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Posted: 7/11/2005 9:13:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:17:05 AM EDT
Riot?  Not zombie oubreak?
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:17:43 AM EDT
Per each man:

$400 - 10/22
$400 - bubble wrap riot armor

$200 - my consulting fee

= $1000
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:18:51 AM EDT
Best running shoes money can buy!
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:22:58 AM EDT
I can just SMELL the ATF hovering this thread....

For the record, I have nothing to do with this.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:23:48 AM EDT
12 miniguns w000t!!11!!

Shit, didn't read the price limitations....1 minigun? 12 men hauling more ammo?
2 M2 .50s?

That's the ideal riot treatment that is....or if you want to spread the love around, 12 SAWs.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:26:34 AM EDT
How many rioters?

12 old station wagons with large motors and good tires. Just circle the building at 50 mph with anyone crossing the line getting run over.  
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:28:16 AM EDT

Per each man:

$400 - 10/22
$400 - bubble wrap riot armor

$200 - my consulting fee

= $1000


Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:29:11 AM EDT
$1500 a man would be tough.  

You might want to consider a fair amount of armor and ammo caches along with a fair amount of power ups for your guys distributed discreetly around the map.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:31:03 AM EDT
mossberg 500's/less-than-lethal ammo, riot batons, plexiglass shields, used k-pots, cs grenades, gas masks. man, $1500 ain't gonna go too far...you're probably gonna want one guy with a scoped rifle.

ETA: them little gmrs/fam channel motorola radios for commo - hmfic, sniper, couple of fireteam leaders.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:31:58 AM EDT
Lots of guns = Lots of Police = Lots of time in prison = Lots of Pounding in the ....
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:33:38 AM EDT
Longarms... 8 men on main walls with Remington 11/87's and 8 round mag extentions.  The 4 men on the corners will have AR15 A2's with an inexpensive optic for reaching stuff that the shotguns can't.  Sidearms?  Nothing fancy... maybe S&W Sigmas, since they shouldn't need to resort to them.  That leaves enough budget for at least concealable level IIA armor, but I haven't ever looked at pricing for more riot-worthy stuff.

Need more budget for armor?  Substitute Winchester 1300's and Mini 14 ranch rifles.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:34:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:35:34 AM EDT
need more info...is this a legit security/leo gig or just a personal shtf scenario?
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:36:59 AM EDT

FX1lb     1 lb   $51.95

One pound of maximum protection for home, business, motor homes, boats and campers. This unit puts out a high powered cone shaped emission up to 30 feet for quickly taking control of an individual or a crowd. Ideal for terminating any situation

Special Tac Force mix of 1 % pepper and 1% teargas.
Derivative of super hot Habanero Peppers
1lb canister
Provides 20 to 25 1-second bursts
Range: 20 to 30 feet
High Emission Fog spray pattern
Safety Wedge
UV ID dye
2-year warranty

Outrfit your guys with these and This should do it

Consulting fee $1.00  
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:37:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:37:28 AM EDT

These men will be defending a specific building site of less than 10,000 sq ft.....I need your opinions of longarms,shotguns, pistol and tactical gear(web gear,tac vest,holsters). How would you do this on a limited budget?.........$1500.00 a man.......and $1000.00 a man.

Scoped rifles, lotsa ammo and put them on the roof.

ROE: Engage enemy at will.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:37:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:39:49 AM EDT
Is this a LE or military scenario?  In other words, do we need to be concerned about loss of life/use of less lethal means?
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:40:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:44:40 AM EDT


need more info...is this a legit security/leo gig or just a personal shtf scenario?


In that case your ROE will be severely restricted.

Protective gear, tasers and sticks.

Put em down, secure, prosecute.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 9:45:03 AM EDT
No greater friend.  No greater enemy.

Assault Beagles can be had for around ~$500 since the ban expired.

If you’re going to go with the AB’s be sure you get some kydex holsters.  The leather and nylon ones will start to take a smell after a while.

Link Posted: 7/11/2005 10:08:15 AM EDT
Go old school!!!  3-4" Fire hoses and tons of water!
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 10:09:05 AM EDT
Just a quick look:

Four three man teams.

