guy values his privacy, how dare him?!?

Wandell would not say if Laureno was part of or affiliated with any right-wing, extremist groups that typically espouse these types of views.

Yeah, never mind the peace loving Muslim terrorists non-Christian freedom fighters.  It's those sneaky, evil, Bush supporting righties you have to look out for...
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 9:28:27 AM EDT

German-made, .726 caliber machine gun also mounted on a tripod and loaded to open fire

What caliber and rifle would this be?  .726cal  is 18.44mm?
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 9:38:40 AM EDT
I need to go to the gunshow more often, I never see that kind of stuff for sale.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 9:42:50 AM EDT


German-made, .726 caliber machine gun also mounted on a tripod and loaded to open fire

What caliber and rifle would this be?  .726cal  is 18.44mm?

I have a feeling they just fucked up writing 7.62mm.

He's a journalist, he doesnt need to get ALL the details right.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 10:16:31 AM EDT
If that guy had 100+ pot plants in his house then he deserves to rot. I don't believe that weed is a just a harmless drug that doesn't affect anybody. I would love to see all those people say that offer their 18 year-old children weed. Smoke out with them....bunch of shit.

It's assholes like that give all of us black rifle owners a bad name. Send his ass away for a long time....

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 10:20:31 AM EDT
The weapons could be for home protection from zombies.

The weed ... that shit is just wrong.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 10:41:52 AM EDT

     He's a journalist, he doesnt need to get ALL ANY OF the details right.


Fixed it for ya LHD.

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 11:01:43 AM EDT
Sounds like the guy was just begging to get busted.  

"Drugs, guns linked to school's neighbor
A Beaverton man is accused of growing marijuana and stockpiling weapons next to McKay Elementary
Friday, October 29, 2004

BEAVERTON -- Federal agents on Thursday arrested a Beaverton man who is accused of using 29 guns -- including a mounted .50-caliber anti-aircraft gun -- to guard a marijuana-growing operation in his home next to an elementary school. "


"An affidavit in support of a search warrant, written by ATF Special Agent Charles J. Faulk on Tuesday, detailed the events authorities allege led up to Laureno's arrest:

Special Agent Michael Coad of the ATF was undercover Aug. 20 in Sarasota, Fla., when he met Laureno. Laureno told him he had many firearms, including machine guns. Laureno also said he earns money by selling marijuana, using his medical marijuana card as a cover. Laureno arranged to send Coad a sample of marijuana to see whether Coad would purchase some.

On Sept. 9, Coad received a package from Laureno that contained about 41 grams of marijuana, in addition to compact discs and literature regarding militias and information on how to convert semiautomatic guns to automatic.

On Sept. 20, Coad talked to Laureno by telephone, thanking him for the marijuana. Laureno invited Coad to Oregon and said he could sell more marijuana to Coad after meeting his current orders.

Coad met Laureno at his home Oct. 19. Coad saw 17 firearms, 12 of which appeared fully automatic. Coad also saw the two mounted guns in the living room window and the marijuana growing operation, which Laureno said brought him about $100,000 a year.

Coad asked Laureno whether he was worried about anyone coming to his house to check on how many marijuana plants he was growing.

"Jason Thomas Laureno stated that no one in Oregon cared as long as he did not bother anybody and that if anyone came to his house to check 'they had better be ready for a war,' " Faulk wrote in the affidavit.

The affidavit also said Laureno legally owned a silencer and two machine guns, according to ATF records. "


Link to story
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 11:19:18 AM EDT
Sounds like they were filming an episode of "The Trailer Park Boys"...
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 11:24:13 AM EDT

Sounds like the guy was just begging to get busted.  

The guy sounds like an asshole, and the world is probably a better place with him behind bars.  

What pisses me off though is the media propaganda.  In the first article it's funny how they only mention the illegal drugs once, but they mention the guns (which were most likely legal) throughout the entire article.

Coad met Laureno at his home Oct. 19. Coad saw 17 firearms, 12 of which appeared fully automatic.

APPEARED to be fully automatic?  WTF does that mean?  I guess my AR would 'appear' to be fully automatic to a dumbass.

