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Link Posted: 8/23/2005 8:48:33 AM EDT

I wouldn't put it past him.


It would be one thing if Pat Robertson was calling for the assasination of Tony Blair.

It is another to call for the assasination of a guy who has done everything possible to try to spit in our eye and threaten us. Tony Blair is a friend.

Chavez isn't.

Underestimating those who position themselves as your enemies is never a wise idea. Guys like Chavez are interested in one thing: Their own hide. They exist for themselves and will do whatever is necessary to preserve themselves.

Thus if you threaten what they value most, you keep them in check.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 8:49:33 AM EDT


No, you missed it. There are two parts here:

1) The message is nuts.

2) The guys speaking it is nuts.

The proof of the second proposition is the first proposition.

Item 2) is true. I knew that way back in 1980.

Item 1) is not. Chavez is a rising and very real threat, and should be taken out, overtly or covertly, ASAP, before we have to send out troops into Venezuela in 2015.

I wish Pat hadn't made that comment. That said however, I have to believe that someone with his contacts and wealth could easily find some talent, who for the right price (paid by him), could make Chavez disappear. The world would be a better place and there would be no sideshow, unlike the one he has now needlessly created.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 8:51:08 AM EDT

I wish Pat hadn't made that comment. That said however, I have to believe that someone with his contacts and wealth could easily find some talent, who for the right price (paid by him), could make Chavez disappear. The world would be a better place and there would be no sideshow, unlike the one he has now needlessly created.

That would be crossing the line.

Privately hiring hitmen to take out other national leaders is just plain wrong.

The US government conducting foreign policy is one thing. Somebody conducting it FOR the US government is a whole different kettle of fish.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 8:53:16 AM EDT

I think Christian leaders should walk in the path of Christ as well.  However, I also think that they play the role of a teacher, and should offer moral guidance on tough questions.  Heck, the Catholics have a just war doctrine that goes all the way back to the middle ages.  I get the sense that a lot of Pat's critics want Christians to do nothing more than say things which make them feel warm and fuzzy.  Heck, look at the fit people throw whenever a preacher gives a hellfire and damnation speech.  Christianity isn't all sunshine and happiness.  It deals with tough moral questions about right and wrong, and indicates that there are serious consequneces for disobediance to God's laws.


Christianity is not some esoteric floating idea. It is real, and it does not faint at taking hard moral questions head on.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 8:57:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 8:59:29 AM EDT


Move along folks, nothing to see there!!!
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 8:59:36 AM EDT


GWB already has a target on his back.

He has a target on his back because he is the President.

Killing Chavez would not make the bullseye any bigger.

Sure it would. Do you think that the lesson would be lost on every other latin american leader that had a problem with the US?

Besides, killing Chavez isn't going to change the way that country votes. So they elect his brother/uncle instead whose first agenda has got to be to whack Bush to save his own ass.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:01:47 AM EDT

Sure it would. Do you think that the lesson would be lost on every other latin american leader that had a problem with the US?

Besides, killing Chavez isn't going to change the way that country votes. So they elect his brother/uncle instead whose first agenda has got to be to whack Bush to save his own ass.

People have been trying to whack the President for a long time. They just don't succeed because we provide him with excellent protection.

If Chavez and his core support are removed from the human population with precision, whomever takes power after Chavez will have some serious thinking to do about just how much he wants to try to threaten the US.

That is the point.

Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:03:56 AM EDT

Chavez is an enemy of the US.

He is conspiring with our enemies.

He is doing almost the same stuff that Mugabe has done.

What is wrong with posing the idea that somebody ought to put a bullet in his head?

I guess nothing right.  

Perfect justification for Iranian sponsored terrorists to take out the President.
    -We conspire with Israel
    -We are an enemy of Iran (sanctions et. al.)
    -We invaded two of their next door neighbors.

Just what the world needs.  A Christian minister advocating terror attacks.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:05:12 AM EDT


I don't know who made that claim, but I sure haven't, and I don't need to to maintain my position.

Just wait. If someone wants him bad enough . . .

He has actively allied himself with Castro.

Then why not kill Castro first?

He has called for revolution.

News Flash! This just in! There are lots of people in Latin America who call for revolution. If you travel there, you might find out why.

He has called for alliances with our enemies.

Anything more than words?

He is supporting insurrections in neighboring countries.


