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Link Posted: 9/1/2004 2:01:38 PM EDT

...Dude, he is one of the most established persona's on the board: Imbroglio...

Accusing new trolls of actually being Imbroglio has become so passe' that I didn't want to say anything before, but since you went ahead and posted this above - the writing styles are eerily similar, are they not?...

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 2:45:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 3:00:27 PM EDT
I'm 31 on the list and my callsign in Vietnam was Cougar 31....cool.
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 3:46:25 PM EDT
 I'll never get a thread to to 19 pages........and I can't even make the "list"......

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 5:57:52 PM EDT

A little background…

I’ve been passionately fighting for the right to keep and bear arms almost 46 years.  I’m somewhat interested in, but not passionate about, hunting or target shooting or reloading or firearm collecting.  I’ve done them all and enjoyed them, but I have many, many interests I am a lot more passionate about.  One of them is the political right to keep and bear arms, for this is the source of all other rights which too many of us take too much for granted:  The Magna Carta, for example, would not have been signed were it not for the right of the barons to keep and bear arms:  King John signed it at sword point, thus for the first time officially establishing the right of the people to keep and bear arms in defense of their liberties from tyranny and oppression.  The American Revolution depended upon the private right to keep and bear arms.  The list goes on and on.

My fight for this right has caused me to speak before high school and college groups – before high schools and colleges slammed the door on that one out of “political correctness”.  I have written letters to the editor, not only to local papers in the various places where I have lived, but to newspapers around the nation and even a few overseas, when some anti-gun article was published there and brought to my attention.  I have attended rallies, written to and spoken before city councils, state legislators, Congressmen and Senators (not at Congressional hearings, unfortunately).  I have even purchased a copy of Innocents Betrayed, the video by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership and arranged for Arizona State legislators to view it.  Several found the time in their busy schedules, and viewed the video, and were horrified.  I have challenged newspaper reporters in public for reporting that 30 pro-gun people showed up at a city council meeting when in fact over six hundred showed up and it was standing-room only in a Civic Center Auditorium (Sunnyvale, California).  I was a major fighter, writer, and voter register in the California fight to stop Proposition 15 which would have severely restricted the right to keep and bear arms in California.  We won, and then the gun owner’s went back to sleep and the measure passed quietly a year or so later.

I am a dues-paying member of Gun Owner’s of America (GOA), and The Citizen’s Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms’ Ownership (JPFO), and a supporter of the Neal Knox report, and a Life Member of the NRA (which I became before I discovered how often the NRA sells one or more rights hoping to barter back an increment of the right to keep and bear arms).  I think there are a couple more I pay dues to, but I can’t think of them at the moment.

I don’t say all this to toot my own horn or claim some special status among you, far from it.  I don’t need your recognition because I don’t do what I do for you.  I do it for my country and for future generations.  I do it because I lived in Australia four years, and I learned what it means to be an American.  I do it because I have an obligation to earn the right to live in a free country.  No, I say all this just so you will realize I am not some wide-eyed neophyte, or some sophomoric newcomer who thinks he has discovered original sin.  I’ve been at this for a long time, and over that period of time it has become clear to me that what gun-owners there are in this fight – yes, you guys – are quite often their own worst enemy when it comes to defending their right to keep and bear arms.

During the years I have been at this, those who wish to ban all firearms in private hands have been my most serious detractors.  They are well-versed – extremely well-versed – in the Soviet-developed art and science of argument by ridicule, by claiming that “mental health” is only valid if you are on the same page of their agenda that they are.  Knowing how people in the thirties and forties were terrified of “insanity”, they developed – actually that murderer Beria developed – a methodology of argument that immediately, without any preliminaries at all, raised the spectre of mental illness and applied it to anyone who failed to agree with the commie agenda.  I’ve dealt with these people for a long time.  I have dealt with that commie method of argument for a long time; I have become very thick-skinned and fairly adept at ignoring it and presenting my case in spite of it.  But sooner or later, 90% of the messages are Psychopolitics and only 10% have anything to do with the subject under discussion.  That is exactly what the Psychopol strives for – that is, for example, exactly what DK-Prof has striven for without fail on this thread and the previous threads, and he ALWAYS finishes his attacks with the Psychopol mantra:  “Go get medical help” or some equivalent.  Why you tolerate him and for God’s sake even emulate him is beyond any rational understanding; he is a programmed twerp without redeeming value.