The affidavit also said Laureno legally owned a silencer and two machine guns, according to ATF records. "

Who knows, maybe this is just a load of BS.  I'm not a tinfoil hat type, but does anyone else think it's strange that a criminal would REGISTER two machine guns and a suppressor with the BATFE???

If I'm selling drugs, the LAST thing I'm going to do is pay inflated prices for a registered MG, plus a $200 tax stamp AND send my fingerprints and photos to BATFE for their files.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 11:28:05 AM EDT


     He's a journalist, he doesnt need to get ALL ANY OF the details right.


Fixed it for ya LHD.

My bad.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 11:35:51 AM EDT

I'm not a tinfoil hat type, but does anyone else think it's strange that a criminal would REGISTER two machine guns and a suppressor with the BATFE???
- Strange, but not unheard of.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 11:44:00 AM EDT

Which member here has gone missing recently?

I hate to admit it, but my first thought was "I wonder what screen name he posts under here?"...

guns and weed.. musta been a libertarian.

... and that was my second.  
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 11:46:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 11:46:28 AM EDT

I need to go to the gunshow more often, I never see that kind of stuff for sale.

You can only get those things from ice-cream trucks.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 11:53:28 AM EDT
ahhh man they busted my house.    good thing I was in FL for that....

just kidding but I live right by there.  I'm in FL for college.  I see nothing wrong with a person having said weapons.  In fact I want the weapons... I wonder if they'll auction them off.  but hat being said fully loaded and pointed out the window is only smart if your expecting to get raided as this guy was... other wise it's stupid and I site the saftey rules.  I also seem that this was a drug bust which means this guy was one of those bad guy that probably broke several laws in the aquisition of the guns.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:07:29 PM EDT

The affidavit also said Laureno legally owned a silencer and two machine guns, according to ATF records.

How did the CLEO sign off on that????

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:12:35 PM EDT
"Neighbors had said the home was relatively quiet, but they noticed anti-United Nations signs at the house.

Wandell would not say if Laureno was part of or affiliated with any right-wing, extremist groups that typically espouse these types of views. "

Lets see, my congressman, Ron Paul is on the record stating:

"And then there's my least favorite topic, the UN. World government is obviously unconstitutional. It undermines our country's sovereignty in the worst way possible. That's why I want us out of the UN, and the UN itself taking a hike. After all, the UN is socialist and corrupt (many votes can be bought with a "blonde and a case of scotch," one UN ambassador once said). It costs many billions, and it puts our soldiers in UN uniforms under foreign commanders, and sends them off to unconstitutional, undeclared wars. When Michael New, one of the finest young men I've ever met, objected to wearing UN blue, he was kicked out of the American Army. What an outrage! Not one dime for the UN, and not one American soldier! Not in Haiti, not in Bosnia, not in Somalia, not in Rwanda. I know its radical, but how about devoting American military efforts to defending America, and only America? Such ideas, said one newspaper reporter, make me a maverick who will never go far because he won't go along to get along. Darn right! What does "go far" mean? Get a big government job? To heck with that. And I won't sell my vote for pork either. "

He must be "right-wing extremist" too.  

That's why NOBODY even bothered to run against him in elections this year???


and as far as the semi-auto M2, as far as I know they're still legal in all fifty states (till CA's new law kicks in)

Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:48:59 PM EDT
It will be interesting to see what charges are finally brought against him. Of course the drug dealing needs to be prosecuted.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:51:35 PM EDT

And what did the guy do wrong besides exercising the 2nd?

Well, there is the weed...
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 12:56:55 PM EDT
The guy probably had the plants, the Feds planted ( pun intended) the rest.Or maybe the guy had the guns and the Feds brought the pot? Hey! Where is my aluminum hat?!
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 1:53:12 PM EDT

Suspect in Beaverton weapons bust threatened 'war'

02:40 PM PDT on Friday, October 29, 2004

By ABE ESTIMADA, kgw.com Staff

BEAVERTON – The suspect who owned a small arsenal of military grade weapons threatened that if any police ever came to his Beaverton home, they’d “better be ready for war.”

Jason Thomas Laureno, 29, was arrested without incident on Thursday before he could carry out his threat.

