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Link Posted: 3/28/2024 4:56:00 PM EDT
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Its obvious she is mentally ill or has fried her brain with drugs. It is really sad.
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Or borderline. Same diff.
Link Posted: 3/28/2024 5:08:17 PM EDT
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Very sad.

For her to have that much energy for so long - its pretty clear she was having a severe episode.

I hope she get the help she needs. And i hope that cops can one day just have a magic button they can press to put people like this to sleep. Really thats the only safe way to handle such things.

In Australia, the hospital would have probably admitted her, put her into a padded room and sedated her.

Then arrest her when she calms down.
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Yeah that wasn't a tantrum. My guess is she has a diagnosable condition, clinical anxiety, panic or something similar. These people can't control themselves in an escalating situation without lots of quiet time or medications.
Link Posted: 3/28/2024 5:19:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/29/2024 9:28:18 AM EDT
Been thinking about this....

I think the cops should shake down that whole hotel and make sure it's not harboring traffickers.  Long shot, I know; but the girl fought hard.  And if that were to be the case, she would be afraid to talk about it.

Link Posted: 3/29/2024 4:11:38 PM EDT
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Quoted:Her "crime" was not getting out of a state vehicle.  
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Her crime is time and it's eighteen and life to go
Link Posted: 3/29/2024 5:24:33 PM EDT
Back in the mid 80's I worked in Albuquerque at a local college. I was assisting our security with taking a student into the local PD downtown. Nothing crazy like that but when I was there I saw a Albuquerque PD unit pull up with a hysterical woman in the backseat. A couple male officers got her out on the ground screaming and handcuffed her arms behind her back and her ankles and put them together with some sort of chain and just picked her up like a suitcase and carried her inside like that. I was like shocked and thinking that has got to hurt but she still carried on.
Link Posted: 3/29/2024 6:52:44 PM EDT
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I'm trying to apply empathy for her.  It's tough.

I know some foster parents.  They do all they can to provide love and stability to multiple kids.  Some of the kids demonstrate love and gratitude back.  Other kids put the foster parents through a living hell.  It's a challenge to find empathy for the manipulative ones.
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I feel sorry for the LEOs. They were very calm and kind to her. Very professional. I also feel sorry for Daja. I have tried to volunteer to be an advocate for foster kids who age out and at least in my state they don't have anything. The girl obviously has mental health issues but she is desperate to keep from being homeless. She deserves some compassion. I ran away from home when I was 16 and I was very fortunate to have had people who mentored me which kept me off the streets and pointed me towards success. Most foster kids have nothing but a small stipend until the age of 21. At least in my state there is not much done other than a few lectures to prepare a foster kid for aging out. It is a break down in care complicated by overworked and often neglectful case workers.

I would encourage everyone to apply a little empathy for this girl. Most kids at 18 are still in high school. Yet she probably grew up in assisted living group homes that were for profit-not for the welfare of the children. Her only means of survival is her body and her mental health makes her only suitable for prostitution   She will end up dead or in prison without some form of stable assistance.
I'm trying to apply empathy for her.  It's tough.

I know some foster parents.  They do all they can to provide love and stability to multiple kids.  Some of the kids demonstrate love and gratitude back.  Other kids put the foster parents through a living hell.  It's a challenge to find empathy for the manipulative ones.
It's very difficult to empathize with something that you have no experience with. The thing is that in order for a child to be able to have attachment and build relationships they have to have been nurtured consistently for the first several years of their lives. Without that they really cannot bond and trust. It isn't their fault-it is a developmental process that cannot be fixed without consistent nurturing at an early age. Children are also affected by trauma before they are born. If you take a newborn and put eye patches on their face for a few weeks they can be blinded for the rest of their lives. It is a similar neurological condition that cannot be fixed. I don't know what this woman's situation is but she has my sympathy. From the little the caseworker said was that she aged out of foster care. She undoubtedly had developmental and mental health issues. 18 is very young to be completely on your own. She's probably never had anyone that was invested in her wellbeing. I have seen many teens who have grown up in group homes in her same situation. It is beyond sad.
Link Posted: 3/29/2024 6:59:12 PM EDT
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I believe that theoretically the majority of messed up people and maybe even criminals have a chance of rehabilitation, it's just that no one is going to take on the burden of being a guardian, mentor, and therapist for a broken adult.

People might feel bad for her because she's pretty and desperate, but without major intervention (from a non-existant support structure), she'll probably meet one of the predetermined fates for most women from messed up/non-existant families.