I’ve been fighting Commies who have used these techniques for forty years or more.  I consider these techniques to violate every known parameter of fair play, respect for the views of another, manners, integrity, respect for truth – in fact, if you read Beria’s textbook you find that respect for truth is not a factor at all; he says in several places that what you are saying doesn’t have to be true because the purpose is to discredit and destroy your enemy, not disprove his thesis.

Then I come here and I find putative gun owners doing the same thing as the gun-banners have been doing for forty years, and basically attempting to destroy an argument without hearing it, without researching it, without even considering it, as though I brought up some reason to ban guns instead of an argument to make against banning guns.  If you aren’t fighting for a Communist agenda, why do you use Communist techniques of argumentation?  If you are going to exhibit a total lack of integrity, then you can’t blame someone for believing you have no integrity.  But you continue on, more interested in the applause meter from the cheering section than you are in protecting the right to keep and bear arms.  I hope you all have fun sitting around passing out awards to each other while your firearms are being confiscated.

Well, you guys have had a lot of fun in these threads, but you have no interest and no clue on how to preserve and protect our right to keep and bear arms, or even how to meet your fellow man on even terms based upon some understanding of integrity.  For that reason I have no use for you and I have no interest in associating with you.  There is only about four of you who have outgrown the mentality of a high school bully, and those four are welcome to discuss matters by private email if desired.  I’ll go on fighting for the right to keep and bear arms on my own as I have for roughly 46 years, but it will be a cold day in Hell before I will try to work with a bunch of Neanderthals like this bunch again.  Too bad; you guys are going to lose the right for all of us because you are too busy have some kind of cruel “fun” than you are protecting the right to keep and bear arms – I know that if I was ever polled for my thoughts on the character of gun owners, I’d really have to say I haven’t seen much of it lately.

What's hilarious is that ever when you are TRYING to appear reasonable, and not spouting nonsense about global banking conspiracies against you (or telling us how the U.S. government blew up the Murrah federal building and TWA flight 800) you STILL cannot help but reveal your underlying paranoia and mental imbalance.

If people did NOT believe that you were certifiably insane BEFORE this thread, they certainly do so now.

None of MY supposed "psychopolitics" accomplished that - YOU did that all by yourself with the very first post in this thread.  

But keep claiming that I'm some secret communist agent out to get you - all the people that have come to know me over the past many years are shitting their pants laughing at you.    

(Plus, every time you post your ridiculous - but entertaining - accusations, I have another electonic record that can be used in a libel suit against you, since you've kindly identified yourself to us.    Maybe you should worry about that, instead of imagined conpsiracies and secret agents out to get you )
Link Posted: 9/1/2004 6:28:00 PM EDT
frdmftr1 came here with some good points (UCC not being enforced; corporations and how their rights have mutated).  He is not Imbroglio, and his style does not resemble Imbro's in any way, for pete's sake he is here fighting it out page after page, Imbro just posted and ran.  Obviously, this 'psychopolitics' post is a bit nutty, really a childish rant against his detractors.  But...  

Why do you (DKProf et al) keep posting?  Why do you feel drawn to comment?  frdmftr1 is not the fascinating part of these threads, but rather those who just have to post.  I read some of his 'check cashing' thread and was amazed that so many would not/could not see the simple point that he was making:  the UCC was not being enforced.  It is important.  It is real.  Why do you have to slam this guy?  I am asking a real question here.  Maybe someone could start a thread on it.  What compels your behavior?  I see it not as a refutation of a troll, but more as a group/gang/herd/approval-seeking behavior.  Not a pretty sight.