He is oppressing his own people.

That's nothing new for Latin American leaders. By comparative standards, he ain't all that bad on that score.

He has threatened to cut off our oil (which, BTW, makes our country go, which is far more important than "cheap gas").

So if someone refuses to sell us oil, that is justification to kill them?

He sounds a lot like Castro did while he was some asshole punk fighting in the mountains of Cuba.

I wouldn't argue that. But how about something more than "sounds like some asshole punk" as a justification for assassination? If that was the standard, I suspect you wouldn't have made it out of your teens. (Not that you are any different than anyone else in that respect.)

How many people wish we'd taken HIM out back then? I can mention a few relatives who are well-aquainted with Castro's version of prison. It's not something you'll find in an Amnesty International report, though.

I don't know. Do we put assassinations to a vote or something? Is there some kind of online petition we can sign where if we get enough signatures the guy is toast?
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:06:53 AM EDT

I guess nothing right.  

Perfect justification for Iranian sponsored terrorists to take out the President.
    -We conspire with Israel
    -We are an enemy of Iran (sanctions et. al.)
    -We invaded two of their next door neighbors.

Just what the world needs.  A Christian minister advocating terror attacks.

Terrorists target innocent people almost exclusively.

There is a difference between taking out a terrorist threat and BEING a terrorist threat. Most, thankfully, can see that difference quite clearly.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:10:24 AM EDT


There is a huge difference between legal and moral justification for war.

Yeah, with the legal justification, you have to have some evidence that you can show in court. The moral justification is easier -- you just want him dead and think that is the moral thing to do.  Do you know any court in the world that accepts the "moral" justification in the absence of legal justification?

And if we want to get technical, the President has authority to order military actions short of war - such as an assassination.  

Where does it say that in the Constitution?

I think Christian leaders should walk in the path of Christ as well.  However, I also think that they play the role of a teacher, and should offer moral guidance on tough questions.  Heck, the Catholics have a just war doctrine that goes all the way back to the middle ages.  I get the sense that a lot of Pat's critics want Christians to do nothing more than say things which make them feel warm and fuzzy.  Heck, look at the fit people throw whenever a preacher gives a hellfire and damnation speech.  Christianity isn't all sunshine and happiness.  It deals with tough moral questions about right and wrong, and indicates that there are serious consequneces for disobediance to God's laws.

so part of the "moral" guidance is when to whack people? Must be Tony Soprano's church.

Do these Christian leaders have any standards for how pissed off we have to be before we start whacking people?  
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:14:21 AM EDT


Why? Other than shoot off his mouth when he shouldn't, what did he really do?

If you want to kill people because they said something stupid, you would probably wipe out most of this board.

I said if he gets out of line, and by some reports, he already has.  If he is an enemy of the US then we should take steps to get rid of him.  
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:17:01 AM EDT


Will one of Pat's critics please explain to me why assassination is wrong but war is o.k.?  Or are Christians not suppossed to go to war either?    

Under the US Constitution, war requires sufficient justification that the Congress will vote to go to war. Such as with WWII, where we were attacked.

Assassination is just killing people because you don't like them.

Personally, I think Christian leaders should walk in the steps of Christ. I never read where he advocated war, or assassination.

Only half right.  The CINC can order military forces (or the CIA) to perform actions with only notification to Congress.  Its called the War Powers Act and it is part of our law.   Only EO12333 prevents us from using assassinations as a tool.

Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:17:17 AM EDT
I only wish that people like Robertson would go do their own killing instead of praying for others to do it for them.

I'd respect that more.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:18:01 AM EDT


Then why not kill Castro first?

Suites me. I'll pay for the bullet.

News Flash! This just in! There are lots of people in Latin America who call for revolution. If you travel there, you might find out why.

Yeah, it's because people like Chavez and Castro promise heaven then deliver hell and blame US for it.


His own words.

So if someone refuses to sell us oil, that is justification to kill them?

It certainly is if he's the only thing holding it back.

I wouldn't argue that. But how about something more than "sounds like some asshole punk" as a justification for assassination?

Hello? Does the mugger have to hit you before you defend yourself, or is the fact that he's coming at you and talking shit enough for you to take him out first?

I don't know. Do we put assassinations to a vote or something? Is there some kind of online petition we can sign where if we get enough signatures the guy is toast?