ETA: thinking about it more you probably wouldn't see a male in this situation. A male from an equivalent upbringing would likely already have flipped out and ended up in prison or dead.
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Mental illness or just an overly entitled mentality?  Cuffed and stuffed into the back of the police car but had the presence of mind to keep her foot in the door so it couldn't be closed.  She wasn't out of it mentally the entire video.

She's semi-cute if she cleaned up, nice teeth, and an 18 year old girl.

So of course we have a bunch of people feeling sorry and saying "I hope she gets help for her mental health issues, she's going through a lot and probably had a tough life. We should have empathy." With a bunch of introspection and compassion about how difficult her life was, how she desperately needs help, etc...

Yet if this was a different type of 18 year old doing the same exact thing in a video, every comment would be "Get this feral animal off the streets" with zero compassion.

I believe that theoretically the majority of messed up people and maybe even criminals have a chance of rehabilitation, it's just that no one is going to take on the burden of being a guardian, mentor, and therapist for a broken adult.

People might feel bad for her because she's pretty and desperate, but without major intervention (from a non-existant support structure), she'll probably meet one of the predetermined fates for most women from messed up/non-existant families.

ETA: thinking about it more you probably wouldn't see a male in this situation. A male from an equivalent upbringing would likely already have flipped out and ended up in prison or dead.
I have seen many males in her situation. Unfortunately they usually end up addicted and prostitution-a few lucky ones will find a "sugar daddy" who will pamper them and use them until they are discarded (for their drama and their age). Teens who grow up in group homes have very little future. I would say about a 1/3 become something successful but they have struggles that differ from most people.
Link Posted: 3/29/2024 7:10:31 PM EDT
Reopen the mental hospitals. Put these crazies away.
Link Posted: 3/29/2024 7:14:46 PM EDT
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I see a few comments here that rip into the foster care system.

I know of a couple who were foster parents, and who adopted 8 children from the foster system.  All of the kids who they adopted have issues.  Some have minor issues, and some have nightmarish issues (personality disorders).  None of the issues came from the couple who fostered (and later adopted) them.

I know that it's anecdotal, but my point is that I don't know how much the foster system is responsible for the issues that many see in the youth that go through it.

The woman in the video may have issues despite the efforts of foster parents, and not because of them.  She may just be antisocial (psychopathic).
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There are some excellent foster parents. There are some pathetic foster parents, there are some decent group homes and there are many group homes I would drop my dog off to. The system is overloaded and case workers have little incentive to advocate for the child. It is their job to ensure that the children are placed. It's someone's else job (usually their supervisor) to ensure that the children are cared for. Some of the kids are well cared for but most are not. @Shane you live in an area with a higher than average care. Your church facilitates foster care as well as the state. But you don't seem to grasp that just because a child is in a good home that they can immediately disregard their past trauma and be a normal healthy child. Personality disorders are learned behavior that are acquired by surviving trauma. It is extremely difficult for an adult to recognize their personality, put aside their past trauma and accept new realities. I have no doubt that your friends have a ton of issues with their adopted foster children but those children were made the way they are. They are fortunate to have your friends but they are probably permanently damaged and it isn't their fault or ability to change this.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 2:37:06 PM EDT
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Put her in a 3rd world society where no one is going to put up with her shit and I'd bet her attitude would, for the most part, self correct very quickly. People act out as much as they do here simply because they can and they know it. If there were no kid gloves to coddle them, no courts to kiss their ass, and no case worker to hand them money, they would die, get the shit kicked out of them a few times, or learn to behave themselves.

There is a reason why we have so many nutters in the US and it's because they can be nutters without much recourse by others.
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You absolutely hit the nail on the head. We get what we tolerate, and we’ve tolerated far too much for far too long.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 2:38:34 PM EDT
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And there's the rub. If this were a man he'd have been beaten black and blue, charges with resisting, battery on an officer, along with every other trumped up charge they can think of and nobody will bat an eyelash because at the end of the day nobody gives a shit about what happens to men and young men
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Sorry but you are wrong.

Police have to handle everyone with kid gloves these days. It’s honestly ridiculous.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 2:45:07 PM EDT
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Look at the majority of comments in this thread vs your comment.  

GD has a lot of callous and disgustingly ignorant, and just downright cruel people.
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Absolutely not her fault at all. She can’t control herself. Society is definitely at fault for he behavior.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 2:46:34 PM EDT
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Sounds like the kind of thing they do in totalitarian shitholes like Russia.  What does that make the US then?  