No doubt someone will start another thread in the team forum about trolls and have you seen any lately, and why shouldn't so-n-so get banned, blah blah blah, whaaaaaaaaaaa.  Me thinks such people doth protest too much.  

Link Posted: 9/1/2004 7:04:41 PM EDT

frdmftr1 came here with some good points (UCC not being enforced; corporations and how their rights have mutated).  He is not Imbroglio, and his style does not resemble Imbro's in any way, for pete's sake he is here fighting it out page after page, Imbro just posted and ran.  Obviously, this 'psychopolitics' post is a bit nutty, really a childish rant against his detractors.  But...  

So I guess if I posted a thread telling everyone that I had figured out that Ngog_Nrythrng is a child molester, and I am telling everyone on ar15.com about it!!  You wouldn't feel compelled at all to post in it ... either to defend yourself, or to RIDICULE the poster??

This nutbag is seriously claiming that I am some secretly paid communist agent, here on ar15.com for the purpose or discrediting him - and possibly with the intent of murdering him!!!!  

... and technically, he doesn't actually have ANY good points (which you'll see if you read the corporation thread and the banking thread carefully.  his motives, while he tries to obscure them, are really quite obvious and self-serving)

Why do you (DKProf et al) keep posting?  Why do you feel drawn to comment?  frdmftr1 is not the fascinating part of these threads, but rather those who just have to post.  I read some of his 'check cashing' thread and was amazed that so many would not/could not see the simple point that he was making:  the UCC was not being enforced.  It is important.  It is real.  Why do you have to slam this guy?  I am asking a real question here.  Maybe someone could start a thread on it.  What compels your behavior?  I see it not as a refutation of a troll, but more as a group/gang/herd/approval-seeking behavior.  Not a pretty sight.

There are several answers to that question.

First of all, I didn't "pile on" in the other thread or start to ridicule him early on, while others DID.  I actually tried to assk him some questions, because I was trying to understand - and I got nothing but gobbledygook in response.  It was only after that (and after his more bizarre statements about the US government blowing up federal buildings and commercial airliners) that I really started the ridicule.

Second, I am irritated by his arrogance and dismissive attitude towards everyone and anyone that disagree with him.  When he makes outrageous statements, I challenge him to support them - and get nonsense and wild and crazy accusations in return.  Notice his latest attempt to try to appear all "reasonable" - I will not let that stand unchallenges because he CONTINUES his bizzare claim that I am a paid communist agent or somethign like that

Third, I get a lot of value out of ar15.com -  including great information and advice, interesting people, friendships, etc - and entertainement.  This guy's antics are incredibly entertaining, and he makes me crap myself with laughter.  The mere possibility that he actually believes that I am some paid communist agent, with a mission to keep him from spouting paranoid delusions on the internet, is priceless !    (I worried for a while that I was actually enabeling a person with a mental illness, but I've resolved that issue).  This guy is better entertainement that cable !  

No doubt someone will start another thread in the team forum about trolls and have you seen any lately, and why shouldn't so-n-so get banned, blah blah blah, whaaaaaaaaaaa.  Me thinks such people doth protest too much.  

I agree - and I think you'll find that I generally leave most trolls alone, and do not get into arguments with them.  I have a "live and let live" attitude towards trolls in general.  
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 1:53:54 AM EDT
I'm assigning your post a wound value of zero. (the original post)
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 3:39:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 5:58:49 AM EDT

...He is not Imbroglio, and his style does not resemble Imbro's in any way, for pete's sake he is here fighting it out page after page, Imbro just posted and ran...

When I agreed with Q3131A (and I don't even know if he was serious or not) above I was referring to Imbro's sentence structure & word choice, not his "posting style."  On several occaisions in the past, Imbro did more than "post & run" - when he did his posts were very well-written, in a manic sort of way.  Personally I don't care if it is or isn't - I just noted some stylistic similarities.  YMMV.  
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 6:44:11 AM EDT


This nutbag is seriously claiming that I am some secretly paid communist agent, here on ar15.com for the purpose or discrediting him - and possibly with the intent of murdering him!!!!  