You're arguing just for the sake of it.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:19:17 AM EDT

someone needs to photoshop that bastard in there

Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:20:53 AM EDT

Chavez is an enemy of the US.

He is conspiring with our enemies.

He is doing almost the same stuff that Mugabe has done.

What is wrong with posing the idea that somebody ought to put a bullet in his head?

What's wrong is America no longer has balls. Robertson is not of the new generations, he still speaks plain. While I don't agree with a lot of what he has to say, sometimes he's just spot on. Blind pig/acorn.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:27:17 AM EDT


someone needs to photoshop that bastard in there

That cartoon would be funny if it reflected what has actually happened.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:29:46 AM EDT

All the good stuff is in the Old Testament

You got that right!!!
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 9:37:57 AM EDT


So the Ten Commandments say something like "Thou shalt not kill except if the guy has different political ideas."  Is that correct?


The Bible condemns MURDER.

It does NOT condemn killing those who are conspiring with your enemies to do you grave bodily harm.

Ask any Chaplain in the Military.

Link Posted: 8/23/2005 10:02:30 AM EDT



There is a huge difference between legal and moral justification for war.

Yeah, with the legal justification, you have to have some evidence that you can show in court. The moral justification is easier -- you just want him dead and think that is the moral thing to do.  Do you know any court in the world that accepts the "moral" justification in the absence of legal justification?  The difference is the standard.   Morality is judged according to God's law, and legality is judged according to secular laws - evidence has nothing to do with it.  Your response indicates that this point confuses you.

And if we want to get technical, the President has authority to order military actions short of war - such as an assassination.  

Where does it say that in the Constitution? See Dino's post.  The authority comes from his Constitutional role as CINC.  Only an Executive Order prevents assassination and he can change that at will with another Executive Order at any time.

I think Christian leaders should walk in the path of Christ as well.  However, I also think that they play the role of a teacher, and should offer moral guidance on tough questions.  Heck, the Catholics have a just war doctrine that goes all the way back to the middle ages.  I get the sense that a lot of Pat's critics want Christians to do nothing more than say things which make them feel warm and fuzzy.  Heck, look at the fit people throw whenever a preacher gives a hellfire and damnation speech.  Christianity isn't all sunshine and happiness.  It deals with tough moral questions about right and wrong, and indicates that there are serious consequneces for disobediance to God's laws.

so part of the "moral" guidance is when to whack people? Must be Tony Soprano's church.

Do these Christian leaders have any standards for how pissed off we have to be before we start whacking people?  If you'd actually STUDY Christianity instead of merely attempting to MOCK it, you would understand what a stupid question this is.  There are 2005 years of various denominations wrestling with these tough questions.

Seriously, you have a two-year old's understanding of Chrisianity, but seem quite willing to mock it.  I guess ignorance really is bliss.  
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 10:13:56 AM EDT

Privately hiring hitmen to take out other national leaders is just plain wrong.

OMG!  And just who do you think is going to take out Chavez?  

Is Condi Rice going to hire some guy off the line at Camp Perry and expense his trip on her .gov American Express card under "entertainment"?  Honestly.



Move along folks, nothing to see there!!!

Nor here:

Look, someday Saddam Hussein is going to die.  I myself just can’t wait for that to happen.  

Hopefully it will be at the hands of the high court in a democratic Iraq and the person pulling the lever will also be an Iraqi.

But an argument can be made: wouldn’t it have been “easier” to just send some CIA sniper in and blow Saddam’s brains out back in ’90?

Wouldn’t it have saved the thousands of American lives?  

Maybe, maybe not.  

I’m not so much merely against following the assassination orders of televangelists, nor am I concerned about the judicial application of formal due process to a leader that gases his own people – but it’s the benefits associated with surviving the attempt that make for some surprising outcomes:
  • Abd-ul-Mejid increased the power of the Ottoman Empire by not putting to death assassins that tried to take him out.  That had the opposite intended effect.
  • Castro – enough has been said about that.
  • Harry Truman – The Puerto Rican Nationalist movement is exactly where now?
  • And then there’s the exchange of multiple assassinations between Israel and the Palestinians – not a whole lot of progress being gained by either side there, except for revenge (which is indeed progress technically).