We should have an exchange program where we send people with this mindset to Russia, China, North Korea or Iran, and they give us someone who doesn’t think like this.
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People like you are the problem. If you ever wonder why our society is crumbling go look in the mirror.

Also welcome fellow firearm enthusiasts. Enjoy your time here short as it may be.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 3:00:14 PM EDT
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Possibly, or possible that she simply refused to follow rules and that she stopped paying attention to anything her parents did and DHHS wouldn't allow them to properly discipline her. After about age 14, Human Services pretty much tells parents to "figure it out on your own", but reminds them they can't use physical means at all to deal with her.
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This is exactly what happens, and everyone here acting like she needs more “services” are full of shit. What she needs is a dose of reality.

The reason she is this way is a lack of discipline, and consequences. Pretending like this isn’t her fault now isn’t compassionate.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 3:02:02 PM EDT
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After watching the video, I feel bad for the kid. Mental illness at its most awful.

I hope she gets the help she needs.
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She doesn’t need “help” that’s what fucked her up. She needs to be held accountable for her shitty behavior.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 3:03:06 PM EDT
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Probably the best outcome for both her and society, of all the likely ones, is she OD's on fentanyl and nobody gives her Narcan in time. At least her suffering will end. Every other likely outcome for her is that she lives a life of pain, misery, and suffering as she is victimized by those who realize they can take advantage of her diminished capacity until they end up tiring of her mental health issues.

Whoever fucked her up during her childhood REALLY fucked her up and put her on a seemingly unavoidable collision course with an early death.
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Social workers fucked her up.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 3:11:50 PM EDT
We need a retraining system and vehicle transport set up like that dept. has.

We basically just stuff them in the back of a patrol car, slam door before they can block it from closing and let them destroy it otw to jail and hope everything holds together.

Door handles get ripped off, camera destroyed, windows get knocked out……
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 3:30:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 3:32:58 PM EDT
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Mostly pointing out everyone's inconsistency relating to how they view perpetrators in police videos.

Here we have a video of an 18 year old girl acting like a raging lunatic resisting arrest and not a single comment regarding feral/animal/dindu etc.. in the last 5 pages.

Instead we have a bunch of people acting compassionate, wondering what led up this moment, wishing she could get help, wondering how the system failed her, etc..

Just general empathy and sympathy for her situation rather than name-calling.

Wish we could have the same compassion for similar police videos in the future. Again similar, not someone shooting at cops or on high speed chases.

Similar situations where someone is obviously going through a mental health crisis (or possibly drugs) and a majority of the posts are compassionate towards their situation.

Trying to show people how everyone's compassionate reaction is simply because she's a semi-attractive white girl with nice teeth.

In the future have that same compassion and no-name calling for anyone in that situation, regardless of their skin color or appearance.

World would be a much nicer place.

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It’s true that in great societies, they aren’t measured by how they treat each other but in how they treat their fringe…

However, ALL societies have mechanisms for people like this….. and they tend to be rather crude. She’s about to learn a decade or more of hard lessons in the span of about a month. Pointing that out isn’t gloating over her misfortune.

The truth is that this country is absolutely FULL of people exactly like her that are shielded from discomfort and adversity by enabling family members. This woman ain’t unique in any way.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 3:33:11 PM EDT
After sharing this I was asked "What kind of powerful drug is she on?"

I replied:  The most powerful drug of all, "Entitlement."
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 3:33:29 PM EDT
Reminds me of my ex.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 3:35:37 PM EDT
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Taser training, case law and a lot of police policy.

Can’t tase someone who is in control of a vehicle. Remember that kid that crashed his ATV running from the cops when the cop shot him through the window with a taser? He fucked up everything for the rest of us.
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She was in the passenger seat. Doubt she has a license..
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 3:36:22 PM EDT
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Of course it's sad to watch, but sometimes people are simply broken despite the best efforts of others, not as a result.
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Absolutely. People can break beyond repair, especially a kid.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 3:59:16 PM EDT
Another fine example of why I would never been a police officer.

I would have just tased the living shit out of her and called it good after about 2 minutes of what I saw.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 4:10:36 PM EDT
The padded headgear at the end is comedy gold. Eventually, all that reeeee is going to shred her vocal cords and she will sound like a 60 year-old cigar smoker.