 Oh, Great and Fearless Leader....see ( if it pleases you , that is ) my post in the TEAM forum regarding this thread.

challenge is :  " the monkeys have the typewriter "

response is :  " I think they may use it "

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 8:12:11 AM EDT



This nutbag is seriously claiming that I am some secretly paid communist agent, here on ar15.com for the purpose or discrediting him - and possibly with the intent of murdering him!!!!  


 Oh, Great and Fearless Leader  

You know, having been exposed at the master-mind leader of a secret communist conpsiracy is the BEST thing that ever happened.

I've got so many applications for secret psychopolitical training, we might have to build a new underground bunker!  
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 10:59:29 AM EDT

So I guess if I posted a thread telling everyone that I had figured out that Ngog_Nrythrng is a child molester, and I am telling everyone on ar15.com about it!!  You wouldn't feel compelled at all to post in it ... either to defend yourself, or to RIDICULE the poster??

I would notify Staff in such a circumstance.  I would probably not even post a 'foad' type reply.  I certainly would not engage in a mult-page cirlce jerk.  Of course, that accusation is a bit more severe than being a "commie psychiatrist-thing."

Whatever floats your boat, I guess.  For what it is worth, Bush has not lowered himself to respond to Michael Moore's movie...

Link Posted: 9/2/2004 7:33:57 PM EDT
I think we should make a video in imitation of those stupid "I am an American" commercials.

I am Ferdmufter1

I am Furdamfooster1

I am FerDamnfacttrat1

et c.

OTOH, maybe we really should chase him around the internet and use psychopolitical techniques (if we can learn some) to silence him wherever he appears.
Link Posted: 9/2/2004 10:26:42 PM EDT
It just proves your a troll that you haven't responded!  
Link Posted: 9/3/2004 12:52:41 AM EDT

It just proves your a troll that you haven't responded!  

Come on man, It's not his fault that he met dissagreement and couldn't back up his outrageous remarks.  Who are we to dissagree?
Link Posted: 9/4/2004 4:44:16 AM EDT
What's really sad, as this guy admits, is that everywhere he goes he gets the "take you meds" comments. Sorry to break it to you fella, but when everyone else calls you crazy... you're nucking futs.

Link Posted: 9/4/2004 4:47:39 AM EDT
Dang' Jet, I always told myself it was the rest of the world that was crazy not me!!  
Link Posted: 9/4/2004 8:28:38 AM EDT

Oh no!  I may never get that promotion.  Does this mean I could be stuck at #48 forever?  Last place sucks

Hang a red lantern on your ass and be the....

Link Posted: 9/4/2004 8:44:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/4/2004 8:50:17 AM EDT


It's dead, Jim.

So I guess all us secretly paid communist psychopoliticians SUCEEDED in driving off that valiant freedom fighter who might otherwise have exposed all of our grand conspiracies.

Victory is ours!!  

"Thank you, Comrade Stakhanov! Your zeal has led to the fulfillment of yet another Five Six Seven Eight-Year-Plan! Now- on to the Tractor Collective at the Finland Station! "

Link Posted: 9/4/2004 8:52:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/4/2004 9:10:02 AM EDT

95thfoot I like your sig line maybe we could make some trading cards of all 48 of you guys!!!

Thanks you! But we'd have to add four more, or, like FRDMFTR1, we would not be playing with a full deck.....
Link Posted: 9/4/2004 9:27:07 AM EDT


95thfoot I like your sig line maybe we could make some trading cards of all 48 of you guys!!!

Thanks you! But we'd have to add four more, or, like FRDMFTR1, we would not be playing with a full deck.....

THAT is scintillating wit !

Link Posted: 9/4/2004 9:39:47 AM EDT

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