How about some successful assassinations and their unintended consequences:
  • Martin Luther King - James Earl Ray really stifled that whole Civil Rights Act didn’t he? (for about 2 months)
  • Archduke Ferdinand - leading to the outbreak of World War I
  • Abe Lincoln – the only guy that could have spared the south from all that suffering after the war – capped in the noodle.
On the other hand the MI6 was able to clean SS General Reinhard Heydrich (Der Henker )  rather effectively, albeit in the middle of WWII.  But neither the US OSS, MI6, or the Soviets were able to assassinate Hitler (who for some reason has been reincarnated into Chavez to keep the argument here simple).

I mean, everybody here applauds and makes cooing noises whenever some court in Iran hangs a rapist from a crane in the public square or a thief in Malaysia gets a hand chopped off – it’s often said that there are facets of the muslim legal system that “get things right”, they don't feel the need to have the incredibly drawn out process we have here - although to me it still looks like the reason their judicial system is so harsh is to keep the little people from complaining about it (better to be feared than loved).

But quick and easy don't make a thing right.  In terms of assassination, just because you can do something, or the mere act of trying it to hopefully save innocent lives - doesn't always mean it will.

So, going back a few hundred years, let’s start listing some successful or failed assassinations and their happy outcomes here.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 10:34:54 AM EDT
Even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Robertson is moron.  Even if you agree with him on this topic, he's shot off his mouth so much in the past that no one will take him serious.  Need a reminder of the great words of wisdom from him?  And don't forget that genius Jerry  Here's some great insight into the reasons for the 9/11 attacks on america...  It was the terrorists' fault right?  Not according to Jerry and Pat

Partial transcript of comments from the
September 13, 2001 telecast of the 700 Club

JERRY FALWELL: And I agree totally with you that the Lord has protected us so wonderfully these 225 years. And since 1812, this is the first time that we've been attacked on our soil and by far the worst results. And I fear, as Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense, said yesterday, that this is only the beginning. And with biological warfare available to these monsters -- the Husseins, the Bin Ladens, the Arafats -- what we saw on Tuesday, as terrible as it is, could be miniscule if, in fact -- if, in fact -- God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve.

PAT ROBERTSON: Jerry, that's my feeling. I think we've just seen the antechamber to terror. We haven't even begun to see what they can do to the major population.

JERRY FALWELL: The ACLU's got to take a lot of blame for this.


JERRY FALWELL: And, I know that I'll hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."

PAT ROBERTSON: Well, I totally concur, and the problem is we have adopted that agenda at the highest levels of our government. And so we're responsible as a free society for what the top people do. And, the top people, of course, is the court system..

Link Posted: 8/23/2005 10:39:18 AM EDT
Some of that is true. The ACLU has worked to undermine common sense security in many ways.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 11:39:03 AM EDT

Some of that is true. The ACLU has worked to undermine common sense security in many ways.

That's not what he said.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 11:41:28 AM EDT
Amazes me that folks listen to anything that whackjob has to say.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 11:53:10 AM EDT

Amazes me that folks listen to anything that whackjob has to say.

Most people don't.  But some will defend him and what he says simply because some that are habitual Christian-bashers will come down hard on him for being Christian, rather than being crazy.

People have a tendency to align themselves into groups of two - those that are with me and those that are against me.  Robertson, despite his looniness, is nominally a Christian, so he gets the benefit of the doubt because he's in the club, so to speak.

Still others seem to agree with him in this thread that Chavez is such a threat that he needs to be dealt with immediately and covertly.

Myself, I find the very idea of assassination, outside of war, should be frowned upon and not lightly considered.  It's a very dishonorable practice, especially when we're talking about the leader of a sovereign foreign nation with whom we trade and maintain diplomacy with.  Assassinating leaders in that manner will only give the US the reputation of literally stabbing others in the back.

Also, anyone that's going to stand on a pillar of morality and claim to be a man of God should not be dirtying his hands so.  I find it hilarious that JW777 thinks that there's a difference between him calling for an assassination and actually hiring a hitman.  Islamic clerics call for the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews all the time, and even if they don't fire the shot, detonate the bomb, or give the order directly we hold them responsible.

ETA: Actually, I think there's also a "But he's OUR asshole" sentiment out there as well - that somehow, all the nastiness and dickheadedness in the world is acceptable if it's agreeable to me.  I disagree.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 11:59:57 AM EDT

Amazes me that folks listen to anything that whackjob has to say.