Each team with two shotguns($250) and one simi rifle ($800) red dot on rifle ($200). = $6000

Each person with a 9mm / .40 / .45 auto or .38 / .357 Pistol ($350). = $4200

Each person with FRS / GMRS radio with ear bud. ($50) = $600

Tactical  Gear -- Nylon holster / sling / mag carrier nothing fancy. ($100) = $1200
Small Backpack w/water bladder and comfort food ($40) = $480

First Aid kit (personal)  $10 = $120
First aid kit (each team) $40 = $480
Ammo each ($50) = $600

= = = = = = = = =

Total Cost: $13650
Cost Per Person = $1140

= = =
If extra money get used bullet proof vest: $200-$400

If too much money buy used rifle / shotguns / pistols


Edited to add
Also add ONE of thoes big pepper sprays above for each person and surplus mask raited for teargas.
$100 - $200 per person.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 10:16:35 AM EDT

2 scoped long rifles.
4 pump shotguns.
6 AR's i guess.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 10:19:59 AM EDT

Link Posted: 7/11/2005 10:27:10 AM EDT

Link Posted: 7/11/2005 10:33:53 AM EDT
Miniguns & flamethrowers.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 10:50:19 AM EDT
Since this is a legit question ROE are going to be extremely restrictive.  I'm almost considering not having lethal long arms.

Best solution?  Contract out for a perimeter fence thats electrified hout
I would have 8 men as the primary perimeter holders leaving 4 men as a reaction force.

8 Riot Shields 100 each - 800
12  Helmets w/ face shield 300 each - 3600
12 Riot body armor (non ballistic, blunt force only) 70 each - 840
12 Sets of knee and elbow pads 35 for both pair - 420
12 Sets fore arm protectors 15 each - 180
2 Megaphones (gotta tell them to scat) 80 each - 160

8 Batons (for guys with shields) 100 each - 800
12 Stun Gun (the non protectile kind-once you shoot it off you'll be open to attack, get the kind you just make skin contact then release) 200 each - 2400

4 Riot Shotguns (for reaction team) 250 each - 1000
12 Radios 70 each - 840

Total 11040 + 960 for misc expenses like load bearing gear etc, or if you want a scoped rifle of some sort, but I dont think you'd ever use it, of yea lots of zip cuffs

On the other hand if you do not have to actually engage crowds in hand to hand and are behind a fence or on a roof top you can dispense with shields, stun guns and batons saving 4000.  Add that to our misc expenses and we get a 4960 to play with.

8 more Riot Shotguns 250 each - 2000

Now we have approx 3 grand left over for whatever you want.  Could buy some cheap side arms, probably will be wheel guns give our funds left.  You'll probably never use them though.  This really depends on your ROE.  You could buy some paintball guns and buy the pepper type ammo.  Those would run in a similar range to the wheel guns.  Buy bayonets for your shotgunshug.gif that might make them think twice.

For the 1500 per man budget, all the same gear but maybe invest in some gas masks and smoke/CS if you want (i personally wouldn't), of my favorite find an old fire truck or fabricate a vehicle with a high pressure hose and water feed.  Again you could up quality of your side arms and maybe add some rifles but again you not likely to use them.

Link Posted: 7/11/2005 10:53:33 AM EDT
Airsoft...no one gets hurt
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 10:55:11 AM EDT


FX1lb     1 lb   $51.95

One pound of maximum protection for home, business, motor homes, boats and campers. This unit puts out a high powered cone shaped emission up to 30 feet for quickly taking control of an individual or a crowd. Ideal for terminating any situation

Special Tac Force mix of 1 % pepper and 1% teargas.
Derivative of super hot Habanero Peppers
1lb canister
Provides 20 to 25 1-second bursts
Range: 20 to 30 feet
High Emission Fog spray pattern
Safety Wedge
UV ID dye
2-year warranty

Outrfit your guys with these and This should do it

Consulting fee $1.00  

Don't forget gas masks for then the wind shifts.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 11:01:21 AM EDT
Lets see I would be arming with shotguns on the limited budget you give it would have to be Mossberg 500s  with several rounds of buckshot.  Berretta 92s for handguns with about $100 rounds each so now I am upto about $900 per person the rest would be spent on Armor and Ammo
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 11:10:08 AM EDT
3 rings of claymores around the building, each spaced 10 yards apart, with tripwires.