Looks like her first visit to the quiet room. She's going to love the traction socks and PJs.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 4:14:58 PM EDT
this is not at all unusual

same applies to juveniles, they really like to fight

society needs to find a place for these individuals

Link Posted: 3/30/2024 4:19:53 PM EDT
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This will be a great thread to save so you can compare the responses to the next police video with an 18 year old acting crazy and resisting arrest.

But next time it will be some 18 year old black guy or black girl. Or 18 year old Hispanic guy or girl that might be overweight and not attractive.

Can't wait to see the same 5 pages of compassionate responses talking about how we shouldn't laugh because it's not funny, how they must have had a rough life, how they must have been a victim of abuse, how the foster system must have failed them, how you wish there was mental health help available, wondering what led up to this.

You know, just general empathy and sympathy like we see in many of the posts in this thread.

In this thread there no name-calling, no comments describing her as "feral" or an "animal."

So based on the responses in this thread, I'm sure that next thread with the non-white girl will have the same 5 pages of compassion?


Don't agree with me? Go re-read this thread from page 1. Look at all of the compassionate responses wondering what led up to this, how people here feel sorry for her, and wish she was able to get help.

This is how humans should respond to a lot of police videos similar to this. You should have compassion and empathy for everyone having obvious mental issues, not just a cute white girl with nice teeth.

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You are just here to Disparage Members.  Why don't you go back to DU where you'll be welcome??

Link Posted: 3/30/2024 4:30:06 PM EDT
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There are some excellent foster parents. There are some pathetic foster parents, there are some decent group homes and there are many group homes I would drop my dog off to. The system is overloaded and case workers have little incentive to advocate for the child. It is their job to ensure that the children are placed. It's someone's else job (usually their supervisor) to ensure that the children are cared for. Some of the kids are well cared for but most are not. @Shane you live in an area with a higher than average care. Your church facilitates foster care as well as the state. But you don't seem to grasp that just because a child is in a good home that they can immediately disregard their past trauma and be a normal healthy child. Personality disorders are learned behavior that are acquired by surviving trauma. It is extremely difficult for an adult to recognize their personality, put aside their past trauma and accept new realities. I have no doubt that your friends have a ton of issues with their adopted foster children but those children were made the way they are. They are fortunate to have your friends but they are probably permanently damaged and it isn't their fault or ability to change this.
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I see a few comments here that rip into the foster care system.

I know of a couple who were foster parents, and who adopted 8 children from the foster system.  All of the kids who they adopted have issues.  Some have minor issues, and some have nightmarish issues (personality disorders).  None of the issues came from the couple who fostered (and later adopted) them.

I know that it's anecdotal, but my point is that I don't know how much the foster system is responsible for the issues that many see in the youth that go through it.

The woman in the video may have issues despite the efforts of foster parents, and not because of them.  She may just be antisocial (psychopathic).
There are some excellent foster parents. There are some pathetic foster parents, there are some decent group homes and there are many group homes I would drop my dog off to. The system is overloaded and case workers have little incentive to advocate for the child. It is their job to ensure that the children are placed. It's someone's else job (usually their supervisor) to ensure that the children are cared for. Some of the kids are well cared for but most are not. @Shane you live in an area with a higher than average care. Your church facilitates foster care as well as the state. But you don't seem to grasp that just because a child is in a good home that they can immediately disregard their past trauma and be a normal healthy child. Personality disorders are learned behavior that are acquired by surviving trauma. It is extremely difficult for an adult to recognize their personality, put aside their past trauma and accept new realities. I have no doubt that your friends have a ton of issues with their adopted foster children but those children were made the way they are. They are fortunate to have your friends but they are probably permanently damaged and it isn't their fault or ability to change this.
Sad all around.  I don't know of a solution to such a complicated and difficult situation.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 4:41:03 PM EDT
Sad on every Level.
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 4:41:37 PM EDT
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Anyone have her number?
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867-5309 ask for Jenny!
Link Posted: 3/30/2024 10:17:28 PM EDT
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We need a retraining system and vehicle transport set up like that dept. has.

We basically just stuff them in the back of a patrol car, slam door before they can block it from closing and let them destroy it otw to jail and hope everything holds together.

Door handles get ripped off, camera destroyed, windows get knocked out……
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Maybe large PDs need something like an ambulance with just benches in the back, along with the system for the gurney. That way they could just be restrained on a gurney and loaded in the back like an EMS patient. Or a cargo van maybe.
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