Oh - I think the number of times Pat's little sound clip is going to be played on TV's across the globe might be a tad surprising.

Of course, nobody here (well, almost nobody) takes him and his tilting head seriously, but that's not what is going to be reported.

What's going to happen is that he’ll be identified as a former Republican Presidential candidate and Christian leader, and then his words will be translated verbatim: "I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it… It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."

Thanks to Pat Robertson, and people like him, the phrase "U.S. imperialism" has currency once again.  Great.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 12:23:02 PM EDT
I happen to agree with him that Chavez should be taken out, however,  I don't agree with saying it on national TV and all....It should "just happen" and then we should say "how about that...how sad, here's some flowers."
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 12:25:27 PM EDT

I happen to agree with him that Chavez should be taken out, however,  I don't agree with saying it on national TV and all....It should "just happen" and then we should say "how about that...how sad, here's some flowers."

I wouldn't cry any tears if something would happen to Chavez, I just don't like giving our enemies more recruiting materials, especially when legitimate options exist for dealing with that tinpot dictator.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 12:27:42 PM EDT


I happen to agree with him that Chavez should be taken out, however,  I don't agree with saying it on national TV and all....It should "just happen" and then we should say "how about that...how sad, here's some flowers."

I wouldn't cry any tears if something would happen to Chavez, I just don't like giving our enemies more recruiting materials, especially when legitimate options exist for dealing with that tinpot dictator.

We already tried the velvet glove approach and it failed.  CIA DO tried to help the opposition come into power, by funding them and helping them organize, and the opposition movement failed.  Time to take the gloves off -- but don't telegraph the world about it, as you said.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 12:30:29 PM EDT



I happen to agree with him that Chavez should be taken out, however,  I don't agree with saying it on national TV and all....It should "just happen" and then we should say "how about that...how sad, here's some flowers."

I wouldn't cry any tears if something would happen to Chavez, I just don't like giving our enemies more recruiting materials, especially when legitimate options exist for dealing with that tinpot dictator.

We already tried the velvet glove approach and it failed.  CIA DO tried to help the opposition come into power, by funding them and helping them organize, and the opposition movement failed.  Time to take the gloves off -- but don't telegraph the world about it, as you said.

I could live with that.

For the record, I'm no fan of Robertson. I still remember that whacko going off on the 700 Club about how Raiders of the Lost Ark was intended to send us astray from the true Word of God.

I just happen to agree with him that the United States (or someone else) should remove that tinhorn little fuck from power by any means necessary.

That's all.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 12:51:50 PM EDT
I wouldn't complain either if he fell and cracked his head open in the shower - but the second the guy catches the flu - guess who the anti-US idjits are going to blame?

Far better to plant a few tons of coke in his garage, have him picked up, and plop him in the same cell as Cara de Piña .  Shit, I'd even be in favor of giving the two of them a deck of cards to help pass the time.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 1:28:25 PM EDT

I happen to agree with him that Chavez should be taken out, however,  I don't agree with saying it on national TV and all....It should "just happen" and then we should say "how about that...how sad, here's some flowers."

Precisely.  WTF is the deal with showing your cards?  It's one thing for a nation to rattle sabers, another for Joe Blow to spout off about overthrowing soveriegn nations unless it's some quarter section island in the middle of the ocean.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 1:28:51 PM EDT

I wouldn't complain either if he fell and cracked his head open in the shower - but the second the guy catches the flu - guess who the anti-US idjits are going to blame?

So you want this guy to die, but a tyrant to live?  

That's crazy.

Link Posted: 8/23/2005 1:40:24 PM EDT


Some of that is true. The ACLU has worked to undermine common sense security in many ways.

That's not what he said.


"The ACLU's got to take a lot of blame for this"

What did he say then?
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 1:48:36 PM EDT



Some of that is true. The ACLU has worked to undermine common sense security in many ways.

That's not what he said.


"The ACLU's got to take a lot of blame for this"

What did he say then?

I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."

His point was that it was a punishment from an angry God, not that the ACLU was undermining security.

But read what you want.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 1:51:37 PM EDT




Some of that is true. The ACLU has worked to undermine common sense security in many ways.

That's not what he said.


"The ACLU's got to take a lot of blame for this"

What did he say then?

I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."

His point was that it was a punishment from an angry God, not that the ACLU was undermining security.

But read what you want.