$1000 in free beer for the rioters + enough gas to haul them all in after they get loaded.

Send the rest to me.  Oh, OK, go ahead & buy yourself a case of beer & deduct it from my proceeds.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 11:25:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 11:34:11 AM EDT
Passive defense:  Good wall/fence, roof access with cover.  Remember to have shutters or reinforced windows and EXCELLENT fire suppression/sprinkler systems if you expect cocktails.

Active perimeter defense:  dog(s), tear gas/irritants

Active close defense: Shotguns with varying lethal and less lethal loads, optional: Riot Armor (helmets, shields), Water Cannon (also good for fire fighting).

Also: VIDEO CAMERAS for prosecution of rioters and for legal defense of your defenders if necessary.

ETA: If you have never seen water canons in use, they are awesome against rioters/protesters.  I used to have some cool video on my hard drive of peace activists being hosed off the anchor chains of one of our warships (it'd cheer me up on bad days).  
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 11:41:35 AM EDT
Dont leave out the fire extiguishers !
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 11:42:50 AM EDT
Giving this thread a little more thought....I think it would completely depend on who the 12 men were.

If they were Arfcommers I'd load em up with extra thick helmets, kevlar, urban marpat and some airsoft rifles.

If they were northern Maine guys I'd give them lever action 30-30's and bourbon.

If they were from California I'd buy them all BATF compliant firearms with 10 round mags.

If they were from Texas, I'd score a bunch of (insert homoerotic beastiality joke here)

I could go on....but it'd depend largely on who the guys were.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 11:49:36 AM EDT
fire trucks with plenty of water & hose or pepper balls out of a paintball gun
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 11:56:15 AM EDT
All you need is one person with a rifle and a couple of hundred rounds. No rioter in this country or most of the civilized world is going to stick around once a few of their buddies get dropped. Most rioters are just along for a good time or to steal stuff, they give up real easy or move on when it stops being fun.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 11:58:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 12:00:13 PM EDT
4 x 3 man teams with 2" fire hoses 95-125 gpm.  Works great to keep the crowds at bay.  
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 12:00:57 PM EDT
Mall Security?
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 12:02:24 PM EDT

I'm pretty certain he's trying to outfit his men in the NG.

Oh well, that eliminates my submission of an AK varient and a shit load of ammo and mags....
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 1:30:47 PM EDT
Tannerite, and the new SEBR Bushmaster. One case of .223 ammo, earplugs, glasses and 12 cases of good beer for when the job's done!
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 2:12:47 PM EDT

Go old school!!! 3-4" Fire hoses and tons of water!

4 x 3 man teams with 2" fire hoses 95-125 gpm.  Works great to keep the crowds at bay.  

The hoses of legend were either 2 1/2" or 3" hoses with smooth bore nozzles.

Aim for the legs.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 2:44:20 PM EDT

These men will be defending a specific building site of less than 10,000 sq ft.....I need your opinions of longarms,shotguns, pistol and tactical gear(web gear,tac vest,holsters). How would you do this on a limited budget?.........$1500.00 a man.......and $1000.00 a man.

More info needed. Threat being defended against? Duration?Sounds like you are trying to go cheap. Don't.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 2:48:06 PM EDT
Ask Mall_Security. He deals with this in the nation's streets JcPenny's everyday.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 2:50:36 PM EDT
12 pump shotguns; model unimportant; no ammunition required

The sound of the slides racking will send any rioter fleeing in fear.
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 2:51:39 PM EDT
How much does an old bulldozer cost?
Link Posted: 7/11/2005 2:57:58 PM EDT


I'm pretty certain he's trying to outfit his men in the NG.

Oh well, that eliminates my submission of an AK varient and a shit load of ammo and mags....

That's what I was thinking.

Link Posted: 7/11/2005 3:00:05 PM EDT
6 16" AR carbines with red dots, Surefires, and VFGs
2 18-20" precsion ARs w/ACOGS
2 M249 SAWs
2 scoped precsion M1As, FALs, or SR25s

GLOCK 19, 17, or 34s
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