The .50 caliber anti-aircraft gun, along with the 33 other assorted semiautomatic assault weapons, machine guns, silencers and bullets inside his home on 7420 SW 101st Avenue, suggested that Laureno’s threat was not an idle one.

When federal and local law enforcement agents raided the split-level house on Thursday, the anti-aircraft gun – powerful enough to saw through a police car -- was ready to be loaded and pointed toward the driveway and sidewalk.

Near the home, its yard covered in fresh-fallen leaves, were McKay Elementary School and Woodford Junior High School.

“It’s scary,” said Beaverton police chief David Bishop on Friday. “It’s scary…when you have this type of situation located… that close to schools, with a grow operation going on, and the fact that they were pointed at the direction of somebody making the attempt to come in.”

“As a chief of police, my fear would be one of my officers making a routine call there and having a major shootout.

Bishop’s police officers never had to undertake the life-or-death mission of confronting Laureno at his fortified home

Bishop didn’t disclose details, but police and federal agents were able to arrest Laureno away from the house at a Beaverton Home Depot without incident. Laureno, who has a concealed weapons permit, was armed when he was arrested.

Laureno was indicted on Oct. 21 by a federal grand jury on a charge of using and carrying firearms during or in relation to a crime of violence or a drug-trafficking crime. If convicted on the charge, he faces a prison term of at least 30 years.

But Laureno’s arrest raised more questions than answers. Because it is an ongoing investigation, federal authorities were generally mum about Laureno’s motives for keeping such a disturbing collection of guns. They also declined to discuss his background.

Because the federal probe is ongoing, more charges and arrests could be on the way, Bishop said.

“We’ll do a paper trail and look at other possibilities,” Bishop said. “We might have nothing. We might have something. We served a search warrant (Thursday). We have a lot of material to go through.”

Investigators found 115 marijuana plants inside the house. Laureno told an undercover agent that he bankrolled the purchase of the weapons through growing and selling marijuana.

Laureno had an Oregon medical marijuana card for an unknown ailment. By law, Bishop could not say what medical condition had prompted Laureno to obtain such a card.

While explaining his drugs and weapons racket to the agent, Laureno said that “no one in Oregon cared if he possessed marijuana, but if (authorities) came to his house, they’d better be ready for war,” said Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms special agent in charge Kelvin Crenshaw from Seattle.

Laureno shipped about 40 grams of marijuana to an undercover agent in Florida, unwittingly helping federal prosecutors begin making their case against him. On Oct. 19, Laureno gave another four grams to the agent during a visit at his Beaverton home. It was at that time that the agent saw how extensive Laureno’s gun collection really was.

But Crenshaw would not say if their investigation was first prompted by a drugs or weapons complaint and only said that their probe began in August.

Nor would investigators speculate on Laureno’s possible ties to extremist groups.

“We have no information at this point supporting that,” Bishop said.

Anti-United Nations literature and signs, usually espoused by right-wing fringe elements, were allegedly found at his home. Computers were also seized by the house, but authorities declined to say what was on the hard drives.

Another question that investigators could not answer is where Laureno bought these weapons or how long it to accumulate them. Weapons such as the anti-aircraft gun can be purchased at gun shows, Crenshaw said.

But there is no way to register the weapon, and the semiautomatic weapons in Lauren’s possession were illegal because he was involved in drug-related crimes, he added.

“Some of these weapons are legal weapons, but you ask yourself, how many of you have that many weapons sitting at your house?” Crenshaw said. “It certainly takes time to accumulate these kinds of weapons."

The weapons found in a Beaverton home are on display by police.

To compare, a standard round used by police is shown above, while the bullets shown below were to be used on a .50 caliber anti-aircraft gun found inside a Beaverton home.

Jason Thomas Laureno.
Link Posted: 10/29/2004 2:14:46 PM EDT

Suspect in Beaverton weapons bust threatened 'war'

02:40 PM PDT on Friday, October 29, 2004

By ABE ESTIMADA, kgw.com Staff

BEAVERTON – The suspect who owned a small arsenal of military grade weapons threatened that if any police ever came to his Beaverton home, they’d “better be ready for war.”

Jason Thomas Laureno, 29, was arrested without incident on Thursday before he could carry out his threat.

He should be charged and prosecuted for the awful hair-do.
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