Will do, just as you do.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 3:02:39 PM EDT
He sure is a looney fucker. Luckily a large percentage of our population are mentally ill or just plain fucked up, otherwise poor Pat wouldn't have much of a following.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 3:39:04 PM EDT

Also, anyone that's going to stand on a pillar of morality and claim to be a man of God should not be dirtying his hands so.

Well it is a darn good thing that so many Christian ministers "dirtied" their hands by fighting in our Revolutionary war. Else we might not have a country.

I find it hilarious that JW777 thinks that there's a difference between him calling for an assassination and actually hiring a hitman.  Islamic clerics call for the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews all the time, and even if they don't fire the shot, detonate the bomb, or give the order directly we hold them responsible.

Of course there is a difference.

There is a difference between calling for the death penalty for a child molesting murderer and uwaiting outside the courtroom to shoot him myself.

There is a difference between voicing an opinion on foreign policy and deciding to carry out your own foreign policy.

But those hell bent on seeing no difference between a man on TV calling for the US government to kill a single man who is breathing threats against the US and is cozying up with enemies and radical islamists who are calling for the wanton killing of anyone and sanctioning the specific targeting of innocent people by the droves will simply see what they WANT to see.

ETA: Actually, I think there's also a "But he's OUR asshole" sentiment out there as well - that somehow, all the nastiness and dickheadedness in the world is acceptable if it's agreeable to me.  I disagree.

I have a serious dislike for Bill Clinton. But if Bill Clinton is right on something, Bill Clinton is right. I can stand with him where I agree with him without doing violence to my conscience.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 3:41:19 PM EDT

I wouldn't complain either if he fell and cracked his head open in the shower - but the second the guy catches the flu - guess who the anti-US idjits are going to blame?

Far better to plant a few tons of coke in his garage, have him picked up, and plop him in the same cell as Cara de Piña .  Shit, I'd even be in favor of giving the two of them a deck of cards to help pass the time.

So it seems you are in favor of charachter assasination....

A nice idea, but he would just blame everything on a vast right wing conspiracy anyway.  
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 3:59:26 PM EDT


Also, anyone that's going to stand on a pillar of morality and claim to be a man of God should not be dirtying his hands so.

Well it is a darn good thing that so many Christian ministers "dirtied" their hands by fighting in our Revolutionary war. Else we might not have a country.

I find it hilarious that JW777 thinks that there's a difference between him calling for an assassination and actually hiring a hitman.  Islamic clerics call for the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews all the time, and even if they don't fire the shot, detonate the bomb, or give the order directly we hold them responsible.

Of course there is a difference.

There is a difference between calling for the death penalty for a child molesting murderer and uwaiting outside the courtroom to shoot him myself.

There is a difference between voicing an opinion on foreign policy and deciding to carry out your own foreign policy.

But those hell bent on seeing no difference between a man on TV calling for the US government to kill a single man who is breathing threats against the US and is cozying up with enemies and radical islamists who are calling for the wanton killing of anyone and sanctioning the specific targeting of innocent people by the droves will simply see what they WANT to see.

ETA: Actually, I think there's also a "But he's OUR asshole" sentiment out there as well - that somehow, all the nastiness and dickheadedness in the world is acceptable if it's agreeable to me.  I disagree.

I have a serious dislike for Bill Clinton. But if Bill Clinton is right on something, Bill Clinton is right. I can stand with him where I agree with him without doing violence to my conscience.

It is my understanding that King David was a man of God, and he prayed for the death of his enemies in some of the Psalms.  If you want to take it to even a higher level, one could consider The Angel of Death the ultimate Hitman, and God gave him an assignment against the Egyptians, and sent and angel to kill the Assyrians who had Jerusalem besieged in the book of Isaiah.
Link Posted: 8/23/2005 4:14:11 PM EDT

It is my understanding that King David was a man of God, and he prayed for the death of his enemies in some of the Psalms.  If you want to take it to even a higher level, one could consider The Angel of Death the ultimate Hitman, and God gave him an assignment against the Egyptians, and sent and angel to kill the Assyrians who had Jerusalem besieged in the book of Isaiah.

David did pray for vengance from his enemies.

God did indeed give the angel of death an assignment to kill the firstborn of Egypt.

Jesus, contrary to what many people think, is not a hippie. He IS Love, but He is also King. You don't mess with The King.

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